
ubuntiste-msakniGM SalahMessaoud :)08:38
SalahMessaoudubuntiste-msakni, ca va ? thannit 3al 3allouch ? kammaltou09:26
=== ichihi_ is now known as ichihi
ubuntiste-msakniSalahMessaoud, LoooL.. Non mézilt :) Hani nikhdim :p09:58
ubuntiste-msaknikawarizmi, ça va?09:58
ubuntiste-msakniichihi, wine 7ayik?? ça va?09:59
ichihiubuntiste-msakni, الحمد لله.. عدت إلى العمل في رد هات.10:01
ubuntiste-msakniCongrats ichihi :)10:32
ichihiubuntiste-msakni, I had a couple of beautiful, but challenging experiences in Tunisia.  However, working for Red Hat is way more comfortable for me.10:33
ichihiubuntiste-msakni, I hope that we can find an arrangement to work from Tunis at some point.10:33
ubuntiste-msakniI hope so ichihi :) I dream to work for one of the big GNU/Linux companies one day.. But I'll be not comfortable if I'll need to travel to an other country x) I love my village :)10:37
=== ichihi is now known as ichihi_away
=== ichihi_away is now known as ichihi
ubuntiste-msakninizarus, je viens de recevoir la confirmation de l'inscription :)15:09
ubuntiste-msaknij'ai aussi reçu un mail de la part de la ML pour confirmer mon inscription x)15:09
nizarusubuntiste-msakni: c'est fait expré :)16:36
nizaruschaque personne inscrite aura une confirmation pour s'inscrire sur la ML du SFD16:36
ubuntiste-msakniOups, mauvaise habitude de Skype et FB -_-16:43
ubuntiste-msakninizarus, combien de personnes sont inscrit?16:53
nizarus+ 60 intervenants16:55
=== issam is now known as SalahMessoud
=== issam is now known as SalahMessaoud
SalahMessaoud /msg NickServ identify Xissa1986/19:33
SalahMessaoudubuntulog, :(21:03
SalahMessaoudahl hich-em21:36

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