
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
zequencemicahg: Thanks. So, when I backport ardour3, lv2 should automatically be included as a dependency10:27
zequenceI got it built for raring now. It required 4 additional packages to be backported from saucy10:28
zequencepbuilder did not work for me. I always seem to have trouble with that (it errored on some jack dependencies that didn't seem to make sense)10:29
smartboyhwzequence, when will you do your "release announcement"?12:31
smartboyhwNot an exact urge, but since we're now open for development;)12:33
zequencesmartboyhw: I reconsidered12:48
zequenceBut, I'm working on starting the next cycle of development12:48
zequenceJust very busy. Lots to do12:49
smartboyhwzequence, OK13:26
zequenceOk, it seems backporting is not such a great option as I thought15:52
zequencebug 88866515:53
ubottubug 888665 in Launchpad itself "Backports can't build-depend on other backports" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88866515:53
zequencebug 124272115:53
ubottubug 1242721 in raring-backports "Please backport ardour3 3.4~dfsg-3ubuntu1 (universe) from saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124272115:53
zequenceOvenWerks: bug 124241715:55
ubottubug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124241715:55
zequenceOvenWerks: Ubuntu devs are looking into that, cjwatson among others, but I'm being happily ignorant about what the issue is for the time being15:56
zequenceWhat's the point in backporting, when you can only backport something that doesn't build-depend on other backports?16:04
zequenceI'm forgetting that backports exists fro now16:05
zequenceWe should probably start our own backports-ppa for our users16:11
zequenceOr, discuss it16:11
ttoinezequence, I am in discussion with spreadshirt so they would remove the non licenced artwork16:27
OvenWerkszequence: we can change grub distributor back to Ubuntu and still keep the low latency stuff. I can also put the word studio in the somewhere too. We should be able to replace one of the grub packages with ubuntustudio-grub if we want it to be the nicest looking.21:56
OvenWerksHowever, kubuntu does not use "ubuntu" and xubuntu is looking at changing too. So it is something that needs looking at. I think the ubuntu version of grub is different enough from debian already that "doing a patch upstream" would be meaningless21:59
OvenWerksThe reality is the UEFI and the words that make up the menu should have no connection. That kind of connection makes setting a language other than english impossible. Everything else is multi lingual and grub should be to.22:08
OvenWerksThe grub menu should not be confusing, but right now it is. This is why we had to change it.22:09
OvenWerksPersonally, I don't think it has been changed enough yet :)22:09
zequenceOvenWerks: The comment from cjwatson was something about that he had wanted to know about this new habit of changing grub the way it has been changed22:28
zequenceI'm thinking they are doing something to enable what we want to do in another way22:28
zequenceOvenWerks: Might be good to follow the progress of that bug, and see where the discussions lead22:29
zequenceOvenWerks: Ubuntu changes to GRUB have been done upstream too22:33
zequenceI noticed Debian GRUB is now the same as Ubuntu GRUB in how it displays the menu22:34
zequenceAnd I'm sure that Ubuntu devs would like for GRUB to work well for all of us22:34
OvenWerkszequence: I will have to look again at the debian source.22:39
OvenWerksI will have to look also at the grub2 source.22:40

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