[02:21] hey guys, anyone around like to give me a hand with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/238017 ? [03:04] jose: Can you provide some evidence of an official decision, or get agreement from an owner or admin of the teams? [03:04] I'm not really going to delete a 1500 person team without some kind of extensive corroboration :) [03:04] wgrant: hmm, it's all been worked on a Trello card, let me get a screenshot for it [03:04] would that be enough? [03:07] I'd prefer to see some visible consensus from the LoCo council [03:07] This is a pretty unprecedented request. [03:07] wgrant: may I PM? [03:08] jose: Sure [03:09] win 51 [07:03] jose: you really should mail help@lp.net with the log of that kind of decesion in future === zenitraM^away is now known as zenitraM === zenitraM is now known as zenitraM^away === zenitraM^away is now known as zenitraM [09:57] lifeless: any idea what tz kees cook is in ? [10:03] czajkowski: usually portland [10:03] czajkowski: may be in edinburgh this week [10:10] lifeless: thanks === zenitraM is now known as zenitraM^away [12:07] czajkowski: oh, didn't know that existed, thanks a bunch! === lfaraone_ is now known as lfaraone