Unit193 | brainwash: readonly b PreparingForSleep = false; Nope. What wired/wireless device do you have? | 05:31 |
Unit193 | This count for anything? Running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/60_wpa_supplicant resume suspend: | 05:42 |
Unit193 | Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory | 05:42 |
Unit193 | /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/60_wpa_supplicant resume suspend: success. | 05:42 |
slickymaster | morning all | 09:24 |
brainwash | Unit193: I noticed this long entry long time ago, but I thought it was just a result of network manager still sleeping | 09:43 |
brainwash | Unit193: and wired connections are affected too | 09:44 |
brainwash | Unit193: on my laptop PreparingForSleep is still set to 'true' when nm does not awake, on my desktop pc it's rarely the case | 09:45 |
elfy | good morning #xubuntu-devel | 09:54 |
slickymaster | elfy: and a good morning to you | 09:57 |
elfy | hi slickymaster | 09:59 |
ochosi | morning all | 10:04 |
ochosi | anyone interested in writing some docs? | 10:08 |
slickymaster | ochosi: yeap, what's needed? | 10:09 |
slickymaster | ochosi: sorry, good morning | 10:10 |
ochosi | slickymaster: we're looking for ppl to help us with parole | 10:10 |
ochosi | we just released 0.5.90 (on the way to 0.6) | 10:10 |
ochosi | and we want this release to be the first that actually has *some* docs :) | 10:10 |
elfy | :) | 10:10 |
slickymaster | ochosi: well I'm finishing the translation of xubuntu-docs trusty series | 10:11 |
ochosi | for an example of what we're looking for, check this: http://docs.xfce.org/apps/terminal/start | 10:11 |
ochosi | this is where the docs will end up: http://docs.xfce.org/apps/parole/ | 10:11 |
ochosi | but we have a staging site where ppl can work | 10:11 |
elfy | good lord ... you mean actually readable and usable ones :) | 10:12 |
ochosi | (info on how to write docs if needed: http://docs.xfce.org/contribute/documentation) | 10:12 |
ochosi | elfy: indeed :) | 10:12 |
slickymaster | ochosi: I don't mind to take a stab at it | 10:13 |
ochosi | so whoever wants to help needs to use v0.5.90 of parole, which you can get here: https://launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/+archive/xfce-4.12-daily | 10:13 |
ochosi | as i see now, jjfrv8 has already started with the prefs on our staging site | 10:14 |
ochosi | http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=parole-docs | 10:14 |
ochosi | jjfrv8: very nice work! thanks a bunch! | 10:14 |
ochosi | so feel free to help him out a little | 10:14 |
ochosi | and as soon as we're getting close to the 0.6 release, we'll review everything and move it over to the official docs site | 10:15 |
elfy | if I can find time then I'm more than happy to help | 10:16 |
slickymaster | ochosi: one question, you're using moin moin or docbook and mallard on the wiki? | 10:16 |
ochosi | slickymaster: it's dokuwiki | 10:16 |
ochosi | upstream xfce decided to use online documentation in that form | 10:16 |
ochosi | because the learning curve for docbook or mallard was kinda stopping ppl from contributing | 10:17 |
ochosi | even if wiki's are more messy, more contributors/information might be a good thing | 10:17 |
ochosi | so far i think their decision was fine | 10:17 |
slickymaster | ochosi: so the idea is to pick up on what jjfrv8 already made? | 10:18 |
ochosi | slickymaster: yes, you can start e.g. with command-line options and describe those | 10:18 |
ochosi | feel free to check what he wrote in the prefs to keep things coherent | 10:19 |
ochosi | and if you can, get in touch with him and see what his plans are | 10:19 |
ochosi | just so that you guys don't do double the work or anything | 10:19 |
slickymaster | ochosi: ok, will do. Do I have to submit any account registration for xfce wiki? If yes, where and how? | 10:20 |
ochosi | slickymaster: you can only work on the staging site. i have an admin-account for docs.xfce.org so I'll move all the content over after it was reviewed | 10:20 |
slickymaster | ochosi: ok. but when you say staging site you're referring to http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=parole-docs, right? | 10:22 |
ochosi | yup | 10:22 |
ochosi | it works the same way as the official dokuwiki | 10:22 |
ochosi | we added all the necessary pluguins | 10:22 |
ochosi | plugins | 10:22 |
ochosi | (penguins + plugins = pluguins) | 10:22 |
ochosi | so apart from moving the screenshots, it'll be simple copy-paste | 10:23 |
slickymaster | ochosi: :). Just one thing, I'm getting a read only page, there | 10:23 |
ochosi | yeah, i guess you need to register :) | 10:23 |
ochosi | but afaik no admin-approval is necessary (but it's bluesabre's wiki, so i wouldn't know ;)) | 10:24 |
slickymaster | ochosi: I'll try to register and if needed I'll ping bluesabre on it | 10:26 |
ochosi | great, thanks | 10:26 |
elfy | I can open usage (for example) to the edit page here | 10:26 |
slickymaster | elfy: it could be that, since I'm getting "This page is currently locked for editing by another user. You have to wait until this user finishes editing or the lock expires." | 10:27 |
elfy | try now then | 10:28 |
slickymaster | elfy: :) I was going to ask you just that. You beat me to it | 10:28 |
slickymaster | elfy: nops, still getting the same message | 10:29 |
elfy | slickymaster: ok now? | 10:29 |
slickymaster | elfy: no, on each of them | 10:30 |
slickymaster | elfy: it can be that you have super powers and I don't ;) | 10:30 |
slickymaster | elfy: I'll try to register and see if afterwards manage to access it with write permissions | 10:31 |
elfy | I love super powers - especially ones you're not aware of :) | 10:31 |
elfy | he could possibly have set it up for xubuntu-team or something maybe | 10:32 |
slickymaster | elfy: yeah, I was thinking of that, when I mentioned super powers :) | 10:32 |
ochosi | :) | 10:33 |
elfy | if I don't do anything else with it I will at least check it for grammar/spelling/readability | 10:34 |
slickymaster | elfy: I such an idiot. I also do have super powers. I was blocking the execution of javascript on the page (it's default on my browser) | 10:34 |
slickymaster | I am | 10:34 |
elfy | ahah :) | 10:35 |
brainwash | ochosi: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/lightdm-gtk-greeter/trunk/view/head:/src/lightdm-gtk-greeter.c#L1302 | 10:36 |
slickymaster | ochosi: I'm going to install v0.5.90 of parole and start to work on it | 10:36 |
ochosi | slickymaster: great! thanks | 10:36 |
ochosi | brainwash: gotta go fetch some lunch, bbiab | 10:37 |
brainwash | ochosi: ok | 10:37 |
slickymaster | ochosi: np, It will be a pleasure. And since I'm going to work side by side with elfy, I'll be able to secretly learn about his super powers | 10:38 |
elfy | lol | 10:38 |
ochosi | :} | 10:39 |
ochosi | -> | 10:39 |
brainwash | ochosi: I'm checking the source code, because I don't think a solution with feh (simply reapply the root background) will be accepted | 10:39 |
brainwash | ochosi: to prevent the grey background flicker after login | 10:40 |
brainwash | it's just a small change, but I like it and it improves the desktop experience | 10:44 |
ochosi | brainwash: i agree | 11:12 |
ochosi | if it's a small change in how we paint the background in the greeter and there are no backdraws to it, then that'd be the ideal scenario | 11:12 |
slickymaster | ochosi: do you know if ppa:smd-seandavis/xfce-4.12-daily is compliant with trusty? | 11:16 |
elfy | it's not | 11:19 |
ochosi | not yet | 11:20 |
slickymaster | elfy: thanks. that means that I'll have to setup a new VM :P | 11:20 |
ochosi | you can check easily in the ppa's settings | 11:20 |
slickymaster | ochosi: yes, I'm noticing it | 11:21 |
elfy | slickymaster: same :) | 11:21 |
* slickymaster already doing it | 11:22 | |
* ochosi is living on the edge with tons of stuff directly from git... | 11:23 | |
elfy | I'm living in the edge too ;) | 11:23 |
* slickymaster thinks that with elfy it comes with the territory... since he is kind of a super being | 11:24 | |
ochosi | brainwash: | 11:25 |
ochosi | brainwash: oops. i meant to say: if you want you can check how feh sets the background and simply add that to the call in the greeter. the greeter itself is farely easy to compile/install, just be sure to use --prefix=/usr | 11:26 |
elfy | ochosi: the parole I just got from sean's ppa is v0.6.0 not 0.5.90 | 11:35 |
ochosi | well that's just a minor version | 11:35 |
ochosi | -numbering-glitch | 11:35 |
ochosi | 0.6 hasn't seen a release yet, so no worries ;) | 11:35 |
elfy | ok :) | 11:35 |
elfy | looks good :) | 11:36 |
elfy | until you try to load plugins ... | 11:36 |
ochosi | yeah, that's currently broken in the PPA | 11:40 |
ochosi | we still don't know why, really | 11:40 |
elfy | k - just checking :) | 11:40 |
ochosi | sure, please report any bugs you find | 11:41 |
elfy | yep :) | 11:41 |
slickymaster | elfy: good to know that ahead. I'll just be able to get everything ready after lunch | 11:43 |
brainwash | elfy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2182546&p=12823528 | 12:54 |
brainwash | bug 1221809 | 12:54 |
ubottu | bug 1221809 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "systemd-shim removal causes restart to logout" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221809 | 12:54 |
brainwash | I cannot access my old forum account anymore after the database "hack" incident | 12:55 |
elfy | brainwash: I'm not having to do with the forum for a while but if you want help getting into your forum account I'll do that in a pm with you :) | 12:56 |
* elfy has a break from it :) | 12:56 | |
brainwash | why that? just temporary because of the flood of new "upgrade to 13.10 failed!" threads? | 12:57 |
elfy | nah :) | 12:58 |
elfy | but if you want help we can do it now | 12:58 |
brainwash | well, here's the account http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1579891, don't have access to the email address anymore, so the account is dead right now | 13:00 |
forestpiskie | exit | 14:06 |
elfy | I only wish | 14:06 |
=== elfy_ is now known as forestpiskie | ||
slickymaster | elfy: you mentioned early this morning that after adding sean's PPA you ended up with parole v0.6.0. I've just added said PPA and ended up with 0.5.90. Go figure that out. | 16:02 |
slickymaster | ochosi: Regarding Parole v0.5.90, where is the ideal place to report any bug? LP or Xfce bugzilla? | 16:04 |
gdos | !bug 1243839 | 18:17 |
ubottu | bug 1243839 in dwww (Ubuntu) "does not install completely. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1243839 | 18:17 |
gdos | !bug 1243859 | 18:17 |
ubottu | bug 1243859 in dhelp (Ubuntu) "does not install completely (similar to #1243839)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1243859 | 18:17 |
genii | Looks possibly related, yes | 18:22 |
gdos | genii: wouldn't it be considered a security issue if neither dhelp NOR dwww read files from /usr/share/doc ? | 18:25 |
genii | I don't think anything in /usr/share/doc could really be considered a security issue | 18:27 |
gdos | reading from those directories doesn't open up the rest of the system which makes me wonder if its a chmod issue? | 18:28 |
gdos | nope. just checked. permissions on all affected folders are what i expected them to be. | 18:32 |
Pwnna | if i want to compile my own xfwm and run that, how do i go approach? any docs? | 18:40 |
Pwnna | i just don't wanna mess up my settings and what not. | 18:40 |
Pwnna | so slightly cautious to start | 18:41 |
Pwnna | i have ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12 | 18:42 |
Pwnna | how do you guys build these things? | 18:51 |
gdos | Pwnna: try #xfce or #xfwm (can't remember which) | 19:01 |
Pwnna | it's all good now. i htink :) | 19:02 |
Pwnna | who maintains that ppa? | 19:02 |
Pwnna | there's a new version of xfwm :P | 19:02 |
Pwnna | what's the prefix i have to use? | 19:10 |
Noskcaj | Is there any reason why @xubuntu email addresses aren't available? | 20:43 |
knome | Noskcaj, that hasn't been set up. | 20:44 |
Noskcaj | knome, Are there any plans to ever make them? I would be nice to have them, even if it's just PR purposes | 20:49 |
knome | i remember that briefly discussed at some point, but i don't think it's a gamekiller if we don't have them | 20:50 |
knome | i also don't know about canonical's policies; if setting up such is possible (any more) or not | 20:50 |
Noskcaj | ok | 20:52 |
Noskcaj | https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-session/4.10.1-3/+merge/192405 | 21:23 |
slickymaster | good night all | 21:47 |
brainwash | can we please increase the importance of bug 1206739 to high and release an updated package with ali1234's patch? | 22:56 |
ubottu | bug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1206739 | 22:56 |
skellat | brainwash: In what way do you want an updated package? Stable Release Update? New version for Trusty? | 23:00 |
brainwash | package for saucy including the patch | 23:01 |
ali1234 | i think this bug is worthy of SRU personally | 23:01 |
ali1234 | it can cause data loss if you, say, launch open office from the terminal (even with &) and then write your 100 page document, and then accidentally open the encoding menu on *any* terminal window, it will kill open office | 23:02 |
skellat | ali1234 brainwash: You guys understand an SRU requires covering not just 13.10 but also 13.04, 12.10, and 12.04 to ensure a consistent upgrade path? | 23:02 |
brainwash | it only affects 13.10 | 23:02 |
brainwash | and ofc 14.04 | 23:02 |
ali1234 | well it's broken in the older versions too | 23:02 |
ali1234 | the patch doesn't affect functionality - it replaces a broken, memory leaking implementation with one taken directly from the reference manual | 23:03 |
brainwash | older versions don't ship with gtk3.8 | 23:03 |
ali1234 | yeah but the code still sucks | 23:03 |
brainwash | we don't care about older releases :P | 23:03 |
skellat | brainwash: SRU procedure says we must if they're still supported | 23:04 |
ali1234 | i will backport the patch to older packages in the extremely unlikely event it is not compatible | 23:04 |
skellat | Does the patch meet these guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#When | 23:04 |
brainwash | mmh, so complicated | 23:04 |
skellat | ? | 23:04 |
ali1234 | well, see above | 23:04 |
ali1234 | if you consider that a realistic circumstance, then yes | 23:05 |
ali1234 | if you open the encoding menu on any xfce4-terminal window, it kills all open terminal windows and all processes launched by them | 23:05 |
brainwash | I'm not familiar with the SRU procedure, I just know that if we release broken software, we should fix it as soon as possible | 23:06 |
skellat | ali1234: That would be a realistic circumstance that causes direct loss of user data since it kills processes | 23:06 |
brainwash | therefore the importance level should be raised | 23:07 |
skellat | Next step in the decision tree: Is the issue fixed in the newest version in Trusty's archive? | 23:07 |
skellat | Or is the version in Trusty's archive the same as that in Saucy at the moment? | 23:08 |
skellat | (We can skip that since proposed is still locked up) | 23:09 |
brainwash | appears to be the same, the patch hasn't been accepted upstream yet (everything is going so slow) | 23:09 |
skellat | brainwash: I'm pulling up upstream's bug tracker really quick | 23:10 |
skellat | Okay, all upstream shows is that people are CC'ing the bug | 23:12 |
skellat | ali1234: Are you prepared to make a local build of a .deb file for xfce4-terminal and then prepare a debdiff for your local version against what is in the archive for 13.10? | 23:12 |
ali1234 | skellat: yes, but it won't happen until next week, and i might need some handholding with things like writing correct changelog entries and so on | 23:13 |
skellat | Well, that buys us time to see who we can round up | 23:13 |
skellat | The first step would be: dget -x http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xfce4-terminal/xfce4-terminal_0.6.2-3ubuntu1.dsc | 23:14 |
skellat | And then once that unpacked, go from there patching and repacking | 23:15 |
skellat | Once that's repacked and the debdiff you would end up following this protocol: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure | 23:16 |
skellat | micahg can probably correct me on a few steps but that's the overview | 23:17 |
ali1234 | what is 0.6.2? | 23:18 |
ali1234 | aren't we on 4.10.1? | 23:18 |
skellat | ali1234: It would be the individual component's version number. The suite's overall version number is 4.10.1. | 23:19 |
ali1234 | oh yeah, i'm getting mixed up with panel, which really does have that version number | 23:20 |
ali1234 | the other thing about this is that my patch actually fixes two bugs | 23:21 |
skellat | Cool | 23:21 |
ali1234 | the crash and the memory leak are mostly unrelated | 23:21 |
skellat | ali1234: Read the whole SRU wiki page | 23:22 |
skellat | It explains everything | 23:22 |
ali1234 | ok, bt the memory leak probably isn't SRU worthy as it is harmless... so does it get a pass just because we're going to update it anyway? | 23:23 |
skellat | ali1234: That'll be up to the reviewer & uploader to determine | 23:29 |
ali1234 | skellat: is this right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292034/ | 23:38 |
ali1234 | i don't know what to do with the "saucy" line etc | 23:39 |
skellat | dch -i | 23:40 |
ali1234 | i did dpkg-source --commit | 23:41 |
skellat | Oooh | 23:41 |
skellat | No | 23:41 |
skellat | In the tree you want to do dch -i | 23:41 |
skellat | For the repack, dpkg-buildpackage | 23:41 |
ali1234 | how does the patch get saved then? | 23:42 |
skellat | I looked again | 23:43 |
skellat | I'm wrong | 23:43 |
skellat | You're right | 23:43 |
ali1234 | so dpkg-source --commit and then dch -i? or the other way around seems to make more sense as --commit takes the last changelog entry | 23:44 |
skellat | Ditch the dch -i bit | 23:44 |
skellat | I was wrong | 23:44 |
skellat | Next would be dpkg-buildpackage | 23:45 |
skellat | You have to be able to install it and make sure it works | 23:47 |
ali1234 | of course | 23:48 |
ali1234 | i'll stick it in my ppa too | 23:48 |
skellat | For the debdiff it would be if memory serves: debdiff http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xfce4-terminal/xfce4-terminal_0.6.2-3ubuntu1.dsc [local .dsc file that dpkg-source --commit just messed with] > patch.diff | 23:49 |
skellat | And then filing the bug as specified here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure | 23:50 |
skellat | Oh | 23:51 |
skellat | The changelog should have had (LP: #1206739) after your entry so that it marks in the system Fix Committed/Fix Released | 23:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1206739 | 23:51 |
ali1234 | but you said not to edit the changelog .......... | 23:52 |
ali1234 | y'know, this could be a lot easier | 23:52 |
ali1234 | can you just show me a package where this has been done, and i'll just do whatever they did? | 23:53 |
ali1234 | hmm i can't build the package because i don't have libxfce4ui-1 installed from a package (it's built locally) | 23:55 |
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