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peroanyone know how to get the icons for unity web apps? my gmail icon in the panel has some settings-looking thing, but in dash it's good03:52
hyperairpero: what gmail icon in the panel?04:05
hyperairpero: do you mean in the messaging menu?04:05
hyperairtry running this command: gsettings get com.canonical.indicator.messages applications04:06
perohyperair,  in the left-side panel04:06
hyperairyou should get something like.. [.... 'Gmailsomethingsomething.desktop']04:07
hyperairoh the launcher?04:07
hyperairwhy don't you just remove the icon from the launcher and drag it down from the dash again?04:07
perodoesn't work04:08
hyperairwhat's the output of: gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites04:08
peroreverts to some nuts/bolt looking thing04:08
pero$ gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites04:08
pero['application://nautilus.desktop', 'application://gnome-terminal.desktop', 'application://chromium-browser.desktop', 'application://GMailmailgooglecom.desktop', 'application://ubuntu-software-center.desktop', 'application://gnome-control-center.desktop', 'unity://running-apps', 'unity://expo-icon', 'unity://devices']04:08
hyperairapplication://GMailmailgooglecom.desktop <-- probably this one04:09
peroi think so?04:09
hyperaircheck the icon field of the ~/.local/share/applications/GMailmailgooglecom.desktop file04:09
perois there an easy way to see hidden files or manually input the path in nautilus?04:10
peroit's some standard colour-pallette icon04:13
hyperairwhat does it say?04:13
peroin the file? there's nothing04:14
hyperairgrep ^Icon ~/.local/share/applications/GMailmailgooglecom.desktop04:14
hyperairthat can't be right...04:14
perothat's the entirety of the contents04:14
hyperairthat's the URL of the file.04:15
hyperairi want the contents of the file04:15
hyperairwhere are you looking?04:15
perooh ok04:15
pero$ grep ^Icon ~/.local/share/applications/GMailmailgooglecom.desktop04:16
hyperairthere we go, an icon name.04:27
hyperairnow check ~/.icons/GMail-mail.google.com.png04:27
hyperairalso try: find /usr/share/icons ~/.icons -type f -name 'GMail-mail.google.com.*'04:28
hyperairpero: ^04:28
perona that first one is there and good04:28
peroand that's the only one04:29
hyperairwell, for some reason, it's not locating the icon properly04:35
* tsdgeos tests CI to see if it's still unhappy07:46
tsdgeosmzanetti: is anyone having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-own-quicklist/+merge/191398 ?07:48
tsdgeosshall i claim it?07:48
tsdgeosSaviq: ↑↑↑ ?07:48
Saviqtsdgeos, go for it07:49
mzanettitsdgeos: yep, thanks :)07:49
tsdgeosmzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/warnings_on_shutdown/+merge/191945 ?08:18
Saviqtsdgeos, happroved08:19
mzanettibtw. is autolanding now fully working again?08:20
tsdgeosi am not sure08:21
tsdgeosi approved one of Cimi's branch earlier this morning to see how it goes08:21
tsdgeoson friday there was some problem installing dependencies or something08:21
tsdgeosgreyback: i think it did merge because there was nothing to merge :D08:25
greybacktsdgeos: but it didn't :)08:26
tsdgeosgreyback: what does merging a branch that has nothing to merge do? :D08:26
greybacktsdgeos: bzr commit --unchanged ? ;)08:27
tsdgeoswe're still dependency locked :D08:41
tsdgeosany idea who do we complain about that?08:41
tsdgeosSaviq: greyback: mzanetti: all: ↑↑↑↑08:41
mzanettitsdgeos: well, usually fginther, but let me see if I can help08:42
mzanettitsdgeos: hmm.. don't really know why this would work, but if it's only happening for the phones, om26er should probably be able to help too08:46
tsdgeosmzanetti: bad ppas?08:46
mzanettitsdgeos: the hooks look ok. however, I don't really know what has changed in the QA infrastructure lately08:47
tsdgeosso no landing for now :D08:47
mzanettiI guess omer will show up soon08:47
tsdgeosdednick: still lost with the ActionStateParser, where do you use it?08:52
dednicktsdgeos: Unity.Indicators.RootActionState derives from ActionStateParser. Even though it's built against the proper qmenumodel library the run time linking requires it in the mock.08:56
tsdgeosi see08:57
tsdgeostx :-)08:57
dednicktsdgeos: no prob :) it's a bit cheeky.08:58
tsdgeosmzanetti: print("sleected", appId) in the test?09:00
mzanettitsdgeos: hmm... missed that I guess. will remove09:01
mzanettitsdgeos: pushed09:02
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti, I know what's happening :/09:07
mzanettiSaviq: tell me more09:08
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti /usr/bin/unity8 is bind-mounted from /run/ so that we can set the capabilities on it for adjusting oom scores09:08
Saviqwhich is unfortunate09:10
Saviqand results in package installation fail, 'cause we're trying to overwrite a bind-mounted file, which fails of course09:10
mzanettiso we're installing into /run or what?09:10
Saviqmzanetti, no, *we* don't do anything special09:10
Saviqmzanetti, but there's an upstart job that:09:11
Saviq- mounts tmpfs in /run/unity8-setcap09:11
Saviq- copies /usr/bin/unity8 to /run/unity8-setcap09:11
Saviq- setcaps /run/unity8-setcap09:11
Saviq- bind-mounts /run/unity8-setcap/unity8 to /usr/bin/unity809:11
Saviqit's ugly as hell09:11
mzanettiseems like raping the OS09:12
Saviqbut the only thing we could think of the night prior to V109:12
mzanettiwhat capabilities do e set then?09:12
Saviqallows unity8 to set OOM-killer scores on processes09:12
dednickSaviq: whose in charge of getting packages landed?09:12
mzanettiah. I see09:13
Saviqdednick, no landing for now09:13
Saviqdednick, until T opens09:13
Saviqmzanetti, so that apps are killed earlier than other processes09:13
dednickSaviq: when is that?09:13
Saviqdednick, tomorrow or so09:14
Saviqdednick, at which point we'll go back to automatic release and such09:15
dednickSaviq: ok. thanks09:15
mzanettiSaviq: I guess the proper long term solution would be to outsource this to some other system component and just provide the information about apps from unity809:16
Saviqmzanetti, proper long term solution is to use a sane filesystem instead of ext2 for the system image09:16
mzanettiand that would make a difference?09:16
Saviqmzanetti, where we can just set the caps in post-inst09:16
mzanettiah, yeah sure09:16
Saviqmzanetti, setcap is stored in xattr09:16
Saviqmzanetti, yes, / is ext209:16
Saviqfor what reason I don't know09:17
mzanettiwell, we probably don't want journaling09:17
Saviqthen just disable journalling in ext4 ;)09:17
Saviqmzanetti, but yeah, we need +xattr anyway09:18
mzanettiMacSlow: here you go: lp:~mzanetti/unity8/generic-lockscreen09:18
Saviqwhich AFAIK ext2 can't do09:18
MacSlowmzanetti, thx09:18
mzanettiMacSlow: I guess we merge them separately... makes the diff smaller09:18
mzanettiMacSlow: but you can use this a prerequisite09:18
MacSlowmzanetti, sure... I'll base my work on your branch still09:19
mzanettiMacSlow: here's the merge: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/generic-lockscreen/+merge/19195109:19
Saviqhey om26er, can you disable unity8-autolanding for the time being? mediumtests-touch are broken for us still09:31
om26erSaviq, I can try09:31
Saviqom26er, so it beats the purpose to run it and de-approve all the branches09:31
om26erSaviq, CI is already disabled? you just want me to disable -autolanding ?09:32
Saviqom26er, just -autolanding09:32
Saviqom26er, -ci is somewhat useful still - for results from the other jobs09:32
Saviqhmm anyone else getting 404 from ports.ubuntu.com when apt-get update'ing the device?09:33
Saviqhmm maybe that's caused by the release happening09:35
Saviqdidrocks, pointers ↑↑?09:35
didrocksSaviq: I think cjwatson hasn't finished yet opening the release09:36
Saviqdidrocks, but I'm getting 404s for saucy09:36
didrocksoh, interesting09:36
didrocksSaviq: maybe ask on #ubuntu-release?09:36
Saviqdidrocks, i.e there's no "Packages" in http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/saucy/main/binary-armhf/09:36
Saviqhmm maybe that's my non-writable image causing it09:37
Saviqdidrocks, will do, thanks09:37
didrocksSaviq: if you let me ~1h, I'll be able to dig into it09:37
didrocks(in a meeting now)09:37
Saviqdidrocks, no worries09:37
didrocksand upgrading otto machines ;)09:37
Saviqdidrocks, false alarm, stupid apt errors when non-writable ;P09:39
tsdgeosSaviq: yep09:41
Saviqtsdgeos, ?09:42
tsdgeosSaviq: yep, the errors suck :D09:42
Saviqtsdgeos, ah :)09:42
didrocksah great ;)09:45
Saviqmzanetti, there's a small conflict in switching-previews10:09
mzanettiSaviq: ack10:09
Saviqoh actually not that small10:09
mzanettiSaviq: do'h someone added a preview spinner10:10
Saviqmzanetti, memory problems? :D10:10
mzanettiseems so10:10
Saviqmzanetti, it's Diego's code preventing clicking on buttons if an action was triggered10:11
mzanettiSaviq: ah right... didn't expect that to have landed yet10:11
Saviqmzanetti, we needed it for v1 - click scope really hates people clicking "install" multiple times10:11
Saviqmzanetti, I'm fine with you reverting it in your branch and finding a better solution10:12
mzanettihaha, yeah, I agree10:12
Saviqmzanetti, at least for the UI part, the backend things seem ok10:12
om26erSaviq,  I have a branch to disable autolanding for unity8 but I cannot deploy that because that requires an access TOKEN.10:14
om26ermzanetti, hey! if we just disable the autolanding job manually. that won't hurt, right ?10:14
Saviqom26er, no, it should be just fine10:14
mzanettiom26er: nope10:14
mzanettiom26er: it will be reenabled once someone deploys something... but that's not an issue given that the disabling is only temporary anyways10:15
om26ermzanetti, Saviq ack. disabled it now ;)10:15
CimiSaviq, any bug you want me to work on?10:22
Cimior I pick up one? :)10:22
SaviqCimi, nothing in particular, no10:22
tsdgeosSaviq: shall i top re-approve the things that were set to not approved by failed autolanding?10:33
Saviqtsdgeos, yes10:33
Saviqtsdgeos, we've disabled autolanding for now, so let's have everything in place for when we re-enable it10:33
tsdgeosSaviq: updated https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/start_ssh/+merge/18960210:44
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks10:44
tsdgeosSaviq: so are we jumping to trusty as soon as it opens?10:44
Saviqtsdgeos, yup10:45
greybacktsdgeos: this be handy? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6276004/10:45
greybackso you only start it if not running. The sleep a bit arbitrary tho, think it needs to be longer for gnexus10:46
tsdgeosgreyback: i only start it if it's not running10:46
tsdgeosdon't i?10:46
greybacktsdgeos: maybe, I kinda just skimmed :)10:46
greybackahh there it is10:47
greybacktsdgeos: never mind me10:47
tsdgeosi never do :-P10:47
SaviqCimi, did you follow up with the sdk guys about InverseMouseArea?10:56
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* greyback going for lunch plus IRL meeting, back in about 2 hours10:56
tsdgeosMirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/1242630 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/124262911:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1242630 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Remove fix_rowinserted.patch from local patches" [Undecided,New]11:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1242629 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Fix qqmldelegatemodel not reacting correctly to layoutChanged" [Undecided,New]11:04
tsdgeosSaviq: FYI ↑↑11:05
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Saviqtsdgeos, k, Mirv is (should be) on holidays this week11:07
tsdgeosit's not *ultra* urgent11:07
tsdgeosi guess11:07
tsdgeosbut tbh i get some itches by us shipping a patch that's been rejected upstream :D11:08
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, we'll SRU it11:08
* Saviq giggles at the fact that "sru" is a polish onomatopoeia for stuff landing hard11:12
tsdgeostrusty is open \o/11:16
CimiSaviq, no update on the bug11:16
* tsdgeos wonders if he should s/saucy/trusty in his sources and see what happens :D11:18
Saviqtsdgeos, I just tried  do-release-upgrade but it didn't like me ;)11:23
Saviqor, didn't like trusty at least11:23
Saviqthere's a trusty image already, too11:23
tsdgeoscool :D11:24
tsdgeostrusty only wants to give me updates for http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276216/11:30
tsdgeosi guess nothing can go wrong with that ... :D11:30
mzanettifamous last words11:31
* mzanetti waits for tsdgeos to drop out IRC11:31
Saviqtsdgeos, well, nothing much happened yet ya know11:34
Saviqtsdgeos, trusty is basically a copy of saucy +some11:34
SaviqCimi, did you ping Zsombor about the InverseMouseArea issue?11:38
SaviqCimi, also, what's the status of the incorrect overlay shape in carousel-music-video?11:38
tsdgeosok, let's reboot and see if i can come back :D11:43
om26erCimi, btw bug 1229804 is already fixed. though you may want to fix the 'Applications' to 'Apps' .. (I tried but couldn't find the string)11:44
ubot5bug 1229804 in Unity 8 "[Dash] Home scope name should be just 'Home'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122980411:44
Saviqworked here ;)11:45
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Saviqtsdgeos, welcome, how're you feeling? ;)\11:49
tsdgeosi feel trusty now!11:50
Saviqtsdgeos, now wait for the sync from debian unstable ;)11:51
tsdgeosyeah :D11:51
Saviqooh, arm64 is enabled now :)11:52
mzanettiSaviq: merged the switching-previews11:52
Saviqmzanetti, thanks11:52
mzanettiSaviq: arm64 for what?11:52
Saviqmzanetti, trusty is building arm64 too, now11:52
* mzanetti was reading amd64 and didn't see the big news11:52
mzanettistupid brain FEC11:53
tsdgeoswhat's arm64?11:53
tsdgeoswhich hw?11:53
tsdgeospanda? some phone? some "desktop-cpu"?11:53
Saviqtsdgeos, there isn't any in real world :D11:53
Saviqtsdgeos, iPhone 5s11:54
tsdgeosso how are we building it?¿11:55
mzanettivery good question11:55
Saviqtsdgeos, cross- probably ;)11:55
Saviq"This is the first non-x86 self-bootstrapped Debian port: first 150 packages cross-built using build-profiles to untangle cyclic build-dependencies. "11:56
mzanettiso the trusty arm64 build doesn't really contain many packages so far?11:56
mzanettiassuming we can't easily cross compile the whole thing11:57
Saviqmzanetti, we should be much better now in that regard11:57
Saviqmzanetti, and obviously will get even better over the course of this cycle - if only because of arm6411:57
mzanettisure, but notthereyet (TM) I guess11:58
Saviqmzanetti, we're pretty close indeed11:58
Saviqmzanetti, unity8 cross-builds if you fix a few things in qt's cmake modules11:58
Saviqand in automoc, AFAIR11:58
* mzanetti can't wait for cross compiling unity8 instead compiling on the Galaxy nexus11:58
Saviqmzanetti, you should compile on manta ;)11:59
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mzanettitrue :)11:59
mzanettiit's faster than gusch's notebook :D11:59
Saviqmzanetti, I've a "setup-sbuild.sh" script if you want it ;)11:59
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, now that I can use the latest kernel again it might work12:00
mzanettidid something change how the fs is made writable?12:07
MirvSaviq: nope, last Wed-Fri only, but right now trusty stuff12:08
Saviqmzanetti, no12:11
mzanettiyeah... I figured the issue12:11
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tsdgeosgreyback: btw i compiled fine with 5.2 on friday, maybe you had some weird path issues or something12:53
greybacktsdgeos: grrr12:53
tsdgeoscouldn't run it12:53
tsdgeosbecause it needs a lot of more packages to be rebuilt12:53
greybackfor a minute, I'd a flash of a nice life where it would just work :)12:53
tsdgeossince once you start using private stuff12:53
tsdgeosthings don't like getting mixed12:54
tsdgeosbut at least it compiles :D12:54
greybackWell like yourself, I'm more interested in seeing how v4 performs, or what bugs it might have12:55
greybacktsdgeos: anything look dodgy in my configure options? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6276600/12:57
tsdgeoseverything? :D12:58
tsdgeosdon't know i don't pass almost any option12:58
tsdgeosmissing comma12:58
tsdgeosdon't know, i don't pass almost any option12:58
tsdgeos  /home/tsdgeos/qt5/qtbase/configure -prefix /home/tsdgeos/qt5_install -developer-build -debug -confirm-license12:59
tsdgeosi understand why you do the don't build mysql and the nomake stuff12:59
tsdgeosthe rest not sure you need it12:59
tsdgeosor if they can be bad or not13:00
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tsdgeosSaviq: can you review this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-notifications/micro_optimizations/+merge/19176413:12
Saviqtsdgeos, k13:13
tsdgeosdednick: there?13:18
dednicktsdgeos: yo13:18
tsdgeosdednick: how do i test https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator.submenu-reinit/+merge/187885 (besides the autotest?)13:19
tsdgeoswhat changes/improvements should i see?13:19
dednicktsdgeos: um, restarting indicators re-populates the menus correctly.13:20
dednicktsdgeos: it's a bit hard to test unless you're using the messaging menu, since it's the only one that generally changes.13:20
dednicktsdgeos: previously it was just "reusing" the old menu items, but they were stale. So any changes to the order/add/removes werent being reflected in the UI.13:22
tsdgeosi see13:22
dednicktsdgeos: you have the demo messaging menu?13:23
tsdgeosor not that i know :D13:23
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greybacktsdgeos: (oh you replied to me, sorry was distracted) I took those configure options from the 5.0 debian/rules script13:29
tsdgeosgreyback: they don't look bad per-se, just unneeded to me, the problem was maybe somewhere else?13:30
tsdgeosi remember i had to play a bit with cmake to get it to pick the qt i wanted13:30
greybacktsdgeos: dunno, just finished a rebuild, trying now. Yeah me too.13:30
Saviqdednick, standup?13:35
Saviqnic-doffay, can you hear us?13:36
nic-doffaySaviq, I could not even after restarting mumble twice. Apparently third time lucky.13:40
Saviqnic-doffay, cool ;)13:40
* greyback needs to reboot13:42
hikiko|lunch /nick hikiko13:52
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hikikosorry :)13:53
mzanettidednick: hey, testing your branch.13:55
mzanettidednick: the notifications are much faster :)13:55
mzanettidednick: sorry. the indicators13:55
dednickmzanetti: you mean the loading13:55
dednickmzanetti: yep13:55
mzanettidednick: but: there is a notification staying on my screen13:55
mzanettidednick: only happens with your branch13:56
mzanettidednick: an empty one, never going away13:56
dednickhuh. weird13:56
tsdgeosdednick: mzanetti: missing merge with trunk13:56
tsdgeosmzanetti: we have a ghost notification now thanks to me and some last minute problem with focus and litsviews13:57
tsdgeosmzanetti: so probably dednick's branch doesn't have the code merged for that13:57
CimiSaviq, do-release-upgrade -d doesn't detect T, sure we have to upgrade now?13:57
Cimican do sed… but13:58
tsdgeosCimi: i hand edited my files13:58
tsdgeosit's what i always do :D13:58
mzanettidednick: false alarm. a merge with trunk does fix it indeed13:59
dednickmzanetti: cool13:59
kgunnmhall119: let's chat here...14:01
kgunnwhen was the last time you tried to open an app in unity8 on a simulated desktop ?14:02
mzanettidednick: approved14:03
mhall119kgunn: running it now14:04
kgunnmhall119: to answer your other query, we did actually have an old bp to do a mir emulator...mir on nux effectively14:05
mhall119kgunn: I can't get the launcher out with my mouse :(14:05
mzanettimhall119: run it with ./run instead of unity814:05
mzanettimhall119: if you've installed it into the system you won't have ./run. you can run it with "unity8 -mousetouch"14:06
kgunnmhall119: but the "mir emulator" task got "distracted" by xmir & then unity8 had a way to run on desktop...so...shelved it14:06
kgunnmhall119: yeah...-mousetouch at the very bottom of the instructions on that webpage i sent earlier14:07
mhall119kgunn: thanks, working now14:11
kgunnmhall119: cool...good to know14:11
mhall119kgunn: none of the apps display though14:12
kgunnmhall119: and following up to the earlier questions...we're feeling like best use of time wrt mir/desktop will be to put effort into rootless x this cycle...and hope to have a nice desktop preview of untiy8 on mir14:12
mhall119only black screens14:12
kgunnmhall119: you're so picky14:13
kgunnmhall119: can you navigate back to the shell ?14:13
larsuSaviq: hi! The system settings guys need simple dbus access from qml. Do we have anything like that?14:14
mzanettilarsu: no14:14
larsumzanetti: any plans?14:14
mzanettilarsu: don't think so14:14
larsuif not, I'd be up for spending some time on this14:14
mzanettilarsu: it's easier to just write a C++ plugin for the thing you need instead to fiddle with DBus arguments in QML14:14
larsumzanetti: totally agree, but that's not what I want14:15
larsuit should be a real object (component?) based on the introspection data14:15
seb128mzanetti, it would be very handy to be able to bind a qml property to a dbus one14:15
seb128mzanetti, like the battery % of the settings to upower corresponding value14:16
larsuarguments can then be matched precisely from whatever js gives us14:16
mzanettiseb128: sure... for simple stuff like integers and strings yes. but everything else will cause you bad headaches14:16
mzanettiI personally would vote for not opening that door and use it how it is meant to be used. but sure. nothing prevents you from creating sucha component14:17
seb128mzanetti, well, those are common enough that it would already be quite useful14:17
larsumzanetti: in what way? (also, most things in the system settings app are simple types)14:17
larsuis the problem that Qt doesn't support dynamic signals and Q_INVOKABLES?14:17
larsu(or does it?)14:17
mzanettilarsu: the problem is that you need to qDBusRegisterType for anything non-basic14:18
kgunnmhall119: how many apps display black ? all of them ?14:18
mzanettilarsu: and yes. dynamic signals/slots might be a problem too14:18
larsumzanetti: if you use QDBus...14:18
larsumzanetti: ya, that's what I thought :(14:18
mzanettilarsu: you need to somehow know the data type without Qt too14:19
larsumzanetti: would the qmetaobjectbuilder stuff help me? (yes, I know it's private api)14:19
mzanettilarsu: I don't really know that one... sorry14:19
larsuah okay14:19
larsuI'll have a look at that. Using some private API in a lib might be worth saving a couple of dozen plugins for simple dbus access14:20
mzanettilarsu: be prepared for bug reports about "dbus interface org.foo.bar doesn't work with QML plugin"14:20
larsutbh, I don't see the problem...14:21
mhall119kgunn: no, the browser and gallery which are still placeholders show something14:21
mhall119and some alls don't even try to launch14:21
mzanettimhall119: hmm... I think they should work if they are installed14:23
mhall119mzanetti: I have them installed as .debs from the PPAs14:23
dednickmzanetti: thanks14:23
mhall119not as click14:23
mzanettimhall119: that should be fine14:23
mzanettimhall119: ah no... we're using the fake appmanager on the desktop14:24
mzanettimhall119: yes, won't work14:24
kgunnmzanetti: could that change or is the app life cycle too tied up in mir ?14:25
mzanettikgunn: so far we have an app manager for SF and one for Mir14:26
mzanettiso maybe it would even work if running Mir on Desktop with unity8 and the unity-mir qpa14:27
mzanettibut I haven't tried. greyback might know14:27
kgunnmterry: ping (all this unity8 on desktop talk makes me think greeter on mir)14:27
mterrykgunn, you want a status update?14:28
kgunnmterry: basically...14:28
greybackkgunn: mzanetti: ultimately we'll use the same app manager on desktop/mobile, but it'll probably disable most app lifecycle stuff on desktop.14:28
mterrykgunn, I'm fixing some issues with switching between sessions with USC/lightdm.14:29
kgunngreyback: "disable"...because apps can be wasteful little piggies on desktop ?14:29
greybackkgunn: mzanetti: the main blocker for using it on desktop right now is indeed the Mir integration14:29
mterrykgunn, I'm thinking that landing the separate greeter should be two-phase: first phase is just landing the split, then later actually enable lock support14:30
kgunnmterry: greyback mzanetti ...right, just avoiding a request for "emulate mir" on nux...seems once greeter split gets done, we've got the ability to run a full unity8-mir on desktop (minus the legacy x support)14:30
greybackkgunn: we can have that conversation when we get there. I'm not decided if we want rigourous app lifecycle management when plugged into mains. But a laptop on battery...14:30
mzanettiI telly you... if my background apps are suspended on desktop too I'm off :D14:31
greybackmzanetti: I'm kinda of the same opinion, but at same time, there'd be times if I didn't notice, I wouldn't care...14:32
kgunngreyback: you'd care in a sense you're battery lasted longer :)14:33
greybackkgunn: yep, as long as it didn't impede functionality14:33
kgunnmterry: so, itd be split but basically "autologin"14:33
kgunnon first phase14:33
mterrykgunn, not autologin, but no password14:34
mterrykgunn, i.e. you'd see the greeter, but can't set a PIN14:34
mterrysame as today14:34
tsdgeosgreyback: like all the stuff i have on the background that i like running, like music player, irc client, email client, web browser, etc :D14:34
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kgunnmterry: got it14:34
kgunnmterry: i'm game...and i like the fact its broken apart from a risk perscpective14:35
mterrykgunn, what's broken?14:35
mterry"broken apart"14:35
kgunnmterry: :) split/divide/staged14:35
greybacktsdgeos: as I said, if I didn't notice, I wouldn't care :) And with all those, I'd notice if they were suspended. But LibreOffice? Totem? What if music player not playing? Just throwing ideas out there14:37
tsdgeosgreyback: so you want a little smart man inside unity that decides what and what can not be suspended14:39
tsdgeoslet's not build skynet just for that :D14:39
greybacktsdgeos: I'm just proposing that the idea is worth a conversation14:39
mzanettithat's going to be so much fun with stale file handles, dropped network connections, broken desktop effects14:40
greybackeven if it's a quick "that's a stupid idea Gerry, no"14:40
greybackmzanetti: you're being too practical, why not dream of what is possible! :)14:41
mzanettibecause I think it makes application development so much harder14:41
mzanettiwhich results in worse applications14:42
mzanettiand I don't think battery life would improve much. except for the case of misbehaving apps14:42
mzanettiand in turn I think we would have more misbehaving apps which probably wouldn't consume your battery, but would consume your nerves14:44
mzanettiwell, we had that already in depth :D14:44
greybacktrue. But how about phone/tablet apps on the desktop. They (should) behave with the app management stuff anyway.14:45
tsdgeoslol, the awful png but jpeg file is biting us too :D14:48
tsdgeosShell.qml:139:5: QML QQuickImage: Invalid image data: file:///usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png14:48
tsdgeoswill someone ever fix that?14:48
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greybacktsdgeos: that's an old one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+bug/29653814:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 296538 in unity-2d "warty-final-ubuntu.png is actually a JPEG file" [Undecided,In progress]14:56
tsdgeosCimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/panelOpenClose/+merge/19200014:56
tsdgeosgreyback: i know i know14:56
greybackyou can see I had to deal with it in unity2d :)14:56
tedggreyback, Is there anything you need in upstart-app-launch?15:10
tedggreyback, Besides actually firing the failed signal :-)15:10
greybacktedg: heh, yes that would be nice :)15:10
greybacktedg: question: if the OOM strikes an app launched by upstart-app-launch, does upstart consider that app dead?15:13
tedggreyback, Yeah, anything that removes the PID.15:13
greybacktedg: ok15:14
greybacktedg: only other thing I think I need is list of PIDs actually owned by the app. I think you only give me one PID, and I guess it's possible for an app to spawn a sub-app?15:15
greybacktedg: main example on top of my head is browser app, as it spawns a separate QtWebProcess15:15
tedggreyback, Yeah, we can't get it until upstart can use cgroups, but I think that's on the table for next release.  Need to verify.15:15
greybacktedg: ok cool, good to hear it. I guess we can use cgroups to suspend apps too, better than sending sigstop. Will upstart-app-launch offer that API?15:17
greybacki.e. a "upstart_app_launch_suspend(app_id)" method15:17
tedggreyback, Uhm, I hadn't planned on it.... I don't see why not.  That'd be nice for removing a callback.15:17
tedggreyback, I'll put it on the "Figure this out" list15:17
greybacktedg: ok. I'll admit it's me pushing more of the app management into upstart-app-launch itself, so if that's too much, let me know15:18
greybacktedg: also do you know, we plan to use the OOM as the primary app killer? Or is it a last-resort tool?15:19
tedggreyback, Yeah, I'm just not sure where Upstart is going to be there.  If it's cgroups is early that's different than being late in the cycle.15:19
tedggreyback, I haven't heard of any other.15:20
greybacktedg: ok15:20
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greybacktedg: one small subtle thing. The strings I'm passing into upstart-app-launch, it ok for them to be utf8? I'm assuming the app id may not be ascii. I wrong?15:21
tedggreyback, Yeah, I'd assume they're utf815:21
greybacktedg: great. Ok, that's all the questions I've got for you. Thanks! :)15:22
tedgPerhaps I should figure out some tests for that though, just to make sure.15:22
greyback+1, just in case15:22
Cimimterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/fix-123823215:26
mterryCimi, what's the attack there?15:27
Cimimterry, attack?15:27
mterryCimi, what's the bypass there?15:27
Cimimterry, dunno what you mean for bypass :)15:27
mterryCimi, oh, reading bug15:27
mterryCimi, it's in title of bug "can bypass lockscreen" but now I'm reading15:27
mterryI see15:28
mterryCimi, that might want a comment.  It's an obscure path to bug and the reason for denying the ShowHome request when power is off is not obvious in code15:29
om26ermterry, question: do you plan to have a version of deja dup for touch ?15:40
om26erhaving sms/contacts backup/restore feature will help15:40
kgunnmzanetti: curious...are you diving into right edge navigation proto ( i know we started chatting on friday....but wasn't sure where we left it)15:44
mzanettikgunn: yeah, I didn't start yet, but sure, I'm happy to take that part15:44
kgunnmzanetti: cool...i'd been pushing it off for the phone freeze....so now i just want to followup with design on it15:45
mzanettikgunn: ok. I'll start soon with that15:45
kgunnthey've been fairly patient, just want to follow up and treat them right15:46
mzanettikgunn: please let me know if there is any previous discussion on this to follow up. Otherwise I'll find the responsible designer and get it going15:46
mterryom26er, I've thought about it.  I wouldn't be opposed to it.  Just a matter of time15:48
kgunnmzanetti: nope that's about it...just look thru the spec attached to that bp...if you have questions, ping JohnLea15:49
om26ermterry, cool. I plan to write a simple backup/restore for my usecase i.e. sms and contacts.15:51
mterryom26er, using deja-dup or just a separate thing?15:53
om26ermterry, I have never written a real qml app so I'll keep it as test bed to get better grip of things, probably 'omer\s app' ;)15:55
om26erprobably something I won't even publish15:55
mterryom26er, yeah, I've done some qml development, but never an app from scratch.  That's part of what's kept me from tackling it15:56
fgintherom26er, the disable unity8 autolanding MP needs an update15:57
om26erfginther, pushed the fix15:57
om26erper your comment15:58
fgintherom26er, thanks15:59
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* greyback eod16:30
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kdubis there a faster way to build unity than on-device?17:41
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kgunnSaviq: you still on ?18:52
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bjsnideris there a way to detect if globalmenus are in use?19:05
Saviqkgunn, wassup?19:57
larsubjsnider: when com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar is on the bus (but apps can elect to circumvent having their menus shown there)19:57
larsuso... there seems to be no way to find out when a property on a remote object changes when using QDBusInterface19:58
larsuor am I missing something?19:58
larsualso, no way to do async?19:59
bjsniderlarsu, this is an issue for an app called gnome-mplayer, and the way it ic currently being dealt with is UBUNTU_MENUPROXY is read at app launch time20:00
bjsniderbut it's set no matter if unity is running or not20:00
larsubjsnider: ugh, that sounds wrong... why does this app need to know?20:03
larsudoes it only export a menu when on unity?20:03
bjsniderlarsu, it needs to know because of how the window size is calculated. since it's playing video it needs a precise window size and whatnot20:03
bjsniderso the best thing to do is to find a foolproof way to always know when globalmenus are being used and when they're not20:04
bjsniderit exports a menu if UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=120:05
bjsniderwhich it does in gnome-shell and everywhere else i think20:05
bjsniderso this isn't good enough20:05
larsubjsnider: this sounds very wrong... shouldn't the window size be calculated automatically?20:05
bjsniderthe window size is based on the presence of the menubar or lack of it20:06
bjsniderif it's exported the window size is different20:06
bjsniderand the size of the video goes into it20:06
larsuyes, but why do you set it explicitely instead of just setting a minimum size of the video widget20:06
bjsnideri'm just telling you how the developer is choosing to handle this20:07
bjsniderand the developer isn't me20:07
larsuI know. I'm telling you that this isn't a smart way to handle this20:07
kgunnSaviq: no worries...was just going to ask for approval on https://code.launchpad.net/~kgunn72/unity-mir/bump-mir-dep16/+merge/19155120:07
bjsniderlarsu, how would you handle it?20:07
larsubjsnider: set a minimimum size on the video widget and let gtk handle the rest20:07
larsubjsnider: alternatively, you could check for the size of the menu bar widget (which should be 0 when the menu is exported)20:08
Saviqkgunn, won't merge until Mir 0.0.16 is available, which it isn't yet https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir ?20:08
larsubut this only works if the application is not using GtkApplication20:08
bjsniderlarsu, part of the problem is the developer is not interested in using unity or ubuntu and is not as well-versed in how to handle the globalmenu issue20:09
kgunnSaviq: see rev 1445 at https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/trusty20:09
kgunnSaviq: so...lp:mir now points to that20:09
kgunnSaviq: but yeah...just want the approval so all the merges/daily build can all be triggered at the same time20:10
kgunnwas gonna bug gerry but he's eod (like a normal euro)20:10
larsubjsnider: he won't have to be if he uses GtkApplication. Does he?20:10
bjsnideri don't know20:11
bjsniderlarsu, https://code.google.com/p/gnome-mplayer/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fsrc20:12
larsubjsnider: sorry, I don't have the time to help out with this20:14
bjsniderwell, i will pass on your suggestions20:15
bjsnideri keep wondering how totem handles this20:16
bjsniderit should have the same problem20:17
Saviqkgunn, they can't be triggered at the same time - mir needs to get released first - then we can merge the new unity-mir dep20:30
Saviqkgunn, but, do we actually need the new dep? i.e. does unity-mir depend on something that's there in mir 0.0.16 but not in 0.0.15?20:31
Saviqkgunn, or do we just need a no-change rebuild of unity-mir (ABI break?)20:31
Saviqkgunn, as now unity-mir depends on mir >= 0.0.1520:31
Saviqkgunn, so 0.0.16 is fine - *if* unity-mir does not need something that's only there in mir 0.0.1620:32
kgunnSaviq lemme doubel check20:33
kgunnSaviq: yeah...we did20:38
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Saviqkgunn, we did... need a new dep? something new in mir since 0.0.15 that unity-mir uses?20:55
Saviqmterry, hey, some days ago "Light Display Manager" showed up as an entry on my login screen, that known/expected?20:59
kgunnSaviq: someone changed functions around in default_server_configuration.h20:59
kgunnlike right in the middle...so even the ordinals will be screwed21:00
mterrySaviq, as a session option?21:00
Saviqmterry, as a user21:00
Saviqkgunn, ok, so ABI break, but unity-mir does not care whether it's going to be 0.0.15 or 0.0.16 for the time being21:00
Saviqkgunn, so we need a no-change rebuild is all21:00
mterrySaviq, that is unexpected.  On your desktop machine?21:01
Saviqmterry, yes21:01
Saviqkgunn, granted, I'm not sure how to get one other than bumping the version anyway :)21:01
mterrySaviq, meaning that lightdm user is < 1000 uid?  That seems crazy21:01
Saviqmterry, 10521:01
Saviqso should be fine21:01
Saviq⟫ getent passwd | grep lightdm21:02
Saviqlightdm:x:105:110:Light Display Manager:/var/lib/lightdm:/bin/false21:02
mterrySaviq, what is your UID_MIN in /etc/login.defs?21:02
kgunnoh crap...gotta run grab the man-child21:02
mterryright, I meant > 1000 uid.  105 is a reasonable number21:02
Saviqmterry, 100021:02
Saviqmterry, it's consistently there, though (i.e. survived a reboot et al21:03
seb128Saviq, mterry: I've seen that bug as well, it's not happening every time, like one on ten times21:03
seb128and a vt switch fixes it for me the other day21:03
Saviqmterry, seb128 it also seems to be "arriving" late21:04
Saviqmterry, seb128, like it comes in asynchronously from somewhere?21:04
mterryseb128, Saviq: sounds odd...  only in trusty or also in saucy?21:04
Saviqi.e. I start typing my own password in... and then it gets screwed 'cause there's a new entry at the top21:04
Saviqmterry, started in saucy, now in trusty, too21:04
seb128mterry, saucy, I had it like 10 days ago, I mentioned to robert_ancell/send him a greeter log by then21:05
robert_ancellseb128, did you get a log?21:06
seb128robert_ancell, yes, I pastebined it to you before leaving the other day21:07
Saviq[+1,38s] DEBUG: User /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User105 added21:07
Saviq[+1,38s] DEBUG: user-list.vala:988: Adding/updating user lightdm (Light Display Manager)21:07
robert_ancellSaviq, is it still there, can you browse to that user on d-feet?\21:07
Saviqrobert_ancell, no21:08
robert_ancellhmm, so the question is is it accounts-service getting confused or does the entry in accounts service have a flag set we're ignoring21:09
robert_ancellas an aside, I think I just found the regression that might trigger it, but regardless a-s shouldn't create a user object unless it's a valid user21:09
robert_ancellSaviq, seb128, have you seen any pattern/trigger that causes this?21:11
robert_ancellI haven't seen it locally yet21:11
Saviqrobert_ancell, I think I saw that like every time I log in21:12
Saviqrobert_ancell, so nothing special21:12
seb128robert_ancell, no, but I've had cases of "loginctl list-users" listing "lightdm" as logged in even with no greeter21:12
seb128because indicator-session-service is still running21:13
* Saviq tries some things21:13
seb128and logind lists the session actives when there are still processes running21:13
robert_ancellseb128, the regression is that we don't tell logind that the greeter session is a greeter not a user session which is probably triggering it21:13
Saviqright, can't reproduce now21:15
Saviqbut it seems like it came in with the remote-login options last time I saw that (i.e. when network is connected)21:16
Saviqtedg, I *think* the TTS mentioned is text *to* speach, not the other way 'round21:26
tedgSaviq, Oops, misread.21:26
tedgHeh, someone should do that too :-)21:26
tedgThough, that one is a bit easier just for basic support.21:26
kgunnSaviq: refresh me...what does resize give us even in the fullscreen/opaque unity-mir on touch ? (animation transitions?)21:32
Saviqkgunn, ability to rotate the shell21:32
Saviqkgunn, since the panel changes place, app geometry changes21:33
kgunnSaviq: oh...just a little old rotation...simple :)21:33
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