
=== ingo is now known as gaben
gabenhi, a very quick question06:55
gabenmy brightness controls stopped workin in 13.1006:55
gabenis xorg the right package to file a bug against?06:55
gabenthey worked fine ever since 12.0406:55
tjaaltonjust saw some bug about it06:57
tjaaltonoh you filed it06:58
tjaaltongaben: you could try an earlier nvidia driver06:59
gabenokay, i will try that07:00
gabenyes indeed it was me, just checking whether it was the right place to file it ;)07:00
tjaaltonit's fine07:02
gabenI can only find 304 and 319 in the saucy repos07:08
gabenis there a ppa for other driver versions?07:08
tjaaltondunno, but 304 should support your card07:11
gabenindeed, but i don't get all the performance fixes of later version07:28
tjaaltonit would confirm the bug is in the new driver..07:37
gabenI'll reboot now and try it out07:51
ingo304 works07:53
tjaaltoningo: there's also nvidia-319-updates which is a bugfix release that might work07:55
ingogood, i will try that one07:56
ingoactually i was using that one07:57
ingoDkmsStatus: nvidia-319-updates, 319.60, 3.11.0-12-generic, x86_64: installed nvidia-319-updates, 319.60, 3.8.0-31-generic, x86_64: installed07:58
ingofrom my log. if i'm not mistaken that means that that one was running, doesn't it?07:58
ingoIs there a way/or shoulld I inform NVIDIA of this?08:01
tjaaltonthere is nvidia-bug-report.sh or such08:17
tjaaltona script you could run to report it to nvidia08:17
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bjsnideri don't know how much longer they'll bother with 319, and there's a beta driver13:03
tseliotbjsnider: what's your point?13:23
bjsnideri wonder if the issue is already fixed in the beta13:23
tjaaltonyeah I thought about that too13:24
tseliotwhat issue?13:25
tjaaltonbug 124174513:25
ubottubug 1241745 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-319 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Changing the screen brightness does not work anymore in 319.xx" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124174513:25
tseliotoh, I'm wondering if something changed in the kernel but then why would 304 still work?13:27
tseliotI've just subscribed NVIDIA, just in case...13:29
bjsnideris there a safe way for that guy to test the beta?13:31
tseliotbjsnider: I have a package he could test13:34
bjsnidertseliot, he's in here, ingo13:35
tseliotingo: if you want to test the latest driver, you can remove the driver that you're currently using and install the following http://people.canonical.com/~amilone/nvidia-331-updates_331.13-0ubuntu0.0.1_amd64.deb13:36
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SunPoweredWhat is the proper method of assigning which graphics card X outputs to?  I installed a new NVIDIA GeForce GT 620 card to a board with integrated Intel graphics.  I downloaded and ran the latest NVIDIA driver for my system (304.108).  It created a new xorg.conf file, and the installation appeared to go ok.  Upon restarting the computer, the output is still to the old integrated DVI port.  With `lspci -C video` I see the new card a21:03
SunPoweredttached to physical id: 0.  Using a suggestion from a Wiki article, I added `Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP"` to the Screen section in the xorg.conf file.  I appear to have extended my knowledge of this.  Any tips or articles I should know? 21:03
bjsniderSunPowered, why not just disable the intel chip in the bios21:11
SunPoweredgood idea, didn't think about the BIOS.  I'll give it a whirl21:13
SunPoweredbingo.  Thanks bjsnider.  Learned something today21:18
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