
ScottKapachelogger, yofel, shadeslayer: Due to the $release -> $release-proposed mapping used for the development release now, you can do it for any release.  Just upload to $release and it'll end up in the right place.  The only time you should need to specify is if you are uploading to $release-backports.02:24
=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
ScottKapachelogger or afiestas: Suggestions on troubleshooting this: http://kitterman.com/kubuntu/one_battery.jpeg - as you can see from the konsole window in the back, solid knows about the correct state of both batteries, but only battery two shows up in the battery monitor?  (first I had to get upower fixed to register both batteries - that's done - now on to KDE ...) 04:07
ScottKCan someone please verify the kubuntu-docs SRU?05:33
soeegoo morning06:07
=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_
jussihrrr, not liking the new style of takin away toolbars and putting random dropdown boxes in (ie. muon) :/06:19
yossarianukHi - the issue with the workaround for kubuntu 13.10 UEFI issue is if you dual boot ubuntu with kubuntu....07:18
yossarianukthen you get multiple UEFI entries that all load ubuntu by default07:19
yossarianukyou can select 'ubuntu 13.10' further down the list to load kubuntu....07:19
yossarianuk(in grub)07:19
valorieyossarianuk: isn't that delightful07:38
valoriemaybe our geniuses here can fix the ubuntu-uefi genius work07:38
yossarianukI only installed ubuntu just to see if it did conflict - it did..07:43
yossarianukand I like to see how unity is coming on....07:43
yossarianukI'd say its like self harm at present.07:43
yossarianukevery time you look for an application you spam yourself.07:44
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
yossarianukit really is a joke - I search for terminal in unity - dash found some italian jazz.07:45
yossarianukor something similar.07:45
yossarianuk(not that there is anything wrong with italian jazz - I just have no interest in seeing it when seraching for a terminal emulator.07:46
lordievaderyossarianuk: Did shadeslayer's fix work?07:48
valorieI'll have to admit, i've not had enough interest to play with unity07:48
yossarianuklordievader: I did try and it seemed to do the same...07:48
lordievadervalorie: I did, it's annoying and now I get Unity/gtk errors when I login to my Kubu desktop...07:49
lordievaderyossarianuk: Hmm, too bad :(07:49
yossarianukhowever it is possible I did not apply the updates correctly...07:49
yossarianukI loaded live cd07:49
yossarianuki used - dpkg -l |grep grub07:49
yossarianukthen updated all grub packages install from the PPA07:49
yossarianukhowever when you access the livecd - pre install you do not have gru2-efi*07:50
yossarianukyou only have grub-pc.07:50
yossarianuk(until you install)07:50
yossarianukwhat should I have done.07:50
yossarianuk(p.s I'm happy to re-try again tonight...)07:50
yofelyossarianuk: some talk you missed: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/10/22/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t16:2808:01
yossarianukyofel: ah so that was never going to work...08:03
yossarianukwell I have a running system now... So I could remove all existing efi folders (and UEFI entries) and try the new packages ?08:03
yossarianuk---> will have to wait till lunchtime (uk) as i'm (meant to be) working...08:04
yossarianukwould doing this help :08:04
yossarianukyofel: yes I did miss that (that convo occured between me being logged in @ work and home..)08:05
=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_
shadeslayeryossarianuk: okay so 09:09
shadeslayeryossarianuk: apparently there was some miscommunication09:09
shadeslayeryossarianuk: the fix will work if you chroot into your kubuntu install and upgrade09:09
shadeslayerif that works, we can deploy it09:09
yossarianukis it worth me trying from an existing install ?09:10
yossarianuki.e remove all UEFI entries and EFI folders first ?09:10
yossarianuk(wouldn't that essentially be the same as chrooting?)09:11
yossarianuk(p.s there is no issue doing a reinstall this afternoon...)09:11
yossarianuk(i'm off work revising for LPIC exams...)09:12
shadeslayeryossarianuk: there are test cases on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/124241709:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Critical,In progress]09:12
shadeslayeryou can test anyone of them09:12
yossarianuki'll do a new install (with chroot) later..09:14
yossarianuk(will remove existing uefi entries and wipe efi partition also..)09:15
yossarianukso - just do a normal install - then09:15
yossarianuk # mount -t proc none /mnt/chroot/proc09:17
yossarianukmount --rbind /sys /mnt/chroot/sys09:18
yossarianukmount /dev/sda1 / /mnt/chroot/boot/efi09:18
yossarianukmount --rbind /dev /mnt/chroot/dev09:18
yossarianukthen chroot09:18
yossarianukinstall ppa 09:18
yossarianukthen adist-upgrade ?09:18
yossarianukshadeslayer: was the process I outlined correct ?09:32
shadeslayeryossarianuk: sounds about right09:36
yossarianukgroovey !09:38
shadeslayeryossarianuk: ofcourse, mount commands will probably vary according to where you install stuff :)09:44
shadeslayeryou also don't seem to mount /09:44
yossarianukyes... sorry root in the example was mounted to /mnt/chroot..09:44
yossarianuk(I also have a seperate boot which I didn't mention..)09:45
shadeslayerthe important bit is ofcourse /boot09:45
yossarianukFor about 2 years I used Gentoo as my main desktop so I know what i'm doing with the chroot but (just wanted to make sure I was on the right track for the test.)09:46
yossarianukfinal straw for gentoo was a kde update.....09:46
yossarianukI was also running arch (still do) it took about 15 mins to install latest KDE - on gentoo I think it took about 3 hrs (and wasn;t really any faster)09:47
* shadeslayer wonders what to do09:48
shadeslayeryossarianuk: any other bugs I should look at ?09:49
yossarianukshadeslayer: not that I know of 09:51
* shadeslayer processes SRU cards09:51
yossarianukwell - perhaps the 'bug' where ubuntu+others don't have the latest nvidia driver .... But that isn;t a bug as such...09:51
yossarianukps - i'll msg you my email (in case you realise anything before I test later today)09:52
shadeslayerI already have it from the email yesterday09:53
yossarianukah yes.09:53
yossarianukapart form the UEFI issue Kubuntu 13.10 seems pretty solid...09:53
yossarianukliking the fact I have openGL 3.1 shaders...09:53
yossarianuk(nvidia has had opengl 4.x support for some time...)09:54
yossarianukand it just seems that tiny bit snappier than previous releases,09:54
shadeslayerthat you'd have to take up with the ubuntu-x team09:55
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1243620] Languages not displayed correctly in "language control module": German and English are emp... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1243620 (by Daniel Hahler)10:17
afiestasScottK: can you report a bug with all that info pls?10:32
ScottKafiestas: Will do.10:43
ScottKafiestas: What do I report it against?10:43
afiestassolid/powermanagement 10:43
ScottKafiestas: KDE bug 32649110:57
ubottuKDE bug 326491 in powermanagement "Only one of two batteries seen" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32649110:57
shadeslayerbah http://pastebin.kde.org/pc9lneeu211:08
* apachelogger doesn't think he'll get to do much today - feeling not so good11:11
apacheloggerScottK: thanks for clearifying the pocket mapping11:12
* Riddell fluffles apachelogger 11:12
* apachelogger huggles Riddell11:13
Riddellhighvoltage: we've just been offered hosting for a try out of kubuntu through a browser type setup which edubuntu used to have, does it still have it and can you say if it's a useful thing to have?11:29
highvoltageRiddell: our users liked it.11:30
highvoltageRiddell: it's been offline for a bit because some code needs updating (I think stgraber was planning to do it after 13.10 release, which is now)11:30
highvoltageRiddell: since it's been down we've had lots of requests for it and offers to get it up and running again (mpostmostly for hosting as apposed to fixing code)11:31
Riddellhighvoltage: yeah that's a worry, it feels like quite3 a developer drain11:32
Riddellhighvoltage: what technologies did it use?11:32
highvoltageRiddell: x2go / nx11:32
highvoltageRiddell: once stgraber has it up to date again it shouldn't be much work for kubuntu to try. perhaps a proof of concept to try it out might be a good idea just to gauge how much work and effort it is and whether it's worth it.11:33
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1201180] Pressing power button turns off the PC ignoring the presence of another session manager @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1201180 (by Marco Trevisan (Treviño))11:42
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2013/10/23/linus-comes-edinburgh12:00
BluesKajHiyas all12:10
soeeRiddell, you are looking or some servers ?12:25
shadeslayercyphermox: ping12:26
shadeslayercyphermox: any reason why nm wasn't updated?12:34
shadeslayer( to )12:34
shadeslayeror well ..
ScottKapachelogger: You can add KDE Bug 326500 to your Muon list.12:49
ubottuKDE bug 326500 in updater "Unable to unselect updates" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32650012:49
shadeslayerScottK: apol said he was going to do a 2.112:58
ScottKThe updater is almost totally useless as it is.12:59
shadeslayerI can't check because my system is borked a bit ( polkit issues )13:00
BluesKajsed'd to 14.04 , all seems well so far with several libs updates/upgrades so far 13:02
shadeslayerI wouldn't jump so soon tbh13:02
* shadeslayer usually waits till various libraries and gcc are updated13:03
BluesKajwell, It's become a habit with me , but I do have a stable OS on another partition and my data , such as it is residing on an external drive13:05
BluesKajmy data is mostly media stuff , since I'm a home user 13:06
shadeslayerScottK: want to backport the grub fix from trusty?13:10
ScottKI think apachelogger  was going to do it.13:10
shadeslayerhe is not13:11
shadeslayerI have it in my PPA13:11
shadeslayerfails on i386 ... I do not know why13:11
Quintasanit's either me or new digikam is just about bumping the version13:12
* Quintasan rebuilds and installs13:13
shadeslayerit's you13:13
* shadeslayer runs13:13
QuintasanNot so fast13:14
* Quintasan grabs shadeslayer's collar and throws a brick at him13:14
* shadeslayer ducks13:14
Quintasankubotu: order whisky for Quintasan 13:14
* kubotu slides whisky down the bar to Quintasan13:14
Quintasanapachelogger: Where be me whisky bind for kubotu /13:15
jussisigh... someone stole my alt tab effect from saucy.... grrrr (or I can figure out how to turn it on)13:16
shadeslayerjussi: it's in systemsettings -> Window Behaviour13:16
jussishadeslayer: but activating other ones doesnt change anything!13:16
jussishadeslayer: oh now it works. btw, what the heck is it doing there and not in desktop effects? 13:18
shadeslayerit changed places13:19
shadeslayerlike 2 releases ago or sth13:19
jussimakes no sense to me13:20
jussianyway, still 4 shirts left!13:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: Any ideas why pbuilder refuses to create trusty tgz? I have new deboostrap and whatnot13:31
shadeslayerno idea, I created one yesterday13:31
shadeslayerworked for me13:31
Quintasansays unknown distribution: trusty13:31
shadeslayerjust add a symlink13:32
shadeslayerto gutsy13:32
Quintasandumbest thing is that debootstrap trusty ./derp works13:33
Quintasanit just worked13:33
Quintasanfor some reason13:33
* ScottK made one on Monday.13:39
apolScottK: hey, I was looking at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32650013:43
ubottuKDE bug 326500 in updater "Unable to unselect updates" [Major,Unconfirmed]13:43
apolI can't really understand it13:43
apolis it a problem that muon gets frozen?13:44
shadeslayerScottK: fwiw grub2 i386 builds on pbuilder, so something funky with the PPA builder13:52
shadeslayerit also builds in trusty13:52
apacheloggerapol: go fix the crash instead plz :P13:54
apacheloggernew reviews http://techlorebyigor.blogspot.com/2013/10/kubuntu-1310-is-for-keeps.html http://mylinuxexplore.blogspot.com/2013/10/kubuntu-1310-saucy-salamander-review.html13:55
apacheloggerapol: people seem to like discover btw :)13:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: seems the PPA killed whatever test was run there13:56
apacheloggermaybe due to the fact that they are emulated or something13:56
shadeslayerwell, anyway, someone needs to upload grub13:57
smartboyhw_shadeslayer: In here we're waiting for the fix to be uploaded to Trusty.13:58
smartboyhw_Here = Studio13:58
ScottKapol: No.  It's not frozen.  It does something and then goes back to everything still selected.14:00
ScottKapachelogger: Wasn't Colin going to SRU grub or was it us?14:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: fwiw releaseme doesn't work for muon14:01
shadeslayersomething about not being able to fetch the source from svn14:02
apacheloggerScottK: us14:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: muon doesn't have source on svn14:02
shadeslayerreally? I didn't notice ...14:03
Quintasanone does not simply use svn for new projects14:04
ScottKapachelogger: Can you do that.  If I upload it, I can't accept the SRU.14:08
apacheloggerScottK: about to leave for doctors appointment, can do in an hour or so14:14
cyphermoxshadeslayer: re NM> no ack from release at the same time as ack from touch release team.... I uploaded to trusty yesterday14:19
Riddellcyphermox: 14:28
Riddellcyphermox: do you think we could do a SRU?  I know the plasma-nm guys would be much happier to know their users are with
shadeslayeraye ^^14:34
Riddelland we're the first distro to use them so their bug reports have gone up a lot since we released :)14:35
yossarianukshadeslayer: emailed you regarding uefi / new gre pkgs14:54
cyphermoxRiddell: there are some new features. do you think the release team / SRU team would be fine with it as SRU?14:55
shadeslayeryossarianuk: I don't see a "Upgraded grub" in there14:55
cyphermoxthe new feature part is really minimal anyway, it's just some connectivity checking stuff14:55
shadeslayergrub the package14:55
shadeslayercyphermox: I bet if you don't say anything you can sneak it past them ;)]14:56
yossarianuksorry - i left out the step14:56
yossarianuki.e inside chroot14:56
shadeslayeryossarianuk: as in left out the step in testing?14:56
yossarianukno - just in the email14:56
yossarianukin chroot I 'apt-get dist-upgrade'14:56
cyphermoxshadeslayer: not a good plan. Should thinks regress, it's just going to be more painful14:56
yossarianuk(after adding a nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf)14:56
shadeslayeryossarianuk: please report your findings here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/124241714:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Critical,In progress]14:57
yossarianukwill do very shortly 14:57
yossarianuki.e I can boot the OS without manually changing theefi folder name14:57
shadeslayerideally, just updating the package should work, and then you don't have to do anything14:58
yossarianukhowever there is now a phantom 'ubuntu' entry...14:58
yossarianuki'll report to the bug..14:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^14:58
shadeslayeryep, that'd be awesome14:58
yossarianukits reallt odd - if I delete via efibootmng it comes back on reboot?14:58
yossarianukif I delete the kubuntu one that stays deleted.14:59
yossarianukthey both load kubunut14:59
shadeslayerno idea, I use refind so I've only rarely dealt with grub-efi14:59
yossarianuk- although I do not have ubuntu installed yet.14:59
yossarianukcool - at least its progress.....14:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: too much backlog15:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: grub fix sort of works15:01
apacheloggersort of?15:05
yossarianukit does work15:06
yossarianuki.e I could boot without manually copying the /boot/efi/EFI/kubutu foler -> /boot/efi/EFI/ubutu15:06
yossarianuk(spelt correctly)15:06
yossarianukbut - it creates another UEFI entry 'ubuntu' also15:07
yossarianukthat even if I delete via efibootmng - comes back on reboot (which is odd)15:07
yossarianukthis was from  aclean disk / cleaned UEFI entries.15:07
apacheloggerhow did you clean the entires?15:08
yossarianukefibootmgr 15:08
yossarianukshows 'Boot0008* ubuntu'15:08
yossarianuki use15:08
yossarianukefibootmgr -b 8 -B15:08
apacheloggerwas that present immediately after install?15:09
yossarianukefibootmng shows the entry is gone15:09
apacheloggermay be that your firmware just tries to be smart15:09
apacheloggeryossarianuk: well, I don't trust efibootmgr to be honest: P15:09
yossarianukwell after the install (after chrooting)15:09
yossarianukits fine now  - however may cause issues after installing ubuntu15:10
yossarianukits just odd it comes back15:10
yossarianukthe kubuntu entry doesn't15:10
apacheloggerit won't cause issues15:10
yossarianukif I remove the efi folders then remove the entry it doesn;t come back15:10
apacheloggersince the kubuntu entry points to the same loader image15:10
yossarianuk(but obviously I cannot boot)15:11
yossarianukok thanks15:11
apacheloggersame thign would happen if you installed kubuntu and then on a separate partiton install ubuntu, they'd still point to the same loader15:11
yossarianukwell at present I only have 1 os - kubuntu15:11
yossarianukafter install /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu was also there15:11
apacheloggerwhy does your boot manager have 9 entires then Oo15:11
yossarianuk(after install + new grub updates)15:11
Riddellcyphermox: hmm would be hard but maybe15:12
cyphermoxRiddell: yeah15:12
yossarianukDVD drive, UEFI built in shell, UEFI USB stick, etc15:12
cyphermoxwe can find the commits that are relevant though and just SRU that15:12
Riddellcyphermox: where did your packages end up?15:12
yossarianukBoot0000* kubuntu15:12
cyphermoxRiddell: what do you mean?15:12
yossarianukBoot0007  Unknown Device  ?15:13
Riddellcyphermox: is there a PPA so I can look at them again?15:13
cyphermoxno, it was in my people page15:13
Riddellcyphermox: cool, I'll take a look tomorrow15:13
yossarianuki'll report my findings anyway - thanks for trying to fix the issue !15:13
apacheloggeryossarianuk: use the shell to drop the ubuntu entry15:15
apacheloggerhelp bcfg15:15
cyphermoxRiddell: If you can just tell me what the problem was again then I'll look for the patch15:15
apacheloggersomething like bcfg boot rm $ID15:15
apacheloggerthen `reset`15:15
apacheloggerif it appears again the firmware is being smart15:15
* apachelogger afk15:15
Riddellcyphermox: I think it's a few things, I'll clarify with jgrulich15:17
yossarianukapachelogger: bcfg isn't install on ubuntu 13.10 - not in the repos  either15:18
apacheloggeryossarianuk: uefi shell15:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you upload grub?15:18
yossarianukah - ok15:18
yossarianukthanks will reboot to drop to UEFI shell now (I take it I cannot do that from running OS?)15:19
shadeslayerfirst trusty upload15:22
yossarianukThe problem with non rolling releases is your always getting excited about the new release rather than enjoying the current one...15:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: grub links plz I am going to reboot and then upload15:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/grub2_2.00-19ubuntu2.1.dsc15:25
* shadeslayer looks at "Rohan Garg (rohangarg) cannot upload grub2 to Saucy/Release" sadly15:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: please note that the bug report is not  ready for SRU15:27
apacheloggerstill needs impact and regression defined15:27
apacheloggersee description15:27
shadeslayer"Could potentially break everything for all ubuntu users"15:28
apacheloggersounds about right15:29
apacheloggerwhy it affects kubuntu-settings I do not know btw15:31
shadeslayerI like how Howard just reverted their GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR variable xD15:41
apacheloggercj wasn't too keen on the idea of piling up manual workarounds15:44
apacheloggerScottK, shadeslayer: [ubuntu/saucy-proposed] grub2 2.00-19ubuntu2.1 (Waiting for approval) 15:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe make a card for that15:53
apacheloggerbecause we will have to update the release page, drop a mail to kubuntu-users/kubuntu-devel and (unless we get .1 put a news about the defect and how people can overcome it)15:54
apacheloggerI think yossarianuk broke his boot table15:55
shadeslayerRiddell: plasma-nm updated16:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://trello.com/c/XwcVaeiG16:17
shadeslayerokay mm is left16:18
yossarianukupdated bug, it looks like as long as /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu  exists I cannot remove the UEFI entry for 'ubuntu' (which boot kubuntu)16:18
yossarianuki have removed with bcfg and efibootmng - it comes back on reboot (unless I delete the directory /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu ...)16:19
yossarianuk(then I cannot boot)16:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: fwiw libnm-qt has a tiny API change ( a signal has new parameters )16:19
apacheloggerRiddell: what do I do with https://trello.com/c/r2YHDTII16:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: doesn't matter, signal() == signal(Foo foo)16:20
yossarianukalso if I delete '/boot/efi/EFI/kbuntu' the system still boots....16:20
yossarianukas long as /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu is still there16:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: ack16:21
yossarianukI blame ubuntu for all of this.........16:21
apacheloggeryossarianuk: if ubuntu comes back after a reset from bcfg removal it gets added by your firmware automatically16:21
apacheloggernothing we can do about that16:21
yossarianukbut this is a new thing....16:22
yossarianuki.e in 13.04 it did not happen16:23
yossarianuk)its not the end of the world)16:23
yossarianukAs a test I may blank drive + all UEFI entries again - just install Ubuntu 13.10 then see if I can remove the entry 16:24
yossarianukif that is the case then there is an issue.16:25
yossarianuk(i.e if the entry stays removed)16:25
apacheloggerseems our support crew called it a day ^^16:31
shadeslayerheh, probably fed up of all the calls coming in about broken UEFI16:32
apacheloggerbecause we also get so many bug reports, right? :P16:32
yossarianukI know for a fact that the UEFI issue has effected at least 8 people who use the kubuntu google plus page.16:33
yossarianukmost people think the workaround is fine and have not added to bug report.16:34
yossarianukwait until they dual boot.....16:34
shadeslayerI think we should do a 13.10.1 once we get all the fixes we want in16:34
apacheloggernot our call16:34
shadeslayerwell, just my 2 cents16:34
apacheloggeralso there can be made a case against it16:34
yossarianukthreaten to go on strike.....16:34
apacheloggerin that .1 would contain everything in -updates at the time16:34
shadeslayerwhat would be a case against it?16:34
shadeslayerisn't that a good thing16:35
apacheloggernot really16:35
shadeslayerlots of bug fixes?16:35
apacheloggersomething in -updates could cause a problem with ubiquity the livecd16:35
yossarianukbut that could be tested.16:35
apacheloggergiven reduced testing time and scope this could slip through our hands and then we have again a broken image, except it will be broken in other ways16:35
shadeslayeryossarianuk: like we did for 13.10 :D16:35
yossarianukthe annoying thing is people were having issues - just seemed not to bother actually making a bug report.16:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: so it's basically comes down to between "Potentially broken CD" and "Broken CD"16:36
apacheloggerso IMO iff ubiquity manages to update grub such taht it does not lead to a broken system it would be impractical to do .116:36
xnoxI don't think it's possible to build an image with just a single package from -updates, you take all or nothing.16:36
shadeslayerxnox: actually, that would  be a good thing, since we also want muon updated and what not16:37
yossarianuk(i'm guessing that people just assumed that it would be fixed by the final release...)16:37
xnoxand we will have to be careful not to delete that source.16:37
apacheloggerxnox: that's what ScottK said too, which is why I would stay away from it16:37
shadeslayerI really don't see why we can't update, test, and if it is still broken, not release it16:37
apacheloggeryossarianuk: yeah, assumption is the thing that comes befure a kerneloops :P16:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: <shadeslayer> yossarianuk: like we did for 13.10 :D16:38
apacheloggerI would be very very very careful with assuming that our testing will be sufficient to prevent a regression over the 13.10 iso16:38
apacheloggerso as I said16:38
QuintasanI'd say "very very very" doesn't even begin to cut it.16:39
shadeslayerthat is true16:39
apacheloggerif it turns out that once it is in updates it will lead to a fixed system that should be a good enough solution for .1016:39
shadeslayeragain, I agree with that solution16:39
QuintasanAs much as I hate it - our testing is usually crappy given we have very limited resources.16:39
shadeslayerbut if it does not ...16:39
apacheloggerif not then we can still consider a new image and if that does not work we'll simply create some automation the user can run16:40
yossarianukbut the point is - that the present .iso is 100% broken for uefi systems. - if an update fixes the issue it would mean UEFI users would need to be online to boot16:40
apacheloggerit's not exactly rocket science to find the EFI partition and cp kubuntu ubuntu :P16:40
yossarianukapachelogger: for some people it is.......16:40
yossarianukKubuntu is for everybody.....16:40
apacheloggerread what I wrote please16:40
apacheloggeralso .10 will be outdated in 8.5 months16:41
apacheloggerveryyyyyyyy tiny scope here :P16:41
apacheloggerif it was an LTS it would be different16:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: actually I think the testing is just badly organized16:42
apacheloggerthat's why I put up the 14.04 deadlines board16:42
shadeslayerwho wants to file SRU bugs for {libmm,libnm}-qt and plasma-nm16:42
* apachelogger hides16:42
Quintasanapachelogger: Any ideas how to prevent that? I usually just grab the isos when I get pinged and do the testcases16:42
apacheloggeralso our iso test cases are pretty crappy IMO16:43
apacheloggerthere need to be more focused tests16:43
apacheloggerthat don't need to be done for every candiate ISO but at least one16:43
apacheloggerlike l10n testing16:43
yossarianuk(+ UEFI testing....)16:45
QuintasanDo we even have the hardware to do UEFI testing?16:45
apacheloggerI do now16:45
yossarianukKVM can now emulated UEFI16:45
apacheloggerI can even set my own secureboot keys and shit16:45
Quintasanyossarianuk: That's not a proper way to test this IMO.16:45
apacheloggeryossarianuk: barely16:45
apacheloggerand what Quintasan said16:46
QuintasanI'm pretty much sure UEFI will probably differ in some dumb way depending on the manufacturer16:46
yossarianukUEFI has been generally annoying since I started using it...16:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: that is a given but those issues are outside our scope anyway16:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: so kind of pointless to test it on a specific manufacturer?16:46
apacheloggerthat's part of general ubuntu efi/scureboot enablement16:46
Quintasanshadeslayer: I did not say that.16:47
shadeslayerI'm saying that16:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: it's pointless to test against clean spec compliant implements found in virtualization software :P16:47
QuintasanIt's better than not doing it at all but we CAN'T test it on every single hardware.16:47
QuintasanIt's not possible due to time, hardware and MOST importantly human resources constraints.16:48
QuintasanEven if we had all the hardware we wouldn't have enough manpower to test this :D16:48
QuintasanTypical time/effort problem.16:48
QuintasanOr maybe effort put/results gained to be more PRECISE.16:49
apacheloggerit's a usefulness problem :P16:49
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
QuintasanLooks like a big list of DO NOT SHIP - COPYRIGHT MUMBO JUMBO to me16:51
QuintasanAny objections to me ignoring this?16:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: muon 2.1.0 uploaded to trusty16:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: apol sent me a tarball with the final release16:52
Quintasanshadeslayer: Does it fix the muon-installer crashing after a few seconds after starting?16:52
yossarianukwell thanks to everybody working on the UEFI and other issues 16:52
QuintasanMy roommate is whining about it never working :P16:52
shadeslayerQuintasan: cool, now you can file a SRU bug16:53
shadeslayerso that your roommate can get the fix16:53
yossarianukwhat version of KDE is 14.04 aiming to use btw ?16:53
yossarianukisn't 4.11 a LTS version of KDE?16:53
QuintasanUhh 4.12 is not going to happen IIRC16:53
apacheloggerkde-workspace stays at 4.11 everything else moves on16:54
QuintasanOkay. It's just me being wrong then16:54
apacheloggerQuintasan: why's your roommate not using discover?16:54
shadeslayeryes, why is he not discovering16:55
QuintasanBecause it was not in raring?16:55
apacheloggerraring is crashing?16:55
QuintasanAnd he just upgraded.16:55
apacheloggerI don't get it16:55
apacheloggerif he's on raring why does he have muon 2.0.65?16:55
QuintasanHe's been using raring, he upgraded -> it started crashing and he is whining now16:56
apacheloggertell him to use discover :P16:56
QuintasanI told him to shut the hell up and report it upstream.16:56
apacheloggerno clue why they insisted on keeping installer at all, from my perspective discover replaces what installer was supposed to do16:56
Quintasanapachelogger: In my uni organisation there is a nice sentence right above the exit.16:57
Quintasan"BEACAUSE FU%* YOU, THAT'S WHY"16:57
QuintasanIt's not entirely apropriate for this instance but we generally answer why's with that when possible :P16:58
apacheloggeractually it's very appropriate16:59
apacheloggerJT is a GUI horder16:59
apacheloggerwhen they port to qt5 surely there will be discover1 and discover2 and both can be built :P16:59
QuintasanAll your GUIs are belong to me?16:59
apacheloggerto him!17:00
QuintasanAnyone wants to look at digikam 3.5 before I upload something potentially strange?17:00
ScottKapol: I saw the commit message on the deselecting updates bug.  Glad you were able to figure it out.  Could you add the software properties option back to Muon updater?  Having to fire up discover just to enable saucy-proposed for testing is awkward.17:02
yossarianukhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjRAKuis7T8&t=16m20s   - Linus wants the different desktop people to work together and stop making pretty login screens....17:06
Quintasanshadeslayer: dget -xu http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/digikam_3.5.0-0ubuntu1.dsc17:06
QuintasanDO EEEET.17:06
shadeslayeryou can't upload to trusty?17:08
shadeslayerScottK: muon 2.1.0 uploaded to raring17:08
shadeslayersaucy I mean17:08
shadeslayerScottK: please accept so that you can selectively mark upgrades and Quintasan's roommate can start muon17:09
shadeslayerbug 124380717:09
ubottubug 1243807 in muon (Ubuntu Saucy) "[SRU] Update Muon to 2.1.0" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124380717:09
Quintasanshadeslayer: Damn you, I can but I don't trust myself this much after not doing anything for quite a while17:09
QuintasanI want you to check it.17:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: looks good17:18
shadeslayerwant me to upload17:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: no missing files et all?17:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6290053 <--- looks like a copyright pita so I ommited them17:19
shadeslayerah so the usual17:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: so are you uploading?17:20
shadeslayerScottK: bug 1243822 for your approval17:24
ubottubug 1243822 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu Saucy) "[SRU] Update plasma-nm, libnm-qt, and libmm-qt" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124382217:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: Upload'n17:28
ScottKshadeslayer: libmm-qt_0.5.0-0ubuntu1_0.5.1 is not a bug fix only release.17:50
ScottKNor is libnm-qt_0.9.017:53
ScottKshadeslayer: No way am I accepting renaming the applet for an SRU.  That's likely to mess up people's panels.17:54
ScottKRejected the lot.17:54
ScottKThe features in lib* seem minor and not a big deal, but come up with a plan for plasma-nm that doesn't involved a rename.17:55
ScottKThen we'll talk.17:55
* yofel reminds shadeslayer and Quintasan that digikam has a packaging branch, please update17:59
shadeslayerScottK: oh yeah18:08
shadeslayerScottK: re libs, those are fine right?18:12
shadeslayerand they're not features afaict ?18:12
ScottKThey are, but I can live with it.18:12
shadeslayerthey're still ABI compatible since signal() is same as signal(foo)18:12
shadeslayerwell .. ABI wise18:12
ScottKThat's why I can live with it.18:13
ScottKapachelogger: Can you review the diff for the nm-applet?  It's way more than I can look at today.18:35
jalcineHey guys, so I'm looking to helping SDDM (https://github.com/sddm/sddm) get into (K)ubntu as a display manager18:42
jalcineit's an alternative to Canonical's lightdm and uses QML for theming18:43
jalcinethe thing is I'd have to patch a package in universe (I think) called libxcb1 to get 'libxcb-xkb' to get it compiling18:43
jalcineany tips on how to do that?18:43
jalcineRight now I'm following http://developer.ubuntu.com for the inital patching but is there anything when it comes to patching I should be aware from sages here?18:43
jalcineb 118:44
apacheloggerScottK, shadeslayer: where be the diff plz18:51
apacheloggerjalcine: as far as I am aware it requires no patch, it just needs to be passed --enabled-xkb or somesuch thing to configure18:52
ScottKapachelogger: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/154814974/plasma-nm_0.9.3.0-0ubuntu5.1_0.9.3.1-0ubuntu0.1.diff.gz18:52
jalcineapachelogger: yeah, a patch to the Debian packaging then, because it doesn't have that option18:53
apacheloggerthat's not a patch, that'd simply be a change to the packaging :P18:54
jalcineAwesome, so would I just report this on Launchpad as a wish to change the packaging?18:55
apacheloggerjalcine: yeah18:57
jalcineokay; I'll make a diff first (everyone loves diffs, I hear)18:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you ask upstream if it is wise to push that without the libs?19:01
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1243860] KDE battery monitor shows empty battery (wrongly) when connected to power source @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1243860 (by Peder Chr. Nørgaard)19:05
apacheloggershadeslayer, ScottK: so... a) I'd check with upstream whether it is fine to backport that without the associated qt libraries b) that needs l10n stat comparision for de,es,fr and/or l10n QA as strings were added c) that needs serious regression potential assesment as desktop files and library files changed name19:11
apacheloggerRiddell had a crash while upgrading from .04 to .10 due to plasma-nm's different kded name, so it is more than likely that the change will again cause a kded crash in some cases19:12
apacheloggerneeds particular looking out for and also talking to upstream in case they get a report about that during -proposed testing phase19:13
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1197261] Can't install kde-style-skulpture on KDE 4.11 Beta 2 - conflict with kde-window-manager pa... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1197261 (by Murz)20:07
Quintasanthe hell20:23
QuintasanScottK: libqtgstreamer-dev : Depends: libboost-dev (>= 1.39) but it is not going to be installed20:24
QuintasanWe have 1.54 in trusty, right?20:24
QuintasanWhy would that fail20:25
ScottKProbably things it depends on depending on conflicting boost -dev packages (the -dev aren't co-installable)20:25
QuintasanIt built and installed just fine on my trusty chroot20:26
ScottK1.54 transition is ongoing, so maybe something is updated since you updated your chroot.20:27
QuintasanScottK: I guess I'll just wait for the transition to be done and retry the build20:36

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