
josemhall119: ping14:55
mhall119jose: pong15:01
josemhall119: hey, wanted to know what would it take to translate community.ubuntu.com (apart from translators)15:01
mhall119ugh, it's Wordpress, so "a lot" is the best answer I can give15:01
josealso, I don't know if you have a while now - I'd like to talk some things with you as part of the Canonical Community Team, from the LoCo Council side15:03
josemhall119: ^15:15
mhall119jose: sure, on IRC or Hangout?15:20
mhall119jose: I'm in calls for the next hour, but free after tha15:20
joseIRC should be it15:21
joseI'm here for another 40mins, then school calls15:21
mhall119jose: PM or #ubuntu-loco-teams?15:21
josemhall119: I'm inviting you to #ubuntu-lococouncil :)15:22
jonojose, unfortunately I need to cancel the Q&A17:38
jonoI am going to move it to another slot, I keep getting conflicts17:38
cjohnstonmhall119: would http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/c/Unity-7.0.html throwing an internal service error be something you would be involved in?21:59
josejono: sure, let me know what you figure out to be the best time22:06
jonothanks jose22:29
jo-erlendI'm wondering about something. If someone starts a group on Facebook that is obviously directed at the Ubuntu operating system and community, then it is still protected by Canonical?22:50
jo-erlendIn this particular case, the group was given the name Ubuntu Norge, which is the name of our loco. It's working out just fine, but I would like to know what the legal situation is in those cases.22:52

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