
=== i2p is now known as finnbot
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=== i2 is now known as i2p
bkerensaslangasek: are you running trusty on any hardware yet?20:27
bkerensaslangasek: just wondering if the package state is even in a condition ready for testing20:28
slangasekwe keep the archive in a constantly usable state now20:28
bkerensaslangasek: ;) ok Ill take your word for it and upgrade20:42
bkerensaslangasek: SystemError: E:Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke 'adequate20:51
bkerensa--help >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0; exec adequate --debconf --user20:51
bkerensanobody --pending', E:Sub-process returned an error code20:51
bkerensaCould not install the upgrades20:51
slangasekyeah, so stop trying to use adequate on your live system?20:51
slangasekthat's a QA tool20:51
bkerensaslangasek: update-manager -d  also fails20:51
slangasekbecause you have installed a tool that breaks your apt environment.20:52
bkerensaslangasek: which tool is that?20:52
slangasekthe one named in the error message20:52
bkerensaI did not install it20:53
bkerensabut I just removed it20:53
slangasekthen you installed piuparts which depends on it20:53
bkerensaslangasek: perhaps the ubuntu-dev package installs those I removed piuparts and adequate though20:57
bkerensastill hangs on setting up new channels though :s20:58
slangasekthere is no ubuntu-dev package.  There is a packaging-dev package, which is one guy's idea of what you should install and is not endorsed by either Debian or Ubuntu at large.20:59
slangasek(and packaging-dev depends on piuparts, yes.)20:59
bkerensaslangasek: its suggested on developer.ubuntu.com20:59
slangasekmake sure to purge adequate (dpkg --purge adequate) to get entirely rid of the hook20:59
bkerensaseems pretty endorsed :)20:59
slangasekshow me the link, please21:00
slangasekI'm not talking about the ubuntu sdk package21:00
bkerensabrought to you by the Canonical Community Team :)21:01
bkerensathats the Ubuntu Packaging Guide21:01
bkerensait predates the SDK21:01
bkerensadholbach wrote that I believe21:01
bkerensanothing to do with app dev21:02
slangasekyes, the editing process of those docs is full of fail21:04
bkerensaslangasek: yeah do purged and retried it does some nasty little loop... tells me trusty is available goes about calculating changes21:06
bkerensathen tells me I am fully up to date with out updating anything21:06
bkerensaslangasek: :)21:28
slangasekbkerensa: so I've just successfully done update-manager -d, no failure here21:34
bkerensafrom 13.1021:40
bkerensaslangasek: The software on this computer is up to date.21:51
bkerensaThere are no upgrades available for your system. The upgrade will now21:51
bkerensabe canceled.21:51
bkerensaDo you want to start the upgrade?21:51
bkerensathis is from 13.1021:51
slangasekwhen running 'update-manager -d'?21:51
bkerensano idea how to troubleshoot whats going on21:52
bkerensaslangasek: thats from do-release-upgrade but update-manager -d also does the same with the UI21:52
bkerensaperhaps its the mirror I am using being outdated?21:53
* bkerensa checks that21:53
blkperlbkerensa: where is that server. FEEL BAD22:05

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