
=== space is now known as space_
Kiloshi nlsthzn and others05:58
* Kilos sees the fly is missing05:58
Kilosoh my05:58
Kiloshi Xethron 06:09
ThatGraemeGuymornings :)06:18
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:18
Kilosoh ya smileys for the week06:18
Kilos:) :-) 06:19
Kiloshi bduk1 06:24
bduk1Good morning Kilos and everyone from a nice and wet Cullinan06:27
Kiloswonderful hey?06:27
bduk1Lovely, everytunig clean and fresh06:28
Kilosits good and clean and fresh tralala06:28
bduk1Shuut Listen i hear something......06:28
bduk1Nope the grass is growing and calling the lawnmowers07:03
inetprogood mornings07:06
Maazinetpro: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell inetpro on freenode. Im waiting for the answer to what -f does with fsck when you get online again please" 12 hours, 38 minutes and 45 seconds ago07:06
inetprooh and hi Kilos07:06
inetproKilos: where did you get the -f07:06
Kilosfrom the crash kid when i couldnt fix my external way back then and it works like a charm07:07
Kilosoh ya morning inetpro 07:07
Kiloshave used it from 10.10 to fix later versions that dont boot either07:08
Kilosits one of the few commands that have stuck in the noggin07:10
inetproKilos: Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean07:12
Kilosah ty07:12
inetproif you run 'fsck -h' it tells you07:12
Kiloswhere did you find that info?07:12
Kilosgracias amigo07:12
inetprono problemos07:12
nlsthznman fsck07:15
Kilosits not in mine07:15
Kilosive looked at man a few times to see if i didnt miss it07:16
* Kilos hates man. its written for clever peeps07:16
nlsthznbut it typically shows all the flags with an explanation...07:21
Kilosmine doesnt show -f at all in unity or 10.1007:22
Kilosin 10.10 here now even fsck -h dont show it07:22
Kilosoh it says invalid option -h07:24
nlsthzntry --h or --help07:31
Kilosnope but never mind i know now it means force07:33
Kiloswithout that i would have done double the number of reinstalls hehe07:36
Kiloshi Squirm  lekker wet?08:34
Kiloswe had 30mm08:35
Kilosyou guys get that daily08:36
Squirmvery much so08:36
Squirmsun came out for a few hours, now it's becoming overcast and the temp is dropping08:36
Squirmaccording to our station we had 25mm, but I've been told that the rain catcher doesn't work very well08:36
SquirmMaaz: weather for Mooi River08:37
MaazSquirm: City not found08:37
Kilosgotta be out in a nice open area with no trees or buildings close08:37
SquirmMaaz: weather for Treverton Schools08:38
SquirmKilos: it's on top of a chimney, away from anything08:38
MaazSquirm: City not found08:38
Kilosmaybe its that site not sharing or adding mooiriver as a city08:38
Squirmit is though08:38
Kilosyeah but not sharing08:39
Kilosonly letting you see it08:39
SquirmI can't find any more options08:39
Kilosis that the link the bots use?08:40
Kilosnot wund.com08:40
Squirmsame thing08:47
SquirmMaaz: weather for MooiRiver08:50
MaazSquirm: City not found08:50
SquirmMaaz: weather for MooiRivier08:50
MaazSquirm: I'm not feeling too well08:50
Kilosfind a forums or something there and ask one of their geeks to sort it08:51
Squirmso, I did location searches on wudnerground08:51
Squirmmooi river says city not found08:51
Squirmmooirivier however, finds the data08:51
Squirmand it's the only one Maaz doesn't like08:52
SquirmMaaz: weather for MooiRivier08:52
MaazSquirm: I'm not feeling too well08:52
Squirmit works there08:52
Squirmnot "City not found"08:53
Squirmit's still wrong08:53
KilosQA, weather in MooiRivier08:54
Squirmmay I should change my weather stations location from Mooi River to Mooirivier08:54
Kilosyeah and no capitals08:54
KilosQA, hi08:54
QAKilos: In Estcourt, South Africa at 8:00 AM SAST on October 21, 2013: 17°C; Humidity: 59%; Wind: WSW at 4 km/h; Conditions: Partly Cloudy; Sunrise/set: 5:16 AM SAST/6:13 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 8:39 PM SAST/6:48 AM SAST08:54
QAhoe gaan dit08:54
Kilosshe finds estcourt as close by08:55
Squirmthat's why I think Mooi River != Mooirivier08:55
Kilosthats half afrikaans08:56
Kilosrivier should be river08:56
Kiloshi psyatw 08:56
psyatwhi Kilos08:57
Kilosnlsthzn, with ntfsprogs installed running fsck should then check ntfs drives and partitions without running ntfsfix separately wont it\09:43
Kilosntfsfix is in ntfsprogs i read09:44
Squirmwhat happened to mirror.ac.za?09:46
Kilosask Maaz  if its down09:47
Kiloswhats the link?09:47
Squirmit is down09:47
SquirmMaaz: is mirror.ac.za down09:48
MaazSquirm: Yes, http://mirror.ac.za/ is down (No DNS A/CNAME-records for that domain)09:48
Kiloswhew then they gotta fix it09:48
KilosSymmetria, wake them up09:48
Kiloswb superfly 09:48
Kilosand morning09:48
SquirmKilos: that to me, means the subdomain has been removed09:48
Kilosmaybe updating or something. i dunno about them things09:49
superflyThanks. Dunno what happened there... my server just was no longer responding09:50
SquirmMaaz: is www.mirror.ac.za down09:50
MaazSquirm: No, it's just you09:50
Squirmthat seems to work09:51
* Squirm shrugs09:51
Kilosthey maybe rebooted because of power out or something09:51
Squirmwww.mirror.ac.za works but mirror.ac.za doesn't09:52
SquirmI'm sure it used to though09:52
KilosMaaz, google mirror.ac.za09:52
MaazKilos: "mirror.ac.za - Brought to you by TENET" http://www.mirror.ac.za/ :: "Welcome to the UFS mirror - University of the Free State" http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/ :: "Mirrors | UCT LEG" http://www.leg.uct.ac.za/mirrors :: "Ubuntu Mirror | UCT LEG" http://www.leg.uct.ac.za/mirrors/linux/ubuntu :: "Fedora Mirror | UCT LEG" http://www.leg.uct.ac.za/fedora-mirror :: "UCT09:52
MaazLinux Enthusiasts Group" http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ :: "UCT LEG | The University of Cape T…09:52
nlsthznKilos, why you speak geek... I have no idea09:57
Kilosi thought it was you that told me to try ntfsfix09:59
Kilosi forget who it was and am on maverick so dont see scrollbacks10:01
Kilosi find openoffice.org  word processor thing slightly easier to use than libreoffice writer10:02
Kilosthings are too modern for me10:03
nlsthzncan't see why... the new libre office is AWESOME10:09
Kilosya but too clever for me man10:10
Kilosmind you i will try it again10:10
Kilostrying to find how to make a book cover10:10
Kilosoh it was charl that told me about ntfsfix10:11
nlsthznthere shoudln't be that much of a difference between OO and LO for what you want to do... 10:14
Kilosmaybe its because im just starting out for first time, so need to learn first. scribus and LO and OO is too much to get in at once. gotta go the one step at a time route10:16
Kilosdidnt ever think id use any office stuffs10:17
nlsthznalways something new to learn :) and get frustrated with 10:23
inetproKilos: there must be very very few differences between OO and LO10:30
inetprono point in wasting your bandwidth on downloading OO10:30
Kilosi have it in maverick inetpro 10:30
Kilosi still love the maverick10:31
inetproahh, that's old man10:31
Kilosya ma me too10:31
inetproLO just got better10:31
inetpronot more difficult10:31
nlsthznLO 4 is super fast too10:34
Kiloshmm... bit of rain killed my tower10:38
inetproKilos: 21/10 12:34:03 <nlsthzn> LO 4 is super fast too10:38
inetproKilos: did you see that ^?10:38
Kilosfast isnt the thing here inetpro 10:38
nlsthznfast and the same >.>10:39
nlsthznand fast10:39
Squirmit rained again10:39
Squirmor is still raining10:39
Kilosill go try LO again10:39
Kiloson and off with the odd bit of thunder10:39
Kilosaw signal shows red again10:40
nlsthznhere we have had sand with a high likelyhood of more sand10:40
Kilosemergencies only10:41
Kiloslol at nlsthzn 10:41
Kilosyou lucky its not same as wet rain then when we get hail you would get bricks10:42
nlsthznno, we get mud10:42
Kilosok i go back to libreoffice, wbb10:43
KilosMaaz, whats for lunch10:43
MaazGoats cheese on crackers and a bowl of salad for you fat people10:43
* Kilos came again back10:49
KilosLO looks a bit easier now i found some stuff on OO11:08
Kilosone step at a time11:08
nlsthznwhich version of LO?11:09
Kilosoh my11:09
Kiloswho knows11:09
Kilosthe version with 12.0411:09
Kilosletter fax agenda grrr where is the book option11:11
nlsthznwhat are you trying to do uncle Kilos ?11:13
Kiloswrite a book11:13
Kilosthey should make things simple, like with a next page button11:17
Kilostoo involved with buttons and bullets and snaakse stuff11:18
Kiloslike to add a page its insert manual break. why not add a page11:27
nlsthznfirst you write the book... and later you worry about formatting ;)11:28
Kilosi go eat pap and stew with chilli sauce on top11:34
charl_good afternoon11:51
charl_Maaz: coffee on11:51
* Maaz puts the kettle on11:51
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!11:55
charl_Maaz: thanks11:55
Maazcharl_: No problem11:55
Kiloshi charl_ 11:57
charl_hi Kilos 12:01
charl_how's it going12:01
Kilosgood ty and you?12:01
Kilosah nlsthzn it be clever. if you hold enter after finished typing in one page it automatically makes more12:06
charl_i'm good thanks12:06
Kilosi asked poor neelsie something i shoulda asked you charl_ 12:07
Kilosi go find it12:07
Kilosaw on the wrong drive12:07
Kilosits was12:07
inetproKilos: 21/10 13:28:20 <nlsthzn> first you write the book... and later you worry about formatting ;)12:08
* inetpro agrees with nlsthzn12:08
Kiloswill running fsck do the ntfsfix automatically if you have ntfsprogs installed?12:08
Kiloswrite it where inetpro ?12:08
Kilosim doing it with gedit atm12:09
charl_hi inetpro 12:09
charl_hi liamT 12:09
Kilosthen copy paste12:09
Kiloshi liamT 12:09
inetproKilos: just write your words and sentences as they come in one long page12:09
Kilosoh my12:09
liamThey chaps12:09
Kilosthat could maybe make things easier ya12:10
Kilosty guys12:10
inetpros/word and sentences/words, sentences and paragraphs/12:10
Kiloslike my blog of old inetpro ?12:10
inetproKilos: exactly12:10
Kilosnou reen dit lekker12:10
inetprobut Kilos, if you think about adding too many images then you may want to reconsider using something like scribe12:11
Kilosno i only want an image on the cover12:12
Kilosstill gotta find how to make a cover12:12
inetprostart with just the text and worry about image later12:12
Kiloswill do ty12:12
Kilosyo zerlgi 12:12
zerlgiyo Kilos12:13
Kilosi still see formatting as wiping a win drive12:13
nlsthzninstall focuswriter uncle Kilos ... it is made for people wanting to write books without distraction... 12:23
Kiloshmm... more to learn12:24
Kilosfull screen so no launcher app switcher in view12:34
Kilosthats frighening12:36
zerlgi[alt + tab]12:36
nlsthznmouse up and menu appears12:38
Kilosalt+tab dont work12:39
Kilosbut that mouse up helps so i can close it12:40
Kilosor must you do the alt+tab inside the brackets12:41
nlsthznalt tab should work if there is another application open ;)12:47
Kilosdidnt. i got pidgin xchat and LO open12:48
nlsthznthat is odd then12:48
Kilosi dont think ive ever managed to get it to work here12:49
Kilosnot serious im getting LO working slowly12:49
inetproKilos: what do you mean with "alt+tab dont work"?12:51
Kilosi run that focus thing and got white screen to type in but only when i found moving mouse up opened the top panel toolbar thing alt tab didnt go to other apps12:53
Kilosdont work was written in plain english12:53
Kilospage just stayed white12:54
Kilosmaybe in its settings i can make it not use full screen , will check that out12:55
Kilosthere thats better12:56
inetproKilos: hold down the alt key and press tab multiple times12:56
inetproKilos: you never use that?12:57
Kilosalt tab brought up a tiny window shownig pidgin and a red X but disappeared before i could do anything12:57
Kilosfocus works fine now the full screen is unticked in settings12:58
Kilosfull page but still see launcher and top panel12:59
inetprothe point of it is to focus only on writing12:59
Kilosno man13:00
Kiloswriting requires thinking and thats makes headaches13:00
Kilosso good to think its bursts13:00
nlsthznuncle Kilos fails at focuswriter :p13:17
Kilosnope man it works now13:17
* nlsthzn will be using it in November for the NaNoWriMo13:18
Kilosbtw i watched a program on the idiot bot last night about steve jobs13:18
charl_the idiot bot, is that the tv?13:38
charl_hi nlsthzn 13:38
Kilosidiot box sorry13:46
Kilosya tv13:46
inetproKilos: how's the weather?14:15
Kilossun shining but thunder over the mountain14:15
* inetpro seeing alerts about a massive storm coming from the north14:15
Kilosthere where you stay i thinkd or maybe a bit west14:16
Kilosyeah thats where its thundering14:16
inetprohope my mealies can be spared from the forecasted hail14:17
Kilosnever mind if it hails they grow agan and the extra nitrogen makes them even better14:18
Kiloshail is magic water unless it knocks peaches off the trees14:19
inetproeish man!14:19
inetprowill have to wait and see14:20
Kilosyeah we cant control the weather14:21
Kilosyou can also quickly insure your mealies with centraoes14:21
Kilosthen after hail they pay and mealies grow again anyway14:22
Kilosso pays double14:22
charl_inetpro: you have a farm?14:37
inetprocharl_: just a small plot 14:38
charl_cool, growing you own food is nice14:39
inetprogives me a bit of a farmers feel in a big city14:40
charl_you live on the plot too?14:40
Kilosstill time now inetpro you can plant sweetcorn as well14:40
charl_that sounds awesome, having a small farm in your back yard14:40
inetproKilos: yep I should plant more now that the rain has started14:41
* nlsthzn goes home14:41
charl_ciao nlsthzn 14:41
Kilosbut things dont grow lekker here too many bugs and cutworms and things14:41
Kilostoods nlsthzn 14:41
Kilosinetpro, het jy nat gekry. dit reen nou weer hier17:06
inetproKilos: nope, het tuis geland met slegs 'n paar druppels op die visor17:06
inetproen die hael het gelukkig weggebly hier17:07
Kilosmooi ook17:07
Kilosdit sous hier nou17:07
Kilos34mm so ver van dit gister begin het17:07
inetproja ek hoor die gerol van die donderweer in die verte17:07
Kilosgras gaan nou soos bossies groei17:08
inetproons het maar sowat 23mm gehad vanaf Saterdag17:08
inetpromaar dit sal ook baie help 17:08
inetproKilos: ai!17:43
inetproKilos: jy't al die waters vir jouself gevat?17:44
Kiloshahaha dankie man18:13
Kilosgewoonlik kry jy twee keer so veel as ons18:13
Kilosim sure mage didnt even come online the weekend18:14
Kilosinetpro, ons het skape om te voer man18:15
Kiloso ja wat gebeiur met jou hoenders en die ape18:16
Kiloshi Squirm 18:42
inetproKilos: die hoenders is darem weer rustig18:44
inetprotwee henne met sowat 12 kuikens elk18:44
Kilosapie weg inetpro ?18:44
inetproweet nie wat van hom geword het nie18:44
Kilosjy boer weer vorentoe18:44
Kilosiemand het hom seker gepot18:45
Kiloslyk of reen klaar is nou hier18:45
inetprowow, nou eers?18:46
Kilosgoed geval net nou18:46
Kilosja dit moet nou naby 40mm wees18:46
inetproons het maar 'n paar druppeltjies gehad vanaand18:46
Kilossal more kyk18:46
Kilosai! shame man18:46
inetpronog donderweer?19:02
Kilosinetpro, hier begin dit weer storm19:03
Kiloshet jy gehoor?19:03
Kilosdit reen weer saggies19:03
inetprointeressante weer19:03
inetprobaie koel vanaand19:04
Kiloskoud more 24°c19:04
inetpro24 is lekker19:05
Kilosnee man 34 is lekker19:07
inetprosjoe, nee dis te warm19:08
Kilosnou sous dit weer19:09
inetprohmm... steeds niks hier19:11
Kilosdit moet nog daar val vanaand19:11
Kiloskannie net hier reen nie19:12
inetprohoop maar dit kom nog19:12
Kilosklaar nou19:21
inetproKilos: hier kom hy nou19:30
Kilossleep tight all of you19:32
Kilossee you tomorrow19:32
inetprogood night Kilos19:33
Kilosnight my friend19:33

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