
cjb_does anyone know if ubuntu touch can run cron?01:14
duflucjb_, I haven't looked, but it should. It's just an Ubuntu installation now01:19
cjb_duflu: does that mean it has all the same commands as the desktop version?01:22
duflucjb_: Yes, it should do01:22
dufluAlthough it's plausible some not required for touch aren't installed by default. All should still be installable01:23
cjb_thru apt-get, right?01:23
CynpHey Guys, at the end of the install after my Nexus has installed the armhf.zip and reboots, it stays on the Google logo and doesnt boot01:25
cjb_duflu: thank you, I might install it now.01:25
Cynpdoesnt boot into touch*01:26
melvstercan i run a full web server on ubuntu touch ... would there be any issues?01:39
duflumelvster: Sure, it's just an Ubuntu machine. But remember touch devices are not as powerful as modern desktops/laptops02:08
melvsterduflu: woot! :D02:08
melvsteram just reading ... http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/10/googles-iron-grip-on-android-controlling-open-source-by-any-means-necessary/02:08
melvsterand that makes me even more glad i switched to ubuntu touch :)02:09
duflumelvster: Almost all packages should have armhf builds done for them. So just apt-get install ...02:10
melvsterduflu: brilliant ... im thinking about trying phablet with pagekite and a webserver02:12
duflumelvster: Oh and I almost forgot... the touch images are now read-only by default so packages won't install. You can fix that with something like "sudo mount -o remount,rw /"02:14
linuxuz3ris there an appstore for ubuntu touch?02:16
linuxuz3rlike google play or app store?02:16
melvsterlinuxuz3r: yes i think it's the normal ubuntu app store ... 68000 apps there last time i counted ... duflu thanks!02:20
CynpHey, any reason why my device wouldnt automatically reboot into the Ubuntu Touch UI?02:28
CynpIt just boots to the google logo and thats it. Am i missing something?02:28
linuxuz3rmelvster, ok02:29
dufluCynp: Hmm, that's what happens when no display server has started. Log a bug, methinks02:30
linuxuz3rmelvster i dont have ubuntu tocuh installed in my android device but are there paid apps in the ubuntu app store02:31
melvsterlinuxuz3r: i didnt see any yet, but im sure there will be some if not now then soon02:31
melvsteri only installed this weekend :)02:32
melvsterso still learning ...02:32
FabianCookAnyone else notice the insane jitter when scrolling?02:33
FabianCookQuestion, should I make my storage helpers in QML or C++? What is preferred?02:38
Cynpduflu: aha! yeah it took ages for it to start up. Now... to get cellular data to work02:41
OrokuSaki<trying to run *mer* while I wait for jhodapp to do some codec stuff =)02:46
OrokuSakiWhere would we be without Mer? =)02:46
CynpDoes anyone else get random freezes?02:48
thatguyisjamesi got it up and running, and i know this is still in dev state... but, anyone manage to get the alarm to show the time set, or is this non working currently?03:04
FabianCookCynp, Just got one now03:07
CynpLol trying to login to gmail, asks for verification and then i dont receive any sms code03:12
JoeK_I'm currently trying to flash Ubuntu onto my Nexus 4. My terminal is showing "INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes." and my phone screen is on, but it's on a blank screen. Should I restart the flash?03:14
FabianCookthatguyisjames, it seems to be working for me03:16
FabianCookJoeK_, Nah, it takes some time03:16
FabianCookJoeK_, Are you sure its not actually done and the screen is off?03:17
JoeK_I can tell the the phone screen is on.03:17
JoeK_I could try powering off and then power on and see if it's done03:18
CynpJoeK_: load up another terminal and try adb shell ls03:19
JoeK_ok it listed a table of contents03:20
CynpJoeK_: if it gives you a list of files, that means that your phone is on and working03:21
CynpJoeK_: and booted up into ubuntu, you can remove the ls so, "adb shell" and you will be able to see the hostname03:22
CynpMy screen took a good 60+ seconds for it to start up first time.03:22
JoeK_should i reboot phone?03:23
stardomehas anyone here tried putting ubuntu touch on an Asus Transformer tablet?03:25
JoeK_okay, the other terminal has completed it's process. It said "Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way." But I restarted the phone and I am in Ubuntu. So It looks Okay.03:27
FabianCookShould be fine then xD03:28
JoeK_Thanks for the help03:28
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mark```The phone/install page says that Ubuntu Phone will connect to a GSM network. This might just me emphasizing that it won't do data. But it might mean that it won't work on Wind Mobile's AWS 1700/2100MHz network. Does anyone know if Ubuntu Touch would or would not be expected to work with voice calls on an AWS network?03:58
mark```"me emphasizing" = "be emphasizing"03:59
stgraberogra_: I'm heading to bed now, but I believe I've fixed livecd-rootfs for trusty and there's an image building now. So if it all works, you should have your first trusty image published on system-image by the time you get online.05:05
AskUbuntuCreating a library for Ubuntu touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/36286505:50
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dholbachgood morning07:10
dunI can not use 3g data. i using china unicom,who can i help me?07:51
AskUbuntuSwedish keyboard on Ubuntu Touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/36291007:54
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JamesTaitYou got back safely then?08:35
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Apple Day! :-D08:35
dungood afternoon!08:45
ondrajohn-mcaleely: ping09:05
haziqI have sony ericsson live with walkman wt19i and i want to know that my phone can run ubuntu?09:08
popeyhaziq: is it listed at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices ?09:10
popeythen no, someone would need to port it09:10
haziqOk thanks for help :)09:11
nhainespopey: I have a device and it's not supported by Ubuntu.  Can I still run Ubuntu on it?09:47
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popeynhaines: is that sarcasm?09:50
popeymy sarcasm detector is broken this morning09:51
nhainespopey: yes.09:51
nhainespopey: Also be forewarned: if the answer is "no", then I will argue with you because I want to run Ubuntu on it anyway.  Also I would like a pony.09:51
nhainespopey: eh, scratch that.  I just realized that I have to log out and then in again in order to run Virtualbox, but I don't want to be required to do that.  So now I'm angry at that instead.09:54
nhainesOn the plus side, the Virtualbox scopes possibly work very well.09:55
davmor2Morning all09:59
spazzymotoDid someone say pony...10:02
janimo`bzoltan, hi are there some details available on qtsensors work? bug 1227116 has little info. I'd like to try out the sensor functionality10:12
ubot5bug 1227116 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "qtsensors is non-functional" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122711610:12
nik90janimo`: check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/+bug/124173510:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241735 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Allow apps access to /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable" [High,In progress]10:14
nik90janimo`: apparently that's what is holding up qtsensors from landing10:14
nik90janimo`: the necessary code for haptic has landed in the sdk, however we are missing the qtsensors package which is being held back due to app armor stuff10:15
janimo`nik90, thanks10:15
janimo`nik90, do you know if applications can force their orientation (such as landscape) ?10:16
janimo`what I see is the automaticOrientation property10:16
nik90janimo`: afaik nope10:16
nik90janimo`: the automaticOrientation helps to switch to landscape mode automatically but does not enforce it10:16
davmor2tvoss: 101 took all day saturday and the morning sunday before the maguro needed a reboot because it was unusable, but as such it didn't crash just got too slow10:17
davmor2tvoss: I'm assuming there is still a memory leak but it is much slower10:17
tvossdavmor2, thx for the feedback, we will keep on digging further obviously10:18
janimo`kalikiana, regarding bug 124173510:28
ubot5bug 1241735 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Allow apps access to /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124173510:28
janimo`kalikiana, is the adb shell session subject to apparmor restrictions as well?10:29
janimo`kalikiana, echo 150 > /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable works for me in a non-root shell on the nexus4 with the #100  image10:29
kalikianajanimo`: I'm using Galaxy Nexus, I recall that it used to work in the past but that was before mir or flipped images10:32
kalikianaright now without sudo it doesn't work10:32
janimo`kalikiana, what error do you get, EPERM?10:33
kalikianaI enter the user shell with "su -l phablet", then the echo fails with -su: /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable: Permission denied10:34
janimo`kalikiana, do you echo into the file or using the snippet in the bugreport ?10:38
janimo`kalikiana, I directly echo 200 >/proc/...10:39
janimo`kalikiana, since the snippet actually tries to run that sysfs file10:39
kalikianahum, very stupid mistake there | should be >…10:39
kalikianait works10:39
janimo`kalikiana, \o/10:40
kalikianasorry :-/10:40
janimo`kalikiana, np, good to know it works10:40
kalikiananow how do I know what permissions the app has?10:40
janimo`kalikiana, do you know whether forcing of app orientation is anywhere in the plans? A property similar to automaticOrientation but getting an orientation value10:41
kalikianaI'd like to distinguish a possible issue in code from apparmor blocking it10:41
janimo`kalikiana, if not I could try taking a look to see if I can add it myself10:41
janimo`kalikiana, if apparmor blocks it there will be messages in /var/log/syslog10:41
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janimo`or apparmor-notify may be used ( I did not use it so I am not sure it works but I saw it in the docs)10:42
janimo`kalikiana, or you mean you want to detect the issue programatically inside the app?10:42
kalikianajanimo`: I proposed a bugfix for your bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1239760 it works, if you don't run into the bug10:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239760 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Cannot manually set orientation" [Medium,Confirmed]10:42
janimo`kalikiana, thanks, I saw that branch just did not know whether something was blocking it (apart from the imminent release :)10:43
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kalikianajanimo`: from the code I would think it does write just fine, so knowing if apparmor blocks it or not would mean I'm not spending time in the wrong place10:44
kalikianano messages in /var/log/syslog at least10:45
mdeslaurkalikiana: apparmor doesn't block anything when you use an adb shell, also if you don't have anything in syslog, it's not apparmor10:54
mdeslaurkalikiana: what are the permissions on /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable?10:55
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hich-emest ce que ubuntu touch marche sur une tablet sanei N10???????10:57
mdeslaurhich-em: non10:57
hich-emmdeslaur merci :)10:58
mdeslaurhich-em: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices10:59
hich-emmdeslaur, my tablet it's not original it's like huawei11:01
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yahooogra, whats the progres on GNEX dispaly driver fix ? I've been waiting for it :(11:24
ogra_yahoo, ask tvoss11:24
ogra_he was looking into other options to improve the lag on maguro11:24
yahoois tvoss here ?11:25
yahootvoss, whats the progres on GNEX dispaly driver fix ? I've been waiting for it :(11:25
yahooogra, sounds good11:25
tvossyahoo, 101 already has some improvements, and there are a bunch of branches on mir up for review11:25
Rauerodoes anyone here try to change android to ubuntu using alcatel ot 6030x?11:25
ogra_yeah, i was referring to the Mir branches11:25
tvossogra_, yahoo in the review queue11:25
yahootvoss, when will it be released via OTA ?11:25
tvossyahoo, can't say for sure, some of them likely this week11:26
yahooBTW, terminal  app has some issues with keyboard. it wont show up11:26
tvossyahoo, yup, we have got bugs logged for that11:26
yahoook. i'll have to flash my phone to android then :(11:27
tvossyahoo, please check lp:ubuntu-keyboard then11:27
tvossyahoo, are you on 100 or 101?11:27
yahoowhat is 100 & 101 ?11:27
tvossyahoo, image nr11:27
yahooi am not sure.11:27
popeyyahoo: adb shell system-image-cli -i11:28
tvossogra_, is 101 out via ota?11:28
popeythat'll tell you11:28
ogra_tvoss, only in the proposed channel11:28
tvossogra_, ack11:28
yahooin "about this phone", its 13.10 (r100)11:28
yahoo101 has driver fixes ?11:29
tvossyahoo, not driver fixes, but higher levels in the stack accounting for driver specifics11:29
tvossyahoo, for maguro, 101 fixes some of the lag11:29
davmor2ogra_: improves the maguro slow down time for me to about a day and a half :)11:30
ogra_davmor2, yeah, there is still the upstart memleak and the Mir fixes from tvoss11:30
yahooi'll wait for 10111:30
yahoowill it be out by tomorrow ?11:30
davmor2ogra_: Yeap but that is a vast improvement for 10111:31
cwayne_so is channel devel now pointing to trusty?11:35
ogra_not yet, no11:35
janimo`cwayne, you can install form trusty-proposed though11:37
janimo`if you want to try build 1 that is :)11:37
cwayne_janimo`, yeah, i'd seen it was setup, just checking to make sure that devl hasn't aliased to it yet :P11:38
asactvoss: ogra_ said you have a MIR fix/patch for making the uevent spam go away? whats the status?11:40
tvossasac, not in yet, need to check with kdub on its status11:41
ogra_would be good to be able to have that in trusty soon11:41
ogra_fi we see it is good, then also have it for saucy11:41
tvossasac, requires us to access the android power HAL, need to make sure that parts are in place11:41
tvossogra_, asap, but need to cross-check with kdub11:42
ogra_tvoss, so i wrote a good bunch of webapps on the weekend (four landed in the shop already) and i think there is a lot of work needed wrt backgrounding apps11:47
ogra_tvoss, if i run multiple webapps they never save their state properly when backgrounded11:47
ogra_tvoss, i often have dead apps in the list that dont get started at all again ... and at some point the shell even assigns the wrong labels to the thumbnails11:48
tvossogra_, that comes down to patching the webruntime then. For qml apps, the sdk takes care of that automatically11:48
AskUbuntuwill ubuntu touch support Nexus 7 in the future | http://askubuntu.com/q/36300911:48
ogra_when i left the phone over night all apps were dead ...11:49
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ogra_(seems suspending for a longer time flushes the ram underneat the apps or some such)11:49
tvossogra_, can you file a bug against unity8/unity-mir please?11:49
ogra_will do11:49
ogra_i'll land some more apps today as well (heise, n-tv etc ) so oyu can try yourself ...11:50
tvossogra_, thanks, but it is unlikely that I will come to triage that bug today11:50
ogra_it gets really weird if you get about 6 webapps running11:50
ogra_the oldes ones get killed and have to start from scratch if you flick through them (if tehy start at all)11:51
popeyogra_: you going to put them in the store?11:51
ogra_popey, yeah, 6 more waiting 4 went in tonight11:52
treckersomeone speaks Russian?11:52
ogra_russians do11:52
ogra_(i heard)11:52
ogra_tvoss, oh, btw, do you know if we have plans for printing ?11:53
ogra_asac, ^^^11:53
ogra_would be cool to be able to use network printers OOTB ... i dont think other mobile OSes do that without third party apps11:53
Stskeepswebos had, but given that was HP ..11:54
ogra_heh, yeah11:54
ogra_and given it drives their printers nowadays11:55
tvossogra_, we had a session about printing at one vuds. Till planned on stripping down the cups stack such that we can install a lightweight printing stack11:56
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tvossogra_, just pinged tkamppeter in #ubuntu-devel11:57
Trisse23Hmm when will this become available on other devices than nexus? :)11:58
Trisse23And how is it working, is it smooth?11:58
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Aivarashow long "Waiting for recovery image to boot" should take?11:59
AivarasIt seams that I can't boot to recovery image. Any ideas?12:04
OrokuSakiMorning all!12:07
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asacogra_: yeah. lightweight as in super-minimal would be great for printing stack :)12:15
ogra_yeah, only starting on demand12:15
tvossogra_, asac that was part of the original discussion12:16
Aivaras"insufficient permissions for device" then trying to adb then in ubuntu recovery12:17
Aivaras"adb devices" outputs device and "no premissions"12:18
AivarasAll I needed was adb server restart12:25
mandel_lool, ping12:29
AivarasI will totally ne late to university because of this touch thing :D12:31
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dholbachogra_, having fun?12:39
ogra_dholbach, so much paperwork :P12:39
ogra_creating the app takes half the time of submitting it12:39
dholbachwell, you have to have a description and pictures and stuff - soon we'll land automatic reviews and inspection of the packages, so there'll be less duplicated information12:40
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ogra_yeah, i understand ... and if i wouldnt sumit that info the the website it would have to be somewhere inside the package after all12:42
sergiusensogra_, it's supposed to pick up all that info from the manifest itself eventually12:46
ogra_ah, nice12:46
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guest101hey everyone13:08
guest101i want to install ubuntu on my android13:08
guest101how do i go about that ?13:08
timetravelerI want to install ubuntu on my android too13:09
timetravelerbut I have some questions13:09
timetravelerIs it stable version ?13:09
guest101anyone here can assist with the process ?13:09
ogra_guest1__, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install13:11
ogra_timetraveler, ^^^13:12
tsdgeoszsombi: any of you guys can review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/micro-optimizations ?13:12
ogra_popey, is the BBC app yours ?13:13
zsombitsdgeos: just checked it few minutes ago :)13:13
tsdgeoszsombi: oki :=)13:13
ogra_popey, i get an error trying to install it (and no info whats actually wrong apart that it tells me my U1 account has issues)13:14
ogra_(says: "your ubuntu one credentials are invalid")13:15
stgraberogra_: did you test that trusty-proposed image?13:24
ogra_stgraber, yeah, runs fine on mako and maguro13:24
ogra_stgraber, thanks for the fix ( i had a hack pending but didnt feel like uploading on the weekend)13:24
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ogra_curious how the next image will look like though :)13:25
ogra_this one is essentially just a renamed saucy13:25
ogra_the fun begins at 213:25
spazzymotois the root filesystem mounted as readonly? trying to install some python packages via apt and get W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/ E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.13:27
ogra_spazzymoto, yes13:27
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
spazzymotoogra_: ah ok thanks. Is there a way to install packages via apt? would mount / -o remount,rw work, or not advised?13:30
ogra_you can make the fs writable with: touch /userdata/.writable_image ... and rebooting13:30
systimeJust installed touch on my nexus 10.  When I try to play a video, I get audio but a black screen.  Is that a known issue?13:30
ogra_you will lose the ability to do OTA upgrades and apt will eventually break13:31
ogra_systime, sadly yes ...13:31
systimeogra_: Thanks.13:31
tsdgeoszsombi: Cid is my second surname so not the right way to adress me ;-) tx for the review anyway :D13:33
zsombitsdgeos: auch, sorry dude, will keep that in mind!13:34
tsdgeoszsombi: no worries :D13:34
MacSlownic-doffay, can you hear us on mumble?13:36
spazzymotoogra_: ok thanks, will have to leave it as i dont want to break it13:40
tsdgeoszsombi: oh, my branch conflicts13:43
* tsdgeos rebases/merges13:43
zsombitsdgeos: fix it then :D13:43
* zsombi eod13:44
spazzymotogot whatsapp working with yowsup in terminal13:54
ogra_wow, congrats13:54
spazzymotois there a way to write a frontend with python currently? i dont think pyqt bindings are there13:56
ogra_there is no pyqt for Qt 5.0 i think13:57
ogra_so you would have to use C++/QML13:57
louidgihi! during the install the phone said me that autodpoy.zip is not found13:58
louidgievrybody to help me please?13:58
spazzymotopity but thanks ogra13:59
ogra_spazzymoto, i also dont think we want to encourage the usage of python ... it is way to demanding13:59
ogra_for small short running scripts thats fine, but not for constantly running processes13:59
spazzymotofair enough14:00
* spazzymoto goes to dust of C++ books14:00
iBelieveI'm on 13.10 (desktop) and have the Ubuntu SDK and all the core apps installed. I'm getting apparmor denials while connecting to the internet using the standard Network Manager indicator. Any chance this problem is related to having Ubuntu Touch-related stuff installed (due to confinement issues)?14:02
iBelieveMy errors are: Oct 21 13:34:55 ubuntu-dev dbus[447]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/DBus" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="Hello" mask="send" name="org.freedesktop.DBus" pid=3232 profile="/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" peer_profile="unconfined" info="Invalid argument"14:03
iBelieveOct 21 13:34:55 ubuntu-dev dbus[447]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/DBus" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="Hello" name="org.freedesktop.DBus" mask="receive" profile="unconfined" peer_pid=3232 peer_profile="/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" peer_info="Invalid argument"14:03
JasonFeliceThe docs on developer.ubuntu.com don't seem to include how to get an app to a phone.14:03
JasonFelicePackage & deploy, I mean.14:03
ogra_iBelieve, yeah, sounds like it14:03
iBelieveogra_, so what should I try uninstalling to test?14:04
ogra_iBelieve, hmm,, no idea, probably jdstrand can help here14:04
ogra_JasonFelice, http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/webapp/packaging-web-apps/ probably ?14:05
iBelieveogra_, thanks14:05
iBelievejdstrand, ping14:06
jdstrandiBelieve: your /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient or /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/dbus seems out of date14:06
JasonFeliceogra_: That gives some insight.  I'm working on a QML app, though.14:06
JasonFeliceogra_: Oh, found it.  Cool.14:07
ogra_yeah, i guess there should also be such a document for QML apps14:07
iBelievejdstrand, I was able to connect to the internet using the terminal and then ran update/dist-upgrade, so the packages should be up-to-date. How would I see if the files are out of date?14:08
jdstrandmdeslaur, sbeattie, tyhicks, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson: please perform https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseCycle#Individuals_.28devel.29 at your earliest convenience14:08
iBelievejdstrand, (I'm on 13.10, by the way)14:08
jdstrandbad paste14:08
jdstrandiBelieve: your /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient should have http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276993/14:09
jdstrandmdeslaur, sbeattie, tyhicks, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson: nm14:09
jdstrandiBelieve: and /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/dbus should have these lines:14:09
jdstrand  /{,var/}run/dbus/system_bus_socket rw,14:09
jdstrand  dbus bus=system,14:09
jdstrandiBelieve: you might have some .dpkg-new files in /etc/apparmor.d14:10
jdstrandiBelieve: sorry, dpkg-dist14:10
sergiusensalecu,  dholbach, jdstrand have you guys seen the click scope dissappear recently? I think I can reproduce now14:11
alecusergiusens: #100 ?14:11
jdstrandI've not seen that14:11
dholbachsergiusens, sometimes, yes14:12
* ogra_ sees that at times but it comes back .... 14:13
iBelievejdstrand, the two files contain both those snippets correctly. However, I do remember getting some prompt about .dpkg-new or something like that during an upgrade.14:15
jdstrandiBelieve: perhaps reload the policy: sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient14:16
jdstrandiBelieve: then reboot and see if nm is working correctly14:16
sergiusensalecu, dholbach I ca reproduce when my nework is flaky; brings the whole scope down14:18
sergiusensalecu, #10114:18
iBelievejdstrand, okay, thanks. I will try that. If it doesn't work, should I take the problem to #ubuntu as a general ubuntu problem?14:19
sergiusensdholbach, wrt to my webapp thing, I added a comment before your needs info ;-)14:19
jdstrandiBelieve: #ubuntu-hardened would be fine (I'm there too)14:19
sergiusensdholbach, oh, after it seems; you are fast!14:19
dholbachsergiusens, oops, must have missed it14:19
dholbachha! :)14:19
sergiusensdholbach, nah, my mind is incorrectly date parsing; but it was too close to notice ;-)14:20
sergiusensalecu, is this useful? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6269433/ ... I ran the scope manually with --debug; not sure it would do the right thing anyways14:24
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alecusergiusens: no, that --debug is not understood by the scope14:32
alecusergiusens: if you want the debug messages on stderr, you'll need this env var: G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all14:33
jdstrandmzanetti: hey, whenever I start uauth, it always shows the first code-- I then have to press for a new code over and over and remember the last one I used to get to the next one14:33
alecusergiusens: but in any case, they are logged into .cache/unity-scope-click.log14:33
mzanettijdstrand: oh... damn :D14:34
alecusergiusens: so, don't worry about re-running it with that env, just send me that log.14:34
mzanettijdstrand: will fix14:34
jdstrandmzanetti: I think it needs to preserve state on shutdown in some way for the last code displayed14:34
mzanettihaha. intersting.. you're the first one to notice. gives some real usage statistic14:34
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mzanettiyeah, right. I forgot to store the counters14:34
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jdstrandmzanetti: I'm not sure how you are planning on fixing it-- but it would be great if on start it didn't show the last code, that would be easier to understand (ie, how the google one sorks)14:35
jdstrandmzanetti: otherwise you have to remember if you entered the one that is being displayed14:36
mzanettijdstrand: yeah, I agree14:36
jdstrandmzanetti: thanks! also, I noticed that it still had the networking policy group in the recent update14:36
mzanettijdstrand: ok. will try to find the time tonight14:36
jdstrandmzanetti: thanks! :)14:36
mzanettijdstrand: yes. and I also didn't add the camera policy yet14:36
mzanettijdstrand: is it actually called "camera" ?14:37
jdstrandmzanetti: yes14:38
systimeA question about file system layout: I flashed touch a few days ago, then proceeded to flash a new recovery and cyanogenmod over it.  Then today I flashed touch again.  I noticed that my wifi creds and ssh keys were still present from my initial touch flash.14:47
ogra_you need to flash with --no-backup to wipe the writable side (if you care to)14:48
systimeah, gotcha.. Thanks.14:48
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cpatrick08I ran phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel-stable --no-backup on my grouper device and I get message Rom may flash stock recovery on boot. Fix? should I choose yes, no or go back15:08
egonik66Hi, Support Ubuntu Touch Nexus 7 2013 LTE 32GB ?15:08
cpatrick08egonik66: just nexus 7 2012 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Supported_devices_and_codenames15:09
cpatrick08I ran phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel-stable --no-backup on my grouper device and I get message Rom may flash stock recovery on boot. Fix? should I choose yes - disable flash recovery,  no or go back15:11
egonik66And when it will be supported?15:13
cpatrick08egonik66: not sure sorry15:15
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loolmandel_: Pong, albeit on leave til Thursday included; perhaps I can help quickly though?15:30
mandel_lool, just asking if I can set the u-d-m 0.3 as released and set the version number to be 0.4 for the next cycle15:31
loolmandel_: You can bump versions at any time in bzr when you think it's useful; just merge a changelog update setting the changelog to UNRELEASED with 0.3+xyz as the version15:33
loolmandel_: The next cu2d run will reupload latest bzr rev to PPA and use the new version template from the changelog15:34
mandel_lool, ok, just checking, I did not want to screw up any of he current processes15:34
mandel_lool, I'll tak the current revno as 0.2 in case we need to work with it15:34
loolmandel_: Err no15:35
sergiusenslool, mandel_ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I.27m_bumping_the_upstream_version.2C_what_should_I_do.3F15:35
loolmandel_: not sure what you mean with take the current revno15:35
loolmandel_: but 0.2 is lower than 0.2+xyz, and you should never go down in version numbers15:35
mandel_lool, no no, tagging the current revno in bzr as 0.2+what ever so that we can easily get back to it for backports etc..15:36
loolmandel_: It's not done automatically by cu2d?15:37
loolmandel_: indeed not15:38
mandel_lool, nope15:38
mandel_lool, it might be a nice feature to add to cu2d15:38
loolmandel_: Ah I know why it doesn't tag15:39
loolmandel_: Because there might have been upstream changes between the time the snapshot was taken and the time the changelog merge proposal was merged15:39
loolmandel_: So yeah, you might want some kind of upstream tag15:39
mandel_lool, yes, I do :)15:39
loolmandel_: Maybe check with landing team how other branches handle this15:39
mandel_will do to make sure everything works correctly15:40
* lool &15:40
dpmhi cyphermox, around? I've got an issue whereby when I enable data on my phone (N4) it doesn't quite work. Even in areas with good connection it shows an icon for less than a sec (e.g. 3G) and then the icon disappears and shows no network. Am I hitting a known issue? Is there any way I can debug this?15:42
loolmandel_: Forgot to ask, I dont see an ubuntu-download-manager update in saucy-proposed/saucy-updates; perhaps you want to check that the debug logs are fixed in the next image, whether it's a saucy or a trusty one15:42
mandel_lool, will do, the code was merged.. maybe it was not released15:43
vincentboschAnyone started on the Note 10.1 2014 (SM-P600) yet, now it has been rooted?15:51
cpatrick08I was wondering if I could multiboot android with the ubuntu-system images15:51
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch Porting - Audio | http://askubuntu.com/q/36315315:52
cpatrick08I was wondering if I could multiboot android with the ubuntu-system images15:55
tvossogra_, ping15:57
om26erogra_, your touch-image-stats seem broken for the latest entry15:59
om26erhttp://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20131021.1.changes is empty15:59
ogra_om26er, yep, known ... i'll fix it before end of my day15:59
ogra_(thats what you get for hardcoding release names in img and manifest files :P)16:00
om26ergood then/16:01
cyphermoxdpm: I don't know. Could you file a bug and attach /var/log/syslog and possibly the output of /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-contexts16:02
dpmcyphermox, ok, will do, thanks16:03
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ttoineogra_, http://www.bonitasoft.org/blog/tutorial/bonita-platform-running-on-a-smartphone/16:11
ttoineogra_, we did it: we ran a java application server on the galaxy nexus ;-)16:11
ttoinethank you for the support last friday, I credited you, so16:12
cpatrick08I was wondering if I could multiboot android with the ubuntu-system images16:12
ogra_ttoine, awesome !16:13
ttoineogra_, just to let you know, the tomcat 6 package is brocken for Ubuntu Touch16:14
ttoineso we had to cheat a bit16:14
ttoine but open jdk7 is ok16:14
ttoineogra_, by the way, would you know if the desktop is displayed if I connect a hdmi cable ?16:15
ttoineor is it still a feature to come N?16:15
ogra_thats far out16:15
ttoineogra_, you have a personnal blog or something were I can put a link to you ?16:15
ogra_the next 6 months we'll stabilize and improve what we have ...16:15
ttoineor the simple credit is enough ?16:16
ogra_after thats done we'll go for convergence16:16
ogra_the simple credit is enough16:16
ogra_awesome idea to create sysvinit links for ssh16:16
mfischogra_: how can we setup manual gating on customzied builds now that we have a test suite?16:17
ttoinemore easy than adb, then16:17
ogra_mfisch, manual gating ?16:17
ogra_mfisch, i assume thats only for your own packages ?16:18
mfischogra_: a human is still responsible for moving images from proposed to daily, right?16:18
mfischwe have devel-customized and devel-proposed-customized16:18
ogra_ah, right16:18
mfischeventually we want to mirror what is done for non-customized ones since we have a test suite now16:19
ogra_well, currently it is only possible to publish from one channel to the other if you have access to the cdimage server16:19
ogra_so you would need one member of the ubuntu-cdimage team to do it for you16:19
ogra_not sure if stgraber has planned an api or some such for this16:19
ogra_so that non cdimage people could do it16:19
ogra_mfisch, i think we'll keep the human involvement for this cycle for the official images still16:20
mfischright now the image gets promoted when the daily gets promoted, so I guess we'd be a 2nd gating function16:21
ogra_thats only because i call both release scripts together16:21
ogra_cdimage and system-image use two different scripts16:21
ogra_they could theoretically run completely distinct16:22
mfischwill you be in Oakland?16:22
stgraberogra_: nope, trusty-customized and trusty-proposed-customized are a bit special in that regard. They are both based on the non-customized channel and auto-publish new images when a new customization tarball appears on Jenkins16:22
stgraberso I guess what mfisch wants is for that automation be stopped on trusty-customized and move to manual publishing for that one (copy-image)16:23
mfischstgraber: trusty-customized is the daily image (non-proposed) + the latest bundle?16:23
stgraberthough that means going through ubuntu-cdimage every time16:23
stgrabermfisch: correct16:23
mfischstgraber: we'll still have -proposed16:23
mfischstgraber: lets discuss more in Oakland if you'll be there, this is not urgent16:23
mfischjust on my radar today16:23
stgrabermfisch: I won't be there16:24
mfischhah, ok16:24
mfischless beers for me to buy then ;)16:24
LaneyI'll have them16:24
mfischstgraber: we would likely only move to the daily image 1-2x a week at most, keep it stable for demos16:25
mfischLaney: sure thing, there's a great belgian beer place right by the hotel16:26
LaneyWas joking, however if you're referring to the Trappist then yes we must make a trip there16:27
mfischI just finished making a Belgian pale myself, but the real belgians do it much better than me16:27
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AskUbuntuRestoring Android when nothing launches | http://askubuntu.com/q/36318316:38
tvossSaviq, grabbing dinner, then I will iterate https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/unity-mir/less-aggressive-scores/+merge/19144016:43
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AskUbuntupermanently disable bluetooth | http://askubuntu.com/q/36320417:24
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mbnoimiDoes ubuntu touch supports same applications of usual desktop apps?17:38
winbbecause of xmir ?17:39
popeythe phone doesn't ship xmir17:40
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t1mpmbnoimi: it would not be a good idea to support the usual desktop apps that were designed on a large screen with a mouse and keyboard17:41
mbnoimit1mp: I just asking. I'm Qt developer so I wonder if my Qt desktop apps will run directly on Ubunut touch17:42
t1mpmbnoimi: qt should work, but I don't know if it is possible to use QtWidgets.17:44
t1mpmbnoimi: I'd recommend Qt5 with QML :)17:44
dobeyqml uses qt widgets17:46
dobeyso yes, you can write C++ apps with Qt to work on the phone. but you need to design the UI a bit differently and such, than you would for a typical mouse/keyboard system17:47
mbnoimit1mp: I'm using Qt5 Widgets17:49
deimusmeisterhello all17:54
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deimusmeisterwhen trying to resotre the androing on nexus 4, it fails with following message18:01
deimusmeisterarchive does not contain boot.sig18:01
deimusmeisterarchive does not contain recovery.sig18:02
melvsteri havent yet worked out how to get qtcreator apps onto the phone ... the docs say to ssh, but you dont seem to be able to do that now, and then hit ctrl+12 which im not sure what that does, but doesnt work over adb18:02
alecjwHi there, I've installed ubuntu touch on my gnex and am trying to revert to cyanogenmod. Is it possible to enable adb in ubuntu touch? Else, how can i transfer the zipfile image to the phone?18:02
deimusmeisterfailed to allocate XXXXXXX bytes18:02
deimusmeistererror : update package missing system.img18:02
alecjwedit: think i've got it now18:11
ryukafalz_I haven't installed the release on my nexus 7 yet, but does it now have a software center-ish thing?18:16
Red_Hello, can someone help me dealing with a restoring issue?18:24
systimedeimusmeister: I think you'll need to flash the boot, system, and recovery img's separately via fastboot18:25
jemyAnyone updated to the 21.10-build yet? For me the command as usal does not work anymore. (It gives me: Already retrieved. Nothing to do)18:31
jemyThe command I used:     phablet-flash ubuntu-system18:32
okanhttp://www.ubuntu.com/phone/install is using galaxy s3 ?18:32
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Red_Guys, my nexus does not boot. It stalls at Googles loading screen18:38
Red_this is after i tried ubuntu touch18:39
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AskUbuntuRestoring android after ubuntu touch fails | http://askubuntu.com/q/36325418:42
jemyRed_, Did Ubuntu Touch boot once?18:43
FnsntHow can i Install the newest Ubuntu Touch Version on my Nexus 4 without having ubuntu PC?18:43
Fnsntcan anyone help me?18:44
Red_jemy, yes!18:44
systimeFnsnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Manual_Download_.26_Installation18:44
Fnsntthx alot!18:45
jemyIs it nexus 4?18:45
Red_a nexus 718:46
Fnsntwhat does adb mean in the description?18:50
Fnsnti think it means android debugging or sth like this but what do i have to do there18:51
t1mpFnsnt: you are right, adb is android debug bridge.18:52
t1mpFnsnt: but 'adb' is the command that you need to run.18:52
Fnsntwhere do i need to run it?18:52
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t1mpFnsnt: so you must have it installed and you  need to execute the commands exactly as written there18:52
Fnsntcuz it is said to be manally18:52
Fnsntwhere to execute the commands?18:52
t1mpFnsnt: did you execute this part of step one? sudo apt-get install phablet-tools android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot18:53
t1mpFnsnt: then you should have the adb command.18:53
t1mpFnsnt: I think it doesn't matter from where to execute it.18:53
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t1mpFnsnt: you run it on your desktop, and it will connect to your device and execute the commands you give it.18:53
t1mpFnsnt: you can execute the commands from your homedir18:54
Fnsnton windows?18:54
t1mpFnsnt: ah the manual is for Ubuntu. I don't know about Windows.18:55
Fnsntoh got it18:55
kgunnricmm: can you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~kgunn72/platform-api/bump-mir-dep16/+merge/19155218:55
rbelemFnsnt, install the android sdk if you r not running ubuntu http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html18:55
t1mpFnsnt: sorry for the confusion18:55
melvsteris ssh to device discouraged right now?18:55
Fnsntno problem18:55
kgunni realized that didrocks wanted me to shepherd their merge in18:55
rbelemFnsnt, with that you will get adb and fastboot18:56
Fnsntyeah just downloaded18:56
t1mpFnsnt: are you trying to install it from an ubuntu desktop? or windows?18:57
t1mpFnsnt: I guess that is possible, but I never did it so I cannot help you.18:57
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Fnsnti downloaded Minimal ADB and Fastboot18:57
Fnsntfrom chipp18:58
Fnsnti think this will work18:58
systimeFnsnt: You should be able to run "adb" and "fastboot" from the windows command line18:58
kgunnmterry: would you mind approving https://code.launchpad.net/~kgunn72/unity-system-compositor/bump-mir-dep1619:00
mterrykgunn, looking19:01
kgunnmterry: just sometime before eod19:02
kgunnmterry: just to get it staged19:02
mterrykgunn, approved, I assume you will top-approve when you want it all to land?19:02
kgunnmterry: precisely...i got 2 other mp's in unity-mir & platform-api to get sorted first19:03
mterrykgunn, I was looking at u-s-c earlier today, and it looked like it might need some code changes to match mir trunk...  I don't suppose you've test built it?19:03
kgunnmterry: uh....nope19:06
kgunnmterry: just to be sure....lp:mir no longer pointing to mir-team/mir/trunk19:07
kgunnmterry: now points to ~mir-team/mir/trusty19:07
kgunnmterry: not that that helps address any update needs....but not sure if bzr is smart enough19:08
kgunnif you've been working on a previously branched code base19:08
mterrykgunn, I'll try again19:17
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x220t_userhello, im using ubuntu 13.10 server with xfce on my lenovo 220 tablet. is it possible to use touch/core apps without installing unity?19:26
pmcgowanx220t_user, yes indeed, you just need the sdk runtime19:28
x220t_userpmcgowan, do you mean the qt environment?19:29
pmcgowanx220t_user, yes plus the ui-toolkit, apt-get install ubuntu-sdk-libs should do it19:29
pmcgowanthat will bring in qt519:30
x220t_userokay, i'll give it a try, mom19:30
Fnsntwhich cdimage do i have to use for my nexus 4 on this site? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/saucy/daily-preinstalled/20131018/19:33
Fnsntthe mako images?19:33
mterrykgunn, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-system-compositor/mir-fixes/+merge/192042 should supercede your branch19:37
mterrykgunn, it bumps required Mir, along with build fixes19:37
kgunnmterry: ok...i can update my branch19:37
x220t_userpmcgowan, just installed sdk runtime and ubuntu touch-collection via ppa, tried to run touch-minesweeper, but no luck. the command to run was qmlscene /usr/share/minesweeper-touch/minesweeper.qml19:38
kgunnmterry: oh...wait so you bumped19:38
x220t_userlet me take a closer look19:38
mterrykgunn, yeah, we shouldn't need your branch if mine lands19:39
kgunnmterry: got it19:39
mterrykgunn, and yours shouldn't land without the build fixes anyway19:39
systimeFnsnt: The four that have mako in the name, and this one: saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip19:39
x220t_userpmcgowan, it tells me: qmlscene: could not find a Qt installation of '' - according to askubuntu.com it seems, that i have no Ubuntu Toolkit components. Are these a part of ubuntu-sdk-libs?19:43
x220t_userand: by accessing the ubuntu toolkit 0.1 on developer.ubuntu.com im getting server error..19:45
pmcgowanx220t_user, you should have this installed qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin19:46
x220t_userim rigth on that way :)19:47
x220t_userpmcgowan: installed the whole ubuntu-ui-toolkit, that includes the qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin, still no luck19:49
pmcgowanx220t_user, this may be a clue http://askubuntu.com/questions/342751/qt-code-for-u-touch-returns-qmlscene-cannot-find-qt-installation-of19:50
pmcgowanseems the config is somehow not correct19:50
x220t_userpmcgowan, that worked. so it seems i have three different "versions" of qt: qt5-x86_64-linux-gnu, qt5, 5. By passing the right version over the arg, makes the app running.19:56
pmcgowanx220t_user, that should have just worked, can you log a bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/19:57
lilixHello all I need some help for the installation of ubuntu touch on my Nexus 419:58
x220t_userpmcgowan, is there the way to set the default qt version?19:59
lilixwhen I install with phablet-flash tool the phone reboot and give me an error "can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command19:59
pmcgowanx220t_user, I am not sure how to fix it up, if you check here tomorrow ping Mirv and he can tell us20:00
lilixnobody know how to fix that here ?20:01
melvsterlilix: I think that should be a warning not an error20:02
x220t_userkk, i'll send a bug report and  for the first time i'll use the ugly workaround by adding the right qt arg for every app command in menu..20:02
melvstersee: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/07/09/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt20:02
sergiusenslilix, pmcgowan are you looking for QT_SELECT=qt5 ?20:02
pmcgowansergiusens, lilix has a different issue20:03
sergiusenslilix, sorry20:03
sergiusensx220t_user, ^^20:03
pmcgowansergiusens, but thats not generally set is it?20:03
sergiusenslilix, how are you flashing?20:03
lilixwith the official tutorial on ubuntu.com20:03
melvsterlilix: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/124156820:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241568 in Phablet Tools "Flashing stuck: can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command" [Undecided,New]20:03
lilixI will join the bug report right now^20:04
melvsterlol even stuart had that bug so i guess it'll get fixed soon :)20:05
x220t_usersergiusens: yay! exporting QT_SELECT did the job20:05
sergiusensstgraber, I'm going to be removing the can't find ubuntu_commands message from the android ui, seems to be confusing people20:05
sergiusensx220t_user, great20:05
sergiusensstgraber, do you have any objections?20:05
sergiusenswe can log it in the recovery logs instead20:06
x220t_userso does that seems to be a bug, that QT_SELECT var ist by default set to ''?20:06
sergiusensx220t_user, it's set by default to qt5 for the phablet user20:06
pmcgowansergiusens, this is on desktop so its not set at all20:07
pmcgowansergiusens, do we need to have it set?20:07
sergiusenspmcgowan, oh, desktop... well that may affect the qt4 apps20:07
x220t_usersergiusens, i have ubuntu server + naked xfce4 on it20:07
sergiusenspmcgowan, x220t_user I'm guessing this is a case where you would need to wrap it20:07
pmcgowanI have desktop and its not set either, not sure why we need it20:08
sergiusenspmcgowan, it selects if you would use qt4 or qt5; remember that qmlscene is a dev tool20:08
x220t_userpmcgowan, well it is useful for convertible laptops like lenovos x22* Tablet or some HP devices a.s.o.20:09
stgrabersergiusens: I'm fine with removing it20:09
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pmcgowansergiusens, with it not set it works fine here20:09
pmcgowanx220t_user, agreed20:09
sergiusenspmcgowan, you might have qt5 dev packages installed20:10
pmcgowanlikely I do20:10
lilixsergiusens just a question my problem it's just a warning and I need to waite several time to finish the installation or it is not possible for me to install ubuntu touch on my phone(Nexus 4)?20:18
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szymon_wAre new builds for UT based on 14.04 yet ?20:34
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w-floszymon_w, yes, this is a trusty bild apparently: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20131021.1/20:56
szymon_ww-flo, thanks20:58
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pandeirowhat js runtime does ubuntu touch use?23:19
bef0rdI'm guessing Qt's23:20
pandeiroand can an ubuntu-touch device's filesystem be mounted on a linux computer over USB?23:23

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