
mapitohi folks..i made a file +i and now i cant rm it? ive done chattr -i00:42
holsteinmapito: sudo didnt rm it?01:37
mapitoNope said perm denied even tho i did chattr -i01:38
mapitoi rebooted and i culd01:38
mapitobut i dont know why i couldnt before?01:38
holsteinmapito: paste the rm command and the error to pastebin01:38
mapitodamnit i cant i closed the putty sorry ;( i did rm -rf authorized_keys01:39
mapitoafter chattr -i01:39
mapitoand just perm denied;/01:39
holsteinmapito: you run "sudo" before, to run that command as root01:39
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:39
mapitoah yea i was as root sorry should have said01:41
holsteinmapito: i would need to see the command you ran, and the error.. if you are root, you should have permission to either rm, or fix the file you broke01:42
mapitoya i know and it worked once rebooted01:43
mapitoi get that +i stopped me..but i did -i after01:43
mapitoi installed squid from source how can i kill the process or restat it01:51
holstein!info squid01:56
ubottusquid (source: squid3): dependency package from squid to squid3. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.8-1ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 6 kB, installed size 138 kB01:56
holsteinmapito: i would try the one from the repos, or refer to the man page01:57
mapitook:) thanks01:57
mapitoalthough now ive installed it..im never too sure gow to remove when installed from souce01:57
mapitobesides knowing what went where?01:57
holsteinmapito: the method you used, and documentation you used will dictate how it was installed and how it should be removed..01:58
mapitoit said how to install i didnt see a mention of remove:D01:58
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid should help, which ever version you use01:58
mapitodo you usw squid?01:59
holsteinmapito: no01:59
gdosi get the following error when trying to remove the package 'musica' - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6280547/02:36
xubuntu360im having problems installing adobe flash05:15
nukkehave you tried: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer05:16
nukkeI'm having some problems with fonts outside of Xfce. (running Xubuntu 13.10 64-bit)05:21
nukkeI'm guessing it's aliasing problems. for example, every font looks nice when I'm using Xfce, but on other DEs, certain fonts look extremely blurry regardless of size.05:22
nukkeI've noticed that it's happening with ttf fots.05:22
soadcan someone help me fix my problem with installing flash. could use some help so i can use youtube and stuff. any help would be great05:23
nukkehave you tried: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer ?05:24
nukketry running that inside your terminal.05:25
audreysudo aptitude --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound206:08
phasipSo, I upgraded to xubuntu 13.10 but the update crashed in the middle. Now my system works quite well but some stuff is weird eg eclipse does not seem to have jdt installed (even though it is) and if I click the speaker icon in the toolbar the popup that comes is empty. I also have problems with the latest kernel (black screen) but this seems to be a common problem with my laptop model.07:51
Unit193Well, did you  sudo dpkg --configure -a  after booting back up?  Sound thing is a known issue.07:52
phasipI have tried apt-get -f install , dpkg --configure -a , dpkg-reconfigure -a -f07:52
phasipAh, if sound is a known issue I guess it's a eclipse problem instead. I have tried reinstalling and removing my configs but still remains.07:53
Unit193Well, the indicator sound icon is, yes.07:54
phasipYep, then I know where to put my efforts07:55
Unit193And seems you've done the exact thing I was going to recommend for eclipse, too.  Can't help much there, haven't used it.07:55
Unit193Could take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Saucy/Gtk3Indicators - bug 1238997 - bug 120820407:56
ubottubug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123899707:56
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820407:56
phasipThanks Unit193!07:59
HurgaHallo... quick question which I didn't find answered on the web... is there a way to make the window decorations (frame) more accessible for mouse gripping? I have about 1 pixel with to aim for if I want to pull a window bigger and that's quite cumbersome.10:18
knomeHurga, check outhttp://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/10:20
knomeHurga, that is, http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/10:20
Hurgaknome: Excellent, not all of these are usable for me but some are. Thanks!10:26
m3kkIve got some strange error/crashes on my system. i did one thing: installed themes in /usr/share/themes while in thunar with root-rights (sudo thunar) can this creates issuues with im not a root-user while trying to use these themes etc?10:41
m3kkI also can't enable(or see/fetch) any restricted drivers without crash because of reasons10:42
Hurgaknome: Can you tell me what the command for resizing is if I want to add a keyboard shortcut for it?10:50
knomeHurga, i don't think there is a command to do that i'm afraid10:51
Sysisee window manager settings10:51
Hurgaknome:  In that case it seems hard to use a keyboard shortcut...  :)10:52
Sysiin keyboard tab you can set that and other shortcuts10:52
bgardnerHurga: Alt-Space, R?10:52
knomeHurga, umh, yeah, did you see the dialog?10:53
Hurgabgardner:  inside VM, doesn't work (for the same reason Alt-rightclick doesn't work)10:53
Hurgaknome:  Keyboard shortcut "add", or which one?10:54
bgardnerHurga, That must depend on the VM, I just checked in mine and it works fine.10:54
knomeHurga, the website article has all the information you need10:55
Hurgaknome:  The web page says "add a keyboard shortcut". I can add a keyboard shortcut for a command, right. I just don't know what the comand for resize is. The Alt-F8 default is not there.10:56
knomeHurga, nope. read it again; "which can be edited by going to the Settings Manager > Window Manager > Keyboard"10:57
knomeyou are in Settings Manager -> Keyboard10:57
Hurgaknome:  Gotcha. Sorry, German Xubuntu here, the translations don't help :P10:58
red6m__does anyone use lastpass here? is it broken for you as well in chromium after 13.10 update?12:01
bazhang!crosspost | red6m__12:02
ubottured6m__: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.12:02
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ngomesis it just me or 13.10 has some bugs ?12:34
ngomesvolume control on panel cant me used but the icon is there12:35
ngomesupdate-manager icon wont appear12:35
ngomesso no GUI updates12:35
ngomessuspend / resume breaks network-manager disables network12:36
brainwashyes, let me link the bug reports, 1 sec12:36
ngomesok , glad they are all known12:36
brainwashbug 118426212:37
ubottubug 1184262 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[logind] stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118426212:37
brainwashbug 120820412:37
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820412:37
brainwashnot sure about the update-notifier icon12:37
ngomeshmm not sure either12:37
brainwashthe update-manager works however and pop ups a window12:37
ngomesmight not have time yet for updates12:37
ngomesyeah , it pops the icon on the upper panel12:38
ngomesor whatever notification-area is12:38
brainwasha tray icon or an entry in the window list?12:38
ngomesin 13.04 on me , it would appear the tray icon first12:39
ngomesthen  i click and choose what to do12:39
brainwashright, it doesn't anymore for me in 13.1012:39
brainwashmaybe intended, maybe yet another bug12:40
ngomesso far it doesnt apeeared on me too12:40
ngomesyeah , might be not the time to make updates yet12:40
brainwashI'll try to find a bug report or some information on this12:40
ngomesto early to say12:40
red6m__ngomes - do u use chromium - erxtensions are also broken after 13.10 update12:44
red6m__thinking of going back to arch for better stability.12:45
brainwashlet me launch chromium12:45
red6m__brainwash, do u use lastpass?12:45
ngomesred6m__, used to , now Google chrome12:45
ngomesi use last pass , but somehow it wont load as extension12:46
ngomesi needed to download again12:46
red6m__ngomes, see chromim console. it has these errors: chrome.extension is not available: 'extension' is not allowed for specified context type content script,  extension page, web page, etc.)12:46
ngomesgmelius loaded as extension , but last pass did not12:46
red6m__ngomes, and lastpass autofill stopped working12:46
ngomesnot here12:46
ngomesi did a clean install12:47
ngomesof 13.1012:47
ngomessome configs might be lost of lastpass12:47
red6m__ngomes, lastpass loads, but doesn't autofill in chromium after 13.10.12:48
red6m__ngomes, can u check if autofill works?12:48
ngomesred6m__, isnt supposed to be a browser issue rather than a version issue ?12:48
red6m__ngomes, http://askubuntu.com/questions/360954/all-chromium-extensions-throw-errors-since-update-to-13-1012:49
ngomesim saying it works cause yesterday i logged on ebay and it autofilled and auto login , but i had to click on "sign in" on page12:49
ngomesi clikced "sign in" then it auto fiilled username and password and click login auto12:50
red6m__hmm. i'm not sure then. probably gonna use google chrome temporarily instead of chromium.12:51
ngomesi use , stable from ppa12:52
ngomeshow do you pull chrome console ?12:53
ngomesbrainwash, did you find some report about update-manager ?13:03
ngomestray icon13:03
xaxisxanyone know why the keyboard and touchpad stops working on my laptop after closing my lid? it's only started happening after 13.10 and I lose all important documents open because I have to force restart to do anything.13:04
brainwashngomes: no, haven't actually searched yet13:05
ngomesclosing lid is what ? suspend to ram ?13:05
brainwashyes, by default13:05
xaxisxin power options I have it set to do nothing.13:05
ngomesso u close and keep wasting battery ?13:06
brainwashwell, but xfce4-power-manager cannot override systemd's settings13:06
xaxisxnot when it's plugged in13:06
ngomesif it cannot override , what is doing in there in first place ?13:07
brainwashxaxisx: so the power manager needs to be aware of systemd default actions, but it isn't as of now :/13:07
brainwashyou can change them manually by editing the config file13:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Laptop sleeps when lid is closed, regardless of Power Manager Settings." [Undecided,Confirmed]13:08
xaxisxbrainwash,  thanks. I'm happy there's a workaround13:08
brainwashit's something you normally fix before release, so the users won't have to mess around13:09
ngomesnotification area doesnt exist no more ?13:10
brainwashit does13:10
ngomesoh i see  now13:10
ngomeswas on panel / add new itens , and it was grey to add13:11
ngomesbut its there , i have my xchat icon in there right now13:11
ngomeswell , i wont fix any bug , just wait for the update13:12
ngomesgotta go now13:13
ngomesbrainwash, thanks for the help13:13
ngomesgood day for you13:13
brainwashngomes: you're welcome :)13:13
ngomesyou @ in this room ?13:13
ngomesyou should be13:14
ngomesits not the first time i came here and u are here to help13:14
brainwashyou don't need op status to help people13:15
ngomesso , something has to be given to you in return :-)13:15
ngomeslol ok13:15
ngomesyou right13:15
ngomeswell by , see you next tim e13:15
vdonnefortHi! Do you know if I can set a window to fullscreen when I move it to the upper of my screen?14:01
GridCubevdonnefort, what?14:05
vdonnefortWhen I move a window to the upper, the left or the right of my screen, the window is resized to take half size of the screen. I'd like to change this behaviour14:07
=== legg1_ is now known as legg1
brainwashappears to be hardcoded14:09
vdonnefortthis is the magnetic behaviour14:10
vdonnefortbrainwash: arf, ok :)14:10
vdonnefortbrainwash: thx14:14
xabsterAnything I should know before doing a dist-upgrade from 13.04?14:16
cfhowlettxabster, ask yourself why you're upgrading to a 6 month lifecycle springs to mind ...14:17
xabsterfor science14:18
cfhowlettxabster, *morgan freeman voice* ... Good luck.14:19
xabsterwanna put odds on whether or not it breaks?14:19
cfhowlettxabster, under the current arrangement, the non-LTS releases are beta in all but name.  I say $24.12 it breaks your system.14:20
GridCube!nothelping | cfhowlett14:23
cfhowlettGridCube, my LTS bias got hold of me ....14:25
GridCubecfhowlett, however 13.10 is a realease, and people has right to install it and is encouraged to. Please if you are not willing to help people out just dont.14:26
cfhowlettGridCube, OK14:26
xubuntu455I have a Hp 2000 notebook 64 bit. I just installed xubuntu on it.  How can I manage to get skype? Suggestion?14:47
TheSheep!skype | xubuntu45514:48
ubottuxubuntu455: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:48
cfhowlettTheSheep, doesn't work from China ...14:48
xubuntu455thank you14:50
TheSheepcfhowlett: that's a bug in China, not in Ubuntu14:53
ngomeshello again15:42
ngomesbrainwash, u there15:42
ngomesfound a bug while trying to install printer on xfce destkop "add printer" on system settings15:44
ngomesdetected printer , choose gutenprint driver and it freezes the installer15:44
xubuntu458hi, is there someone out there?16:20
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:21
xubuntu458I have a problem with Lightdm...16:21
xubuntu458I can't log in...16:21
GridCubeit sends you back to the login manager?16:21
GridCubedo this16:22
xubuntu458i tried to activate16:22
GridCubelog in as a guest, press alt-f2 and type: gksu thunar, go to your default home folder, press ctrl-h to see the hidden files. delete the filesnamed .Xauthority and .ICEauthority, log off and log back as your main user16:23
xubuntu458and I added it to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf,16:23
xubuntu458like this website https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/first16:23
GridCubewell try what i said anyway16:24
xubuntu458ok. I'll try and then I'll tell you. Thanks a lot16:25
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga16:29
JamesRock7thanks a lot! I could enter, but the nvidia driver doesn't work properly16:33
JamesRock7there is no transparences16:33
JamesRock7which is the file that I need to delete to reset the visual settings?16:35
JamesRock7is there any solution?16:42
JamesRock7I deleted .ICEauthority and .Xauthority, and I could log in, but I couldn't see transparences...16:42
JamesRock7I moved .Xdefaults but it's no use16:43
JamesRock7I use the nvidia-319 privative driver...16:43
dev|metaHi folks, got a Dell Vostro 3750 stuck on boot, it's stopping at the blue Xubuntu screen (with the rotating white circle), done the usual google thing not found much describing the issue, first steps?17:20
dev|metamanaged to switch to a virtual terminal and cat the logs, turns out lightdm isn't starting automatically "sudo service lightdm start" gets me a login screen, hmm17:27
dev|metaprogress of a sort17:27
dev|metarebooted and now it works, nice17:28
xubuntu524hello every body18:17
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m3kkI also can't enable(or see/fetch) any restricted drivers without crash because of reasons18:34
xubuntu850update ubuntu13.10 very bug not possible to boot after !18:38
xubuntu850allo ?18:39
xubuntu850there someone?18:40
GridCube!patience | xubuntu85018:42
ubottuxubuntu850: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/18:42
m3kkxubuntu850, hi18:42
GridCube!details | xubuntu85018:42
ubottuxubuntu850: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:42
m3kkxubuntu850, very bug?18:42
GridCubem3kk, his native language might not be english, please have patience with him18:42
m3kkGridCube, offcourse, i just asked for details :)18:43
xubuntu850ok moment i translate, because i speek french18:43
m3kkxubuntu850, would you lose to much to reinstall completely to try?18:44
xubuntu850ok I xunbuntu 13.04 and I did the last update that offers ubuntu or 13.10 version since I did the install and I rebooted, nothing more focntionne, a ja'i black screen and there is nothing!18:45
David-Axubuntu850: (there is a french speaking channel #ubuntu-fr currently with 180 users)18:46
xubuntu850sorry, ok I xunbuntu 13.04 and I did the last update that offers ubuntu or 13.10 version since I did the install and I rebooted, nothing to work, I have a black screen and there is nothing!18:47
David-Axubuntu850: it is hard to tell what is wrong and how to fix it. maybe the suggestion above to re-install 13.10 is the easiest alternative.18:48
m3kkTo rule determin if its the update that breaks something or 13.10 itself you should consider re-install from scratch..don't forget to backup18:49
m3kk"to rule determin" i forgot how to english18:49
xubuntu850I did file verification system, as well as everything about the installation, but he found nothing, I'm not the only one apparently, because other people have the same problem on the forum! so there is a good goal for xubuntu starts from the menu!18:51
m3kkxubuntu850, i had no such issues really sorry.18:51
xubuntu850I do not know how do you reinstall the 13.10 version because I am a beginner in linux18:53
xubuntu850and I do not know how do you uninstall the 13.10 version to return to the previous version, until the problem is corrected!18:54
David-Axubuntu850: download the .iso file for xubuntu and burn it to a dvd-disk. then boot off that dvd and start an installation. (you can also use an usb-memory stick, there are web pages with instructions)18:55
xubuntu850i not have dvd, i update online !18:55
m3kkxubuntu850, download 13.10 and create a bootabble USB.. do you have one? i can strongly recommend one18:56
xubuntu850now is not fonction !18:56
m3kkxubuntu850, have another computer?18:56
m3kkxubuntu850, from where do you sit now?18:56
xubuntu850just my pc18:56
m3kkxubuntu850, how do you connect to irc like right now?18:57
xubuntu850i boot with last version 13.04 xubuntu18:57
David-Axubuntu850: you can download the xubuntu 13.04 .iso or the xubuntu 13.10 .iso on a windows pc. then use a program to create a usb-live-system.18:58
xubuntu850i choice diffent version with menu18:58
m3kkxubuntu850, ah, ok.. so it does boot?18:58
xubuntu850no sorry, i not interessed18:59
xubuntu850I do not want to reinstall everything, I just want to uninstall the update back to the old version that worked very well and I used this very moment19:00
m3kkxubuntu850, you could reinstall but leave /home intact so you wont lose files in there19:01
m3kkxubuntu850, i belive you must reinstall 13.04 anyway .. i don't think there is a way to revert19:02
xubuntu850how can I do from the boot menu?19:02
xubuntu850super !19:03
xubuntu850very shit 13.1019:03
m3kkworks fine here19:03
xubuntu850thanks good day19:03
m3kkYou can boot 13.04 fine right? you chose old 13.04 from menu yes?19:04
m3kkDo you have a USBkey?19:05
xubuntu850but I have to choose in the troubleshooting menu, and I wanted to make ca normally as before it boot normally, in fact there is a purpose of the boot19:05
xubuntu850bye thank you so meuch19:06
GridCubexubuntu850, in the grub menu choose a previous linux version and boot from an old kernel19:06
xubuntu850what is grub ?19:07
Unit193Did you try nomodeset?19:08
xubuntu850? i do no19:08
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:08
xubuntu850what is nomodeset19:08
m3kkxubuntu850, 1. BOOT FUNCTIONAL 13.04 2. download 13.10/13.04 ISO from xubuntu.org > 3. Create a bootable USB /CD > 4. Boot it. > 5. Resintall 13.10/13.04 > 6. ???? > 7. Profit19:09
xubuntu850ok thank you19:10
xubuntu850i see19:10
nikoshi! after upgrade to 13.10 nuveaoy and xorg freeze..has someone this prb?19:13
nikos_xhi! after upgrade to 13.10 nouveaou driver and xorg freeze..has everyone this prb?19:18
=== simon__ is now known as quantals
quantalshello everyone19:20
quantalsDoes anyone play Path of Exile aka POE ?19:21
fentin need of some help19:23
fentneed to remove xubuntu from a dual boot where it is installed on same partition as Windows19:23
v1adimirfent: to restore the Windows bootloader, you can always boot from the Windows setup dvd/usb and load the console and run the 2 recovery commands:19:26
* v1adimir looks for them19:26
v1adimirfent: 'bootrec /fixMBR', 'bootrec /fixBoot' http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-system/cannot-fix-mrb-or-fix-boot-commands-do-not-work/08e7d070-08be-4bdc-a928-a29d639444fd19:27
v1adimir.. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/win7-windows-7-mbr,10036.html19:28
cascarothi all!! xubuntu 12.10 running on my laptop19:29
cascarottotally migrated from windows to linux19:30
v1adimirmore of the same: http://kb.acronis.com/content/1507 && http://www.ghacks.net/2010/06/05/get-the-recovery-console-back-in-windows-7/19:30
v1adimirfent ^^19:30
fentvladimir are these in windows or xubuntu environment?19:31
v1adimirfent: just check the instructions..:) this is when booting from a Windows dvd/usb, to restore Windows19:32
fentthe windows dvd/usb you mention is that the xubuntu dvd or my windows disc?19:32
v1adimirit will overwrite, or actually get rid of/bypass grub/grub2 - what it does it restore the Windows bootloader in MBR (all of your Windows and Linux files will remain intact, only the computer will boot directly to Windows)19:33
=== m2kk is now known as m3kk
v1adimirfent: the Windows disk19:34
fenti want to get rid of xubuntu.  I can boot xindow when i select it at the boot menu19:34
v1adimirfent: just make sure that you move/backup/save any-and-all Linux file that you want to keep.. it's not so simple to mount Linux partitions from Windows, afterwards (there are programs for it, but it's not 100% straightforward)19:35
m3kkjust boot into linux, save what you want then erase the crap out of it and format disk then rebuild MBR from windows-disk19:36
v1adimirfent: at the moment, when you boot your computer, you are presented with the grub2 bootloader menu (and not the Windows one), right??19:36
m3kkOr booting in that menu if you have win819:36
v1adimirm3kk: there is NO need to format any disk, that's what I'm talking about.19:36
m3kkvladimir why not?19:36
v1adimirit's absolutely NOT necessary to format.. why would you want to do that?19:37
fenti get a black screen with white writing with xubuntu, two more options for linux and windows 719:37
m3kkto make it readable format for windows19:37
fenti can scroll down and select windows and will boot to my log in screen19:37
v1adimirm3kk: I'm not sure that you know exactly what you're talking about..:)19:37
v1adimirfent: try and open up those URL links I gave you, it's very simple and very well explained - how to get Windows to boot-up normally, without Xubuntu.19:38
m3kkv1adimir, ext4 wont show up for me in windows .. if he installed xubuntu on a partition with ext4 that why not format easy peasy and rebuild MBR?19:38
m3kkv1adimir, i tought he wanted to get rid of linux completely19:38
v1adimirm3kk: he said that he is dual-booting currently; I don't think that Windows would be installed on a Linux partition - in this case.19:39
v1adimirgenerally, when dual-booting, Windows sits in its own NTFS partition19:39
m3kkv1adimir, sorry was not here with the initial question19:39
m3kkv1adimir, when i dual-booted i created a ext4 partition and installed linux on that19:40
m3kkGuessed he had done the same, wanted to get rid of linux completly so format that disk ( to wipe out linux) and then rebuild MBR to get rid of grub. am i just completly crazy here?19:42
v1adimirfent: taking into account what m3kk is talking about: once you have restored the Windows bootloader - and Windows starts-up when you turn on your PC - you can right-click My Computer and then go to 'Manage' and from there you will be able to delete your Linux partition(s) and make a new primary, or logical partition and format it as NTFS and then you can join it to your existing Windows partition (by u19:42
v1adimirsing a partition program)19:42
v1adimir^^ right-click, manage and then 'disk management'19:43
v1adimir.. it's (very) simple, you just have to be careful that you know what you're doing :)) measure twice, cut once =)19:43
m3kkSo i was not bat shit crazy?19:44
v1adimirm3kk: 50-50 :))19:44
m3kkIm fairly new to this actually but i love to learn. v1adimir19:44
v1adimirofc., & I hope I'm helping..:)19:45
m3kkvery much!19:45
fentas i said xubuntu is installed in the windows partition19:46
fentim creating a windows recovery disc at the moment19:46
v1adimirgenerally, just try to have a working OS - Windows in this case - before doing any partition management19:47
m3kkDid he use "windows installer" cant remember its name19:47
v1adimiroh, it looks like!..19:47
m3kkIn that case: isnt it possible to just remove like any other application from control-panel?19:48
m3kkAnd perhaps you need to rebuuild MBR but im not sure19:48
v1adimirfent: You've used Wubi, to install Xubuntu? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer19:49
v1adimir(I have no experience with this, 0, so can't help in this case :))19:49
fentno i installed from usb19:53
v1adimir.. looks pretty simple, when using WUBI: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide19:54
fentnow wishing i had used WUBI19:58
v1adimirfent: 'BootRec /fixmbr' and 'BootRec /fixboot' http://www.ghacks.net/2010/06/05/get-the-recovery-console-back-in-windows-7/ is all you need; if that's your setup.20:01
v1adimir(i'm not sure where's the confusion :))20:02
nukke8wow, that China smog article is scary.20:04
nukke"“You can’t see your own fingers in front of you,” Harbin’s official news site noted." :O20:05
bazhangthats not on topic here20:05
nukkenote to self: don't go to northern China.20:05
fentvladimir thanks for your help20:05
fenttrying a few things and have saved your links20:05
v1adimirfent: np, go for a second opinion also, pls..:)20:07
fentwill do20:09
yolateng0hello, i try Xubuntu 13.04 .  is there cedarview-graphics-drivers repository for GMA3600 intel N2600?20:13
fentvladimir sent you a pm20:17
zbrkxbrhi guys I have a docky issue the output of docky commanis here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6285257/20:56
zbrkxbrso quiet :(21:01
* David-A sitting absolutely still with quiet breaths21:03
zbrkxbrDavid-A how did you do that21:03
zbrkxbr * David-A sitting absolutely still with quiet breaths21:04
David-Anot a move, not a sound21:04
onla_if I have the ubuntu unity on gnome.. how can I see the classical menu items ?21:04
zbrkxbrok I almost reach to nirvana at that moment :)b21:04
zbrkxbronla it seems a bad combination with unity and gnome shell21:05
zbrkxbrI mean gnome shell is uses all of the screen :S21:06
Unit193onla_: I think you're looking for #ubuntu21:06
onla_can't join there21:06
David-Aonla_: that is actually a ubuntu question, not xubuntu21:06
Unit193zbrkxbr: The /me command.21:06
onla_my friend is a new in ubuntu and he has the ubuntu unity but I can't help him to find synaptic package manager and stuff21:06
Unit193onla_: Still not for here, try not connecting from bshellz.21:06
bekksonla_: You have to install synaptic if you want to use it.21:06
onla_don't want to help this friend so much that I connect to #ubuntu with another irc client to ask but thanks :) I'll tell him to do it21:07
zbrkxbr_I'm back21:07
onla_hmm, thought it would be installed by default.. he found synaptic and synaptic-pkegex with syna<tab><tab> in terminal tho21:07
* zbrkxbr_ almost reachs the nirvana21:07
zbrkxbr_it works :D21:07
zbrkxbr_http://paste.ubuntu.com/6285257/    David-A maybe you can help me with this21:08
zbrkxbr_it's annoyed me all of the day21:08
David-Azbrkxbr_: thats the docky thing in #xfce, I dont use docky. have you looked if there is a ~/.docky or ~/.conf/docky file or dir? if so, try move it away, so docky starts with a fresh conf.21:10
* zbrkxbr_ sorry for party rocking 21:14
xubuntu117ok i am going to try this again.  I have a HP 2000 Notebook 64 bit that i just install xubuntu into.  I would like to download skype. Help??21:24
geniiAdd the partner repositories and should be good to go21:28
genii!info skype saucy-partner21:28
ubottu'saucy-partner' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable21:28
genii!info skype partner21:28
ubottuskype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)21:28
=== dev|meta is now known as dev|afk
xubuntu456hay every one..22:16
xubuntu456i have a problem whit my audio22:17
xubuntu456it does not work22:17
x-bryan_g-xHi all, new user on the Xubuntu support channel22:38
x-bryan_g-xI'm using Xubuntu Precise, does anyone know if the accounts-daemon issue has been addressed in Raring or Quantal, and if an update/fix will be pushed out to Precise users?22:42
xyzonex-bryan_g-x, which issue?22:42
Unit193Which issue is that?22:42
x-bryan_g-xIt's been logged on Launchpad Bug #99679122:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 996791 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu 12.04 extremely slow login" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99679122:43
x-bryan_g-xThe issue now appears to be causing problems with updating, particularly when needing to authenticate for a kernel update.22:45
xyzonestrange that I don't encounter this bug22:45
x-bryan_g-xI have 2 installations (laptop & desktop) both exhibiting the same problem22:47
Poisoned_Dragonwhat problem?22:47
xyzoneweird problem, why didn't I encounter it?22:48
xyzonemaybe because I upgraded to xfce 4.10 through a ppa?22:48
x-bryan_g-xVery slow logins > 80 seconds22:48
x-bryan_g-xSame long delay on logout, and when I get back to the lightdm greeter, my user name isn't shown22:49
xyzoneI also have getdeb ppa22:49
x-bryan_g-xI'm still on xfce 4.8, could it be fixed by upgrading to 4.10?22:51
xyzoneI have no idea, but I never encountered this bug22:52
bingoHello. I do not use bluetooth but I still have two bluetooth icons on my taskbar. Can they be removed?22:52
Poisoned_DragonWhat version of Xubuntu, 12.04?22:52
x-bryan_g-xSeems to be a dbus issue, but being a relatively new Linux user, I'm not sure how to tackle it22:53
xyzonex-bryan_g-x, they say there's a fix here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197032622:54
xyzoneI hate that xubuntu is so neglected throughout on all distros22:56
xyzoneI mean xfce22:56
Poisoned_DragonI wouldn't say neglected.22:56
Poisoned_DragonThere's quite a large community around it.22:56
xyzonewell, it sits way in the back of other DEs22:56
x-bryan_g-xJust been checking that thread, it mentions a ppa for x64, will it be specific or would it work on x86 also?23:03
xyzonex-bryan_g-x, not sure, isn't there an x86 version of it?23:04
x-bryan_g-xI would have thought so.23:04
x-bryan_g-xI would have also thought that an update would have been in the default repos by now23:11
xyzonei guess it doesn't affect everyone.23:11
xyzonei know i've never seen it23:11
xyzoneit must be dependent on certain hardware23:12
x-bryan_g-xYeah, that makes sense23:12
xyzoneyet another reason to buy linux supportive hardware23:13
xyzoneyou buy ms pcs off the shelf, something's bound to fail23:13
x-bryan_g-xI bought this PC with Windows XP on it and wanted rid, I'd already downloaded the 12.04.2 .iso, so I just went ahead and installed it.23:14
xyzoneyeah, but these rare bugs almost never happen on pcs that are sold as linux supported23:15
xyzoneor they happen no more than windows bugs23:15
xyzonei'll never buy a windows machine again23:15
x-bryan_g-xIt's rather put me off buying without knowing the full Linux hardware compatibility of a machine first23:16
xyzonebest way to be sure is to buy from vendors that sell that way, but it's rare23:17
x-bryan_g-xAll too rare indeed23:18
x-bryan_g-xIf I bought a PC which shipped with Ubuntu, chances are I'd just switch DE and never have an issue.23:20
x-bryan_g-xWhere's the place to check my machine's hardware for *NIX compatibility?23:23
xyzonehttp://www.linux-drivers.org/ http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/ <--a few vendors have this23:25
x-bryan_g-xIs there anywhere I could submit the output from sudo lshw to have it checked?23:27
xyzonei dont know23:28
x-bryan_g-xI did run a live session a few times before installing, but I guess that doesn't always show up every potential problem23:33
xyzoneupdates sometimes breaks stuff23:36
x-bryan_g-xYeah, I noticed the current problem wasn't there until at least 4 months after installation.23:38
xyzoneseems to be updates to lightdm are to blame in your case. another option might be to switch to another login manager23:39
x-bryan_g-xI'll see what I can find in Synaptic.23:46
x-bryan_g-xIn the meantime, I'll see if there's any x86 ppa which has fix23:47
x-bryan_g-xThanks for your help23:48
xyzonenp, I would try slim and uninstall lightdm23:49
x-bryan_g-xI was wondering, is there anything I could try by switching to tty1 when I get to the lightdm greeter?23:50
xyzonedont know23:51
x-bryan_g-xOK. Let's see what I can do... Thanks again.23:55

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