
antdillonhatch, https://code.launchpad.net/~ya-bo-ng/juju-gui/onboarding-continued/+merge/19224701:09
hatchjcsackett, ping04:53
jcsacketthatch: pong.04:53
hatchwas this the upstart script?04:53
jcsacketthatch: no.04:54
jcsackettone sec.04:54
jcsacketthatch: it's on this page http://docs.ghost.org/installation/deploy/04:55
jcsackettit's under the "Init Script" heading.04:55
hatchwow that's.....deep man04:56
hatchlol I guess I'll see if I can copy it mostly wholesale04:56
antdillonhatch, Can you very nicely lbox this for me: lp:~ya-bo-ng/juju-gui/onboarding-continued17:41
antdillonhatch, Ok branch is ready. Could you lbox for me please?18:10
jcsacketthatch: how do you feel about the ghost charm just not supporting sqlite deployments? b/c the added complexity at this stage doesn't see worth it.23:38
huwshimihatch: Choo choo!23:38
* jcsackett laughs23:39

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