
slangasekbkerensa: ok, turns out that even though update-manager -d didn't give me any errors, it also didn't actually upgrade me to trusty; found the issue in ubuntu-release-upgrader and fixing now01:58
bkerensaslangasek: \o/ pff02:35
bkerensaslangasek: should have told me what it was so I could fix it :)02:35
bkerensawhere is the mentoring love02:35
bkerensaslangasek: so wait is the bug in saucy too?02:41
bkerensaslangasek: or does update-manager -d grab a new copy of ubuntu-release-upgrader when -d is dropped02:42
slangasekbkerensa: ubuntu-release-upgrader is always downloaded from the server for the target release.02:53
bkerensaslangasek: oh ok well when its fixed ping me so I can unleash the trusty testing02:53
slangasekas for mentoring, the changes are in the bzr branch and are self-explanatory?02:54
slangasekthe fix is uploaded, should be visible to the world in ~15minutes02:54
bkerensaslangasek: Do you have any tasks this cycle you might be interested in working with the loco on?02:56
bkerensaslangasek: hmm still says no upgrades available04:02
bkerensaslangasek: do I need to purge something?04:02
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slangasekbkerensa: was apparently a timing issue; I don't know why it took so long to publish to the archive server, but the right tarball is there now and works05:41
slangasekbkerensa: tasks this cycle> none off the top of my head, but I can think on it.  Are there any events planned for this cycle?05:43
bkerensaslangasek: not events planned ideally I had announced stepping down as lead but I am a bit concerned nobody stepped up to take over so maybe I will try for a jam at some point06:33
bkerensaslangasek: I am also very interested in helping out with debconf planning and need to get in the loop06:33
* slangasek gestures in the direction of the debconf14-team list :)06:37
bkerensaslangasek: dear god whoopsie is filling my syslog07:06
bkerensaa line a second07:06
bkerensaslangasek: so it seems software-properties-gtk is missing some info about trusty so it crashes i07:14
bkerensaaptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for Ubuntu/trusty07:14
slangasekright, seems to be python-apt needing an update07:17
bkerensaslangasek: I will have a look07:20
slangasekthe issue is in data/templates/Ubuntu.info.in07:20
bkerensafixing it07:21
bkerensaslangasek: https://code.launchpad.net/~bkerensa/ubuntu/trusty/python-apt/add-trusty-template/+merge/19229707:34
bkerensaif you dont mind otherwise it can patch pilot07:35
bkerensaslangasek: looks like it was already fixed but is just in proposed07:47
slangasekbkerensa: oh? let me see15:37
slangasekyep, looks like it's landed in trusty now15:39
bkerensaslangasek: can you remind me how to do merges from debian17:26
bkerensaslangasek: I believe it was bzr branch debianlp:package17:26
bkerensathen there was a way to bring in the Ubuntu changes17:26
slangasekbkerensa: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-merging.html17:36
bkerensaslangasek: seems to leave out the step of first bzr branch ubuntu:package but wfm17:38
bkerensaslangasek: whats the way to list a debian bug # in changelog?17:44
bkerensa * Merged from Debian ( )17:44
slangasekwhy would you be listing Debian bug #s in the changelog for an Ubuntu upload?17:45
bkerensaslangasek: idk I guess I wouldnt17:46
slangasekok then :)17:47
bkerensaslangasek: what does this output mean "bad-distribution-in-changes-file trusty"17:50
slangasekthat you don't have up-to-date tooling that fully understands trusty, so you're getting a warning about an unknown upload target17:51
slangasekalso, 'lintian -i'17:51
bkerensaslangasek: makes sense so because I merged from Debian when its building out it worries17:53
bkerensait shouldnt affect things though?17:54
slangasekno, it has nothing to do with merging from Debian17:54
slangasekit has to do with you not having up-to-date tooling installed that understands trusty17:54
bkerensaslangasek: how can I install the up-to-date tooling?17:55
bkerensais this possible17:55
slangasek'apt-get dist-upgrade' on trusty?17:55
slangasekah, actually it looks like lintian hasn't been fixed yet to know trusty17:56
slangasekso just ignore the warning, since you know 'trusty' is a real target17:56
bkerensaslangasek: do you know if patch pilots have started or should I bug someone at some point to sponsor my pending MP's?17:57
bkerensaone is security related17:57
slangasekthe patch pilot schedule runs continuously17:57
bkerensano breaks between release?17:58
bkerensaslangasek: I came across a package in Ubuntu that has a control file with upstreams info still intact in the maintainer field18:07
bkerensacan that be accurate?18:07
bkerensasurely Debian Maintainers are not also maintaining packages we merge into Ubuntu18:08
slangasekwhat package?18:08
bkerensaalso does not use Ubuntu versioning18:09
bkerensatony mancil18:09
bkerensaIf it needs to be changed I can do so since I am merging in the latest18:09
slangasekif it doesn't use Ubuntu versioning, why do you think it's being maintained in Ubuntu at all, instead of being a synced package?18:10
bkerensaslangasek: ok so synced but we still dont add anything?18:12
slangasekif we added something it wouldn't be in sync18:12
bkerensacan I merge it without adding a changelog entry or changing anything?18:13
bkerensaso its like a manual sync18:13
slangasekno, you can't merge something that doesn't have anything on our side needing merged18:13
bkerensaits outdated in Ubuntu18:13
slangasekoutdated compared to what?18:13
bkerensato upstream18:13
bkerensaits not been synced recently18:13
bkerensawe have 1.2-1518:14
bkerensa1.2-16 is available18:14
slangasekso outdated compared to unstable18:14
slangasekwhich means it will be autosynced for trusty18:14
* bkerensa notes to leave synced packages alone18:14
bkerensaslangasek: how often does autosyncing occur generally?18:15
slangasekmore or less constantly.  I don't know if autosyncs have been turned on yet, I guess it will happen in a day or two at the latest18:15
* sbeattie guesses so, based on the 8GB+ of updates debmirror has been trying to sync for him since yesterday18:17
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bkerensaslangasek: https://code.launchpad.net/~bkerensa/ubuntu/trusty/xubuntu-meta/refresh-all-the-things/+merge/19230022:10
bkerensacould you sponsor that22:10
bkerensaits so xubuntu is good to start being usable for trusty22:10

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