
sveinseWhat can be done to speed up booting in Precise? Point is, we have an embedded product running on OMAP3, w/display, and running non-X Qt graphics (QWS). Booting takes around 30-40 seconds, which is far too long. So we need to reduce it. So in general we can either optimize precise boot or we have to change distro to something more lean.06:55
sveinseMuch of the boot is scripts and initramfs and all those generic checks made during boot. And the boot is mostly io bound, because the machine is running off an SD-card which isn't too fast06:56
ogra_sveinse, make sure your kernel supports ureadahead ... use bootchart to identify slow processes on boot07:37
sveinseogra_: I have used bootchart to ploy, and there is something like 100 processes/scripts before our apps start loading.07:57
sveinseogra_: for the ureadahead, I've been told (here) that ARMv7 does not support ureadahead. At least I get a failure for it while booting07:58
ogra_you need a kernel patch07:58
ogra_it works fine on all arm arches and helüps quite a lot07:59
sveinseogra_: Where can I find this patch?07:59
* ogra_ isnt sure if bug 1194127 has a direct link08:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1194127 in linux-manta (Ubuntu Saucy) "ureadahead does not work in current linux-maguro/linux-mako/linux-manta" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119412708:00
ogra_try to find this one on kernel.ubuntu.com iirc the changelog entry comes from git08:01
sveinseogra_: We running on precise because this is LTS. Would there be any advantages speedwise to change to a newer distro version?08:03
sveinseI mean, I supporse the ARM support has matured since precise08:03
ogra_we had a big performance review of arm stuff in quantal ... so yes, you might see some speedups ... but OTOH the support for non LTS is only 9 months nowadays08:05
sveinseWill 14.04 will be LTS?08:06
sveinse_ogra: Thanks08:26
abhishek_ppisati: Hi08:50
abhishek_ppisati: I was looking for you and want to ask something related to page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ARMKernelCrossCompile08:50
abhishek_ppisati: I have downloaded the Ubuntu-quantal source code and later I did git checkout  -b temp Ubuntu-3.4.0-1.1 to move to branch 3.408:52
abhishek_I want to build the Ubuntu for the APQ806408:52
abhishek_there is a support for the ti-omap4, but I wan to build for the qualcomm APQ8064 .....08:54
abhishek_ppisati: Can you please help me how should I proceed08:54
abhishek_ppisati: to get omap4 ...I did git checkout -b ti-omap4 origin/ti-omap408:55
abhishek_ppisati: But, how should I get a support for the qc-apq8064 ......or how can I create the same\08:55
abhishek_ppisati: Please help me sir .....I will not take much of your time08:58
ppisatitoo quick09:14
ppisatior maybe i was too late... :)09:14
ppisatiabhishek_: two things:09:15
abhishek_ppisati: I lost the connection to this09:15
ppisati1) first check that the kernel version you checked out support your chip09:15
abhishek_ppisati: I might have missed your earlier messges09:15
abhishek_ppisati: ok09:16
ppisati2) then copy the debian.omap4 branch and make all the modifications related to your chip09:16
abhishek_ppisati: How to find that that the kernel downloaded by me is supporting the chip ??09:17
abhishek_ppisati: In arch/arm/configs09:17
ppisatiabhishek_: since it's a normale kernel after all, check in arch/arm/*09:17
ppisatiand so on09:17
abhishek_ppisati: ok09:18
abhishek_ppisati: in arch/arm/mach-apq8064 is not present .....but mach-msm is present09:19
ppisatiabhishek_: if you try a make ARCH=arm menuconfig09:19
ppisaticheck than your soc is there09:19
abhishek_Qualcomm MSM is present ...but not Qualcomm APQ806409:21
ppisatithan you first should try to compile a kernel the normal way09:21
ppisatiadding stuff for your chip09:21
ppisatiand when you have a stable config, come back09:21
abhishek_So, I will compile the kernel for the qualcomm MSM ......09:22
ppisatiabhishek_: and you need to boot it too09:22
abhishek_If I want to add stuff for my chip ....what needs to be changed09:22
ppisatithe config09:23
abhishek_ppisati: How the kernel compiled for the different SOC will boot up ?09:23
ppisatidude, first get familiar with compiling and booting a new kernel on your board09:23
abhishek_the config in arch/arm/config/apq8064_defconfig09:23
abhishek_I have already done this activity09:23
abhishek_I have compiled the kernel for x86 also .....and changed by desktop kernel also09:24
abhishek_ppisati: What else needs to be changed09:26
abhishek_Hi Lee09:28
abhishek_lag: I want some help for the kernel configuration for SoC Qualcomm apq806409:29
=== doko__ is now known as doko
abhishek_I have downloaded ubuntu-quantal ....but this kernel has no support for my SoC ....what I need to change to support my SoC09:30
abhishek_Please help me09:43
wookeyIf I try to build debian packages in an ubuntu chroot, what sort of things tend to go wrong?12:57
wookeyI need to nobble dpkg-vendor12:57
wookeywhat eles?12:57
wookeydch does the wrong thing12:58
dokowookey, edit base-files13:01
dokolsb_release -a should work13:03
infinitywookey: base-files and dpkg should be the only two things required to turn Debian into Ubuntu and vice versa.15:17
wookeydpkg? because it encodes teh dpkg-vendor answer in the build?15:58
wookeyI'd naively assumed I could change that in a config file somewere15:58
infinitywookey: Mangling /etc/dpkg/origins should be enough to switch dpkg.16:07
infinitywookey: And then /etc/lsb-release and /etc/os-release for base-files.16:07
infinitywookey: I can't think of anywhere else that people query to determine what sort of system they're on.16:07
infinitywookey: Of course, toolchain defaults will differ unless you rebuild those.  So, if the goal is to bootstrap Debian from Ubuntu, or Ubuntu from Debian, as soon as you mangle dpkg and base-files, the first order of business is to build your toolchain.16:08
infinity(Can you tell I've done this before...)16:09
wookeythat's good. I was oping to find someone who'd done this before to stop me wasting a lot of very slow model time16:33
infinitywookey: Well, I did it in the other direction with armhf, since Debian started that before us.  So, I'd do arm64 in exactly the other direction and it should work well.16:34
infinity(Well, as well as anything can work on a model...)16:34
infinitywookey: I assume you'll be in Santa Cruz?16:34
infinitySanta something.16:34
wookeynext question. presumably it's unwise to adulterate my working ubuntu build chroot by jamming just-build debian packages in16:35
wookeyand I should make another one for that purpose16:35
wookeyso I can go back when it breaks16:35
infinityGoing back is for wimps.16:35
infinityAnd you can always debootstrap a new one. :)16:35
infinityBut the goal is to evolve into Debian, so you *want* to be installing your just-built packages.16:35
infinityOnce everything in your chroot as become Debian versions, then you get to rebuild them all AGAIN, and be fairly confident that you're no longer building against Ubuntu.16:36
wookeyyes, i realise that :-) but I was expecting something bad to break16:36
infinityI wouldn't expect much world breakage in taking that approach.16:36
wookeyI guess I should just save the base chroot for emergencies16:36
wookeydebootstrap is easy but the settign up of keys and dupload configs and nobbled dpkg etc is a faff I don;t want to repeat to many times16:37
infinityLuckily, since the autosync, trusty and sid are pretty dangerously similar, so it shouldn't be too, too bad.16:37
wookeyeaspicially as it's all so gloriously slow16:37
wookeyah, and actualy the keys and stuff is in my $home so that's OK16:37
wookeydid you use a snapshot to avoid undue churn, or just stick with 'latest' in both?16:38
infinityNo snapshotting, though we did start when saucy was mostly frozen, which helped a bit.16:38

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