
dominic_i have a problem on ubuntu 13.10 with my usb memory stick00:00
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everaldhitsujiTMO, how do I do that?00:01
wafflejock_dominic_: go on00:01
hitsujiTMOeverald: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles00:01
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dominic_i transfer my movie on the stick but my tv doesnt see it never ever have problem with it before00:02
* justaguy just configured a mail server using this tut https://library.linode.com/email/postfix/dovecot-mysql-debian-6-squeeze?format=print00:02
justaguybut i have no idea how to make my thunderbird work with that \o/00:02
justaguyAnyone knows how?00:02
g2kheres what i tried: find /home/g2k /Music -iname "*.mp3" | xargs -0 mv -t  /home/g2k/Desktop/Newf00:03
wilee-nileepero: I would look through here. http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/gmail00:03
g2kbut it didnt move/copy them and it said filename too long00:04
hitsujiTMOjustaguy: from looking at that link it may not work for you. port 25 is blocked almost all isps00:04
justaguyi'm hosting it on my VPS00:05
justaguywho surely doesn't have it blocked00:05
pero  find /home/g2k/Music -name "*.mp3" -exec mv {} /home/g2k/Desktop/newf \;00:05
perog2k, just read the second link i pasted00:05
AnonynimityHeylo. I upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10. I am getting a blue desktop. Any ideas on how I can get unity to function normally again?00:05
wilee-nileedominic_: what is the movie format?00:06
justaguyhitsujiTMO: with port 25 blocked do you mean @ my server where the mailserv is hosted on on my home PC00:06
hitsujiTMOjustaguy: https://library.linode.com/email/postfix/dovecot-mysql-debian-6-squeeze?format=print#sph_testing-postfix  requires you to connect to port 2500:06
hitsujiTMOjustaguy: no, port 25 is usually blocked for outgoing connections to prevent spambots ... they usually only open it for their own smtp server only00:07
wilee-nileedominic_: the tv sees mp4's usually? could it be corrupted?00:07
dominic_it works in my computer00:07
wafflejock_justaguy: yeah think Comcast blocks this I believe you can call and have them remove the block forget what they call it, SMTP passthrough or something00:07
perowilee-nilee, nothing - i'm trying in #ubuntu-unity00:07
justaguyi did mailx myownmail@gmail.com on my server and i recieved the mail in my gmail inbox00:08
justaguyserver is in a datacenter btw00:08
wafflejock_justaguy: I'm using AWS for hosting some stuff00:08
wafflejock_ah right00:08
justaguyi'm not an comcast customer, i'm a telenet customer (belgium)00:08
wafflejock_justaguy: I'm a belgian (half) but in Chicago00:08
hitsujiTMOjustaguy: yes, the issue is nothing to do with your vps, its your isp. 99.9% of ISPs block port 25 for outgoing connections00:09
wafflejock_I just hear ISPs in general block it, but since you've got the same type of cloud/data center based setup you're good00:09
justaguyokay hitsujiTMO thanks for your help!00:09
dominic_i found the problem the names file was .mp4.part i removed the last part and it works00:09
wilee-nileedominic_: use nicks here, you can tab complete them. Something is up, it working on the computer does not mean the tv will see it is all.00:10
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wilee-nileedominic_: cool gj00:11
g2kpero,I tried it without the semicolon at the end and it seemed to work...yayfor me...lol00:11
hitsujiTMOdominic_: a .part file is a partially downloaded file ... you may be missing some of the content00:11
dominic_hitsujiTMO, thanks00:11
dominic_wilee-nilee, thanks00:12
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest25176
g2kok i think that worked for me.00:12
StravHe. Can anyone tell me why when I try to install wine on ubuntu 13.10, it needs to remove 98% of my system?00:12
Guest25176Has anyome got flash to work in 12.04??00:13
g2kthank you pero.00:13
wilee-nileeStrav: you fully updated, no funky repos?00:13
g2kGuest25176, i have00:13
wafflejock_Guest25176: on 13.04 now but Flash hasn't generally been an issue can you describe the problem00:14
g2kpero, i did have to remove the semicolon at the end, i dont know why.00:15
Stravwilee-nilee: yes00:15
Stravwilee-nilee: no active ppas atm.00:15
hitsujiTMOstrav: what exact way are you installing wine?00:16
wilee-nileeStrav: can you run that install command and paste in what you are seeing?00:16
StravhitsujiTMO: via apt-get (because it failed, I'm now trying wine 1.7 from the ppa)00:17
Stravwilee-nilee: just a sec, a removed a bunch of packages just to pin point what would the real conflict be00:17
Richhhtrying to install ubuntu on an old machine currently running XP, burned an ubuntu iso to dvd, opens fine on this win8 machine, appears blank on the xp machine, on bootup on the xp machine it says boot from DVD: but i cant press anything because the keyboard is USB00:18
Richhhdont think its capable of booting from pen drives either00:18
g2kpero, are you running xubuntu 12.04 by any chance?00:18
wafflejock_Richhh: USB keyboard shouldn't be an issue00:18
Richhhwell i tried enter, nothing happened00:19
hitsujiTMORichhh: is there a legacy usb option in your bios?00:19
Richhhis it another key?00:19
Richhhi will have to check00:19
wafflejock_Richhh: nope enter will do it, or arrows, +1 hitsujiTMO00:19
croniksofthello everyone00:19
Richhhno response from pressing enter, it waited and then just went into xp00:19
g2kpero, oh, thats too bad i wanted to update xfce to the latest version00:20
Richhhi remember this issue before, usb keyboards not working during bootup00:20
Richhhdont have any ps2 keyboards here00:20
wafflejock_Richhh: it happens on occasion, try a different port too00:20
wafflejock_it's not been a common issue for me though and I've been on USB and lots of RF wireless stuff for a while00:20
wafflejock_the wireless stuff can be difficult but still works00:21
wilee-nileeRichhh: are you sure Ubuntu is even a good choice hardware wise, you might try lubuntu or xubuntu, might be a pae kernel problem.00:21
hitsujiTMOrichhh turning on legacy usb usually presents usb keyboards as ps2 keyboards on some systems for such a problem00:21
wilee-nileeRichhh: a net install might be worth a try00:22
croniksoftRichhh, what is the model ?00:23
croniksoftsorry if you already answer that question but i just join00:23
g2kdoes anyone here run xubuntu 12.04?00:24
croniksoftg2k, ask the question and see if someone can help00:25
wilee-nileeg2k: just state rhe issue00:25
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g2kissue 1) how to find out what version of xfce im running00:26
help_mehello. I upgraded ubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10.00:26
sam113101I hate 13.1000:26
help_meI'm wondering why my entire desktop is blue.00:27
wilee-nilee!ot | sam11310100:27
ubottusam113101: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:27
help_mecould someone please help me fix this?00:27
wafflejock_help_me: details00:27
hitsujiTMO!details help_me00:27
wilee-nileesam113101:  no one cares this is support00:27
sam113101you guys have failed to help me00:27
help_meI did a sudo apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade, then a sudo do-release upgrade00:27
sam113101multiple times00:28
croniksofthelp_me, http://askubuntu.com/questions/204744/12-10-blue-screen-desktop-bars-do-not-load00:28
help_meafter going through the do-release upgrade, I selected the defaults for everything (N), and I don't have a desktop00:28
croniksofteasy way out is to reinstall the desktop package, that will rerun all the config00:28
wilee-nileesam113101: help yourself don't blame others.00:28
Richhhi changed all the boot devices to CDROM/DVD and it still didnt boot, same thing, said boot from CD/DVD:  i pressed enter, nothing, eventually it booted xp, the BIOS supports booting from USB-FDD USB-ZIP, USB-CDROM, USB-HDD - apparently not USB pen drive00:28
coolstarsam113101: what issues are you having with 13.10?00:29
sam113101wilee-nilee: what does it even mean00:29
Richhhunless thats USB-HDD00:29
Richhhbut it isnt00:29
help_meI've read that croniksoft, I am unable to fix it using that tutorial.00:29
sam113101coolstar: Nothing works correctly until I log out and log back in00:29
aaron_Can anyone tell me why this file is blank if I open through terminal? I enter sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and the page is blank. I can go to through the file manager and it opens with the contents but its read only00:29
help_mehow do I re-install the desktop croniksoft?00:30
wilee-nileeRichhh: there is a per-session boot not in the bios, find the key press to bring it up.00:30
help_meI re-installed the unity-desktop package,00:30
coolstarsam113101: ah, that's most likely an issue with Unity00:30
help_mebut that didn't help00:30
coolstarsam113101: you could try out an alternate DE and see how it works out for you (like KDE or Xfce)00:30
croniksofthelp_me, run : "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop" from cli00:30
sam113101coolstar: and where am I supposed to get help with unity?00:30
help_mectl-alt-f1 @ croniksoft?00:30
coolstarsam113101: here. Unity is Ubuntu's DE00:30
wilee-nileehelp_me: is that even in the repos?00:30
help_meit is.00:30
wafflejock_ah right Rich00:31
coolstarsam113101: KDE and Xfce are in Kubuntu and Xubuntu respectively00:31
help_meok... be back soon (I hope)00:31
wafflejock_Richhh: if you don't see the grub menu it's just not seeing the CD as bootable00:31
sam113101coolstar: I don't really want to use something else00:31
croniksofthelp_me, yea, that will drop you to  shell00:31
coolstarI personally quite like using KDE (switched when 11.04 was released)00:31
sam113101unity was alright on ubuntu 13.0400:31
sam113101but they broke it00:31
croniksofttry pinging google.com just to make sure you have internet00:31
wilee-nilee!find croniksoft00:31
ubottuPackage/file croniksoft does not exist in saucy00:31
coolstarsam113101: then downgrade and wait for 14.04?00:31
wilee-nileehelp_me: what repo, not saucies?00:32
croniksoft!find ubuntu-desktop00:32
ubottuFound: ubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop00:32
Ari-Yangsam113101: or upgrade to 13.1000:32
croniksoft!find ubuntu-desktop00:32
sam113101Ari-Yang: I'm on it00:32
sam113101and it's buggy00:32
wilee-nileehe a user nick doh00:32
wafflejock_sam113101: it's been out for 3 days right, how long were XBox 360s buggy for? If you upgrade relatively early you have to kind of expect some problems00:33
help_methat didn't help at all00:33
help_meI still have a blue desktop screen00:34
g2kok guys, thanks for the help. ttyl8r :)00:34
sam113101wafflejock_: never had one00:34
OerHekssam113101, did you upgrade an EC2 amazon cloud image ?00:34
wafflejock_sam113101: good decision00:34
Richhhhaving trouble finding the per session boot key prompt, apparently its not f1200:34
sam113101OerHeks: NO?00:34
wafflejock_Richhh: maybe F10 or F9 or Del it varies00:35
hitsujiTMORichhh: or esc00:35
OerHekssam113101, because you are connected now tru amazon ec200:35
frewis there a way to find out what pacakges are at fault when I get the "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade." error from do-release-upgrade ?00:35
sam113101OerHeks: my bouncer is there, and it's running ubuntu too00:35
Guest31334is fstab file present in live cd ?00:37
aaron_anyone have any ideas for a built in laptop mic that is not working. I have ran through some basic ts that I have found online. Mic is not muted. I cant change the alsa-base.conf Anything else to look @?00:39
sam113101coolstar: where can I get ubuntu 13.04?00:41
ZiberSo, having trouble with natural scrolling on 13.10... Any suggestions for getting it to work with my trackpad, but not my mouse?00:41
hitsujiTMOsam113101: http://releases.ubuntu.com/raring/00:41
aaron_sam113101, what are you running right now?00:42
jetroI just mounted an iso (virtually). However, I can't seem to cd into the "cd", I can't find it any where. Do I have to change the mount point?00:42
sam113101aaron_: 13.1000:42
hitsujiTMOjetro: how exactly did you mount the cd?00:43
aaron_sam113101, oh, i dont know how to revert other than downloading/installing 13.04 on top of the current00:43
uroyanmei am not sure00:44
sam113101that's what I'm going to end up doing00:44
jetrohitsujiTMO, I downloaded an iso file, and it came with a bash script for mounting the cd00:45
aaron_so anyone have any ideas on the mic issue?00:45
hitsujiTMOjetro: open the bash script with an editor to find the mount point00:45
wyldeor perhaps type 'mount' in a terminal ;)00:46
jetrohitsujiTMO, ahhh got it, I see it now, thanks!00:46
uvinso just have i changed the ubuntu.vdi into ubuntu1.vdi in virtualbox, ubuntu boots and acts very slowly, i have defraged the HDD, no fix, any ideas00:48
sam113101ubuntu 13.04 best ubuntu00:48
sam113101don't know why it's not LTS00:48
RichhhhitsujiTMO wafflejock_  still no luck, tried all f keys, del (goes to vanilla bios options), mashing every key00:49
uvinhello helps me00:49
wafflejock_Richhh: well honestly since it says it's checking the CD I think it's just not seeing it as bootable...00:49
wafflejock_Richhh: not sure why that would be though00:50
uvinplease someone help me00:50
hitsujiTMO!patience | uvin00:50
ubottuuvin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/00:50
wafflejock_uvin: how is it slow? visually slow, using htop or system monitor give any clues?00:50
wafflejock_uvin: if you suspect HDD activity iotop may help to find the offending process00:51
OerHeksuvin .. defragged ? is that vdi on an NTFS partition?00:51
wafflejock_uvin: you can also use kdirstat to see a nice breakdown of your disk usage possibly something buggy writing to a log or something http://kdirstat.sourceforge.net/00:52
yowlI can't log into ubuntu, it gives me a error about power management configurations being incorrect. I had another weird error before this. Can someone please help00:52
uvinit boots slowly showing a black screen for 30 seconds or so then it boots, then i hear the login sound first, after one second i see the login screen, it s usually like the other way around , first see screen then sound,00:53
wafflejock_Richhh: if you see checking CD/DVD after that you should get the Menu if not and it goes right to windows it doesn't see the CD/DVD as bootable, if you get to the menu and can't use the keyboard it'll be another issue00:53
hitsujiTMOuvin, what processor do you have?00:54
uvinand after i input pass, the desktop is showing slowly, waiting several seconds, i see it showing00:54
Patero-nghow can I check how much free space I have on my ubuntu? I check the tmp folder free space and it says 4gb but that shows even if the disk is about empty I'm running live version...00:54
uvini3 210000:55
aaron_I dont know if this matters or helps anything....but why is that when im in the alsamixer that my function keys work outside the mixer? They dont affect the mixer itself?00:55
wafflejock_Patero-ng: http://kdirstat.sourceforge.net/ <- this is nice00:55
hitsujiTMOhow much ram uvin?00:55
wafflejock_df -h00:55
Romanceis it possible for nautilus to show the found files while still searching?00:55
Richhhok wafflejock_, i just recall the 'boot from CDROM/DVD:' being a prompt that you had to confirm with enter, and it seems not to respond to that00:56
yowlI can't log into ubuntu, it gives me a error about power management configurations being incorrect. I had another weird error before this. Can someone please help00:56
wafflejock_Richhh: with windows it has that prompt I don't think so for Linux I think that's just your BIOS message00:56
hitsujiTMOuvin, you do not have enough ram to be running virtual machines00:56
uvinit's good usually, just after i changed ubuntu.vdi into ubuntu1.vdi00:57
Richhhok, best course of action, burn another dvd and try that?00:57
uvinit's running well usually,  have 300M free memory00:57
Richhhi suppose i could try booting on this machine instead, its not going to wipe anything, right?00:58
wafflejock_Richhh: I suppose so check the MD5 on the ISO to be sure the download went good00:58
wafflejock_Richhh: yeah00:58
Richhhok will try here00:58
Matthew_MooreHey guys, How do i set Shotwell Veiwer as my default image veiwer??   i can't find the enty for it Details. or in The OpenWith  menus.  :/00:58
wafflejock_Richhh: it'll give the option for livecd or install00:58
wafflejock_Richhh: a few steps before touching the hard drive in any case00:58
aaron_Matthew_Moore, Go to system settings/details00:59
Matthew_Mooreaaron:  Yes i did that.  it's not in there on My 13.10 install.00:59
aaron_Matthew_Moore, there is a default applications option there00:59
Patero-nghitsujiTMO what is uvin?00:59
uvinyou guys are lacking experience i shall ask in debian00:59
Richhhthanks for help thus far00:59
aaron_Matthew_Moore, Hmmm...........00:59
Matthew_Moorewhen i select an image file and go to Open With it's not in there either.01:00
wafflejock_uvin: good luck01:00
Matthew_Moorei can right click and open with shotwell veiwer. but i have no option to make it the dedault01:00
wafflejock_Richhh: no problem01:00
aaron_Matthew_Moore, if its not there then im not sure how to correct that and get it there. I am running 13.10 and thats where its located01:00
wafflejock_Richhh: thanks for your patience01:00
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: Normally you can specific the binary you want to open it by default with.01:01
Matthew_Moorerypervenche:  yes i know that.   but shotwell veiwer is not an option in an of the dialog menues01:01
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: So use the full path to the binary?01:01
hitsujiTMOPatero-ng: a user ;)01:02
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: For example, in Xfce, you can choose a program from a list or you can give a custom command to run. That's where you'd type /usr/bin/shotwell01:03
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: I would imagine your DE has something similar.01:03
Patero-nghitsujiTMO lol01:04
Matthew_Moorerypervenche:   i know.  i don't see a way to do that.  :(01:04
Matthew_MooreNot through nautilus anyways.01:04
OerHeksMatthew_Moore, shotwell is available in system settings > details > default applications01:05
wyldeMatthew_Moore, http://www.howtogeek.com/117709/how-to-change-your-default-applications-on-ubuntu-4-ways/01:05
Matthew_MooreOerHeks:  shotwell and shotwell veiwer are not the same thing.  Shotwell veiwer is not in there01:06
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: http://ryp.io/1V read For 11.10 and newer:01:06
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: So find the binary for shotwell viewer then.01:06
yowlI can't log into ubuntu, it gives me a error about power management configurations being incorrect. I had another weird error before this. Can someone please help01:07
Matthew_Moorehow do i set it?   i have no option to modify the path in nautilus01:07
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: dpkg -L shotwell | grep bin (to find the viewer's name)01:07
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: What version of Ubuntu are you on?01:07
wafflejock_yowl: sorry not sure where to start, did you change any ACPI settings in the BIOS or install something new?01:08
Romancehey if i compiled WINE from source (and i have wine ppa on repo) if theres a system update would it overwrite the WINE i compiled?01:08
Matthew_Moorethat command didnt work01:08
yowlwafflejock_,  No01:08
ZiberDoes natural scrolling not exist on 13.10?01:09
wafflejock_yowl: how far do you get, does it boot all the way to a login then fail?01:09
hitsujiTMOyowl can you provide the exact error?01:09
wafflejock_hitsujiTMO: +1 beat me to it :)01:09
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: Try this: mimeopen -d filename01:09
cjb_does anyone know if ubuntu touch can run cron?01:11
hitsujiTMOcjb_: try #ubuntu-touch01:11
yowlwafflejock_, hitsujiTMO Well first earlier when i tried logging off I got a error message, (took a picture of the screen)then it was good for awhile. Then when I was using it, tomboy wouldn't load, and then even firefox wouldn't load. So I rebooted. Now it will go through the reboot process a ways, I will see a bunch of messages wiz by, then it will send me to the login screen, for typing in my user name and password01:11
OerHeksMatthew_Moore, shotwell and shotwell photoviewer are the same.01:11
yowlhitsujiTMO, I don't remember the exact error, and I can't simply check since I am using the same PC running from a flash drive01:12
Matthew_MooreOerHeks: no they are not.    if i open with SHotwell it just opens the entire program.  not the veiwer.  every vertion of Ubuntu before 13.10 had an option for the Veiwer.  but not this one.01:13
wyldeyowl, mount the hard drive and read the logs in /var/log?01:13
Matthew_Mooreright click on one of your image files and open with shotwell. and then find shotwell-Veiwer.   you will see. not the same thing.01:14
Ziberthis natural scrolling issue is annoying me.01:14
yowlwylde, Can you narrow it down for me? There is alot in here01:14
rypervencheMatthew_Moore: do me a favor and type "dpkg -L shotwell | pastebinit" for me please01:14
hitsujiTMOyowl, at what point do you get the error so? after you log in?01:15
Matthew_Mooreit just says   The program 'pastebinit' can be found in the following packages:01:15
Matthew_Moore * pastebinit01:15
Matthew_Moore * pastebinit01:15
FloodBot1Matthew_Moore: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
hitsujiTMOyowl, can you also show us the screenshot?01:15
yowlhitsujiTMO, I never get to a desktop, and I had it set to autologin. So presumably this happens after login screen, since when I try to log in from there, the error comes back01:16
=== sam113101 is now known as sam113101_afk
yowlhitsujiTMO, It's on a camera who doesn't seem to want to get along with linux, and I don't have a card reader for SD01:16
OerHeksMatthew_Moore, yes it is. shotwell opens shotwell %U and shotwell-viewer opens shotwell %f01:17
hitsujiTMOyowl, can you tell us the error message on the screenshot?01:17
OerHekssee > sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/shotwell-viewer.desktop && sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/shotwell.desktop01:17
frewis there a way to find out what pacakges are at fault when I get the "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade." error from do-release-upgrade?01:17
Matthew_Mooreok but where is the entry for it  in  the details menu?  or the Open With Menu?  i had one in every other Version of Ubuntu i have used.01:18
ZiberAnyone know about naturalscrolling? I can't seem to get the repo to work on 13.10.01:18
hitsujiTMOfrew maybe have a look in apt logs in /var/log/apt01:18
hitsujiTMOziber: http://linuxg.net/enable-horizontal-and-natural-scrolling-in-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/01:19
ZiberI'm talking about 13.10 though.01:19
ZiberAlso, currently my mouse is scrolling backwards...01:20
TheJokerHi, I would like to know if anybody would be willing to help setup conky in ubuntu 13.1001:20
ZiberAnd I've done all of that.01:20
yowlhitsujiTMO, It's very long filled with lots of seemingly random stuff, like "[17905.653501] [<fffffffffff107ab9c>] get_signal_to_deliver+0x10"etc. Wow that alone took a long time to write, and there are alot more lines like that, some of which the camera didn't catch quit well and are hard to read01:21
markbuenodesperately needing help with getting steam games running in ubuntu 13.04 (32-bit).  steam runs, games won't launch.  any direction on finding the issues or which channel to seek help in would be helpful.01:22
geektech713steam channel01:22
TheJokerit is showing  desktop window is subwindow of root window01:23
OerHeksMatthew_Moore, well, i can't help you, as shotwell is not an option, only shotwell viewer  > http://picpaste.com/pics/shotwelviewer-mBN2O7jC.1382318629.png01:24
TheJokerand a few other things in terminal01:24
hitsujiTMOziber: it applies to 13.10 aswell, you may need to install dconf-tools01:24
frewhitsujiTMO: yeah I don't see anything about it in either history or term :/01:24
yowlhitsujiTMO, Here are some highlights "process pulseaudio" "stack" "call trace:" With stuff like klc signal notifier  dequeue signal  pollwake get signal to deliver, do signal, poll select copy remain, sysppoll, do notify resume, intel signal,  and "end of trace01:25
yowlwylde, Which log in vr/log?01:26
wyldeyowl, syslog? messages?  Was simply pointing out that you could mount the hard drive and access the logs.01:27
uvindammit i m banned it debian01:27
OerHeks!language | uvin01:27
ubottuuvin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:27
yowlhitsujiTMO, Oh and "bug: Unable to handle kernal paging request at "Last sysfs file sys/device/virtual/sound/timer/userevent01:28
yowlwylde, Yes, but which logs are pertinent to my issue? I told you, there are alot in here01:28
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uvinbecause one guys is spying in here he informed the OP01:29
hitsujiTMOyowl, audio crashed, may or may not be connected to your overall problem (could be a be caused by you're underlying issue that is)01:29
Dr_WillisTheJoker:  i alwyas learn conky by looking at other conky configs and playing with them. theres a 'conky manager' tool out now  that makes it fairly easy to get a decent conky setup going01:30
yowlhitsujiTMO, Right, this was from some days and boots back. What log file should I reference for to look for error messages of this latest issue?01:31
wyldeyowl, Start with syslog I suppose. You'll probably find all the messages you mentioned that are in your picture in there.01:31
yowlwylde, What is a good site to host said syslog so you can see it?01:31
wylde!paste | yowl01:31
ubottuyowl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:31
TheJokerhello Dr_willis: thnx for reply actually i just want help about what is causing some error report in terminal by default config file, would appreciate any help01:32
yowlwylde, It might be a bit too much text for pastebin. There isn't anything like user password shown in these logs, right?01:32
OerHeksyes Dr_Willis , TheJoker , 1100+ pages with conky scripts > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=110601:33
hitsujiTMOyowl try: cat /var/log/syslog | grep "<error>"01:34
wyldeyowl, not that I know of. But then, I'm no authority on the matter. Hence why I said earlier I was simply pointing out you could mount the hard drive to access the logs.01:34
OerHeksTheJoker, post your script and the error output of your terminal in paste.ubuntu.com01:35
hitsujiTMOyowl: replacing /var/log/syslog with relevant path to mounted syslog01:35
yowlhitsujiTMO, Is my password listed in syslog?01:36
OerHeksyowl never!01:36
wyldeyowl, from what I've seen in here, hitsujiTMO will be far better equipped to help you than I.01:36
OerHeksnot even in auth.log01:36
hitsujiTMOyowl your passwords are never dumped to a log, noone would use an operating system that did this01:37
yowlhitsujiTMO, I have two textfile syslogs, syslog and syslog.1 and a syslog.2.gz to -syslog.7.gz, you want the plain syslog first?01:38
hitsujiTMOjust syslog will do01:38
moltzwhy am i getting a wpa_supplicant crash on Ubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, Kubuntu and Lubuntu?01:40
OerHeksTheJoker, besides those messages, does conky work ?01:40
yowlhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274086/01:40
OerHeksTheJoker, oke, i find those messages everywhere, and are normal, no warnings.01:41
TheJokeri just have to use system monitor to kill it01:41
peroanyone know how to get the icons for unity web apps? my gmail icon in the panel has some settings-looking thing, but in dash it's good01:42
OerHeksTheJoker, "killall conky" will do01:43
OerHeksTheJoker, there is an conkymanager too > http://www.webupd8.org/2013/07/conky-manager-gui-for-managing-conky.html01:46
TheJokerthe problem is when i do $ conky in terminal it starts on desktop but terminal is stuck after showing these messages, hence need to use system monitor01:46
ZiberHas anyone else experienced inverted scrolling on 13.10 with a wireless mouse?01:46
OerHeksTheJoker, use & to start a program in terminal, else the terminal is occupied > conky &01:46
hitsujiTMOyowl your syslog points to errors with your harddrive: please run: fsck /dev/sda101:47
FabianCookJust installed ubuntu on my gnexus.01:48
yowlhitsujiTMO, "WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***01:49
yowlcause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.01:49
hitsujiTMOyowl: umount /dev/sda101:49
hitsujiTMOthen fsck /dev/sda101:49
TheJokerthe output again is similar, please check http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274113/01:50
jgm__hi Im updating my friend computer from ubuntu 13.04 to ubuntu 13.10 and the update manager stalled and looks grayed, after looking in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt-term.logo it seems it was asking if the mime types file should be replaced by package maintainer but I dont see a terminal asking that :S01:50
jgm__is there a way to send a Yes signal ???01:50
rchavikhi.. getting "internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: char device redirected to /dev/pts/4"  when creating a new vm via virt-manager (12.04 server edition).  i created one vm priot to this successfully. ideas?01:51
OerHeksTheJoker, what if you start conky with: alt F2 conky01:51
jgm__ahhh damn I should have used do-release-upgrade01:52
yowlhitsujiTMO, /dev/sda1: clean, 486893/3055616 files, 11604966/12206848 blocks01:52
hitsujiTMOyowl how old is the drive?01:53
yowlhitsujiTMO, 2 or 3 years maybe01:53
ZiberIs there a safe way to "hack" natural scrolling to use on 13.10?01:54
TheJokerDerHeks:it starts. Though it started similar even when i was using terminal. I was just curious about the messages in terminal01:55
hitsujiTMOziber: user the link i provider earlier01:55
ZiberhitsujiTMO: Already done. No change.01:55
yowlhitsujiTMO, So got any ideas? I don't think there is any problem with the drive itself01:56
hitsujiTMOziber: hmm, odd, whats the error you get with the package?01:56
ZiberhitsujiTMO: Looking at the ppa site, it doesn't exist for saucy.01:57
hitsujiTMOyowl, i'll need to look at other logs, such as boot.log or dmesg01:57
OerHeksTheJoker, oke, so those messages do not contain important news, conky works and will give no trouble starting manually/or by adding it to startup aplications01:57
wafflejock_Ziber: http://askubuntu.com/questions/362343/how-can-i-reverse-natural-scrolling-on-ubuntu-13-1001:57
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wafflejock_Ziber: I believe in 13.04 that's how I turned it off since I don't like "natural" scrollling01:57
ZiberThat checkbox seems to have no effect.01:58
James_EppIs there a way that you can mount an ssh directory in the same fashion that one would do a cifs directory? Something like "mount -t sshfs user@server -o password=password,uid=1000"01:58
ZiberChrome still scrolls in reverse.01:58
TheJokerThnx you all for help. You have been quite helpful.01:58
wylde!sshfs | James_Epp01:58
ubottuJames_Epp: sshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions01:58
wafflejock_Ziber: alternative here to use dconf-editor http://linuxg.net/how-to-enable-both-natural-scrolling-and-horizontal-scrolling-on-ubuntu-13-10-saucy-salamander-and-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/01:58
OerHeksTheJoker, have fun01:59
hitsujiTMOziber, you will need to check for a driver for your touchpad more than likely01:59
James_EppThanks, wylde. I'll give it a shot!01:59
wyldeJames_Epp, Welcome02:00
ZiberhitsujiTMO: The trackpad works as I want it to. It's just a matter of making the mouse scroll properly.02:00
ZiberI switch back and forth.02:00
yowlhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274165/02:01
yowlhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274171/02:02
ZiberThat's why the naturalscrolling package is so great. Because it can enable "natural scrolling" for my trackpad, but disable for it my mouse.02:02
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yowlhitsujiTMO, Got any ideas?02:05
hitsujiTMOyowl, your boot.log is pointing to errors with /dev/sda202:05
hitsujiTMOyowl can you umount /dev/sda2 and run: fsck /dev/sda202:06
yowlhitsujiTMO, It says it is busy so that I can't unmount it02:09
yowlhitsujiTMO, But I don't have any folders to it open or anything else that I can see02:09
hitsujiTMOreboot to free it up02:10
James_Eppwylde: Doesn't work for my needs. Following the examples, my user has no permissions to the directory. As well, there is no option to set a password so that prompts are minimized. These are my two requirements, unfortunately :S02:10
hitsujiTMOyowl wait02:10
hitsujiTMOwhats the output of: mount02:11
yowlhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274215/02:12
wyldeJames_Epp, alrighty, although the password issue can be fixed by using a key to login. 'ssh-copy-id remote.host' the other issue is permissions on the remote side.02:12
James_Eppwylde: First things first, how is that ssh copy id performed?02:13
hitsujiTMOyowl: sda2 doesnt seem to be mounted, just run: fsck /dev/sda202:13
wyldeJames_Epp, example 'ssh-copy-id user@remote.host' or you can leave off 'user' to just use the current user02:14
yowlhitsujiTMO, /dev/sda2: 13162/3203072 files (0.4% non-contiguous), 12126475/12800000 blocks02:14
James_Eppwylde: ERROR: No identities found02:15
wyldeJames_Epp, it will ask you for the password for the remote host then future ssh logins won't require a password02:15
ZiberI have natural scrolling back (backports, 12.10), but I lost the options for mouse, trackpad, etc...02:15
wyldeJames_Epp, then you need to generate a key. 'ssh-keygn'02:15
yowlhitsujiTMO, But that partition is only used for storage, no system or program files on it02:15
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hitsujiTMOyowl both partitions are showing some errors early in boot, with /dev/sda1 being remounted, lets see if theres any logs in the smart: sudo apt-get install smartmontools02:17
sophie_I have a ramdisk set up, as /tmp/ram/ , how can I have the contents save to my HDD on shutdown?02:18
Nothing_Muchis there a 13.10 arm version of Ubuntu?02:18
James_Eppwylde: Alright. Got that worked out. Any ideas regarding permissions?02:18
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SonikkuAmerica!info isomaster02:19
ubottuisomaster (source: isomaster): Graphical CD image editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 208 kB, installed size 1146 kB02:19
FabianCookWoo weee, hello ubuntu touch world02:19
Ziber!ppa naturalscrolling02:19
Nothing_MuchI'd like to know if there's an Arm version of the Ubuntu desktop02:19
Nothing_MuchOf 13.1002:19
wyldeJames_Epp, that part I'm iffy on. Moment.02:19
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: yes but it needs to be built specific to the device02:20
James_Eppwylde: Thanks.02:20
Nothing_MuchhitsujiTMO, Huh?02:21
Nothing_MuchWhat do you mean built?02:21
hitsujiTMOnothing not all arm devices have the same instruction sets, you need to compile each package from the kernel up for the specific arm processor02:22
wyldeJames_Epp, is this a chrooted fs on the remote side?02:22
James_Eppwylde: No.02:22
yowlhitsujiTMO, now what?02:23
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: canonical support a small number of devices directly: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/arm02:23
audreyon xubuntu 13.04 when i try to log in with any de or window manager i get a black screen then i get kicked back to the login manager. tried gdm and it hangs at a blue screen with the progress circle spinning with no login window ever appearing. tried purging nvidia-325 drivers with no difference in results. how do i fix tihs?02:24
edd`hi - stuck at phase 1. ubuntu server 32bit .  chose a language and now hanging.  (celeron 1.7 with 512mb).  any suggenstions how to start??02:24
hitsujiTMOyowl: sudo smartctl -a -d ata /dev/sda02:24
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Nothing_MuchhitsujiTMO, Oh okay, so how do I get it to compile on a different device?02:25
wyldeJames_Epp, hrmm. You should already have the correct permissions for the user you connect as. Although it's been a while since I've used sshfs it could boil down to mount options.02:25
James_Eppwylde: I am using "-o idmap=user"02:26
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ssj5gokuI have two hard drives.....1st hard drive - windows 7 and 2nd hard drive -  ubuntu and windows 8...... I have installed windows 8 affer02:26
Matthew_MooreHey guys. i figured out my problem with shotwell.  open the fix  located   @   /usr/share/applications/shotwell-viewer.desktop   in a text editor.   change the lime NoDisplay from false to true and it shows up in the Details section under settings and porperties menues.  once selected   change back to false so the extra launcher goes away. and it's all good.02:26
ssj5gokuInstalling win 7 and ubuntu. ...now I cant get duall02:27
James_Eppaudrey: Have you consulted #xubuntu ? I am sure they would know more about xfce issues than we would :S02:27
Matthew_Moorejust thought you guys should know how to fix it  so when the next person with my problem shows up.02:27
yowlhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274261/02:27
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hitsujiTMONothing_Much: you need to get build tools and details from cpu manufacturer i'm afraid02:27
ZiberAfter making an update to my .Xmodmap file, do I have to reload it somehow?02:28
Nothing_MuchYou mean samsung?02:28
hitsujiTMOyowl, hdd looks good02:28
ssj5gokuNow I cant get triple boot for 3 of them ....I have to change the drives for everytime I use win 7 and ubuntu or win8........is there anyway that my grub can take win 8 also so that I can run all of them without changing my drive preferences in the  boot menu02:29
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hitsujiTMONothing_Much: yes if its a exynos processor. what device are you looking to run ubuntu on?02:29
yowlhitsujiTMO, I didn't figure otherwise02:29
wyldeJames_Epp, I'm at a loss at the moment. Perhaps some is a little more familiar with sshfs then I. (Still reading though)02:29
hitsujiTMOyowl, needed to make sure tho02:30
yowlhitsujiTMO, How?02:30
James_Eppwylde: Don't worry about it. I have alternatives.02:30
James_EppJust would have been preferred.02:30
Nothing_MuchhitsujiTMO, Odroid-XU, I don't have it yet, but I just want clarification on how to install 13.10 or 14.04 (when it comes out) on it02:30
yowlhitsujiTMO, Not sure if related or not, but I got one small storage NTFS partition02:30
wyldeJames_Epp, alrighty.02:31
James_Eppwylde: I appreciate your efforts!02:31
yowlhitsujiTMO, I do believe you are barking up the wrong tree here, I go along to satisfy you so we can move on. If it is not the hard drive, got any other suggestions?02:31
yowlhitsujiTMO, I am willing to do more tests though02:32
hitsujiTMOyowl, i'm not sure yest, go thru you logs and look for errors02:33
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=1983 looks like a good place to start on your search02:33
yowlhitsujiTMO, You need to be more specific02:34
hitsujiTMOyowl, start with core logs: /var/log/dmesg would be my next place to look02:36
yowlhitsujiTMO, I showed you that log02:36
Nothing_MuchhitsujiTMO, So basically I can't do a "do-release-upgrade"?02:36
ssj5goku I have two hard drives.....1st hard drive - windows 7 and 2nd hard drive -  ubuntu and windows 8...... I have installed windows 8 affer Now I cant get triple boot for 3 of them ....I have to change the drives for everytime I use win 7 and ubuntu or win8........is there anyway that my grub can take win 8 also so that I can run all of them without changing my drive preferences in the  boot menu02:37
Nothing_MuchWth, I can't install things with sudo apt-get?02:37
hitsujiTMOyowl, sorry your right i meant to say boot.log02:38
yowlhitsujiTMO, I showed you that too02:38
ChogyDanssj5goku: in the ubuntu booting hdd config, when you boot Ubuntu, have you updated your grub?02:39
yowlhitsujiTMO, And it is not very long, and I did not see anything I can point to02:39
hitsujiTMOyowl, then i missed that link02:39
ssj5goku.chogydan, no I dont know how to di that ...pls tell me...02:39
ChogyDanssj5goku: just: sudo update-grub02:40
yowlhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274171/02:40
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: you cant do-release-upgrade, but you may be able to install apps with apt-get depending on if theres a central repo or not02:40
ssj5gokuU mean I have to type this in the terminal??02:40
ChogyDanssj5goku: ye02:41
yowlhitsujiTMO, See anything in it?02:41
Nothing_MuchOh you've gotta be f'ing kidding me..02:41
ssj5gokuOk thanks....02:41
hitsujiTMOyowl, well you have Stopping automatic crash report generation[74G[[31mfail[39;49m]02:41
yowlhitsujiTMO, I don't know what that means though02:42
hitsujiTMOyowl, issue with apport02:43
Nothing_MuchHow can you not upgrade your OS on Arm?02:43
edd`tried a third time now i am getting error : EUU : Error #$%$ reading sector 2#$952 (the $%^ is letters that are unclear in the installer)02:44
yowlhitsujiTMO, ?02:44
aaron_ok, back about the mic issues again. I was able to access alsa-base.conf and add the line options snd-hda-intel model=auto enable=yes. Didnt fix anything, any ideas?02:45
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: because its up to the manufacturer to provide repos/builds for that device, or community if the manufacturer doesn't, not canonical. which is extremely costly to do for a single device.02:46
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Nothing_MuchI thought the Ubuntu base had its own repo for armel!02:47
Nothing_MuchLike Debian, I think?02:47
Nothing_MuchThat's horrible! I can't believe Arm devices are so horribly fragmented like that.02:47
hitsujiTMOthey do for generic code, but not for kernel or drivers, which may not work between different releases02:48
Nothing_MuchYou've gotta be joking..02:48
Nothing_MuchI can't believe there's no proper alternative to x8602:48
sophie_The alternative died with the powermac :P02:49
Nothing_MuchI think PowerPC heats up just as much as x86 does02:49
Nothing_MuchBut God, I just want to easily upgrade my computer without having to freakin' Flash a disk image to a card every time I need to upgrade something >:(02:50
hitsujiTMOx86 and x64 are quite fragmented too, its just intel, amd and developer tool manufacturers do a fantastic job at hiding it when possible. its not so easy to do with arm02:51
Nothing_MuchBut then how the hell is it possible to do-release-upgrade on x86 so easily??02:52
ChogyDanNothing_Much: what goes wrong on the arm?02:53
sophie_Does anyone know how I can get the contents of my ram disk to save to a hardrisk on shutdown?02:53
Nothing_MuchChogyDan, I'm told that arm cannot handle a "do-release-upgrade" from one version to another.02:53
Nothing_MuchThat's horrifically bad when you can't even install an Armhf version of Ubuntu on a device02:54
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: some will allow you to do a do-release-upgrade, if they are supported, but thats only ever going to be a handful. even canonical only support lts on the desktop versions of arm devices that they support02:56
yowlhitsujiTMO, Have you run out of ideas for me?02:56
hitsujiTMOyowl, atm yes02:56
yowlCan anyone else help me with a login problem?02:57
yowlhitsujiTMO, How do a revert to a earlier state?02:57
ChogyDanyowl: just state your question, and maybe someone can help02:57
yowlChogyDan, I am unable to log in, it is not a question, but a thorny problem02:58
electron__yowl : does your user have a home directory owned by it ?02:58
yowlChogyDan, One that can not be described in a line or two02:58
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yowlElectron_ I don't know what you mean02:59
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: the problem with arm, is that anyone can make an arm processor, they can pick and choose what instructions they want, and they have have some wiggle in the way they can slip away from the spec to suit their needs.02:59
electron__if you made the home directory from root you have to chown it too02:59
the_illusionisthello evry body02:59
electron__yowl : hmm why dont you try making a new user02:59
yowlelectron__, OK, but I will need to leave here to try03:00
the_illusionisti have a problem with my usb headphones when i want to control it from its buttons the system bug and it freeze and nothin work03:00
the_illusionistbut when i deplug it03:00
the_illusionistit return normal03:00
the_illusionistany help please03:00
ChogyDanthe_illusionist: see if there are any errors reported in dmesg03:00
electron__yowl : okay ... if new user works fine then somthing is messed up with that user ; else its to do with the DM03:00
Bitgodheres a weird bug03:02
BitgodGnome 3 Classic in 12.0403:02
Bitgoder 12.1003:02
Bitgodis causing my friends laptop screen brightness to flux dark/light, over nd over03:02
ZiberHas anyone experienced reverse mouse scrolling in 13.10?03:02
the_illusionistperf samples too long (5001 > 5000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 2500003:03
ChogyDanthe_illusionist: have these headphones ever worked?  Are they known to work on ubuntu?03:04
the_illusionistyes it03:05
the_illusionistwhen i use the buttons on the headphones to control it03:05
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the_illusionistit causes troubles03:05
the_illusionistnothin else03:06
ChogyDan!enter | the_illusionist03:06
ubottuthe_illusionist: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:06
the_illusionistok it is an habitude nothin else thanks03:06
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ChogyDanthe_illusionist: it's bad for large chats like this.  Anyway, I get that it is the buttons, but they don't work for anyone, it is better to file a bug report03:08
ChogyDanBitgod: try a later release03:09
the_illusionistthe problem this bug it causes nothin only the mouse dont work on clicking and the keybord on touching03:09
ChogyDanthe_illusionist: *if they don't work for anyone, it is better to file a bug..03:10
the_illusionistthks any way03:10
Bitgod<ChogyDan> Bitgod: try a later release03:14
Bitgodof what?03:14
ChogyDanBitgod: ubuntu03:15
Bitgodbut it works fine in unity03:15
Bitgodbut he wants the gnome classic03:15
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Dr_WillisBitgod:  most people use the LTS release or the latest release. the official gnome 'gnome2' mode is in 13.1003:39
Dr_Willisits weird that usb headphones with 2 buttons that work as volume up/down would break the whole system.   Ive never seen such headphones. but saw someone else asking a similer question a week or so ago. (it might have been you)03:40
reisioit could be your devices are being referred to by their inconstant detection order03:41
reisiowhich changes if you add another peripheral03:41
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knightmade_help! how to install Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop via network (PXE)?03:44
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knightmade_is it correct? append initrd=ubuntu/initrd.lz devfs=nomount load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=1024000 fetch=tftp://ip/ubuntu/filesystem.squashfs vga=79103:45
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:45
Dr_Willisnever tried it that way. (read what the bot said)03:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:46
Dr_Willisthe channel bot gave a url for information03:46
knightmade_what's meanings?03:46
lotuspsychjemorning to all03:47
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, greetings03:47
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: hey mate ; )03:48
lotuspsychjewill 13.04 become lts or just eol?03:49
Dr_Willisa reasle is lts when its reelased...03:49
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, eol03:49
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)03:49
Dr_Willis14.04 is the next lts release i belive03:49
lotuspsychjei just like 13.04 speed and stability i would rather use it little longer03:50
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, releases are or are not LTS.  They don't change after release.  12.04 is current.  14.04 (tahr) is next.  All other releases are (functionally) beta03:50
Dr_Willisuse it as long as you want. ;) just dont expect security updates after its eol.03:50
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, 9 months and done.  That's the deal.03:50
ruairi_hey, I have a netbook with ubuntu, I don't have the admin password. Is there anyway I can just wipe the thing and start from scratch. Without downloading and installing a new ubuntu distro over the top?03:50
lotuspsychjeso what would be the closest choice to 13.04?03:50
OerHekslotuspsychje, 13.10 has a lot of unity improvements03:51
Dr_Willisruairi_:  boot a live usb, chroot in, set the passwords for the users as you want03:51
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, 12.04  is LTS or wait for 14.0403:51
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: do you find it as fast and stable as 13.04?03:51
Dr_Willis13.10 definatly has a lot of improvements that are not all that noticeable. ;)03:51
yowlDr_Willis, What are the major ones?03:52
OerHekslotuspsychje, much more. one down point: nautilus is worse.03:52
lotuspsychjeok tnx for info guys03:52
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: worse in wich way?03:52
OerHeksless options03:52
mikolajI installed linux mint after ubuntu, but it seems to have taken over my grub set up03:52
mikolajhow do I get back the ubuntu grub?03:52
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: thank you03:53
ubottumikolaj,: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:53
Dr_Willismikolaj:  boot the other os. rerun its update-grub03:53
Dr_Willisgnome devs like to remove more and more nautilus features with each improvement. ;)03:54
reisioDr_Willis: will that reinstall to the mbr, too?03:54
reisiothe main gnome guy quit and switched to Mac OS :p03:54
Dr_Willisupdate-grub should put that os's grub onto the mbr03:54
mikolajso sudo update-grub?03:54
reisioDr_Willis: really...03:55
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: you are on xubuntu 13.10 right?03:55
mikolajok rebooting hope this worked03:55
Dr_Willisreisio:  ive  always had to make sure that differnt ubuntu installs dont fight over grub. ;) had to make sure that my main install always did grub.03:55
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Dr_WillisI think theres a way to make the other installs put grub on the partion, not the mbr and chain load. but i havent messed with that in ages03:56
OerHekslotuspsychje, but this ppa will add more than you need > https://launchpad.net/~nae-team/+archive/ppa nautilus scripts03:56
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  on xubuntu right now. yep.03:56
reisiosure you don't have to run grub-install?03:56
cfhowlettWhy would we put multiple OS's on a machine?  should ONE grub handle all the OS's?03:56
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: hows the overal speed on there?03:56
reisiocfhowlett: silly reasons / yes03:56
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  runs fine on my low end netbook. ;)03:56
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: tnx i will see after install, if they did not remove 'detele to trash' and unrar here, ill be fine :p03:57
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: tnx for feedback03:57
mikolajok back.. it didn't work03:57
Dr_Willismikolaj:  might need 'grub-install' like reisio  suggested.03:57
reisiomikolaj: if you have one disk, probably sudo grub-install /dev/sda03:58
nielhey guys I have ubuntu it takes up my full hard drive what would be the safest way to install windows03:59
nielI have a gparted CD03:59
Dr_Willisniel:  resize leaving a large bit of space unlocatted and hope the windows installer is smart enough to use it. ;)03:59
Dr_Willisniel:  make backups first.04:00
nielso its like sketchy?04:00
cfhowlettniel, plan to reinstall and fix grub after installing windows.04:00
cfhowlettniel, windows doesn't play nice with other OS04:00
nielcan I assign it to a partition?04:00
Dr_Willisniel: depends on if your windows install disk is an actual 'installer' disk. or just a system-restore disk that restores an image.. also04:00
nielor is it like a pain04:00
Dr_Willisniel: its a pain. and yes you should be able to sssign it. #windows would know more04:01
nieland the winderps ISO is going to take 2 hours to download04:01
Dr_Willisplus we dont know what windows version you are talking about. ;)04:01
niel7 :P04:01
niel8 is crap04:01
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Dr_Willispeople said the same thing about xp, and me, and 7 and....04:02
nielwell they all suck04:02
Dr_Willis'we want somthing differnt but totally identical  to what we have! so we can say theres no improvements'04:02
lotuspsychjeniel: loose windows once and for good and clean install ubuntu on whole hd04:02
niel7 just does not suck as much04:02
charTayHello World!04:02
nielug I have so much stuff04:02
cfhowlettcharTay, greetings04:03
nielnow lets say it installs nicly04:03
nielwhat will happen when I boot?04:03
cfhowlettniel, windows will overwrite grub.  grub won't load.  you'll only see windows04:03
nielwell this cant go well04:04
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
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cfhowlettniel, as I said, you'll need to reinstall grub.  easy04:04
Dr_Willisthis is why we have a !fixgrub factoid04:04
nielhow is that done?04:04
Dr_Willisor put grub on a usb flash drive befor you install windows :) that way you can boot the flash04:04
ubottuneil: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:04
nielthrough the grub I can boot windows right?04:04
cfhowlettniel, no grub will boot whatever OS is registered04:05
cfhowlettNiel... YES it will boot windows.  sorry for confusion04:05
nielok I get it but I have to boot the live CD every time I want to change an OS?04:06
hiseed78is ubuntu studio kde or gnome?04:06
cfhowlettniel absolutely not.  once grub is set, no CD required04:06
cfhowletthiseed78, default US is xfce404:06
lotuspsychje!studio | hiseed7804:06
ubottuhiseed78: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org04:06
nielso I will be able to choose between winderps and ubuntu correct?04:06
OerHekshiseed78, xfce-xubuntu AFAIK04:07
nielI wonder can I password protect my partition and reject windows from taking it?04:08
Dr_Willisniel:  yes thats a rather core feature of grub - to boot other os's04:08
Dr_WillisYou cant keep windows from installing over the mbr as far as i know.04:08
Dr_Willisbut #windows may know if the installer has options04:09
cfhowlettDr_Willis, if there's a way, it's completely obfuscated to the general user ...04:09
nielnot that I have heard of04:09
nielwindows is out for blood04:09
cfhowlettJeffrey, greetings04:09
nielim a little scured04:09
Dr_Williscfhowlett:  and even the advanced ones.04:09
lotuspsychjeniel: and money :p04:09
Jeffreydid ubuntu ever do unity04:09
Dr_Willisniel:  the boot-repair tool makes fixing grub rather trivial04:09
Dr_Willis!unity | Jeffrey04:10
ubottuJeffrey: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity04:10
nielthis should be fun then04:10
nielI am really bad with paritions and crap04:10
cfhowlettniel, at worst, you lose the grub boot.   the data and the OS are still on the system.  Trust me; I broke grub at least 20 times putting together a triple boot machine.04:10
nielbut I wont be able to fix it o.o04:10
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:10
cfhowlettniel, of course you will.04:10
cfhowlettniel, people break and fix grub all the time04:10
Dr_Willis13.10 has gnome-shell with the official gnome-2 look thang from gnome-3.8 :)04:10
nielyou dont know me I break everything so badly04:11
nielwhen I first installed ubuntu I made the parition to big killing windows04:11
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rostamPLEASE HELP: I need your help please. I have created automated ubuntu installed via dvd.  For that I have created preseed file and kickstart file. Now  I want to do the automated ubuntu install via usb stick.   All the instructions so far I have found out seems usb installer which I think is different than automating installations. PLEASE HELP04:11
nielok to be clear if I run that boot-repair off the ubuntu CD it will make  a grub to boot windows and ubuntu?04:12
cfhowlettniel, exactomundo04:12
Dr_Willisnthe boot cd installs the OS. the OS then uses grubg to boot the other os's04:12
nielIf you cant tell im a little skeptical04:12
yowlPlease help me with my login problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274581/04:13
Dr_Willismake a backup usb flash drive that has boot-repair, perhaps..04:13
nielwait can I boot boot-repair from the bios and that will do it?04:13
nielwould be much easier04:14
cfhowlettniel, hahah ... no.04:14
Dr_Willisthere exists boot-repair live cd's and yu can easially make a live-usb of the boot-repair iso disks..04:14
Dr_Willisor install it onto any live-usb04:14
cfhowlettniel, if it was THAT easy, no one would ever ask "how to fix grub?!"04:14
nielI see and want04:14
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niellooks legit?04:15
cfhowlettniel, I'd rather just use the ubuntu disk and make the repair, but if you insist ...04:15
OerHeksrostam, if you're installing from USB media (put the preconfiguration file in the toplevel directory of the USB stick): >> https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html04:15
nielok ill go with that04:15
yowlPlease help me with my login problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274588/04:16
nielI think I will prep all my CD's now and do it in the morning most likly ill fall asleep on my keyboard04:17
nielactually I should try and use ubuntu server edition instead of running my server off the desktop04:17
Dr_Willisniel:  for a home server.. why bother?04:18
Dr_Willismy homeserver is also  the Theater-PC  In  my Bedroom04:18
nielbecause I like to learn things :D04:18
Dr_Willisnothing stoping you from learning things04:18
millhouse513niel:  still, a GUI is nice to have when learning04:18
rostamDerHeks, thanks for the url, I have been able to make dvd, My main question is how to make it with usb.?04:18
yowlDr_Willis, Are you able to help ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274588/04:18
nielwell I got down GUI based linux04:19
nielI am quite good at bash04:19
Dr_Willisyowl:  not really.  I tend to keep things quite default.04:19
yowlDr_Willis, Me too04:19
yowlDr_Willis, What does that have to do with anything?04:19
OerHeksyowl, what ubuntu version whit that old kernel 2.6.38-16 ?04:20
cfhowlettniel, but if you DO decide to do a media server, see the xmbc project04:20
nielits minecraft will that work?04:20
ssj5goku109:50:06  IST - ssj5goku: i just recently installed windows 8 and my grub is all fine but when i try to mount any other partition it gives me an error message..... here is the link.... http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7348/5790.png what should i do??04:20
Dr_Willisniel:  plex is also handy as a media-server  for the other machines on the home network04:20
nielI would like to stick to linux :P04:20
yowlOerHeks, 9.404:21
nielmy server computer is an old laptop it only has 35 GB of space04:21
yowlOerHeks, I mean 11.404:21
nielwow thats bad04:21
Dr_Willisniel:  you can get a 64gb flash drive for a rather low sum these days. ;)04:22
cfhowlettniel, non-gui server would be an ideal use for it ...04:22
nielI know how to install java on everything from terminal but not sure how to transfer files onto it since I do quite often04:23
OerHeksyowl, don; t waste your time fixing that old unsupported version04:23
yowlOerHeks, I need to get into it to replace it04:23
Dr_Willisa live cd or usb can do that04:24
rostamDr_Willis: could you please help me on this please?04:24
Dr_Willisrostam:  on what?04:24
rostamPLEASE HELP: I need your help please. I have created automated ubuntu installed via dvd.  For that I have created preseed file and kickstart file. Now  I want to do the automated ubuntu install via usb stick.   All the instructions so far I have found out seems usb installer which I think is different than automating installations. PLEASE HELP04:24
nielwhy automated?04:24
nielnot like its hard to install?04:25
Dr_Willisi know nothing of preseed files.04:25
yowlDr_Willis, But I also need to make sure everything else carries over too, and I only have one usb flash drivre, and this one has a old version too I can't put a new version on it and use it as the OS at the same time04:25
yowlDr_Willis, what does your using defaults have to do with any of this?04:25
cfhowlettrostam, pretty sophisticated installation procedure.  most of us are desktop users.  perhaps the #ubuntu-server folks can help with such higher-order thinking04:26
Dr_Willisyowl:  perhaps use a live-cd then04:26
OerHeksrostam, if you're installing from USB media (put the preconfiguration file in the toplevel directory of the USB stick): >> https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html04:26
nielI need to turn that off ubuntu experiences an internal error like every hour lol04:27
yowlOerHeks, well are you able to help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274588/04:27
charTayanyone running from virtual box?04:27
cfhowlettcharTay, yep04:27
nielwow the windows ISO is massive04:28
ssj5goku1i just recently installed windows 8 and my grub is all fine but when i try to mount any other partition it gives me an error message..... here is the link.... http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7348/5790.png what should i do??04:28
rostamDerHeks: I do have succeed by creating DVD,  now how I can make that image to work with usb?04:28
cfhowlettcharTay, inception style: running ubuntu 13.10 in a virtualbox on top of ubuntu 12.0404:28
nielwait there is 13.10 is this new04:28
Dr_Willisssj5goku1:  the filesystem is 'unclean' as the error says. use the disk checking tools of windows to check them. DONT use windows hibernate/supend feature if you want to access the window disks from linux04:28
nieloh wait04:29
wilee-nileessj5goku1, Is windows off or in hibernate?04:29
nielim just a total derp04:29
nielignore me04:29
OerHeksyowl, download a fresh ubuntu on the machine you are on now, boot it in live mode and backup your data and do a fresh install04:29
Dr_Willisthe error message even says to dont use hibernate/suspend. :)04:29
ssj5goku1wilee-nilee: i dont know...how can i figure that out??04:29
yowlOerHeks, so can yhou04:30
wilee-nileeniel, consider it done, lol04:30
yowlOerHeks, so can you help?04:30
Dr_Willisssj5goku1:  tell windows to power down/shutdown. not suspend04:30
wilee-nileessj5goku1, You don't know, we ned some context please.04:30
OerHeksyowl notr really, i can't find the cause of your issue in your logs.04:31
yowlOerHeks, How do I revert to a earlier state?04:31
cfhowlettwilee-nilee, but inaccurate.  meditation leads to a *higher* state not an earlier state.04:32
OerHeksyowl you could try to boot in recovery mode, hold shift @ boot to enter grub menu04:32
ssj5goku1yaa i always shut it down....04:32
wilee-nileesometimes an earlier state is a higher state, grasshopper04:32
cfhowlettwilee-nilee, hai sensei!04:33
OerHeksthen ssave your data and do a fresh install04:33
yowlOerHeks, and the option to choose a earlier state would be there?04:34
wilee-nileeI just came from a book reading from a Buddhist, lol can't rinse it off04:34
yowlOerHeks, and the option to choose a earlier state would be there?04:36
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help_meI fixed my issue by upgrading from ubuntu 12.10 to ubuntu 13.04 and installing the package maintainer's versions (all)04:36
ssj5goku1ok i have recently installed windows 8 and i previously had windows 7 and ubuntu.....i installed win 8 in another drive so i got no problems with the grub and i just updated the grub in order to show the windows 8 option in the grub and i also get some chkdsk notification when i run on my windows7 but when i complete the whole chkdsk then the windows just restarts and again the same chkdsk runs.....04:36
OerHeksyowl, yes, it is called recovery. not a restorepoint as in windows, just a kernel before current.04:37
Dr_Willisssj5goku1:  sounds like your windows install has some issues with its disks/filesystems.04:37
Dr_Willisssj5goku1:  ask in #windows as to what better tools exist to check the filesystems04:37
wilee-nileessj5goku1, W8 in its fast boot use has a hybrid hibernate, is W8 on another HD then the ubuntu, and do you remember how you shut it down.04:37
ssj5goku1wilee-nilee: yaa theres a power button which has restart and shutdown and i press the shut down....04:38
yowlOerHeks, Is it possible that somehow some hacker/maleware could have got me some how?04:39
wilee-nileessj5goku1, ah, as suggested by Dr_Willis it seems the issues are in windows you can run a check from the admin account on it with a right click then use tools.04:39
OerHeksyowl, i don't speculate, you told earlier you messed up yourself.04:40
yowlOerHeks, I didn't read you saying that. If you don't know what is wrong, how can you know I am the one who did it?04:40
ssj5goku1wilee-nilee: ok then i ll try it... but which os should i use w7 or w8??04:41
wilee-nileessj5goku1, I would have both available if they are licensed myself, your choice really.04:41
OerHeksyowl, oh, nice, play the ball back to me.04:42
OerHeksyowl, good luck with your issue.04:42
yowlOerHeks, I don't know what your talking about, could it possibly be maleware/hacker?  I've not changed anything significant or installed anything, yet suddenly this. Linux doesn't corrupt itself like windows, right?04:43
wilee-nileeyowl, linux does not have malware per-say at least not in its definition, a hacker highly unlikely unless you have exsposed yourself.04:45
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:45
yowlwilee-nilee, What would exposing myself consist of? Might you be able to help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274588/04:47
kaenrecommendations for a terminal emulator? something that launches faster than gnome-terminal, preferably04:48
wilee-nileeyowl, I doubt I can help. exposure is a wild field of possibilities, more that a support channel is for.04:48
tozenyowl: try to remove .Xauthority file in your home directory04:49
tozenyowl: mayhap it can help you04:49
Diamondcitekaen: xterm launches pretty fast, its also bare bones04:50
Dr_Williskaen:  xterm, rxvt04:50
Dr_Williswell xterm has a LOT of features.. that people rarely need these days. ;)04:51
yowltozen, What kind of problem would that fix? What would removing that file do?04:51
kaenxterm and rxvt are indeed fast, but I found them difficult to configure04:51
Dr_Willis.Xauthority file is a security type file. it can get  goofed up. if its removed/renamed - it will get remade with no issues04:51
tozenyowl: well that fix login problems usually04:51
reisiokaen: tilda?04:51
kaenchecking that and guake out at this very moment04:52
kaenoh man, guake is nice04:52
reisiocourse a "drop down" terminal is the same as an ordinary terminal04:52
reisioonly it's hidden04:52
Dr_Willisguake is a bit old. ;)04:52
reisioit's still running04:52
reisioif you just had gnome-terminal always running, it'd be the same04:52
Dr_Willistheres even some docks i recall with a pop-out terminal04:52
DiamondciteOld. but really convient and out of the way.04:52
DiamondciteUnless your app/games needs the trigger key04:52
kaenyeah, it's nice having a keybind to show/hide it though04:52
Dr_Willisi alwyas just have a few terms open. ;)04:53
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kaenthat's how I've been doing it for years, but I'm looking for a better way04:53
kaenit's very possible that there is none04:53
yowltozen, How might I delete it though?04:54
Dr_Willisyears ago the cool trick was to have a terminal embeded in the root/bottom layer of the desktop. ;)04:54
kaenyep I had that set up when I was in my awesomewm phase04:54
reisioif you used a tiling wm it wouldn't matter04:54
tozenyowl: Ctrl+Alt+F1 -->> cd ~/ -->> Enter -->> rm .Xauthority -->> Enter -->> sudo reboot -->> Enter04:55
reisioreboot is a little overkill04:55
reisioyou could just restart the DM service04:55
Psil0Cybinhey guys i have a problem when i do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get update, nothing updates but then randomly i get an update icon on my top bar so i click install updates and it installs 2 updates.....why can i not get the same result from doing sudo apt-get update + upgrade04:57
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Psil0Cybini just really like using the terminal for updates04:58
Psil0Cybinlike i used to do04:58
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  sounds like its just confused.04:58
Psil0Cybinbut now randomly i cannot run updates or get any updated packages via the terminal04:58
tozenreisio: you mean sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart?04:58
finchdPsil0Cybin: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' ?04:58
Psil0CybinDr_Willis: so what can i do to unconfuse it ? i dont even know how this happend.04:59
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  is there some error message for the apt-get update/upgrade commands?04:59
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  id just igniroe the gui tool.04:59
Psil0Cybinbut the GUI updates applications04:59
Psil0Cybinthe terminal does not :S04:59
Dr_Willisand you get some actual error messages from the commands?05:00
Psil0CybinDr_Willis: i get this every time i run those commands http://pastebin.com/7UE1kV3c05:00
Psil0Cybinno error message its just like this http://pastebin.com/7UE1kV3c finchd and Dr_Willis05:00
mikolajhow can I make a script run as root on startup?05:00
Psil0Cybini get those messages every single time05:01
yowlreisio, how do you restart the DM service, what is it?05:01
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  DONT use the   && method05:01
Psil0Cybinbut i get the same exact results05:01
Psil0Cybinwithout the && method05:01
Dr_Willisits NOT doing a sudo apt-get upgrade BECAUSE you are using &&05:01
Dr_Willisthe && fails to run the 2nd command.05:01
reisioyowl: sudo service ligthdm restart, IIRC05:01
Dr_Willisbecause of the ppa errors.05:01
Psil0Cybinbefore now i usually did it by it self, so i did sudo apt-get update05:01
Psil0Cybinand then i would type05:01
Psil0Cybinsudo apt-get upgrade05:01
Psil0Cybinand i get the same exact results05:01
Psil0Cybinsame exact errors and ignores05:01
Dr_Willisyou dont ned to update every time05:01
FloodBot1Psil0Cybin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:01
Dr_Willispastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'05:02
Psil0Cybinyea but when i do upgrade, it says everything is fine but i still get an update via theupdate manager05:02
Dr_Willisyour 'update' command has invalid ppa's - you may want to remove those05:02
yowlreisio, What will that do, take me back to the DE?05:03
Dr_Willisthe use of && in your command makes it where  the actual upgarde never runs.05:03
tozenreisio: isn't should be sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop and start after?05:03
reisioyowl: most likely05:03
Psil0CybinDr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/icjbU2kW05:03
reisiotozen: that might also work, but is the "old" way on Ubuntu05:03
reisiotozen: which uses a different style of init system05:03
tozenreisio: ok thx05:03
OerHeksreisio, 11.04 was before lightdm, wasn't it?05:03
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  you are upgraded and up to date05:04
reisioOerHeks: don't know, don't care05:04
yowlreisio, no reason i can't just restart my pc with my power button, right? Are you able to help me with this problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274588/05:04
reisioyowl: not reason, it's just unnecessary05:04
Psil0CybinDr_Willis: so why would retrochat update via the update manager two seconds ago, but i ran those exact commands 35 seconds before the icon popped up to update05:04
reisioand restarting is hard on hardware05:04
Dr_Willisretrochat? never heard of it05:04
reisioit's no coincidence Windows machines die faster, all those restarts05:04
Psil0Cybingot it from ubuntu software manager05:04
Dr_Williscould be its a ppa issue if thats from a ppa05:04
Dr_Willis!info retrochat05:04
ubottuPackage retrochat does not exist in saucy05:04
OerHeksreisio me too, but yowl has that old unsupported version issues05:04
Psil0Cybinokay wait Dr_Willis so what ur saying is the MAIN stuff downloads via terminal but the other applications that are PPA's are from the update manager?05:05
Psil0Cybinsorry i just want to understand what is going on05:05
reisioOerHeks: what do I care? Tell him05:05
Psil0Cybin:P so i learn about linux05:05
FloodBot1Psil0Cybin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  if apt says youa re up to date. then you are. the gui tool is confused.05:05
Dr_Willisand your invalid ppa's may be confuseing things05:06
Psil0Cybinokay, alright as long as everything is fine05:06
Dr_Willisive seen teh gui tool say i neeed to update.. WHILE i was updateing05:06
Psil0Cybin:P i can see how if ur being messy with linux things can sure get confusing05:06
Psil0Cybinu need to learn to keep things clean05:06
Psil0Cybini need to clean up those ppa's05:06
Dr_Willisppa's seem to be a top 10 cause of issues with the package managers05:07
yowlreisio, so you can't or won't help me then?05:07
Psil0Cybinreally see now i learned dr_willis.05:07
reisioyowl: what do you need help with?05:07
yowlreisio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6274588/05:07
reisioyowl: it used to work?05:09
yowlreisio, Oops, forgot to include this. I was using desktop, and suddenly certain programs were refusing to work, tomboy notes, and firefly wouldn't load. So i rebooted to fix this, and I was unable to log back in. But before this everything was fine for a long time, with no change05:10
reisioyowl: right, you probably ran out of disk space05:11
reisioyowl: make some room05:11
yowlreisi, I got plenty of space05:11
reisioyowl: according to?05:11
form4what's the support channel for ubuntu cloud05:12
ubottuThe Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC05:12
yowlreisio, well I tried to delete some files to make more room, but it won't let me delete them, not even stuff in /home05:13
reisioyowl: what does it say when you try05:14
reisio"it doesn't let me" isn't useful information :)05:14
yowlreisio, nothing, the delete option is grayed out, and nothing happens when I press the delete key with the file selected. But I don't have a /home partition separate from my system partition, if that could be related05:15
reisioyowl: uhuh05:15
reisioyowl: run 'df -h' from a terminal05:15
yowlreisio, and? how do I use this to delete a file?05:16
reisioyowl: you use it to see if you're out of space05:16
yowlreisio, useless if I can't delete files05:17
reisioyowl: no point deleting files if doing so won't resolve your problem05:17
OerHeks!cn | ORYT05:17
ubottuORYT: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:17
yowlreisio, but I am using a live drive to alter a /home on the same partition of a different OS05:18
Paulus68_1yowl: with all due respect we try to help you out but in order to do so we need info and that's what reiso is trying to get from you05:18
reisioyowl: what?05:18
Dr_Willisyour live-cd user dosent have rights to modify files on the installed system. you need to use sudo and root access to alter the files on an installed system yowl05:18
ORYTWho are you ?05:18
reisioORYT: I'm reisio05:18
* Dr_Willis is me05:19
* reisio knows me well05:19
ORYTAre you USA?05:19
* Paulus68_1 last time I checked still male :p05:19
Dr_WillisORYT:  do you have a ubuntu support question?05:19
ORYTI am chinese05:19
Dr_Willisif you want to chit-chat - theres #ubuntu-offtopic  ORYT05:19
ORYTI first come here05:20
BlueSteelhi all05:20
ORYTHow do use it ?05:20
yowlDr_Willis,  But aren't /home files suppose to be unrestricted? Is that the case for one installed  OS altering the /home file of another installed OS too?05:21
Dr_Willisyowl:  unresticted? totally absoutely NOT05:22
Dr_Willisnot the case at all.05:22
Dr_Willisnormal permissions still apply to ext2/3/4 filesystems05:22
yowlWhat is the terminal command for deleting a file?05:23
Dr_Willis user bob has rights to /home/bob be4cause of the permissions set on /home/bob   user frank  has no rights to them  if the permissions are set up to not allow it05:23
Dr_Willisyowl:  'rm'05:23
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:23
Dr_Willisrm /path/to/the/file05:23
ORYTI have a question05:23
auscompgeekORYT: then please ask05:24
ORYTThey are USA?05:24
xmetalalready refuse to answer here05:24
Dr_Willisthats a question?05:24
xmetalty Dr for asking what i was thinking05:24
MyrttiORYT: this channel isn't solely for your use. Did you have a Ubuntu support question or issue?05:24
ORYTI am cheinese people05:24
ubottuORYT,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:25
Dr_WillisORYT:  good for you. Do you have a ubuntu support question? if you want to just talk. try a differnt channel.05:25
yowlreisio, how much free space does one usually need to login?05:25
ORYTWhy not use Chinese05:26
Myrttibecause this is the international channel.05:26
ORYTI can not understand05:26
auscompgeekORYT: now you know how we feel05:27
Dr_WillisORYT:  then you should join the Chinease channel05:27
xmetalbut yet are typing in English05:27
ubottuORYT,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:27
Dr_Willishes using google translate. :)05:27
cfhowlettDr_Willis, exactly05:27
ORYTHow to enter the Chinese channel?05:28
reisioyowl: as root, none at all05:28
Dr_Willis /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:28
ORYTI need help05:28
cfhowlettORYT, /join #ubuntu-cn05:28
Dr_WillisORYT:  you have been told the commands to join the channel several times now05:28
ubottuORYT,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:29
reisioORYT: what do you need help with?05:29
ORYTWho can help me into the English channel?05:30
xmetalthats it05:30
* xmetal makes use of my client's ignore feature05:30
BlueSteelthis is English channel ORYT05:30
reisioORYT: with the channel?05:30
* wylde *facepalm*05:30
ORYTI must exit05:30
xmetali am thinking troll05:30
xmetalanyway ...05:31
cfhowlettxmetal, nope. most people in China have NO English skills.05:31
rohananyone know how to install PyQt5 for Python 2 on ubuntu? I can't seem to find the appropriate package.05:31
xmetalthe fact that people keep telling him/her and they keep asking05:31
ORYTAre you English?05:32
wylde!find pyqt505:32
ubottuFound: pyqt5-dev, pyqt5-dev-tools, pyqt5-doc, python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5, python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5-dbg, python3-pyqt5, python3-pyqt5-dbg, python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia, python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia-dbg, python3-pyqt5.qtopengl (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pyqt5&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all05:32
MyrttiORYT: /join #ubuntu-cn05:32
ORYTI'm a Chinese college students05:32
cfhowlettORYT, 请使用中国渠道。05:32
reisioORYT: what do you need help with?05:32
cfhowlettORYT, http://www.ubuntukylin.com/#05:33
clientHello. Does anyone use Git here?05:33
reisioclient: some people use git here05:33
Jordan_U!anyone | client05:33
ubottuclient: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:33
clientok sorry for that05:34
clientI'd like to know if Git needs a remote repository to work?05:34
ORYTClient Quit05:34
wafflejockclient: I'm pretty sure you can just git init anywhere05:34
Jordan_Uclient: Definitely not, git is decentralized, and that is a central part of what makes it what it is.05:34
Jordan_UORYT: /quit05:35
wafflejockclient: if you want to set up a repo to be shared on a server you just git init --bare but otherwise the same05:35
clienti'm reading these instructions here: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics-Getting-a-Git-Repository but it isn't making sense somewhat05:36
wafflejockclient: what're you confused about specifically05:36
wafflejockclient: there's a lot of ways you can be confused about git05:36
xOrHctiWhow can i disable the display manger to start automatically upon start up05:36
clientThey mention that you need to use more than 1 local repository for doing development. One repository for daily use and another that kind of acts like a remote repository?05:37
wafflejockclient: this is !ot I believe should PM or try #git05:37
wafflejockclient: generally speaking you'll have a working copy on your machine then a remote you sync with05:37
wafflejockgithub.com or your own server or whatever05:37
wafflejockclient: this isn't necessary for having a local history though05:37
clientso technically I can just use 1 repo on my system?05:38
reisioclient: the idea is to not do your work where you're going to be doing your final commits05:38
reisioas such you create as many fake clones as you desire05:38
wafflejockit's just good to play well with others05:38
reisioI forget what they're called05:38
wafflejockyou can make branches05:38
reisiobranches, that's it05:38
wafflejockbut you don't need remotes for that05:38
clientreisio now that makes sense05:38
wafflejockremotes are just places you want to push stuff to or pull from05:38
clientso a branch is like a clone?05:39
reisioit's the same as anything you care about, make a copy, modify the copy, merge back in your finalized edits into the "original" (the original copy, that is)05:39
wafflejockclient: sort of clone means something in git too though05:39
reisioit's a lot to cover, you should probably talk to #git05:40
ORYTI want to enter the Chinese chat room, how to enter?05:40
wafflejockbranch is effectively a copy though05:40
reisioor read that page I linked05:40
reisioORYT: /join #ubuntu-cn05:40
clientok I will do that. let me find their server05:40
reisioORYT: send that as a message05:40
tozenxOrHctiW: remove lightdm then you will start your X's with startx command05:40
ORYT I have a question .I want to enter the Chinese chat room, how to enter?05:40
reisioclient: 936 people in #git here05:40
reisioORYT: type '/join #ubuntu-cn' into your XChat window05:40
clientfreenode server05:40
ORYTThank you05:40
reisio/msg alis list #git05:41
xOrHctiWtozen thank you05:41
reisioif you know/can guess the channel name ahead of time05:41
reisiootherwise /msg alis list *git*, etc.05:41
xmetalfor pete sakes05:41
tozenxOrHctiW: no probs welcome05:41
reisioxmetal: you might be happier in #ubuntu-but-not-a-help-channel-at-all05:41
clientreisio can't there be a situation where you over-branch?05:42
reisioclient: if you lose track, sure05:43
clientmaking a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy05:43
reisiobut you can name things05:43
reisioto help not lose track05:43
reisioand you can create different repos instead of having only one05:43
reisioyou can do pretty much anything :p05:43
clientthanks reisio and wafflejock05:44
clienti'll now ask in the git room05:44
Dr_Willisjust cant seem to type /join ;)05:47
ORYTChina channel, no one pity05:47
ORYTI am exit05:48
reisioORYT: pity?05:48
ORYTThere have a lot people05:49
basil1x13.10 random freezes, disk thrashes, have to hard-reboot.05:49
cfhowlettORYT, http://www.ubuntukylin.com/#05:49
cfhowlettORYT, ubuntu for chinese: http://www.ubuntukylin.com/#05:49
reisioORYT: 你有问题吗?05:49
reisioORYT: 你有问题吗?05:51
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:52
reisioORYT: if you don't need help with something, you should find another channel :)05:52
cfhowlettORYT, you're welcome05:53
ORYTAre you chinese?05:53
ORYTI am chinese05:54
Jordan_UORYT: This channel is for Ubuntu support in English only. Now that you know how to join #ubuntu-cn, please stay on topic here or I will ban you. This is your last chance.05:54
cfhowlettORYT, we know.  we don't care.  use #ubuntu-cn05:54
ubottufuroido,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.05:54
ORYTWe are all from the world05:55
* xmetal stays out of it 05:55
ORYTWe are all from the world05:55
* cfhowlett ... experiences a moment of hatred for Google Translate05:55
ORYTAgree with your hands05:56
* reisio isn't from the world05:56
greetergreetings everyone... i'm having an odd problem. whenever i go to use content that requires flash player, the content is squashed to the left hand side of the browser05:58
greeterit also appears in various shades of pink and green. are there any known issues in ubuntu 13.10 that cause this?05:58
Dr_Willissmurf syndrome in flash player videos = disable hardware acceleration in the flash player settings05:59
Dr_Willisits a known issue in flash for the last several reelases05:59
greeterhmm. i'll give it a try. thank you kindly Dr_Willis :-)06:00
Dr_Willisi just use flash downloader tools. ;) then play them in vlc06:00
greeteri might just wind up doing that since i'm not totally sure how to find the flash player settings. although i'm finding that this whole system is a great learning experience :-)06:01
Dr_Willisright click on a flash player playing a video06:02
Dr_Willissame as in windows ;)06:02
Dr_Willisi think theres some other tool/way also06:02
greeteroh... i hope so because i tried that just now and the dialog box is similarly distorted06:02
Dr_Willisfullscreen the video first perhaps06:02
greeterah maybe so06:03
Dr_Willisthats normally needed befr you can even twiddle with the settings06:03
Dr_Willisdue to silly flash bugs06:03
greeterhmm the video doesn't even respond to input in that state. i'm going to have to find another way06:04
Dr_Willisin full screen? check askubuntu.com theres other work arounds for flash stupidity :)06:05
Dr_Willisi just cant recall the others.06:05
greeteri'll do that. i checked the adobe website, and they have instructions for pulling up global flash settings06:05
greeterof course the only have instructions for doing that in gnome or kde, neither of which i have, with no command line instructions at all :|06:06
zenwrylyI know I found this before but can't find it now, how can I list packages for which there is no apt source ATM?06:08
Dr_Willisyou mean ones you installed by 'hand' like from dpkg -i foo.deb06:09
aaaCan someone help me out with something?06:10
zenwrylyDr_Willis: well, I'm actually trying to figure out what packages/repos my upgrade to saucy still requires new sources for06:10
=== Deyan is now known as Guest32882
zenwrylyDr_Willis: IOW, which packages did I add a source for that I no longer need to under saucy06:11
zenwrylyDr_Willis: though it's be more useful than just that06:11
greeterwhat do you need help with aaa?06:11
=== Guest32882 is now known as KacanuH
zenwrylyaaa: you might want to read up on IRC question ettiquete06:11
aeon-ltdaaa: are you new here? don't ask to ask, it adds to channel clutter06:11
zenwrylyaaa: best to ask a specific question right off06:12
aaaMy ubuntu freezes upon starting and i know why but i dont know how to fix it..ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates i installed this..06:12
zenwrylyDr_Willis: ooh, that's not what I found before, might be better :-)06:13
zenwrylyDr_Willis: thanks06:13
sonuMy "Apple Mighty Mouse" has stopped clicking (both left & right clicks) after upgrading to 13.10 form 13.04. the pointer is working fine; I can move the mouse pointer anywhere on the screen but can not click. This same mouse was working well on 13.04. Really appreciate any help on this.06:13
=== soul is now known as Guest5241
zenwrylyaaa: that's not quite enough information for most to be able to know which direction to go (unless you happen to be encountering something that many have right after an upgrade, I wouldn't know) so you might want to look into how to get more debug information and use /topic to find out where to paste it (do *not* post it here)06:15
=== jeff__ is now known as jeff_liu_cn
aaaduh..i said that my problem occured right after installing ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ..that means that this is the problem and i need to remove it..it also comes with intel drivers i need to remove from recovery mode > drop to root shell prompt06:18
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:18
aaabut i dont know how06:18
Dr_Willispurge the ppa ;)06:18
Dr_Williswith extreme prejudice06:18
Dr_Willissee what ubottu  said above?06:19
zenwrylyaaa: that wasn't at all clear from your original question, but thanks for the duh06:19
zenwrylyDr_Willis: having read that, I've always wanted to be able to list packages without sources as a way of evaluating whether or not I still *need* the source06:19
zenwrylyDr_Willis: IOW, maybe saucy's version addresses the reason I originally added a PPA06:20
Dr_Williszenwryly:  i recall synaptic or some other gui tools list orphaned packages. but im not sure how they figure that out06:20
aaaBut to install ppa-purge then i must have internet accsses?06:20
zenwrylyDr_Willis: ok, so nothing obvious, thanks06:20
aaaCuz i dont have that when running from recovery mode06:20
Dr_Willisim not sure if orphan is even the right term06:21
auscompgeekaaa: hook your computer up over the ether06:21
Dr_Willis!text | aaa06:21
ubottuaaa: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:21
Dr_Willisyou can use the cli tools to enable networking. or go to the console after the system boots in normal mode06:21
vijayasorry for asking this question,but I thought this is the right place to ask this question... I want to get a job in kernel side, for this how to approach??? any suggestions please06:22
aaawell i have tried to get network accsess from recovery mode but it doesnt work.06:22
Dr_Willistext mode is a normal bootup. it just dosent run lightdm.06:22
Dr_Willisreocvery mode is more limited06:22
aaayeah but i cant get to normal boot up! It hard locks on the ubuntu s06:23
Dr_Williswell more  is disabled by default. i guess it the proper term06:23
Dr_Willisaaa:  text mode does not startX - so would not use the X drivers or ssytem at all06:24
Dr_Willisalso you could  use recovery mode and install a ssh server. then just ssh in after the system boots and try to remove things from a normal boot.06:24
aaaDr_willis. And how to i get to text mode? sry i know you told me..lol06:24
Dr_Willisor text mode, :) i always enable ssh06:24
vijayaDr_Willis:  can you please reply to my question if you have any idea....06:24
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:24
Dr_Willisvijaya:  only idea i have would be to say go ask in  the Offtopic channel.06:25
vijayahow to enter that channel06:25
Dr_Willis irc basics.. /join #channelname06:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:26
vijayaok, thanks06:27
aaabyebye ubuntu hello arch..thats all i have to say06:28
Dr_Willisaaa:  we really dont care06:29
hiseed78byebye aaa06:29
Dr_Willisif you cant figure out how to get to text mode.. well.06:29
cfhowlettaaa:  choice is the beauty of opensource.  good luck.06:29
Dr_Willisthe arch linux channel would tell you to go read their wiki page.06:30
RomanceHello, ok i have a usb wifi dongle (its connected to a wifi), i used it on laptop (has internal wifi adapter), how do i create a hotspot (with my laptop) ? ubuntu 12.04, i created from network manager but my phone didnt detect the hotspot06:30
Dr_Williswhich is a really good wiki ;)06:30
ubottuRomance,: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing06:30
aaaMr willis i tried and tried but everything locks up! Recovery mode doesnt work..text mode doesnt work..ctrl-atl-f1/f8 doesnt work06:31
Dr_Willisaaa:  dosent work  - 'dosent tell' us much of anything06:31
ubottuaaa,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:31
Dr_Willistext mode should go  to a login: prompt06:31
Romancecfhowlett, whats with that step by step? first it asked to install dnsmasq and then asked to remove it?06:32
aaaWhat do you want to know?  In recovery mode no matter what i try it just stands still. If i try to repair broken packages nothing happends..if i try to enter text mode nothings happens exept errors06:33
zenwrylyDr_Willis: thanks themill from #debian, "aptitude search ~o" or "aptitude search '?narrow(?not(?archive("^[^n][^o].*$")),?version(CURRENT))'" don't understand the difference yet06:33
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
zenwrylyDr_Willis: so obselete, not orphan06:33
cfhowlettRomance, I've never done ICS.  sorry.  The link is the best resource I know of.06:34
ariel__Hi all...is here the right place for me ask something about ubuntu server 12.04 lts ??06:34
Dr_Willisariel__:  sure.06:34
ariel__Dr_Willis, Thanks..i'm newbies..and now i want to make Ubuntu Server 12.02 be my Proxy Server..what should to do.?06:35
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server06:36
Ari-Yang^ ariel__06:36
Dr_Willismake hotspot in ubuntu -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-bPVnoJmzs     gotta love vidoes. ;)06:36
Dr_Willisariel__:  install whatever proxy service you wan tto use.. configure the clients to use it06:36
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
sonuMy "Apple Mighty Mouse" has stopped clicking (both left & right clicks) after upgrading to 13.10 form 13.04. the pointer is working fine; I can move the mouse pointer anywhere on the screen but can not click. This same mouse was working well on 13.04. Really appreciate any help on this.06:40
basil1xsonu: have you tried a different mouse?06:41
sonubasil1x: yes, I have. The USB mouse and the track-pad works well06:41
sonubasil1x, it's just this bluetooth Apple Mouse that has gone Dysfunctional.06:42
aditya_hey guys06:42
basil1xIs an 'apple mighty mouse' a bluetooth mouse, then?06:42
basil1xGot it.06:42
aditya_I am trying to enabled extensions on for php on my ubuntu setup, can anyone help me with this please06:42
sonubasil1x: I have also tried google and followed few suggesions, but none worked06:42
basil1xHave you changed the batteries?06:43
sonubasil1x: yes, I have06:43
ola2plz tell me how to apt-get install java with dependencies06:43
basil1xTry to add it as a device again.06:43
ola2i am not able to find its dependencies06:43
sonubasil1x: the batties are showing 79% charged in power status06:44
basil1xThen, either the poor mouse is failing, or it's not reading the click.06:45
basil1xTry to add it again.06:45
cfhowlettbasil1x, have you cleaned it?06:45
bazhang!java | ola2 have a read06:45
ubottuola2 have a read: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:45
angsI have very recently installed ubuntu 13.10, but each time I boot the pc, it never remembers my old configurations. For example, I have double screens and each time I need to configure the resolutions. what could be the issue?06:46
basil1xcfhowlett: It's not me with the funny mouse. ;)06:46
ola2ubottu:i just want u to give me like this apt-get install openjdk-7 jre-7 ...dependeny plz06:46
ubottuola2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:46
ola2ubottu:i dont know name of dependencies06:47
ubottuola2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:47
ola2ok plz anyone06:47
ola2i want dependency of jdk 706:47
ola2i will give this complete package to a friend06:47
xmetalubottu is just modest :)06:47
ubottuxmetal: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:47
R0b0t1Hi, my "Theme" seems to be changing by itself sporadically06:47
R0b0t1what can I do to fix this06:48
basil1xIf you just specify the main package, it will automagically pull in the dependencies, ola206:48
R0b0t1like, how could this even happen06:48
ola2no i will download it to give it to friend06:48
ola2apt-get download06:48
ola2and it doesnot downloads dependencies06:48
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline06:48
ola2i have tried it06:48
xmetalyes bas.. one of the advantages to ubuntu (and ubuntu-like) distros IMHO06:48
cfhowlettR0b0t1, you probably set it to change at intervals06:48
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:48
sonubasil1x: Tried adding again, but still no clicks. edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf as per one suggestion on askubuntu.com forum. that too didn't work.06:48
xmetali have AptonCD though I just copy and past debs06:49
xmetalto other folders to backup06:49
basil1xTry yo add it, ola2, and a list of the dependencies will appear.  You can copy/paste it from terminal.06:49
R0b0t1cfhowlett: But like... how06:49
R0b0t1cfhowlett: I did not do this06:49
sonubasil1x: This mouse is workign well on Mac OS X, so no problem with the HW. And google search shows many people have been facing similar problems since Ubuntu 706:49
ola2plz explain with example06:50
ola2how i get dependency06:50
basil1xThen it's hardware that hasn't liked Ubuntu for a while, sonu.  If it's a known issue, I can't solve it here without the device.06:50
Dr_Williswhich java is it you want exactly ola2 ?06:50
sonubasil1x: Surprise is that it was working well on 13.04 but something broke the functionality during the upgrade process to 13.1006:50
ola2i found this06:51
ola2apt-cache rdepends packagename06:51
Dr_Willisyou mean the Oracle java?06:51
ola2ya oracle java06:51
ola2would it run jar on linux06:51
Dr_Willisgo to their site and download it?06:51
ola2no actually i will download package and give it to friend06:51
Dr_Willistheres like 3 differnt javas that can run stuff06:51
Dr_Willisthe webupd8 page has a ppa/script for downloading it i recall06:51
Dr_Willisthat !java factoid wiki page details a lot of stuff about it as well06:52
hiseed78gnight all06:52
ola2sir, i just want deb package06:52
ingoanyone can help me out for a second? need to know what to file a bug against06:52
ola2i will give it to friend06:52
ingobrightness controls stopped working in 13.10 for me06:52
ola2he will just install06:52
Dr_Willisi dont even know if oracle packages a .deb for you to download06:52
ingowhich package do you recon i need to file a bug for?06:52
Dr_Willisnow the icedtea java in the repos. thats got debs06:52
=== ingo is now known as gaben
Dr_Willishttp://www.webupd8.org/2013/09/oracle-java-7-update-40-7u40-released.html  says you can get the java tar.gz from oracle and use their .deb/script and it will inztall it from the cache.06:56
Dr_Willisther is no .deb from Oravle06:56
basil1xola2:  if you have synaptic package manager installed, it will very helpfully tell you the dependencies of any package.  just type the name in the box, right-click on the programme, and select properties.  There is a dependencies tab there.06:57
the_drowHow do I know what caused the distribution upgrade to fail? Could not calculate the upgrade  An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.   This can be caused by:  * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu  * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu  * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu  If none of this applies, then please report this bug using the command 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release06:58
cfhowlettthe_drow, dist-upgrades fails too frequently.  that's why the recommended procedure is to download and clean install.06:59
the_drowcfhowlett: that's pretty bad07:00
the_drowcfhowlett: It will erase my IDE and everything else I installed07:00
NuSueyany idea why does my sound output set itself on HDMI every time I boot?07:00
Dr_Willisppa's seem to be a main cause of failures the_drow07:01
NuSueyI would love to be able to choose whetever sound output I want - to make it the default output07:01
NuSueybut I guess that doesn't work.07:01
cfhowlettthe_drow, I feelz for ya.  There was  a tutorial to Identify all packages installed and recreate them on a new installation.  I'll look07:01
Dr_WillisNuSuey:  tried the pavucontrol tool?07:01
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate07:01
basil1xNuSuey: Install Pavucontrol.  it will let you set default audio.07:01
help_mehello. How would I install libquicktime with lame option enabled?07:02
NuSueybasil1x, Dr_Willis oh, I guess I haven't. You sure it will work? the default settings in ubuntu won't set it up as default yea?07:02
Dr_Willisi dont worry about what 'i have installed' i write up a simple script that installs most all ever add to a new install. and keep that script07:02
Dr_WillisNuSuey:  try it and see.07:02
basil1xIt worked for me, NuSuey, for a similar issue.07:02
Dr_WillisI want hdmi as a default.. since i have speakers on my monitor07:02
NuSueyDr_Willis: ok, will have to wait a bit, till im home.. but thanks07:03
Dr_Willisi had the opposite.. it was defaulting to analog for several releases. it does hdmi now :) as i want07:03
NuSueyDr_Willis: ah. well sweet then, if it works :)07:03
the_drowDr_Willis: It says that aptitude is not installed07:03
Dr_Willisthe_drow:  so... install it?07:03
the_drowAlso, I disabled all PPAs and still.07:03
Dr_Willisthered Disabeling a PPA. then theres PURGEING a ppa07:03
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:03
NuSueybtw did anyone of you tried to be able to have output enable to both outputs (hdmi+analog) simoultanously?07:04
NuSuey(poorly worded)07:04
the_drowDr_Willis: So that's my only option? What if I installed something not using a PPA?07:04
Dr_Willisthe_drow:  if you used teh normal repos - then it should upgrade the packages07:04
basil1xNuSuey: O don't think that's possible.  It's kind of an either-or thing.07:04
cfhowlettthe_drow, allow me to add a note: unless you NEED the latest ubuntu, you should only use LTS.  With a 6 month support cycle, of COURSE non-LTS are beta releases.07:04
Dr_WillisPulse audio should be able to route sound from differnt apps to differnt sound cards.07:05
NuSueybasil1x: it did work before. need to try again, but .. hdmi did some weird noises each minute or so07:05
kalakjhello everyone, i am not able to open hyperlinks in document viewer, link is working properly in windows07:05
kalakjalso, i tried okular07:05
kalakjit says host not found07:05
Dr_Willisweird noises - could be powersaveing  of the card powering down/backup07:06
basil1xWeird noises is a function of ALSA deciding to actually do something.07:06
kalakjany idea07:06
g2kHello, im running xubuntu 12.04, whenever i resize my mouse pointer it resizes in firefox but not when its on the desktop. Anyone know how to fix this?07:06
NuSueyDr_Willis, basil1x it was a high pitched noise .. every minute or so.. well, how could I get rid of it? :/ or should I just scrap the whole .. doing two sound outputs at once.. thing?07:07
g2khello helmut07:09
basil1xTry running several things with sound with pavucontrol open.  You can then direct sound from each source where you want it to go.07:09
basil1xAlso, in terminal, check alsamixer.07:10
Dr_Willisyea its weird how to configure pulse.. you got to have stuff running using the sound system, then you set things up while its in use07:10
AtuMHello! I'm having a minor problem with 13.10.. I'm used to using openvswitch with brcompat module, so that virt-manager can work... but I can find no package named openvswitch-brcompat anymore.. I have openvswitch 1.10.2-0ubuntu2 installed07:12
Patero-ngwhat can be the cuz07:13
Patero-ngwhy is my ubuntu not working on my computer? it causes my video signal que get lost and the computer hangs07:13
s1lent_1Uh... I have a weird problem07:16
s1lent_1My ubuntu 13.10 died today07:16
s1lent_1so I went back to my win7 boot07:16
s1lent_1reloaded a unetbootin drive with 13.0407:16
s1lent_1and did the install07:16
s1lent_1so that time, I didn't choose, "Install 3'd party thingys"07:16
AtuMs1lent_1, i'm sorry to read that07:16
aeon-ltdhave you tried tylenol?07:16
aeon-ltdseriously type the question on one line07:17
s1lent_1And when I finished, I realized that the Wi-fi didn't work...07:18
AtuMs1lent_1, could ubuntu "die" because of this?07:18
s1lent_1So I reinstalled again, but with the thing selected. But still, the Wi-fi is broke. I mean, I can access the wi-fi while installing and in live mode, but not after the install. I did install quite a few times, and even installed kubuntu once. And it still doesn't work07:19
AtuMs1lent_1, perhaps you shoud install some proprietary firmware/drivers07:19
cfhowletts1lent_1, what AtuM said ...07:20
s1lent_1AtuM, actually, I should have been specific. I had left this game's loader open for a day, and when I pressed play, unity wouldn't load, I tried resetting it in Xubuntu, but it wouldn't do anything, so I started reinstalling multiple times...07:20
AtuMs1lent_1, I've had this sort of issue before.. and was lucky enough to be able to plug a wire into the comp to install proprietary drivers07:20
s1lent_1...I kinda don't have access ATM07:21
Dr_Williswhat game loader?   Steam?07:21
cfhowletts1lent_1, depending on the chip, you might able to install offline ... broadcom?07:21
s1lent_1as I said, it worked in live mode07:21
s1lent_1and for kubuntu live...07:22
s1lent_1but once I restarted... it went... dead07:22
s1lent_1like, the chip wouldn't show07:22
AtuMI believe live mode uses proprietary drivers.. they are not installed by default07:22
cfhowletts1lent_1, it happens.  see the "no internet access" option    http://turbolinux.org/2011/07/ubuntu-broadcom-bcm43xx-chipset-pci/07:22
Dr_Willislive cd would use the open sourced drivers07:22
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AtuMDr_Willis, it would if available.. I've installed a notebook that worked well when using live version but the network wouldn't work once the system was installed..07:23
Dr_Williscompare what modules are use on the live cd and the installed system07:24
s1lent_1so... whats the quickfix that won't need me to plug into eth07:24
cfhowletts1lent_1 so you decided to NOT read the link I sent?07:24
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s1lent_1Its loading07:24
s1lent_1but I like multiple backups07:25
AtuMs1lent_1, what Dr_Willis said.. compare the modules, copy the driver and the firmware files into the installed system07:25
s1lent_1Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to turbolinux.org07:25
kalakjAnybody familiar with libre office here?07:26
kalakji need some help07:26
cfhowlettkalakj, ... well I use it.07:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:26
AtuMkalakj, I believe there's a channel for that07:26
s1lent_1AtuM, so... off the usb I made the boot disk from?07:27
cfhowlettkalakj, /join #libreoffice07:27
kalakjcfhowlett: Thanks, i insert a shape like a button, i put some text on it, i want to change its color but i am not able to change text color, i can change shape color, outline etc, but how to change font color, it is black by default07:28
AtuMs1lent_1, I'd run the live version and copy from that.. it does not matter what source you use.. but the kernel versions must match07:28
cfhowlettkalakj, ask in #libreoffice07:28
s1lent_1sorry for being noobish... could you please tell me a bit more detailed version of the process AtuM ?07:28
kalakjcfhowlett: thanks07:28
=== KacanuH is now known as Deyan
s1lent_1I'm tired... and I'll probably delete my c:\ drive... in ubuntu... which would be... very strange07:29
* s1lent_1 yawns07:29
greeteri've done that before, with debian rather than ubuntu. the results are entertaining07:29
AtuMs1lent_1, I cannot.. I don't know the exact driver name and location.. any deeper ramblings i make would not help07:29
AtuMs1lent_1, you should first make a backup of things. If an older version works for you, you should use that.. 12.04 is quite nice.. you might have less issues with that07:31
* s1lent_1 twitches...07:32
s1lent_1I don't like old.... no offense...07:32
greeterold isn't necessarily bad, as lts releases are maintained for a number of years with important updates07:32
thorin39hello, is it possible run shell script on remote linux pc from windows pc?07:33
bazhangtry in ##windows thorin3907:33
Dr_Willisthorin39:  ssh and putty.. yes07:33
AtuMs1lent_1, look at it as a learning experience.. perhaps some other linux distro will work with your network device as soon as installed.. I've changed many distros and I've always learned from it07:33
Dr_Willisssh in, run whatever you want thorin3907:33
xmetali have a spare partition that I may (for now ... i plan on going with the new LTS next april) try either Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or arch on07:33
s1lent_1why the hell doesn't kubuntu show up after installing?07:34
thorin39Dr_Willis, ty07:34
s1lent_1I installed it twice...07:34
bazhangs1lent_1, so get the fresh 13.10 then the lts is the next upgrade (14.04)07:34
s1lent_1yet, it doesnt appear on the GRUB thingy07:34
bazhangs1lent_1, installed WHAT exactly07:34
Dr_Williss1lent_1:  show up where?   you have 2 ubuntu installs? or whate exactly.07:34
* cfhowlett ... bets on wubi anyone?07:35
s1lent_1Dr_Willis, in despiration... i made 2 boot disk thingys in unetbootin07:35
bazhangs1lent_1, kubuntu-desktop?07:35
s1lent_1a classic Ubuntu 13.0407:35
Dr_Willisso what does unetbootin have to do with grub menus>07:35
s1lent_1and a Kubuntu 13.0407:35
s1lent_1so... I installed Kubuntu... but can't find it...07:35
s1lent_1how do I use it? its taking up extra space in my hdd07:36
Dr_Willisyou can install the kubuntu-desktop packages inside the ubuntu install and select what desktop you want to use07:36
AtuMs1lent_1, the difference between those is just in the desktop it uses.. they are both ubuntu..07:36
cfhowletts1lent_1, why?  if you want to try the other, just install the desktop environment to test look and feel.07:36
Dr_Willislook at you rpartions, delete the ones you dont need07:36
Dr_Willisresize or mount them as some data partions if you want07:36
s1lent_1wait... wut07:36
Dr_Williswut wut>07:36
bazhangpastebin the output from sudo fdisk -l s1lent_107:36
bazhang!paste | s1lent_107:37
ubottus1lent_1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:37
s1lent_1not in ubu/kubu atm07:37
s1lent_1/ctcp version07:37
Dr_Willisits trivial to have ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu, and lubuntu desktops all installed at the same time. on the same install s1lent_107:37
bazhangs1lent_1, then do it when you are07:37
cfhowletts1lent_1, install ubuntu.  Wait!  I want to test kubuntu!  install kde.  logout.  switch desktop environment to kde.  login07:37
=== ubunt167 is now known as UsuarioDisturbed
bazhangs1lent_1, no point in troubleshooting if you cannae actually follow the advice here07:37
Dr_Willisdont forget the ubuntu-gnome-desktop also. ;)07:37
cfhowletts1lent_1, in other words you can install ONE OS and dress it in multiple outfits.07:38
Dr_Williswat wat?07:38
AtuMs1lent_1, try the 12.04 version if that works for you.. the issue with drivers is not a good job for new-commers.. sorry it doesn't work dor you. if you install kubuntu, xubuntu or any other the issue will not get resolved by itself07:38
Dr_Williswat really dosent convey any message..07:38
bazhangs1lent_1, stop that07:38
s1lent_1er... I thought my messages weren't appearing07:38
s1lent_1it was an accidental slash...07:38
azar does anybody know how to handle ssh over an ipsec network connection??ssh returns an error: "connection time out"07:38
s1lent_1but anyways... I was mentioning the kubuntu because I thought that might relate to the drivers07:39
bazhangs1lent_1, many pieces of advice here, all directly addressed to YOU07:39
Dr_Williss1lent_1:  all the *buntu  releases use the same core kernel and drivers07:39
bazhangs1lent_1, give us the output of sudo fdisk -l in a PAstebin07:39
bazhangs1lent_1, dont paste it here07:39
s1lent_1again... I r noob. bazhang sure, let me use my IPoAvian Carrier since my Wi-Fi doesn't work in ubuntu and I have no access to an eth cable07:40
s1lent_1Dr_Willis, ah, I see...07:40
bazhangs1lent_1, you are on internet now07:40
bazhangs1lent_1, stop that07:41
s1lent_1I think I said I'm on win7 atm07:41
cfhowletts1lent_1, we're done here.07:41
AtuMs1lent_1, you might try to use something like linux-mint or fedora if you have issues with *buntu distro at the moment.. what you lack is the knowledge to solve the problem by yourself.. if you have a friend that really knows linux, you should ask him for help. i help out many friends with such issues..07:41
s1lent_1AtuM, ah, I'll try that in a bit07:41
bazhangs1lent_1, you wont listen to any of the advice here, and provide unasked for / irrelevant posts in response07:42
s1lent_1bazhang, you keep demanding to see the output of a command I can't run07:42
s1lent_1and if I could run it, I couldn't paste it without an ethernet connection07:42
s1lent_1because I can't view my ubu partition in win707:43
Ben64then run it and come back, or use a second computer or a phone or something07:43
bazhangs1lent_1, boot that version, copy it down, paste in the networked computer, give us the url07:43
UsuarioDisturbedhow do I know how much space I have left on my run of ubuntu live with persistent data I tried df -h but it gives me different sizes for different folders I need clarification07:43
xiaopi[z]s1lent_1: your ubuntu should be able to mount your ntfs partition, so you can copy the result in a TXT in there and after come back to put it online for win707:43
AtuMUsuarioDisturbed, I believe that whatever is mounted in your /home is the correct line to look for free space07:44
s1lent_1...why didn't I think of that... heh07:44
UsuarioDisturbedAtuM: great07:44
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
UsuarioDisturbedAtuM: df -h doesn't give me info on /home how to check?07:46
musohi all.07:47
AtuMthe persistent data is an overlay mount.. I would have to boot the image myself to check..  if not /home then perhaps / is the line to check07:48
musojust upgraded to 13.10 and something inconvenient happened.07:48
greeterwhat happened muso?07:48
musoinvolving the tor browser.07:48
ubottumuso,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:48
LambdaDuskcan anyone help me this: http://superuser.com/questions/663000/ubuntu-update-causes-operating-system-not-found-on-uefi-system07:49
LambdaDuskI'm quite on the brink of freaking out07:49
musowell, after the upgrade I can no longer enter (i.e. type) into any fields on the tor browser.07:49
musohave checked on the web07:49
musoand have seen that this occurs with firefox, mozilla07:49
musoand have tried some things, but still stuck.07:50
musosome things,07:50
AtuMLambdaDusk, I usualy fix this using live boot to reinstall grub.. I've found some howtos on google to do it07:50
musosuch as07:50
musoshutting down and deleting add ons07:50
musoand intlalling different versions of tor browser07:50
musoand even compiling from source.07:50
musosame problem, though.07:51
aeon-ltdmuso: writing details on one line makes it easier to read07:51
musosorry aeon-ltd . point taken07:51
musoit seems that 13.10 uses IMBUS. could that the problem, or part of itL07:52
musoanybody else have a broken tor browser?07:53
musoor firefox, mozilla?07:53
bazhang!patience | muso07:53
ubottumuso: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/07:53
LambdaDuskAtuM: I have already teied 3 HowTos, and re-installed Ubuntu and GRUB several times07:55
greeteri can't remember who helped me earlier but thank you. finally fixed the flash issue by reinstalling flashplugin-installer07:55
AtuMLambdaDusk, I have also had issues with bios settings.. I'm not sure I can help since you've upgraded.. perhaps there are some issues with upgrade procedure.. could you try to reinstall?07:56
AtuMLambdaDusk, since the 13.10 release many "howtos" from previous versions are obsolete..07:57
greeterwow, i mistyped a command and the terminal asked me if i meant something else :-)07:58
LambdaDuskAtuM: I already re-installed Ubuntu, and then I installed Linux Mint, and it was always the very same result =/07:58
angshas anyone ever installed eagle cad on ubuntu?07:58
AtuMLambdaDusk, but a previous version worked fine, right?07:58
UsuarioDisturbedangs: no07:59
Matt_91hi everyone, maybe there is an error in resolvconf. it not include the file /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base07:59
[1]tanaI would like to start with MaaS/Juju. I've read few docs. I've tried to install ubuntu-12.04 with MaaS. It asked me for a iSCSI serveir which leads me to think that there are some prerequisites before using MaaS. Can anyone help me to start please ?07:59
linuhi all i have been using pcsc_lite 1.8.3 and ccid-1.4.10 versions to read smartcard, i have an issue that the reader sometimes working correctly sometimes stuck, is it any possiable to delay the poweroff timings in the source code to rectify the problem?08:00
UsuarioDisturbedhola elfenixtorres08:00
LambdaDuskAtuM: Yes, it did08:00
AtuMLambdaDusk, If you haven't changed anything within the bios and the previous version worked fine, I don't see what the problem can be.. does it show grub at all?08:00
ncdmrhi, is there an option in unity for the launcher to only show apps on the current workspace?  It now displays all apps on all workspaces.08:01
k1l_ncdmr: iirc its in the unity-tweak-tool08:02
josti/j #email08:02
AtuMLambdaDusk, also there can be a hardware incompatibility issue.. I've tried to use 64bit linux on 970fx chipset, but couln't make it work.. 32bit version worked fine.. as an example08:03
ncdmrk1l_, I did check unity-tweak already, but only found the "icon backgrounds" option to have an "alternated for each workspace".  It does give some comfort to differentiate the different apps per workspace08:03
LambdaDuskAtuM: I didn't change anything, and I am stuped about the problem, too. And no, it doesn't show grub, it seems to skip the Harddrive when booting and goes right for network boot08:04
LambdaDuskAtuM: Can't tell if it tries the hard drive or skips it entirely, though08:04
musoimbus is the default. That's new in 13.10, no?08:05
AtuMLambdaDusk, can you check if you have a "bios" partition? UEFI boot needs it..08:05
AtuMLambdaDusk, alternatively you could try to boot in legacy mode..08:06
jostDoes anyone know a good tool to extract all non-existing email-addresses from a bunch of bouncemails?08:06
LambdaDuskAtuM: Yes I have a bios partition, and as fars I can see, it has all the flags and grub has it, too. And can someone boot in legacy mode on a GPT disk?08:10
Dr_Willisjost:  how is a tool supposed to know if the email is non-existing08:11
angsI did apt-get install zlib* and it installed 800MB08:11
angsbut I still get zlib not installed08:11
jostDr_Willis: because of the reason the mailserver gave for bouncing the email08:12
angsdo I need to install anything else on ubuntu 13.10 to get zlib?08:12
AtuMLambdaDusk, perhaps you should revert to the previous release.. from what I can see there are many issues with 13.1008:12
Dr_Willis!find zlib08:13
ubottuFound: libruby1.8, perl, perl-modules, zlib1g, zlib1g-dbg, zlib1g-dev, clisp-module-zlib, gambas3-gb-compress-bzlib2, gambas3-gb-compress-zlib, gauche-zlib (and 25 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=zlib&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all08:13
rohanhow do i install the python setuptools 0.7+ version on ubuntu/08:14
Dr_Williszlib1g  would be my guess  angs08:14
AtuM!find openvswitch-brcompat08:14
ubottuPackage/file openvswitch-brcompat does not exist in saucy08:14
musoAtuM, what kind of issues, mainly?08:14
AtuMmuso, some ppl reported that upgrade fails, some packages are not available yet.. that can cause many problems.. they will get fixed in time I'm sure..08:15
ubotturohan,: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python08:15
cfhowlettmuso, 6 month support cycle tells me to use LTS versions08:16
rohancfhowlett: i was referring to setuptools availability in ubuntu, #python won't be able to help there :)08:16
cfhowlettrohan, sorry.  best link I know of.08:16
musoreverting to the earlier version (or LTS) is smooth sailing? (never done it)08:17
cfhowlettmuso, I only clean install.  can't say reverting is something I'd ever want to try08:17
Dr_Willisyou dont revert to earlier.. you reinstall. ;)08:17
AtuMmuso, reverting is best done as a reinstall.. so no.. not exactly smooth sailing08:17
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
AtuMmuso, installing is simple.. but you have to reinstall all the packages you need again..08:18
charTayWhy is eclipse so so slow in virtualmachine on ubuntu?!!?08:19
AtuMcharTay, it might need more memory08:19
cfhowlettcharTay, everything is slower on virtual08:19
charTayMOAR MEMORY!!!08:20
musoso, going from 13.10 to LTS is no recommended, I take it.08:21
Dr_Willismuso:  if you want lts.. you do a clean install of lts.08:21
Dr_Willisif you want the latest release use 13.10 ;)08:22
greeterdoes anyone here have any experience using skype in ubuntu? i'm having serious sound issues. sometimes audio works, sometimes it doesn't, and when it works it's usually very low quality08:26
LambdaDuskAtuM: People should be warned, I guess there are many people out there updating 13.10 in the believe it's gonna be fine, but actually it's a huge risk08:26
Dr_Willisive really not seen many poeple in here with 13.10 upgrade issues. but it can depend on a lot of things08:27
musoupgrading always requires a bit of courage, I guess. 13.10, in particular, is a huge risk?08:28
greeterwell i actually installed 13.10 from fedora 19. it's the smoothest linux installation i've ever seen08:28
Dr_Willismuso:  i wouldent say its a huge rish,08:29
Dr_Willisnot any more a risk then any other upgrade08:29
AtuMLambdaDusk, I always recommend to wait a few more months... I run my workstation on 13.10 and have a single issue so far.. It's not a deal breaker so I can wait for a few packages to appear later..  I wouldn't call it "huge" risk.. but it is more of a cutting edge and it takes time for some developers to adept their packages to it08:29
awesomebbI have an ntp client which has a peer that is stick in the ".INIT." mode08:29
awesomebbcan someone issues with this08:29
luthorawesomebb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/broadcom-sta/+bug/99164208:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 991642 in broadcom-sta (Ubuntu) "NTP peers stuck in "INIT" when using the BCM4313 "wl" kernel module in 12.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:32
luthorlike such?08:32
LambdaDuskAtuM: The trouble is that the window pops up and says "get 13.10" even though it's still not stable08:35
AtuMI don't understand this.. there's a description of openvswitch-brcompat, but the package isn't available to install: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/openvswitch08:35
Dr_Willisits as stable as any other non lts release as far as ive seen08:35
paulens12can someone help me with my java problem?08:35
wilee-nileeLambdaDusk, you can turn off that update in software sources.08:35
AtuMLambdaDusk, that's true with almost every distro I used in the last 2 years08:36
paulens12i know i should go to ##java, but this only happens since i upgraded to 13.1008:36
ikoniapaulens12: have you looked at the difference between java versions before / after your upgrade08:36
Dr_Willisit seems its coredumping paulens12 .08:36
charTayAnyone do android I my damn R file is not being generated for some reason with every new project08:36
paulens12ikonia: no idea.. i have openJDK 7 and 6 and that's all i know08:37
charTayOpenJDK works for android sdk?08:37
ikoniapaulens12: perhaps looking at the differences between what you had and what you have now would be a good start08:37
paulens12ikonia: i had openjdk and that's all i know08:37
ikoniapaulens12: why are you laughing ?08:38
paulens12i had openjdk java 6 runtime and openjdk java 7 runtime, and i still have the same08:38
ikoniapaulens12: check the specific versions08:38
paulens12ikonia: do you really think i'm laughing IRL?08:38
paulens12ikonia: and how do i check what I HAD BEFORE?08:38
ikoniapaulens12: I have no idea, you said "lol" - laugh out loud, so I can only assume you find it funny08:38
ikoniapaulens12: look in the repos for the version you have before on whatever version of ubuntu you had08:39
charTayHow can you run openJDK with effin android?08:39
paulens12ikonia: you don't know much about skype and that stuff, do you?08:39
ikoniapaulens12: yes, I do, I use skype on a regular basis08:39
paulens12ikonia: i don't think so08:39
ikoniapaulens12: not sure what skype has anything to do with, but I use it daily08:39
ShogootSo i never remeber how it was. how can i change a sting (in my case a ip) in several files on my server? was i grep '' / | cat (somerthing more?)08:39
Dr_WillischarTay:  prhaps the people in #android may know.08:39
paulens12ikonia: if you did, you would know when lol is used between normal people..08:39
ikoniapaulens12: I never see it used08:40
ikoniapaulens12: what is the code you are trying to run ?08:40
Dr_WillisShogoot:  sounds like a job for sed or awk08:40
paulens12ikonia: well, you remind me of Sheldon Cooper, lol08:40
somsip Shogoot: use sed08:40
Shogootill look it up08:40
charTaymaaan this shit is gay08:40
charTaythe fuck08:40
ikoniapaulens12: I'll back away from helping then.08:40
FloodBot1charTay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:40
paulens12ikonia: i'm not trying to "run a code", i'm trying to run an actual program..08:40
paulens12ikonia: ok, lol08:40
ikoniapaulens12: code is being executed - it's a java virtual machine, it runs byte code, please stop trying to be clever with your answers, I was trying to help you by understanding the problem08:41
k1l_!guidelines > charTay08:41
ubottucharTay, please see my private message08:41
paulens12ikonia: i know. but i have no f. idea what "code" the program consists of...08:41
musok. thanks all.08:41
ikoniapaulens12: control your language, just say "I don't know" - or "I'm running $X"08:42
paulens12ikonia: and i'm not "trying to be clever", i'm being casual. and i just answered to your question straight.08:42
charTayOmg... How do you guys use OpenJDK for android?08:42
ikoniacharTay: this channel is for ubuntu discussion - not android08:42
paulens12charTay: how the... did you get here?!08:42
greetercharTay, you might want to try /msg alis list *android* for channels that might better help you08:42
paulens12greeter: why? everyone knows it's "#android"08:43
charTayI aint asking that shit shit stick.08:43
greeterwell i'm just suggesting what i do. i did that tofind this channel08:43
aditya_hi.. i am trying share a folder with another user on ubuntu.. but the other user is getting unable to mount ! please help08:44
awesomebbluthor, no08:44
UsuarioDisturbedanybody here knows how to find the hash number using md5sum of a file to compare againast other of the same name to find out they're reasonable gthe same08:44
awesomebbluthor, no wireless08:44
paulens12greeter: didn't you know that it's "#ubuntu"? -.-008:44
greeteri probably should have seeing as i'm also in #lubuntu08:44
k1l_!attitude > paulens1208:44
ubottupaulens12, please see my private message08:44
ikoniagreeter: nothing wrong with your suggstion.08:44
k1l_paulens12: stick to ubuntu support in here please. no need for making drama in here08:44
paulens12k1l_: i think you're making drama, lol08:45
paulens12i just suggested a simpler way to join a channel08:45
greetertrue enough ikonia. using alis will also show what other ubuntu related channels are on freenode08:45
cfhowlettaditya_, ubuntuone will allow you share quite easily08:45
paulens12wow, that's so dramatic!08:45
ubottupaulens12,: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:45
paulens12cfhowlett: now you'll repeat that prayer 20 times? :D08:45
* cfhowlett ... injects the Samuel L. Jackson mod into ubottu ... awaits the next silly comment.08:46
Dr_WillisUsuarioDisturbed:  normally the  hash to verify against is posted at the download site for the files08:47
Dr_WillisUsuarioDisturbed:  but im not clear on what you are trying to do.08:47
UsuarioDisturbedI'll see if I find out on the site08:47
Dr_WillisUsuarioDisturbed:  you want the md5 for the ISO downloads?08:48
paulens_y u so mean?08:48
greeterisn't ban evasion against freenode policy?08:49
k1l_yep it is08:49
greeteri thought so08:49
awesomebbwhat does dropped: strata too high regarding NTP mean?08:50
b0x13.10 \o/08:50
lucidoI have trouble setting a custom resolution (1280x768 60Hz), here's my log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6275502/08:51
lucido<lucido> the new modeline was defined in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf and worked fine until the 13.04->13.10 ubuntu upgrade08:51
CruiseomaticAnyone here know anything about SSO?08:53
ubottuCruiseomatic,: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:53
CruiseomaticIt is a real question....08:53
b0xexcept it broke my apache setup08:54
k1l_Cruiseomatic: is that a specific ubuntu support question?08:54
CruiseomaticYes, It is08:54
Dr_Willisno - no one knows anything about SSO.08:54
cfhowlettCruiseomatic, nope.  sorry08:54
* Dr_Willis closes the ticket08:54
ubottuCruiseomatic,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:55
CruiseomaticFor some reason I can't get all the way in.08:55
cfhowlettCruiseomatic, tells us ... nothing.08:55
CruiseomaticIt knows who I am but when I click sign in, it doesnt know me.08:55
UsuarioDisturbedI have a problem connecting to a windows share is asking me for the domain name and I have no idea I know the workgroup is home but that doesn't work what can i do?08:57
UsuarioDisturbedanyone with experience in this08:57
CruiseomaticAre all your windows setting right?08:57
UsuarioDisturbedCruiseomatic: they should be I can access it from other windows machines08:58
CruiseomaticThen im not sure. usually a win problem08:59
Dr_WillisUsuarioDisturbed:  the ubuntu user has a samba password?  or is this a ubuntu box connecting to a windows machines shareing a directory?09:00
Dr_Willisi seem to recall windows getting comfused and asking for a domain name or somtnng when i had a differnt user connecting from linux, then i had on the windows box.09:01
Dr_Willis#windows may have other ideas09:02
robin_Hi everyone. I have ubuntu 13.10 installed on a internal usb disk, if i change my disk in my laptop will there be any problem?09:08
Dr_Willisinternal usb disk?09:08
robin_dont no the right word09:08
Dr_Willisive moved ubuntu installs(on a hd) from one pc to another with few issues.09:08
Dr_Willisvideo drivers are somthing to watch out for.09:08
robin_i have a internal disk in a usb dock maybee09:09
ActionParsniprobin_: it won't afect it, unless you tell the OS to mount any internal storages on said drive09:09
vk01_Could you do a cat /etc/fstab?09:09
Dr_WillisIf its on the usb port. ;) its a USB disk. ;)09:09
[Gentoo]that might affect grub?09:09
robin_Dr_willis i can put that usb disc in my computer09:10
Dr_Willisrobin_:  its just a fancy dock  if its using usb. no differnt then a disk on a cable to a normal usb port09:10
Dr_WillisUnless its using esata or somthing ;)09:10
Dr_Willisthenit wouldent be USB.09:10
Dr_WillisIve done full installs to usb flash drives and moved them from pc to pc.09:11
xubuntuHey guys I have just installed Xubuntu 13.10 and was wondering if anybody sound hasn't worked?09:11
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest45256
robin_okay i see your point09:11
Guest45256Hey guys I have just installed Xubuntu 13.10 and was wondering if anybody sound hasn't worked?09:11
Dr_Willissound has worked for me  on xubuntu 13.1009:11
Dr_Willisi imagine it may depend onyour chipset09:12
Dr_Willisdid sound work in the live-cd?09:12
Guest45256It's seems weird though because I earlier had ubuntu 13.10 with sound working fine.09:12
Dr_Willisits also possible  its just a mixer setting set to mute09:12
robin_put if i open my computer and put the harddisk there will grub be affected09:12
Dr_Willisrobin_:  grub would onlybe affected if you run update-grub and it sees the new hd.09:12
Dr_Willisbut which grub are you refering to. ;)09:13
greeterGuest45256, my sound works fine except in skype, i'm using lubuntu09:13
[Gentoo]Dr_Willis: but if you dont run it, the old /dev or disk uuid will be in grubs config09:13
Guest45256My sound did not work in the live session either but I didnt notice that.09:13
[Gentoo]for root09:13
[Gentoo]if it changes anyway09:13
Dr_Willisits not clear on what hes doing09:13
greeterGuest45256, does sound work if you run the output application as root?09:13
Dr_Willisif you do a FULL install to a usb flash drive. and put grub on that flash drive.. then it wont matter09:14
Guest45256Greeter, let me give it a go.09:14
robin_i have done sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio09:14
Dr_Willisreruning update-grub from the os on the flash drive. would see any other os's on the pc at the time its ran. and can add windows or other entries that would be invalid if the usb is moved to a differnt pc09:14
greeteri've had issues on other linux distros that use pulseaudio though running as root worked there09:14
Guest45256@Greeter it still has no sound.09:15
Dr_Willismost of the soundisuses ive seen inhere lately - are just mixer/volumes being mute. - seen that happen to a few people in the last week or 209:15
ActionParsnipgreeter: sounds like a permissions thing09:15
greeterhmm. well i think that rules out any issues with pulse then09:15
Guest45256Also its not muted09:15
robin_i have done sudo grub-install to the usb disk09:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:16
Guest45256When I click the volume applet it shows a small white box that is empty09:16
greeterhmm i hope the solution to my sound issues is in one of those links :-)09:16
ActionParsnipGuest45256: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload09:16
Dr_WillisGuest45256:  i see that on all my  xubuntu installs.. 3 for 3.. but sound works on all of them09:17
Dr_Williskeyboard volume controls work09:17
ActionParsnipGuest45256: are youusing HDMI sound, or normal speaers?09:18
axthebHello. After updating to saucy my keyboard is not working as it was. I use english + czech UCW keyboard, and UCW has only accented letters. I had it set to switch while alt is pressed, but I cannot find that setting anymore. Anyone knows how to set it that way?09:18
Guest45256Im using a pair of RP-HTX709:19
Guest45256Which is headphones09:19
ActionParsnipGuest45256: how do hey connect to the system?09:20
ActionParsnipGuest45256: usb? 3.5mm jac?09:20
ActionParsnipGuest45256: if you run:  alsamixer    are all levels maxed and unmuted?09:20
[Gentoo]is it in a front port?09:21
[Gentoo]maybe thats an issue09:21
Guest45256yes they are all max09:21
ActionParsnipGuest45256: do you have multiple output ports on the system?09:22
ActionParsnipGuest45256: do the headphones have their own volume setting / control? Is that high?09:22
Guest45256I quit.09:23
Guest45256I have one tip for everyone.09:23
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=== joelsantos is now known as Sendoushi
cfhowlettjoelsantos, greetings09:23
Guest45256Do not do drugs as when you do sometimes you will put your headphone jack in the microphone port. LOL09:23
greeteryou know oddly enough they don't work as well there09:24
cfhowlettwords to live by09:24
Guest45256My usb is hiding the icons09:24
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Guest45256So i just assumed.09:24
[Gentoo]Guest45256: you noob09:24
greeterironically the reason i installed ubuntu was because i was having audio issues and was wondering if ubuntu would fix them. works like a charm for me09:24
Guest45256haha indeed09:24
UsuarioDisturbedis 110C hot for a hd577009:24
UsuarioDisturbedcause I think that's the reason why my ubuntu was hanging09:24
[Gentoo]UsuarioDisturbed: gpus get very hot compared to cpus09:24
Guest45256my gpu is 30-5009:25
[Gentoo]boiling temps are normal09:25
UsuarioDisturbedand msi wasn't able to read or control it's fanspeed09:25
UsuarioDisturbedfortuantely I got a passive gpu coler I'm going to put on it09:25
UsuarioDisturbedto replace thestock09:25
Guest45256Take a gander at this mate09:25
greeterwow that's scorching. my hd usually runs at 1909:25
Guest45256The max he got was7209:26
[Gentoo]UsuarioDisturbed: wait is that idle or under load09:26
Guest45256blue is idle09:26
Guest45256yellow load09:26
Guest45256legend is at the bottom09:26
AtuMUsuarioDisturbed, make sure your case has enough air-flow or it will get even worse with passive cooler09:26
[Gentoo]yeah passive coolers are only for low noise09:26
[Gentoo]they're no good at cooling lots09:27
UsuarioDisturbedwell it wasn't under load but thegpu was probablyat 100% since at idle is usually 50c09:27
[Gentoo]UsuarioDisturbed: maybe the fan has dust in it?09:27
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UsuarioDisturbed[Gentoo]: still too much for dust'09:27
AtuMUsuarioDisturbed, did you play scorched-earth and got hit? :D09:28
greeteroh dear. i just downloaded hddtemp to check my hard drive temperature and i think my hard drive is too old to be recognized by it09:28
[Gentoo]UsuarioDisturbed: what driver is it the open one or prop one09:28
ActionParsnip[Gentoo]: d'oh :(09:28
UsuarioDisturbedAtuM: I know Grid does raise my gpu temp a lot09:28
[Gentoo]ActionParsnip: ?09:28
ActionParsnip[Gentoo]: headphones in mic jack09:28
[Gentoo]ActionParsnip: yeah lol09:28
Mathisenhello i have been trying to get xrdp to work but no luck ubuntu 13.10 i only get a black screen with a mouse pointer when connecting from a windows 8 machine .. any ideas ?09:32
UsuarioDisturbedwhat is ubuntu music one or something09:32
ActionParsnip[Gentoo]: mind you I had a question on launchpad about a non-working webcam. Turned out the room was too dark09:33
ActionParsnipUsuarioDisturbed: a cloud storage for music09:34
UsuarioDisturbedmy own music collection from disturbed? like some free internet space kinda deal?09:36
UsuarioDisturbedActionParsnip: that was for you09:36
cfhowlettUsuarioDisturbed, yes.09:36
ActionParsnipUsuarioDisturbed: you can store the files in the cloud and access them from your devices. Its like dropbox but some media players on the desktop will stream the media rather than locally storing them09:37
UsuarioDisturbedActionParsnip: what media players? the one on the cloud?09:39
UsuarioDisturbedActionParsnip: will stream it to me right?09:39
MoL0ToVi just upgraded to saucy... a tons of errors on python... someone can help me?09:40
bingohello. is there does software center offer a gui to change duel boot order?09:40
andryanyone ever got teamviewer up and running?09:41
iceroot!anyone | andry09:41
ubottuandry: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:41
iceroot!details | MoL0ToV09:42
ubottuMoL0ToV: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:42
andrythis question was okay09:42
andryso stop this09:42
icerootandry: the answer is yes. i am happy we answered your question09:42
andrygo and help someone, stop chatting with me09:43
icerootandry: and as you see the "yes" is not useful for you because you will ask further questions. so please use a real and useful question with details next time09:43
tarelerulzHow do you mount a samsung phone?  Some of you have to have   Android phones and new ones at that.09:43
ActionParsniptarelerulz: I use andftp and openssh-server :). Much easier imho :)09:44
ActionParsniptarelerulz: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue09:44
greetertarelerulz, also be sure to check your phone settings to ensure your phone isn't connecting in "charge only" mode or similar09:44
DJonestarelerulz: It depends which version of Ubuntu you have, 13.04 & later should just connect and give you file manager access, earlier versions can be a pig though09:45
tarelerulzTruth is I don't really know where to start.   I thought usb 3 would be supported out of the box.   MTP I thought would be  something other would have done and It would be like use this program or here is what I do.09:45
ActionParsniptarelerulz: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue09:46
tarelerulzWell, I'm not on Linux . I'm on windows .  It seem most the time with Linux you  find a work around and you do that and go on. You never talk about it.   My old phone I had ok .  It did not show the sd card and the internal memory.09:48
ActionParsnipnever had an issue09:50
andryneh, wine seems to dislike my x config for some reason09:51
ActionParsnipandry: I'd ask in #winehq too09:52
andryi need to set up debugging first, but thanks for that tip09:52
tarelerulz I have a stock  Sumsung note 3.  It has  mtp, ptp and usb 3 for sharing files.    Any of you have a sumsung phone?09:54
cfhowletttarelerulz, this is ubuntu support - samsung is elsewhere09:54
DJonestarelerulz: Can you answer ActionParsnip's question, until then, we can't get any idea where the issue is09:55
cfhowletttarelerulz, sorry.  ignore me09:55
cfhowletttarelerulz, for file transfer, airdroid should be great09:55
tarelerulzIn the past putting files onto the phone was easy.  It was all USB.  Not they have mtp and its not well supported.  When I have mounted a device with mtp I only saw  sd card.09:56
tarelerulz When I run lsusb the phone shows up.   Its set to USB 3 and nothing happens.   I'm sorry I forgot the command to see the problem09:59
DJonestarelerulz: Please give us the result of "cat /etc/issue"09:59
cfhowlettDJones, he's on his windows box ...10:00
cfhowletttarelerulz, start ubuntu.  plug phone in.  come back for troubleshooting support.10:01
tarelerulz the output is Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l10:01
cfhowletttarelerulz ok.  I see you switched when I wasn't looking.  sorry10:01
tarelerulzthat is the Error initializing camera: -60: Could not lock the device10:02
cfhowletttarelerulz, mtp support in 12.04 is iffy. ...10:02
cfhowletttarelerulz, can you go into your phone settings and make sure you're connected as a camera not a data device?10:02
ActionParsniptarelerulz: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue10:03
zeroXtenheh, just installed 13.10 ... i get a pretty desktop background, but thats it10:03
zeroXtenoh, and a mouse10:03
DJonestarelerulz: Thats what makes it difficult, 12.04 doesn't have the drivers for newer samsung/android phones, there is gMTP in the repo's which is a flakey app, best bet is Airdroid running on the android phone unless somebody else can think of a better method, the drivers were updated in 13.04 so that it works great10:03
tarelerulzIf I do the camera one , it just shows the pictures.  Not  everyfile on the sd card or the internal memory.10:03
ActionParsnipzeroXten: are you using the Gnome based desktop plus Unity shell?10:03
GnjuracShould i install IcedTea or standard java?10:04
zeroXtenActionParsnip: i'm using whatever 13.10 wanted to do out of the box10:04
ActionParsniptarelerulz: can you please run the command I gave in a terminal and give the output in the channel, it is one line so no pastebin is needed10:04
zeroXtenliterally just installed it10:04
ActionParsnipzeroXten: ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu?10:04
GnjuracShould i install IcedTea or standard java? Pros Cons i dont get this one10:04
zeroXtenActionParsnip: ubuntu10:04
zeroXtenI've allowed it to log in automatically10:04
ActionParsnipGnjurac: if openjava does what ou need then use it, if you need the features in Oracle java then install it10:04
ActionParsnipzeroXten: press CTRL+ALT+T, do you get a terminal?10:05
DJonestarelerulz: I could never get any consistent usb connection to a galaxy S3 with 12.04, I always used Airdroid until 13.04 came out & I found that didn't have any issues10:05
zeroXtenActionParsnip: nope10:05
ActionParsnipzeroXten: try CTRL+ALT+F1   log in there and get full updates in CLI10:05
zeroXtenActionParsnip: k10:06
ActionParsnipGnjurac: webupd8 has a nice ppa to install oracle java easily :)10:06
GnjuracActionParsnip,  the problem is i dont know what i need i dont know if openjava is what i need or not beacuse i dont know what is the difrence betwin them ecept this one is open source thets why i asked what are prons and cons?10:06
tarelerulzI ran the command you asked ActionParsnip  and I gave the out put .   Not in pastbin ,but just the one line.   It seem like updating to 13.04 would be easyest10:07
ActionParsnipGnjurac: try the opensource one, if it wiorks then you are ok :)10:07
GnjuracActionParsnip,  i instaled pate flash plugin in chromium beacuse i know thet it is newer wersion then standard10:07
ActionParsniptarelerulz: I dont see you pasting the output of the command in the channel....10:08
icerootif i got it correct i can manage every program with xinetd? i have a program which is acting on port 8080. i can tell xinetd to start that program when something is acting on port 8080. but how to stop that program again? normally i am starting the daemon with sudo service name start10:08
ActionParsniptarelerulz: oh i see it now /blind10:08
ActionParsniptarelerulz: you could try the 3.8 backported kernel10:08
zeroXtenwow, trying to get X working.. this takes me back10:10
zeroXtenalthough in fairness, X seems to be fine10:10
tarelerulzPtp give me the internal memory.    That is helpful.  Just wondering how I could get both  sd can and internal.    Would MTP do that10:10
zeroXtenActionParsnip: so, all my packages are up to date10:10
zeroXtenrebooted, no dice10:10
ActionParsnipzeroXten: what GPU do you use>10:11
zeroXtenits just an intel onboard10:12
zeroXtenthis box was running centos 6.4 until this morning10:12
zeroXtenwas kinda expecting ubunto to "just work" :)10:12
ActionParsnipzeroXten: ubuntu, not ubunto10:13
zeroXtensorry, typo10:13
ActionParsnipzeroXten: try the boot option: nomodeset10:13
lowhangingfruitNot directly related to Linux, but I'm interested in doing Kernel work. Up to this point my programming experience is mostly in scripting languages, so I'm wondering where to go from here? C/C++/Assembly etc10:14
ActionParsnipzeroXten: or install xfce4 package and use a non-compoziting WM :)10:14
lowhangingfruit*to Ubuntu10:14
ActionParsniplowhangingfruit: i'd ask in #kernel or #linux10:14
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bobinHi guys. I have problem , my computer gets overheated when I run Ubuntu and turns itself off,any suggestion?10:16
ActionParsnipbobin: do you use a switchable GPU?10:17
bobinI have dual amd graphic cards if that's what you are asking10:18
ActionParsnipbobin: with an Intel GPU too?10:19
HanumaanI have this from boot-repair : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6275822/ how can I boot into the linux it did not restored grub .10:19
tarelerulzI put the samsung phone on ptp and I transferred a movie.   It showed going at 64 mb second.    Can you transfer movies or really any file using that10:19
Bulent09Hi I upgraded to 13.10 from 04.13 Xfce gnome-volume-icon, but there is a solution there but does not work for?10:19
zeroXtenActionParsnip: hmm, nomodeset just reduced the resolution, but still get the same issue10:19
ActionParsnipzeroXten: install xfce4 in TTY1 and then log in to the XFCE session, is it ok?10:20
bobinactionparsnip: no10:20
ubottulowhangingfruit,: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu10:22
ActionParsnipbobin: did you install the proprietary video driver?10:22
Bulent09Hi I upgraded to 13.10 from Xfce gnome-volume-icon, but there is a solution there, but does not work for10:23
bobinNew to Ubuntu .... No how will I do that10:23
ubottuBulent09,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:24
iceroothow to see all supported CPU Speeds (MHz) of my cpu? not only the current used one but all supported ones10:24
wilee-nileeHanumaan, You chose the recommended repair, grub is just missing from the mbr.10:25
ihreiceroot: install htop10:25
wilee-nileeHanumaan, The boot flag should also be on sda110:26
juan_Hi, Please, How to change to a spanish help?10:26
icerootihre: i am sure htop will not show the hardware infos of my cpu10:26
andrycat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies10:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:26
icerootandry: thank you, that is what i was looking for10:26
wilee-nilee!es | juan_10:27
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:27
zeroXtenActionParsnip: does xfce normally look like its from the 90's if install manually? Seems to be working though10:28
zatrickyHey all. Seeing an odd issue: http://sprunge.us/TNLU -> "touch: cannot touch `/test': No space left on device"10:28
ActionParsnipzeroXten: the default is basic, its a super light desktop10:28
zatrickydf clearly shows there is space available :-/10:29
ActionParsnipzeroXten: if it works then your isue is with COmpiz in Gnome etc.10:29
ActionParsnipzatricky: do you have inodes free?10:29
zatrickyActionParsnip: Ah, forgot about that! checking10:29
zeroXtenActionParsnip: yeah, only used like 1% or 2%10:30
icerootzatricky: remeber, even if there is free space on a device, specially on / there is a amount of some % which is reserved and you can not use it10:30
zatrickyActionParsnip: tune2fs -l shows plenty of inodes10:30
zeroXtenActionParsnip: i'm guessing a reinstall is pointless10:30
icerootzatricky: that is managed by the filesystem itself10:30
ActionParsnipzatricky: df -i    shows inodes too :)10:30
ActionParsnipzeroXten: pretty much, its a graphical issue10:30
user_hi can anyone tell me how to upgrade ubuntu 10.04 into 13.0410:31
user_pleae please help me10:31
user_i need a help10:31
wilee-nileeHanumaan, sorry sda2 is the windows boot partition, for the boot flag.10:31
zatrickyActionParsnip: Hmm, df shows zero free - I guess inodes are reserved as well10:31
user_i hava a iso file10:31
zatrickythanks - at least I know what to do now. :)10:31
user_no cdrom drive on my laptop10:31
iceroot!upgrade | user_10:31
ubottuuser_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:31
blackshirthello, some one help me with freenode irc,10:31
icerootuser_: you have to go 10.04 - 12.04 -12.10 - 13.0410:32
blackshirtwhere i can chat with freenode staf10:32
Hanumaanwilee-nilee, but if I want to boot into linux how I can do that ?10:32
icerootblackshirt: #freenode10:32
wilee-nileeHanumaan, Linux does not use a boot flag10:32
user_don't u think i can directly go into 13.0410:32
user_from 10.0410:32
ActionParsnipzatricky: then thats your issue10:32
andryis there any other remote desktop service besides vnc and teamviewer for linux?10:33
blackshirticeroot, can you guide me..sorry, this oot10:33
icerootblackshirt: /join #freenode10:33
wilee-nileeHanumaan, grub boots the ubuntu and the windows10:33
ActionParsnipuser_: use unetbootin10:33
geirhauser_: You can upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04, and when 14.04 is out, you can further upgrade to that.10:34
ubottublackshirt,: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines10:34
user_ok i will try thank us isr10:35
user_thank u sir10:35
user_and what if i do not have 12.0410:35
user_then ???10:35
user_does i need to download it ??10:35
icerootuser_: the upgrade program will download everytrhing which is needed (see the link from ubottu )10:36
OsaxHow can I set ALT+SHIFT for switching keyboard language? I used to use it with earlier versions, but not 13.1010:36
OsaxIt doesn't accept it!10:36
OsaxThe instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/13.10/ubuntu-help/keyboard-layouts.html do not apply to 13.1010:37
orgaZmoi don´t know if im at the right place, but i give it a shoot10:38
orgaZmoim gonnas setup 3 ipcameras to record everything from i start it until i stops it myself..10:39
orgaZmoim going to use 3 hd ipcameras, and planing to record everything from them at an event, so i can edit it later to an music video.10:39
it-guynot sure if this question is placed here correctly.. if I'm wrong please direct me to a better suited channel. does someone know of a table comparing sizes of native data types for 32 and 64 bit linux'? I thought e.g. that unsigned int = 32 bit on both architectures but I found a part in my program (which I'm porting from 32 to 64 bit) where I have to use int (used in the 64 bit program) instead of a long (used in the 32 bit program)10:39
orgaZmoso i need everything recorded as hd10:39
orgaZmoand now the question.. what software should be the right way to do this?10:39
orgaZmoplaning on runin ubuntu since i feel that i can handle it.. windows is not an alternative10:39
rethushow can i install skype on 12.0410:40
cfhowlettorgaZmo, might want to bring this to #ubuntustudio - but the HD recording is a hardware setting, isn't it?10:40
cfhowlettrethus, go to skype linux page.  download. install10:40
rethusif i download the multiarch from skype page, i got errog cause 32bit10:40
rethusi have 64 bit10:40
cfhowlettrethus, 64 bit will run 32 bit ...10:41
orgaZmothx cfhowlett10:41
cfhowlettorgaZmo, how will you edit the video?10:41
rethusi click on the deb and got the message: Wrong architecture "i386"10:41
orgaZmoa friend of mine is goin to that on an windows computer10:42
cfhowlettrethus, skype is in the software center.  get it from there.10:43
lucidoSince my ubuntu upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 my manually defined resolution (in /etc/X11/xorg.conf) is not set and xorg falls back to nvidia-auto-select, what changed in the nvidia driver that caused this in the upgrade?10:43
cfhowlettorgaZmo, choose one channel.  switching is confusiing10:43
rethuswhich repo? I didn't find it.10:43
rethusmaybe i've deaktivate the needed repo10:44
ActionParsniprethus: in the partner erpo10:44
cfhowlettrethus, wait 110:46
rethuscheckboxes in muon all activated10:46
tiinaAnyone please here who help me install clean installation of ubuntu or help med upgrade/update my ubuntu maverick???10:47
cfhowlettrethus, partner10:47
rethusmain, universe, restricted, multiverse10:47
cfhowletttiina, download 12.04 and clean install.10:47
rethusso i have to add partner manuly as ppa?10:47
tiinaI am stuck in the problems cannot do any of nothing???10:47
cfhowlettrethus, NO.  not a ppa.  Just enable the partner source in software center settings10:47
ActionParsniptiina: I'd go for a clean install of Precise.10:47
tiinahave already done that 4 times every time I get only busybox and black screen??10:48
tiinathanks but how??10:48
rethus(12:46:56) rethus: checkboxes in muon all activated10:48
rethusmain, universe, restricted, multiverse10:48
rethusthere is no partner10:48
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »10:49
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ActionParsniptiina: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?10:49
cfhowlettrethus, other software > canonical partners10:49
tiinaI have huge problems to upgrade and update maverick in my computer thats why I try to make clean install dosent work thou?10:49
ActionParsniptiina: did you burn the ISO as slowly as possible (if you used a CD)?10:49
tiinaI burned it with KB3....and it controlled that10:50
tiinadvd +R and how slow would i burn that then?10:50
rethusk, i'll try10:51
tiinaalready burned 6 dvd and 3 cd nothing works?10:51
cfhowletttiina, USB boot?10:51
tiinadidnt worj out either maverick didnt found it at all in any way ?10:51
fideltiina: just to make sure - you know how to burn an image?10:52
ActionParsniptiina: what video chip do you se?10:52
tiinahow is right when my maverick is out of updates and out of upgrades? cannot do that either I am in moment 2210:52
tiinavideo chip? I have ati  hd radenon 357510:53
fideltiina: i am talking about burning & how to handle .iso files10:53
cfhowlettActionParsnip, x/l/ubuntu time for Tiina?10:53
tiinai am devistated dont know what to do anymore10:53
ActionParsnipcfhowlett: likely10:54
ActionParsniptiina: there is a known issue in newer releases using 2xxx to 4xxx radeon GPUs10:54
tiinai download 32 bit ubuntu 12.10 online check the md5sum with kb3 program in the ubuntu computer and it is maverick and i cannot upte7upgrade it all10:54
ActionParsniptiina: yes, you said. many times10:55
ActionParsniptiina: what does repeating yourself to the same users achieve?10:55
tiinaok what i should do then i dont know10:55
ActionParsniptiina: add the boot option:  radeon.nomodeset=110:56
tiinasorry if my repetating things is bad dont mean to but as i said i dont know what to do sooo sorry10:56
hitsujiTMOtiina i dont think there is a radeon 357510:57
tiinahow ever i dont have any clue what to do10:59
hitsujiTMOtiina there is no 3475 either10:59
tiinahow can i see what it was?11:00
hitsujiTMOtiina lspci11:00
=== karlo is now known as karlo|afk
tiinaMy ati hd radeon is 345011:01
hitsujiTMO3450 is supported by radeondriver11:02
hitsujiTMOtiina what version of ubuntu have you installed?11:03
tiina10.10 ubuntu maverick11:04
tiinathat is not able to update or upgrade11:04
hitsujiTMOtiina that is not supported and eol. you need to install 12.04 or later11:04
tiinayes i know thats why i am trying yet only getting black screen with text on it like busy box initframe11:05
tiinahave burned 6 dvd and 3 cd nothing is working correctly11:05
hitsujiTMOtiina have you booted the cd with "nomodeset" ?11:06
tiinamemotest i did yesterday no errors11:06
tiinanomodeset never heard of it what it that?11:07
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | tiina11:07
ubottutiina: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:07
dsalfrandoes anybody knows how to use synclient to configure the touchpad so it knows when I'm pressing with the hand?11:08
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suoreHello, when  i click on virtualbox.run (is marked as exectable) is not installing, only opening by gedit, help.11:15
dsalfransuore: perhaps you configured nautilus to show always executables11:16
hitsujiTMOsuore have you tried executeing it from the terminal?11:16
suorewhat is terminal?11:17
dsalfransuore: go to edit preferences in nautilus menu bar, on the second tab "behavior"11:17
suore"Ask evertime" ?11:17
dsalfransuore: if that doesn't work, let me know so we can go through the terminal11:18
suoreHow to with administrator privilages ? I no see option "Run as Admin" :/, Only Run ( so i think its a run as user)11:20
dsalfransuore: If you have trouble finding a terminal, you shouldn't mess with administrator rights if VBox works as user11:21
mikk0sorry for the newbie question but im trying to install X on 12.04lts, and I think i have installed all the necessary packages, but when I boot I just get a black screen with a mouse pointer.11:24
hikenboothello I am not sure how to fix this one. My ubuntu box starts after an upgrade (its a vmware esx virtual machine) with a screen that says low graphics mode (mouse doesnt work so I cant click on anything) and it wont bring me to a prompt even when I do guess the location of the drop to prompt button) How do I get in there to fix reinstalling packages in chroot doesnt seem to help, poor design of low graphics mode if you a11:25
hikenbootsk me11:25
hitsujiTMOmikk0, what do you mean exactly by trying to install x?11:25
mikk0hikenboot, try pressing CTRL-ALT-F111:25
hitsujiTMOmikk0 what packages did you install?11:26
mikk0hitsujiTMO: ubuntu-desktop xserver-xorg and a few others11:26
minimecmikk0: What packages did you install? I would install xserver-xorg lightdm and some WindowManager11:27
hitsujiTMOahh kk, so you did install a desktop environment then. what graphics chipset do you have?11:27
hikenbootctrl+alt+f1 doesnt work when its displaying the  message box that says "The system is running in low-graphics mode"11:27
minimecmikk0: If you installed ubuntu-desktop, you should be ok. Maybe try to 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm'11:28
spupekhello! i have installed 12.04 lts a month ago and worked fine till today: the laptop fun nearly always runs at full speed. dont know what happened. I have only installed updates from ubuntu, no new programs, etc. What could cause this behaviour? Has anyone noticed kind of thing? thanks11:28
hitsujiTMOhikenboot: what version of ubuntu?11:29
aditya_Hi I am trying to add a new source: deb http://apt.newrelic.com/debian/ newrelic non-free but from command line  i dont think it is working.. is there a way to do this via gui in ubuntu?11:30
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mikk0hitsujiTMO: i think its the Intel 845G video chipset11:31
hikenbootif i remember right its the latest stable version11:31
mikk0i could throw different video card in to see if that helps11:32
hikenbootsorry hitsujiTMO i am almost positive its the latest stable version11:32
hitsujiTMOhikenboot: latest stable could be multiple versions, there was a release a few days ago11:32
hikenbootwell i just did a ap-get dist-upgrade a few days ago which is when this happened11:33
foofoobarHi. So when I echo $PATH there is ~bin/11:33
hitsujiTMOhikenboot: dist-upgrade doesnt upgrade versions.  can you boot to recovery mode?11:33
foofoobarI put a script in there and did a chmod +x on it.11:33
minimecspupek: You can try to find the process, that takes so much CPU power with the software 'top' or 'htop'. It might be, that there is some let's say 'package database maintenance'. In that case, your laptop should be quiet again after that process.11:33
hikenbootsorry apt-get....damn special keyboard that keys dont work ;-)11:33
foofoobarI can execute it there with ./myscript11:33
spupeknothing eats cpu11:34
foofoobarbut I cant execute it from a different directory11:34
hikenbootit has no menu for recover mode how do i get it to appear11:34
spupekminimec: nothing eats cpu; cpu temperature is around 47~50C11:34
hikenbootremember its  a virtual machine to its hard to do keypresses on boot due to the time it takes to enter into the virtual machine11:35
hitsujiTMOhikenboot, hold right shift during boot11:35
minimecspupek: ok. You did not change any fan settings in the BIOS, I guess... So the kernel is not using the 'power save features' probably. Can you boot the older kernel once? (Left <shift>key when grub starts, --choose older kernel)11:37
spupekminimec: yes, did not touched the BIOS.11:38
hikenbootok after six tries I was able to get the menu to appear...its difficult for some virtual machines to get to this menu...some redesign for use with vms should be done..in mho....I will try and do some recovery now...thanks11:39
gregor3005hi, i upgraded to 13.10 and now my nvidia settings from /etc/X11/xorg.conf are not used after reboot11:39
spupekminimec: i've installed cpufreq indicator that indicates 'Ondemand'.11:39
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jojoa1997So i have windows 7 installed on my computer and i also installed ubuntu 12.04 on an internal harddrive which i connect via portable box and usb. The first time i got a rub rescue error and somehow fixed it where i could load my external hhd via usb. now i have updated to 12.10 and the same error is happening. when i have my external plugged in i can load windows and ubuntu but ubuntu only gives me a blank screen or blinking cursor. 11:40
Neozonz|Discwhat is rpcbind?11:41
Neozonz|Disccan i remove them safely?11:41
jojoa1997can anyone help me? the internet does no good for my problem.11:41
minimecspupek: If you install 'powertop' and launch it with 'sudo powertop', when on battery power, does it indicate how much power the computer is using actually. It looks like either the CPU or the GPU do not go into 'power save' mode...11:42
ihreNeozonz|Disc: if u dont use nfs, you could remove it11:42
Neozonz|Discwhat if im using proxmox?11:42
Neozonz|Discdoes proxmox require it?11:42
ihregoogle it, i dont know11:43
minimecspupek: Again I would try to verify that, booting an older 'working' kernel.11:43
hitsujiTMOjojoa1997: you need to boot into ubuntu and run: sudo grub-install against the external drive. then boot to windows and run: bootrec /fixmbr11:44
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: what GPU do you use?11:44
mikk0hitsujiTMO: i tried a different video card and it worked. :D11:44
jojoa1997hitsujiTMO: thanks that seems familiar. i am in my external right now with a terminal like view. no graphics just words11:45
hitsujiTMOmikk0: cool!11:45
jojoa1997what is gpu. sorry not that computer literate11:45
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: video card?11:45
pyghassenhello there11:46
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: does the system have a make and model?11:46
hitsujiTMOjojoa1997: can you run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && mount | pastebinit11:46
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: thought to use Windows device manager to look?11:46
spupekminimec: i'll, but i am working now.11:46
jojoa1997i got this after running grub-install11:46
pyghassenis it ok to join a new irc channel and you see no conversation is going on?11:46
jojoa1997Usage: grub-install [option] install_device11:47
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: you may need a boot option to make the video work11:47
jojoa1997it will work. i went fromr ecovery to normal boot and it said there would be no graphics11:47
hitsujiTMOjojoa1997: can you run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && mount | pastebinit11:48
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: doesnt answer my question...11:48
spupekminimec: i've ust installed powertop, but dont know what to look for11:48
jojoa1997how do i know what the install device id is for my external hdd11:48
jojoa1997hitsujiTMO: what does that do?11:48
jojoa1997ActionParsnip: what do you mean windows device manager? never heard of it11:49
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: really? wow11:49
demirulezhello, I can't enable SLI on my system, using 2 GTX 460s and Ubuntu 12.04 with forceware 331.13 drivers, i already tried all options available: Auto, AFR and SFR (sudo nvidia-xconfig --sli=Option) but no luck in getting SLI enabled, any suggestions please?11:49
hitsujiTMOthat installs pastebinit so i can see your mounted devices so i can tell you where to install grub to11:49
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: right click my computer -> manage   you'll see it there, wjhat does it say under display adapters?11:49
spupekminimec: on tunables tab i found somthing like this: ' Bad           Runtime PM for PCI Device Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core Processor Thermal Subsystem'11:49
jojoa1997ok i will try that later. right now i dont want to leave ubuntu while i can still do stuff onit11:50
minimecspupek: 'sudo powertop'. Check in the 'Overview' menu tab, if you see something like this... 'The battery reports a dicharge rate of 10.2 W' or similar, when on battery.11:50
ActionParsnipjojoa1997: try:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -l | grep grub | awk {'print $2'}`11:51
jojoa1997hitsujiTMO: after i install that how do i see the devices11:51
hitsujiTMOmount, but "mount | pastebinit" will dump it online so you can show us. need to see what device is mounted as /11:52
minimecspupek: You have the possibility to change these settings to 'good', for power usage optimization.11:52
demirulezoh i don't if this matters, but i'm using MSI Interrupts on both GPUs (57 and 58), does this prevents SLI enabling to work in some ways?11:52
ArtpicreHello, how can I check if my upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 has been well done ?11:52
gasshowhen do the experts predict the completion of 13.10?11:52
ActionParsnipArtpicre: reboot and run:  cat /etc/issue11:53
ArtpicreBecause when upgrading, it has crashed some times11:53
ArtpicreOkay I'll check11:53
gasshoi ment 14.04 :/11:53
hitsujiTMOgassho april 201411:54
auscompgeekgassho: erm, when 14.04 arrives11:54
ArtpicreThere's nothing11:54
cfhowlettgassho, 14 = year, 04 = month11:54
ArtpicreJuste the version of Ubuntu, which is 13.1011:54
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gasshotyvm * g'bye ^^11:54
auscompgeek"version numbers are irrelevant"11:55
spupekminimec: nothing interesting in overview just like this: 'Summary: 686.8 wakeups/second,  0.0 GPU ops/second and 0.0 VFS ops/sec'11:55
spupekminimec: how to change that settings to good? can it be the cause of my problem?11:55
irenicus09Hi there is it possible to completely remoe unity and still have a working ubuntu installation?11:56
cfhowlettirenicus09, use  lubuntu, xubuntu instead11:56
ubottuirenicus09,: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:56
minimecspupek: Ok. My experience is, that is you have no power usage indication there, when on battery, then the computer is not switching into power save mode. Otherwise, you should see how much power the computer is using.11:57
k1l_irenicus09: you can exchange the desktops with the meta packages11:57
demirulezmy dmesg after booting with option "Auto": http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276334/ , here's lspci | grep VGA: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276337/ and my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276341/11:57
irenicus09cfhowlett, k11 thx11:57
cfhowlettirenicus09, best of luck to you11:58
minimecspupek: The 'bad' 'good' settings are not the source of your problem, but may help to optimize power usage in the future.11:58
demirulezanyone could please point me to something?11:59
Kartagisdo you guys know of an android suite for ubuntu?11:59
cfhowlettubottu says no ...11:59
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:59
bazhangKartagis, to do what11:59
sixwheeledbeastHi after some advise if possible, just done dist-update with gui from raring to saucy, it seems to have failed and is now a blank white box. I can't access dpkg or apt as it's busy. What's the best thing to do?11:59
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Kartagisbazhang: to organise my contacts and so on12:00
gregor3005hi, i upgraded to 13.10 and now my nvidia settings from /etc/X11/xorg.conf are not used after reboot12:00
bazhangKartagis, gmtp will allow you to transfer files, the other has android apps for that12:00
svectordoes setting variables in .bash_profile make available to other applications such as Android studio?12:01
cfhowlettKartagis, contact management?  airdroid12:01
bazhangsixwheeledbeast, dist-upgrade is NOT version upgrade, what exactly did you do12:01
Kartagiscfhowlett: yeap12:01
svectorwhere do I set JAVA_HOME so that Android Studio can access it ?12:01
Kartagisbazhang: the other?12:01
irenicus09cfhowlett: btw is the ubuntu-gnome-desktop package similar to plin gnome3 ? I mean the vanlla gnome 3 :p12:01
bazhang!dist-upgrade | sixwheeledbeast12:01
ubottusixwheeledbeast: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.12:01
ActionParsnipsvector: in bash is my guess12:01
somsipsvector: possibly 'EXPORT JAVA_HOME="/path/to/java"' rather than setting it?12:02
bazhangKartagis, tonnes of apps in the android app store, try #android for support with that12:02
ActionParsnipgregor3005: did the nvidia driver build ok for the new kernel?12:02
sixwheeledbeastbazhang: click on upgrade to saucy button when it popped up, and followed the prompts12:02
ActionParsnipgregor3005: are you using the nvidia driver now or are you using nouveau?12:02
Kartagissomsip: export, not EXPORT12:02
cfhowlettirenicus09, as I understand it yes.12:02
Kartagisthanks bazhang12:02
somsipKartagis: yep - thanks (svector)12:03
irenicus09cfhowlett: k12:03
demirulezhello, I can't enable SLI on my system, using 2 GTX 460s and Ubuntu 12.04 with forceware 331.13 drivers, I've already tried all options available: Auto, AFR and SFR (sudo nvidia-xconfig --sli=Option) but no luck in getting SLI enabled, any suggestions please?12:04
demirulezmy dmesg after booting with option "Auto": http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276334/ , here's lspci | grep VGA: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276337/ and my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276341/12:04
cfhowlettirenicus09, by the way, you can test look/feel of the other distros on your current box. sudo apt-get install lxde && sudo apt-get install xfce4 will give you a taste of lubuntu and xubuntu.  install, logout, choose the alternate desktop environment, login. enjoy12:05
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.12:05
irenicus09also I was wondering if there's a way to switch to newer kernels, etc.12:05
gregor3005ActionParsnip: i use the nvidia drivers and configured my twinview with the nvidia settings tool12:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:06
irenicus09on gentoo based distro like sabayon I used to be familiar with kernel-switcher..used to make the task so easy12:06
spupekminimec: i've just rebooted to use older kernel the version ending with 30 instead of 31... waiting. but no fan noise yet12:08
stevecoh1I'm trying to install ubuntu 13.10 from a DVD as a new installation.  The system took about an hour to boot, complained it couldn't find a network config, but would boot without one, and now it's asking for a username/password.  None of the old username/password combos work.  What the heck is it looking for and why is this happening?12:08
ActionParsnipgregor3005: yes but are the nvidia drivers in use _now_12:08
minimecspupek: Ok. Good decision. Test that kernel and also verify 'powertop'.12:09
sixwheeledbeastOkay so to be more "exact" I followed the instructions as per !upgrade and the upgrade has hung leaving me with an empty "Distribution Upgrade" box, the install hasn't compeleted.12:09
gregor3005ActionParsnip: how can i check this? the kernelmodule nvidia is loaded "lsmod | grep -i nvidia"12:09
stevecoh1why is new 13.10 DVD install boot even asking for a username/password?12:10
spupekminimec: still no fan noise. what to do with powertop? remove AC and overview?:) newest kernel is buggy?12:10
spupekminimec: i see this in tunables: "Good          Using 'ondemand' cpufreq governor", i think i have not seen this line when i was using the new kernel. i have to check it later12:12
stevecoh1Can no one provide any information on 13.10 DVD install problem?12:12
minimecspupek: Exactly. Remove AC and check if you get a power usage like 'The battery... 12.6W' ...12:13
spupekremoved, but nothing like12:13
spupekin system tray i says how much left, but same as like in new kernel12:13
minimecspupek: Ok. But I guess wwe are going in the right direction, if your computer runs more silent now, right?12:14
spupekdefinetly :)12:14
spupeki love the silence12:14
stevecoh1why is new 13.10 DVD install boot asking for a username/password when presumably no users have been entered yet?12:15
demirulezno one familiar with SLI settings/issues?12:17
spupekminimec: how can i permaanently select older kernel?12:17
minimecspupek: Also... You might want to install the 'laptop-mode-tools'. Just install the package, that should do. It should configure your machine to optimize power usage.12:17
stevecoh1Guess nobody on knows answers to my quesions, will try again later.12:18
ikoniastevecoh1: that sounds like the DVD is not sane12:19
minimecspupek: you could uninstall the linux-image-generic package. Like that you don't get the kernel updates. Then you uninstall the kernel, that bothers you... That is one option. Another one would be to modify /etc/default/grub to indicate the kernel you want to boot.12:19
CVirusAfter upgrading to 13.10 I can't set the key combination for switching the keyboard layout to Ctrl + Shift .. why is that ?12:20
stevecoh1ikonia:  I don't think the DVD is the issue.  Corruption of the DVD would result most likely in a hung system, not a system that's functional but stupid.  At this point I have to blame 13.10 unless someone can give me a better theory.12:23
lvlephI can't seem to get apt-get to work. I get the following error Reading package lists... Error!12:26
lvlephE: Encountered a section with no Package: header12:26
lvlephE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_raring_free_i18n_Translation-en12:26
lvlephE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.12:26
lvlephI can't pastebinit, because apparently I don't have that installed and I can't install it12:26
gregor3005ActionParsnip: how can i check this? the kernelmodule nvidia is loaded "lsmod | grep -i nvidia"12:27
busconhi, i want to set up a mail server that is just usuable from the local network but able to send email to public addresses12:27
minimeclvleph: Medibuntu is 'dead' I think. Disable (remove) these sources...12:28
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minimeclvleph: http://www.medibuntu.org/12:29
lvlephI will try that minimec12:29
MonkeyDustbuscon  try tasksel (task select)12:30
lvlephthank you minimec everything is working now12:30
minimeclvleph: no problem.12:30
lvlephWould have been nice to get a more meaningful error12:31
busconMonkeyDust: i've just run dpkg-reconfigure postfix12:31
lvlephI guess the last line was meaningful, just wasn't very readable on my terminal12:31
avril14thAnyone managed to get Boinc screensaver running on Ubuntu 3.10 with Xfce?12:32
busconi've tried both "Internet Site" and "Internet Site with smarthost" but both they don't work as expected12:32
hikenboothow do i get the root terminal to boot into a run mode that has networking?12:33
hikenbootbut no graphics12:33
jribhikenboot: why?12:34
ocooelMusic from computer hdd to iphone 5 running ios7..?12:34
hikenbootso i can reinstall open-vm-tools again...12:34
hikenbootsince it errored in a chroot trying to reinstall that package which was the original problem anyways12:34
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:35
jribhikenboot: I suggest stepping back and describing the original problem12:35
hikenbootwithout networking i can not to an apt-get install -reinstall12:35
hikenbootit wont boot into a graphics mode...it comes up with a screen that says its in a low graphics mode where the mouse doesnt work so i cant do anything (this is a vmware esx5i guest vm)12:36
jribhikenboot: get to a tty12:36
hikenboot ctrl + alt +f1 doesnt work12:37
jribhikenboot: why not?  Is it an issue because you are in a vm or is it broken somehow?12:37
hikenbootwhen the low graphics mode dialog box appears nothing works12:38
jribhikenboot: figure out how to get to a tty in vm12:38
hikenbooti think it has something to do with it not being thought out for a vm12:38
jribhikenboot: there's usually some magic shortcut or menu option12:38
jribhikenboot: alternatively, you can probably just start the networking service or run dhclient eth0 in recovery mode12:39
hikenbootthis looks like it will work http://askubuntu.com/questions/32815/how-do-i-change-the-runlevel12:41
swaagieanyone know how I would be able to find out what underlying package is used by zip? e.g. like zlib or anything similar12:45
nongeekhello Folks12:45
nongeekI use the "https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_%26_Active_Directory" to join my linux to windows domain and it joined successfully but after init 6 my linux not booted and shown me a black screeen12:45
nongeekany idea?12:45
svectorwhat's wrong wit my /etc/environment? https://gist.github.com/v-node/708330112:45
svectori've set JAVA_HOME but I can't access it12:46
svectorecho $JAVA_HOME prints nothing12:46
ActionParsnipsvector: how did you set it?12:48
hikenbootok i figured out how to get networking working by doing the boot to text mode in grub...works great. I have gone and extended my partitions in the vmfs file system in vmware...how do i extend the ext3 file system in the ubuntu guest anyone know?12:49
hikenbootapparently the problem was that I ran out of space in /tmp12:49
ActionParsniphikenboot: i /tmp on it's own partition?12:49
hikenbootno its on /sda112:49
sudostarHello anyone?12:49
ActionParsnipsudostar: hi12:50
hikenbooti didnt use lvm so does that mean I am screwed or can it be extended12:50
ActionParsniphikenboot: what else is on sda1?12:50
ActionParsniphikenboot: tried removing old unused kernels?12:51
ActionParsniphikenboot: sudo apt-get clean     as well?12:51
sirronbI upgaded from 13.04 to 13.10 (both 64amd) and now i cannot print. My printer is visible on the network but nothing is printed. Am I missing something?12:52
ActionParsnipsirronb: have you tried removing it, rebooting then readding it?12:52
minimechikenboot: How much RAm do you have on that machine? One solution would be to put the /tmp directory directly to RAM. I do that on my laptop with 8GB RAM without any problems. Even 4GB RAM should be ok for that.12:52
hikenbootthats an excellent solution do you happen to have a doc on that12:53
ActionParsniphikenboot: on what?12:53
hikenbooti cleaned kernels so i only have two and still no space12:53
hikenbootputting /tmp in memory12:53
=== needhelp is now known as needhelp1
sudostarputting files on RAM? How O.o12:54
hikenbootI have like 128Gig memory so that isnt a problem12:54
sirronb<ActionParsnip> I tried removing and readding, yes. But I haven't tried the reboot part. I'll do that tonight as see if it then works.12:54
minimechikenboot: Open /etc/fstab, add the following line: 'tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0'... reboot12:54
hikenbootawsome thats one to put in my catalog of things to remember thanks minimec12:54
sudostarI thought ram getswiped when power down?12:54
minimechikenboot: Some hints... http://askubuntu.com/questions/173094/how-can-i-use-ram-storage-for-the-tmp-directory-and-how-to-set-a-maximum-amount12:55
needhelp1Hey, im having an issue with updating Ubuntu, I cant. Sudo apt-get update doesnt work, I cant open software updater, or change sources12:55
needhelp1everything is " Failed to fetch "12:55
minimechikenboot: Other thing. Do you have a swap on that harddrive?12:55
needhelp1already tried  sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*-vf12:56
hikenbootyes can i put that on a ram drive as well?12:56
sudostarneedhelp1: Have you tried any other package manager?12:56
hikenbootI will have to figure out how to extend the partition but that will get me to be able to boot at least12:56
needhelp1sudostar how so?12:56
hikenbootI dont think i am using any swap though12:57
fidelneedhelp1: is network itself working on that machine?12:57
minimechikenboot: Yes. Sudo 'apt-get install zram-config', and remove the swap entry from /etc/fstab, reboot.12:57
needhelp1fidel yeah12:57
hikenbootok i can do that once i have recoverd12:57
fidelneedhelp1: messed around with the sources file manually?12:57
sudostarTry typing "aptitude" in terminal12:57
needhelp1fidel i dont think so12:57
sirronbActionParsnip: One more question - Does one always have to re-download apps after upgrading? I have this issue after every upgrade. I have been using Ubuntu now since 12.0412:57
hikenbootanotther one to write down...I thnk I have it from here...thanks guys its really appreciated12:57
sudostarneedhelp1: Try typing "aptitude" in terminal12:58
needhelp1guest@guest-System-Product-Name:~$ aptitude The program 'aptitude' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install aptitude12:58
sudostarAh :/12:58
it-guyI have more of a general question. Why is Ubuntu seen as the Windows of Linux in the Unix/Linux community?12:58
needhelp1I usualy just do, sudo apt-get install12:58
MonkeyDustit-guy  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic12:58
sudostarit's strange that it's not working12:59
it-guyMonkeyDust: Ok thx12:59
sudostarDo "Su"12:59
sudostarThen go for apt-get install without the sudo part12:59
rexwin_has anybody hosting goautodialer? and is it easy?12:59
sudostarWorking needhelp1?13:00
hikenbootI think i will write a blog article putting all this recover stuff together...thanks13:00
sudostarrexwin: I use hostinger13:01
ActionParsnipsudostar: su will not work in ubuntu without a username as the root account is disabled by default13:01
sudostarSu works for me out of the box :S13:01
ActionParsnipsudostar: then you aren't using ubuntu13:01
ActionParsnipsudostar: you can su to usernames, but in Ubuntu the root account is disabled for a great many reasons13:02
sudostarUnless I set it up actually -_- I can't remember but it was extremely easy if I did set it up13:02
ActionParsnipsudostar: so any password you type when asked for credential;, will fail as there is no password that wil work13:02
sudostarMy apologies ActionParsnip13:02
sudostarpasswd su?13:03
needhelp1sudostar cant lock13:03
sudostarWhat ^?13:03
ActionParsnipsudostar: please dont try to publish in here the command. It is not supported, needed or advised13:03
sudostarJust trying to help someone >:(13:03
sudostar+ Incorrect grammar :P13:04
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: is software centre open, or are updates installing presently?13:04
sudostarUffs: Hi ::)13:08
uffsi've been careless enough to accidentally remove nginx13:09
uffsnow i've installed it back13:09
uffsbut it has somehow got all wrong13:09
sudostarWhat's the issue?13:09
uffsi do  dpkg -L nginx-common13:09
uffs/etc/nginx/nginx.conf is in the list13:09
needhelp1actionparsnip i cant open the software center13:09
needhelp1or update tool13:09
uffsthen  ls /etc/nginx13:09
needhelp1i am getting errors popping up13:09
uffsno nginx.conf present13:10
uffshow so?13:10
sudostarSo it's not being pointed to the config it would appear13:10
uffswhat do you mean?13:10
uffscan you elaborate please?13:10
VaecileNeedhelp1, you can just do 'sudo apt-get update' or 'sudo apt-get upgrade'13:10
halfbeingmy dokuwiki broke when i upgraded to saucy. all i get now is a 404 error. i've tried the ubuntu forums and the dokuwiki forums and the dokuwiki irc, but no one is able to help me. i'm getting desperate. is there anywhere else i can try for help?13:11
sudostarFind where it looks for the config and put it there or if there is a help file find how to generate a new config file, see where it is generated then paste your old config's stuff inside13:11
sudostarTry that? :/13:11
sudostarNot entirely sure,I don't use it13:11
sudostarPlus not got access to ubuntu machine, on a work PC13:12
=== anonymous is now known as Guest37077
Guest37077identify what?13:12
sudostar? ^13:12
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: if you run:   sudo apt-get update    is it smooth?13:12
Guest37077how can i identify again13:12
sudostaruh /msg nickserv identify password?13:13
ActionParsniphalfbeing: when do you get the 404?13:13
needhelp1Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_raring-security_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch13:13
sudostarAh ^13:13
halfbeingwhen i enter myservername/dokuwiki13:13
mdlsa_what directory refers to linux/spi/spi.h13:14
mdlsa_it is a library file13:14
ActionParsnipneedhelp1:  wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sdo ./fixpackage13:14
halfbeing@ActionParsnip when i enter myservername/dokuwiki13:14
ActionParsnip!find spi.h | mdlsa_13:14
ubottumdlsa_: File spi.h found in arduino-core, google-mock, libatspi2.0-dev, libbg1-dev, libgtest-dev, liblog4cxx10-doc, libmapi-dev, libnb-platform13-java-doc, libtspi-dev, libwireshark-dev (and 16 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=spi.h&mode=&suite=saucy&arch=any13:14
halfbeingActionParsnip: when i enter myservername/dokuwiki13:15
ActionParsniphalfbeing: can you view http://localhost13:15
mdlsa_I dont have internet on that device it does not have find or locate13:15
mdlsa_in general, where does the header file stored?13:15
ActionParsnipmdlsa_: find and locate are in default installs13:15
halfbeingActionParsnip: yes. i get the message saying the server is working. i've tried using both Apache2 and Lighttpd13:15
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: sorry,    sudo ./fixpackage    you get the idea, it will take a while13:15
urvikHello. Can someone help me with my WiFi problem?13:16
halfbeingActionParsnip: I've also tried doing a complete removal and reinstallation of dokuwiki13:16
minimecneedhelp1: ActionParsnip I would simply delete the files in the 'partial' folder and try again.13:17
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toaster_strudelcan I throw ubuntu-desktop on a server with a 2610sa raid card?13:18
_DeLa_hi there13:18
ruppleaCan you guys recommend a good laptop around the 500 pound mark?13:18
_DeLa_question: by which terminal command can I change the iwconfig retry rate?13:18
sudostartoaster_strudel ubuntu is renowned for running on most machines13:19
sudostarSo go for iut13:19
sudostarAnd on most hardware13:19
ActionParsniphalfbeing: do they have a forum / irc channel?13:20
ActionParsniprupplea: I suggest ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic or ##club-ubuntu13:20
halfbeingActionParsnip: they have both, but i haven't had any joy from them13:20
ActionParsnip_DeLa_: man iwconfig     may show13:20
ActionParsniphalfbeing: :(13:20
needhelp1its not getting the dbox file13:20
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: what is dbox?13:21
sudostardropbox = dbox13:21
_DeLa_Actionparsnip: thanks13:21
sopparusim trying to make a xbmc autostart script here, but it doesnt start xbmc... where do I read logs?13:21
sopparusnothing I can found13:21
sudostarsopparus: Hello13:21
halfbeingActionParsnip: indeed!13:21
sudostarpost script/pastebin link?13:22
sopparusim going crazy!13:22
sopparusnothing in syslog or any other log, it just doesnt start..13:22
sopparussudostar, ok its from http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Installing_XBMC_for_Linux#Ubuntu_213:23
sopparusive changed only the RUN_AS to correct user13:23
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276744/   run those commands13:23
needhelp1anythign else i can try13:23
halfbeingActionParsnip: thanks for trying!13:23
sudostarI'm not sure soppparus, hold on13:24
minimecneedhelp1: ActionParsnip I would simply delete the files in the 'partial' folder and try again.13:24
ntg-workI'm having some problems trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a laptop. I can't see any partitions in the installation wizard but I see them just fine in fdisk. Even tried formatting them as ext4/fat32, they still won't show up in the wizard.13:24
frewI just upgraded one of my machines and now I don't have any sound13:25
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: those are the commands fromthe synaptic fix broken packages Ubuntu page, just in a script because I'm lazy13:25
frewI'm not really sure where to start on trying to fix it13:25
sudostarSorry man I'm just not sure13:25
ActionParsnipfrew: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue13:25
frewUbuntu 13.10 \n \l13:25
ActionParsnipfrew: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*; rm -r ~/.config/pulse*     wait 10 seconds and reboot13:26
sopparusok :(13:26
frewaight, brb, rebooting13:26
sudostarsopparus: try this http://lmgtfy.com/?q=xbmc+logfiles+location13:27
sudostarGotta go13:27
ntg-workI'm having some problems trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a laptop. I can't see any partitions in the installation wizard but I see them just fine in fdisk. Even tried formatting them as ext4/fat32, they still won't show up in the wizard.13:28
frewActionParsnip: ok, I did what you said and am still having no luck with it13:29
frewActionParsnip: I suspect it's playing through the mobo soundcard or something13:29
frewbut when I run alsamixer it says no cars13:29
* frew goes into bios to ensure onboard card is disabled13:31
ActionParsnipfrew: good call :)13:33
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=== client1_ is now known as md_nfs
eightyeighti am using rsync://rsync.releases.ubuntu.com/releases as my source to grab cd images, but it appears i'm not getting 13.1013:34
md_nfsmy ubuntu 12.04 desktop is not able to connect to the ethernet which was working sometime back13:35
MonkeyDusteightyeight  try wget13:35
eightyeightMonkeyDust: no thank you. i need rsync(1) to work13:35
eightyeighti'm mirroring it13:35
_root_anybody here has the EDID for 1900*600 60hz ???13:35
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md_nfsi am not able to connect to the LAN on ubuntu 12.04 desktop13:36
md_nfsit was working fine last time it shutdown a week back13:37
SpeedFireHi everyone, I am triying to find an opensource software to manage project, I mean something fiable, simple, and where I can also manage the $$$ aspect. Someone can help me to go to the right direction ?13:37
eightyeightif i mirror from mirrors.kernel.org, i can get 13.10. if i mirrors from rsync.releases.ubuntu.com, i can't. i'd prefer to use upstream, than a 3rd party. any help is appreciated13:38
frewActionParsnip: fwiw it was already disabled :/13:39
gbsdoes anyone have problem with ia32-libs in ubuntu 13.10?13:39
minimec_root_: Try 'gtf 1900 600 60' in your terminal. Gives me Modeline "1904x600_60.00"  90.76  1904 1976 2168 2432  600 601 604 622  -HSync +Vsync13:40
md_nfsplease help me with my question above13:41
tinnytim_I keep getting oh no! Something has gone wrong when I try to laugh gdm3 I can get into the command line how do I fix13:41
* frew installs ubuntu-system-settings13:41
ActionParsnipmd_nfs: can you ping your default gateway?13:42
tinnytim_I try fixed on the web but I keep on getting the same error13:43
md_nfsActionParsnip, no, it says Network is unreachable13:43
FiremanEd /quit13:44
md_nfsActionParsnip, i can see the network icon on tray trying to connect but again getting distonnected13:44
Snake2kmd_nfs: Are you certain that you don't have a faulty wire or at the device's side?13:45
Snake2kmd_nfs: Are you certain that you don't have a faulty wire or port* at the device's side?13:45
md_nfsActionParsnip, there are two ethernet cards, only one is connected but non of the eth0 or eth1 have local ip associated13:45
_root_minimec, no i need something lik this http://bit.ly/16qirPn13:46
frewsystem-settings is for a phone13:46
iBelieveI'm unable to connect to the internet using the Network Manager applet in 13.10, but I can connect using the terminal and ifconfig and dhclient. I think the error causing Network Manager to fail is an apparmor denied error. How can I troubleshoot and fix this, or figure out if this is a bug? Here is the error log from System Log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276829/13:46
md_nfsSnake2k, yes the wire is not faulty, i checked it on other machine13:46
* frew uninstalls that one13:46
rodhashIs anyone using Ubuntu 13?? It's working fine?13:46
frewrodhash: my sound stopped working13:47
Snake2kmd_nfs: Hmmm.. have you checked if DHCP is working?13:47
frewrodhash: trying to figure it out right now13:47
Snake2kmd_nfs: Maybe its connecting physically but not being given any configurations.13:47
gdosam getting errors when trying to purge a package: http://pastebin.com/d2GsbqWN13:47
md_nfsSnake2k, i have two eth cards and only one eth is connected with wire13:47
md_nfsSnake2k, yes i too think so13:47
md_nfshow can i check it Snake2k13:48
minimec_root_: Sorry. I cannot help you further13:48
* frew tries gnome-control-center13:49
frewit doesn't list my soundcard13:49
frewcompletely undetected13:49
FloodBot1frew: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
tinnytim_Please help me I don't wanna reinstall yet again13:49
gdosfrew try 'sudo alsa force-reload'13:49
* frew does it13:49
frewgdos: no change13:50
tinnytim_I am getting on no! Something has gone wrong. When I try and load x windows13:50
frewfwiw lspci includes this: 04:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value13:50
Gnjuraccan someone explain me this http://askubuntu.com/questions/108925/how-to-tell-chrome-what-to-do-with-a-magnet-link my question is i dont have desktop icon so should i just xdg-mime default transmission-gtk x-scheme-handler/magnet  ?13:53
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
Gnjuraccan someone explain me this http://askubuntu.com/questions/108925/how-to-tell-chrome-what-to-do-with-a-magnet-link my question is i dont have desktop icon so should i just xdg-mime default transmission-gtk x-scheme-handler/magnet  ?13:54
catcherwhat's the best way to upgrade mysql to 5.5.33 on 12.04lts?13:55
Kaapahey there. The upgrade process failed half-way through13:56
Kaapahow can I re-run it / whatever?13:56
Kaapaapt-get update returns E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:57
BluesKajKaapa. start over , after stopping the update manager if that's what you are using13:58
Kaapahow do I launch the update manager?13:58
jeiworthKaapa, you can try to kill the proces locking running a ps aux | egrep "dpkg|apt"13:58
Kaapaah, there's a running one indeed13:58
Kaapa /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/postfix.postinst configure 2.10.0-3 <- and I also have this one13:59
Kaapa0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:00
Kaapa498 not fully installed or removed.14:00
KaapaProcessing was halted because there were too many errors.14:00
KaapaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:00
gsoAbout http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2012/CVE-2012-2750.html  Did Ubuntu really fix the issue in 2012-2750 (Unlike all other distributions). Or, did Ubuntu just ASSUME it was a duplicate of 2012-1689 (And fixed that?)14:00
ubottuUnspecified vulnerability in MySQL 5.5.x before 5.5.23 has unknown impact and attack vectors related to a "Security Fix", aka Bug #59533. NOTE: this might be a duplicate of CVE-2012-1689, but as of 20120816, Oracle has not commented on this possibility. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2750)14:00
jeiworthah most probably it went interactive, you don't have access to that terminal anymore or did it die with an error?14:01
Kaapajeiworth: the UI was all blank14:01
Kaapahad to xkill it14:01
jeiworthKaapa, not to worry, that can be fixed14:01
jeiworthdo you have aptitude installed?14:02
Kaapaactually no14:02
KaapaI thought that was apt-get stuff14:02
jeiworthKaapa, ok, have you tried running an aptitude safe-upgrade?14:02
Kaapashall I try to install it?14:03
jeiworthKaapa, ok14:03
[1]tanaI would like to start with MaaS/Juju. I've read few docs. I've tried to install ubuntu-12.04 with MaaS. It asked me for a iSCSI serveir which leads me to think that there are some prerequisites before using MaaS. Can anyone help me to start please ?14:04
smrpHi, just a quickie, I Unity mail and was wondering if there was a way to add this as my default mail app even though its really a link to my gmail account?14:07
Kaapajeiworth: when I did the apt-get install aptitude it seemed to resume the upgrade!14:08
Kaapaor not..14:08
martianHello, I just upgraded a server to 13.10 and I'm finding that the libapache2-mod-auth-mysql package is no longer available. I see here that it is marked as deleted: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/amd64/libapache2-mod-auth-mysql/4.3.9-13.1ubuntu1 ... why would this be?14:08
jeiworth[1]tana, that's a complex field, not sure if you shouldn't better ask in #ubuntu-server or #maas... i've played around with it in my former job where i had 6 machines to set it up, and as the name suggests it's metal as a service, so you really need some actual boxes to install it on, or a lot of ram to host all those VMs14:08
jeiworthKaapa, yes, that usually happens if updates are flagged as install but uncompleted14:09
jeiworthlets see how it goes this time...14:09
Kaapait already finished14:09
Kaapaprompted for another diff, but was fast14:09
Kaapait does seem back to normal!14:10
jeiworthKaapa, you can run an aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade just to be sure ;)14:10
nongeekHello Folks14:13
nongeekI do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto14:13
nongeekbut I can't login to the Linux14:13
BrixSatHello what is the best place to get help installing an ati graphics card es1000?14:14
subz3r0!ati | BrixSat14:14
ubottuBrixSat: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:14
subz3r0!amd | BrixSat14:14
nongeekany idea?14:15
BrixSatsubz3r0: i came from there :p14:15
subz3r0BrixSat: so maybe describe the problem where you stuck14:15
demirulezhello, I can't enable SLI on my system, using 2 GTX 460s and Ubuntu 12.04 with forceware 331.13 drivers, i already tried all options available: Auto, AFR and SFR (sudo nvidia-xconfig --sli=Option) but no luck in getting SLI enabled, any suggestions please?14:20
demirulezmy dmesg after booting with option "Auto": http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276334/ , here's lspci | grep VGA: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276337/ and my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6276341/14:20
frewfyi I figured out my sound issue14:22
=== anonymous is now known as Guest14317
=== rupplea is now known as berryciderspider
od6hello. i'm an ubuntu newbie. i'd like to install dokuwiki. why it wants mysql as a dependency?14:26
bean_because it needs a database?14:27
od6bean_: no, it's based on regular text files14:27
BrixSatsubz3r0:  from the docs it says my "01:07.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] ES1000 (rev 02)" is supported (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver) but the fact is i dont have gpu aceleration14:27
=== administrator is now known as Guest22015
bean_nvm no it doesn't14:27
bean_yeah, odd.14:27
bean_od6: oh, it can use a "mysql" auth backend14:27
bean_thats likely why14:28
od6bean_: where did you learned that?14:28
bean_I googled?14:28
lgp171188Hi, I have installed saucy salamander on my HP laptop that has nvidia 8600 M GS graphics card. Using jockey I have enabled and installed nvidia proprietary drivers. But on boot time, the nvidia splash screen gets displayed. So I googled how to disable the splash screen and found that I have to add a NoLogo directive in xorg.conf14:28
Piciod6: try installing it using the --no-install-recommends option14:29
lgp171188There was no xorg.conf and so I generated one using nvidia-xconfig and added the directive. But on reboot, X failed to start and I got a failsafe mode error.14:29
od6well it doesn't really matter. i don't need mysql auth backend but i can live with it on my system14:29
lgp171188On removing xorg.conf and rebooting, things work fine, but how to disable the nvidia splash screen at boot time14:30
lgp171188Hi, I have installed saucy salamander on my HP laptop that has nvidia 8600 M GS graphics card. Using jockey I have enabled and installed nvidia proprietary drivers. But on boot time, the nvidia splash screen gets displayed. So I googled how to disable the splash screen and found that I have to add a NoLogo directive in xorg.conf. There was no xorg.conf and so I generated one using nvidia-xconfig and added the directive. But on reboot, X failed to start14:30
lgp171188Ari-Yang: ^^14:31
Ari-Yanglgp171188: dunno ;| tbh I don't think that splash screen is worth the trouble lol14:33
irenicus09Hello...on unbuntu how do I switch kernels to the latest one? ty14:33
RobinJHi, I'm having royal buttpains attempting to install Ubuntu (or deratives) on my laptop. Secure Boot camn be disabled. However, I can't get past the GRUB menu. All I get is a black screen and the orange LED indicating my NVidia GPU is active. I have tried nomodeset, acpi_osi=Linux and acpi_backlight=vendor to no avail.14:34
Ari-Yangirenicus09: you install the kernel...14:34
gsoIn the Ubuntu security cve catalog, what does DNE mean?14:34
lgp171188After enabling proprietary drivers, the plymouth bootsplash screen doesn't show up most of the times or shows the text only version briefly. In previous versions of ubuntu, it did work perfectly with proprietary driver. What could be the issue here and how to fix it?14:34
irenicus09Ari-Yang: is there an official way or utility like on Gentoo based distro sabayon they have a utility called kernel-switcher14:35
RobinJlgp171188, it has been an issue ever since ubuntu 12.04; http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/how-to-get-plymouth-working-with-nvidia.html14:35
irenicus09it automates the process etc.14:35
Eit8is anybody having issues with keyring and google account, it doesn't authenticate me for synchronizing my google account14:36
Ari-Yangirenicus09: dunno, all I know is that you can edit grub to boot an older kernel that has been previously installed or to boot the latest one you installed.14:36
jojoa1997is there a list i could copy to my usb of all the programs that are updated with apt-get update?14:37
irenicus09Ari-Yang: I get it bro....but how do I actually install it...or do I have to resort to compiling from source lol..14:37
lgp171188RobinJ: It worked fine for me on 12.04 which was the last Ubuntu I used before saucy. So let me try the stuff given in that webupd8 article and see if it works14:37
RobinJthis uefi/optimus mess is going to be the death of ubuntu if we don't find a proper solution soon..14:37
Ari-Yangirenicus09: I see what you're asking now... You weren't really clear. Basically you want to install like latest stable kernel (3.11.6) without having to compile?14:38
RobinJlgp171188, *has been an issue ever since 10.04. usually only starts adfter certain updates14:38
Ari-Yangirenicus09: or latest RC kernel of 3.1214:38
irenicus09Ari-Yang: yes please :p14:38
=== Guest31334 is now known as xtriz
Ari-Yangirenicus09: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ use that, if I may ask, why are you doing this?14:38
lgp171188RobinJ: I agree, I have had such issues before.14:39
irenicus09Ari-Yang: I have a radeon card hd8750 & I think it might work better with the newest kernel14:39
Ari-Yangirenicus09: you're on a laptop (if you do is it heating up)? and how do you think it'll work better?14:40
Ari-Yangirenicus09: what ubuntu version are you on?14:40
UbuntivityI'm having a problem upgrading my google-chrome-stable package!14:40
Ubuntivityit shows me 3 missing dependencies14:41
irenicus09Ari-Yang: I just managed to get the card working with the driver that came a week ago and they recommend atleat 3.9 kernel14:41
irenicus09Ari-Yang: I'm on 13.04 with 3.8 kernel14:41
Ari-Yangirenicus09: you're using open source radeon driver right?14:41
Ubuntivitywhich are: lib32gcc1 , lib32stdc++6 , libc-i38614:41
Ari-Yangirenicus09: any who, irenicus09 I recommend you install kernel 3.11.6 and add radeon.dpm=1 to GRUB for dynamic power management, prevents your card from running hot14:42
irenicus09Ari-Yang: noim on  the proprietary one...OS version doesnt work yet...it's a hybrid card with switchable graphics14:42
Ari-Yangirenicus09: edit /etc/default/grub and make GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash " look like this GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.dpm=1"14:43
Ari-Yangirenicus09: uhhh yeah, you're gonna have problems with fglrx while updating the kernel14:43
* Ubuntivity feels oops!14:43
Ari-Yangirenicus09: go back to open source/free drivers before updating kernel14:43
irenicus09Ari-Yang: ow :(14:43
Ari-Yangirenicus09: the proprietary ones won't work...14:43
RobinJso far fgor the theory that ubuntu will run on everything..14:43
Ari-Yangirenicus09: 'sides radeon open source driver is so much better than fglrx14:44
* irenicus09 feels scared!14:44
Ari-Yangirenicus09: fglrx has terrible 2d acceleration14:44
Ari-Yangirenicus09: go to software sources and go to the 'additional drivers tab', if you're using proprietary switch from it and use the open source/free drivers14:44
irenicus09Ari-Yang: I tried with the opensourced ones but problem is if I run games like dota2 it doesn't seem to detect my card :(14:45
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
Ari-Yangirenicus09: oh so you game.... well you could upgrade to mesa 10 so you can have a better gaming experience on open source driver14:46
Ari-Yangirenicus09: you on 32bit or 64bit?14:47
irenicus09Ari-Yang: im on 32bit sry my net has so much lag...barely can type lol.14:48
Ari-Yangirenicus09: you might as well update mesa seeing how you have to use open source radeon driver anyway...14:49
Ari-Yangit's up to you though14:49
irenicus09Ari-Yang: how do I get mesa working14:49
Ari-Yangirenicus09: there is no point in upgrading your kernel to 3.11 if you aren't going to use dpm, upgrade mesa, and get UVD support for hardware video decoding via vdpau14:49
irenicus09sry I don't have much experience in these kinds of stuff :[14:50
irenicus09Ari-Yang: what is dpm14:50
irenicus09but I know vdpau is pretty cool for playin videos n stuff14:51
Ari-Yangirenicus09: dynamic power management, prevents cpu and gpu from running hot14:51
irenicus09I had it before on a different ard14:51
Ari-Yangirenicus09: don't think vdpau is exclusive for nvidia, you can use it on radeon too14:51
irenicus09Ari-Yang: I thinkI could use that dpm...before I installed the proprietary driver my laptop used to get hot sometimes quite easily14:52
irenicus09now the problem has sort of decreased14:52
irenicus09Ari-Yang: is there an official or good guide that I can look at to fix my issue from upgrading kernels to switching drivers, dpm etc.14:55
irenicus09let me know pls :)14:55
Ari-Yangirenicus09: I don't know of any14:55
Ari-YangI typed out instructions http://paste.opensuse.org/9234958914:55
Ari-Yanggood luck14:56
Ari-Yangirenicus09: but don't d/l that amd64 headers, download this http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11.6-saucy/linux-headers-3.11.6-031106-generic_3.11.6-031106.201310181453_i386.deb14:56
irenicus09Ari-Yang: ok thx I'll experiment and come to u :)14:57
Ari-Yangirenicus09: use this paste http://paste.opensuse.org/9191867914:57
Ari-Yangfixed that error14:57
bobinHi everyone I have a big problem. I had some problems with my computer and I got the advice to install properity drivers for amd. I did that and rebooted then I get the idea install catalyst for my graphic card and now I can't log in I'm just getting back to type my password14:59
Ari-Yangbobin: that's the thing about installing fglrx, you run into the risks of having those kinds of problems :/15:00
LinuxNoobishHi , im facing a problem after upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10 that my terminal is all in black and also the edges around the windows  as in the pictures i updated my graph card and still facing the same issue could somebody help me please. Thanks15:00
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
applemanXBOX ONE?15:01
LinuxNoobishthose are the pictures for the problem im facing https://www.dropbox.com/s/evizdjj9x1s32c7/Screenshot%20from%202013-10-17%2023%3A08%3A59.png and https://www.dropbox.com/s/ybjevxz1tskcorz/Screenshot%20from%202013-10-17%2023%3A05%3A20.png15:01
hidLinuxNoobish: why not a fresh install?15:01
bobinAri-Yang: Do I need a fresh install15:01
LinuxNoobisha fresh install for what the 13.10 ?15:02
LinuxNoobisha fresh install for what the 13.10 ? hid15:02
hidLinuxNoobish: jes15:02
Ari-Yangboban: no you should've have to do a fresh install... you just need to uninstall and install the open source drivers15:03
Ari-Yangboban: did you install flgrx with apt-get install fglrx ?15:03
LinuxNoobishis it going to solve it or just a shoot in the dark ? hid15:03
magdurguys i installed zorinos and now i cant use alt+tab combination, how to repair it ?15:04
k1l_magdur: please see zorin support. we dont know what they changed15:04
Ari-Yangboban: if you did, boot into command line and run sudo apt-get purge flgrx* and then run sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati15:04
hidLinuxNoobish: you can sav time. I never did an upgrading thru versions15:05
Ari-Yangirenicus09: I'm heading out, just highlight me by saying my nick so when I come back I can easily find you messages. or pm me15:06
hidthe system can be broken15:06
bobinAri-yang: i think so i follow a guide on Ubuntu.com for dual cards15:06
Ari-Yang[11:04:52] <Ari-Yang> boban: if you did, boot into command line and run sudo apt-get purge flgrx* and then run sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati15:06
Ari-Yanggood luck, afk15:06
LinuxNoobishhid: so using the Mac method just install, thanks mate will try it15:07
HRRok after configuring exim4 light , if I were to change the root and postmaster addresses that should be done at /etc/aliases?15:07
primeg1Hi i am fiar15:07
hidLinuxNoobish: Mac method?15:07
LinuxNoobishhid:  just will finish this and well get back to you on that15:08
PhoonHow well does 13.10 support HiDPI/Retina displays?15:10
bobinHow do I boot in to commando line15:12
ActionParsnipbobin: add the boot option: text15:12
bobinActionparsnip: commando not found15:14
ActionParsnipbobin: its not a command. like I said BOOT OPTION15:15
ActionParsnipbobin: boot options are not commands15:15
=== steve772 is now known as sjkelly
zteamHi all!15:17
bobinAcrionparsnip: i see that.  i boot right? Then I have some options like: Ubuntu, advance options, memory test, and Windows 8. I can push e for edit and c for command-line. But no boot options15:18
zteamDoes Saucy plays nice with the proprioarety Nvidia driver?15:18
benzrfhi, I manually ran openbox --replace without logging out, then went back to unity with --replace15:18
hidsalut FiVeSeVeN ;)15:18
hidchaud a taper ton nom ;)15:19
RishabhTatirajuHow can i check file system integrity in Ubuntu?15:19
benzrfa lot of stuff stopped working; how can I properly restart my unity session15:19
FiVeSeVeNsalut hid ! lool15:19
benzrfmedia keys don't work, there are no widgets in the upper right, etc15:19
benzrfpower button does noting15:19
zteamRishabhTatiraju,, search dash for disk manager15:19
hidPhoon: http://randomtutor.blogspot.fr/2013/02/installing-ubuntu-1304-on-retina.html15:19
rufsketch1Hello everyone.15:19
FiVeSeVeNne le tappe pas hispeed67 tappe la 1ere lettre altgr + les 2 flèches inversées15:19
FiVeSeVeNhid *15:19
rufsketch1Does anyone know much about kernel modules?15:20
RishabhTatirajuno such thing as disk manager15:20
Phoonhid: Ugh.15:20
rufsketch1I'm trying to load one on startup, but /etc/modules and /etc/modprobe.d get ignored15:20
FiVeSeVeNtu es français hid?15:20
zteamRishabhTatiraju, or just Disks as it called in newer releases, from there you can easily check your drives15:20
Phoonhid: I was hoping for better support for high resolutions15:20
rufsketch1well, more specifically, I'm trying to get one that already loads on startup, to load with a different option15:20
kuugoanyone know when will 12.04.4 released?15:21
hidFiVeSeVeN: altgr + 2 fleches inversees pour quoi ?15:21
bean_!fr | hid15:21
hidFiVeSeVeN: oui oui ;)15:21
ubottuhid: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:21
FiVeSeVeNpour pas avoir à tapper les pseudos15:21
FiVeSeVeNoki oki15:21
bean_!fr | FiVeSeVeN15:21
ubottuFiVeSeVeN: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:21
hidoh sorry15:21
FiVeSeVeNoki ubottu sorry15:21
hidi thought i was on -fr15:21
FiVeSeVeNmy english isn't very good15:22
gordonjcphid: mais non!15:22
kuugoanyone know when will 12.04.4 released?15:22
* gordonjcp is mildly annoyed that #ubuntu-gd doesn't exist15:22
hidgordonjcp: mais si!15:22
Te3-BloodyIronafter upgrading to 13.10 lightdm is only showing guest session and remote login, what's up with that?15:22
Sedatedkuugo, release schedule has target date of january 23rd 201415:23
FiVeSeVeNBon je vais me motiver et  terminer mon ménage ... :(15:23
kuugoSedated: whoa still a long way off, thanks for the info15:24
zteamkuugo,, why does it matter, Ubuntu 12.04.4 is just a pre-updated 12.04, all the patches it contains will come to your current 12.04 installation as well :-)15:24
kuugoyeah, i know, zteam, but i need it sometime15:25
kuugoyou see, rather than installing a system with 12.04.1 right now, i would like jump to 12.0415:25
zteamkuugo, Okey :-)15:25
kuugo12.04.4 lol15:25
kuugoimma need reinstall a lot of PCs15:26
zteamkuugo, well they all gets the same updates as Ubuntu 12.04.4 then the patches is avaiable15:28
Sedatedkuugo, you can download a 12.04.3 ISO15:29
=== manny is now known as Guest60857
Guest60857hey im manny15:29
Guest60857how do i change my name15:29
Lope/etc/apt/sources.list only has 1 line that has been commented out. is that normal?15:29
zteamkuugo, it's also possible to create an updated ISO from a updated 12.04 system if that's what you want15:29
BrianHGuest60857: /nick yourname15:30
ActionParsnip!nick | Guest6085715:30
ubottuGuest60857: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.15:30
bobinCan't find boot option15:30
=== Guest60857 is now known as manny0080
Lopehow can my apt work when /etc/apt/sources.list is empty?15:30
manny0080what are so good  programs to download for ubuntu15:31
manny0080any good games15:31
BrianHLope: is sources.list.d empty?15:32
Lopedidn't see the .d, let me see.15:32
zteamLope, there is a directory called /sources.list.d in /etc/apt/ I guess apt finds something from there15:33
hitsujiTMOmanny0080 plenty of games on steam15:33
LopeBrianH I see there is a whole crapload of files in there :)15:33
manny0080is it free15:33
sleeziohello, can someone recomend a good video editor for 13.10? i've tried openshot, it crashes as soon as i try to export video15:33
Lopecan I use sources.list as well as all the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?15:33
_Trullohttp://vimeo.com/17879982 hehe15:33
BrianHLope: Yeah, if sources.list is empty, it'll pull from .d15:33
Lopeor should I create a new file in sources.list.d ?15:33
BrianHLope: Just add your sources to sources.list15:34
zteammanny0080, you can search software-center for nexuiz, wesnoth and open-arena15:34
Lopeokay cool15:34
u-fokaHy, I'm trying to get globalmenu to work under kde for gtk apps... any ideas?15:34
hitsujiTMOmanny0080: theres some free games on steam like dota215:34
ActionParsnipmanny0080: urban terror is sweet too, if you like counterstrike :)15:34
zteamDo ubuntu 13.10 sauchy works well with the Nvidia-drivers??15:35
sleeziozteam, been working for me smoothly so far15:36
sleeziocan someone recomend a good video editor for 13.10? (besides openshot)15:37
zteamSleezio, okew, nice:-)15:37
phasegenwhy are all my added ppa's not listed in sources.list, and what file are they listed in now?15:38
zteamsleezio, Never edit any videos myself but I think Cinelera is quite good15:38
MonkeyDust!ppa | phasegen15:38
ubottuphasegen: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:38
sleezioi'll research it, thanks15:38
whoeverhi all, this seems to be an ubuntu issue . I am using intellij and cant set up an android modula project, i have tried selecting jsdk, no luck, have also tried selecting java modula, -> next, then previous then android modual no luck can someone assist15:38
zteamphasegen, check in /etc/apt/sources.list.d I think they should be there15:39
roninhi, i upgraded from 13.04 -> 13.10 and now when I close my thinkpad's lid it goes to sleep even in power settings it says it shouldn't do anything, any ideas15:39
phasegenzteam: they're listed there. Thank you.15:41
phasegenMonkeyDust: What is "!ppa"?15:41
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
zteamphasegen, You are welcome :-)15:42
MissValeska_I need help omg15:42
MissValeska_I have two partitions, One is my home folder, And the other is everything below that15:42
MissValeska_I resized them to grow my home partition, And now it won't boot!15:43
MissValeska_It doesn't give an error, or a grub error either, It just says the BIOS loading operating system thing, With the flashy line forever.15:43
MissValeska_Also, I can't seem to mount them from my live cd, Though, I couldn't befroe either, And checking works fine.15:44
jetroI just installed pycharm (community edition) on ubuntu. However, when I start it up, and then hit "Create New Project", there is no python interpreter listed in the drop-down menu where I have to choose a python interpreter.15:44
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
zteamMissValeska_, you can try to use Boot-Repair from a live CD / USB15:44
MissValeska_okay, how?15:45
jetroIn terminal, I can just type python and it will start a python session, so there must be some python interpreter on my machine, why doesn't pycharm pick that up?15:45
zteamMissValeska_, you create a Live-usb with UnetBootin, or install it throught a PPA on your live-cd :-)15:46
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
MissValeska_Can I just install some package into this live cd?15:46
MissValeska_I seriously waited eight hours for that resize operation15:46
zteamMissValeska_, yes, you can :-)15:46
MissValeska_okay, Which package?15:47
jmgkhi dhruv15:48
zteamMissValeska_, you have to add a third-party source first:15:48
dhruvI am new to UBUNTU and I have som serious doughts..15:48
whoeverneed some help with intelij setup for android modual, i have tried android-dev and can't find someone who is currently using idea. I try to select the jsdk for android modual and i get an error that it is not a valid android-sdk, I try to select java modual, then next , and then previous and select android sdk and still no luck. can someone assist15:48
dhruvso.. ANyone here to help me out?15:48
zteamMissValeska_, go to a terminal and run this command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update15:48
auronandacedhruv: nobody can help until you specify your issue15:49
dhruvhold on a sec15:49
MissValeska_kay, done15:49
zteamMissValeska_, After that, you just run sudo apt-get install boot-repair15:49
bobinI just get the advice the run commando:  sudo apt-get purge flgrx* when I boot into command line because some went wrong when tried to install catalyst. But my computer can't find flgrx* any suggestions?15:49
zteamMissValeska_, Now, just start boot-repair from a terminal15:51
MissValeska_Oh, I started the GUI version15:51
zteamMissValeska_, just type sudo boot-repair15:51
MissValeska_It's loading never the less, But, I should probably do that15:51
zteamMissValeska_, that's fine too :-)15:51
MissValeska_It's not root15:52
FloodBot1MissValeska_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
zteamMissValeska_, I think it should tell you if you are not root15:52
dhruvOkay, so This is the case.15:52
dhruvI had 3 partitions namely C,D and E on my 320GB HDD. I had windows 7 installed in "C" Partition, Now, I installed UBUNTU 12.10 Desktop -i386 from a Bootable USB.15:52
dhruvI selected "Replace UBUNTU with windows 7 (Probably the Second option while installation)".15:52
dhruvNow, I have a problem here. I see 2 partitions, namely "320GB Hard Disk" and "File System".15:52
dhruvWhen I click to open "320GB HDD" option. I get an error saying15:52
zteamMissValeska_, But I'm not sure15:52
FloodBot1dhruv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
dhruv"Unable To Mount Location", "Can't Mount File"15:52
dhruvto flodd :D15:53
dhruvflood * :P15:53
finchddhruv: yep, make a paste ;)15:53
zteamMissValeska_, but I can't imagine, it wouldn't yell about that ;-)15:53
JCmanhello, i am trying to get some help for my upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10. I get the "general error mounting filesystems" message and don't know what to do. I run ubuntu alongside with windows xp and I never had any issues doing the upgrades15:53
dhruvhttp://paste.ubuntu.com Okay, so This is the case.15:54
dhruvI had 3 partitions namely C,D and E on my 320GB HDD. I had windows 7 installed in "C" Partition, Now, I installed UBUNTU 12.10 Desktop -i386 from a Bootable USB.15:54
dhruvI selected "Replace UBUNTU with windows 7 (Probably the Second option while installation)".15:54
dhruvNow, I have a problem here. I see 2 partitions, namely "320GB Hard Disk" and "File System".15:54
dhruvWhen I click to open "320GB HDD" option. I get an error saying15:54
dhruv"Unable To Mount Location", "Can't Mount File"15:54
FloodBot1dhruv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:54
zteamMissValeska_, Now, if you are lucky this software will fix your boot-isssus automatically in about 20 seconds ;-)15:54
MonkeyDustdhruv  don't abuse the enter key, it has rights too http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:55
Kaapabah - something dead wrong with my system after the upgrade15:55
MissValeska_I do have a fat32 folder, With the label EFI, And the flag boot15:55
MissValeska_Does that matter?15:55
Kaapaskype audio doesn't work, external dac doesn't get detected, external keyboard key shortcuts don't seem to function properly15:56
zteamMissValeska_, If you are running a computer with EFI / UEFI, that it's okey, if not, you should probably remove it15:56
JishojoHi guys, just a silly question but i hope you can understand... I just dropped my notebook flat on its bottom from a height of about 1 and a half feet... It just rebooted and everything seems to be working just fine. Should i look for flaws on any specific place or run something on my computer to check for errors or failed hardware?15:57
MissValeska_It was just there on it's own, I dunno what it is15:57
MissValeska_I'm going to try rebooting! brb~!15:58
MissValeska_Thank youf or all of your help! Let's see if it works!15:58
aarondsHi, what should I do if I have a command looking in the wrong place for an executable? (/usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin)15:58
zteamMissValeska_,  Good look :-)15:58
dhruvso.. Now my turn15:59
irenicus09zteam: good lloking :P:P15:59
dhruvhelp me out..15:59
jpedroza2kMorning everyone.15:59
finchdJishojo: you could reboot into single-user/super-user mode and run fsck (filesystemcheck)15:59
zteamMissValeska_, But remember Boot-Repair will vanish from your live-usb again (if you are not made it writeable)15:59
gdosam getting errors when trying to purge a package: http://pastebin.com/d2GsbqWN16:00
zteamirenicus09, hehe, I guess I miss-spelled that a little bit ;_P16:00
Jishojothanks dude! will do16:00
bobinCan someone help me with my video drivers I had to remove the package16:01
Jehanzaibanyone awake here?16:01
bobinI have amd dual graphics card16:01
* BluesKaj snores16:01
JCmangood morning, hello, i am trying to get some help for my upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10. I get the "general error mounting filesystems" message and don't know what to do. I run ubuntu alongside with windows xp and I never had any issues doing the upgrades. The upgrade crashed in the beginning of the install process and when I rebooted, I wasn't able to continue and got stucked with the error16:01
bobinAnd my computer gets overheated16:01
zteambobin,  you can manage your graphics driver from software- & updates16:02
root_wormhello, i have problem regarding vmware in ubuntu 12.04, whenever i am starting virtual machine it says some module should compile and then virtual communication interface failed to compile..please helpwid it16:03
root_wormhello please help me...16:05
root_wormi have problem regarding vmware in ubuntu 12.04, whenever i am starting virtual machine it says some module should compile and then virtual communication interface failed to compile..please helpwid it16:05
halp_Hello everyone, after updating to Ubuntu 13.10 I've encountered several errors while trying to log in. I only get a black screen with a cursor. I've been at this for 6 hours, and I'm starting to lose hope. Ubunte Upgrade has removed fglrx drivers, which seems to be part of the problem because my chipset is not supported by current default AMD drivers. Any tips?16:06
zteambobin, in software & updates, there is a tab called addional drivers16:06
jpedroza2kroot_worm, what is the error you are getting when you compile the module? Could you pastebin the output?16:06
root_wormCompiling :16:07
kali__have the same problem as halp_16:07
JCmanhello? could anybody help me with the "general error mounting filesystems" error after an crashed/interrupted 13.10 upgrade?16:07
w00tuserAllright, so yesterday, I was s1lent_116:07
root_wormVirtual interface communication failed to compile16:07
jpedroza2khalp_, You can use <CTRL> + f1 to get to a tty session and login to the command line. YOu should be able to install the drivers you need with apt-get, perhaps?16:07
w00tuserso I got the wi-fi to work and such, but now I have a new problem... I have a tiny partition due to the many installs of ubuntu I did16:08
w00tuserI know how to format a disk and such, but how do I add that partition to my main partition?16:08
zteamhalp, kali__ sudo apt-cache search AMD16:08
ubottuenigma: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:09
=== enigma is now known as Guest14429
zteamhalp_, kali__ and see if you find any useful packages from there16:09
Guest14429!help me16:09
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:09
roninthis is what syslog gives when I close my laptop's lid http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6277667/. In power settings I have set that my computer should do nothing when lid is closed. The problem appeared when I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.1016:10
kali__zteam, i cant find anything there16:10
w00tuseralso, sudo/root access in my ubuntu partitions, normaluser in my win7 and no access to ubuntu partitions16:10
ubottuGuest14429: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:10
w00tuserUh... hello?16:11
=== karlo is now known as karlo|afk
* w00tuser whistles16:12
bobinZteam: Okay found it. I have three choices witch one is best: X.org xserver-xorg-video-ati––amd/ati display driver wrapper from xserver-xorg-video or video driver for amd graphic accelerators from flgrx_updates or video driver amd graphic accelerator from flgrx?16:13
Dai_1987w00tuser shut the hell up, if somebody knows the answer they'll help16:13
w00tuserDai_1987, rude16:13
jpedroza2kw00tuser, If someone knows the answer they will respond.16:13
jpedroza2kDai_1987, No need to be rude.16:13
w00tuser^ Dai_1987 better way to say that16:13
VozivHello, when I try to install libapache2-mod-fcgid  I get "Depends: apache2.2-common but it is not going to be installed"   I'm using apache 2.416:14
halp_jpedroza2k, zteam, looked in the list and I still have some fglrx drivers in there, should I delete all of them?16:14
zteambobin I think I would use flgrx_updates, but I'm not sure16:14
jpedroza2khalp_, Are you wanting to use those drivers? If so you could purge them and then reinstall.16:14
hitsujiTMOvoziv what version of ubuntu are you using?16:15
irenicus09bobin: I had the same problem with heating but after I installed the proprietary driver from amd site the problem seems to hve disappeared16:15
VozivhitsujiTMO: 13.0416:15
w00tuserwait... trying something16:15
irenicus09bobin: from what I've heard the opensource drivers are better so I'm gonna try makin it work first16:16
w00tuserSo, I set the huge partition to mount in root at startup16:16
w00tuserwould that fix it?16:16
bobinIrenicus09: when I did that my computer didn't log in16:16
zteamubottu, !xgl halp_ bobin16:16
ubottuzteam: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
* w00tuser thinks...16:17
irenicus09bobin: did u install the proprietary drivers?16:17
bobinYes but have to remove them16:17
w00tuserIs there a way just to use my main partition (filesystem thingy with ubuntu), for just the boot, and the huge partiton as a storage thing?16:17
hitsujiTMOvoziv: 13.04 repos only support apache 2.2 ... you will have to find an updated ppa elsewhere or build it yourself.   another alternative is to upgrade to 13.10 with supports apache 2.416:17
w00tuserwhere everything is installed?16:17
VozivI see16:18
Vozivthanks hitsujiTMO16:18
jpedroza2kw00tuser, you can mount the second partition and use it for storage, but most likely software will still install on the main partition.16:18
bobinGoing with ztream suggestion16:19
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
w00tuserwell how do I redirect it?16:19
w00tuserI cant install all my smexy games on less than a gb16:19
mustafahi ...i want to build a vps server  .....i have google it ....and now i feel lost ......from where to start ?16:19
w00tuserjpedroza2k, no redirects?16:20
jpedroza2kw00tuser, what you want to do is expand the other partition, so they are both in one partition, correct?16:20
Jackson88343what recommend media players are there for ubuntu16:20
hitsujiTMOmustafa: what exactly do you mean by "i want to build a vps server"16:20
w00tuseruh... they're both in sda216:20
bean_mustafa: typically one just buys a VPS, as a VPS refers to a single virtual server on strong physical hardware.16:21
XarguIs there a way to start a program and save its numeric window ID in a file?16:21
w00tuserjpedroza2k, how would I go around doing that?16:21
XarguLike, a program that launches another program and outputs its window ID?16:21
jpedroza2kw00tuser, right, so you want to merge them into one partition where you access the entire space as one section, not two. Is that correct?16:21
root_worm1which one is better vmware or virtual box ???16:21
ronindo I need to reboot or something after modifying /etc/systemd/logind.conf16:21
jpedroza2kw00tuser, You cvan do that with gParted, but you will need to boot from a live CD to do it because otherwise the partitions will be active.,16:22
halp_jpedroza2k, zteam, bobin, kali__, My GPU drivers are not longer supported in ubuntu 13.10, so I want to switch from fglrx to radeon (open source drivers). radeon is installed but the log files say that I still use fglrx in some cases...16:22
root_worm1which one is better vmware or virtual box ???16:22
jpedroza2khalp_, Sounds like there is a config file somewhere that is still pointing to the old drivers...16:22
Pici!best | root_worm116:23
ubotturoot_worm1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:23
jpedroza2khalp_, I am not good with display manager issues, sorry.16:23
root_worm1Ohk..thank you16:23
hitsujiTMOroot_worm1: vmware is a company, virtualbox is client virtualisation software ...16:23
mustafa<hitsujiTMO> like an operating system or a service that support multiple users ..program ..seperate enviroment16:24
w00tuserjpedroza2k, so... to be clear (no, I'm not stupid, I just like rechecking), I boot from my live cd (usb), then install gparted, then.... merge them?16:24
w00tuserhow do i merge?16:24
w00tuserwait nvm16:24
w00tuserI <3 the interweb/google16:24
jpedroza2kw00tuser, the process would be to boot from live cd/USB. Launch GParted. Expand the partition on sda2 to include the space you need. Write the new partition table, and then done.16:24
jpedroza2kw00tuser, tutorial here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18523/how-do-i-resize-my-current-ubuntu-partition16:25
davividalI'm using LDAP on my network, among other things, it manages my sudoers files. On my (personal) workstation I want to use LDAP and files for sudoers. That's what I've put on my /etc/nsswitch.conf: sudoers: ldap files , and here is my /etc/sudoers.d/redmine_gitolite: redmine ALL=(git) NOPASSWD:ALL16:25
mustafa<bean_> what do you mean by just buying one .....i mean how do they build that server ...what services do they use .....?16:25
davividalbut whenever I try to sudo -u git -i ls it keeps asking my password. How can I debug what's going on?16:25
jpedroza2kw00tuser, gParted will be installed on the live CD/USB16:25
w00tuserunetbootin livecd?16:25
jpedroza2kmustafa, I run a VPS server host with nodes in Ubuntu and other Linux operating systems that uses OpenVZ.16:26
hitsujiTMOmustafa: if you mean you want to create a virtualization server so you have host vps, you need to look at hypervisors such as vmware esxi, ms hyper-v, citrix zenserver, etc. however this is not the correct place to ask such a question16:26
jpedroza2kmustafa, check the openVZ channel or Zen channel16:26
aarondsHi, what should I do if I have a command looking in the wrong place for an executable? grunt is installed to /usr/bin/grunt but whenever I type 'grunt' I get '-bash: /usr/local/bin/grunt: No such file or directory'16:28
hitsujiTMOaaronds add the path to your path variable: PATH=/user/bin/;$PATH16:29
eeoshi everybody .... strange problems here .... the laptop's performances have gone to the dogs after upgrade to 13.10.16:29
eeoseverything is so slow!16:29
hitsujiTMO!details | eeos16:29
ubottueeos: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:29
aarondshitsujiTMO: /usr/bin is already in my path.16:29
eeoshitsujiTMO: well, just told you I upgraded to 13.1016:30
eeoshitsujiTMO: and everything is slow .... meaning all the applications you try to run are slower than they were on 13.0416:30
hitsujiTMOaaronds: whats the output of: ls -l /usr/bin/grunt16:30
eeoshitsujiTMO: I have not idea how much slower, but probebaly in the order of 4 , 5 times16:31
aarondshitsujiTMO: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Oct 21 16:26 /usr/bin/grunt -> ../lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt16:31
irenicus09Ari-Yang: hello ru there :|16:31
hitsujiTMOeeos: what specs does your system have?16:31
irenicus09I've installed the new kernel and I wanted to switch the opensource rdeon driver before rebooting but t says to switch I need to reboot first lol16:32
eeoshitsujiTMO: Extreme CPU X7900  @ 2.80GHz, 8GB RAM, QUADRO FX1600M16:33
irenicus09and from what I've heard if I didnt switch to OS driver for my radeon card first then I'd have problems etc.16:33
eeoshitsujiTMO: I doubt it is the specifications, the system was fine before the upgrade.16:33
eeoshitsujiTMO: I am using 64bit to make use of the whole memory16:33
hitsujiTMOeeos, have you looked at top too see what is using resources?16:33
eeoshitsujiTMO: yes, nothing anomalous.16:34
eeoshitsujiTMO: it is like the system is running in powersave mode, with the CPU frequency set at the lowest.16:34
eeoshitsujiTMO: at the same time, there is no tool to read and control the cpu frequency or the governors on 13.10.16:34
bobin_I have one problem i keep geting the message some sytem problem detecde, can i look at the problem from terminal?16:35
eeoshitsujiTMO: whihc is very strange, because some time you just need to do that by hand.16:35
chaotixhey everybody16:38
cristian_csome time ago, I noticed that the volume keys no longer worked fine on 12.0416:38
cristian_cfor example, if I press the toggle key, the sound is muted. But if I press it again, the sound is no longer turned on16:39
hitsujiTMOeeos can you paste the output of: top -n1    and: free -m16:39
cristian_ceven the keys to increase and decrease the volume does not work well: they do not reach the lower and upper limits (at least in the applet on the panel)16:39
chaotixbefore upgrading to 13.10, i want to ask you guys how the bug situation is?  i am experiencing no bugs in 13.04, and am loving it, so i dont want to upgrade if it is going to be a downgrade, if you know what i mean16:39
cristian_cwhat might be the problem? What should I look for?16:40
cristian_cAny ideas?16:40
g2kHi all.16:40
chaotixare the people who have 13.10 happy with it16:40
eeoshitsujiTMO: output of free -m is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6277834/16:40
eeoshitsujiTMO: output of top -n1 is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6277838/16:40
g2kcurrently running xubuntu 12.04 and cant resize my mouse. any thoughts?16:41
hitsujiTMOeeos xorg is using a crazy amount of cpu, have a look at what drivers are getting loaded16:41
eeoshitsujiTMO: the usual, the nvidia driver16:42
eeoshitsujiTMO: I have an average of 6.1% cpu, which is normal with ubuntu16:42
eeoshitsujiTMO: this has always been the case though16:43
eeoshitsujiTMO: there does not seem to be the directory /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/, how does the governor control the frequency??16:44
MonkeyDustchaotix  are you asking us to tell that a next release is worse than the one before?16:45
smithg400Just updated my machine from 12.04 to 13.10 and having problems with RoundCube get "Service not currently available" when logging in to roundcube web page and /var/log/roundcube/errors contains "PHP Error: Could not perform encryption; make sure Mcrypt is installed or lib/des.inc is available in /usr/share/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube.php" - Any ideas?  Tried clean 13.10 install (in16:45
smithg400virtual machine) and get same problem.16:45
jpedroza2ksmithg400, is Mcrypt installed?16:47
JoeyJoeJoHow can I prevent a specific user from running a specific command in the sudoers file?16:48
smithg400I have "libmcrypt4" and "php5-mcrypt" installed.  Does it need anything else?16:48
chaotixMonkeyDust, not at all...  i havent tried 13.10 yet, and was looking for feedback before i upgraded...  i got smoe feedback next door in o.t.16:49
eeoshitsujiTMO: I think there is a problem with the governor .... even if I issue a "stress -c 2" the cpu does not seem to increase the performance .... fans do not start running faster16:49
hitsujiTMOeeos: are you having the same issue in the live cd?16:50
eeoshitsujiTMO: did not try it.16:50
zzophow i can add session button to ubuntu 13.4?16:51
jpedroza2ksmithg400, That should be good. Did you activate it in mcrypt.ini16:51
sleepeeanybody else having intermittent wireless connection drops with Intel 7260 cards?16:52
sleepeerunning 13.1016:52
hitsujiTMOeeos: you may be on the right train of thought if its due to changes in how the governor is managed between 13.04 and 13.10. a fresh install may fix this. if you are having the same issue on the live cd then i would report a bug16:52
jpedroza2ksmithg400, did you restart apache2 after installing mcrypt as well?16:52
eeoshitsujiTMO: I cannot go through a fresh install again, it is a production machine.16:52
hitsujiTMOeeos: i would still try a live cd to see if the issue is there or not16:53
eeoshitsujiTMO: I will .... is thee a way to manually activate the cpu frequncy scaling, by the way?16:54
hitsujiTMOeeos, i'm unsure of the case tbh16:54
smithg400Activate it?  Saw some references to that - my /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.ini contains "extension=mcrypt.so" which I think is correct.  I've now installed mcrypt as well and restarted apache2 but still have problem.16:54
eeoshitsujiTMO: thanks a lot for your help in any case!16:56
jpedroza2ksmithg400, Sounds like a roundcube issue, have you asked in there?16:56
kurtwpI am getting the following error in desktop 13.10 when using a2ensite16:56
kurtwpavailable$ sudo a2ensite test16:56
kurtwpERROR: Site test does not exist!16:56
smithg400Not yet - will try, thanks16:57
kurtwpI have test configured under sites-available$16:57
MonkeyDustkurtwp  that's an apache thingy... running server? if yes, try asking in #ubuntu-server16:58
kurtwpno running desktop16:58
kurtwpinstalled LAMP had no issues in 13.0416:58
Picikurtwp: Do you have a site called 'test' in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ ?16:59
Picikurtwp: just 'test' not test.conf or anything?16:59
hitsujiTMOeeos: have a look at the package indicator-cpufreq16:59
eeoshitsujiTMO: thanks a lot, will do.17:00
locoguanoMusic results from a lens search are reporting prices in Euros instead of dollars. How do I change this?17:07
molavyi installed picubuntu in mk808b device17:07
jetroHey guys I just installed OpenJDK Java 7, while installing PyCharm. However, pycharm said it is recommended to use java by oracle. Are there disadvantages to having openJDK?17:08
molavyput i have problem on connecting to internet17:08
jetroare there compatibility issues, etc?17:08
molavypicubuntu don't have bcm40181 wlan module17:08
molavyi connected my android mobile phone and use usb tethering17:09
molavypicubuntu find my device and connect to network17:09
molavybut i can't connect to any device on network17:10
molavyany idea?17:10
jpedroza2kjetro, The biggest issue is the license. Other than that I have not had any major issues, but Oracle does control Java. ymmv17:10
prodgyHi, i have a heating problem, my computer is working really hard in ubuntu, i do not do anything but still the computer working hard, I dont see why. Any suggestions?17:10
jetrojpedroza2k, yeah pycharm seems to be working fine. But their warning message scared me..17:11
molavyno idea?17:11
jpedroza2kmolavy, If someone is able to help they will respond.17:12
davividalI'm using LDAP on my network, among other things, it manages my sudoers files. On my (personal) workstation I want to use LDAP and files for sudoers. That's what I've put on my /etc/nsswitch.conf: sudoers: ldap files , and here is my /etc/sudoers.d/redmine_gitolite: redmine ALL=(git) NOPASSWD:ALL17:12
davividalbut whenever I try to sudo -u git -i ls it keeps asking my password. How can I debug what's going on?17:12
Kaapawhat's the best way to reinstall pulseaudio?17:13
Pawnerddo I harm my ubuntu server when I switch it off by pressing the power button?17:13
Kaapaapt-get install --reinstall pulseaudio ?17:13
VozivAnyone know what I'm doing wrong when setting up apache2 mod_fastcgi to work with php5-fpm? http://hastebin.com/ropimuyodi.conf17:13
hitsujiTMOjetro: most java developers will provide this warning if they only test under the oracle jvm.17:14
locoguanoWhen I click on a pay video in the video lens nothing happens. Is this a known issue?17:14
jetrohitsujiTMO, ahh I see; does openJDK typically suffer when a program is developed/tested only under oracle jvm?17:15
hitsujiTMOjetro: usually not from anything i've seen17:16
jetrohitsujiTMO, cool! and pycharm seems to be working pretty smoothly as well..17:17
help_meheylo. I have ubuntu 13.04 installed. I'm trying to compile openmovieeditor and I get an error: install libquicktime with lame enabled17:17
hitsujiTMOjetro if you're ever concerned you can infact install both jvms17:17
joaosantanahi all17:18
help_mecan anyone tell me how to uninstall libquicktime (built from source) and re-install with lame enabled?17:18
joaosantanahelp_me: make uninstall17:18
prodgycan i see how much my cpu and gpu works?17:18
help_meok I did that, but I can't find out how to install with lame enabled... any ideas joaosantana17:19
joaosantanahelp_me: searching...17:20
help_methank you joaosantana17:21
mikael_Hi guys, I have a problem with x11 after upgrading to 13.10. Does someone have time to help me?17:21
mikael_and phpmyadmin.. :(17:22
jpedroza2kmikael_, more details please.17:22
subz3r0!ask | mikael_17:22
ubottumikael_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:22
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jpedroza2kprodgy, you can look in System Monitor and it will show you CPU and memory usage.17:26
mikael_Alright, So I upgraded to 13.10 yesterday on my old dekstop computer that I use as a server, (its running ubuntu dekstop though). I have previously used x11 to be able to RDP from my windows machine, but after the upgrade that doesnt work. If i SSH to the server and tail the /var/log/xrdp-sesman.log file, I can see that it starts a new session for me when i log in, and shut it down immediately.17:26
mikael_IIRC, I changed a config file to use gnome 2 (???) because the server was performing poorly due to lacking a proper graphics card17:27
compdocmikael_, I cant make rpd or vnc work as a server anymore. I can only log into an existing console session17:27
[Wit]katzyekhm, hibernate option is gone from shutdown menu after upgrade, pm-hibernate works17:27
churchill2i have a DVD_TS folder, how can i re author the dvd? it won't play in my player.17:28
joaosantanahelp_me: seems libquicktime is compiled with lame support by default. Do you already have lame installed?17:29
help_meI'm not sure17:29
help_meno I do not joaosantana17:29
joaosantanahelp_me: that's because libquicktime is compiling without lame support.17:30
help_mehow do I get it to compile it with lame support joaosantana17:30
joaosantanahelp_me: you need to compile lame 3.93 before compile libquicktime17:31
mbnoimiwhat's the official name of uncomping ubuntu distro for mobiles17:31
help_meokay, thank you so much17:31
mikael_compdoc, in my '~/' directory I have a file called '.xsession-errors' does that say something if you tail it?17:31
joaosantanayou're welcome :)17:31
mikael_compdoc, and do you have one?17:32
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compdocmikael_, what I had to do was install x11vnc, then log into the console and run it, then I can connect17:33
compdocI can only connect while the console is logged in17:33
mikael_compdoc, that's strange..17:33
krzwhat gannt software yall recommend?17:33
hitsujiTMOmbnoimi: what exactly do you mean?17:34
compdocmikael_, its the same thing as vino, but with x11vnc you have the options of ultra or tight vnc protocols17:34
g2kDoes anyone know how to force cursor size globally on xubuntu 12.04?17:34
compdocubuntu is headed away from remote access servers, which is sorely needed for any headless server17:35
mbnoimihitsujiTMO: Canonical announced that they will release a new mobiles so I wonder what's the name of this distro17:35
hitsujiTMOmbnoimi: ubuntu touch, discussion for it is in #ubuntu-touch17:35
help_meJoaosantana: I compiled the suggested version and the ./config in libquicktime still says lame is missing.17:35
mbnoimihitsujiTMO: thx17:36
mikael_compdoc, I dont know much about ubuntu i'm afraid, I certainly dont know what vino is. I recognize x11rdp, I think i'm using xrdp. is that the same thing?17:36
=== daniel is now known as Guest2038
malaphusHi all.  I've asked on #lubuntu already and haven't gotten much help.  I recently upgraded from lubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 and now gnome-keyring-daemon no longer works, it prompts me to enter my key passphrase every time I SSH.  gnome-keyring-daemon is indeed running in the background though.  Any ideas?17:37
benzrfI have a package that has a dependency on ia32-libs17:38
rtdoshow can i build my own ubuntu-based distro from scratch?17:38
benzrfI'm assuming it's meant for an older release... I'm on saucy17:38
benzrfI think I have the libs it needs; is there a way to convince it that it doesn't need ia32-libs?17:38
jpedroza2krtdos, Google is your friend. Your question is outside the scope of this chat room, and pertains to the entire GNU Linux OS, not specifically Ubuntu.17:39
m3kkrtdos, http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/17:39
Guest2038Hi guys.. I've just installed unbuntu 13.10 on a new lenvo w530 -- works brilliantly up until I attach a second monitor. Here's what happens on my second monitor https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwydc0vz75o85fo/2013-10-20%2023.46.58.jpg  any idea how to sort this out?17:39
rtdoswhy would it be outside the scope of this chatroom? wouldn't there be a utility in the repositories to get me started?17:40
hitsujiTMOmikael_: compdoc, what exactly are yee running on a server that requires an xserver?17:40
benzrfrtdos: why would there be?17:40
SunTsuWhoever did the change to the development table probably forgot to change the release number: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:40
jpedroza2kGuest2038, do you have the NVidia graphics on the laptop, or just intel?17:40
m3kkGuest2038, have you checked different drivers?17:40
=== panda-pc is now known as sergios
Guest2038Its nvidia17:41
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=== DannyboyMT is now known as DannyboyMT_
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rtdosbenzrf, m3kkk, jpedroza2k: something simlilar to 'Ubuntu Desktop CD Customizer' perhaps?17:41
DannyboyMT_what other drivers can I try?17:41
m3kkrtdos, you mean just cherrypick packages to install/not install? I thought you wanted to build from scratch with ubuntu as base17:42
jpedroza2kGuest2038, If it is the NVidia Optimus I had to install bumblebee to get mine to work.17:42
rtdosm3kk: yes cherrypick my own packages so that i can replicate them on other machines.17:43
jpedroza2kDannyboyMT_, I had to use bumblebee-project.org on mine.17:43
m3kkrtdos, http://lifehacker.com/5921054/ubuntu-builder-lets-you-build-your-own-customized-linux-distribution17:43
DannyboyMT_jpedroza2k, hi i'm guest2038 just changed nick. How  can I check i it's NVidia Optimus -- as far as i know its a quadro graphics card.17:43
rtdosm3kk: thanks.17:43
jpedroza2kDannyboyMT_, if you have the intel graphics as well, there is a good chance it is Optimus.17:44
jpedroza2kDannyboyMT_, I think lspci will show the card and then you can check if it is.17:44
m3kkrtdos, i know you wanted ubuntu but this looks awesome aswell: http://lifehacker.com/5370209/use-suse-studio-to-build-a-linux-os-from-scratch17:44
mikael_hitsujiTMO, I simly need something so that me and my friends can use rdp from our windows machines to the server.We're new to ubuntu and linux in general and not very familiar with the terminal yet :) If there's an easier way or better way, please enlighten me!17:44
rtdosm3kk: i've used susestudio and love it. surprised canonical hasn't done anything similar yet. :)17:45
DannyboyMT_jpedroza2k, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107GLM [Quadro K1000M] (rev a1)17:45
kruxrtdos, lookup on debootstrap.. you can build a minimal ubuntu with that17:45
rtdoswould make mass installations of ubuntu easier. :)17:45
rtdosi will krux, thanks.17:45
hitsujiTMOmikael_: well i can understand if you're not familiar with console commands. but once you get used to it you'll find it quite powerful in comparison to the gui17:46
jpedroza2kDannyboyMT_, Looks like it is Optimus, check out bumblebee-project.org17:46
clusterfoois koffice package not available anymore?17:46
DannyboyMT_thanks jpedroza2k  one last question because everytime i mess with graphics card drivers I mess up the system and have to re-install. If this fails how do i rollback?17:47
DannyboyMT_I always end up doing a fresh re-install when i touch the graphics drivers17:47
jpedroza2kjust remove the bumblebee software.17:48
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
DannyboyMT_ok thanks :)17:48
DannyboyMT_i'll try this out.17:48
jpedroza2kDannyboyMT_, if you bork it, remember that <ctrl>+f1 will bring up a tty session that you can use to fix it,17:48
jpedroza2kDannyboyMT_, That should be <ctrl>+<alt>+f117:49
DannyboyMT_thanks :)17:49
hatchetjackhow do you upgrade the flash plugin?17:49
k1lhatchetjack: there is no update for flash on linux17:50
k1lhatchetjack: one thing you could try is chrome. that got an own  flash plugin17:51
WheezUse Chrome, it should have it built in if you're having problems on Firefox or whatever.17:51
jpedroza2khatchetjack, there is a flash plugin installer17:51
jpedroza2khatchetjack, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:51
hatchetjackyeah I got flash installed17:52
hatchetjackbut the amazon prime claims it's not new enough17:52
hatchetjackso then it recommends upgradin it17:52
hatchetjackbut that's difficult17:52
WheezIt looks like Amazon Prime has HTML5 support17:52
chandruubuntu 13.10 is bad17:53
mikael_hitsujiTMO, I guess that's true. That doesnt change the fact that it doesn't work though. :(17:53
hitsujiTMOhatchetjack: adobe do not support flash on linux anymore. the flashplugin-installer installs the official binary which is no longer updated17:54
hatchetjackhitsujiTMO: ahhh17:55
DannyboyMT_E: Package 'virtualgl' has no installation candidate <--- are the bumbleebee instructions incorrect?17:55
hatchetjackWheez: how do enable in firefox?17:55
hitsujiTMOwheez: hatchetjack: proprietary codecs are not available in firefox which may be used by amazon primes html5 implementation17:57
hatchetjackwell that sucks17:57
hatchetjackwant the prime17:57
Wheezhatchetjack: sorry, I got that wrong. As far as I can tell there may not be amazon video in html5. There are a lot of complaints about that17:58
hitsujiTMOhatchetjack: the easiest method is install chrome as was stated earlier17:58
hatchetjackit use to work in the firefox17:58
hatchetjackbut I reinstalled my OS17:58
hatchetjackhitsujiTMO: yeah I'll do that17:58
DannyboyMT_any idea why virtualgl is not available in apt-get ?17:59
WheezDannyboyMT_: probably not on official repository.18:00
k1l!info virtualgl18:02
ubottuPackage virtualgl does not exist in saucy18:02
k1lDannyboyMT_: its no official package18:02
=== dean is now known as dean|away
tiinahej ni som har uppdaterat till 13.04 är det oxå en unity fast bättre?18:14
bekks!se | tiina18:15
ubottutiina: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!18:15
Stravgna! can anyone tell me why selecting the qtcreator package for installation involves nearly 1.2gb of package dependencies such as "claws-mail, codeblocks, dovecot, etc." wtf?!18:15
Strav(in ubuntu 13.10 that is)18:16
Sander^lapHow do I wake ubuntu 13.10 up from sleep without turning it off.18:16
voyager-x01Hi. My friend installed a system on his on computer. He installed the latest Nvidia driver. He save his system as a non-installable live cd with his user name and password. With this there is  1366x768 resolution in the menu. If I install the same system to my computer I have only 1280x720 and the next option is the 1920x1080. Where is the files in his system that I can copy to mine?18:20
bekksvoyager-x01: Do you have the same computers?18:20
Stravsorry... installing qtcreator involves 2.6gb of dependencies - looks like someone messed up the package dependencies real hard. Can anyone confirm if they have the same issue on their machine (without installing all the required crap of cours)18:21
voyager-x01So his live system on my old radeon gpu HAS the option (not same computers) and a freshly installed system doesn't18:21
ezra-svoyager-x01, does it happen that you and your friend have different monitors with different aspect-ratio by any chance?18:22
voyager-x01His nem Nvidia card does something to the system resolution setting. How can I tranfer it to my computer? Which file cause this effect?18:22
rostamHI I have created an iso image which automated ubuntu installer via dvd, my assumption is this iso should be isohybrid so I can cp to usb, and use usb to auto install the image, but it failed. any help please18:24
voyager-x01ezra-s: My PC is old P4 cpu old radeon GPU, new 16:9 lcd display. His PC is new everything.18:24
voyager-x01Is here anyone that know the ubuntu based filesystem, and know which folder contains the screen resolution setting?18:26
ezra-svoyager-x01, lcd display 16:9 matches 1920x1080 and 1280x72018:26
ezra-svoyager-x01, nowadays screen resolutions is auto-detected, that's why I'm asking you if you and your friend have both the same supported aspect-ratios18:26
voyager-x01ezra-s: I know buddy, but on 1920 everything is too small and on 1280 everithing a bit big18:27
voyager-x01I want at least one option betwen the two. I think it's not a big question nowdays18:27
ezra-svoyager-x01, that's not the point, you can increase icon sizes and font sizes or decrease when needed18:27
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ezra-svoyager-x01, if you want all resolutions your display support check /var/log/Xorg.0.log output18:28
voyager-x01but when a read a site there a thin line in the middle with texts and wide bright white side which kills my eyes18:28
voyager-x01I did. I noticed a differenc. Do you think if i change it it will work?18:29
ezra-svoyager-x01, nvidia display driver should show you a list of correct ones, unless there is a problem detecting the display (too old?) in which case the best solution imho is to know the horizontal and vertical range of the monitor and specify it manually in /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:29
jojoa1997i want to install ubuntu 13.10 on my externall hdd but i dont want to go through the headache of grub being messed up so i have to use the something else option18:29
jojoa1997what partitions do i need and wht types18:29
voyager-x01But i also want to make an installable live cd so a ditro with remastersys so all my relatives and friends can install on their PC.18:30
wilee-nileejojoa1997: your aware how slow an external will run right?18:30
vltHello. I ran an upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 on one machine and now evvverrrrything fffeeels rrreaaallyyy sllooooowwwwwwww. It takes almost a second to alt-tab between two open terminal windows. Any idea how to troubleshoot this?18:31
jojoa1997i am fine. dont try to change my mind just tell me how18:31
bekksvoyager-x01: the ubuntu live cd is everything they need. :)18:31
wilee-nileejojoa1997: lol how zbout I don't help you at all, lol18:31
voyager-x01But they don't know how to install the the programrs that they need specially my mother. With my live cd they'll have everithing that they need18:32
voyager-x01I can't write so fast sorry18:32
voyager-x01I hope that it's clear now18:33
jojoa1997wilee-nilee: well you are not really helping me in the first place because i cannot and i mean no possible way or shape can install ubuntu on my internal. also btw my external is an internal harddisk from an older computer that i am connecting to my computer via usb18:33
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mikael_Hi! I cant get phpmyadmin to work anymore after upgrading to 13.10. I get a 404 when navigating to where it used to be located :/ can somebody help me? can I see somwhere what has been changed?18:37
Fuzzlescan someone help me no audio output with hdmi18:38
stephans_disc creator does not work on my system after I upgraded to 13.10... this is what I got in dmesg: usb-creator-gtk[5210]: segfault at 4 ip 00007fe968e7ed80 sp 00007fff5b2e5848 error 6 in libdbus-1.so.3.7.4[7fe968e5b000+44000]18:38
stephans_any ideas?18:38
=== Dave is now known as Guest94402
SuperLagAWESOME. At this point... 13.10 is more stable for me than 12.04.3 LTS. $$@#$!@#$@##$#!@$!@# <insert copius swear words here>18:39
SuperLagI would have figured it'd be exactly the opposite.18:39
SuperLag12.04.3 won't keep *any* of my custom settings, and resets to the default... on every login.18:40
Sander^lapI have tried all the steps here to try to fix hibernate, without luck.. anyone have an idea why it dosn't work?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/207761/ubuntu-will-suspend-but-wont-wake-up18:41
SuperLagfor example, I delete all LibreOffice icons, and the Ubuntu One icon from the launcher, and lock the Terminal, Chrome, and Thunderbird icons to the Launcher. None of that sticks, across sessions.18:41
erictr1cki upgraded to 13.10 and now none of my htaccess files seem to work :(18:42
=== daniel__ is now known as DannyboyMT_
Stravsoo... can anyone tell me if installing qtcreator really is a mess on their side? (just marking it for install and see what packages it requires)18:44
Marc010hi is there a way to load ubuntu into ram from usb while saving new data/programms to to usb? I have a really slow usb stick and ubuntu is running very slow atm even on my fast computer18:44
m3kkMarc010, try runing xubuntu, i cant even run ubuntu in live.. it just freeze and behave bad but xubuntu runs really fine18:45
Marc010i'll try that :)18:47
m3kkMarc010, glhf :) i belive its unity causing mayhem18:48
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Guest74169cant get audio output with hdmi18:48
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m3kkGuest74169, neither can i, are you running nvidia?18:49
Guest74169m3kk, no amd18:49
erictr1ckhas anyone had issues with htaccess or mod_rewrite not working after upgrading to 13.10?18:49
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=== xubuntu is now known as Guest64502
fordany OpenJPA experts?18:50
fordSorry guys, wrong channel18:51
odiumneed help troubleshooting a little audio problem.18:51
m3kkGuest74169, same here18:51
Guest74169m3kk, sorry i think its nvida18:51
hitsujiTMOerictr1ck: ubuntu 13.10 now uses apache 2.4 http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/upgrading.html18:51
odiumpavucontrol shows everything working fine, but I have not volume icon and no audio.18:52
m3kkGuest74169, you have nvidia?`im running radeon and have exactly the same issue..if you enable restricted drivers you can maybe change inpuit in nvidia settings18:52
m3kkGuest74169,  or catalyst if you are running amd..18:52
erictr1ckhitsujiTMO: oh boy, thanks18:52
Guest64502hi. i have a old p4 1.2gb ram computer. i am trying the xubuntu live session and it has working surprisingly smooth! but the wallpaper and some graphic glitches are there. those are normally solve on my earlier winxp machine by installing the intel extreme graphics from their site. for mint 15 with mate i used the intel driver something.deb file to get those drivers without any problem. but i read that those have discountinued. so have do install the18:53
Guest64502graphics drivers?18:53
=== sporkeee is now known as wilee-nilee
Guest74169does ubuntu support hdmi audio?18:53
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hanesyes, audio over hdmi works fine18:54
hitsujiTMOGuest74169: yes, but you need to insure you have drivers that work18:54
Guest74169im usring the open source ones18:54
esing Since a few weeks when I watch a video (tried vlc, kaffeine, mplayer) a horizontal line in always the same spot is flickering. Iam using the "radeon" driver for my graphic card ati hd 7750. The driver package is already preinstalled on ubuntu (xserver-xorg-video-ati). I have ubuntu 13.10 installed. I can exclude a hardware issue, because if I boot the same system in windows I don't have the flickering issue.18:54
Guest74169hitsujiTMO, im using the opensource ones18:55
hitsujiTMOGuest74169: you may want to lookup if the audio is supported by the open drivers18:55
esing If I pause the video I never see the flickering.  It is only seen when playing the video. Also in non action video scenes there is also no flickering. This is my xorg.0.log http://ix.io/8BP18:55
esingWhat could I try to resolve the problem18:55
Guest64502hi. sorry to ask again. but getting a little desperate. how to find p4 intel graphics drivers for 13.10?18:56
hanesGuest have you tried it with jockey (additional drivers)18:57
Guest64502hanes, how do i do that?18:58
hitsujiTMOGuest64502: what is the exact graphics chipset you have?18:58
^MikeHow can I get a list of packages provided by a particular repository? (from apt, presumably, on the command line)18:58
Guest64502hitsujiTMO, how can i do that?18:59
hitsujiTMOGuest64502: lspci18:59
Guest64502hitsujiTMO, Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics18:59
hanesguest just type 'jockey' in your dash and click on the symbol19:00
Guest64502hanes, me?19:01
hanesguest yes19:01
Guest64502xubuntu no dash19:01
MendigaumHey, i have another machine that is freezing after user password. It shows the background but not the unity menu. Any guess?19:01
MultbrelchQ: I have 13.10 and try to find out atm how to get the "tree" in the left sidebar of nautilus. How can I do this?19:02
Mendigaumubuntu 13.1019:02
LeeJunFanAnyone using btrfs with luks encrypted volume?19:02
hanesguest64502 ok, then open a terminal and type 'jockey-gtk' maybe you will find a driver19:02
odiumhow do I get the volume icon back onto gnome's panel?19:02
erictr1ckhitsujiTMO: i still cant for the life of me get anything to work. this is bonkers19:03
Guest64502hanes, in settings i found additional drivers. is that jockey?19:03
hanesguest64502 yes19:03
hitsujiTMOerictr1ck: whats going on in your logs? showing any errors?19:03
Guest64502it says no additional drivers found19:03
hanesguest64502 do you find some intel drivers?19:04
hanesguest64502 ok, then...19:04
Guest64502hanes, it says no additional drivers found. no.19:04
HomelessSantaHowdy all, I currently use Ubuntu 12.04.3 from the updates. Now I am curious why my kernel didn't update to 3.5.0-55-generic when I just rebooted it. I also noticed that when it was updating it said it had 'Demod problems'. Right now it's currently at 3.5.0-42-generic instead of the newer kernel.19:04
MultbrelchANybody can help me, plz? Thx.19:04
hanesguest64502 wait a moment, pls19:04
rodhashFound Ubuntu 13.04 (13.04) on /dev/mapper/rutevg-rootlv.oct21.snap19:04
rodhashAdding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration19:04
rodhashdone ..... Guys, upgrading to 13.10 I got this message and I think the upgraded stopped.... this shouldnt be the last upgrade task, should it?19:04
erictr1ckhitsujiTMO: nope, nothing19:04
MendigaumWhat can i do to fix a ubuntu machine that freezes after login screen? showing only the background, no menus at all. ubuntu 13.1019:04
trism^Mike: this is easy to do with synaptic on the Origin tab, but I'm not sure of a nice way to do it on the commandline (it is likely possible with a bunch of aptitude switches)19:04
randomnick__im new to ubuntu, had same problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears19:04
hitsujiTMOerictr1ck: can you post your configs?19:05
randomnick__but solution below first post didnt help me19:05
randomnick__i think i somehow uninstalled unity while trying to fix it19:05
erictr1ckhitsujiTMO: sure:http://pastebin.com/kf3xbHza i only have one virtualhost for local development19:05
randomnick__dont know how to install it:(help please19:05
erictr1ckhitsujiTMO:  http://pastebin.com/kf3xbHza19:05
hanesguest64502 this is a steam related site, but it describes the process of adding the drivers19:05
hanesguest64502 https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?s=53ff07d2efbb05fd51b23ae0147660be&ref=5452-IOSM-147419:06
vltHello. Wasn’t there a way to install a 64bit kernel on a 32bit system (to be able to chroot into a 64bit env)? Or was that on Debian?19:06
MultbrelchAnswer to my own question: ITS NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE .... sad but true19:06
vershanMendigaum are u using gnome or unity19:06
mr-digitalhey im running 12.04LTS 64bit and im having Wifi issues19:06
mr-digitalim using ath9k19:06
Guest64502hanes, thanks. i will let you know my results.19:06
hanesguest64502 on a other site i read that you have to shutdowm19:06
mr-digitalmy issue is that wifi is running at 1mb/s19:06
mr-digitaland its very slow im connecting to a 802.11N network19:06
hanesguest64502 after installing for activating19:07
mr-digitalany ideas?19:07
hanesguest64502 ok, good luck19:07
Guest64502hanes, ok.. but i am on a non-persistent live session..19:07
Mendigaumvershan, unity19:08
hanesguest64502 hmm, then i have no idea, sorry; but you can try it anyway …19:08
rodhashAnyone had this issue while upgrading to 13.10 ??19:08
mr-digitalhanes any idea about my wifi issue?19:09
vershanMendigaum upgrade or fresh install19:09
derptyhi, I just updated to 13.10 from 13.04 and I get a blank screen after login - then some error report appears about hud_service. How do I fix this?????????19:09
hanesmr-digital i doubt it, but whats the problem?19:09
Mendigaumversham, i recently installed this machine, i'm using it for 2 days.19:10
hanesmr-digital i'm no expert too, but i have a intel chip witch i updated for steam…19:10
mr-digitalim using 12.04LTS and the wifi is connecting at a VERY slow rate, (1mb/s) and the internet is VERY Slow im connecting to a  N Network19:10
hanesmr-digital for how long you have this problem , and since when (installation,first upgrade)?19:12
vershanMendigaum did you install any other display managers19:12
mr-digitaljust started having issue on a fresh install of 12.04LTS19:13
mr-digitali havent used ubuntu in a long time i been using windows19:13
Mendigaumvershan, no19:13
sazawalI am using scp to copy files from one system to another. To my surprise, the scp output in terminal is showing the same files being copied again and again. For example, I just saw a 700 mb file being copied with 100% third time. Is there a problem?19:14
hitsujiTMOerictr1ck: i believe "allow from all" is no longer used so you should be getting errors for you're virtualhost in /var/log/apache2/error.log19:14
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OerHeksmr-digital, what wifi adapter ? atheros by any chance ?19:15
stephans_disc creator does not work on my system after I upgraded to 13.10... this is what I got in dmesg: usb-creator-gtk[5210]: segfault at 4 ip 00007fe968e7ed80 sp 00007fff5b2e5848 error 6 in libdbus-1.so.3.7.4[7fe968e5b000+44000]19:16
hanesmr-digital …all i can say about this is that i bought a new laptop with ubuntu preinstalled and with the first firmware and kernel update my lan was gone because of the wlan chip… don't know why, so i have still the 3.2.0-32 kernel19:16
bobinHi everyone. My computers heat is a problem for me in ubuntu. My computer keeps power off.19:18
sazawalIs it possible that scp somehow stuck to a limited number of folders and doing a copy of the same files again and again?19:18
erictr1ckhitsujiTMO: no, no errors at all. i double checked and mod_rewrite is enabled19:18
bobinAny suggenstions?19:18
mr-digitalhanes DELL?19:19
fishscenebobin: First things first, I assume you have cleared the dust out and you aren't blocking any air vents and your fan(s) are in working order?19:19
hanesmr-digital no asus19:19
mikael_ericktr1ck, I upgraded to 13.10 yesterday and my .htaccess file seems to work just fine. is mod_rewrite enabled?19:19
jetsaredimis there a way to restart the panel without logging out?19:19
mikael_ericktr1ck, sorry, didnt see your last message.. hmmm19:19
erictr1ckmikael_: yes it is, just double checked19:19
hitsujiTMOerictr1ck: if you create a file /var/www/httpdocs/moo.txt does it get served if you visit
bobinFishscene: yes and i have a fan under the laptop too.19:20
derptyhi, I just updated to 13.10 from 13.04 and I get a blank screen after login - and some error report appears about hud_service. Does anyone know how to fix this??? I can't use my computer anymore19:20
sazawalI am using scp to copy files from one system to another. To my surprise, the scp output in terminal is showing the same files being copied again and again. For example, I just saw a 700 mb file being copied with 100% third time. Is there a problem?19:22
guniataHi - can anyone help me with boot problem after installing ubuntu 12.04?19:22
beihi. i just installed ubuntu 13.10 and i would like some help getting a printer working. i am using a samsung clp-320 which has never come up with a driver but usually i can choose the 315 driver and it works but now it just tells me it has failed and drops me back to the add printer screen with no ability to manually choose. any ideas how to add it?19:23
hanesjetsaredim years ago under Xubuntu i had a command line for that19:23
guniataafter i boot to the new installed ubuntu, i get a black screen - none of the nomodeset tweeks i tried helped19:24
guniataplz help19:24
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vexati0nhey - can anyone help me with integrating a Samba file server with AD ? the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-ad-integration.html are outdated as they reference a number of files that do not actually exist.19:25
Mendigaumvershan, fixed that, unity was uninstalled, but i couldnt find how it was removed. It was working b4. A simply "history" didnt give any hint.19:25
erictr1ckso i just did sudo apt-get remove lamp-server^ and it is uninstalling all sorts of stuff... it just removed gimp. my machine is completely wacky after the 13.10 upgrade19:26
mr-digitali fixed the issue using nohwcrypt=119:27
hanesmr-digital good thing19:28
=== eden is now known as Guest52269
Guest52269i have an ssd but it gives me half the write speed that it wrotes19:28
hanesmr-digital do you know if hwcrypt is maybe important for something?19:29
bekksGuest52269: who is "it"?19:30
mr-digitalhanes im not famliar with what it does19:30
Guest52269bekks, Samsung 120Gb Sata III 840 EVO19:30
bekksGuest52269: and where is written what about the speed?19:30
Guest52269bekks, 540 MB/Sec  write speed19:31
hitsujiTMOGuest52269: how did you test the write speed?19:31
Guest52269bekks, i get 25019:31
bobin_ideas for heating problems?19:31
Guest52269hitsujiTMO, disk utility19:31
readyjarSo it seems as if JMenuBars in Java do not work in unity19:32
basichashdo I need to format my usb to fat32 or ext4 to make it bootable?19:32
hanesmr-digital me neither; can't be that important :)19:32
bekksGuest52269: and _where_ is written what about the speed?19:32
guniataplz help with boot problem19:32
bekksbasichash: No.19:32
Guest52269bekks, in the website that i bought it19:32
basichashwhat format should it be?19:32
hitsujiTMOGuest52269: what is the output of dd if=/dev/zero of=moo bs=1048576 count=50 ?19:33
bekksGuest52269: well, then you have to ask the author of the website...19:33
hitsujiTMOGuest52269: what is the output of: dd if=/dev/zero of=~/moo bs=1048576 count=5019:33
nardevdo you know for any application in or not in repositories, which can control amateur radio station from PC?19:33
guniatamy fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 boot to a black screen19:33
bekkshitsujiTMO: better use bonnie++ instead of dd for benchmarking.19:33
Guest52269hitsujiTMO, 50+0 records in19:33
Guest5226950+0 records out19:33
Guest5226952428800 bytes (52 MB) copied, 0.065096 s, 805 MB/s19:33
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | guniata19:34
ubottuguniata: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:34
guniatai tried it, did not work19:34
bekksGuest52269: for somehow realistic values, the amount of data written by dd has to be bigger than your RAM.19:34
jetsaredimhanes: anything you can remember would be great19:34
wilee-nileeguniata, how did you apply it?19:34
=== devil is now known as Guest4976
Guest52269bekks, i have 4GB ram19:35
guniatain grub, pressed E to edit the boot, and added the nomodeset in the appropriate place19:35
bekksGuest52269: The you have to benchmark with more than 4GB.19:35
wilee-nileeguniata, We will need some details, for example if a dualboot, if there is more than one HD...etc, also use nicks here you cab tab complete them.19:36
hitsujiTMObekks: just trying to point out that his method of testing isn't appropriate19:36
Guest52269bekks, ?19:36
guniatawilee-nilee: ok, got it19:36
bekksGuest52269: you just tested with 52M, you have to with more than 4GB.19:36
wilee-nileecool guniata19:37
guniatawilee-nilee: i installed dual boot19:37
guniatawilee-nilee: one hd19:37
Guest52269bekks, so the disk utlity is not right?19:37
bekksGuest52269: Correct.19:37
guniatawilee-nilee: and also, the installation took a lot of time19:37
wilee-nileeguniata, what is the other OS, and is this a uefi/gpt HD/bios19:37
guniatawilee-nilee: win719:37
guniatawilee-nilee: i don't know....19:38
Guest52269bekks,  the count is the mbs?19:38
guniatawilee-nilee: i think HD/BIOS19:38
wilee-nileeguniata, Was this from a live cd, and from the desktop install?19:38
bekksGuest52269: The count in blocks.19:38
guniatawilee-nilee: usb19:39
Guest52269bekks, well idk what i should put lol19:39
wilee-nileeguniata, from a desktop, my point is did you have graphics then.19:39
bekksGuest52269: amount = count * blocksize19:39
hanesjetsaredim i am afraid that node is long gone; but you can try to kill and start the panel; we are talking abount Xubuntu ?19:39
jetsaredimhanes: just standard ubuntu19:39
guniatawilee-nilee: you mean if i had a desktop while running the ubuntu from the USB?19:40
wilee-nileeguniata, yes19:40
guniatawilee-nilee: yes19:40
hitsujiTMOguest: try dd if=/dev/zero of=~/moo bs=1048576 count=8182       if you want a more realistic figure is what beeks is trying to say. but it's not accurate19:40
Mendigaumomfg, i followed this tutorial, and was able to fix my problem, but now i dont have terminal, ubuntu software center, apps. http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears19:40
Guest52269bekks,  5000+0 records in19:40
Guest522695000+0 records out19:40
Guest522695242880000 bytes (5.2 GB) copied, 26.9483 s, 195 MB/s19:40
hanesjetsaredim ok19:40
wilee-nileeguniata, have you googled the computer model and installations seeing if there are any oddities with others?19:40
guniatawilee-nilee: im downloading now 13.10, you think it will happen for that one too?19:40
hanesjetsaredim and you want your panel back, is it gone?19:41
jetsaredimhanes: i just killed it and that seems to have resolved the issue19:41
guniatai don't know which keywords to look for exactly19:41
guniatai have asus a52jt19:41
guniatawilee-nilee: i have asus a52jt19:41
wilee-nileeguniata, the computer model and the release would be how I looked to start with.19:41
=== Guest4976 is now known as devil__
hanesjetsaredim killing is sure an idea19:42
vexati0nhey - can anyone help me with integrating a Samba file server with AD ? the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-ad-integration.html are outdated as they reference a number of files that do not actually exist.19:42
Bretos`How can I disable automounting of partitions in Xubuntu LiveCD?19:42
hanesjetsaredim and bring it back with 'alt+F2' 'gnome-panel' i assume19:42
jetsaredimhanes: it auto-restarted19:43
wilee-nileeguniata, I would also check the sum of the iso, how long did the install actually take.19:43
iceroot!info samba precise19:43
hanesjetsaredim that's nice19:43
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.8 (precise), package size 7821 kB, installed size 22380 kB19:43
Ari-Yangirenicus09: did you test a video game out?19:43
guniatawilee-nilee: a lot, about 50 min19:43
Mendigaumomfg, i followed this tutorial, and was able to fix my problem, but now i dont have terminal, ubuntu software center, apps. And i also had to install unity, since it was also not installed. http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears19:43
icerootvexati0n: i am confused, because 12.04 is using samba3 and imo only samba4 can handle ad19:43
wilee-nileeguniata, what release, and did you tick the update while installing button?19:44
Ari-Yangirenicus09: what's the output of glxinfo | grep -i opengl pastebin it, you should have mesa 1019:44
theupsidewhat site can i use to paste image to show everyone ?19:44
theupsidelike pastebin19:44
guniatawilee-nilee: i was surpprised - it was stuck a long time on some error related to firfox, but i thout that it was becasue i used it during the installation19:44
iceroot!paste | theupside19:44
ubottutheupside: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:44
guniatawilee-nilee: i thought that if it is possible, it's ok19:44
user82is there a overview of all "smart scope" keywords? like wiki: and weather:19:44
guniatawilee-nilee: i don't think i did19:45
guniatawilee-nilee: you think i should do it again with that tick?19:45
theupsidethis update keeps failing... http://imagebin.org/27431819:45
wilee-nileeguniata, using firefox should not cause an error in the install, an error in genral though would have me checking the sum and doing a reinstall.19:45
guniatawilee-nilee: and release 12.0419:45
guniatawilee-nilee: it's possible to install over the existing installation?19:46
mr-digitalwhat is a good irc client for ubuntu19:47
wilee-nileeguniata, Yes, easiest would be to just delete it with gparted and thw swap and then choose the alongside option, or you do a manula something else install.19:47
bobin_Hi everyone. I have 3 tabs in mozilla and xchat runnig, and my laptop is so heated that i buring myself if i lift it up. any suggestion to a soultion?19:47
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: hexchat19:47
wilee-nilee!md5sum | guniata19:47
ubottuguniata: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:47
kostkontheupside, give this command: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:48
hitsujiTMOtheupside: what version of ubuntu?19:48
theupside12.04  64-bit19:48
user82bobin_, has it happened before?19:48
bobin_new to ubuntu so i have this problem in 2 days19:49
mr-digitalhow can i be sure my video card has been installed properlly?19:49
bobin_i have had ububntu for like 2 days too19:49
user82bobin_, do you have a nvidia GPU on the pc together with a intel cpu? also known as optimus19:49
kostkonbobin_, what is your graphics card. usually the problem is caused by the lack of power management support in some open source graphics drivers19:49
theupsidethanks KOSTKON - running the clean --> update --> upgrade now19:50
kostkontheupside, it worked?19:51
theupsidedownloading updates at the moment...19:51
unstableWhere can I get the audio file for when the volume goes up or down on my Ubuntu system?19:51
bobin_I have dual amd card19:51
kostkontheupside, ok19:51
bobin_user82: I have dual amd radeon hd76070 g19:52
user82kostkon, could the amd card be the issue for bobin_ ?19:53
kostkonuser82, could be19:53
user82so fglrx poker kostkon ? or rather no19:53
hitsujiTMObobin_ whats the exact chipset?19:54
kostkonuser82, yeah the amd one19:54
kostkonhitsujiTMO, (s)he left19:54
bobinHitsujiTMO: Don't have a clue19:55
hitsujiTMObobin: lscpi19:55
bobinI changed unit my computer just died19:55
kostkonoh still here19:55
user82hitsujiTMO, 2 days linux user. bobin: try opening the terminal app and type in "lspci".19:56
kostkonunstable, check in /usr/share/sounds19:56
mr-digitalhey anyone use secure efi boot with ubuntu?19:56
user82it lists all the hardware, which is internaly connected via a pci bus. you should find a "amd" device in there19:56
wilee-nilee!uefi | mr-digital19:56
ubottumr-digital: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:56
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: why do you ask exactly?19:56
wilee-nileemr-digital, you might look here as well. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729519:57
bobinI have to wait like 10 minutes my computer has to cool down19:57
theupsideKOSTKON :  updated downloaded and install but error-ed out19:57
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO just asking, i had to disable secure boot to be able to boot from the live CD19:58
randomnick__i had the same problem as here http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears19:58
randomnick__i tried to fix my unity and i think i uninstalled it19:58
wilee-nileemr-digital, I think it probably depends on the secure version the manufacturers have there own versions, some may work some may not.19:59
randomnick__dont know how to install unity again :(19:59
theupsidegoing to restart and apply those updates ... be back19:59
randomnick__help me please:(19:59
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: the secure boot contains a microsoft key, and will not boot ubuntus secure kernel as it it not signed by microsoft.19:59
jonas_buetis it safe to directly modify /boot/grub/grub.cfg?19:59
hitsujiTMOjonas_buet: if you know what you're doing, but it will get overwriiten on grub or kernel update20:00
airtonixwhy does this keep happening to google-chrome: http://imgur.com/7qAkN3U << it just freezes20:00
wlightningIs there a way to reset all empathy and messaging menu settings?20:00
airtonixwhen trying to open a new tab20:00
wilee-nileejonas_buet, no, you would modify /etc/default/grub and run a update.20:00
zykotick9jonas_buet: kinda pointless, it'll get reset... see /etc/default/grub for permanent changes.20:01
paulo_boa noite20:01
randomnick__help mee:<20:01
wlightningEvery time I get a message, the menu shows it, I open it.. and I get a blank box.. and it says "-2 messages unread" and shows none of the waiting messages, just new ones sent20:01
wilee-nilee!patience | randomnick__ don't beg for help20:01
ubotturandomnick__ don't beg for help: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/20:01
hitsujiTMOjonas_buet: custonisations should go in /etc/grub.d an then run update-grub220:01
jonas_buetOK let me elaborate why I had to modify it directly. Please suggest if there's another way.20:02
jonas_buetI have Win8/Ubuntu/Arch triple boot.20:02
jonas_buetI let Ubuntu manage my grub. Arch has no bootloader.20:02
wilee-nileerandomnick__, Posting a link that seems similar is not helpful, detail your issues to the channel20:02
jonas_buetI wanted to enable hibernate into swap partition for Arch.20:02
bekksjonas_buet: Arch has a bootloader, too.20:02
jonas_buetbekks: yes of course Arch has bootloaders. But I chose not to install a bootloader while installing Arch.20:03
eden_i can't get the write speed that the ssd provides,what i can do?20:03
hitsujiTMOeden_ how are you testing and what ssd is it?20:04
eden_hitsujiTMO, i am the guy from before20:04
jonas_buetNow I don't know how to modify my GRUB from inside Ubuntu, so that the Arch menu entry will have "resume=/dev/sda4"20:04
eden_hitsujiTMO, :D20:04
bekkseden_: If the website you bought your SSD from provides bogus values - contact them.20:05
KurtKrautWhy Ubuntu 13.10 doesn't have the package ia32-libs in the official repositories? How can we run 32 bits applications in 64 bit installs?20:05
eden_bekks, you found different values?20:05
hitsujiTMOden_: ahh... how much free space in the drive ... what type of sata port is it connected to?20:05
bekkseden_: I did not search.20:05
kostkonKurtKraut, not needed anymore i think, just do e.g. sudo apt-get install package_name:i38620:05
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eden_hitsujiTMO, this is my first day20:06
eden_hitsujiTMO, all is free20:06
Guest11761how do i install intel graphics driver. in 13.04 the intel installer did the trick. how to do it for 13.10?20:06
hitsujiTMOeden_: http://www.samsung.com/uk/consumer/memory-cards-hdd-odd/ssd/840-evo/MZ-7TE120BW official page for your drive i do believe20:06
kostkonKurtKraut, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiArch20:06
eden_hitsujiTMO, although i am using 30 GB for the os20:06
hitsujiTMOeden_ what speed sata port is it connected to?20:06
Guest11761my graphics : intel 82865 graphics controller20:06
KurtKrautkostkon, thanks for the response but this isn't possible with proprietary software like TeamViwer. They have ia32-libs on their dependancy list.20:06
eden_hitsujiTMO, well idk :D20:07
kostkonKurtKraut, not a clue. tried both packages?20:07
eden_hitsujiTMO, but i have usb 3.0 if that helps20:08
eden_hitsujiTMO, and i am on a laptop20:08
m3kkSomeone managed to get chromium opening transmission for magnetlinks?20:08
wilee-nileerandomnick__, Can you detail what you have done, when you installed, if unity ever worked, and any modifications that broke it if it didi work at one time.20:08
hitsujiTMOeden_: what's the output of: dmesg | grep SATA20:08
eden_hitsujiTMO, [    1.069886] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 6 ports 3 Gbps 0x1 impl SATA mode20:09
eden_[    1.076373] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xc6417000 port 0xc6417100 irq 4220:09
eden_[    1.393780] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)20:09
kostkoneden_, not here. paste.ubuntu.com20:09
=== makimac_ is now known as makimac
hitsujiTMOeden_ in order to get the max speed of the drive you need sata 3. you only have sata 220:09
eden_hitsujiTMO, are you sure? my laptop is the sony vaio SVS1512S1ES20:10
rostamHI I I need to use C11 which requires gcc 4.7, ubuntu 12.04 comes with gcc 4.6.3. Could I upgrade the toolchain in ubuntu?20:10
hitsujiTMOeden_ yes. your sata controller is just not fast enough20:11
eden_hitsujiTMO, okay then thanks20:11
LowninI have a really simple mysql backup script that works when I invoke it manually, but cron isn't executing it.  I don't see anything in the syslog about it. the script is here http://pastebin.com/ce4GJJXC The permissions on it are -rwxr-xr-x.  Can anyone help me figure out why it's not working?20:11
randomnick__unity crashed when i installed virtualbox, im not sure what i yped then, just copied some solutions i found n askubuntu20:11
snolluxHello! If I've made some .deb packages that can be installed on Ubuntu, how can I get them to apt-get? I.e. how can I get them in official repositories?20:12
randomnick__i think i installed gnome now, bit i dont like it!20:12
KurtKrautkostkon, you're right. I could install the 32 bits .deb package on the 64 bits system. But this will certainly confuse a lot of people.20:12
Basil1xI just lost all Unity icons.20:12
ss_hazeI want to edit my php files in sublime text editor, but it seems not installed on this system20:12
ss_hazebut I executable20:12
ss_hazehave* executable20:13
randomnick__whats what happend wilee-nilee20:13
hitsujiTMOss_haze how did you install sublime text?20:14
Basil1x13.10... lost all Unity icons.  This is so much fun.  They appear to occupy the same spaces, but are invisible.20:14
=== tireli is now known as OuiOui
deluxe247hi guys i deleted some files in var and need to reinstall a package so it installs the files again. how can i accomplish this?20:16
nieltry the reinstall option from the live CD20:16
wilee-nileerandomnick__, Installing virtualbox would not cause a problem like this. I suspect you are not going to be able to really describe what's been done and get any real help in a timely manner, just a guess, but you have not given any real details and are not sure what you have done. I suggest you pull out what you want to save and reinstall and document your work, and maybe clone the new install so you20:16
wilee-nileehave a OS backup.20:16
ss_hazesudo mv Sublime\ Text\ 2 /opt/20:17
hitsujiTMOdeluxe247: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <packagename>20:17
bobini ' m back...20:17
ss_hazenow you have to know bash spaces20:17
deluxe247hitsujiTMO: all it says is that rabbitmq is broken or not installed20:17
deluxe247hitsujiTMO: * not fully installed20:18
basichashwhen i try to run cgdisk, i get "Could not load partition from '/dev/sda/'". what am i doing wrong?20:18
vexati0niceroot: no, Samba 3 can do AD. It just can't be an AD domain controller (fully). It can authenticate against AD just fine... especially using Likewise (in theory)20:18
hitsujiTMOss_haze: install it with the ppa: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sublime-text20:18
hitsujiTMOdeluxe247: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>20:18
vexati0nbut it turns out that Canonical shipped Ubuntu 12.04 with a version of Samba that is incompatible with the version of Likewise available through the repos, because hey what's "long term service" really mean, anyway?20:18
bobinuser82 hitsujiTMO: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Thames [Radeon HD 7500M/7600M Series]20:19
bobin what i found with that commando20:19
vexati0nCanonical offers this "documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-ad-integration.html which is horribly wrong and completely useless20:19
deluxe247hitsujiTMO: it was installed from a .deb and that last command did not work as well20:19
icerootvexati0n: ah thank you, i thought even the auth is not possible20:20
Ken_hello need an xubuntu guru..please help!20:20
icerootKen_: #xubuntu20:21
iceroot!details | Ken_20:21
ubottuKen_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:21
Ken_I'm trying to boot to an iso using script that i need to chmod into20:22
Ken_tried from /bin no joy20:22
hitsujiTMObobin: seems theres only partial support for radion hd 7k series graphics in the open driver. you will most likely need to install proprietary drivers20:22
icerootKen_: what? you want to BOOT and iso? and you use a script for that?20:22
molavyi installed picubuntu in mk808b device20:22
icerootKen_: you mean mount instead of boot?20:22
molavyput i have problem on connecting to internet20:22
kamuiIs ubuntu's touch interface rolled into the core install?  I want to install it on a tablet I just bought, wondering what i should be preparing for before it arrives20:22
molavypicubuntu don't have bcm40181 wlan module20:22
molavyi connected my android mobile phone and use usb tethering20:22
Ken_yes...the iso resides on the hdd I'm trying to install it to20:22
molavypicubuntu find my device and connect to network20:22
molavybut i can't connect to any device on network20:22
FloodBot1molavy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:23
molavyany idea?20:23
bobinhitsujiTMO: How i do that20:23
OuiOuiHello, I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 and I am trying to get result with the music lens but nothing appear. I have put an album in my Music folder in my home and I am trying to search in the lens but it said that there is no music on my computer20:23
Ken_I can mount the iso, but I cannot install from the iso20:23
hitsujiTMOdeluxe247: that last command would only work if you install from repo. try: sudo apt-get -f install20:23
hitsujiTMOdeluxe247: are you sure that .deb is compatable with the exact version of ubuntu you are using20:24
icerootKen_: now you are talking about "install", sorry i dont know want you mean20:24
icerootKen_: so you want to mount an iso and inside that image there is a program you want to install20:24
Ken_iceroot: yes...attempting to install from an iso that supports non-pae20:24
icerootKen_: what?20:25
icerootKen_: non-pae? what is inside that iso?20:25
Ken_I'm running xubuntu 13.4....want to install xubunt 12 that still has support for a non pae processor20:26
theupsideKOSTKON: back from restarting my machine and I did eh    sudo apt-get clean && update && upgrade     ->   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279111/20:26
icerootKen_: you cant do that20:26
hitsujiTMO!fglrx | bobin have a look here for a guide ... not sure how upto date it is but it should point you in the right direction20:26
ubottubobin have a look here for a guide ... not sure how upto date it is but it should point you in the right direction: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:26
icerootKen_: you can not install an operating system from an operating system, you have to use the boot process of your pc or virtual-machines20:26
jhutchinsiceroot: debootstrap20:27
icerootjhutchins: yes ok20:27
icerootjhutchins: but i guess he is talking about something complete different he wants20:27
Ken_That I guess is the crux....I have a pos toshiba that will not recognize cd/usb20:27
jhutchinsHowever: I don't know of any stock kernels that don't support non-pae processors.20:27
icerootKen_: so what you really want "downgrade xubuntu from 13.04 to 12.04" right?20:28
Ken_it's been formatted...I installed via ide/usb from my desktop xubuntu 1220:28
Ken_that may do it20:28
jhutchinsKen_: Have you looked for a BIOS update?20:28
Ken_jhutchins_: yes most current is 1.320:28
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Ken_no other available20:29
jhutchinsKen_: Have you looked at plop?20:30
Ken_not familiar with plop20:30
icerooteverything after 12.04 only supports pae on i386?20:30
icerooti thought only i386 was removed and not i586 is needed20:31
MendigaumI followed this tutorial, and was able to fix my problem, but now i dont have terminal, ubuntu software center, apps. And i also had to install unity, since it was also not installed. http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears20:31
Ken_iceroot_: true..issue is trying to make stuff work using sudo apt-get install -f  gives bunch of no depencency issues20:31
Mendigaumit looks like some of my software was deleted, but i didnt do that20:31
mr-digitalwhen installing ubuntu which FS should i use?20:32
Ken_jhutchins_: what does plop do for me?20:32
auronandacemr-digital: ext4 is the default20:32
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: ext4 unless you have a reason to use anything else20:32
mr-digitali have 500 gig hdd how much swap partition should i make?20:33
mr-digitali have 4GB of Ram20:33
auronandacemr-digital: if you want suspend/hibernate then you'll need swap to at least equal ram20:34
mr-digitalshould i make a swap space of 10gigs?20:34
auronandacemr-digital: 10gb seems rather wasteful to me20:34
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: 4gb20:34
icerootmr-digital: why not use the ubuntu defaults?20:35
mr-digitalbecause i am not formating my whole hard drive20:35
mr-digitalhave other partitions20:35
icerootmr-digital: then create ONE free area and let ubuntu create the partitions inside that area20:36
hanesmr-digital on my pre-installed ubuntu swap takes 7.45GiB20:36
mr-digitaliceroot how do i do that?20:36
jhutchinsKen_: plop is supposed to be a solution for systems that can't boot from optical/usb20:36
icerootmr-digital: just make sure there is unassigned free space on the partition and start the installer and tell ubuntu to use the free area on the hdd20:36
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mr-digitaliceroot, doing that20:37
mr-digitalthe isntaller says20:37
Ken_jhutchins_: got it, while waiting was reading up on it, does it replace grub?20:37
jhutchinsmr-digital: The old rule was 2x RAM, but you don't want the system to try to manage 8G of swap - if you ever get that far into it you have other problems.20:37
mr-digitalno root filesystem is define please correct this frmo the patitioning menu20:37
jhutchinsmr-digital: My preference, especially if I don't know how the system will be used, is to have sway + one partition.20:37
jhutchinsmr-digital: The default multi-partition is archaic and obsolete.20:38
mr-digitalso i cant do what iceroot says?20:38
jhutchinsmr-digital: You can, but if you want to tweak it I would recommend doing so.20:38
mr-digitaljhutchins what?20:39
jhutchinsKen_: I don't think plop replaces grub, I think it's only for the installation.20:39
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icerootjhutchins: imo ubuntu is using / and swap, nothing more20:39
icerootjhutchins: that is what my 12.04 and 12.10 installations did20:39
jhutchinsmr-digital: Yes, you can do what iceroot says.20:39
mr-digitalhow do i do that?20:39
mr-digitalit won't let me20:39
mr-digitalit keeps saying20:39
mr-digitalno root filesystem is define please correct this frmo the patitioning menu20:39
jhutchinsiceroot: I thought it still did liek 4 partitons, /, /var, and /home.  Been a while since I ran it.20:39
Ken_OK, I'll give er a try...everytime I try to install ANYTHING using software update it says "file system broken"20:40
wilee-nileeKen_, plop does not rplace a boot loader in linux you would use it from a disc, in windows you install it, but it just for the usb boot.20:40
auronandacemr-digital: that means you haven'y picked a partition to use as /20:40
mr-digitali did20:40
icerootjhutchins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279219/20:40
icerootjhutchins: / and swap20:40
mr-digitalif i make a partition /20:40
mr-digitalit tells me no swap has been created please go back to create swap partition or continue without one20:41
icerootmr-digital: ubuntu will detect that you have free (unassigned) space and will ask if it should use the whole free area20:41
mr-digitalnope iceroot20:41
icerootmr-digital: you are doing the manual way but i was saying use the automated way20:41
mr-digitalif i do that i get20:41
mr-digitalno root filesystem is define please correct this frmo the patitioning menu20:41
icerootmr-digital: strange20:41
mr-digitalim installign 12.04LTS20:42
mr-digitalhow do i create swap partition manually?20:42
icerootmr-digital: create a partition and mark is as swap (its inside this partition tool in the installer)20:42
icerootmr-digital: imo it was partition type20:42
mr-digitalthere is no swap option20:42
deluxe247is there a way to force a .deb to reinstall all files with it?20:43
mr-digitalthis is getting weird20:43
wilee-nileedeluxe247, this a deb used due to the app not being in the repos?20:43
mr-digitalgot it20:43
ss_hazetnx hitsujiTMO20:43
deluxe247wilee-nilee: no, latest version of package. I deleted files in /var/lib/rabbitmq and now when i install the .deb it fails to install20:44
bekksdeluxe247: And whats the error message? Pastebin it please.20:44
wilee-nileedeluxe247, follow bekks20:45
deluxe247bekks: http://pastebin.com/VXwcP3W0 here is the error20:46
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mr-digitalhas anyone made their gnome look like Mac?20:47
bekksdeluxe247: Then you have to investigate the post-install script.20:47
deluxe247bekks: where is this post-install script?20:47
crockethi guys20:48
crocketI plugged in headphones to the front panel, and speakers became quiet.20:48
crocketHowever, headphoens are quiet, too.20:48
crocketWhy are my headphones not receiving any sound?20:48
bekksdeluxe247: /var/lib/dpkg/info20:48
crocketI'm using ubuntu 13.0420:48
jubaleIf I disable MySQL connections from LAN via iptables will that stop me from connecting from localhost as well?20:50
bekksjubale: Configure your mysql server to accept localhost connections only.20:50
hitsujiTMO jubale no20:50
wilee-nileecrocket, Have you looked in sound settings20:51
jubaleI'm configuring iptables, so I'm making sure before I set the rule.20:51
bekksjubale: Better configure your mysql server ;)20:51
hitsujiTMObekks; jubale; no harm in doing both20:51
crocketwilee-nilee, yes20:52
wilee-nilee!details | crocket20:53
Ken_jhutchins_: sorry all, minor power issue.  reset router/modem/computer20:53
ubottucrocket: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:53
Ken_icehunter _: had to reboot because of a power issue20:53
a_muva_why apt-get update && apt-get upgrade does not upgrade 100%? I have open synaptic and than upgrade from there as well?20:53
auronandace!dist-upgrade | a_muva_20:54
ubottua_muva_: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.20:54
bean__a_muva_: i think the synaptic update is a dist-upgrade.20:54
Ken_iceroot_:sorry I got your handle wrong20:54
Ken_jhutchins_: sorry about the shutdown...blame fpl20:55
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Ken_any idea how to boot to and upbrade a puter that can't access a usb/cd ?20:55
a_muva_I thought that dist-upgrade will upgrade to new release. thank you.20:56
a_muva_for debian does.20:56
euxneksKen_, you might be able to do it over a network using a network boot20:56
Ken_If I can figure out how to do it through a netboot I'll give it a try20:56
Ken_euxneks...read my mind20:56
euxneksKen_, wish I could help you more on that though :\ Never attempted that myself (yet)20:57
JoeyJoeJoI don't want users to be able to add things to rc.local. Is it enough just to make that file only readable and writable for root?20:57
Ken_The initial issue was trying to install an os that supported non-pae processor20:57
bekksJoeyJoeJo: Users do not have those permissions, except they are using sudo.20:57
bean__a_muva_: nope, on ubuntu that's "do-release-upgrade"20:58
Ken_which means downgrading existing 13.4 to 12.0 xubuntu20:58
Ken_ok thanks all slainte20:58
chaotic_goodabout this 12.10 thing21:01
chaotic_good12.04.3 is LTS most recent right right?21:01
crocketI'm using ubuntu 13.04 64bit, and I have a built-in "hda intel" soundcard. I plugged headphones in the front panel, and I don't hear any sound from my headphones.21:01
PsychephylaxHi, I am trying to edit my xorg.conf to get it working with Intel 4000 video, does anyone know what driver I need to use in xorg.conf?21:02
auronandace!xorgconf | Psychephylax21:02
ubottuPsychephylax: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.21:02
jubaleOops. I forgot to do INPUT DROP, OUTPUT ACCEPT, FORWARD ACCEPT, before I set more specific rules. I guess I'll have to set them over again.21:02
crocketI guess the kernel driver for hda intel is broken.21:03
crocketbroken driver.21:03
PsychephylaxI am trying to get 3 monitors working (2 displays on Nvidia 560TI which I have working) and now I need to tell X how to initialize my Intel 4000 built in card for the 3rd display21:03
bean__chaotic_good: yes, 12.04.3 is the most recent LTS21:03
mr-digitalhow long does it stay at the purple screen on first boot?21:06
auronandacemr-digital: it shouldn't take longer than when you booted into the install media21:08
mr-digitalauronandace something is wrong then21:09
bigsso .. how come xorg.conf is deprecated ?21:11
ikonialong time now21:11
mr-digitalok so why does ubuntu boot up right away on the live CD21:11
bigsbut then where's the config stored? (kinda noob here)21:11
mr-digitalbut its taking forever when i installed it21:11
ikoniamr-digital: xorg is dynamic now, but it can either be put into an xorg.conf which will be read, or a modular file format21:12
mr-digitalikonia what are you talking about?21:12
SunPoweredikonia's msg was for bigs21:12
mr-digitalso how can i fix ubuntu since now i can't boot into it21:13
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justis there a way to prevent mobile broadband isp name showing, please?21:14
mr-digitalsunpowered can you help me out?21:15
mr-digitalwhat does nomodeset do?21:17
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | mr-digital21:18
ubottumr-digital: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:18
mr-digitalok now its working21:19
mr-digitalafter 6 reboots21:19
mr-digitalwtf was the issue haha21:19
crocketI think the kernel driver for hda_intel is broken with regard to headphones.21:20
crocketheadphones don't receive any sound input.21:20
jubaleHow do we launch an installer via WINE when admin privileges are required, but with sudo WINE complains I don't own .wine?21:21
crocketI need to test the latest stable kernel. How do I do it?21:21
jubaleDarn. Be right back, need to restart21:21
vipI just did a fresh install 13.10 64Bit - anyone using any nvidia proprietery drive?21:21
PowerPCG3jeah interesting21:22
PowerPCG3imma Debian PPC21:22
PowerPCG3on da iMac G321:22
vipthe first attempt with the nvidia kept crashing21:22
PowerPCG3immq web srvr21:22
bazhang#debian PowerPCG321:22
ClientAliveI'm in a quandry. Has anyone every run ubuntu with just Awesome window manager, and how much of a pain was it to get that up and running?21:23
PowerPCG3u must shut da fuckup21:23
PowerPCG3u no match my powerness21:23
crocketHow do I upgrade ubuntu to 13.10 via software updater? should I just keep upgrading packages to see distribution update?21:23
vltHello. After upgrading from LTS 10.04 to LTS 12.04 I got severe performance issues. Everything is really slow, it takes almost a second to alt-tab between windows and when playing back videos toggling mplayer’s fullscreen (which doesn’t work, btw) causes the video to interrupt. Any idea where to look for the problem?21:23
rollingpingHi.  Howto Reset/Zero GnomeSystemMonitor traffic meter?21:24
hitsujiTMOvlt: are you using unity?21:24
vlthitsujiTMO: How to know?21:24
hitsujiTMOvlt are you using the default ubuntu desktop environment?21:25
vlthitsujiTMO: Before I had gnome. This has icons on the left. Maybe it’s unity, yes.21:25
hitsujiTMOvlt you need to disable background blur ... should be able to do it by isntalling unity-tweak-tool and look thru it ... anywhere you see background blur turn it off21:27
vlthitsujiTMO: Maybe I should find out first WHY I need to disable background blur, shouldn’t I?21:29
DannyboyMT_has anyone had this issue with an external monitor?21:30
DannyboyMT_cursor does not refresh properly.. it will refresh if I click though.21:31
hitsujiTMOvlt: its a common issue for anyone with a low power graphics chipset. background blur comes into play in the search menu and the alt-tab switcher.21:32
chaotic_goodwien stinks on ubuntu sofar21:32
chaotic_goodIm kinda pissed21:32
chaotic_goodcan get vmware clinet to work21:32
chaotic_goodand gnome is hellish mac liek experience21:32
DannyboyMT_hitsujiTMO: it's a new lenovo w530 laptop ! dont think its underpowered21:33
crocketThis channel is useless21:33
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vlthitsujiTMO: Maybe it’s a video driver issue.21:33
bean__crocket: you want to be able to upgrade to 13.10?21:34
vltHow can I find out whether I’m using the correct video friver?21:34
jhutchinsvlt: Do you see graphics on the screen?21:34
vltjhutchins: I see the unity desktop, yes. But everything is soo slooow.21:35
hitsujiTMOvlt what graphics chiset do you have?21:35
jhutchinsThen you are using _a_ correct video driver at least.21:35
vlthitsujiTMO: ATI Radeon HD 5450 (or something like that)21:35
jhutchinsvlt: Is the resolution good?21:35
vltjhutchins: Yes.21:35
jhutchinsvlt: Chances are it's not the driver then.21:36
kostkonvlt, is your card still supported by the amd driver?21:36
jhutchinsvlt: RAM?  CPU?21:36
vltjhutchins: It’s the native display resolution.21:36
kostkonvlt, what driver are you using21:36
vltjhutchins: 8 GB, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+21:36
jhutchinskostkon: The wrong driver will either not work or not render a decent resolution.21:36
vltkostkon: I don’t know. How to find out?21:36
kostkonvlt, system systems -> software sources -> last tab21:37
kostkonjhutchins, it could also give terrible performance21:37
kostkonvlt, system settings*21:38
jhutchinskostkon: Usually that's only noticible on high-graphics operations, 3D, Gaming, things like that.21:38
kostkonjhutchins, unity is 3d21:38
jhutchinsvlt: I suppose you could turn off all of the desktop effects.  If that fixes it, you might want to try the proprietary drivers.21:38
vltjhutchins: lsmod lists neither radeon nor fglrx21:39
jhutchinskostkon: If unity won't run without high-end accelleration....  well, that would explain it's popularity21:39
jhutchinsvlt: Graphics driver != kernel module.21:39
kostkonjhutchins, it runs but it uses the cpu to render the 3d graphics and usually the performance is kinda bad21:40
hitsujiTMOvlt: check your xorg.0.log21:40
tking0036Is there a way to mount exfat partitions on 12.0421:40
jhutchinsvlt: You can figure out from /var/log/Xorg.0.log on xorg.... not sure what unity uses.21:40
tking0036or do I have to do a dist upgrade21:40
g0thhow do I insert and position a table in libreoffice writer?21:40
g0thwhen I insert one it just creates a "full width" table21:40
kostkonjhutchins, i mean without 3d support. it runs fine on low end systems if there is good driver support. runs fine on netbook with gma315021:40
MonkeyDustg0th  better ask in #libreoffice21:40
g0thnobody is there :(21:40
__ravenany way to limit the lines in a file while appending? a txt should always only contain the 10 last lines21:41
jhutchinskostkon: So 3D acceleration being off shouldn't hurt it's performance on a Radeon.21:41
MonkeyDustg0th  the openoffice channel, maybe?21:41
jhutchinsg0th: Mailing lists.21:41
kostkonjhutchins, it should because the card sits idle and cpu does all the work21:41
jhutchinskostkon: But that's the same as on a system that doesn't have the hardware for it.21:42
kostkonjhutchins, yeah,  i guess21:43
DannyboyMT_http://i.imgur.com/UZWMpQO.jpg <--- what is this??, if I have a video or something that refreshes requently this stops!! should I just keep a never ending video running to get this sorted out lol????21:43
jhutchinsStill, the test is valid, disable all 3D effects, if that fixes it, try the 3D acceleration.21:43
kostkonvlt, is there any driver listed in software sources21:44
MonkeyDustg0th  what's wrong with Insert > Table ?21:45
erictr1ckafter upgrading to 13.10, with apache 2.4, i can no longer have a directory with a dot in the filename on my localhost without causing conflict with mod_rewrite. for instance, http://localhost/mysite.com will ignore the .htaccess file within it. i have no clue what could be different than my 12.10 apache2 setup. ideas?21:45
vltjhutchins: Something seems to be wrong with the driver. xvinfo says "no adaptor present"21:46
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g0thMonkeyDust: the table width is just the whole width21:47
vltAnd I get BadRequest from fglrxinfo21:47
g0thbut I want it to be indented like the remaining text21:47
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g0thMonkeyDust: something like "relative position" in html21:47
vltkostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279559/21:47
vltkostkon: My Xorg.0.log21:47
g0thI mean css21:47
MonkeyDustg0th  right click inside the table > Table...21:48
MonkeyDustg0th  right click inside the table > Table... > Columns21:49
jhutchinsvlt: Yeah, sounds like it's misconfigured.21:49
kostkonvlt, how many drivers are there in software sources -> last tab?21:49
vltkostkon: I couldn’t find software sources yet.21:50
jhutchinsvlt: Do you have fglrx (dpkg -l fglrx)?21:50
kostkonvlt, in system settings or in softwrae centre, select edit -> software sources from the menu21:50
vltjhutchins: yes21:50
jhutchinsvlt: Work with kostkon then, I think he can help you and I have to leave soon.21:51
vltkostkon: main restricted universe multiverse partner21:51
kostkonvlt, last tab21:51
vltjhutchins: KTHXBY21:51
vltkostkon: last tab is statistics21:52
hitsujiTMOwhois kostkon21:52
kostkonvlt, what version of ubuntu???21:52
kostkonvlt, is it some old version maybe?21:52
MonkeyDustvlt  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue21:52
kostkonhitsujiTMO, :P21:52
vltkostkon, MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS21:53
g0thMonkeyDust: I was hoping it would do it automatically21:53
g0thsimilar to css tables21:53
g0thdivs I mean21:53
kostkonvlt, then ok ignore that, select additional drivers under system settings21:54
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vltkostkon: ok21:54
kostkonvlt, or search for it in the dash21:54
vltkostkon: It says that NO proprietary driver is used.21:56
vltkostkon: And offers several to choose from.21:56
kostkonvlt, nice. choose wisely then :P21:56
kostkonvlt, and then reboot21:57
kostkonvlt, amd ones i assume21:57
mr-digitalstill experincing lockup at purple screen21:58
mr-digital12.04LTS any ideas?21:58
no0p_I'm struggling to find the deactivate amazon in the smart scopes on 13.10.  I see the filter option in the dash, but it re-activates amazon everytime I reopen the dash.  how are filters made permanent?21:59
vltkostkon: It’s all ATI/AMD. The first is just called fglrx driver, then come three with **experimental** flag, then one with something I’d translate to additional or subsequent updates.21:59
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: are you getting the lockup with nomodeset  ?21:59
kostkonvlt, hmm try the first one? what do you think21:59
hitsujiTMOno0p_: so far i'm only been able to disable them globally21:59
vltkostkon: I have nfc, that’s why I’m asking here.22:00
kostkonvlt, ?22:00
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO yes22:00
no0p_hitsujiTMO, how is that done?22:00
mr-digitalsometime it boots sometimes it doesnt22:00
mr-digitalhow can i see whats going on behind the purple screen?22:01
vltkostkon: I chose the first one.22:01
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vltWhat video hardware should I use if I wanted performance without prorietary drivers?22:01
kostkonvlt, ok22:01
kostkonvlt, intel22:01
hitsujiTMOno0p_: system settings -> security & privacy -> search -> disable include online search results22:01
mr-digitali dont even get the ubuntu screen with loading dots22:02
mr-digitalblank purple screen22:02
no0p_hitsujiTMO, thanks.  that is a bummer.  would be nice to have filters preserved at finer granularity22:02
hitsujiTMOno0p_: i'm sure someone will eventually come up with a hack for it22:03
vltkostkon: FAILED: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279616/22:03
no0p_hitsujiTMO, it's weird because I'm reading articles that show an amazon scope settings22:03
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | mr-digital try the different settings here22:03
ubottumr-digital try the different settings here: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:03
mr-digitalany ideas?22:03
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO i tried that22:03
kostkonvlt, apt-cache policy fglrx22:04
no0p_hitsujiTMO, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Screen-Shot-2013-10-15-at-11.36.26-750x480.png22:04
kostkonvlt, also you could try the last option22:04
mr-digitalwhat is $vt_handshake?22:04
deezedmr-digital: did you try to change the splash background?22:04
mr-digitaldeezed this is a fresh install22:05
vltkostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279623/22:05
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: boot to recovery and have a look at /var/log/dmesg for any errors22:05
mr-digital$vt_handoff what is that?22:05
mr-digitali did see one22:05
deezedmr-digital: which?22:05
mr-digitalbut recovery hangs at black screen22:05
hitsujiTMOno0p_: that text may not have been updated since 13.04 ... you could file a bug report on it :P22:05
deezedmr-digital: when you tried the live cd, it was ok, right?22:05
mr-digitali can boot as many times as i want into liveCD22:06
mr-digitalboots just fine22:06
mr-digitalafter i installed it22:06
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mr-digitalbamn lockup at purple screen22:06
FloodBot1mr-digital: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
deezedmr-digital: you have any text msg like fatal error, or something?22:06
kostkonvlt, close the additional drivers window, then try:  sudo apt-get clean  and then sudo apt-get install fglrx --reinstall?22:06
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: you could boot to live cd, mount the filesystem and check the logs that way22:07
deezedmr-digital: do you have a dual boot?22:07
mr-digitalwhden i was able to run recovery i got something about conflitcing vga and intel renmoving generic driver22:07
mr-digitaldeezed no22:07
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vltkostkon: Still trying the last option.22:07
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: what graphics chipset(s) do you have?22:07
deezedmr-digital: I would boot from a live-cd and try a dpkg-reconfigure -a22:07
vltkostkon: Thanks for not giving up by now :-)22:07
kostkonvlt, np22:08
no0p_hitsujiTMO, found it.22:08
mr-digitalthats my system22:08
no0p_hitsujiTMO, ok so it turns out you go to the application tab in the dash, then under the types on the filter bar, you select dash plugins.  that loads config options on per scope level.22:08
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no0p_I have to say, I really like the smart scopes22:08
vltkostkon: Can you give me an example for an Intel video card I could buy to replace this ATI?22:08
no0p_a lot.  it's brilliant.  but the control of the commerce in my dash needs to be controllable in an easy way.  in other words, I'm happy to shop on amazon through the dash, but should be able to turn on and off really easily.22:09
vltkostkon: It failed again22:09
deezedmr-digital: do you know if you need a driver for your video card?22:09
rtdosi have an external usb-hd (formally a network drive) which is formatted in xfs format. how can i mount the drive so that i can back everything up from it to another drive? the nic card on this drive went both feet in the grave.22:09
kostkonvlt, try the above22:09
deezeda non-pre-installed one22:09
vltkostkon: I’ll try the CLI version, yes.22:09
mr-digitaldeezed no need for driver22:09
kostkonvlt, only if you buy a new i3 i5 or i7 system22:10
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO how do i read logs from liveCD22:10
mr-digitalliveCD is booting just fine22:10
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: mount the filesystem: mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt22:11
deezedmr-digital: why don't you try boot from live cd and do a chroot to reconfigure packages and view logs?22:11
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: then just go to /mnt/var/log/dmesg    instead of /var/log/dmesg22:12
mr-digitalok holdon22:12
mr-digitalbooting into liveCD22:12
mr-digitalwhat am i looking for in dmesg22:14
hitsujiTMOanythng that looks like an error ... prob towards the end if there is one22:15
deezedyou can pastebin it here maybe22:15
mr-digitalno errors22:15
MajostIs there a known issue with the linux-server package for 12.04.3?22:16
deezedmr-digital: sorry to be annoying, but did you try a chroot?22:16
mr-digitaldeezed how do i do that?22:16
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: as deezed said might be a good idea to pastebin the log here22:17
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO ok holdon22:17
Majostmy dist-upgrade is wedged on linux-image-3.2.0-55-generic22:17
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: since also post Xorg.0.log22:17
hitsujiTMOMajost: what exactly do you mean? is there a specific error?22:18
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Majostjust realized /boot is full22:18
l000p3dim installing an ubuntu virtual machine on my macbook. should i use the 32-bit ubuntu .ISO or the 64-bit ISO22:18
hitsujiTMOl000p3d: thats really up to what you want to do with it22:19
deezedmr-digital: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1156240 there is a fast explanation of how to do a chroot here22:19
SunTsul000p3d: Do you have close to 4GB RAM?22:19
l000p3dmy macbook has 4GB ram exact22:20
SunTsul000p3d: 64 bit, no doubt22:20
l000p3dthank u :)22:20
l000p3dis 4GB ram good/decent for a computer22:20
SunTsul000p3d: that depends on what you do with it22:20
hitsujiTMOl000p3d: 4gb would be considered entry level now22:20
l000p3doh ok22:20
SunTsuhitsujiTMO: lots of ultrabooks only have 4gb22:21
mr-digitalshould i reinstall and see if that fixes it?22:22
hitsujiTMOSunTsu: yes, 4gb is the lowest you can get on a new system now. its entry level, but doesn't mean its useless22:22
SunTsuhitsujiTMO: agreed22:23
SunTsumr-digital: fix what exactly?22:23
hazeyezhelp me please, there is no sound coming out of my headphones22:23
hazeyezim on ubuntu 13.0422:23
hazeyezim in alsamixer but idk what to do22:23
mr-digitalSunTsu im getting a lockup on blank purple screen22:24
mr-digitalas soon as it boots into ubuntu22:24
ozetteim using VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3, i think this can pre installed with 12.04lts.. there's now .vimrc in my ~ however, do i have to make one of my own?22:24
deezedmr-digital: since its a fresh install, I dont see anyproblem by reinstall it, it would be fast btw. But I still think that maybe 'dpkg-reconfigure -a' can help you somehow22:24
hitsujiTMOmr-digital, nothing wrong there it seems, can you post Xorg.0.log22:24
mr-digitalok hitsujiTMO22:24
mr-digitalxorg_0.log is 0 bytes22:25
deezedhazeyez: did you try to open the terminal, and run 'alsamixer' and try to unmute the headphones?22:25
hitsujiTMOozette: yes. .vimrc is for personalisations22:25
ozettes/can/came s/now/no22:25
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: thats the one in /mnt/var/log/ ?22:26
deezedhazeyez: just go to headphones colunm and press 'm' and put the volume at max22:26
ozettehitsujiTMO, i see.. but so, the preinstall doesn't provide a .vimrc?22:26
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO yes22:26
hazeyezdeezed: yes it says 00 instead of MM,22:26
deezedhazeyez: yes, so press m22:26
l00p3d34829im installing an ubuntu virtual machine with the intent to run a web server. when setting up the VM, it says "Networking: Shared With My Mac (NAT)22:26
l00p3d34829is this okay>22:26
deezedhazeyez: it doesnt work?22:26
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: looks like your xserver isnt even starting if its not writing a log22:27
hazeyezno it doesnt work22:27
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO i don't even get that far22:27
mr-digitalas soon as i pass grub screen22:27
hazeyezM mutes it, i want it to say 0022:27
mr-digitalbam. locked up22:27
deezedhazeyez: M mutes and unmutes22:27
l00p3d34829im installing an ubuntu virtual machine with the intent to run a web server. when setting up the VM, it says "Networking: Shared With My Mac (NAT). Is this normal? or am i supposed to have some type of other network setting22:27
mr-digitalLegimet: pm?22:27
l00p3d34829would this somehow mess up the web server that I want to run?22:28
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: ok, quickest fix might be a fresh install if you want to try that, if the same issue persists let us know22:28
mr-digitalok will do22:28
deezedhazeyez: try the arrows so. < and >22:28
mr-digitalLegimet can i pm you?>22:28
hazeyezdeezed: yes its not working.... master, headphones, speaker, pcm, & mic all say are all unmuted and turned up to maxvolume22:28
Legimetfor what?22:28
mr-digitalyour from lehigh valley right?22:29
hazeyezdeezed: auto-mut says <enabled> but idont know how to disable it22:29
Legimeti don't think i should give my identity here22:29
Legimetill pm22:29
hitsujiTMOl00p3d34829: nat means its running on a virtual network, bridged would allow it to get an ip as if its on the physical network, either should be fine for local dev22:30
deezedhazeyez: ok, so where is saying auto-mute is enabled? at alsamixer?22:30
hazeyezdeezed: yes22:30
hazeyezdeezed: but i dont know how to toggle it, the arrows dont toggle it off22:30
l00p3d34829hitsjuTMO I want to run a real web server in the ubuntu VM and make it public to entire world22:30
l00p3d34829what do i do22:30
deezedok, did you try to restart pulseaudio?22:30
ozettehitsujiTMO, nice it works as soon as i open a new vim instance! thanks22:30
hazeyezdeezed: no, i dont know how to, walk me thru it plz22:31
deezedhazeyez: to disable it press J or K22:31
hitsujiTMOozette: np22:31
deezedhazeyez: but I dont think is the case22:31
deezedhazeyez: you can try to run 'killall pulseaudio' and then 'pulseaudio' again22:32
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hitsujiTMOl00p3d34829: then you'll need a bridged networking. what virtualisation software you using?22:32
hazeyezdeezed: i disabled auto-mut then it started playing thru the speakers with the headphones plugged in... i unplugged the headphones then plugged them back it and it turned the speakers back down to 0 automatically.... let me try the pulse audio thing22:34
deezedhazeyez: but first, which version are u using? is it a musician ubuntu-based distro?22:34
hazeyezdeezed: just 13.04... it was just working the other day22:34
jumfernandezi need help with my ubuntu22:35
xckpd7how can I set up a simple file server?22:35
k1l!details | jumfernandez22:35
ubottujumfernandez: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:35
hitsujiTMO!samba | xckpd722:35
ubottuxckpd7: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:35
deezedhazeyez: yes, thats what automute does. If its disabled, you will put the headphones and the speakers wont mute22:35
xckpd7hmmm maybe I phrased that wrong22:35
deezedjumfernandez: whats the problem?22:36
jumfernandezthanks, look, the problem is i have a usb wifi TPLINK-WN8200ND with realtek 8192cu 's chipset, and i can't do work in my ubuntu22:36
xckpd7you know how you enter in a local directory into your browser, and you get a list of files and folders? I want to be able to do that for a particular folder and give someone login to get that interface22:36
xckpd7so they could download files from it22:36
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jumfernandezand i try with everything: ndiswrapper, files of realtek download, blackports,etc, and can't work22:37
deezedxckpd7: just use the network in nautilus22:37
hazeyezdeezed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279766/22:37
hitsujiTMOxckpd7: looks like you want samba shares then.22:37
deezedjumfernandez: sorry, I dont know nothing about usb wifi. isnt there an irc channel of the supporters?22:38
deezedhazeyez: you dont have anything like 'jack', or 'cadence' installed, right?22:39
jumfernandezhmmm i don't know22:39
hitsujiTMOjumfernandez: whats the exact line for your network if you type: lsusb22:39
help_mehi. I installed ubuntu studio in ubuntu 13.04. upon rebooting, my audio is not working.... does anyone know of a fix for this?22:40
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO i discovered the install updated 12.04.1 to .3 during install22:40
mr-digitalcoudl that be why i had the bootup issue?22:40
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: should not22:40
gdos2 questions: how do link directories (say /usr/share/doc to /var/www) and where is the cgi-bin directory located?22:40
mr-digitalthe liveCD is .122:40
jubaleHow do you create a "USB Key", by that I mean a USB drive which must be connected in order to boot/access system?22:41
hitsujiTMO.3 is effective just a handful of updates, including the kernel22:41
deezedhazeyez: sorry, actually normal pulseaudio restart as soon as you type to kill it, thats why it was already running22:41
deezedyou can also try22:41
deezed'pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload'22:41
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO that being said i wonder if it was a kernel issue22:41
jumfernandezhitsujiTMO http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279774/22:42
SunTsugdos: you can't hardlink directories only symlink then. You could mount -t null them, though22:42
xckpd7hitsujiTMO: what would be the difference between that and something like WebDAV?22:42
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: from  your dmesg it looks like its loading fine, its your xorg is the problem . you could get the latest 12.04.3 iso if you wish22:42
gdosSunTsu: how would i symlink them? would 'mount -t null' work with dhelp/dwww ?22:43
mr-digitalim going to test out 12.04.1 if that works then i will try download 12.04.3 iso22:43
hazeyezdeezed: ok i did that now what22:43
jumfernandezit appear when i put lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279774/22:43
hitsujiTMOjuanferandez, whats output of: lspci22:43
SunTsugdos: ln -s and I don't know what the last part meant, but mount -t null just mounts a directory tree onto another mountpoint22:43
deezedhazeyez: now try to unmute headphones again...22:43
deezedhelp_me: what actually happened?22:44
hazeyezdeezed: ok give me a second please, now theres no sound coming from the speakers or headphones22:44
hazeyezlet me get in alsamixer22:44
help_medeezed: I installed ubuntu studio on top of ubuntu 13.04. I rebooted, and I have no sound.22:44
gdosSunTsu: i'm having issues with dhelp/dwww so would i either link /usr/share/doc to /usr/share/cgi-bin or /var/www ?22:45
deezedhelp_me: I'm not sure if Ubuntu studio is using cadence or not, can you check if you have cadence installed?22:45
jumfernandezhitsujiTMO http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279786/22:45
help_megive me a sec...22:45
* help_me is going to see if jack works22:46
hitsujiTMOxckpd7: samba is the normal windows fileshares protocol. its built into most os's. webdav is designed for transfering over http and has massive overhead in comparison to other file sharing protocols. also webdav would require the installation of a client on your friends machine22:46
aurynnHey; I just installed 13.10 onto my workstation running on an XFS root partition. It now won't boot, and I'm not sure how to get it back to booting22:46
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deezedaurynn: you could try to run a boot-repair22:46
SunTsugdos: I don't know what dhelp/dwww means so I don't know22:47
hitsujiTMOjumfernandez: looks like the system isnt even seeing the device at all22:47
deezedhelp_me: do you?22:47
aurynndeezed, what is this boot-repair thing?22:47
gdosdhelp and dwww are packages to view man and info pages (as well as other installed documentation) online through a web-browser.22:47
hitsujiTMOjumfernandez: are you sure its working?22:47
help_meI dont see candace running22:47
unstableBest CAD software that I can install that is free?22:48
deezedaurynn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair22:48
bekks!best | unstable22:48
ubottuunstable: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:48
aurynndeezed, ta22:48
unstableBest is defined by the person who replies to my question.22:48
unstableeg, in your opinion22:48
unstableMy question is still valid, even if semantic nazis complain.22:49
jumfernandezsorry hitsujiTMO, here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279797/ this it's the correct, sorry22:49
hitsujiTMOunstable: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEngineering#CAD22:49
deezedhelp_me: ok, so did you try to run jack and start it from there?22:49
hazeyezdeezed: not working man, there is sound coming out of the speakers but not the headphones22:49
help_meI will try22:49
chareso my grub got messed up and i had to use boot-repair to fix, but now it boots into directly into windows, how do i fix that, in boot-repairs infinitd wisdom the grub options are grayed out and unavailable...22:49
hazeyezfor it to comeout of the speakers i need to go in alsamixer and adjust it22:49
k1lunstable: stop the drama immediately22:50
jumfernandezhitsujiTMO not appear nothing of the tp-link, not realtek too.22:50
hitsujiTMOjumfernandez: if its usb then it should show up under lsusb22:50
chareSOMEONE HELP ME FIX IT SO I CAN BOOT INTO UBUNTU AND NOT JUST WINDOWS http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279801/22:50
deezedhazeyez: I know is a stupid question, but did you try to check with other headphones? and also tried to reboot the machine?22:50
k1lchare: no need for caps. volunteers will help if they can22:51
charek1l you are the volunteer expert?22:51
tgm4883chare, on that matter, I would say yes, k1l is an expert22:52
deezedaurynn: did you figure the things out?22:52
jumfernandezsorry hitsujiTMO, here it's the 'lsusb' command line: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279815/22:52
hazeyezdeezed: yes i tried other headphones, no im going to reboot right now22:52
aurynndeezed, it seems to be hanging on probing22:52
charek1l you know how to fix my problem?22:52
vltkostkon: Nope22:53
deezedaurynn: you will probably have to boot it from a live cd, install boot-repair, and then run it22:53
vltkostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279818/22:53
deezedhazeyez: ok, let us know then22:53
hazeyezdeezed: so now there is audio coming from the speakers and not the headphones again...  let me reboot ill be back, thanks for the help22:53
mr-digital12.04.1 FRESH install bam locked up22:53
aurynndeezed, yup, on a livecd and running it from there22:53
aurynnlivecd is 13.10 as well22:53
mr-digitalhow can i remove thes splash so i can see whats happening?22:53
k1lchare: i am not sure boot repair works with btrfs partitions22:53
deezedaurynn: yeap.22:53
chareare you serious that btrfs is not supported?22:53
deezedhelp_me: so?22:54
vltkostkon: kernel: 3.2.0-55-generic-pae, dpkg -l: ii  linux-source
aurynndeezed, I'll let it churn for a bit. :)22:54
help_meI fixed it. YAY22:55
hitsujiTMOjumfernandez: do there 2 lines of code do anything? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6279833/22:55
Legimetmr-digtal: try removing plymouth, maybe?22:55
deezedwhat was the prob?22:55
mr-digitalLegimet how?>22:55
deezedaurynn: ok22:55
vltkostkon: xvinfo or fglrxinfo still throw errors.22:55
gdosSunTsu: how do i mount -t null ?22:56
vltHi. Can I install a 64 bit kernel on a 32 bit system to be able to chroot into a 64 bit env?22:56
mr-digitalcould EFI be the culprit?22:57
Legimetmr-digital: try chrooting and sudo apt-get remove plymouth22:57
vltWasn’t there an -amd64 version?22:57
Legimetmr-digital: well, if grub worked, efi is not the culprit22:57
help_methank you22:57
deezedmr-digital: btw after chrooting, you can try different things that can fix everything up22:57
Legimet!chroot | mr-digital22:58
ubottumr-digital: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot22:58
SunTsugdos: I was slightly wrong, it's mount -o bind <directory> <mountpoint> - just substitute <directory> and <mountpoint>22:59
hazeyezdeezed: i'm all set bro thank you, the restart did it22:59
deezedhazeyez: lol! it always helps with sound22:59
mr-digitalafter i type nomodeset do i hit f10?22:59
gdosSunTsu: I will try that.23:00
hazeyezdeezed: im in xchat, when i quit how do i put a quit message23:00
hazeyezi usually type /quit <message> but i cant see the message23:00
thatthere is a way to set a default quit message as well if you prefer23:00
deezedhazeyez: I'm not sure, sorry.. dont know much about xchat23:00
gdoshazeyez: try #xchat23:01
thati;m looking now i'm in xchat23:01
mr-digitalwhat if chrooting doesnt work?23:02
Legimetmr-digital: iif you get rid of plymouth, you can at least see the problem23:02
deezedmr-digital: It didnt?23:03
mr-digitalok ok23:03
mr-digitali finally got into recovery mode kind of23:03
mr-digitalafter couple of reboots23:03
mr-digitalbut recovery hangs on23:03
deezedmr-digital: remember, before remove plymouth, try to reconfigure packages23:03
mr-digitaland im guessing normal boot hangs on this too23:03
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Legimeton what?23:03
mr-digitalfb:conflicting fb hw usage inteldrmfb vs efi vga - removing generic driver23:04
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: http://askubuntu.com/questions/169912/fb-conflicting-fb-hw-usage-inteldrmfb-vs-efi-vga-removing-generic-driver23:05
Legimetmr-digital: it's a graphics issue23:05
mr-digitalim on that now23:05
hazeyezdeezed: it appears that xchat is no longer updated, what is another option that you reccomend for irc on linux23:05
excalibrAnyone know any quick trick to check if your ppa repos in sources.list.d have support for particular ubuntu version?23:05
mr-digitalthat worked23:05
mr-digitalim now booting23:05
hitsujiTMOhazeyez: hexchat23:05
mr-digitalwtf did that cause it23:06
wilee-nileeexcalibr, not really check them on their web pages23:06
SuperLagI just installed 12.04.3 LTS. Rolled back from 13.10. When I try to log in, it goes right back to the login screen23:07
wilee-nilee!ppa | excalibr23:07
ubottuexcalibr: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:07
SuperLagwhich logs would I look at, to troubleshoot that issue?23:07
hitsujiTMOSuperLag: can you login via tty1( ctrl+alt+f1 ) and try and create a new user and see if you can login with that?23:08
wilee-nileeSuperLag, what is your definition of rolled back?23:08
deezedhazeyez: yes, you can also try irssi. its just text, running by terminal, but its nice to learn some irc commands, with the old engine23:09
SuperLagwilee-nilee: I have left ~, /opt, and /usr/local/ intact across several installs. I reinstall everything else.23:10
SuperLaghitsujiTMO: and yeah... it worked under a new user. :/23:10
mr-digitalif i bootup without using gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode am i still using the intel graphics?23:10
excalibrwilee-nilee: I think I just figured out the trick23:10
SunTsudeezed: "old engine"? irssi is way younger than xchat IIRC23:10
excalibrwilee-nilee: http://ppa.launchpad.net/yorba/ppa/ubuntu/dists/23:11
SuperLagwilee-nilee: those 3 other dirs are on separate partitions23:11
wilee-nileeSuperLag, So 12.0o4 was a fresh install except for those?23:11
hitsujiTMOSuperLag: you have configs in your /home that are incompatable with 12.04.323:11
deezedSunTsu: yes, but isnt it from an old engine?23:11
SuperLagwilee-nilee: yup23:11
wilee-nileeSuperLag, Can you go to the tty from the login and get in there?23:12
SuperLagwilee-nilee: yup23:12
jumfernandezi need restart hitsujiTMO?23:13
wilee-nileeSuperLag, to the desktop right?23:13
SuperLagwilee-nilee: got some split-screen tmux going on, and I'm logged in as my normal user on the other half23:13
SunTsudeezed: nope, cras wrote it from the scratch with focus on secure code23:13
SuperLagwilee-nilee: no, I'm on console23:13
hitsujiTMOjumfernandez: you getting anything without a restart ( those settings wont persist )23:13
jumfernandezhitsujiTMO Bus 002 Device 002: ID 2357:0100, then of type lsusb23:13
wilee-nileeSuperLag, seems that all this info it is taking questions to get is pertinent overall to the problem would you not say?23:14
alazyworkaholicJust turned on my desktop. it says ¨[numbers] k10temp [numbers] unreliable CPU thermal sensor; monitoring disabled¨ newline ¨[numbers] ohci-pci [numbers] can´t start¨ newline ¨ohci-pci [numbers] startup error -1¨ newline ¨ohci-pci [numbers] init 0000:03.06.0 fail -1¨ newline ¨filesystem check or mount failed.¨ if this is a usb problem, how can i find out what the trouble is?23:15
=== Rena is now known as Rena_
mr-digitalwho here is good with graphics drivers?23:15
Rena_alright, so just tried to upgrade an encrypted system and now grub is broken. tells me "device 2c3c... does not exist" (but it does), then asks me to unlock it anyway, then drops me to initramfs shell. what gives?23:16
SuperLagwilee-nilee: I'm confused. I tried logging in to the desktop, and could not. I thought you / hitsujiTMO were suggesting I try logging in to console. That's what I did.23:16
hitsujiTMOjumfernandez: try the proprietary driver: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=21&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#277223:16
mr-digitalhitsujiTMO so i narrowed the issue to intel vs efi graphics23:17
mr-digitalwhats causing the conflict?23:17
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: i'm unsure. first time i've encountered such an issue23:17
mr-digitalright now im not using intel drivers23:17
deezedSunTsu: oh, nice to know! thanks! sorry for my bad23:18
mr-digitalso im guessing im using generic vga drivers?23:18
hitsujiTMOwhat driver does it say you are using?23:18
mr-digital..... unknown23:18
SunTsudeezed: nothing to be sorry for23:19
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: system settings -> details   shows unknown?23:19
mr-digitalpeople are saying its not a driver but a kernel issue involving KMS23:20
mr-digitalwhat is KMS23:20
=== vankooch_ is now known as vankooch
ubottuDKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.23:21
phixwooo! new Ubuntu!23:23
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: you could try disable efi boot in your bios if the option is available (may need a reinstall then)23:24
sam113101how do I stop those annoying popups on firefox, that ask me if I want to add functionality for X website23:29
sam113101ie. reddit, youtube, etc.23:29
deezedsam113101: you can try an addon23:29
sam113101I know it's a firefox addon, but which one?23:29
deezedfor blocking adds, I think the best one is maybe addblock plus23:30
sam113101unity desktop integration, unity websites integration or ubuntu firefox modifications23:30
sam113101not that kind of popup23:30
Dr_WillisHmm i seem to recall it asking once. and if i say no it dosent ask again23:32
Dr_Willisthose are the webapps pacakge  feature i think23:32
deezedsam113101: what about block Linkbucks?23:32
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hitsujiTMOsam113101 install unity-tweak-tools ... goto web apps, disable integration prompts23:34
hitsujiTMOunity-tweak-tool even23:34
Dr_Willisi dont even see the webapps icons when i do say yes. ;)23:35
mr-digitalgoign to reinstall again without efi see if that works23:35
ArchonDev_anyone in here familiar with slax?23:40
reisioArchonDev_: not remotely as high a percentage as in #slax23:40
ArchonDev_no one in slax is answering :(23:41
reisioArchonDev_: not sure what that has to do with #ubuntu23:41
ArchonDev_well I am trying to open .html files in slax23:41
reisio#slackware or #linux maybe?23:41
ArchonDev_but first time on this os23:41
reisiouse the web browser...23:41
ArchonDev_new job....23:41
ArchonDev_i cant edit the files in the browser.23:42
mr-digitalnow i need to make a legacy boot partition?23:42
reisioArchonDev_: HTML is a plain _text_ format23:42
reisiomr-digital: why's that?23:42
mr-digitali disabled efi23:42
ArchonDev_I know but im used to using notepad++23:42
mr-digitalso now it wants a boot partition23:42
ArchonDev_alternative for linux based systems?23:42
reisioArchonDev_: try geany23:42
reisioArchonDev_: or if you're using KDE, try kate23:42
ArchonDev_do those programs have a gui?23:43
mr-digitalArchonDev_ you can use n++ in wine23:43
reisioArchonDev_: yup23:43
reisiomr-digital: it's not special enough for that23:43
ntzrmtthihu777heyo. idea and question. Would it be correct to say that the different flavours of ubuntu are about 90% the same?23:44
ArchonDev_do you know if it lets you save as? in formats such as css and html?23:44
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, I would linux is 90% the same23:44
reisioArchonDev_: those are both plain text formats23:44
reisioArchonDev_: text is text23:44
ArchonDev_so yes?23:44
reisioArchonDev_: you should /join #websites23:44
reisioArchonDev_: yes, text editors can save text as text23:44
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: hey man, how you doing? prolly right, I've just got an ubuntu-specific idea and was wondering if its possible.23:45
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: would it be possible to say create an ubuntu iso which allows you to select the flavour of ubuntu you boot/install from the main menu?23:45
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, I'm fine, ask the questions to the channel than.23:45
sam113101hitsujiTMO: thanks, will see if it works23:46
sam113101I have to reboot now because my shortcuts are broken23:46
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, Probably the mini net install does that though, including anything in the repos really.23:46
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k1l!away > sam113101_afk23:47
ubottusam113101_afk, please see my private message23:47
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: is that so? so from the mini iso I could install {k,l,x,}ubuntu as long as I have a internet connection?23:47
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, There is a list of choices including servers and desktops.23:48
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wilee-nileeinternet connevtion is needed yes23:49
sam113101uh, why can't I use ctrl+alt+left and right to switch workspaces23:49
sam113101it doesn't seem to work anymore23:49
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: wow, makes my job easier on this question.23:49
ntzrmtthihu777sam113101: what de and release of ubuntu?23:50
hitsujiTMOsam113101: how many workspaces do you have?23:50
sam113101ntzrmtthihu777: ubuntu (unity) 13.0423:50
sam113101hitsujiTMO: 323:50
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, probably the easiest way to do a minimal install23:50
tgm4883sam113101, did you enable workspaces? It's disabled by default23:50
ntzrmtthihu777sam113101: I think they disabled that bit, you need to fiddle with it.23:51
sam113101tgm4883: yes23:51
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: very nice.23:51
tgm4883sam113101, odd, it works for me on 13.1023:51
help_mehow can I make my own ubuntu distro from scratch?23:51
reisiohelp_me: from scratch after copying Ubuntu?23:51
k1lhelp_me: install mini installation and install whats neede23:51
ntzrmtthihu777help_me: use the build scripts; remastersys can do it and such too.23:52
reisiohelp_me: all you actually have to do is customize it to your liking, then copy it23:52
help_meI'm so confused23:52
reisiohelp_me: maybe you should put it off, then23:52
Dr_Willisit can be confuseing. :) give us details of exctly what you want.23:52
help_meI want to make an ubuntu-studio--kali--13.04--business desktop23:53
Dr_Willishelp_me:  thats not very detailed..23:53
wilee-nileeheh, big dreams23:53
Dr_Willisand theres really not point in mixxing in kali. Unless you want to sort of defeat its focus of being a security testing disrto.23:54
Dr_Willisand a business disrto would not need the kali feature23:54
tgm4883Dr_Willis, but.. buzzwords!23:54
ccowan_I'm having issues with setting up 13.10 with a Nvidia GTX 660. The Nouveau drivers work fine but when I upgrade to the proprietary drivers my system starts blinking red,blue,grayscales,rainbow bars, etc at lightdm23:54
ccowan_Anyone have any recommendations for solving this?23:54
sam113101I bet it will also be gold-plated!23:55
reisioso you want Debian as Ubuntu for "security" for business :p23:55
reisioand you're qualified to make such a thing because you want to23:55
sam113101when I press ctrl+alt+left it prints23:56
ccowan_I've tried nomodeset and that doesn't seem to help23:56
sam113101lol why is this?23:56
sam113101btw I can easily switch workspaces using the button inside the dash23:57
reisiosam113101: in a terminal?23:57
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sam113101but the shortcuts just don't work23:57
sam113101reisio: ah, yeah, in weechat23:57
mr-digitaldisabling EFI worked23:57
KalelI've got a big damn problem...23:58
reisiosam113101: obviously some or all of that key combination is recognized by weechat or your term23:58
hitsujiTMO\o/ mr-digital23:58
mr-digitalso hitsujiTMO EFI WAS the culprit23:58
sam113101reisio: even when I give focus to firefox, it doesn't work23:58
mr-digitalmakes no sense why when my computer is certified for ubuntu23:58
reisiosam113101: what doesn't work?23:58
sam113101and I thought the window manager was the first one to capture the shortcuts23:58
sam113101reisio: it doesn't switch workspaces23:58
hitsujiTMOmr-digital: i have similar issues with efi on windows on another laptop.23:59
tkroohi, can anyone help with this? new install of 13.10 and I can't see time/clock in menu bar, and settings for clock are greyed out in settings: http://ubuntuone.com/77TA3JgctcD2vbS8UJ6S7L23:59

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