
keithzg-n9Do any of the alt-tab effects work for anyone on 13.10? On 3 different machines now I've seen them do zilch.00:01
seattlegauchokeithzg-n9: alt-tab shows desktop ... it used to switch between windows ... on 13.04 still00:12
seattlegaucho... a *very* annoying and unexpected change in behavior00:12
keithzg-n9seattlegaucho: Huh? It's clearly switching between windows for me, including on a fresh new 13.10 install00:36
keithzg-n9it's just that enabling or disabling the related desktop effects doesn't change the look of the window switching.00:37
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seattlegauchoI guess I'll have to spend some time reviewing settings :/01:16
donavan01so when i use chrome in windows they have the tab bar and the windows title bar all rolled into one ... is there a way to do that on Kubuntu?01:41
RoeyI do "virtualenv bywaf", then execute "source bin/activate", then "bywaf" and get this:  http://pastebin.com/cMuwknjY   <-- this is an issue with Python library version mismatch, as shown here:  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16301735/importerror-cannot-import-name-maxrepeat-with-cx-freeze    I tried this advice, but I still see the same error.02:10
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naught101Has anyone else had problems connecting to wired networks with kubuntu 13.04? They don't even show up in my network manager applet anymore04:26
naught101urgh... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/124189704:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 1241897 in linux (Ubuntu) "Regression: Losing wired connection after upgrading to 13.10" [Medium,Confirmed]04:33
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noaXessgood morning05:30
noaXesssince days i always get a new nameserver entry into /etc/resolv.conf which is wrong..05:30
noaXessfrom where does this entry come and how to prevent adding it automatically?05:31
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noaXesseach time i reconnect wlan or lan interface i got the wrong nameserver entry.. seams there is any static entry anywhere05:33
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yossarianukI tried the latest ubuntu yeserday - its like spamming yourself everytime you search for an application....07:20
Guest39965i dont speaK ENGLISH07:20
lordievaderGuest39965: Where are you from?07:21
lordievaderPossibly there is a room in your language.07:21
yossarianukI would avoid talking in CAPS or you will likely just be ignored07:22
lordievader!iran | Guest3996507:22
lordievader!arabic ?07:22
ubottulordievader: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:22
lordievaderAh !ir | Guest3996507:23
lordievader!ir| Guest3996507:23
ubottuGuest39965: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.07:23
yossarianuk!open the podbay doors07:23
ubottuyossarianuk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:23
yossarianukthe workaround for Kubuntu 13.10 UEFI issue causes issues btw if you deual boot your system with ubuntu....07:24
yossarianukhen you get multiple UEFI entries that all load ubuntu by default07:24
yossarianuk you can select 'ubuntu 13.10' further down the list to load kubuntu in grub.07:24
yossarianuk!would you like to play a game of chess07:24
ubottuyossarianuk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:24
yossarianukyeh the bot has no intellegence.07:25
Guest39965YOU WEB..?07:26
lordievaderGuest39965: Please refrain from using caps, makes it look like you are screaming.07:26
yossarianukGuest39965: I was talking to the bot07:27
lordievader!caps | Guest3996507:28
ubottuGuest39965: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:28
yossarianuki've added to ignore list....07:29
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Tokeiitoshould i report this problem: after i install nvidia-prime, my lightdm.conf greeter is changed to unity-greeter08:41
Tokeiitoand ofc lightdm hangs08:41
Tokeiitoto fix that i should manualy change greeter option to lightdm-kde-greeter08:42
lordievaderTokeiito: Yes if that package is ment for other things besides Ubuntu.08:42
Tokeiitowell it does not depends from any ubuntu package. does not install any ubuntu dependencies. just brokes kubuntu desktop installation.08:43
Tokeiitowhere should i report that?08:43
lordievaderTokeiito: I'd say here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime08:44
Tokeiitothank you08:44
lordievaderTokeiito: Or mabe it is bug #122409808:45
ubottubug 1224098 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "xserver wont start after nvidia-prime installation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122409808:45
Tokeiitomhm its the same. wrote comment. thank you for info.08:49
lordievaderTokeiito: No problem ;)08:50
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Guest40345Hello all. I would like to ask you for help. I have installed Kubuntu 13.10 and it seems ok. However, I have 2 problems. The first problem is that my wifi isn't working until I go to sleep mode and after turning on the pc, the wifi is working without problems.09:23
Guest40345The second problem is that I have 2 graphic cards(one integrated HD 4000 and Nvidia 740m), but the Kubuntu recognizes only the integrated one. There isn't an option in BIOS to set only one graphic card.09:24
Guest40345Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks a lot.09:24
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amichairI'm on 13.10, getting a lot of window freezes of Chrome - I thought it was just that, but now it happened on Skype too, so maybe it's NVidia drivers or something. Window totally frozen, but minimize+restore it and it's back to normal. Is this a known issue?10:07
cryptonidewhich version of caligra and amarok are shipped with 13.10?10:08
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shadeslayerlordievader: re bug 1224098, it's a silly bug in preinst.in10:32
ubottubug 1224098 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu Saucy) "xserver wont start after nvidia-prime installation" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122409810:32
shadeslayershould be fixed soon10:32
lordievadershadeslayer: Ok great :) Not that I use nvidia ;)10:33
shadeslayeryeah, even then :)10:34
shadeslayerI just scroll through the backlog looking at bugs :P10:34
amichairamichair: konsole just froze too. so it's probaby X or NVidia causing the freeze... anybody know something about this?10:39
veduhello. after installing nvidia drivers, i lost all the transperancy effects.10:55
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BluesKajHiyas all12:11
Walexvedu: most likely you have lost GL/RANDR acceleration too, double check that the nVidia driver installation was successful.12:18
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tafkab76hi, is this the right place to ask a question about kubuntu 1310 installation?14:14
lordievadertafkab76: Jup, this is the right room ;)14:14
tafkab76excellent. I installed Kubuntu alongside Windows 7. Actually the installation went fine, but if I choose "Windows /" from the Boot menu, the screen turns bölack for a few seconds and then the bootmenu appears again.14:16
tafkab76("Windows 7")14:16
lordievadertafkab76: Are all the Win7 partitions intact?14:17
tafkab76at least they were before the installation of Kubuntu. For more information, this is a thread concerning my problem: http://forum.kubuntu-de.org/index.php?topic=17314.014:18
lordievadertafkab76: Is this a UEFI or a BIOS computer we are talking about?14:19
tafkab76BIOS based (Thinkpad T420)14:22
lordievaderOk well make sure your Windows partitions are intact.14:23
tafkab76how would I do that? chkdsk?14:24
BluesKajtafkab76.  try running this command , sudo os-prober, then run, sudo update-grub14:25
tafkab76BluesKaj: ok, I will try in a few minutes14:26
lordievadertafkab76: Run "sudo fdisk -l" and see if there are NTFS partitions listed.14:26
BluesKajtafkab76. those commands should find the mbr with grub on it and restrore the windows OS to the list14:30
tafkab76lordievader: it only shows sdb, not sda. But sda is only for user data like images, etc.14:30
BluesKajthembr should be on sda14:31
lordievaderBluesKaj: Not neccesarely.14:31
tafkab76I will now try os-prober14:31
lordievadertafkab76: You could mount those ntfs partition to see if they contain your windows install.14:32
tafkab76and I think I had no choise to define which (hardware) disk is sda and which is sdb.14:32
BluesKajlordievader. maybe so , but it's usually the default method  to install grub on the mbr14:33
tafkab76sudo os-prober result: /dev(sdb1: Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain14:34
tafkab76I will now update grub and restart14:34
tafkab76didn´t work :-(14:35
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BluesKajtafkab76. did you run , sudo update-grub14:36
BluesKajok boot repair seems to be in order14:37
BluesKajbut , tafkab76 as lordievader suggested make sure you have a ntfs partition , otherwise boot repair is uneccessary14:39
BluesKajtafkab76. have you rebooted since running the grub commands ?14:40
tafkab76BluesKaj. yes14:41
tafkab76BluesKaj. Partitions seem to be ok, I can see and explore them in the partition manager. the windows OS files are on sdb2.14:42
BluesKajdo you a ntfs partition wirh data on it14:42
tafkab76U can see the partitions in this thread:14:42
BluesKaj!info boot-repair14:43
ubottuPackage boot-repair does not exist in saucy14:43
goodtimenot good14:43
tafkab76is it ok that the boot entry says "/dev(sdb1: Windows 7 (loader)", while the OS files are on sdb2?14:44
lordievadertafkab76: Yes, for as far as I know Win7 keeps its boot files on another partition.14:46
BluesKajtafkab76. , did you buy the pc wih W7 preinstalled ? If so then you have a recovery partition and  a windows page file partition (I think)14:46
BluesKajyeah boot files14:47
tafkab76BluesKaj. I think what lordievader says is right. sdb1 is only 100MB in size. But isn´t that the partiton where grub is installed too? So maybe grub keeps calling itself?14:48
lordievadertafkab76: No grub installs itself to the mbr.14:49
BluesKajtafkab76. normally if windows is preinstalled the mbr is on sda, that's where grub tries to install itself14:49
BluesKajtafkab76.f recommend boot-repair , it's worked seversl time for me , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair14:51
tafkab76lueskaj. In my case it wasn´t preinstalled. I installed it from scratch on the internal ssd. When i Installed Kubuntu the ssd (with Windows 7 OS) was detected as sdb.14:51
BluesKajthen boot-repair is you best bet bet14:52
BluesKajbet :)14:52
goodtimei hate 714:52
goodtimebut i like 8 lol14:52
BluesKajw7 works well here14:53
tafkab76blueskaj. ok, i´m downloading boot-repair right now14:54
tafkab76running boot-repair...14:55
tafkab76results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6289424/14:57
tafkab76I will now reboot...14:57
tafkab76It works and I think I had the right idea at 16:4414:59
tafkab76I now have to entries with Windows 7, one on sda1 and the other one on sda214:59
tafkab76the one on sda2 works14:59
tafkab76thank you!15:00
tafkab76(sdB1 and sdB2 that is)15:00
BluesKajtafkab76. np , glad it works , that was quick15:00
lordievadertafkab76: Great that it works :) May I ask why sda2 has a boot flag?15:00
tafkab76yes, really quick, thank you again. and I have no idea why sda2 has a boot flag. Where did you see that?15:01
lordievadertafkab76: In your pastebin.15:01
lordievaderLine 9015:02
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tafkab76hmmm...honestly I have no idea. I formatted the partition from the windows 7 desktop. Is it maybe because I marked it as primary partition?15:03
tafkab76in which file can I delete the bad boot menu entry of Windows 7? I only know that it´s not grub.cfg15:05
lordievadertafkab76: Oh well it's not important, was just curious.15:05
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amichairI'm on 13.10, getting a lot of window freezes of various applications (not only kde), mostly Chrome -the  window is totally frozen, but minimize+restore it and it's back to normal. Is this a known issue? NVidia drivers maybe?15:33
therazrHas anyone tried to input Japanese in Kubuntu 13.10?16:05
therazrwith ibus16:05
lordievadertherazr: I have at times.16:07
therazrlordievader: How do you set ibus as the default input method with KDE?16:07
lordievadertherazr: I allways used the ctrl+space shortcut to enable it.16:08
therazrlordievader: I'm talking about setting it as the default input method, not changing the current layouts. Without the former step, I can't change to ibus at all16:10
lordievadertherazr: You mean you cannot type anything in Japanese even if you active ibus?16:10
therazrlordievader: No, I can't activate ibus, that's the problem16:11
lordievadertherazr: Anty is setup as one of the input methods?16:11
therazrlordievader: I can't run ibus, so I can't set anthy :P16:12
therazrunlike unity, there is no GUI to swith to ibus in Kubuntu16:12
lordievadertherazr: Hold on let me see if I can get Japanese input working on this machine.16:12
therazrlordievader: The problem is with Kubuntu 13.10 only though, with previous versions I had no problems :P16:13
therazrwhen I run ibus from terminal, it crashes upon start, seems to be broken16:13
lordievaderI see what you mean, you also get the gi.repository error?16:16
Whiskey`Wonkaanyone have any idea why the google package maker installs (with errors) and then does this16:20
Whiskey`Wonkawhen ever i want ot install things later16:21
lordievaderHmm too bad therazr is gone, I found the solution...16:26
geniilordievader: You should post it anyways, for others later that may be searching through irc logs :)16:39
lordievaderThe fix is to install gir1.2-gtk-3.0, I will make a bug report about the missing dependency later.16:40
Whiskey`Wonkalordievader: wanna take a stab at the google package depends issues? =)16:46
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lordievaderWhiskey`Wonka: For as far as I know the ia32-libs don't exist any more in 13.10.16:58
Whiskey`Wonkalordievader: i know, thats what has me confused16:58
Whiskey`Wonkawhy would the package builder for 13.10 make it dep16:59
lordievaderWhiskey`Wonka: What package are you trying to install?17:00
Whiskey`Wonkagoogle earth17:00
Whiskey`Wonkausing the package builder17:00
lordievader!info google-earth17:01
ubottuPackage google-earth does not exist in saucy17:01
Whiskey`Wonka!info make-googleearth-package17:01
ubottuPackage make-googleearth-package does not exist in saucy17:01
Whiskey`Wonkainteresting, that one does17:01
lordievaderWhiskey`Wonka: A 3rd party repo?17:02
Whiskey`Wonkauhm, ill look17:02
Whiskey`Wonka!info googleearth-package17:04
ubottugoogleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.0 (saucy), package size 10 kB, installed size 59 kB17:04
Whiskey`Wonkawish i had never upgraded to 13.1017:09
yossarianuk13.10 is better in all respects except UEFI.17:09
Whiskey`Wonkajust found that teamviewer is also broken due to lib32asound2 ia32-libs17:10
lordievaderWhiskey`Wonka: These are the 14.04 dependencies, not sure if they are different in Saucy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6290125/17:10
Whiskey`Wonkayossarianuk: You sir are wrong.17:10
lordievaderWhiskey`Wonka: I'm not sure where ia32-libs comes along.17:10
Whiskey`Wonkalordievader: right ive looked at that, its the same that muon spits but its not what dpkg -i says17:11
Whiskey`Wonkais there a way to get a more verbose output of the install?17:11
Whiskey`Wonkaand now im in a crunch for a cross platform remote desktop app17:12
yossarianukIf your just connecting to Linux machines NX server is very good (and faster than any other method)17:14
yossarianukif your connect ing to windows though obviously that is not useful17:14
geniiia32-libs has been superceded by multiarch17:14
yossarianukonly a closed source app needs 32bit libs.17:15
Whiskey`Wonkayossarianuk: that is what cross platform is17:15
Whiskey`Wonka(connecting to windows from linux mostly in my case)17:15
lordievaderWhiskey`Wonka: What client are you using and what protocol?17:16
geniiMight want to install multiarch-support package, then do additionally: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38617:16
yossarianukWhiskey`Wonka: sudo apt-get install libasound2:i38617:16
Whiskey`Wonkalordievader: was using teamviewer17:16
yossarianuktry that17:16
geniiyossarianuk: This assumes they have multiarch already enabled :)17:16
lordievaderWhiskey`Wonka: Why not rdp or vnc?17:17
yossarianukif you are running 13.10 you have ?17:17
geniiyossarianuk: Not if they upgraded from a version that didn't17:17
Whiskey`Wonkalordievader: end users, i would LOVE something simple like VNC17:17
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cubbybearHi all I just did a new install of 13.10 in the process I messed up my kmail import. I would like to start over with a clean kmail, but have been unable to delete every thing need to start over. Can someone tell me whaat I need to delete to get a clean kmail?17:40
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wxlshoot i can't remember how to disable ipv6 in rekonq. anyone?18:25
readyjarAnyway to get the Unity login screen?18:43
lordievaderreadyjar: This is #kubuntu, you probably want #ubuntu.18:43
readyjarlordievader: Well, I have kubuntu installed on top of a stock Ubuntu install. The differences are weird. I thought kubuntu was just ubuntu with KDE instead of Unity. Not sure how that warrants itself a new distro...18:45
geniireadyjar: I already answered your cross-post in #ubuntu18:45
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RageSithgood evening ... can anyone help me to get my microphone jack to work with my headset? i have a notebook with a builtin webcam and all i can use as mic is the webcams mic19:28
RageSithmy lspic output: http://pastebin.kde.org/p93d5zuea19:29
AvihayRageSith: you should probably download the pavucontrol package, it'll let you see what's pulse audio is doing, mabe automatic jack switching doesn't work for your setup, and you can manually change it with that19:31
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RageSithalready downloaded it but well i dont know how to setup in there19:32
RageSithcould you guide me a bit?19:32
Avihayyou'll want to first have a look at the input devices tab19:33
Avihayyou'll get live feedback there, and also an option to select the audio input for each device19:33
RageSithinput device tab is empty19:34
Avihaywell, your device might be in half duplex mode, switch to the configuration tab19:34
Avihayyou should have atleast one device there, probably labled Built in audo19:35
RageSiththere are two cards and two select fields19:35
RageSithfirst ist Digital Stereo (HDMI)19:35
Avihayone of them represents the camera and one the internal card?19:35
RageSiththe other is internel audio19:35
Avihaywhat profile is internal audio on?19:36
RageSithanalog stereo output19:36
Avihayya, change that to Analog Stereo Duplex19:36
Avihaynow switch back to the input device tab19:36
Avihaymake some noise19:37
RageSithnone of the 3 ports react to noisse19:37
Avihayturn up the volume/gain?19:37
Avihaywait, I bet you just need to restart pavucontrol, cause I don't see any feedback either19:38
lordievaderRageSith: What are the port options?19:38
Avihayya, solved it for me19:38
RageSithoptions are Internal Microphone, Microphone and Linein19:39
Avihaydoes it work after closeing and opening the program again?19:39
RageSithyes but only on internal19:40
Avihaydo you have your microphone plugged in properly?19:41
RageSithbut the bar freezes after a few secs19:41
RageSithyea i do19:41
Avihayare you cirten it's not plugged to the line in by accident?19:41
RageSithits a laptop with two jacks19:41
RageSithone for headphones and one for mic19:41
RageSithand yeah im sure19:42
AvihayI see. try turning the volume on the mic and line in up to 11? or try recording even though you don't see a feedback?19:42
RageSithokay when i start teamspeak in testspeaking mode19:44
Avihayalso, there's a chance that this mic and headset are on the HDMI device, and you need to change that to full duplex or x.1 + audio input for x in [2,4,5]19:44
RageSithusing ALSA -> HDA Intel PCH19:44
RageSiththen its only the webcam mic which records19:44
Avihaychange the profile under the config tab*19:44
Avihay<Avihay> also, there's a chance that this mic and headset are on the HDMI device, and you need to change that to full duplex or x.1 + audio input for x in [2,4,5]19:45
AvihayI mean either Duplex, or something + input19:46
RageSithHDMI Device gives options Digital Steroe (HDMI) output, digital surroud 5.1 (HDMI) output and off19:47
Avihayso no input :-<19:47
Avihaywell, it might be that one of them exposes a recording device, try each to see if you get anotehr recording device back in the other tab. other then that, googeling your specific make19:48
Avihayof soundcard19:48
RageSithif it give more infos i usaly set it up with alsamixer19:49
RageSithAvihay: i googled about it now over 2 hours but its a special notbook with special soundcard output devices :/ for instance i have speaker and subwoofer build in19:50
RageSithto get subwoofer turned on or off i need to use alsamixer19:50
Avihaymaybe you'd want to switch back to alsa then?19:50
Avihayor ask in #pulse or #pulseaudio19:51
Avihayprobaby the latter19:51
RageSithwell how to switch to alsa?19:51
AvihayI, umm, don't know, it involves removeing and adding some packages19:51
RageSithfound a guide let me check19:52
RageSiththanks for y help19:52
tunderszép estét19:59
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál20:01
tunderNa frissül a rendszer :)20:02
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tundernagy a csend..20:04
eagles0513875hey everyone for some reason my trackpad isnt working on my netbook. it seems like in the syslog that it knows bout the track pad and knows what kind of track pad it is but for some reason its not working20:08
eagles0513875and for me im seeing alot of other stuff which is horrendously broken.20:09
eagles0513875hey guys i am having all sorts of annoying issues with 13.10 anyone able to help me please20:33
eagles0513875i have issues where i cant modify users groups from system settings to trackpad not working and network manager not showing that im connected to a network it constantly shows like im disconnected when i know im not20:34
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jalcineAs far as I know, removing pulseaudio would make KMix use Alsa instead20:52
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eagles0513875hey jalcineany ideas as to my issues?21:11
jalcineis synaptiks installed/running?21:13
jalcineeagles0513875: ^21:14
jalcineas for plasma-nm, that's a whole new world21:14
eagles0513875synaptic isnt installed O_o yet syslog shows it in the sense it picks up the hardware21:14
eagles0513875jalcine: what about the users section in system settings i cant even edit a users groups etc21:14
jalcinethat's a unix thing imho21:15
jalcinethe user/groups thing21:15
jalcineI thought it to be common practice to login/logout after changing user groups21:16
eagles0513875you used to be able to manage that through system settings21:16
eagles0513875and now you cant any more21:16
jalcineprobably a TODO21:16
jalcinereport it as a wish (if it doesn't exist)21:16
eagles0513875seriously though that is a regression if anything21:16
chachanguys, any idea which DE SteamOS is going to choose?21:21
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jalcinechachan: -offtopic ;)21:23
chachanjalcine, :( ok :)21:23
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LeeJunFanThe new network plasmoid is kind of a turd. Had to work somewhere today where I was switching between networks a lot and it continually didn't show network lists for me to configure correctly w/o first collapsing and expanding sections and/or removing and re-plugging the cable.22:23
AsianWhat is this?22:24
Enkidu_akHi. I've recently completed a dist upgrade to 13.10 and have noticed that Muon is no longer displaying available updates. It shows that I have updates available and allows me to apply them, but I cannot see the details of the individual updates. So far I have not been able to find an option in the muon config to change this behavior, Are any of you able to assist me with this?22:31
AsianHello http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmeoYKYctw olleH22:42
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=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
=== JMichaelX is now known as TrevorCory
[trip]I upgraded to 13.10 and I'm getting the occasional kernel panic. Suggestions on the best tools to record the panic and where to submit said recorded logs?23:52

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