
derekvrecently i've been trying a thing, every time i get upset about some stupid lack of correct and reasonable mouse or mouse+key function, like alt-drag or or focus follows mouse01:07
derekvI remind myself I shouldnt use the mouse.01:07
gamerchick02howdy cmaloney01:42
cmaloneygreg-g: Likely it didn't like being installed in /usr/local/01:44
gamerchick02i updated to 13.10 . it's nice. did a clean install instead of an upgrade (also had some issues with the xorg edgers ppa so i decided to give my computer the clean treatment. ran a backup and did the install and... everything is working fine. just Trillian for Linux is acting hinky but it's a beta so oh well.01:44
cmaloneyor your pip is tied to a different Python instance01:44
cmaloneygamerchick02: Very cool01:44
gamerchick02it is.01:45
gamerchick02i remember when installing ubuntu was... eventful.01:45
gamerchick02AND it seems to be playing well with my ATI 7770. so that's a huge plus01:45
greg-gcmaloney: huh, not sure how to find that out, I'll look tomorrow02:50
brouschcmaloney: http://wrongsideofmemphis.com/2013/10/23/python-wizard/12:09
cmaloneyBTW: CHC at the Woodward Ave Starbucks (north of 13 mile Road)14:06
brouschI will not be able to attend14:07
trevlarI'll be there14:09
cmaloneyand brousch You're excused. This time.14:19
brouschcmaloney: You never come to my meetings :P14:21
cmaloneyBecause your meetings aren't awesome like our meetings. ;)14:23
cmaloney(That's not true)14:23
cmaloneyIf it wasn't 2+ hours each way, I'd love to come to your meetings14:32
rick_h_party party15:03
cmaloneyHow's the trip so far?15:05
rick_h_I'm in the black hole of the bay area15:12
rick_h_everything is a 30+min walk from here, even coffee15:12
rick_h_yea, it's kind of a ugh trip.15:15
rick_h_thinking of making the hour commute into proper SF tonight so maybe it'll look up15:15
brouschNot hanging out with greg-g?15:15
rick_h_no, he's up north15:15
rick_h_even farther away15:15
cmaloneyWell, BART is running now right?15:26
cmaloneyI mean, they had their photo op and everything15:26
widoxrick_h_: stick you just outside of fun == forced team bonding :p15:48
greg-grick_h_: I forgot that I was going to be in Palo Alto today, so I drove by you this morning :)18:04
greg-gpalo alto isn't much closer than SF proper to where rick_h_ is18:06
greg-gand I have a coworker with, so stopping by for dinner might not be an option :/18:08
jrwrenanother fun with fanzoo night, and another jcastro absense.18:49
brouschAh, now I see why  rick_h_ is in SF https://www.eventbrite.com/event/8938393977/19:18
cmaloneyGod, that link has been flying all over the place.19:59
greg-gwhat is it?20:05
* greg-g is scared now20:05
greg-gjust showed up in the wmf staff irc channel too20:06
cmaloneyHackers and Hookers20:06
cmaloneycostume party20:06
cmaloneyhilarity ensures20:06
cmaloneyensues, rather20:07
rick_h_ greg-g we're heading into town tonight. Spend the $$, taking a cab down in and hopefully hit up the pier area after dinner20:07
cmaloneyhighlights: girls are lited in teh same list as beer20:07
rick_h_greg-g: I figure I've flown in here 3 times now, I need to see some of SF so I can say "I've been there" vs "I've been *through* there"20:07
dzhorick_h_: you aren't vegetarian are you?20:08
rick_h_dzho: no20:09
cmaloneydzho: Obviously you haven't met rick_h_20:09
dzhojust checking20:09
greg-grick_h_: :)20:09
rick_h_hey, I've been to vietnamese and korean for dinner so far20:09
rick_h_I'm outside my wheel house20:09
cmaloneyWe met up the day before his wife gave birth to their son at Famous Daves20:09
dzhobecause I recommend The Greens up at Ft. Mason area in SF even if you aren't vegetarian, but it's a sure winner if you are.20:09
rick_h_and keeping up my 'table only has chopsticks' each night record20:09
rick_h_yea, I think the plan is to head to 'the mission', whatever that is, and yelp our way to a good meal then cable car to pier area?20:10
cmaloneyrick_h_: Oh, does this mean another run to Noble Fish?20:10
greg-grick_h_: good burritos in the mission20:10
rick_h_cmaloney: hah, yea. I tried a local place to my house and it failed :(20:10
greg-git's where all the hipsters are20:10
rick_h_greg-g: oooh, good. I've been saying I want some good mexican20:11
rick_h_oh yay, I can stick out from all the hipsters20:11
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yeah, there's precious few sushi restaurants that I'd trust out here.20:11
greg-gwhy? fish is fresher out here20:11
dzhoI've come to understand there is one requirement for decent sushi, as far as location.20:11
cmaloneygreg-g: I mean in MI20:11
dzhoyou need to be close enough to a major airport20:11
* greg-g is at a conf20:11
rick_h_greg-g: the jenkins conf?20:12
rick_h_greg-g: or something else?20:12
greg-gjenkins, yeah20:12
rick_h_greg-g: cool, diana marsh is tweeting from there.20:12
rick_h_(ran SRT solutions before moving to netflix)20:12
dzhoI've had great sushi in Lexington, KY and in MPLS, neither of which is at all intuitive, unless you cherchez l'aƩrodrome20:13
cmaloneyit's not impossible, but it seems like the closer you are to Japan the easier it becomes. :)20:14
cmaloneyMuch like how the Tim Hortons get better when you get closer to the mothership20:14
greg-gI should find her20:17
greg-gI'll tell her you and jay say hi ;)20:18
jrwrenDianne, not Diana20:26
greg-gthat's what I thought20:30
jrwrenand yes, tell her I say hi and that MI misses her and I'll see her in January.20:33
mathomastechHey rick_h_   did you get my message on G+?22:26
rick_h_mathomastech: yea, at sprints in CA right now. Haven't had time to get back to you. I did respond in IRC, didn't realize you had missed it22:34
mathomastechrick_h_: Yea, the computer I had it running on lost power before I had a chance to see it, and coulnt find any logs.22:42
wafmathomastech: weechat logs to ~/.weechat/logs22:45
mathomastechwaf: I had checked there. I have all my room logs, but not private message logs. Ill double check when I am at that computer tomorrow22:46
wafit should be of the format irc.freenode.nick.weechatlog22:48

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