G | hmmm interesting observation from upgrading to saucy, the lock screen is no more, only indication that the machine is locked seems to be a little triangle next to the password box | 07:55 |
olly_ | morning | 20:10 |
ibeardslee | morning | 20:19 |
mwhudson | morning | 20:29 |
mwhudson | clearly instead of paying my provisional tax, i should have bought xero stock | 23:19 |
G | yep, wishing I wasn't convinced out of it when they IPOed :( | 23:19 |
ibeardslee | well think that now that you haven't done that you could buy more power company shares | 23:20 |
ibeardslee | surely they'll go up being a valuable asset worth investing in | 23:21 |
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