
Noskcajamerigena, You will need a launchpad account either way, but the best option is the run "ubuntu-bug PACKAGE" for whatever package has the issue00:05
amerigenaThank you.00:06
amerigenaI assume that I'm going to have to install apport on the machine running saucy that's experiencing the bug, correct?00:07
amerigenaI'm new at this;sorry.00:07
Noskcajamerigena, 1. It's fine to be new, we all were once. 2. try running the command first, i'm not quite sure what the default installed programs are00:09
NoskcajIf not, then you'll need to install apport00:09
audreyon xubuntu 13.04 when i try to log in with any de or window manager i get a black screen then i get kicked back to the login manager. tried gdm and it hangs at a blue screen with the progress circle spinning with no login window ever appearing. tried purging nvidia-325 drivers with no difference in results. how do i fix tihs?02:27
arthurfiggishello :) i noticed that xubuntu isn't defaulting to mir in 13.10...and i'm glad for that really, because for one i use an intel on-board chip for video, and intel isn't supporting mir any more :( are there plans to default to it in xubuntu in the future though? it seems like wayland will be better supported, if you can at least choose that over mir i suppose it won't be so bad04:43
Poisoned_Dragonarthurfiggis, http://askubuntu.com/questions/285787/does-the-change-to-mir-affect-other-ubuntu-derivates-like-xubuntu-or-kubuntu04:46
arthurfiggisPoisoned_Dragon: Thanks for the link...but from that page: "Edubuntu, Xubuntu & Ubuntu Kylin have not yet announced whether they will switch to Mir. " not sure if that clears it up :)04:48
Poisoned_DragonWell, it's still a complicated discussion.04:49
cfhowlettarthurfiggis, I suspect this initiative may be quietly dropped ...04:49
Poisoned_DragonJust have to wait and see, I suppose.04:49
arthurfiggiscfhowlett: i hope so...not necessarily because of the project itself, but i haven't heard of any other major distro, or even ubuntu derivative that intends to support it...that'd be a lot of work for the people behind said derivatives, but i guess if it came down to it the community would just wind up maintaining x/wayland themselves04:50
arthurfiggisi just always go with nvidia or intel for video and it seems like neither are intending to support mir either, so if i were stuck with mir there wouldn't be many options for video left :(04:51
Poisoned_DragonI think it would be quite some time before you get "stuck" with Mir. A lot can happen between now and then.04:52
Poisoned_DragonI wouldn't worry about it now.04:53
Poisoned_DragonEspecially if the ubuntu derivatives aren't in a hurry to adopt Mir.04:54
arthurfiggisPoisoned_Dragon: Well kubuntu certainly aren't, but i believe that's largely because (i think) kde doesn't actually run under mir...which is good reasoning, it seems like very little else does so far :) i'm using kubuntu now for that reason...wayland is what the community and the hardware manufacturers are getting behind for the most part04:56
arthurfiggis(sorry, apparently it's kwin that doesn't run under mir yet...but it's a fairly important component)04:58
cfhowlettg2k, greetings07:05
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
xubuntu044Hey guys, do you think using Xubuntu will have less to no crashes to Ubuntu with Unity?08:47
cfhowlettxubuntu044, "fewer" crashes?  hard to say.  depends on your configuration and use.  BUT xubuntu is optimized for older, lower spec machines.08:49
cfhowlettas is lubuntu08:49
xubuntu044My machines specs, arn't bad its just that when I was using Ubuntu and at some points my whole machine froze but this has not happened once with any other distro or windows.08:51
MoL0ToVi just updated to saucy... a lot of errors for python309:38
kai_i just upgraded to 13.10 and when i try to login now all i get is the background wallpaper and that's it :/09:46
kai_any ideas on how to fix this?09:46
fractalseaDoes anyone know how to set up clickpads so that the clickable area does no move the mouse around?10:28
bingohello. Is there a way to add a volume control to task bar?11:46
doflow_See #5 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820411:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]11:46
bingobut is there a workaround?11:47
doflow_see #511:47
qwertz__any laptop users having trouble with power management in 13.10?11:52
qwertz__my laptop goes to sleep immediately after i close the lid or press the sleep button - i configured to it differently, though11:53
qwertz__is there anything i could do about that?11:53
baizonqwertz__: yes its a known bug12:00
baizonqwertz__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/362667/xubuntu-13-10-disabling-suspend-on-lid-being-closed12:00
qwertz__baizon, thanks!12:01
qwertz__hm, how does "Ask" translate to that config file's set of rules?12:02
qwertz__baizon,  do you think a bug fix is to be expected soon?12:03
cfhowlettqwertz_, before 14.04 for sure.12:05
brainwashqwertz_: here is the actual, bug report, bug 122202113:12
ubottubug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Laptop sleeps when lid is closed, regardless of Power Manager Settings." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122202113:12
brainwashit should be added to the askubuntu question13:13
gdosi get the following error message when trying to remove a package - http://pastebin.com/d2GsbqWN13:43
BosiHello everyone, I'm having trouble to stop xfce to reopen the applications that I left open when I shut down the pc. I already unmarked everything in Session and Startup, and I cleared out .cache/sessions/ with the command rm -rfv ~/.cache/sessions/ ... I thought it worked for a while, but it didn't... what else should I do?14:03
knomeBosi, have you unmarked the "save session" checkbox on the logout dialog?14:04
Bosiyup, everything is unmarked on that page.14:04
knomeBosi, you could try removing (backup!) ~/.config/xfce4-session14:05
=== Guest31334 is now known as xtriz
kai_hi, i'd like to ask once more:14:38
kai_i just upgraded to 13.10 and when i try to login now all i get is the background wallpaper and that's it :/14:38
kai_any ideas on how to fix this?14:38
GridCubekai_, press alt-f2 and type: xfwm4 --replace14:41
GridCubeif that doesnt work press alt-f2 and type xfce4-panel --restart14:42
kai_the problem is that alt+f2 does not work14:42
kai_interesting thing is that i can log in as guest user without problems14:42
GridCubekai_, then log in as guest. do gksu thunar, go to your user folder and rename the .config and .local folders to anything else, relog as your user and those folders will respawn, then replace the contents of those folders with the original ones on the settings you wish to preserve and see if things break14:45
kai_okay, seems to work except it didn't restore my old settings14:49
kai_but that's okay :)14:49
kai_GridCube: thank you!14:49
GridCubekai_, as ai said, if you renamed the folders then you can import the settings you miss14:50
GridCubedo it carefully so you wont import back the bug file that broke your sessions14:50
kai_well, i moved the backups of .config and .local back to those names and now i can log in but my old settings weren't preserved14:52
kai_i'll just set up my few customizations again, not a big deal14:53
GridCubekai_, :) god speed then!14:56
kai_okay two more things:15:08
kai_the sound indicator plugin in the top doesn't show anything as well as the bluetooth indicator15:08
kai_when i click on the a tiny white rectangle appears, that's it15:09
kai_i meant to write: when i click on the indicator icon15:10
GridCubekai_, very anoying known bug 120820415:12
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820415:12
kai_GridCube: oh okay, so i guess i'll just wait and hope this will be fixed soon15:13
GridCubekai_, see comment 5 for an easy fix, comment 41 to a deeper fix, see bug 1238997 for a long term solution15:13
ubottubug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123899715:13
GridCubekai_, probably once the things on this ^  are pushed forward15:14
kai_GridCube: oh okay, that second bug report explains why the blueooth indicator doesn't work as well15:15
GridCubenothing that has a gtk3 indicator will work15:15
gdosi get the following error message when trying to remove a package - http://pastebin.com/d2GsbqWN15:59
TheSheep!bugs | gdos16:02
ubottugdos: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:02
helpmehi all I cannot seen to see an audio indicator on my panel16:04
helpmeoe anything obvious in the panel add section16:04
TheSheephelpme: do you have the indicator plugin added?16:05
helpmeI am not sure16:07
helpmesorry yes I definately have16:07
helpmelol sorry I lie16:08
GridCubehelpme,  very anoying known bug 120820416:09
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820416:09
helpmeI have the notification plugin added16:09
GridCubesee comment 5 for an easy fix, comment 41 to a deeper fix, see bug 1238997 for a long term solution16:09
ubottubug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123899716:09
g2kHello all.16:09
GridCube!hi | g2k16:11
ubottug2k: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:11
helpmethank you giving it a go16:14
g2khi (was making a coffee, sorry)16:16
Unit193That's the best reason to be AFK.16:16
g2kI am looking for help16:17
killerhow can I change theme in xubuntu, any theme manager or sothing16:18
g2krunning xubuntu 12.04, I have downloaded a few mouse themes and told the settings to resize cursor to 36pixels but NOTHING i do will change the mouse cursor size.16:18
g2kmenu>settings>window manager for window theme...16:19
g2kmenu>settings>appearance for icons and such16:19
GridCubeg2k, "If the cursor doesn’t follow the theme set for 11.04 and above, try chmod +x ~/.Xdefaults. .Xdefaults also must be executable for Xfce 4.8, this is a change from Xfce 4.6."16:20
g2kmenu>settings>desktop too16:20
g2kwhat does ~/ mean??16:21
GridCube~/ means /home/yourusername/16:21
GridCubeas we dont know what your username is ~/ is used to stand for any user name16:22
GridCubethe terminal knows that aswell :D16:22
g2kdo i chmod that as user or root?16:23
GridCubetry your user first16:25
g2kok, it didnt throw an error once i did it as user, so now what do i want do?16:26
dont-paniccan anyone tell me the right way to switch to awesome wm?  I tried awesome --replace at home but it complained about the notification area and loaded xfcepannel over awesome wm16:28
g2kthe cursor has still not changed size?16:31
g2kits big in an application, but shrinks back to normal when i focus the desktop.16:32
GridCubedont-panic, try killall xfce4-panel16:37
GridCubeand then "awesome --replace"16:37
dont-panicI'm at work... I'll have to try in a moment... how do I change back if that doesn't have the desired effect?16:38
dont-panicGridCube: I'm at work... I'll have to try in a moment... how do I change back if that doesn't have the desired effect?16:42
GridCubealt-f2: xfwm4 --replace && xfce4-panel --restart16:44
dont-panicGridCube: is there a way to add it to the login page swo I can start a awesome session?16:45
GridCubedont-panic, i would ask on an awesome channel16:48
GridCubelike in #awesome for example16:49
rtdosCGI is loaded by apache2 correct?16:50
GridCubesorry to put it this way, but have you at least trying to search that in google?16:55
Kaapahey there16:55
Kaapahaving lots of troubles after 13.10 upgrade :(16:55
Kaapafrom skype messing up with sound to xfce shortcut keys not working..16:56
Kaapanot a pleasent experience16:56
dont-panicwhat's the system manager program called?  the one that opens up keyboard and mouse settings and screens.. settings manager?17:00
rtdosGridCube: were you talking to me or dont-panic? if me 'cause for some reason apache2 starts then stops on my system.17:16
g2kanyone know how to force cursor size globally on xubuntu 12.04?17:20
dont-panicGridCube: thanks for the help... I got it running now with no problems as far as I can see. Thanks!17:20
GridCubertdos, thats a different question than the one you make17:20
GridCubedont-panic, nice to hear17:20
rtdosboth questions were related.17:21
GridCubertdos, in any case :) you might get better more informed support at #ubuntu-server17:22
rtdosok...  :)17:22
g2kchown +x blah blah had no effect at all.17:24
g2ksomebody  must know where the config files are17:26
g2kDoes anyone know how to force cursor size globally on xubuntu 12.04?17:30
GridCube!patience g2k17:39
GridCube!patience | g2k17:40
ubottug2k: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:40
g2kthose places DO give solutions but NONE of the solutions work on my system, I don't know why, it's a pretty vanilla install of xubuntu. Sorry if I appear impatient (wasn't my intent)17:41
GridCubemaybe set the cursor theme globally in xorg https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Cursor_Themes17:56
Arpad2I tried to upgrade to 13.10, but got error message 'Could not determine the upgrade'18:36
rtdosArpad2: i had that same issue on one of my machines so i used the iso instead.18:40
Arpad2I 'll try that way18:41
xubuntu173how can change language from en to ar18:48
m3kkHave you checked systemsettings xubuntu17318:49
m3kkLanguage and Local18:49
m3kkregion perhaps18:49
m3kk"language support" direct from swedish18:50
m3kkHow did one solve the grey volume-panel in 13.10 ? I cant remember what to search for18:52
m3kkindicator-plugin something?18:53
GridCubexubuntu173, go to the settings manager > language support. and add the AR language, then log out and relogin but choose a different locale from the login manager18:55
GridCubem3kk, bug 1208204, see comment 5 for an easy fix, comment 41 to a deeper fix, see bug 1238997 for a long term solution18:56
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820418:56
ubottubug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123899718:56
pAt_GridCube, what do you mean by long term support? Will this bug keep to be unfixed so long?18:58
m3kkGridCube, ill just wit for update thanks anyway .18:58
GridCubei didnt say support18:58
GridCubem3kk, sadly thats the best way unless someone goes and build a ppa for it18:59
m3kkGridCube, doesnt bother me too much anyway. Thanks for trying to help thou19:00
GridCubem3kk, a simple thing you can do is to add a launcher for pavucontrol to the panel19:00
GridCubepAt_, its a solution as far as the files that you compile and install here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Saucy/Gtk3Indicators arent replaced by an update19:01
pAt_GridCube, : so this will take place soon I guess, since there are many users out there, not being able to do such tasks :) I solved it already for me, thx.19:04
fractalseaDoes anyone know how to set up clickpads so that the clickable area does no move the mouse around?19:24
Bretos`Unit193: as you wish19:50
Bretos`hello, I'm Bretos and I'm customising Xubuntu LiveCD to meet my needs. I want to disable mounting /dev/sda for normal user19:50
Unit193Bretos`: Cool.  OK, they could just reboot to change to defaults, but at least now you know fuse/gvfs is where to look.19:50
m3kkGridCube pavucontrol?19:53
Kaapahey there19:56
Kaapain 13.10, ass soon as I press the power button the laptop shuts down19:56
Kaapainstead of prompting the action (like it's configured to do in the settings)19:57
Kaapaanyone saw this?19:57
bekksKaapa: Maybe some bios setting, too.20:02
Kaapaneed to look.20:05
Bretos`ok another question, How can I make all Xubuntu's live cd live user's desktop icons disappear?20:05
=== makimac_ is now known as makimac
m3kkBretos`, right click on desktop, chopse desktop > icons >icon type: None20:11
m3kkanyone managed to get chromium reacts correct with magnetlinks? i must open firefox to do it20:11
Bretos`m3kk: yeah... but how to hide them by editing livecd20:15
knomeBretos`, look in the xfce configuration files20:16
vrkalakUnit193, do I know you?20:25
Unit193vrkalak: A little, yep.20:25
Bretos`huh, Have never seen such a great question...20:26
vrkalakI do know you ..  :D20:26
Bretos`"Do I know you?" :D:D20:26
vrkalakenglish is not forte20:27
vrkalakenglish not is my forte ... I speak "linux"20:29
knomevrkalak, do you have a support question?20:34
vrkalakknome, sorry, i don't20:36
knome!chat | vrkalak20:40
ubottuvrkalak: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, for all Xubuntu-related support questions. Please use #xubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:40
rtdosanyone here use dwww and or dhelp to view documentation or man pages?20:54
dont-panichow do I make it so when I log in, it drops to cli?21:08
dont-panicbasically I'm trying to stop xfwm4 and xfce-panel from starting and make awesome wm start instead21:10
Poisoned_DragonIt would be easier to consider using the ubuntu net install and not install a DE other than awesome.21:11
Poisoned_DragonYou may not even want the desktop manager. So, no LightDM21:11
Poisoned_DragonOtherwise, you would have to remove the whole xfce DE and install awesome. Since awesome is still a DE having a a DM (LightDM) would still load to awesome. So, best to have no DM so that you get a CLI login prompt.21:13
Poisoned_Dragonthen you can start awesome at your leisure.21:14
Poisoned_DragonBut, that's just me.21:14
RJ45I call upon the attention of Sysi:  !21:32
RJ45Sysi: IDK if you remember, but we (and a few others) were trying to get to the bottom of why my computer was randomly freezing completely beyond any intractability at-all,21:35
dont-panicPoisoned_Dragon: I'm at work.  I asked if I could reimage to debian... they said no21:36
RJ45well, not sure if this helps get to the bottom of things, but out of blind hope, I tried disabling everything to-do with Screensavers and Power Management in XFCE-Settings, and guess what, not a single freeze-up since! 0_021:36
RJ45 22:32:54 up 3 days,  3:52,  1 user,  load average: 0.64, 0.55, 0.4021:36
dont-panicso now I gotta stick with xubuntu.  I wish you could choose awesome from the login screen21:36
RJ45Sysi: any clues what could be wrong?, maybe stupid motherboard offsets some clocks a tiny bit when awoken from suspend?, or something like that?21:38
RJ45also, anyone else, feel free to chime-in21:38
Poisoned_Dragondont-panic, I think you can uninstall just xfwm4 and install awesome. Awesome is just a WM. Not a full DE.22:03
dont-panicPoisoned_Dragon: that'll effect other users though right?22:09
Poisoned_DragonI believe so. :(22:10
Poisoned_Dragonmaybe you should make a usb based live session for yourself.22:10
Poisoned_DragonWith Puppy, or something similar.22:11
Poisoned_DragonThat you can put the stick in any computer.22:11
dont-panicPoisoned_Dragon: too slow and too many programs we use for getting out of our network and time card stuff22:11
dont-panicmy work is retarded, I'm the only one who uses this computer but they insist on having other acounts on here so managers can tail logs and stuff22:12
dont-panicand no one ever tails that stuff22:12
Poisoned_DragonBusiness at it's finest.22:12
dont-panicso I end up doing most of the stuff I wanna do from a server at home22:12
dont-panic+10 for tmux lol22:13
dont-panicit's b/c we're a internet security company in a call center building... gotta follow the rules that everyone else does, makes no sense22:13

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