
pleia2DJones: it doesn't seem to be hosted by canonical, they're just doing DNS00:40
pleia2DJones: maybe submit a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu/+bugs00:41
pleia2I also gave ruben a nudge or twitter00:44
DJonespleia2: Thanks for that07:54
DJonesSubmitted as a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu/+bug/124357208:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1243572 in SpreadUbuntu "www.spreadubuntu.org website is failing to connect/website down" [Undecided,New]08:01
Thalheimhi, is there anyone I can contact regarding the ubuntu paste website's functionality?15:28
joseThalheim: what's happening with it? to see where can we redirect it15:45
Thalheimjose, I was speaking with Spads about it already.15:46
joseoh right, just saw that :)15:46
pleia2DJones: all fixed! thanks for mentioning it :)23:42

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