
ali1234it doesn't prompt when you're not on a development build00:13
skellatIssues go to errors.ubuntu.com in those circumstances instead00:14
ali1234if you want to send a real bug report ^00:14
brainwashali1234: prompt what? everything looks the same, except it does not upload the data after a click on "relaunch" (send report checkbox is activated)00:23
ali1234it does00:23
ali1234it just doesn't open the browser, because the report goes to a different place00:23
brainwashI see, so I have no control about the bug report00:24
brainwashand cannot access it on launchpad00:24
skellatbrainwash: At this point it goes to errors.ubuntu.com where devs see them00:26
brainwashskellat: right, I understand it that now00:27
brainwashso I don't see any point to upload reports from now on00:27
Unit193I had to disable apport because it was going nuts "finding" bugs... :/00:27
ali1234brainwash: you have control if you want it, check the link00:28
skellatThere was some talk of Non-Disclosure Agreements to see what is in the bin at errors.ubuntu.com.  Reports are still good as they show up as hideous flags to developers as to whether or not their software is failing miserably.00:28
brainwashali1234: oh, my bad, should have read it properly00:28
brainwashonce apport did open 5, maybe it was even 6 apport windows after login00:29
brainwashafter final release00:29
ali1234it's because of the way uploads work00:29
ali1234sometimes it tries to upload huge files to daisy, and it is done in the background00:30
ali1234if you reboot it does not resume00:30
ali1234instead, it acts like the program crashed again00:30
Unit193brainwash: Yeeeeep.  Login got about 6 boxes...00:30
ali1234also, maybe just 6 things crash on every boot... wouldn' be all that unusual00:31
brainwashoh boy, my favorite bug currently is the network manager one, still not a single hint why it won't wake up after resuming from suspend00:36
Unit193I think we'll have to go with "It's still tired, so doesn't want to wake up."00:39
brainwashif I only knew how to debug ubuntu's systemd abomination00:43
brainwashUnit193: do you use gnome-screensaver?00:59
brainwashok, I'm using it on both my machines which are affected01:00
brainwashbut I guess it's unlikely that gnome-screensaver is interfering the resume process01:02
Noskcajbluesabre: Have mugshot and menulibre been packaged yet?02:45
bluesabreNoskcaj: not yet. Menulibre still doesn't do what Xubuntu needs and mugshot will need another release to fix some of the permissions bugs.  Hoping to have both done within a few weeks.03:21
bluesabreheading to bed now, bbl03:22
bluesabreinteresting thought, since gtk-3.10 has dropped GtkImageMenuItem, a gtk3-xfce-panel applications-menu running in 3.10+ will basically be crap03:29
bluesabreunless, of course, whisker-menu gains popularity03:31
Unit193http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin_1.1.1-1.html it'll be in the LTS, but I won't use it unless I have to.  And yeah, that sounds terrible, stupid GTK/Gnome...03:37
skellatGNOME is turning into a runaway psychology experiment that is lacking the benefit of an human subjects protection/oversight board03:42
astraljavabrainwash: Thanks, got caught up with other things and forgot about this. :)05:18
NoskcajI've made an attempt at a xubuntu t-shirt on spreadshirt at http://www.spreadshirt.com/design-your-own-t-shirt-C59/product/108355733/view/1/sb/l05:45
slickymastermorning all09:20
olbihi guys, there is still problem with Software Center which sometimes crashed :/10:00
astraljavaolbi: There are a couple of bugs on LP in which crashing is mentioned. Perhaps you could contribute to resolving the one in particular to you issue?10:06
astraljavaolbi: You can find the list here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bugs10:07
slickymasterknome: ping11:34
knomeslickymaster, pong11:34
slickymasterknome: good morning. Just a quick question11:34
knome(you can always just go ahead, i'll answer when i get back or if others know, they'll answer before that)11:35
slickymasterin Chapter 11 - Hardware Devices there's a reference to use Computer Janitor in order to free same of the available hard drive space11:35
slickymasterI was under the impression that Computer Janitor was dropped in  Ubuntu - mainly because nobody used it and the serious perceived issues that it could break the system with some of its suggestions.11:36
slickymasterknome: what do you think?11:37
knomea sec, i'll poke some places...11:37
slickymasterknome: It's in the Disks and Partitions section11:37
knomewell it definitely looks like it's at least quite old; the last release seems to be 2.1.0, which already oneiric/precise had11:38
slickymasterknome: yes, there's also that11:39
knomeslickymaster, hmm... are you sure it's there?11:39
knomeslickymaster, actually it is not; it's removed for 13.1011:39
slickymasterknome: please refer to item 432 in https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs/saucy/+pots/desktop-guide/pt/+translate?memo=430&start=43011:40
knomethe translations might be outdated11:40
knomeor, tbe, the translation templates11:40
knomeno mention of computer janitor11:40
slickymasterknome: yeah, you're right, I'm not seeing it in my box, also11:41
knomethe fact that the translation templates are outdated is stupid and our fault11:41
knomebut because that can happen, you should always check the english source files11:41
slickymasterknome: well, I'll make the translation anyway 11:42
slickymasterknome: will do11:42
knomethat's going to be relatively useless, but that does make it disappear from the list of strings that need translating, so fine ;)11:42
slickymasterknome: do you think I should do anything, like filing a bug, so the translations templates get updated?11:43
knomei think we need a HOWTO for docs, i always forget how to do stuff each cycle11:43
knomei'll look into that now11:43
knomeit should be a trivial task, since IIRC there is a script that does that11:43
slickymasterknome: if you need any help on that, just ping me. I'm more than willing to help you11:44
knomethat should've been done11:45
slickymasterknome: what?11:45
knomeit might either have updated the string in LP directly, or then it might take a while, or then we need to poke something else as well11:46
knomethe translation template is updated in the branch.11:46
slickymasterknome: yes, I can confirm that11:46
knomeok, cool11:46
knomei'll add doing that at appropriate times to our release checklist11:47
slickymasterknome: as I have you attention, allow me to ask another thing about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bug/123871811:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238718 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Errors in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" of the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series" [Undecided,Fix committed]11:47
slickymasteras far as I can see it didn't update anything in Chapter 6, I'm still getting the same occurrences with NetworkManager application not being embraced between the proper <application>...</application> tags.11:49
knomehave you pulled from lp:xubuntu-docs?11:49
slickymasterknome: no, I'm referring to the translation template, in LP11:49
knomei'll look into that.11:50
slickymasterknome: ok, thanks11:51
knomeseriously? :P12:01
knomelooks like i deleted all translations from the trusty branhc.12:03
knomewait, no12:04
knomeit was just lagging12:04
knomeslickymaster, can you confirmt it's as supposed now?12:05
slickymasterknome: give a sec12:06
slickymasterknome: in LP, no. see item 313 for example in https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs/saucy/+pots/desktop-guide/pt/+translate?direction=backwards&memo=320&start=31012:08
knomethat's the saucy branch.12:08
knome...we're working on the trusty branch now12:09
slickymasterknome: got it, let me go there and check12:09
knomethat would be approximately the same spot12:09
slickymasterknome: it's fixed, now12:11
slickymasterknome: one lasty thing, should https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bug/1238718 be marked as fix release?12:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238718 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Errors in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" of the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series" [Undecided,Fix committed]12:12
knomeno; it's marked as fix released once a package with that fix is released; it will be done automatically now that the bug number is mentioned in the changelog12:13
slickymasterknome: thanks for everything12:14
knomeno problem!12:14
slickymasterknome: I'll drop that translation in the saucy branch and will just work on the trusty branch. I think that's what is intended, right?12:15
knomeall the translated strings are copied over though, so you basically just keep on translating :)12:16
slickymasterknome: ok, won't bother you any more. Thanks again12:16
knomeheh, no problem. happy to help :)12:16
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
olbiknome, you are responsible for accepting translations in Polish lang?13:08
knomeolbi, i am not.13:10
knomebut, if you are translating, 1) please use the trusty branch 2) the branches are auto-updated13:11
olbiwhy not Saucy?13:12
olbisome errors are there?13:12
knomesaucy is released, and it is not a long-term support; we are focusing on the trusty series now13:24
knomeolbi, ^13:24
olbibut there is six months yet and ppl are using saucy :D15:47
olbithere is problem with translatingi it from launchpad16:04
olbiwhen you have 3 sentences in english, in polish I could do 1 sentence :P16:04
davmor2olbi: yeah but with all the letters you add it would be 4 sentences long right ;)16:06
olbihehe :D16:06
olbiI started translating this help files, edited html from system :D16:06
olbii do 3 chapters16:07
olbihmm, I add PPA with Xfce-4.10 and Xfce 4.12, install all updates, restart, than after move home icon on the corners of it, thera are sticky pixels :P17:52

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