
Kilosmorning all05:44
bduk1Good morning all06:13
Kilosyo bduk1 06:31
Kilosmorning superfly 06:44
Kiloswho was it here that said they like php. i see langjan needs php help on the list06:45
mazalMorning everyone07:01
Kiloshi mazal 07:01
mazalGaanit weer reën oom ?07:02
Kiloshoop so07:02
Kiloskannie genoeg kry nie07:02
Kilosof kannie te veel kry nie07:02
* Squirm dances07:04
Squirmwe're finally getting decent speeds07:04
Kiloslol what excited you Squirm 07:04
SquirmI still don't think they're where they're supposed to be07:04
Kilosoh they been fixing things07:04
Squirmbut they are good07:05
Squirm4x4mbit lines07:05
SquirmI'm getting http download speeds of up to 900Kb/s07:05
superflymorning oom Kilos 07:06
superflyhi Squirm 07:06
Squirmmorning superfly 07:06
mazalSquirm, how do you combines the 4 lines ? At router level ?07:06
Kiloswow that be good Squirm 07:06
Squirmmazal: yes07:06
Squirmwe have an mweb bonded solution07:07
mazalUncapped as well ?07:07
Squirmshould be unshaped too07:09
Squirmbut I don't think it is07:09
mazalSounds too slow for 4x4 , on a single 4 I used to get average 410Kb/s07:10
Kilosno man thats not fast Squirm 07:10
Kilosyou aint got the b and B mixed up07:10
Squirmmazal: it is07:11
Squirmjust shows the state of our exchange07:11
Kilosi get up to 400kB/w07:11
mazaloom Kilos , your speed works with calendar ? Per week lol07:11
Kilosno man 8ta rocks07:12
KilosSquirm, do that speedtest.co.za07:12
Kilosshould be over 4mb/s i think07:12
SquirmKilos: I did yesterday07:12
Squirmdefinitely over 407:12
Squirmbut not quite 1607:12
mazalShould be around 1.3Mb/s07:12
Kilosno man 1.3 mb/s is slow07:13
Kilosya thats better07:13
KilosMaaz, 11.77/807:14
MaazKilos: 1.4712507:14
Kilosthats good07:14
Squirmwe should be getting more07:15
Squirmbut alas...07:15
Kilosdont be greedy leave some for us07:15
Kilosi go feed sheep07:16
Kilosthats a good speed for getting iso's and doing update/upgrades07:30
SquirmKilos: among other things08:43
Kiloslol brings back memories of 9 hour upgrade of 8.10 0n gprs08:44
* Kilos loves 3g08:46
* Squirm loves HSDPA08:46
Squirmand I wish we could get LTE here :/08:46
Kilosoh ya thats what i get with 8ta nowadays08:47
Kilosutms or something as well08:47
Kilosi see the lte advertised but dunno what its all about08:47
Squirmumts is 3g and up08:48
Kilosis lte only in cities08:48
Squirmcity centres08:48
SquirmLTE - Long Term Evolution08:48
Squirmyou get speed of 50Mb/s08:49
Squirmand our speed is 12Mb/s08:49
Kiloslol arent you trying to have mooiriver classed as a city08:49
Kiloswow that is fast hey08:49
Squirmand it's wireless08:49
Squirmso from your cellphone08:49
Squirmor LTE dongle08:49
Kilosthat reminds me i still gotta try get a wireless card for the p408:50
Kilosoh special dongle as well08:50
SquirmTelkom Mobile executive, Amith Maharaj demonstrated the performance of its live LTE network at the 2013 MyBroadband conference, with peak speeds exceeding 200Mbps.08:50
Kilosmaybe if you use a yagi with your wireless you can get it from a city08:51
Kilosbut you too far08:51
Squirmthat would be internal though08:51
SquirmDurban is the closest city with LTE08:51
Kilosaw much too far08:52
Kilosyagi might manage a max of 20 ks i think08:52
Kilosand you got too many mountains there08:52
Kilosgotta be line of sight08:53
SquirmI know08:54
mazalGuys what can cause Unity's app scope to stop keeping history of apps that is used ? My files scope still shows history , just the apps one doesn't. This started suddenly yesterday evening08:59
Kilosthere is a setting09:00
Kilosunder pivacy i think it was09:00
Kilosmaybe it has limits to how much it remembers09:01
Kilosohi psyatw 09:01
psyatwhi Kilos09:01
mazalI checked there , but all settings there is to remove. There is no disable. And my files scope still works09:02
Kilosmaybe set it to all09:02
mazalI think yesterday's update broke it09:02
Kilosoh my09:02
psyatwhi mazal09:02
mazalHi psyatw 09:02
Kilosshould show past week or day or month and all and advanced09:03
mazalAll of those settings will delete it09:05
Kilostry some --fix-brokens or something09:05
mazalI am sure there were an disabled setting there09:05
mazalNo matter what you choose there , it will delete it09:05
Kilosthere is also the on off button at the bottom09:05
mazalAnd why only the apps and not the files09:05
Kilostry an aptitude upgrade09:06
Kilosor look in synaptic there is a fix broken somewhere09:06
Kilosya edit fix broken09:07
Kilosmaybe you didnt get a good upgrade so you can also do mark all upgrades and it will show the apply arrow if there is something missing09:08
mazalsudo apt-get fix-the-broken-stuff09:08
Kilosapt-get --fix-broken i think it was09:08
mazalsudo apt-get fix-the-broken-stuff && sudo-apt-get install stop-breaking-things-in-the-future09:09
KilosMaaz, google apt-get fix broken command on ubuntu09:09
MaazKilos: "AptGet/Howto - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto :: "apt-get - Ubuntu Manpage Repository" http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man8/apt-get.8.html :: "How to fix broken packages using the Command Line - Linux Mint ..." http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/482 :: "installation - Package system is09:09
Maazbroken. How to fix it? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/118749/package-system-i…09:09
mazalAnd just when I thought my Ubuntu problems is over after going back to LTS09:10
Kilosalso sudo dpkg --configure -a09:10
Kilosdo an aptitude upgrade man and see what it says09:11
Kiloswill tell you if something not lekker09:11
mazalBtw oom , I really like that backintime. Works very well with very good "how many snapshots" to keep setting. You should check it out09:12
mazalOnly lacks a function for "before backup run this command"09:12
Kiloswill check it out if you remind me in new data month09:13
Kiloswhat is backintime09:13
Kiloseverything works here09:14
Kilosrunning main psu on mobo and dvd and external psu on 2 drives09:16
Kilosi like then old psu's with the manual on off button that doesnt relay on the mobo to switch on09:17
mazalIt's a backup app. The only one I could find so far that keeps good weekly , monthly , yearly backups automatically09:20
Kilosno man i do backups manually when data allows. nothing automatic here09:21
mazalI don't have time for manual anymore. Life got to full and forget09:21
charl_good morning all09:33
mazalHi charl_ 09:34
charl_hi mazal 09:34
psyatwgood morning charl_09:34
Kiloshi charl_ 09:36
charl_hi psyatw 10:03
charl_hi Kilos 10:03
Kiloshi zerlgi 11:39
zerlgiHi Kilos11:41
superflyhi zerlgi 11:46
zerlgiHi superfly. One day I hope to actually meet you face-to-face:P11:50
superflyhehehehe me too11:51
charl_whow this is shocking12:30
charl_at work i use win8 inside a virtual machine in order to use some microsoft-only software12:30
charl_mainly microsoft office and pl/sql developer12:30
charl_i just attempted to upgrade to windows 8.1 - big mistake12:30
charl_you are now forced (you literally can't get past the configuration screen) unless you sign up for a microsoft account12:30
charl_they want all your details including your birthdate, and it's mandatory12:31
charl_yet more reason not to use windows and to stay the heck away from microsoft software12:31
charl_when you attempt a clean install, you get the same problem btw12:32
charl_wiped the whole thing and am now restoring the old win8 from backups12:32
charl_Windows 8 - NSA Approved (TM)12:33
Kilosthe screws get turned tighter and tighter12:43
charl_indeed, my thoughts exactly12:45
charl_considering microsoft was one of the most "eager" american companies to work with the nsa i would not be at all surprised if this is used for data collection12:45
charl_if you said that 12 months ago it would be sheer paranoia but right now it's just plain obvious12:46
mazalEnjoy the evening everyone12:51
Kilosyou too mazal 12:51
psyatwthe funny thing is that most windows software I used until a few years ago still worked on windows xp from 12 years ago13:16
Kiloshiya maiatoday 14:13
Kiloshmm... frightened her off!14:19
Kilosnaughty me14:19
charl_ok this is extremely weird14:21
charl_a week or so ago i attempted to upgrade my server from ubuntu 13.04 to ubuntu 13.1014:22
charl_the upgrade succeeded but then i discovered a really strange problem - after some repeated nmap scans i end up with random high-numbered tcp ports showing as open14:22
charl_i got spooked and reverted the server back to a clean install of 13.0414:23
charl_now i did a clean install of ubuntu 13.10 amd64 desktop inside a virtual machine14:23
charl_same thing - does anyone know what the heck is up here ?!?!14:23
Kilosnot because it uses places like amazon and so in searching mode charl_ 14:24
Kilosi dunno if that changed14:25
Kilossaw  it in 13.04 i think14:25
charl_there's a paste, for those of you who think i'm losing it :)14:25
Kilossomeone will tell you im sure14:26
Kilosis it 54988 open ports?14:27
charl_no that is the number of one open port14:27
charl_the rest of the ports are closed14:27
charl_right above it says: Not shown: 65535 closed ports14:28
charl_i have never seen some weirdness14:28
Kilosso 8 open14:28
charl_yeah but they keep opening and closing rapidly14:29
charl_you can see there, the results changed in the period of a few seconds14:29
charl_the other thing i don't understand is why nothing shows up on netstat -tulpen14:29
Kilosask this on #glug.za i think it is14:30
Kilosthey mostly net guys i think and some from here too14:30
charl_here's some more http://paste.ubuntu.com/6289324/14:31
Kilosmaybe frosty knows14:31
charl_lemme do some proper googling and see if i can find something, otherwise i'm hitting up #ubuntu14:31
Kiloslol you struggle to keep up there14:38
charl_ok posted the details, now waiting for a response (lol)14:41
charl_ok found out something new, i did some repeated scans with and without sudo14:43
charl_i only seem to have a problem *without* sudo14:43
charl_this could be an nmap bug in fact14:43
charl_but it's strange that it only popped up now14:43
charl_i'm wondering if i should report it to them14:43
Kilosyes man14:45
charl_wb maiatoday 14:45
Kilosso it doesnt go to 14.0414:45
charl_ok i'll ask on the #nmap channel a bit later if i don't get any responses on #ubuntu14:48
Kilosisnt the a ubuntu dev channel14:49
Kilosjust make sure its fixed before i get 14.0414:52
charl_it isn't too serious (i guess) because nmap is a tool used by very few people14:52
Kilosjust run gufw so you can block all incoming14:53
charl_no i definitely don't want to go and run some firewall app14:53
charl_i belong to the firewalls are evil (well, mostly) school14:53
Kilosopen ports are bad news14:53
Kiloslotsa bad peeps out there14:53
charl_open ports were a big issue in the late-90's when you had the first real firewall fad14:54
charl_that was a particular problem with windows hosts at the time because windows security was uber lame14:54
Kilosinetpro, comments?14:54
charl_now windows has a firewall that is enabled by default (and it also needs it) but on ubuntu all ports (should) be closed on a default install14:55
charl_the only time when you have open ports is when you actually go and install server applications14:55
charl_and even so if you only want to use them for local purposes you (should be able to) get them to bind to the local loopback interface *only*14:56
Kiloshere is one of his commands i saved and didnt lose14:56
Kilosnetstat -an | grep LISTEN14:56
charl_that's what netstat -tulpen is for14:56
charl_then you don't need grep14:56
Kilosi got this one too 14:57
charl_although i think -tulpen gives you a little more14:57
Kilossudo netstat -ntulp14:57
charl_yup that is the exact same14:57
charl_except i added the e switch14:57
charl_i always type "tulpen" because we grow a huge amount of those here in the netherlands14:58
Kilosim lost with all these funny things but save them anyway14:58
charl_yes they are called tulips in english, in dutch they are called "tulpen"14:59
charl_i'm looking at netstat -an now but that gives you all the unix sockets too15:00
Kiloson a server i would use a firewall15:00
charl_if you need a firewall on a server, you're probably doing something wrong, except on a few exceptionary cases15:01
Kilosim sure your win8 mate is still trying to prove linux is no good15:01
charl_for example, if you run a daemon like memcache15:01
charl_memcache basically has no authentication or security whatsoever, or in any case, it didn't used to last when i used it15:03
charl_i like this purple background with the tree in front that ubuntu 13.10 ships with, it's a pity it's not the default15:04
Kilosyou using gui on a server?15:05
charl_no i installed ubuntu desktop inside a vm here on my workstation15:05
charl_you can run X on a server with openssh X11 forwarding15:06
charl_quite handy if you need to install backwards gui-only software that you can't install at the terminal15:06
Kilosoh havent they dropped x yet15:07
charl_i read about the new display server but couldn't be bothered to even find out about it15:07
Kilosthere was talk about it15:07
charl_we've been running x for so long now it's hard to imagine it not being there, but i'm not against change15:07
charl_"Mir is a next generation display server targeted as a replacement for the X window server system to unlock next-generation user experiences for devices ranging from Linux desktop to mobile devices powered by Ubuntu. The primary purpose of Mir is to enable the development of the next generation Unity."15:09
charl_i don't care about unity so i don't care about mir either15:09
charl_next generation user experience... what complete and utter marketing drivel15:09
Kilosthey must have big plans for unity man15:10
Kilosthey dont do stuff just for fun15:10
charl_innovation is good but i get the feeling they are overinnovating15:11
charl_but let's face it, user interfaces suck as they are right now, and we need standardisation15:11
Kilosthey need to make something that works on all mobiles and pcs15:12
charl_also so that as a programmer you can create a single application and have it used transparently across all devices15:12
charl_the application needs to automatically adapt to the device it's running on15:12
Kilosmaybe they think mir is the best way to do that because of X probs in the past15:13
Kilosi remember needing to run some xrandr command sometime15:13
charl_i have had very few issues with x in recent years15:14
Kilosno reply from #ubuntu yet?15:14
Kilosya its got better15:14
charl_oh here's the long story https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec#Motivation_-_Why_Mir.3F15:15
charl_interesting... i guess i kind of get it15:16
charl_the new kubuntu 13.10 runs really fast whow15:21
charl_kde 4.11.2 - what a joy to use15:21
inetprogood mornings19:02
Kiloslo inetpro skuus man19:10
Kiloshi psychicist 19:10
psychicisthi Kilos 19:11
psychicisthi inetpro 19:11
* inetpro thought Kilos had gone to sleep already19:12
inetprohi psychicist19:12
Kilosnope trying to fix an 80g drive that is seriously messed19:13
Kilosfirst 5m got many bad sectors19:13
inetprothrow it away19:13
Kilosno man , its reader and drive work fine. one day ill get another same drive with dead reader or drive19:14
Kilosi wish you peeps that throw away so easy will send me all the throw aways19:15
Kilosyou know i like fixing broken things19:16
Kilosim not a new parts fitter19:17
Kilosyou like these new adds on tv. guy and chick riding in his jeep and a bird craps on the windscreen so he complains now he has to buy a new car19:18
inetprotv ad? 19:20
inetprowhat is that?19:20
Kilosadvertisement on the idiot box19:21
* inetpro has an old broken idiot box lying around in the garage for the last number of years19:21
inetprobest thing that ever happened19:22
KilosMaaz, coffee on19:47
* Maaz puts the kettle on19:47
Kilosinetpro, coffee time19:47
inetproMaaz: coffee please19:47
Maazinetpro: Yessir19:47
Kilosnow i can go sleep after i get my coffee19:48
Kiloswhat now19:50
inetproyou sleep after having coffee?19:51
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!19:51
inetproMaaz: dankie19:51
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend19:51
KilosMaaz, danke19:51
KilosMaaz, rusks please19:51
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos19:51
* Kilos dunks and enjoys19:52
Kilosdoop n ouma doop n ouma19:52
Kilosnight all. sleep tight. see ya morrow19:56

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