
skellatbelkinsa: Can't make any of the meeting dates anymore?00:09
belkinsaHmm?  I can make it to all00:09
skellatOkay...you don't show up on the Doodle poll anymore.  I had an e-mail that said you deleted your responses earlier today.00:09
belkinsaWTF, I so didn't delete them.00:09
skellatTime stamped 7:58 AM00:10
skellatWho knows00:10
belkinsaDoodle and their ideas of who can do what00:10
skellatYeah, the Damien Calloway entry also disappeared at the same timestamp in my inbox this morning00:11
belkinsaI saw when I went back to it00:12
belkinsaThanks for pointing that out00:12
skellatI gotta leave it sit until the drop-dead mark point tomorrow night but currently we're looking at November 9th at 8 PM.00:13
belkinsaI'm cool with that00:13
skellatIf more responses flood in during the time remaining, that may change00:13
belkinsaI would suggest you to e-mail Damien Calloway about someone deleted his response on the the Doodle poll.00:16
belkinsaskellat, that was me who just changed my options.  I created an account to protect what I have said.00:20
skellatbelkinsa: Cool.  Already got the e-mail pingback from Doodle00:20
belkinsaI figured, but I wanted to explain it if you didn't understand00:21
skellatI only helped move 2,700 pounds of trash at the garbage dump today.  I may be tired but not too, too tired.00:25
skellatHere's the initial meeting agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/MeetingAgenda2013-1100:26
jenni[ OhioTeam/MeetingAgenda2013-11 - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1h2pzsJ00:26
Unit193paultag: I take it you don't know Julien Valroff?22:10
paultagUnit193: not sure; should I?23:05
Unit193He's a DM, figure you at least know of almost everyone but with my luck I'd find the 3 you don't. :P23:06
paultagUnit193: :)23:12
Unit193He does gsimplecal an a couple others, but not online here or at OFTC.23:24
paultagI'll keep an eye out :)23:30
Unit193It's nothing major, made a patch for gsimplecal that helps me and would be nice to get it in, for myself or others, but I think not likely.23:41

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