
ronjdarkxst, I'm currently running 3.8 (did ppa-purge). Tomorrow I'll re-install shell 3.10 from the PPA and will apport-collect00:40
beiwhat does it mean when you attempt to turn on/install an extension from extensions.gnome.org it seems to install but then the on button slides back to off (and it hasn't installed)?03:23
sgo11hi, I keep getting "Backup" notice. "Keep your files safe by backing up regularly". how can I disable it by modifying a config file? thanks.03:28
x-NaAnyone awake?04:23
x-NaWhat would be the best way to debug the problem I have with Gnome-shell crashing (disappearing) after selecting "Switch user"04:32
darkxstx-Na, file a bug04:39
darkxst`ubuntu-bug gnome-shell`04:39
x-NaOk, but what would be the best way to get all the necessary data collected with that?04:54
x-NaI had to purge those ppa's as I needed to get things working, but I can reinstall Gnome 3.10, if necessary04:55
Amon__ahoy. if i wanted to migrate from ubuntu (standard) 13.04 to ubuntu gnome 13.10 where would i look for a hands on guide?06:40
mgedminhm, I can't find anything on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME07:03
mgedminhttp://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-get-complete-gnome-3-desktop-in.html is what I did to migrate from ubuntu 13.04 to ubuntu gnome 13.0407:04
mgedmin(and then I upgraded to 13.10 using Update Manager, as usual)07:04
mgedmin(actually, according to the date in my diary, I used that process when I had ubuntu 12.10, not 13.04)07:07
Amon__but this is just for modifying ubuntu standard07:08
darkxstAmon__, Upgrade to 13.10 first07:09
darkxstthen install ubuntu-gnome-desktop + ubuntu-gnome-default-settings07:09
darkxstprobably best to remove ubuntu-default-settings after that also07:09
Amon__and then my installation will be ubuntu gnome without changing any entries in sources.list?07:11
mgedminessentially, yes07:11
mgedminyou may also want to enable the gnome 3 PPA, but in 13.10 it doesn't have much (just updated System Preferences that make it impossible for anyone to configure Empathy)07:12
mgedminso maybe not07:12
Amon__and after the next release i will be still on ubuntu standard, or will this switch me to the release cycle of ubuntu gnome?07:14
mgedminyou will stay on ubuntu gnome07:24
mgedmin(they use the same repositories, it's just a matter of different packages getting installed from those repositories; controlled by the metapackages like ubuntu-gnome-desktop)07:24
Amon__aha. so i can switch from ubuntu standard to kde, to gnome or whatever other flavours there are just by installing a different package because cannonical ships them all in one big repository?07:26
darkxstmgedmin, why so? empathy should still work with gnome3 ppa and if it doesnt file a bug, we are hoping to get that into Trusty soon07:28
mgedmindarkxst, I'll file a bug07:29
mgedminAFAIU there are two sources for online account configuration sources: one used by Ubuntu Online Accounts, one used by GNOME Online Accounts07:30
mgedminI'm not sure, but I think one lives in gconf, and the other in dconf?07:31
mgedminanyway, Ubuntu patched empathy to use the accounts to use Ubuntu Online Accounts, IIRC07:31
darkxstmgedmin, we don't install Ubuntu online accounts07:31
mgedminbut the control-center from the gnome3-team PPA hides that applet in the control center07:31
darkxstin which case gnome online accounts should work fine07:31
mgedminempathy does a runtime check?07:31
darkxstyes, it may be broken currently if both are installed though07:32
mgedminthere's no package called 'ubuntu-online-accounts'; what's the proper name?07:33
mgedminif the ubuntu-gnome-desktop metapackage doesn't conflict with it I very likely still have it installed07:33
darkxstits gnome-control-center-signon or something like that07:34
darkxstwe don't conflict with it, so if you transitioned from normal ubuntu yeh it would still be07:35
mgedminah, ok, so empathy merges accounts from both sources07:39
mgedminand all I have to do is re-add all my accounts07:39
mgedminI don't know why I assumed it would use either one source or the other but not both :)07:43
darkxstmgedmin, it works with either, but not both at once (i believe)07:45
darkxstand probably UOA get priority over GOA07:45
mgedminI was just looking at my empathy accounts list with both google accounts (one entered via UOA, one entered via GOA)07:46
mgedminthe UOA one stopped working after the upgrade (AFAIU it just needs a google OAUTH reauthorization, but I can't reach the UI for it), the GOA one works just dandy!07:46
mgedminso, awesome and many thanks07:47
darkxstHi Emery09:09
EmeryWell I remember when #ubuntu was this sparse, new distro. Exciting eh09:09
darkxstyeh things seem to be going well!09:12
EmeryI assume it's your project ? I wasn't a fan of the butchered version ubuntu rolled out of the gnome3 fallback09:14
darkxstEmery, fallback is long gone09:14
Emeryheh I love the old fallback, quite a fan of Gnome2 still09:15
darkxstGnome Classic is supposed to cater for that09:15
EmeryMATE does a good enough job of Gnome209:15
darkxstright, but this distro is about gnome3 + gnome-shell ;)09:16
EmeryHa I wasn't talking about this distro ;)09:16
EmeryHow big is your team darkxst09:19
darkxstStill quite small09:24
darkxstAlthough we do have a lot of testers thanks to Ali ;)09:25
EmeryAh sweet09:26
EmeryI work/with Kubuntu (support)09:26
darkxstoh cool09:27
Emeryonly the best jobs can you work, and IRC ;)09:28
=== giga is now known as gigawarez
cyberalex4lifecan anyone help me with something?11:59
bjsnidermgedmin, the bug in empathy-accounts is known12:01
bjsniderit i mmediately segfaults12:01
cyberalex4lifesudo watch -n 1  cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq12:02
cyberalex4lifethis command should tell me the instantanious cpu frequency12:02
bjsniderdon't ask to ask dude12:03
cyberalex4lifewell the ideea is that I am using Ubuntu Gnome 13.1012:03
cyberalex4lifeand I have an i7 3610Qm processor12:04
cyberalex4lifeon my laptop. The frequency is never higher than 230100012:04
cyberalex4lifewith that command12:04
cyberalex4lifeit should go at least 3 maybe 3.1 Ghz12:05
oswald-pHi all12:07
oswald-pI was wondering if someone is expericing issues with evolution language pack12:09
oswald-pIn my install evolution menus are in english but my system is configured in french.12:09
cleptoHello! I'm interested in developing for ubuntu-gnome. What language do you use?12:32
cleptobjsnider: funny.. programming language :)12:34
cyberalex4lifewell I saw many things in python12:35
cyberalex4lifec++ probably is another choice12:36
cleptocyberalex4life: any link indicating where can I start?12:37
cyberalex4lifeeven bash scripts are very usefull12:38
cyberalex4lifeno link12:38
cyberalex4lifelook out there12:38
cyberalex4lifestart with what you like12:38
cleptocyberalex4life: no bugs or anything?12:38
cyberalex4lifethis should keep going as passion is more powerfull than somebody elses opinion12:39
cyberalex4lifeu can take a look at some bash scripts books out there12:39
cyberalex4lifeit will help you understand commands12:39
cleptocyberalex4life: I'm already familiar with programming.. mostly python12:41
bjsniderall we're basically doing here is packaging12:42
bjsniderif you want to do something in gnome that's a different thing12:42
bjsnidergnome's core devs are not in this channel and don't use ubuntu12:43
cleptobjsnider: so where should I go?12:43
bjsnidernot sure what your agenda is12:44
cleptoI want to contribute to gnome12:44
bjsnidercontribute what specifically12:45
bjsniderare you trying to add a feature you think is missing, are you trying to fix a bug...12:45
cleptowhatever they need... I don't have a personal list... If I can do it I will...12:46
cleptoit doesn't matter if its a feature or a bug12:47
bjsniderwelll, if you want to browse gnome's code it's here: https://git.gnome.org/browse/12:47
bjsniderif you want to ask about fixing bugs or whatever go to gimpnet and #gnome-shell12:47
bjsniderthere are bugs related to packaging that we have here i'm sure12:48
bjsniderthose are makefiles and bash scripts12:48
bjsniderit's hard to narrow anything down with no specific goals12:48
cleptobjsnider: ok thanks!12:49
slawkohello, I have a question, is it possible to reinstall Ubuntu Gnome with clearing all the settings specified before, but without losing my personal data? Or do I have to do a backup?12:52
slawkoI mean settings specified for all programmes12:53
bjsniderslawko, there are configuration files and a dconf db that can just be moved out of the way so that defaults are put in their place next time you log in12:54
slawkoI get it, but for example after reinstalling Ubuntu, and changing a password, all callendar settings messed up, as i know it is implemented into shell12:56
slawkoDoes it make any diffrence? Or is it included into that db you mentioned?12:56
bjsnidermessed up?12:58
slawkoyep, it asks for passwd all the time, and i can't figure out, what passwd it really wants, each passwd I type, calendar passwd, system passwd etc. it claims it is invalid one13:00
mgedmincould be the keyring password?  in theory it should be the same as your login password13:01
mgedminbut if you change it, and something went wrong, then keyring might not have gotten the new password13:01
slawkomgedmin: i thought so, but it appears invalid13:01
slawkomgedmin: is there any solution for that problem?13:02
mgedminwell, we haven't really diagnosed the problem yet13:02
mgedminwhat does the password popup say, precisely?13:02
mgedminif it's the keyring, you can run Seahorse and see if it lets you e.g. change the keyring master password13:02
slawkothat's the problem: nothing, it just asks again and again13:03
mgedminbut you can IRC13:04
mgedminare you using two computers, or ... ?13:04
slawkoyep, I'm on windows now13:04
bjsniderthis would be an annoyance to say the least13:04
slawkobut, let me say again, I can login to ubuntu etc13:05
slawkoI just can't synchronize the calendar :)13:05
slawkoI'm sorry for innacurate description13:06
slawkomgedmin: I have to go, I'm sorry for bothering you, but thank you for help.13:11
mgedmin"cannot login" is a good enough (and painful!) description13:12
slawkoyou're right13:12
mgedminI'd call it a serious bug actually13:12
mgedminhmm, is it gnome-shell that provides those auth dialogs, I wonder?13:12
slawkoi forgot to mention about a calendar :)13:13
mgedminwhichever component it is, it should not let apps keep spamming you13:13
mgedminwith password prompts13:13
slawkoit is definately a gnome-shell popup13:13
mgedminanyway; directories you want to move out of the way in order to reset all settings to default are: ~/.config/, and probably lots more13:14
mgedmin~/.local/ perhaps13:14
mgedminworth a try13:14
mgedminnow, how to move them away, if you can't log in?13:14
mgedmintry a different session maybe?  or the text console (ctrl+alt+f1, log in, mv .config .config.BAD; mv .local .local.BAD; ctrl+alt+f7, try logging in again)13:15
slawkook, I'll try it13:15
slawkoIf you will be present in the evening, I'll inform you about the effects :)13:16
slawkofor now, thank you for help :)13:16
mgedminI might, or someone else might help you13:16
mgedminhmm, nothing in gnome 3 should be using ~/.gconf, but it may be worth moving aside as well, just in case13:16
slawkoi'm going for now13:17
mgedminhm, ~/.gnome , ~/.gnome2, ~/.gnome2_private too?13:17
* mgedmin is going through all 174 of his dotfiles/dot directories and looking for suspicious ones13:17
mgedminand that's it13:18
mgedminmoving these aside should suffice13:18
mgedminBTW ~/.local is supposed to contain data, not settings (things like addressbooks), but you never know13:19
mgedminso don't just remove it13:19
mgedminmaybe keep it in place first; if that doesn't help, then rename it13:20
slawkomhm, i get it, ill just rename it13:20
mgedminyour calendar lives in ~/.local too, BTW13:20
slawkook, that was a comprehensive answer for my question :)13:22
slawkomgedmin: thanks, and bye!13:22
mgedminspeaking about bugs in the PPA packages: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/124328316:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1243283 in Ubuntu GNOME "gnome-control-center crashes if you change the language of the login screen" [Undecided,New]16:24
mgedminoh, I just looked at the URL and realized ubuntu-bug filed it against the PPA, not against ubuntu's gnome-control-center16:25
mgedminso the right people will see it16:25
mgedminnever mind (but please fix that bug, it should be trivial)16:25
loki_so i just upgraded to ubuntygnome 13.10 and all the gnome animations are very jerky17:08
loki_anyone had the same experience?17:09
ForageI ran into a gnome-control-center issue a few days back. After talking about it in the gnome channel mgedmin found the cause and solution for it. It appears to be introduced by the gnome3 team: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/124328317:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1243283 in Ubuntu GNOME "gnome-control-center crashes if you change the language of the login screen" [Undecided,New]17:20
ForageI noticed bugs reported through ubuntu-bug are all assigned to the ubuntu-gnome project, not providing a way to assign it to a specific project. Like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1243329 which is a gnome-control-center issue. Am I overlooking something?17:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1243329 in Ubuntu GNOME "Unable to install new language through Regional & Language" [Undecided,New]17:53
Forageassign to a specific package that is17:54
mgedminForage, that's only for packages from the gnome3 PPA18:53
qubit01hey all, I booted up my laptop this morning as usual thats connected to a 24 inch ViewSonic, now the most resolution I can get out of the second monitor is 1024x768.  I'm trying xrandr to manually set it but nothing is taking, ideas ?19:23
qubit01running 13.0419:23
beihi. what would be the best channel be for asking a question about gnome extensions?19:37
bjsniderprobably #gnome-shell on gimpnet19:41
bjsniderdepending on the question19:41
beibjsnider: yeah, i decided to try gnome-shell. thanks19:44
calisto3001hello there :) This is by far the best distro, at least, regarding my criteria of best distro and want I really value in a system :) Ubuntu + Gnome-Shelll is such a great combination. Thanks a lot to all the team19:46
calisto3001Btw, if you install Delorean-Dark-theme for gtk3 and personalize firefox with gnome-black theme you'll get such a beautiful desktop :) . Afeter installing the nvidia driver plymouth wasnt working, but i managed, with the help of some search, to fix it. It's simply fantastic. Thanks a lot again19:49
isiahI have some questions regarding issues with online accounts.20:51
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:06
isiahWhen I try to connect my Facebook account through the "Settings > Online Accounts" menu system, it does accept my info as being correct, but then I see a warning at the bottom of the desktop saying that there was an authentication error21:08
isiahI couldn't really find anything helpful through any Google searches.21:09
darkxstisiah, its a know issue21:09
darkxstI believe facebook chat will work if you add it as a jabber account21:09
darkxstisiah, Bug 122258621:11
ubot5bug 1222586 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Gnome Online Accounts and Empathy don't connect to Facebook" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122258621:11
isiahOk. I did notice that several people had a variety of issues via Jabber, but I couldn't find anything concrete enough to say that the desktop account whatever had issues.21:11
isiahThanks, by the way.21:11
darkxstthere is an upstream patch that might help this21:13
bjsnidercould some one do me a favour21:22
bjsnideropen an image file, a jpg for instance21:22
bjsniderat the bottom of the resulting window there's a percentage21:23
bjsniderwhat is it?21:23
isiahAre you specifically looking at 13.10?21:23
isiahOne is 62%, another 96%, and the third I opened was 47%.21:24
isiahI'm guessing that is the zoom.21:24
isiahI can give the sizes if needed21:25
bjsnideropen one that is a smaller resolution than your screen space please21:25
isiahWould an .xpm suffice (an icon)?21:26
bjsnideras long as it opens with gnome-image-viewer21:27
isiahOk. It is 100% (48x48)21:27
bjsniderno, that won't work21:28
bjsniderit's smaller than the window can be resized21:28
bjsniderit will have to be at least say 400x40021:29
isiahOk...I would have to look one up real quick21:29
isiah600x400: 98%21:31
isiahMy screen resolution is clearly bigger than that.21:31
bjsniderthere is space on all 4 sides of the window, right?21:32
bjsnideryou can movie it around. there was nothing forcing the window to be that small?21:32
isiahOn the sides, yes.21:32
isiahAnd no, I can't move it around.21:33
bjsniderwhat about on the top and bottom?21:33
isiahAnd no, I can't move it around.21:33
bjsniderwhat kind of screen is this, a phone?21:33
isiahI meant no. (stupid arrow)21:33
isiahIt is a notebook.21:33
bjsnideri need someone to test this that doesn't have such a small resolution. at least 1280x1024 i would think21:34
isiahMy screen resolution is 1366x76821:34
isiahIs that good enough?21:34
bjsniderwhy is there no space at the top and bottom of a 600 pixel image if your screen is twice that much?21:35
isiahI don't know.21:35
bjsnideri'm talking about the window, not the image21:35
bjsniderthe window, including the titlebar, the menubar, the status bar21:36
isiahThere is not space between the image and the bars, but the bars are normal.21:37
isiahAnd for this 400x400 image I have up right now, it is at 98%21:37
isiahThere is some space between the image and the sides, though.21:38
isiahShould I send you a screenshot?21:39
bjsniderobvious question: why isn't it 100%21:41
isiahI don't know.21:41
isiahI'm not a dev working on this...most of what I do is test things.21:41
bjsniderthis isn't the first time eog has had  a bug about opening images scaled down and blurry21:52
bjsnideri'm sure this was a problem in 3.8 as well21:52
isiahI never really saw it as a massive issue, though21:52
isiahBut yeah, if my memory serves me correctly, I saw scaled down images in 3.8 as well21:53
bjsniderwhen it's scaled down it gets blurry21:55
isiahYes, it does. The more zoomed in it gets, the blurrier it gets. It isn't a black-and-white distinction, but it is fairly obvious.21:57
isiahWhere would be the best channel to ask about Empathy-specific issues22:08

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