
=== liam_ is now known as Guest35623
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=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
routelastresortI'm just writing my README.md, then pull request time06:10
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Jujufymarcoceppi: the bootstrap was created on u13.04 but now i'm on u13.1008:01
Jujufyshould i destroy and re-bootstrap?08:01
Jujufyi think i'll try that08:01
Jujufynothing to lose08:01
routelastresortA++++, would destroy again08:18
Jujufyok new bootstrap created09:07
Jujufyroot node allocated09:07
Jujufyjuju status shows the same symptoms though; i expect it to say it failed after 10min passed09:08
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Jujufyall the other nodes are off09:09
Jujufybut i expect it should say something regardless09:09
Jujufy`no reachable servers'09:19
Jujufybut i also got a `...go:282 Unable to connect to environment "".'09:19
Jujufywhich is strange, because several lines before it said `....go:32 opening environment "my-maas2".'09:20
Jujufyjuju version => 1.16.0-saucy-amd6409:32
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=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
Jujufyhm, if i visit the webserver at /api/1.0/node-... i get the json11:03
Jujufyand it has a "status": <number>11:04
Jujufyi selected maas to manage DNS as well, maybe something will change11:21
AskUbuntuJuju/MAAS in vSphere to test OpenStack | http://askubuntu.com/q/36433211:40
Jujufythat looks just like my issue12:05
Jujufyalthough i'm on hardware12:05
Jujufyi'll bookmark it; hopefully an answer will appear12:06
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
JujufyOK, following that AskUbuntu question I logged into the root node14:43
Jujufybut my /var/log/cloud-init-output.log is different14:44
Jujufyafter a couple of ... dial tcp ... refused14:45
Jujufyit did manage to connect14:45
Jujufyand reached ... juju suppercommand.go:286 command finished14:45
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AskUbuntujuju bootstrap error no default environment found | http://askubuntu.com/q/36447715:56
g0twigI want to use JuJu on Debian 7.0 but Juju is not part of debian sid anymore15:57
g0twigplease give me full instructions how to let it run, I like to develop eventually charms and deploy them15:57
mgzg0twig: you just want the client tools, right?15:59
mgzyou're not trying to also run juju machines on debian?16:00
mgzin which case, you can either straight up get an ubuntu deb and unpack it, or branch the project and build it yourself, I'm happy to help you with that if you need it16:00
g0twigmgz: no, an actual juju server16:01
mgzg0twig: you know the charms are all written against precise, right?16:02
mgzyou're not going to get them running on debian sid without changing every charm you use16:02
g0twigmgz: I saw charms for newer releases16:02
mgzthere are some, and there's no reason you couldn't write a charm that would run on both a debian release and an ubuntu release... but that's more work16:03
g0twigmgz: so you say I cant use juju on a non-ubuntu server?16:03
g0twigbecause Debian 7.0 seems to be the only option I've got16:03
mgzg0twig: ah, and they're also preinstalled servers?16:04
g0twigvirtual server16:04
mgzthe general juju setup is to start from a blank cloud machine and do all the setup,16:04
g0twigwhy is juju so distro-dependend?16:04
g0twigI dont like the fact, even when I would have a Ubuntu server16:05
mgzwe've just added a manual provider, which lets you start from a less-clean state,16:05
mgzbut that's a less juju-y way, you can't just say "give me 10 more units for this service" like that16:05
g0twigwhats a better option to run juju on ubuntu server, version 12.04 or 13.10?16:06
mgzg0twig: at essence, because a charm needs to set up your service, and "apt-get install X" is somewhat distro/series dependent16:06
mgzg0twig: 12.04, but again, you really want a cloud provider that gives you any number of pristine instances (or you can run everything in lxc containers locally)16:08
g0twigmgz: I just want to test stuff...16:08
mgzit's not like you're asking your hosting provider for 3 machines with mysql and php then putting juju on it16:08
mgzthat's just not the model16:09
g0twigI only got one machine16:09
mgzg0twig: so, for just testing stuff, we go back to the beginning, get the ubuntu deb, unpack it, use the binary from there, I expect it will even work on sid16:09
mgzyou do need an SSL mongodb, which I hope debian has picked up by now16:10
mgzand it will download an ubuntu precise image to run in the lxc containers16:10
g0twigbut 13.10 has a much newer juju version16:10
mgzSome Hacking Required(tm)16:11
mgzright, you probably want the one from either saucy or our ppa16:11
g0twigmgz: so now I installed juju-core, juju-local, juju16:14
g0twigwhat else?16:14
mgzlxc, mongodb (needs ssl enabled), and you don't want 'juju' probably16:15
g0twigjuju-local installed    debootstrap libboost-filesystem1.49.0 libboost-program-options1.49.0   libboost-system1.49.0 libboost-thread1.49.0 libcap2-bin libpam-cap   libpcrecpp0 lxc mongodb-clients mongodb-server16:16
mgzright, that metapackage pulls in the right bit16:17
mgzthat looks good then. `juju version` should say 1.16 or similar16:17
g0twigwhat do I want here? Configuring for Amazon AWS Configuring for Windows Azure Configuring for HP Cloud Configuring for OpenStack Configuring for MAAS Configuring for LXC local provider (Linux)16:18
g0twigLXC? I just want to get my stuff going, I dont know much about the cloud16:18
g0twigand different things16:18
g0twigI just want to have the options to easily install services, manage them, etc. all on this machine16:19
mgzyeah, I'd try the local provider, just to experiment16:19
g0twigdoes JuJu need a linuxkernel > 3.8?16:19
mgzbut, it sounds like you maybe want some other tool if you just want to manage services on one box16:20
mgz...the latest lxc may well do, surely sid has a modern linux kernel?16:20
g0twigI am on debian 7.0, no sid16:20
g0twiglast time I tried sid, my machine didnt boot up again...16:21
g0twigok, it tells me ERROR error parsing environment "local": no public ssh keys found what I am missing?16:22
g0twigok, I made a ssh key16:23
ahasenackhi, could someone review lp:~ahasenack/charms/precise/apache2/apache2-default-servername ?16:40
ahasenackr46 (latest) introduced a regression that broke one of my deployments using apache216:40
AskUbuntujuju WordPress with nginx permalink issues | http://askubuntu.com/q/36452617:04
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dagelfHi everyone. Where can I find info on how much space juju needs, and in what paths - and how to change that?21:54
dagelfjuju-local that is... it seems it eats a lot of space in /usr, regardless of where your root path is set in the config21:56
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dagelfOkay, I found it... /var/lib/lxc22:14
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
dagelfUrg. So what does ERROR Get dial tcp connection refused mean? How do I restart whatever it's looking for? What is looking for what?22:22
dagelfNo, really... dagelf@ubuntu:~$ sudo juju bootstrap ERROR Get dial tcp connection refused22:25
dagelfPretty useless error message and documentation at this point22:26
sarnolddoes netstat -lnp show anything listening on that port and IP?22:27
dagelfnope, nothing running, what should I run?22:28
dagelfit's a clean install on 13.04, I've just created some test environments and then destroyed them... 3 times... now this happens. I don't feel like rebooting or re-installing everything.... at the moment I'm playing with jujud to see where it fits in...22:29
dagelf(local environment of course)22:30
sarnolddagelf: are you using the juju ppa or the distribution-packaged juju? I think the ppa might give better results, if you're not using it22:31
dagelfDid I break it?22:32
dagelfAre there logs somewhere?22:32
dagelfor verbosity switches?22:32
sarnolddagelf: iirc, /var/log/juju/ has some, but I'm afraid it's been a while since I've used it, my knowledge is slowly getting out of sync with what's new :/22:34
dagelfBefore it's bootstrapped it actually deletes all the directories... nothing. :-( And all the other options and commands says: Sorry, bootstrap it first.22:35
dagelfBut it won't bootstrap anymore and there's nowhere to figure out why or how to fix it. Sad.22:36
dagelfOkay, I just created another user on the system now it magically works.22:36
dagelfI'll try wipe the ,juju path and re-run init. Obviously something bad left there...22:37
sarnoldsurprising :/22:37
dagelfWell, there are some charm caches,  environments.yaml and local.jenv22:37
dagelfI'm guessing something in local.jenv did that22:38
AskUbuntuJuju deploy of Charm (Mysql) in MAAS provider failing after successful bootstrap. Juju status stuck in "Pending" state | http://askubuntu.com/q/36471422:42
Preytellwhen deploying to ubuntu MAAS, I have the regional controller all ready to go, and I have nodes ready, but when I try to run 'juju sync-tools' I am getting: ERROR error parsing environment "maas": no public ssh keys found23:47
PreytellI can add this but I am unsure which keys it is looking for23:47
marcoceppiPreytell: you have to add your SSH keys to MAAS, then make sure it's either the id_rsa in your ~/.ssh directory or you can specify your public key in .juju/environments.yaml as "authorized-keys"23:57
Preytellnod. I have done that, and I checked to make sure that the key was correct, and in the ~/.ssh directory. I will try adding to environ file.23:59

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