
wrstmorning tenc11:47
tencmorning wrst11:54
wrsthow are you doing?12:10
tencGreat wrst, thanks, spent the weekend at a wedding in Nashville. That was a lot of fun. How about you? Back from your trip now?14:08
wrstyep we didn't really go on a trip, just a day trip for the little one14:13
tencNow I'm starting the upgrade process to 13.10.14:21
wrstugh :)14:26
wrstupgrades always scare me14:26
tencI should probably be scared but I try to go in to it optimistic. ;D14:29
wrstha ha I need to give 13.10 a spin14:53
Unit193wrst: Upgrades are easy, except for the little glitches. ;P15:36
wrstha ha Unit193 I am in constant upgrade ;)15:36
wrstoh and I got that kernel 1 day after you compiled it Unit193 :P15:36
Unit193Of course you did, I haven't even rebooted in to it yet. :D15:37
wrstha ha I did15:37
tencUpgrade successful.16:44
wrstcongrats tenc17:02
Unit193What upgrade glitches did you hit? :P17:07
wrstUnit193: I'm thinking about giving Ubuntu Gnome a try17:15
Unit193Pretty sure it's pretty basic so nothing that interesting for you, but feel free.17:16
wrstits gnome 3.8 but curious how they are doing things17:31
wrstI really wish they would have stayed the course with gnome17:31
tencUnit193: almost none so far. One small issue with the sound-indicator that was easy to fix, everything else was smooth.17:36
Unit193...You're on Unity right?17:36
tencHeck no. Xfce.17:52
tencWith compton, which I added recently to address screen tearing issues.17:53
tencUnit193: Holding off on the upgrade?17:54
Unit193tenc: Updated about 2 weeks before release on 2 or 3, only one on raring still.18:21
Unit193(Well, netbook too, but that's out of order right now. :P )18:22
Unit193tenc: And yeah, that'd be why you got the indicator problem.18:22
Unit193tenc: For what it's worth, you may get the Xfce GTK3 stack for indicators in backports.18:24

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