
ved_Hi everybody06:51
ved_I have lubuntu 13.4 I wan to upgrade to 13.10, how can I do?06:52
Unit193Open the Upgrade Manager, or  do-release-upgrade  from the terminal.06:58
ved_it does't offer me to upgrade07:04
ved_when i do apt-get upgrade, it doesn't find any upgrade07:04
Unit193When did I say that ever?07:05
Unit193!upgrade | ved_07:05
ubottuved_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:05
ved_sudo apt-get upgrade  [sudo] password for ved:  Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait Construction de l'arbre des dépendances        Lecture des informations d'état... Fait 0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.07:05
Unit193I'm going to guess language problem.07:08
Unit193!fr | ved_07:08
ubottuved_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:08
ved_ok it is working now. Thaks everybody07:10
=== that is now known as canadianidiot
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
malaphusHmm, after updating from 13.04 to 13.10 gedit no longer has the little notepad icon in lxpanel's window list, its just the default icon now (white app window with blue titlebar), all of my other programs seem to work fine though, any ideas?14:16
brainwashmalaphus: bug 121912014:19
ubottubug 1219120 in gedit (Ubuntu) "gedit has no application icon" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121912014:19
brainwashnot a big deal though, just a visual "glitch"14:20
malaphusgnome-terminal right click menu is also all messed up14:20
malaphusah, if I run gnome-terminal while NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 is set, the menu looks fine though14:22
brainwashnice find14:23
malaphusstill got that damned ssh-agent problem though, but other than that I think i've got everything else back up and running14:23
brainwashmaybe you should consider filing a bug report14:24
malaphusIt looks like both ssh-agent and gnome-keyring-daemon both are loading for me at login, and im guessing ssh-agent is overwriting SSH_AUTH_SOCK because if I manually set SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the path created by gnome-keyring-daemon, everything works fine14:24
malaphusJust not sure why ssh-agent is getting loaded on startup for me14:25
malaphusbrainwash: well, i'm thinking its just my system probably14:25
brainwashother people might be affected too14:26
herringi cant seem to get xfce4-power-manager to NOT suspend/hibernate the laptop when i close the lid..15:38
herringi just uncommented and changed HandleLidSwitch=ignore15:45
herringin /etc/systemd/logind.conf15:46
herringdoes the trick15:46
BassSultanhi, i am using lubntu on my lenovo thinkpad. today i had some software updates and after restart my keyboard would work only at the login dialog but not once i logged in as my standard user. also it didnt load my personal /etc/xdg/autostart script about the touchpad. any1 can help? thx :)16:04
=== brendy is now known as ianorlin
jarnosI tried to make xscreensaver daemon autostart by copying /usr/share/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-daemon.desktop to /etc/xdg/autostart/ The respective item is enabled in Automatically Started Applications tab in Desktop Session Settings. Why is xscreensaver daemon not running after I login next time?20:15
brainwashjarnos: did you already try to create a custom autostart launcher?20:28
jarnosbrainwash, no20:29
jarnosI don't see what is wrong with the one I copied.20:30
brainwashmaybe a general problem20:31
brainwashdo other autostart entries work?20:31
wxlwhat's the command to suspend? do i have to use dbus, or will an echo to /sys/power/state suffice? trying to set up a keyboard shortcut…20:33
brainwashlxsession, logind, upower, pm-suspend, echoing,..20:36
Unit193wxl: dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Suspend boolean:true    :-------D20:39
wxlbrainwash: i thought pm-suspend was deprecated?20:39
brainwashuhm, no20:40
Unit193pm-utils is seeded in Lubuntu too.20:40
wxlokie dokie then20:40
brainwashlogind currently calls pm-suspend20:40
brainwashbecause the support for running suspend hooks is missing or not fully implemented20:43
Unit193Heh, oh.  So calling it from dbus isn't the best, nice.20:43
Unit193Looks like I should have asked you yesterday.20:43
brainwashwhy not?20:44
brainwashlogind calls pm-utils20:44
Unit193That's what I read, it was an older report though so it had something about it not getting a return signal always.  Anyway, I read the Freedesktop API yesterday on it, but you still know more. :P20:48
brainwashI might be wrong, maybe I mixed up things20:48
Unit193No, you're good I'm sure.20:51
jarnosbrainwash, yes, it is general. The others do not run eihter.20:52
jarnosbrainwash, including update-notifier20:52
brainwashthat's bad news20:54
wxlbrainwash: so what about echo -n mem > /sys/power/state ?20:56
wxl(obviously need to be root)20:56
brainwashthat's kernel-space suspend20:57
brainwashif it works without causing trouble, us it20:57
wxlbrainwash: so rather than bugging you incessantly about this as you seem to be the one in the know, is there a good place you can recommend to further explore this topic in general? if not, what are the implications of the lower level suspend?21:00
brainwashthe user session might not be aware of it, not sure about the impact21:02
sisterFisterhello everyone.23:20
sisterFisterI recently put lubuntu on this little 2003 hp and it's working great23:21
wxlsisterFister: glad you're enjoying it :)23:21
sisterFisterjust one question though, how do i make sure that the monospace font is set to monospace ? The letter spacing in the terminal is very strange.23:21
sisterFister$ fc-match "Monospace"23:22
sisterFisterDejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book"23:22
wxlhm my spacing looks good. course i use adobe's (open source) source code pro23:22

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