
=== SAM113101 is now known as sam113101_afk
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
* twager is listening to LSO - Britten - Pears - Britten Nocturne for tenor, 7 obligato instruments & strings Op.60 - Serenade for Tenor, Horn & Strings Op.31 - V. Dirge [Audacious]06:43
BluesKajHiyas all12:11
bjsnidercan someone with unity open an image please?13:08
bjsniderwrong channel13:15
sdn3rdhey does anyone know of a good howto for storing empathy conversation history in evolution?18:51
bazhangfor 13.10?18:55
bazhang#ubuntu for that please19:00
sdn3rdasked there, no answer :P is this now the alpha channel?19:12
PiciIt will be.19:13
sdn3rdwell boo19:13

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