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slangasekdoko_: I'll go ahead and upload it00:26
geofftHi folks. Almost any use of LD_AUDIT on amd64 on Precise/Quantal causes a segfault due to a bug in libc6 that's been fixed upstream00:28
geofftThe patch is fairly tiny (it just checks for null, mostly). Is it reasonable to expect an SRU for this?00:28
geofftThis bug makes latrace, for instance, completely useless00:28
infinitygeofft: Is there a bug filed?  With a pointer to the upstream fix?00:28
infinitygeofft: Expecting an SRU for something I haven't heard of until today is probably wishful thinking.  But I can certainly include it in my next SRU round if I know about it.00:29
geofftNot yet. Just wanted to check it was worth doing so, or whether libc6 is too scary to be worth doing non-security SRUs for00:29
geofftinifinity: Yeah, I'm totally happy to file a bug then describing it. Thanks!00:29
sarnoldhey geofft :)00:29
geofftOh, bad phrasing on my part, "expect" = "expect that a bug will be useful", not "expect it'll automatically get fixed"00:30
geoffthi sarnold!00:30
infinitygeofft: File a bug and point me to it.  I do SRU glibc occasionally, as you can spot from the changelog.00:30
infinitygeofft: I won't SRU *just* for minor bugs like that, but if there are some easy cherrypicks I can do to make pepole happy at the same time as fixing more serious bugs, I'll do it.00:31
geofftDo you want the standard SRU format [Impact] etc.?00:31
slangasekyes :)00:31
infinitygeofft: If you're willing to do the full SRU template, go nuts.  Saves me the effort.00:31
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slangasekdoko_: well, or I would upload it, except it doesn't pass its test suite00:41
slangasekwhich is puzzling, because the error is obvious, the test is looking for a file in the build dir that it needs to look for in the source dir00:41
slangasekdoko_: the tests are broken with glib2.0 (>= 2.37.2), there's some goofy g_test_get_filename() function here that doesn't work.00:48
slangasekwhich relies on setting G_TEST_SRCDIR, which nothing does.00:50
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geofftinfinity: Filed LP #1243473. Let me know if you need more detail.01:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1243473 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "LD_AUDIT is broken on amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124347301:01
geofftRelatedly, LD_AUDIT is the awesomest thing ever, and latrace is like ltrace that actually works. (Well, modulo that bug.)01:01
emwhat kernel is the latest ubuntu using?01:03
sarnoldem: saucy's kernel version in the package name is 3.11.0-12.1901:07
sarnoldem: "Ubuntu 13.10 includes the 3.11.0-12.19 Ubuntu Linux kernel which was based on the v3.11.3 upstream Linux kernel. " https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes01:09
infinitygeofft: That should be enough, thanks.01:10
sarnoldgeofft: cool, thanks for the fun new tool recommendation :)01:11
slangasekdoko_: ok, pango1.0 uploaded finally01:14
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Logan_doko_: Are you around?01:49
Logan_Or cjwatson?01:50
infinityLogan_: Just ask your question...01:50
Logan_Bleh, okay. Thought it merited their specific attention for specific reasons. :P Is 14.04 deriving from unstable or testing? Because doko_'s email says that syncs are running from unstable.01:51
Logan_But I thought LTS releases derive from testing.01:51
infinityIt's from unstable.  Now that we have proposed-migration, syncing from testing doesn't buy us much, and tends to just slow us down.01:52
Logan_Alright, cool. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS should be updated, then.01:52
Logan_Why is ubuntu-dev-tools's syncpackage script defaulting to syncing from testing, then?01:52
infinityBecause someone didn't get the memo, I suspect.01:53
infinityI'll fix that.01:53
Logan_It doesn't seem that it was specifically set to that for trusty. I wonder if there's a config in there for every x releases deriving from testing.01:55
infinity            if ubu_info.is_lts(ubu_info.devel()):01:55
infinity                dist = 'testing'01:55
infinityThat bit just needs to go away.01:55
Logan_Oh, yup.01:55
Logan_Want me to file a bug, or are you going to handle it?01:56
infinityI'll fix it right now.  But for now, you can just use '-d unstable'01:57
infinityOh, xnox already fixed it.  Which is why I can't find the bits in bzr. :P02:01
infinityLogan_: It's correct in bzr, it's just not been uploaded yet.  I assume bdrung will get around to pushing it to Debian and syncing soon.02:02
Logan_Okay, awesome. Thanks for your help, Adam!02:03
infinityOr maybe I'll upload it to Debian now, so more people don't end up confused.02:03
infinitybdrung: Were you planning an ubuntu-dev-tools upload to sid?  Mind if I do one?02:03
Logan_You might cause a conflict! :P02:04
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NoskcajIs it ok to merge stuff from unstable now, due to proposed-migration?05:18
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sarnoldNoskcaj: yes, that was discussed a few hours ago, and syncing from unstable is now the new desired state05:41
Noskcajsarnold: ok, thanks for the info.05:41
sarnoldNoskcaj: ubuntu-dev-tools's syncpackage script has apparently been fixed in bzr already, just not re-packaged yet05:41
pittiGood morning05:42
sarnoldmorning pitti :)05:43
ScottKNoskcaj: Unless someone is known to be inactive, up until DIF you should check with the last person to touch a merge before doing it.05:43
ScottKpitti: Your upower patch worked great.  I look forward to testing the SRU when it's ready.05:43
pittiScottK: nice; I'll prepare one today then05:43
sarnoldScottK: DIF?05:43
ScottKDebian Import Freeze.05:43
sarnoldthanks :)05:44
pittidoko_: there's also a bug for it, debian bug 72484205:46
ubottuDebian bug 724842 in src:cracklib2 "cracklib2: FTBFS: error connecting to "www.oasis-open.org" (Connection timed out)" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/72484205:46
NoskcajScottK: don't worry, i have asked myself ;)05:46
Noskcajsmb: Do you plan to upload a newer dahdi-linux any time soon?06:15
Noskcajpitti: bug 107960506:16
ubottubug 1079605 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please sync with the latest 0.113 from Debian testing" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107960506:16
pittidoko_: fixed cracklib uploaded to Debian, will autosync06:16
pittiNoskcaj: yeah, infinity wanted to have a look at some point, but I guess he was busy06:16
Noskcajok, thanks for the info06:18
pittiNoskcaj: we have a quite a large delta, and some of it is hopefully not required any more, etc.06:18
pittiNoskcaj: so if you feel like looking into it and making a first assessment of our delta, please feel free :)06:18
Noskcajpitti: I would have no idea where to start06:19
pittiNoskcaj: ah, that's fine; I thought you asked because you considered doing the merge06:19
NoskcajNot for something that big, i was just checking that it hadn't been forgotten06:20
NoskcajThat said, if anyone has merges for me to do, i've finished with all the packages that are in my name06:22
pittiNoskcaj: if you want to steal some of mine, I'd be in your debt :) (but perhaps avoid aptdaemon)06:25
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pittiScottK: upower SRU uploaded and bug updated for SRU, FYI06:49
geofftAgh, I'm confused about multiarch. Why do libc6-i386 and libc6:i386 both exist?06:52
slangasekgeofft: libc6:i386 is just the native build of libc6 for i386.  libc6-i386 is a "biarch" (or "multilib") build of libc6, packaged for amd64, because some things aren't yet solved using multiarch06:53
slangaseklike, the compiler itself06:53
geofftSo I legitimately need both? OK06:55
slangasekyou legitimately need both if you have packages installed that depend on each :)06:56
NoskcajMy requestsync keeps breaking, so would someone mind syncing visp and osgearth?07:05
bkerensasoftware-properties-gtk seems to be epic broken in trusty07:10
bkerensaits crashing pretty rapidly07:10
Noskcajbkerensa: It didn't open for me last time i tried07:11
bkerensaNoskcaj: exactly it didnt open and whoopsie dialog popped up07:11
bkerensaa quick look in syslog now shows a line a second of software-properties-gtk crashing and whoopsie sporadically trying to report it07:12
bkerensalooks like there is not software-properties-gtk candidate for trusty either07:12
bkerensaaptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for Ubuntu/trusty07:12
bkerensathats the issue07:12
Noskcajpitti: I've merged gpgme1.0 for you, have you got time to review the branch?07:14
pittiNoskcaj: sure07:14
Noskcajplus you should be safe to sync visp07:15
NoskcajI'll try and work on psqlodbc now07:15
pittiNoskcaj: oh, did the DD take the autopkgtest fix?07:18
pittiNoskcaj: ah no, visp needs a merge07:19
Noskcajpitti: Looks like it from the changelog07:19
pittiNoskcaj: plus, it never built on i386 for us due to a test failure07:19
cjwatsonwhat entry in the Debian visp changelog suggests that they took our change?07:20
pittiNoskcaj: nope, I filed debian bug 726983 much later07:20
ubottuDebian bug 726983 in visp "visp: autopkgtest failure due to stderr output from test program" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/72698307:20
cjwatsoneven a cursory debdiff makes it clear they didn't.  Please put more effort into verification or else don't request syncs07:21
cjwatsonotherwise you're throwing away other developers' work07:21
Noskcajcrap, i was looking at a different package as well, i am sorry for wasting yourtime07:21
pittiNoskcaj: gpgme uploaded, thanks07:25
bkerensaNoskcaj: I found the problem its python-apt well slangasek found it :) but I am going to fix it07:26
Noskcajthanks bkerensa07:26
Noskcajpitti: no problem, i shouldn't have copy/pasted the chagelog though07:26
pittiNoskcaj: oh, copy&pasting them is fine in general (everyone does that anyway), it just sometimes needs some trimming for the slightly different context07:27
Noskcajpitti: gpgme is FTNFSing, give me a minute to disable the bad (gnupg2) test07:31
pittiLaney: can you please add an autopkgtest override for bzr-builddeb? This has never worked, and is now blocking python-apt from propagating (new version fixes a lot of things due to the added trusty template)07:48
pittibkerensa: ^ FYI07:48
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Noskcajpitti: It might be better if you fix the ftbfs for gpgme1.0 since my only fix is disable dh_auto_test (which fully works)08:06
Laneypitti: okay, but "never worked"> someone should look into that, of course08:07
pittiLaney: yes, of course; but it shouldn't block the propagation08:07
pittiLaney: once the sync/build/binNEW rush settles down a bit, I'm planning to go through/fix/poke people all of the failures08:07
Laneywell, it's correct that it does as that is how the integration is specified08:08
Laneywhy can't I see the details in the jobs?08:09
Laneycan in trusty08:09
pittiLaney: right, but bzr-builddeb was failing in saucy, and it's not the new python-apt which breaks bzr-builddeb08:11
pittiLaney: hm, I don't know why the later saucy builds are broken in that way08:12
Noskcajcody-somerville: Do you plan to keep maintaining catfish in debian?08:18
NoskcajIf so, it really needs an upload. if not, please file a wnpp bug08:18
didrockspitti: ah, bzr-builddeb was already failing?08:18
didrockswe don't have that traced, I was trying to reproduce… (but can't on my installed saucy machine)08:19
didrocksand yeah, python-apt doesn't change a thing tried08:19
didrocksLaney: pitti: I was tracking it as this is one of the last piece blocking us to resume releasing things to trusty08:20
didrocks(we can't run the tests as add-apt-repository is failing as we don't have latest python-apt)08:20
bkerensaHas trusty patch pilots officially kicked off yet?08:20
pittididrocks: you mean bzr-builddeb or p-apt?08:20
pittididrocks: ah, so p-a08:20
didrocksyeah, p-a08:21
bdrunginfinity: i can do the upload now. do you want to add yourself and do the upload to unstable?08:22
LaneyI added the force-badtest08:31
Laneybut I don't think I'm a fan of "it wasn't me that broke the tests, so let's ignore them"08:32
LaneyWe should have noticed when they started failing in saucy and fixed it then08:32
LaneyNot that I can actually reproduce the failure under run-adt-test :(08:32
pittino? I can08:53
LaneyI got it in a plain chroot08:54
Laneymissing python-distro-info test-dep but then there's one more failure08:54
ogra_pitti, Laney i guess bug 1243573 is for one of you :)08:59
ubottubug 1243573 in Ubuntu system image "Timezone setting is gone after upgrade to Ubuntu Touch touchy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124357308:59
LaneyUbuntu Touch touchy08:59
* Laney blinks08:59
pittibug in our "synced" system-image writable-files mode?09:04
ogra_pitti, probably, i didnt research it, there were so many errors with that upgrade09:05
ogra_(apps all vanished, system-image-cli didnt allow me to switch channels etc)09:06
pittiogra_: (followed up to the bug)09:07
bdrungwhere to report recipe build failures to (that are caused by the build infrastructure)?09:08
* ogra_ guesses against launchpad09:08
cjwatsonbdrung: launchpad-buildd09:09
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cjwatsonbdrung: but check the existing reports, there are a few standard ones in there that are blocked on host upgrades09:09
Laneyogra_: I think the upgrade wiped out more than it should have09:10
LaneyI lost my accountsservice settings too09:10
ogra_my U1 account stayed09:10
Laneye.g. greeter background and it showed me the first run tutorial09:10
ogra_and my wallpaper too09:10
ogra_same for language09:11
LaneyI said greeter backgroudn on purpose09:11
Laneythe unity background stayed, and that is in gsettings09:11
ogra_all apps were gone for me ...09:11
Laneyalso had a new SSH host key, but I can't remember if that's expected when using phablet-flash09:11
popeyLaney: you lost data when going from saucy to trusty?09:13
Laneymy home directory is intact09:14
bdrungcjwatson: i found the bug already reported: it is bug #108961509:14
ubottubug 1089615 in launchpad-buildd "Source builds fail for packages with "3.0 (quilt)" format and unapplied patches" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108961509:14
ogra_popey, i lost all apps here, data stayed09:15
ogra_(i didnt have to newly log in to G+ but had to reinstall the app)09:15
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Laneypitti: argh, finally got it09:37
LaneyIf you don't have libalgorithm-merge-perl installed then dpkg-mergechangelogs generates conflicts in some situations when it doesn't if you have it installed09:38
LaneyOne of which is in the bzr-builddeb testsuite09:38
LaneyIt's a Recommends of dpkg-dev09:39
pittiLaney: ah, so somehow libalgorithm-merge-perl made it into my VM test, but not into your's?09:39
LaneyI must have had both python-distro-info and libalgorithm-merge-perl installed for the tests to succeed, but the jenkins VMs didn't09:40
Laneyso there's a difference somewhere between run-adt-test and those09:41
pittiso they need to become test deps?09:41
Laneyin terms of dep installation09:41
Laneyand that, yes (well, I'm not sure if libalgorithm should actually be a real dep?)09:41
LaneyIt's an implementation detail of dpkg-dev, but bzr-builddeb relies on calling that program to merge changelogs09:42
pittiah, so that's what one would need to uninstall to get back the old conflict markers09:44
Laneyold ones?09:45
pittiI find that automatic changelog merging often sorts wrongly, and it's much less obvious what it damaged09:45
Laneyyou mean within one entry?09:45
pittino, I mean it mis-sorts the older ubuntu entries in between the debian ones09:46
cjwatsonI often let it merge but then use "bzr shelve --destroy" to throw away the mis-sorting / other changes09:47
pitti(often, anyway)09:47
cjwatsonparticularly for changelogs in very old packages that contain misformatted junk at the bottom but I don't think it makes sense to reformat that in an Ubuntu delta09:47
pittibut then again, it's been a while since I actually used bzr for merging, so maybe that got fixed09:47
LaneyOh, well the testsuite allegedly checks for that09:49
LaneyAnyway, I'll just add them as test-deps I think09:49
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cjwatsonpitti: FYI I rejected entangle as it was mistakenly uploaded to saucy.  Not sure whether you get notified as the sponsor09:57
alexblighIs there a way to make specific files in a .deb that are in /etc **NOT** conffiles? I have a directory similar to a .d directory which contains a bunch of stuff put there by the package and also a bunch of stuff put there by users. I don't want to delete the directory on package removal or I'll lose the user's stuff (so I don't really want to symlink out of /etc). However, I do want the individual files the pack09:58
alexblighage installed to be removed (because the new version tends to install other files with slightly different names). What's the best way to do this?09:58
pitticjwatson: argh, thanks; autofingers still need readjustment..09:58
pitticjwatson: reuploaded to trusty09:58
cjwatsonalexbligh: Use dpkg-maintscript-helper's tools to manage the upgrade changes09:58
cjwatsonalexbligh: And keep them as conffiles09:59
pitticjwatson: yes, I got a rejection mail09:59
alexblighcjwatson, are they on Lucid?09:59
cjwatsonalexbligh: (note that you can use debian/foo.maintscript to make this fairly easy; see dh_installdeb(1))09:59
cjwatsonalexbligh: It would be quicker for you to check than me, if you have a setup09:59
alexblighcjwatson, thanks, will do.09:59
cjwatsonalexbligh: But apparently not; on lucid the correct thing to do is to simulate the same actions by hand in maintainer scripts10:00
alexblighcjwatson, complete brainfart here, target is Precise these days. Not enough tea.10:01
cjwatsonprecise has dpkg-maintscript-helper so it's all much easier10:01
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.debian.org/DpkgConffileHandling if you need to backport to earlier releases10:01
alexblighcjwatson, thanks once more10:03
shadeslayertseliot: ping10:06
mardydidrocks: hi! Any idea why this is failing? https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/signon/packaging/+merge/19091110:06
shadeslayertseliot: I was looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1224098 and preinst.in seems a bit weird to me, line 19-2010:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1224098 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "xserver wont start after nvidia-prime installation" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:07
shadeslayer-s returns true if the file exists and size is greater than zero, but then there's a ! before it ... why?10:07
didrocksmardy: reusty is not there yet, we are working on it10:09
tseliotshadeslayer: let me have a look10:11
tseliotshadeslayer: it's obvious a bug (some leftover I assume)10:16
shadeslayerack :)10:16
shadeslayertseliot: want to sponsor a upload ? :D10:16
shadeslayeralso, shouldn't checking -s suffice?10:17
tseliotshadeslayer: I'll request an SRU for precise and saucy and upload. I'll need some help testing the fix (so that the SRU team can approve it)10:18
tseliotthat's why I said "leftover"10:18
shadeslayerroger roger10:18
* shadeslayer goes back to looking at bugs10:19
infinitypitti: I'll be doing a bi-directional merge of initramfs-tools in the next week or two.  It's high on my list.10:20
pittiinfinity: ah, you can do changes in Debian, too? convenient10:21
infinitybdrung: I did a bzr snapshot upload of ubuntu-dev-tools to Ubuntu, but whenever you do the Debian upload, you can just sync over that.10:21
infinitypitti: I should hope I can, I've been upstream for it since it was written.10:21
bdrunginfinity: okay, i will do the debian upload now. do you want to SRU that fix to saucy?10:21
infinity(Granted, not a very active upstream since maks took over)10:22
infinitybdrung: I'm not terribly picky about SRUing it back, since I run the devel release, but if you want to push it back to saucy and maybe precise, go nuts.10:22
* pitti sets up trusty LP apport retracers10:28
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tseliotshadeslayer: are you available to test a package locally?11:05
shadeslayertseliot: not the nvidia-prime one :P11:06
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shadeslayerbecause I don't have a nvidia card11:06
shadeslayerI just noticed the bug in another channel, and decided to investigate11:06
tseliotshadeslayer: oh, never mind then11:06
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mdeslaurinfinity: how did you fix mysql on arm64?11:46
cjwatsonmdeslaur: was it an ICE or similar?11:46
mdeslaurcjwatson: yeah11:47
cjwatsonmdeslaur: some of the builders have reliability issues; looks like he gave it back on birch, which is the best of them11:47
mdeslaurcjwatson: ah, cool. good to know, thanks11:48
* mdeslaur gives birch a cookie11:48
cjwatson(birch has heat issues or something else that means we sometimes have to power it down for a bit, but it at least doesn't have random segfaults ...)11:48
mdeslaurcjwatson: what kind of hardware are they?11:49
cjwatsoncan't answer here just yet I'm afraid11:50
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cjwatsonOK, I think the remaining bits of the Perl 5.18 transition (aside from waiting for builds and a few more no-change uploads) are (a) libdr-tarantool/i386 FTBFS (b) gdal FTBFS (c) libmongodb-perl FTBFS12:41
ScottKpitti: upower SRU verified.  Thanks again for the quick turnaround.12:54
pittiScottK: nice, thanks12:54
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ScottKcjwatson: Just to double check before I accept this, you're OK with a grub2 SRU to fix the Kubuntu UEFI problem, right?  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/154805913/grub2_2.00-19ubuntu2_2.00-19ubuntu2.1.diff.gz17:38
slangasekare Kubuntu the only ones setting GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR?17:41
ScottKslangasek: I think Studio might have done so too,  but (and I didn't follow the details) there's some partial Kubuntu specific support for this already, so it's an easy fix, but for other flavors it'd be more complex.17:44
ScottKI know Colin discussed it with shadeslayer  and apachelogger  before fixing in trusty, but (IIRC) he said the Kubuntu team needed to do the SRU.17:45
gdos!bug 124383918:14
ubottubug 1243839 in dwww (Ubuntu) "does not install completely. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124383918:14
gdos!bug 124385918:16
ubottubug 1243859 in dhelp (Ubuntu) "does not install completely (similar to #1243839)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124385918:16
dokobarry, any update on the component mismatches?  from my side we should make sure that both pypy and python-cffi build on arm64 before promoting it18:40
barrydoko: i agree with that.  i haven't done anything on it yet.  maybe tomorrow18:42
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slangasekbah, why does top in trusty clear the screen on exit?  who thought that was a good idea? :P20:07
slangasekev: so I have a strange issue here with apport; the crash file that I've managed to generate for unity8 on goldfish is missing a 'Package' field, which means apport-retrace will refuse to process it20:20
slangasekev: have you heard of such a bug, or do you have any idea what might cause it?20:20
evslangasek: have you run it through apport-cli yet?20:22
evsomething needs to call add_package_info or whatever the function is20:22
evwhoopsie-upload-all will do this as well20:22
slangasekhmm, is that something that needs to be run on the target system, I guess?20:23
slangasekor at least, on some system where /usr/bin/unity8 exists20:24
geofftisn't this the -R option to apport-retrace?20:25
geofftapport-retrace --gdb doesn't work for me on /var/crash files, but --gdb -R does20:25
slangasekwell, since I'm cross-retracing it, I don't want it to wind up with package information from my host system20:25
slangasek(particularly since unity8 isn't installed at all)20:26
slangasekev: so running apport-cli on it on the target system seems unlikely to finish any time soon20:29
slangasekgeofft: and -R seems to be insufficient, it still complains about the missing Package field20:30
evslangasek: yeah, you need to collect the additional data (via apport-cli or whoopsie-upload-all) on the phone itself20:30
slangasekev: hmm, challenging. :)20:30
ev:) sorry20:31
slangasekev: yeah, apport-cli doesn't want to finish here (dies with 'Killed'), probably running out of memory20:32
slangasekperhaps I should spin up an emulator with a touch more than 90MB of RAM20:32
evemulator? is that actually working for touch stuff?20:32
slangasekev: no, if it were working I would not be trying to get a backtrace from unity8 ;)20:33
cjwatsonScottK: Yes, I'm fine with it.  It'll need a grub2-signed upload afterwards.20:33
slangasekbut I do have a shell on it20:33
slangasekand am trying to get us to the next step20:33
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.20:33
stgraberslangasek: based on what I'm seeing on real devices, I gues you'd need at least 512MB to have the emulator emulate something vaguely close to reality20:43
slangasekquite possible :)20:43
slangasekin fact, maybe trying to run it in 96MB of RAM is why unity8 segfaulted ;)20:43
slangasekinteresting, updating the config did not cause it to run with more RAM20:44
stgraberconsidering it's taking almost 200MB on a physical device, that'd be a safe bet ;)20:44
slangasekxnox: do you know how to get more than 96MB of RAM out of goldfish?20:44
slangasekah, guess it's just -memory20:48
rampageRipperhello world,has anyone saved this page: books4electricians.blogspot.com?20:48
slangasekcjwatson: what does the click run-user hook do on startup?  I'm seeing it do a whole lot of nothing here on goldfish and blocking the session startup, and I'm wondering if that's overall emulator slowness or miscellaneous system brokenness or what21:09
cjwatsonslangasek: It runs user hooks, which among other things is necessary to make .desktop files for preinstalled apps work properly21:12
cjwatsonslangasek: It shouldn't be doing anything especially exotic - you can look at the hooks in /usr/share/click/hooks/ with "User-Level: yes"21:12
cjwatsonWhich should be click-desktop, content-hub, upstart-app-launch-desktop at the moment (and click-desktop basically arranges to stub itself if upstart-app-launch-desktop is present)21:13
slangasekwell, now I just hung the emulator by running 'sync'21:13
slangasekso yay21:13
cjwatsonI don't know what content-hub does21:13
slangasekright, it's the content-hub that was runnnig21:14
slangasekI wound up killing it to see21:14
=== Sweetshark is now known as NSA
=== NSA is now known as Sweetshark
ScottKcjwatson: Who has to take care of uploading grub2-signed?21:32
cjwatsonScottK: anyone really21:36
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=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
saiarcot895What exactly is a debdiff? Is it just the diff of the sources?23:20
infinitysaiarcot895: Yeah, it's a diff between two source packages.23:36
infinitysaiarcot895: Or, that's the most common use of the tool and the term.  You can also debdiff binaries, which is handy. :)23:36

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