
bazhang<Matthew22_> Brides stripe array failed01:28
bazhang<Longfellow> do you just throw out questions in this channel?05:24
bazhangqotd: "I destroy drives with thermite"05:30
k1lno, lxle08:43
bazhangsounds like axle08:43
k1llightweight is the new wallbuntu08:43
bazhangas in broken axle08:43
k1likonia is spamming, instaban!!!1111109:19
ikoniadamn cat jumped up and my thumb slipped moving the laptop09:19
k1lah yes, the "it was my cat" excuse works :)09:20
ikoniaalways the best09:20
ikoniait was my thumb though,09:20
* Tm_T huggles ikonia 09:21
Tm_Tthere's your punishment09:21
PriceyDidn't realise you were a cat man ikonia, you've moved up in my eyes.10:28
ikoniaPricey: yes, cats cats cats10:29
Tm_Tcat /dev/urandom11:06
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (value-picks)13:01
PiciLjL: is your banforward supposed to be active still?13:09
Myrttiguise, the -offtopic banlist needs a serious cull13:14
LjLPici: it is, it was by IP13:17
LjLPici: and, before now, i think she had always been using the same IP (or at least the same range). now it's changed completely.13:18
d4rkt1m3swhy can't I get on #ubuntu-offtopic?14:10
geniid4rkt1m3s: According to logs, because you insist on pasting dangerous commands into the channel, in addition to constantly using foul language. The ban will not be lifted any time soon.14:19
d4rkt1m3sI don't remember doing that. :/14:20
d4rkt1m3sIs your blocker perhaps based on IP?14:22
d4rkt1m3swe've got a lot of idiots that go to school here.14:23
d4rkt1m3saanyways, I'd like to have someone to talk to other than opensuse-chat which is a really dead channel.14:29
geniid4rkt1m3s: We are discussing it now. Please wait14:30
d4rkt1m3sthank you for your consideration14:30
geniid4rkt1m3s: We are giving benefit of doubt in this case, the ban has been lifted and you should now be able to enter #ubuntu-offtopic14:40
LjLd4rkt1m3s, we can't know with certainty whether it's two different people from the same IP, or the same person. even if we could, if an address causes trouble, we need to address that - which has happened with school addresses in the past. still, for now, i suppose we can lift the ban, but we can't promise it'll stay lifted if we observe further bad behavior from it14:40
d4rkt1m3sthanks for the help.14:41
genii-server seems pretty quiet today as far as helpers go :-/15:17
IdleOneSome people should not be allowed to computer16:14
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.16:16
geniiIdleOne: I say we transition them over to Etch-A-Sketch and tell em they're the latest greatest tablets available16:25
IdleOnethey will complain it doesn't have retina display16:25
geniiYeah, probably.16:26
h00kbut great battery life.16:39
ahhhhhhSomething happened17:45
ahhhhhhI followed the instructions in the ubuntu thing17:45
ahhhhhhand i went to the irc council17:45
ahhhhhhand no one responded17:45
ahhhhhhi idled all day17:46
ahhhhhhover a period of days17:46
Myrttiunfortunately the IRC council isn't an instantaneous cure it all17:47
Myrttiso you do have to wait, and email might be a better medium too as people are in several timezones17:47
h00kI was just about to suggest the email option as well17:47
ahhhhhhIs there a place where I can register a free e-mail account17:51
ahhhhhhI used to use Yahoo for disposable e-mails17:51
ahhhhhhbut now they jewed out and require you to verify with a cell phone17:51
PiciIt sounds like the Ubuntu irc channels and yourself are not a good fit.17:54
ahhhhhhPici, why do you say that?17:55
PiciJust a gut feeling.17:55
ahhhhhhI am a good fit17:55
ahhhhhhIn order to be a good fit you just need to use Ubuntu17:55
ahhhhhhand I am using Ubuntu as I type17:55
ahhhhhhsend me a version request17:56
LjLoh that's really so untrue17:56
ahhhhhhLjL, How so?17:58
ahhhhhhI am not a bad fit for a channel just because certain powerful users of that channel (read: ops) choose to bully me and single me out17:59
LjLahhhhhh, i don't know what's the background story on this, but using Ubuntu is really not a necessary *or* sufficient condition to be a good fit for our channels. on the other hand, respecting the CoC, guidelines, local channel etiquette and common sense are all things that help.18:00
ahhhhhhLjL, do you realize that one possible pronunciation of the  acronym CoC is 'Cock"?18:02
LjLdo you realize one possible pronunciation of the word "kick" is "kick"?18:03
ahhhhhhhow can I find a list of #ubuntu-* channels?18:05
LjLoh, this is not a support channel18:06
Myrttialis is usually quite helpful18:07
ahhhhhhthanks Myrtti18:07
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:07
ahhhhhhthats the command I was looking for18:07
ahhhhhhhow would I use it18:08
ahhhhhh/alis ubuntu18:08
ahhhhhhlike that?18:08
Myrtti/msg alis help18:08
ahhhhhhthere are a lot of #ubuntu-* channels18:10
IdleOneWe done here?18:30
ahhhhhhIt ain't ovah until it's ovah18:31
IdleOnewell, you have had your 15 minutes, time for you to go now.18:31
ahhhhhhthere was one more thing18:36
ahhhhhhI'll come back when my memory comes back to me18:36
bazhang Hundred is now known as FukUmist19:10
Picino surprise there19:11
bazhangstarting to troll multiple channels, including #ubuntu network-wide19:11
k1l_what is the right channel for that? <afigueiras> hi, can someone explain to me how can I get a locoteam approved?19:21
LjLthere is an #ubuntu-locoteams19:21
* IdleOne hits the Fix Everything Easy button19:35
IdleOneThere, all is good in the world.19:35
geniiI have one of these, from Staples :)19:37
IdleOneI'm going to get a seeing eye dog for #ubuntu19:39
IdleOneor whatever they are called19:39
geniiAh, yes. vershan and abuhafs. Blind leading the blind.19:40
IdleOnehe could have been back by now thanking me for the awesome help.19:42
IdleOnegenii: I am eating a smoked meat sandwich with lots-o-mustard19:53
geniiIdleOne: Beats the tasteless but healthy mush I was forced to eat for lunch19:54
IdleOnewhat is the point of eating healthy if you don't enjoy it19:54
bazhanglonger life19:55
IdleOneyou mean more time to not enjoy your food19:55
k1l_long joyless life19:56
* k1l_ had a burger with guacamole and pommes frittes for dinner19:56
geniiHopefully it will only be a few days, week most, then I too can get back to actual tasty and sinful eating.19:56
geniiRight now need this other crap to help my ulcer heal19:57
geniiFortified oatmeal, beasically.19:58
ubottuhitsujiTMO called the ops in #ubuntu (apb1963 Please refrain from advertising channels in here)21:29

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