
czajkowskiebel: what is the group behind getting removed from irish mailing lists13:00
czajkowskieven if you've request it you still get poxy emails13:00
slashbelczajkowski: data protection commissioner http://www.dataprotection.ie/13:07
czajkowskithank you!13:08
slashbelebel complained about spaming text messages from 4-star pizza, temple street hospital received €4000 because of it13:09
ebelaye, Data Protection Commissioner13:09
ebelTwasn't just me, others complained aswell13:10
ebelcf. http://www.sligotoday.ie/details.php?id=2663613:11
ebeland/or quote data protection law at them13:11
ebelor make complaint to the data protection commissioner about the emails13:12
czajkowskiyeah this is going on months13:13
czajkowskiI give up trying to get them to remove me13:13
czajkowskiso going the dpc way13:13
czajkowskihis is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.13:13
czajkowskiDelivery to the following recipients failed.13:13
slashbelespecially if it means they get fined and have to donate a few thousand euro to the childrens hospital…13:14
czajkowski 13:14
czajkowskiFinal-Recipient: rfc822;info@dataprotection.ie13:14
czajkowskiAction: failed13:14
czajkowskiStatus: 5.5.213:14
czajkowskiDiagnostic-Code: smtp;504 5.5.2 <WIN-09HF67702P9>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname13:14
czajkowskiwell that's not helpful13:14
slashbelczajkowski: your mail server is badly configured13:14
slashbeli would also reject your email13:14
czajkowskiit's gmail!13:14
slashbelnope, that's not gmail13:14
czajkowskiI filled in their online form13:15
czajkowskiand that is what I got back13:15
ebel(a) There are limitations on when someone can send you a commerical email. If they break that, you don't need to tell them anything, you can just tell the DPC13:15
ebel(b) There are things you can tell the spammer, that they have to follow, and if they don't you can complain to DPC. This only requires one email from you.13:15
slashbeloh right, then their smtp client is misconfigured13:15
czajkowskiso now how do I complain13:16
slashbelis there no email address?13:16
airurandoso no release party in Ireland  for 13.10......20:20
airurandoI'll be gunning for a big effort for 14.04 LTS20:20
zmoylan-lendoesn't look like it20:20
zmoylan-lenlots of weekend stuff at the mo20:20
airurandozmoylan-len: no problem20:21
airurandoI reckon we should gi20:21
airurandovshould give full effort for LTS releases20:21
airurandosp keep april 2014 free zmoylan-len20:22
airurandoand march for UGJ20:22
airurandowhoops, I was wrong about the lack of 13.10 release parties in Ireland20:28
airurandoI presume andru183 is organising this20:28
airurandogood on him!!!20:28
andru183beat me to it20:29
andru183I forgot to book the place for this week so that's the next best I could get20:30
airurandowell done andru18320:33
airurandoDub one fizzled out20:33
andru183can happen, red brick ever do one??20:36
airurandotdr112 was involved with redbrick20:37
airurandoI think20:37
airurandoso they were involved indirectly at least20:37
andru183said I'd ask in the intersoc's room if any of the other colleges do one20:38
andru183see if they're up for one20:38
airurandogo for it andru183!20:38
airurandoI'm real busy at present and couldn't commit20:39
airurandointerest was shown on the mailing list but it did fizzle out20:39
airurandojust to reiterate though20:40
airurandoI hope for a big push for 14.0420:40
andru183when ever I say to people about a release party, they ask sometimes if it's a LTS. Didn't think people would mind but they seem to?20:42
andru183plenty of planning time for it anyway :p20:42
airurandonot at all it will come around in a flash20:45
airurandoI've been excited about 14.04 since 12.04.20:47
airurandoalthough 13.10 is very tempting20:47
zmoylan-lenwaiting a few weeks before upgrading just in case20:55
airurandoandru183 posted the skynet event to the ubuntuie facebook page21:01
airurandocould you put it up on the LTP also?21:02
airurandomight help reverification in 2015!21:03
airurandonight all. good chatting to you as always.21:06
andru183I'll sort those and the mailing list too :) I'll say it again when you're back in the room :p21:10

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