
thomiCould someome please take a look at the failures happening here when they get a chance? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-trusty-amd64-ci/2/console03:28
* Mirv the critical bug filer06:35
didrocksMirv: karma!06:44
Mirvthat indeed06:45
Mirvok the stack status / critical bugs start now to be up-to-date reflecting the real situation of stacks. I'm still running apps tests, and waiting for info if it's known that some unity8 tests fail on desktop.06:46
Mirvsome config updates, two new critical bugs this morning for test failures06:47
Mirvoh, three bugs, that is06:48
Mirvforgot about indicators06:48
didrocksnice to get that cleaned, thanks for tracking Mirv :)06:55
Mirvyw, now unity8 bugged too, and apps sharing the sdk bug07:12
viladidrocks, Mirv : Let me start by some clarification: thanks a lot for your help yesterday, I couldn't have reached the point where bug #1244324 were filed without you.07:27
ubot5bug 1244324 in glamor-egl (Ubuntu) "glamor-egl crashes when running autopilot tests" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124432407:27
didrocksglamor-egl? I'm not even aware about that one07:27
Mirvinteresting, it's now the default on some radeons?07:28
didrocks Glamor is a library for accelerating 2D graphics using GL functions.07:28
MirvI thought it was mainly only the newest ones like Radeon 700007:28
viladidrocks, Mirv: My fresh understanding is that it's the only option mlankhorst needed to reproduce locally even on a different hardware07:28
Mirvsince AMD hasn't worked on normal 2d acceleration support anymore on those newest ones07:29
didrocksvila: do you know if all ATI hw are using it or we just got "lucky" :)07:29
didrocksMirv: so, it's a layer on top of gles?07:29
viladidrocks: no and mlankhorst is EOW07:29
Mirvdidrocks: it bypasses the need to code EXA acceleration when new cards come in07:29
vilaMirv: but yeah, I *think* that's to provide 3D07:29
Mirvvila: no, it's to provide 2D acceleration with cards that don't have it otherwise07:30
Mirvvila: which Radeon the machine was running with again?07:30
didrocksMirv: so, it should be for underperforming cards, right?07:30
vila7750 (as in qa-radeon-7750 ;)07:30
Mirv"GLAMOR provides 2D acceleration on the Radeon HD 7000 "Southern Islands" GPUs and newer Radeon GPUs"07:30
Mirvvila: oh, right, it's one of the newest ones, right07:30
vilaMirv: where do you get that ?07:30
Mirvvila: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQ2MzA07:30
vilaMirv: here we go ! *Now* the knowledge spreads :)07:31
Mirvdidrocks: no, for new cards that AMD/community doesn't have resources (or otherwise deems better) to build a separate 2D accel support07:31
didrocksMirv: ah, ok, starting to make sense :)07:31
Mirvso it turns out that glamor is not yet bug free07:32
didrocksunsurprinsingly ;)07:33
vilaMirv: and you googled (^Wduckduckgo'ed) that page with which keywords ? ;)07:33
Mirvvila: glamor default07:33
vilaMirv: thanks, will put that in the incident report when I get there \o/07:34
vilaMirv: indeed ranked 4 in https://duckduckgo.com/?q=glamor%20default&kl=us-en&kp=-1 well done !07:35
sil2100didrocks: hi! Did you have a discussion about the AP switch to 1.3 with thomi in the end? Since when he started his day he was unaware of anything07:41
sil2100Like, with the possibility of switching back lp:autopilot to /1.307:42
didrockssil2100: it was on IRC, he was pinged for it07:44
didrockssil2100: hey! btw ;)07:44
didrockssil2100: so I thought he got the info07:44
didrockssil2100: did you saw my email?07:45
sil2100didrocks: yes yes, that's also why I'm asking - since we might want to chat with thomi about the possibility of doing that switch again07:45
sil2100With all the proper explaination to him 'why' ;)07:46
didrockssil2100: I'm clearly not happy that thomi turned lp:autopilot to point to 1.4 with having a backward compatbility issue (that's not sustainable) and that they did that without converting the app AP tests07:46
didrockssil2100: that's what we explained on IRC, if people stay on IRC to get pings but don't scrollback…07:46
sil2100My understanding in the past was that it was being worked on07:46
sil2100But it seemed that it didn't...07:46
didrockssil2100: yeah, but not turning lp:autopilot to the incompatible version *beforehand*07:46
didrocksI wonder if management won't force autopilot to be backward compatible anyway07:47
didrockslike the sdk, we shipped a version to the community07:47
didrocksit's time to ensure our API is stable07:47
didrocksor at least having good practices, like a deprecation period07:47
sil2100didrocks: true, I guess with crucial components like this I think we need to provide a more-or-less stable API even between versions07:47
didrocksseems we have neither of them :(07:48
didrockssil2100: anyway, otherwise, how went your "hunt for getting all stack yellow"?07:48
didrocksI think AP 1.4 was part of it?07:48
* ogra_ sees no landing sheet entry for mterry's seed change 07:48
didrockssil2100: btw, you were pinged on this 1.3 switch yesterday as well, but it seems you were not there for 2 hours (and during the meeting)07:48
ogra_nor do i see it being discussed in any backlog07:49
didrocksogra_: ah, I was wondering if he did that directly with you07:49
sil2100didrocks: yes, along with psivaa we were trying to find the problems of the AP tests and this was the main culprit of most issues we were encountering back then07:49
didrockssil2100: so, all should be yellow now?07:49
ogra_and it sounds a little harmful to drop qtaudioengine07:49
didrocksogra_: yeah, I thought you were involved, so knew about it ;)07:50
ogra_no, not at all07:50
sil2100didrocks: sorry about that, been AFK after a late lunch and missed the time :/07:50
didrocksogra_: it's from sdk-libs, so it's still installed by the touch meta package?07:50
sil2100didrocks: we have normal AP issues now mostly07:50
didrockssil2100: ok, so you are tracking that with upstream to get those fixed?07:50
didrocksogra_: so not *that* urgent, we can have a discussion with mterry if you want07:51
ogra_didrocks, yeah, i just dont feel like rolling an image before we did that07:51
didrocksogra_: sorry, I probably didn't get it then. sdk-libs is just when you want to install the sdk to develop, right?07:52
sil2100didrocks: yes, we're basically waiting for the right people to pop up07:52
didrocksor ubuntu-touch -> deps on sdk-libs -> which deps on the audio stuff?07:52
didrockssil2100: ok, do you see landings we can proceed meanwhile? (from the landing ask)07:53
didrockssil2100: feel free to add them (just not target an image yet, we'll discuss that in the meeting)07:53
ogra_didrocks, no, thats sdk-libs-dev07:57
didrocksoh ok07:57
ogra_sdk-libs actually carries our API07:57
didrocksok, so we can't really redo without knowing the impact07:58
didrocksnothing in the seed?07:58
* didrocks bzr checkout lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.trusty07:58
didrocks  Drop QtAudioEngine plugin from sdk-libs, it is currently unused and will pull a lot of stuff into main07:59
didrocks- * qtdeclarative5-qtaudioengine-plugin07:59
didrocksMirv: any opinion? ^07:59
didrocksdo we use another audio system for qml?07:59
didrockslike maybe   * qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin08:00
ogra_we use pulse08:03
ogra_but not sure through which channel08:03
ogra_for Ot apps this might still be needed to talk to pulse08:03
* didrocks smells we use it through qtmultimedia for qml apps08:07
Mirvdidrocks: yes so zoltan + me approved removing it for now, there is other support but game makers may want positional audio so it should be a goal to add it back (+ openal & co. to main) at some point08:12
didrocksMirv: ok, but droping for now is fine, nothing is using it?08:13
didrocksogra_: ^08:13
ogra_Mirv, and this has been tested with apps from the store on the phones ?08:13
ogra_(not sure how many we ship by default that would make use of this)08:14
Mirvdidrocks: ogra_: a few weeks ago it was checked that no packages were found that would declare a dependency on it (I grepped the whole file system), but I did not have and every store app installed08:14
ogra_Mirv, all apps using the sdk should just depend on sdk-libs ... which in turn will hide the dep08:15
didrocksthe issue is that on saucy we dep on it08:15
ogra_my concern is that we are changing the API08:15
Mirvogra_: yeah, that's why I used some grep of the whole filesystem to find mentions of it08:15
ogra_without *any* tests or even discussion08:15
didrocksso we are potentially telling people "please use it"08:15
didrocksand now we are dropping the functionality from v2 of the sdk08:15
ogra_Mirv, wasnt the agreement that we just drop the harmful pieces from qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin ?08:16
Mirvactually the root of this was to get cordova to main for saucy, which is why the temporary drop was wanted. they're still driving it, though.08:16
Mirvogra_: this is it? dropping the audioengine package from qtmultimedia08:16
sil2100thomi: ping08:16
Mirvif I could decide I'd keep it and get the dependencies to main for trusty.08:17
ogra_Mirv, as i understood the audioengine plugin weas still wanted just without the harmful lib as dep08:17
Mirvogra_: ok, well openal is a strict dependency to the audioengine, just not to the normal audio/multimedia support08:17
Mirvit's not like "the" Qt audio engine, it's a 3d positional audio engine08:18
ogra_Mirv, so what was the patch that i saw that just removed openal from this package in saucy ?08:18
ogra_without completely removing it08:18
* ogra_ tries to find the bug again ... i know there was a finer grained change than bluntly removing the whole plugin08:19
ogra_(wasnt that even written by you  ?!?)08:19
Mirvogra_: I haven't seen such. it doesn't build the qtaudioengine if you drop the dependency.08:19
ogra_that was the one i remembered08:23
Mirvbug #1206268 is the main bug08:23
ubot5bug 1206268 in qtmultimedia-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] unity-webapps-qml" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120626808:23
ogra_and indeed you are right, no code changes08:23
ogra_but again, we have a hard defined ABI that lives in sdk-libs08:23
ogra_and this API was just changed without discussion or warning08:23
ogra_i agree that it is unlikely that someone uses positional audio in touch games08:24
ogra_nontheless we guarantee API stability and such changes need a broad discussion imho08:24
Mirvit wasn't really changed, of course, because it has been blocked. I've just stated that from my part it's ok.08:24
MirvI think the real issue here is that there has been no-one driving that MIR really08:25
MirvI've helped when I've been asked to08:25
Mirvlike, no "one" driving08:25
ogra_i saw someone driving it ... and messing it up several times now08:25
ogra_which makes me cautious about changes caused by it08:26
ogra_lets keep that for the meeting, i dont really know what to do here08:26
ogra_while it is technically right to drop it, the way it was dropped was definitely as wroing as it could be in the light that we promote API stability08:27
MirvI believe a MIR like that should be primarily driven by the team behind it, ie webapps team? but then in practice they've asked robru to do it.08:27
* ogra_ gets coffee before the meeting, brb08:27
Mirvand then there have been zoltan, mterry, me, xnox striking at it too08:27
didrockssil2100: Mirv: ogra_: coming?08:31
asacomg my noternet starts again08:35
asaccyphermox: i really need this threshold fix08:36
asaccyphermox: wpa is on a 35/70 quality AP while i have one with 70 right next to it08:36
vilaasac: you broke08:37
ogra_asac, youre not moving anymore OMG !08:37
asacwill be back in 5 minutes08:38
ogra_double vision !08:38
asaci should be bak08:38
sil2100Mirv: can you take a look here? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/trusty_fixes_projects/+merge/19260208:51
sil2100Mirv: since we decided to use this for now08:51
Mirvsil2100: I had already disabled u-s-c a few hours ago08:56
Mirvapproved otherwise08:57
sil2100Mirv: yes, I fixed that ;) Thanks09:06
sil2100I need to get my phone updated to trusty I guess09:08
sil2100ogra_: how can I get trusty on my phone?09:08
sil2100AH, ok, channel trusty09:10
xnoxMirv: your patches look fine =) but web-browser app has been attempted to be seeded too early (before qtmultimedia was done).09:13
didrockssil2100: trusty-proposed please :)09:14
sil2100Using that actually ;)09:14
didrocksyou want the latest of latest!09:14
didrocksthe best of the best!09:14
ogra_sil2100, adb shell system-image-cli -c trusty -b 009:14
didrocksogra_: that do work now?09:14
ogra_or even trusty-proposed :)09:14
didrocksdid you get why it wasn't working for you yesterday?09:14
ogra_didrocks, -b 0 ...09:15
* didrocks uses man09:15
xnoxMirv: ogra_: re: api/abi stability our 13.10 sdk is unchanged ;-)09:15
ogra_it only does the upüdate if i tell it it is on revision 0 of the new channel09:15
ogra_xnox, how do you mean ?09:15
didrocksogra_: oh ok09:15
didrocksso we still expect to have a higher version09:16
xnoxogra_: well we are not going retrospecivily drop qtaudioengine in 13.10, it's a change in 14.04 sdk and up. And well we can easily scan current clicks in the store about it, and add review warning if somebody does use it.09:16
ogra_didrocks, it automatically uses the latest image in the new channel09:16
ogra_xnox, we are also not dropping anything from the touch seeds (and the API) that wasnt even publically discussed09:17
ogra_and had no entry on the landing plan ... and had not a single AP test etc09:18
ogra_xnox, i'm in the middle of reverting it now and will send a mail to -devel and -phone09:18
didrocksogra_: why do we need -b0 then, it's not because we have image 100 on the other channel and 5 < 100?09:18
ogra_didrocks, yeah, i think thats the reason, barry would know more09:19
didrocksok :)09:20
viladidrocks: waiting for your ping ;)09:21
didrocksvila: yeah, in 3 minutes :)09:21
* ogra_ wonders why msm is in the next meeting09:21
* ogra_ gets more coffee09:22
vilaogra_: she organized it may be ;)09:22
viladidrocks: cool !09:22
ogra_well, she is listed as participant :)09:22
didrocksogra_: no coffee for you! you have 8 minutes to promote the image :p09:22
didrocksomg I pinged ogra_ too late09:23
didrockshe has already left for coffee09:23
didrockswe're screwed :)09:23
Mirvdidrocks: two packaging acks, to get trusty landings started. those also consist of the whole diff of what's in the changes.
didrockswaow, my 2 first packaging ack for this cycle, we should celebrate :)09:24
Mirvyep :)09:24
didrocksMirv: btw, I think it's time for you to move on the upload access side09:24
didrockslet me check that the packaging fixes are fine first :)09:24
didrocksMirv: -IT_PROG_INTLTOOL([0.40])09:25
Mirvdidrocks: yeah I already started btw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimoJyrinki/DeveloperApplication-PPU as well during saucy but I've been too exhausted to hunt for approvals09:25
didrocksit could have bumped the build-dep in debian/control on intltool09:25
didrocksMirv: ah, great! let's discuss that next week09:25
xnoxogra_: reverting what? nothing was uploaded as far as I can tell, or changed.09:25
Mirvwell I asked seb and he promised but never did ;)09:25
alan_gdoes anyone know what causes this? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-trusty-i386-build/2/console (it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the code changes)09:25
didrocksMirv: can you remind me about this?09:26
didrocksMirv: not a blocker for intltool, but nice if you can then merge a fix for it09:26
didrocksMirv: oh, signon builds on all archs? nice. +1 then :)09:26
vilaMirv: Can I haz a button after: '/!\ Remember that this diff only represents packaging changes and build tools diff, not the whole content diff!' :-p09:26
Mirvdidrocks: remind next week? yes.09:26
didrocksplease publish both09:26
Mirvdidrocks: the libfriends only specified intltool in general as a dependency, but I can add a version09:26
didrocksMirv: would be nice!09:27
xnoxogra_: and well *crap* happens, and we do probably want webrowser-app on the desktop / converged story. It is unfortunate that it pulled in crap in-advertadly, it would have been spotted earlier if our sdk was fully in main.09:27
Mirvdidrocks: I don't think the signon-ui really builds on all archs (needs qtdeclarative), but the policy has been to remove those tri-arch defines. also I guess with Qt 5.2 and removal of V8 JavaScript engine they might start to work as well.09:29
didrocksMirv: if you are sure it will move from PROPOSED, I'm fine :)09:30
Mirvdidrocks: it should, there has been now powerpc/arm64 releases in trusty, and the powerpc one in saucy was removed in August09:32
didrocksMirv: ok, let's go then!09:32
vilacjwatson: how should I ask to get https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/query/trusty/server/daily-dl.current.txt non 404'ing ?09:35
vilameh s/how/who./09:35
vilacjwatson: alternatively, ~same question to have trusty in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ ?09:37
cjwatsonvila: me and I'll be working on it today09:47
cjwatsonvila: only for the latter though, can't do the cloud images09:47
vilacjwatson: great ! thanks !09:47
cjwatsontry smoser or utlemming for those09:47
vilacjwatson: right, US tzs for both so will have to wait09:48
vilacjwatson: perfect answer, thanks09:48
cjwatsondidrocks: we're getting back to the point where if things don't migrate I might actually notice ...09:49
* vila &09:51
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
cjwatsonubuntu-keyboard needs to be rebuilt against libpinyin409:59
didrockscjwatson: yeah, I don't want you to have to suffer from us though10:17
cjwatsonI won't10:17
didrockscjwatson: we have an ubuntu-keyboard in progress, so that can maybe catch it10:18
cjwatsontouch's contribution to stuff stuck in -proposed is a drop in the ocean10:18
didrocksyeah, I imagine :) just don't want to add *more* to you ;)10:18
didrockssil2100: ubuntu-keyboard going fine? (see ^)10:22
ogra_didrocks, asac, popey, calls and sms tested on maguro for image #5, looks fine, but we need someone to mail avengers while popey is out10:23
didrocksogra_: can you do it? Do you know what's popey's procedure?10:23
ogra_didrocks, no10:23
ogra_thats why i mentioned it :)10:23
didrocksmaybe asac will know :)10:24
ogra_avengers is a members only ML10:24
* ogra_ is afk for a bit10:25
asacdidrocks: why dont you become part of the list and do the announces?10:29
didrocksasac: I'm all in for that, but I even don't know what the avengers team is10:29
didrockshttps://launchpad.net/~avengers doesn't seem to be that one10:29
didrocksneither https://launchpad.net/~avenger10:29
asacdidrocks: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-avengers10:32
* asac has a good awesome bar :)10:32
didrocksasac: it's an invite only list, I need then Jono or Julien to add me10:33
didrocksasac: so, meanwhile, can you send that email so that we can promote the image?10:48
* didrocks hopes sil2100 published before the rerun of all stacks ubuntu-keyboard10:50
didrockssil2100: did you get an early lunch this time? :)10:56
asacdidrocks: ok sending11:12
asacdidrocks: was the image tested on mako at all?11:12
asac(with popey being gone)11:13
didrocksasac: yeah, popey did the testing this morning early11:13
didrocks(mentionned during the meeting)11:13
didrocksogra_: please promote!11:13
didrocksMirv: dialer-app -> fine for publishing?11:16
didrocks(same question for content-hub)11:17
asacdidrocks: done11:18
didrocksthanks asac ;)11:18
asacdo we have a 2 factor app for ubuntu phone in store?11:19
asacfactor auth app11:19
didrocksyeah, u<something>11:19
asacheh. seems the click scope again is gone (Guess crashed)11:19
* asac reboots phone11:19
didrocksasac: http://notyetthere.org/?p=35111:20
* asac tries system update11:21
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Mirvdidrocks: so ken tested them? for dialer-app, there was a desktop test failure for which I filed a bug in the morning. content-hub, which is also marked as ready to land, is fine from cu2d perspective and I could releaseit.11:39
didrocksMirv: yes, please release it :)11:47
didrocksfor dialer-app 6> ok11:47
didrocksMirv: can you anotate dialer-app test failure on the landing ask?11:47
didrocksMirv: did you ping upstream as well?11:47
didrocks(in case they are not on top of their bugs?)11:47
Mirvdidrocks: ok, ok, and no ping yet, I suggested on the call that sil2100 would ping about the AP failures11:51
didrockssil2100: have you? ^11:51
ogra_asac, "Autthenticator" is the 2fa app11:54
Mirvdidrocks: - seems ok to me, indeed adds the QML plugin docs to the doc package11:54
didrocksMirv: +1 ;)11:54
asacogra_: wow... even qrcode works :)11:57
vilaasac, didrocks : 2fa on touch is called Authenticator, darn ogra_ beated me to it ;)11:57
* asac super impressed11:57
ogra_asac, mzanetti's work :)11:58
vilaasac: be aware that it seems you can't configure both the g one and authenticator on sso11:58
asacvila: sure?11:58
vilaor rather, I did add authenticator but sso seems to recognize the codes from that g one11:58
ogra_asac, didrocks, popey, so i released 5/20131024 ... http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20131024.changes is the matching changelog11:59
asacwell. it has now both devices11:59
vilaasac: only light tests, no time to dig at the time11:59
* asac hopes11:59
asacwill find out soon enough... at least yubi and android worked well11:59
ogra_yeah, shouldnt cause issues11:59
didrocksogra_: niceness!12:00
ogra_didrocks, well, someone needs to mail :)12:00
didrocksogra_: asac did12:00
sil2100Early ;p12:00
ogra_bah, i just had the launcher crash12:00
* ogra_ has never seen that 12:01
ogra_all swipe gestures work, just not the left to right one that brings you back to the shell (or reveals the launcher)12:01
* didrocks really goes for a run12:02
vilaogra_: not at all or only not enough to revel the shell ?12:03
ogra_not at all12:03
ogra_i have seen the "snap back" thing before that you seem to refer to12:03
vilanever seen then12:03
vilaright, any workaround for that ? (I generally just reboot)12:04
ogra_well, i rebooted already ...12:04
ogra_apart from filing a bug and nagging Mir and unity people ?12:04
ogra_no :)12:04
didrocksin fact, I can't go for a run, no music :/12:04
ogra_oh ?12:04
* didrocks plugs it and put that on the "later on" plate (so after the meeting)12:04
didrocksogra_: sucky battery, I charged it for 30 minutes and it went off in 10…12:05
ogra_ah, just wanted to say, music playback works fine here :)12:05
didrocksahah, no, I don't use my nexus4 while running :p12:05
ogra_why not ?12:05
didrockstoo heavy12:05
didrocks(and risky)12:06
didrocksif I feel down as I already did… ;)12:06
* vila hands his unused ipod to didrocks ;)12:06
didrocksor a car strikes me while riding a bike…12:06
didrocksno more didrocks, but at least, the company has the neus 412:06
didrocksnexus 412:06
didrocksso didn't loose everything :p12:07
mzanettivila: first release of authenticator had a bug which made it fail to store the counter. Should be fixed now and it should be fine with having Google authenticator and Ubuntu authenticator registered at the same time12:07
cjwatsonI use my Nexus 4 while cycling quite happily12:07
cjwatson(for navigation)12:07
vilamzanetti: omg, that would be awesome !12:07
asacmzanetti: its awesome! thanks for this app12:08
didrockscjwatson: do you have something to hang it? (or you just cycle with one hand?)12:08
cjwatsondidrocks: upper jacket pocket12:08
cjwatsonI do want to get a handlebar mount for it at some point; in the meantime as long as it's close enough I can hear voice directions12:08
didrocksah ok, so you don't use the screen, just the voice directions12:08
cjwatsonI'm not suicidal, I use both hands :)12:08
didrocksheh :)12:09
* ogra_ uses it that way in the car actually12:09
mzanettiasac: you're welcome12:09
ogra_voice directions via earphone12:09
ogra_no distracting screen12:09
didrockswell, even with both hands, in Lyon, just doing the 5 kms that separate me from the park is a little bit suicidal sometimes…12:09
cjwatsonyeah, occasionally I have to stop and look at the screen, but on a bike that's not a big deal12:09
ogra_haha, move to a safe place then :)12:09
cjwatsonwould be more troublesome if I drove12:10
didrocksogra_: well, I like to not needing owning a car TBH12:10
didrocksand just rent one when needed :)12:10
vilamzanetti: urgh, weird case here, at some point auth wsa removed from the phone, I just re-installed it BUT it remembers the previous settings, how can I reset that ?12:10
asacpsivaa: plars: can we give http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch_custom/ some love too?12:11
mzanettivila: you can just swipe the account away to delete it12:11
asacpsivaa: plars: like retrying and complaining in meetings if stuff is bad there?12:11
vilamzanetti: a.w.e.s.o.m.e ;)12:12
ogra_which reminds me to invest another hour to package more webapps today :)12:13
mzanettiogra_: yeah! I already finished the blocks game12:13
ogra_oh my !12:14
vilamzanetti: woohoo it works !12:14
ogra_the site thats from has a bunch more, no worries :)12:14
vilanow I can get rid of my SIM-less android phone \o/12:14
mzanettithat was my intention ^^12:14
* ogra_ just discovered the mobile mode of dict.cc yesterday evening :)12:14
vilaogra_: and thanks for imdb !12:14
ogra_just need to find an icon12:15
vilaogra_: when will I be able to watch the trailers ? ;-D12:15
ogra_which is usually the part taking the most time when packaging a webapp12:15
ogra_vila, ask jhodapp12:15
ogra_he is working on fixing the web streaming mode12:15
ogra_you can watch them in trusty btw12:15
ogra_like the first 100 frames or so ... then it becomes a slideshow ...12:16
ogra_... and then turns into a podcast :P12:16
vilaogra_: you mean with image #5 or on the des... haa,  :)12:16
ogra_from image #4 on it should work12:16
ogra_just the rendering backend isnt finished yet12:16
didrocksogra_: "progressive degradation"12:17
ogra_nah its all improving :P12:17
ogra_saves your bandwith ... doesnt do that wasteful video stuff once you gotr an impression iof the pics12:17
ogra_and falls back to the true info via audio ...12:17
ogra_we should just call it a feature :P12:18
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: yes, I was pinging people ragarding the issues - I guess the dialer-app and the 'apps' AP issues are being worked on right now, let me check the status12:19
Mirvsil2100: so osomon? I'd have pinged him too in the morning but he was not up yet. but I assigned the bug to him.12:31
Mirvsil2100: the dialer-app is still assigned to bfiller, did you find someone to look at that during European day?12:31
sil2100Mirv: yes, I poked oSoMoN about that - dialer-app I posted to renato_, who forwarded it to tiagosh12:33
sil2100Who is said to be working on that12:33
sil2100Mirv: osomon is at lunch now, but he confirmed that he's looking at the issue12:34
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Mirvsil2100: cool, I didn't know about tiagosh12:37
psivaaasac: sure, will take a look12:44
sil2100ogra_: do you have a moment? Could you take a look at ?12:50
sil2100I'm a bit wondering about the (<< 1.4) part12:50
ogra_well, if it would load i could look at it :P12:51
cjwatsonsil2100: the Depends change is safe12:51
sil2100One moment ;)12:51
ogra_ah, a lot better12:52
cjwatsonit's a bit pointless, but it's safe12:52
ogra_yeah, wont break a thing12:52
sil2100cjwatson: that's what I was wondering, why we even need that right now12:52
sil2100But ok, then I publish, thanks guys12:52
cjwatsonthe package is going to have to be updated later anyway; but it's not too unreasonable to document the current restriction in the metadata12:52
ogra_is there any .install file that might need to be adjusted to the removals ?12:53
ogra_if there isnt, i'd say its fine12:53
* ogra_ scratches head ... i have a webapp click package that seems to not work, even though nothing seems to be wrong ... 12:56
* ogra_ wonders if that could be caused by rolling it as root inside a chroot 12:56
didrocksogra_: any issue on the perms? as apparmor just kill the app…12:58
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ogra_didrocks, thats what i'm wondewring, is it forbidden to build click packages (or their contents) as root12:58
ogra_oh !12:58
ogra_WOW !12:58
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# grep DEN /var/log/kern.log |wc -l12:59
ogra_thats a lot denials12:59
didrockshere you go :)12:59
ogra_didrocks, no, my webapp isnt in there12:59
didrocksinteresting, so we have that many other pieces denied by apparmor? we should definitively make a list and work on it12:59
ogra_seems many webapps would like to access /run/shm13:00
didrockshum, weird…13:00
didrocksI would think it would be more the container acting wrongly, wouldn't it?13:00
ogra_and xnox' G+ app seems to like to fiddle with the pulse config in all places you can imagine13:01
mzanettiogra_: ah, btw. what I wanted to ask. for those games, are you just running webbrowser-app with the given url or are you creating a qml file with the UbuntuWebView?13:01
ogra_mzanetti, just the former13:01
ogra_they are all plain HTML5 games that you can as well just play in the browser13:02
mzanettiogra_: mhm... because I noticed they can be flicked up/down which is not nice during the gameplay.13:02
mzanettiogra_: the UbuntuWebView would give you the possiblity to disable that13:02
ogra_mzanetti, i tried that but that seems to not work unless i actually use the SDK13:02
ogra_it seems ot be missing bits and pieces if i just try to put a qml wrapper in place and build a click package13:03
xnoxogra_: honestly, not by intend =) "with pulse config" ?! what did I do wrong? =))))13:03
ogra_mzanetti, http://daker.me/2013/10/package-your-webapp-for-ubuntu-touch.html13:03
ogra_mzanetti, thats what i tried to follow13:03
mzanettiyeah... not working?13:03
ogra_xnox, i'm pretty sure thats more a jdstrand thing13:03
ogra_mzanetti, nope13:04
jdstrandogra_: can you paste those denials?13:04
mzanettihmm... can you tell me more? maybe I'm able to help you13:04
ogra_jdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6300513/13:04
ogra_mzanetti, i'll have to dig up the click for my slashdot app again ... will take a bit since i poked around a lot in there (and borke it)13:04
mzanettiogra_: ok sure. just drop me a mail with details when ready and I'll have a look13:05
ogra_mzanetti, oh, looking at these denials it seems the slashdot test app is in the list too13:05
jdstrandogra_: you need the audio policy group13:05
xnoxogra_: right if the webapps policy is too restrictive, than jdstrand should add stuff to it.13:05
jdstrandogra_: for webapps, I recommend audio, networking, video and location13:05
ogra_jdstrand, well, xnox does :)13:05
jdstrandxnox: ^13:06
jdstrandxnox: fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/WebAppsConfinement13:06
ogra_jdstrand, i usually only use video where appropriate ... but have usually audio and networking13:06
xnoxjdstrand: i think i only use webapps policy from the easy wrapper, or shall I declare those additional ones?13:06
jdstrandxnox: what easy wrapper?13:06
ogra_mzanetti, Oct 24 12:21:18 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [14309.845991] type=1400 audit(1382610078.837:199): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" parent=1977 profile="com.ubuntu.developer.ogra.slashdot_slashdot_0.1" name="/usr/bin/qtchooser" pid=17494 comm="exec-line-exec" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=32011 ouid=013:06
ogra_so thats not the code but some missing policy when using the qml wrapper13:06
xnoxjdstrand: let me look.13:07
mzanettiogra_: mhm... right. at that point it's like a native app to the policy I guess13:07
jdstrandfyi, qtchooser exec is allowed in the ubuntu-sdk and ubuntu-webapp templates13:07
ogra_root@anubis:/root/apps/slashdot-app/package# cat slashdot.json13:08
ogra_"template": "ubuntu-webapp",13:08
ogra_"policy_groups": [13:08
ogra_"policy_version": 1.013:08
ogra_well ...13:08
ogra_that would mean it shoudl work :=13:09
xnoxjdstrand: right, so I have template "ubuntu-webapp", but indeed only networking in the policy_groups. I guess I should add more.13:09
xnoxjdstrand: i thought template "ubuntu-webapps" would do that for me.13:09
ogra_xnox, video and audio at least13:09
xnoxogra_: can you file a bug against https://launchpad.net/click-webapps ?13:10
xnoxogra_: that's where the source code is for my webapps & bug tracking.13:10
xnoxogra_: such that I don't forget. And the one to do URLPatterns.13:10
jdstrandxnox: no-- the template just allows the browser to run. arguably, networking should be included in it by default, but, meh. the others aren't necessarily needed for all webapps, so those definitely make sense to not be included13:11
jdstrandxnox: but, I think sane defaults are all of them13:12
xnoxjdstrand: ack. Now I understand.13:12
jdstrandxnox: so feel free to update your template13:12
ogra_bug 1244654 and bug 124465613:15
ubot5bug 1244654 in click-webapps "G+ webapp needs audio and video in the policy setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124465413:15
ubot5bug 1244656 in click-webapps "G+ webapp should use --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124465613:15
ogra_jdstrand, so that qtchooser denial ... could that be caused by files inside the click being root owned ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6300585/13:16
jdstrandshouldn't matter13:17
* ogra_ notes that this is probably the totally wrong channel to discuss this 13:17
jdstrandogra_: can you paste the apparmor profile for that app? cat /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.developer.ogra.slashdot_slashdot_0.113:18
ogra_oh, wow13:27
plarsasac: yes, I'm talking to sfeole about it13:28
ogra_so my new webapps seem to cause entrieas in ~/.cache/upstart/application.log13:28
ogra_start: Auftrag konnte nicht gestartet werden13:28
plarsasac: regarding the custom job stuff13:28
plarspsivaa: ^13:28
ogra_(which means "cant run request" or some such)13:28
ogra_smells like an upstart regression13:28
vilajibel: hi13:29
vilajibel: I need to re-install qa-radeon-7750 as a jenkins/otto node, didrocks said you may have a document describing that, can I haz ? ;)13:29
psivaaplars: ack, was looking at why the diff in cutom unity8 tests. but if you are already dealing with that i'll leave it to you13:29
vilajibel: otherwise, Ill just go with a basic jenkins-slave and lp:otto in~jenkins + symlink for ~/bin and see what is missing13:30
plarspsivaa: unity8 tests are pretty broken for now at least, I'm more interested in the custom test failure, but I'll check unity8 too... it didn't seem to run right13:30
plarspsivaa: also there was a difference in webbrowser with the latest image. I can handle though13:31
psivaaplars: the unity8 tests in custom jobs are not even starting to run13:31
jibelvila, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~otto-dev/otto/trunk/view/head:/doc/README13:31
jibelvila, if you don't know how to do a server install with cobbler, retoaded can help you.13:32
vilajibel: how did I miss that...13:32
vilajibel: yeah, already done (no trusty image so he did saucy + upgrade), waiting for a server image to pop up, cjwatson said he will try to get it done today13:33
vilajibel: thanks13:33
jibelvila, meanwhile you can install saucy and upgrade to trusty13:33
vilajibel: yup, already done, see above (already done yesterday evening)13:34
jibelI mean you don't really need a server image of trusty for that because this machine is not supposed to be reinstalled often13:34
vilajibel: ack, but the sooner this is automated the better13:35
alan_gfginther: do you know what caused this? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-trusty-i386-build/2/console (it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the code changes)13:36
fgintheralan_g, ack, looks like a missing piece of transition. I'll get that fixed13:37
alan_gfginther: thanks13:38
elopioping sil2100: you talked with thomi about making autopilot trunk 1.4 again, right?13:39
sil2100elopio: hi!13:39
elopiohello :)13:39
sil2100elopio: well, thomi did it by himself already yesterday, since it seems he wasn't informed about the decisions that happened earlier (he missed the pings about it)13:39
sil2100elopio: so trunk is trunk now, but next week we'll be deciding on how to resolve it completely in the end13:39
elopiosil2100: yes, I see that. But otto is now taking again autopilot 1.4. I think you discussed about changing the config to take 1.3. Who can do that?13:40
sil2100elopio: otto should take 1.3 I guess13:41
sil2100elopio: yesterday I already redeployed it to point to 1.3, now it points to 1.3-trusty, which is nothing more than an alias to 1.313:42
elopiosil2100: ah, nice! let me dig more on the failures then, becuase I thought it was just autopilot 1.4 again.13:43
fgintheralan_g, the mir-android-trusty-i386-build job is working now, would you like the failed jobs to be restarted?13:46
alan_gfginther: thanks, no (I merged by hand to get it done)13:47
cjwatsonIs Qt going to be bumped to 5.1 any time soon?  There are a bunch of modules waiting for it in -proposed13:52
ogra_cjwatson, well, 5.2 was just released (or is in the process to)13:53
ogra_might be that we skip 5.1 ...13:53
ogra_(topic for the sprint iirc)13:53
cjwatsonwell, whatever13:53
cjwatsonbut 5.1 is in Debian at the moment so it'd be a merge; I thought you guys liked to work stepwise13:53
ogra_rsalveti is our Qt decider i think13:54
rsalveticjwatson: we can give it another try and see, but we got quite a few regressions in touch with 5.113:59
rsalvetisomething might be fixed already as it's in debian, will take a look13:59
ogra_rsalveti, so we wont skip directly to 5.2 ?14:01
rsalvetiogra_: if we can get 5.1 to work without much effort, I'd prefer to move in smaller steps, otherwise we can just migrate to 5.2 directly14:02
didrocksjdstrand: joining the landing process feedback call?14:02
rsalvetiogra_: just easier to find regression if we can move in smaller steps14:03
ogra_yup, agreed14:03
jdstranddidrocks: ok14:04
fginthervila, cjohnston, either of you interested in reviewing: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/core-apps-trusty/+merge/19260014:05
cyphermoxasac, you on trusty? trusty already has the fix14:06
cyphermoxasac: so you could take the pacakge from there too, if you want14:06
cjohnstonfginther: done14:08
asaccyphermox: just a single wpa supp deb?14:08
cyphermoxasac: no, that's a NM fix14:08
ogra_didrocks, phablet-tools should be ready for going in14:08
cyphermoxlibnm-glib4, libnm-util2, network-manager, gir1.2-networkmanager-1.014:09
vilafginther: oops, done a while ago, forgot to say :-/14:17
fginthervila, cjohnston, I'm trying to get more exposure on these MPs, so please feel free to ask why thing are the way they are14:20
fginthervila, cjohnston and thanks14:20
vilafginther: in my case it was more about why it was needed, what triggered it and so on, context ;) But that may just be me being ignorant ;)14:21
cjohnstonvila: I couldn't figure out why he was adding trusty support :-)14:22
vilacjohnston: ha, so, every 6 months we... ;)14:24
cjohnstontake a vacation?14:24
didrocksogra_: \o/ sil2100 can you release it?14:34
sil2100didrocks: aye!14:36
ogra_thanks !14:39
sil2100hm, nice that robru wrapped and sorted the packages: long lines, but actually it's harder copy and pasting those now14:52
ogra_you mean the deps lines ?14:53
sil2100ogra_: no, I mean in cu2d-config14:53
ogra_i thought the debian/control lines14:54
ogra_(which i find one of the worst behaviors)14:54
didrocksogra_: sorting deps?14:54
ogra_didrocks, making them unpasteable14:55
ogra_by adding linebreaks after each comma14:55
didrocksah, I like linebreaks after each comma14:55
didrocksmakes diff easier to read14:55
ogra_i hate it with passion14:55
didrocksI'm just not on the trends of alphabetical order :)14:55
didrocksI think logical order (and following the build system order) is better14:55
ogra_makes it nearly impossible to quickly copy/paste to install i.e. build deps14:55
Laneyyou can't do that anyway14:56
Laneyuse mk-build-deps or something14:56
ogra_apt-get install $(echo "my paste here" | sed 's/,/ /')14:57
Laneymk-build-deps -i -r14:57
ogra_yeah yeah ... nifty tools :P14:57
cjwatsonthe paste strategy fails as soon as there are versions anyway, so why cling to it ...14:58
ogra_dunno, because old habits die hard i guess :)14:58
plarscan someone please enable saucy builds in the phablet-team/tools ppa?15:06
sil2100fginther: hi! How can I check if the merge job is working for a given merge already?15:07
sil2100fginther: since I have been wondering why https://code.launchpad.net/~tiagosh/dialer-app/fix-autopilot-dependency/+merge/192688 wasn't yet merged15:07
sil2100fginther: I once asked, but it popped out of my head already15:07
sil2100didrocks: when we're installing packages from the testpackages: list, we install automatically all the dependencies of those packages, right?15:08
fginthersil2100, go to the autolanding job for the branch -
didrockssil2100: right!15:09
didrocksno filter, nothing15:09
fginthersil2100, and check the parameters for the running (or queued jobs)15:09
fginthersil2100, in this case your MP is running15:09
sil2100Running mediumtests I see15:09
sil2100fginther: thanks!15:10
fginthersil2100, there was a backup due to all of the maguro's failing overnight15:10
sil2100fginther: are there tools to make it skip mediumtests actually? Since I don't think there's need for running those for this small merge, I tested on the daily build job that it works15:10
fginthersil2100, no there is no way to change the configuration of a running job15:11
sil2100Too bad, thanks!15:12
fginthersil2100, based on the speed of flashing phones and running tests, it should be done within an hour15:12
sil2100fginther: good to know!15:14
tedgev, So after release, we run whoopsie but not apport... does that mean we don't get files in bug reports apport would normally attach?15:38
sil2100tedg: hi! Do you know who could look into https://bugs.launchpad.net/hud/+bug/1244704 ?15:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1244704 in Unity HUD "Some test_hud tests fail on trusty desktop" [Critical,New]15:44
tedgsil2100, Looks like an autopilot issue?  I see the HUD appear and disappear in that video:
didrocksogra_: sil2100: cyphermox: robru: kenvandine: if everyone is here, do you want to listen to the qbr call? we can proceed the meeting in advance if you prefer15:50
sil2100didrocks: not sure personally15:52
didrocksok, can wait for 8 minutes then15:52
sil2100Ah, actually I can't join the call right now, I don't really have a normal phone while mobile phones have problems with connecting to the conference call line15:53
* sil2100 didn't bother with a normal phone since we're using hangouts normaly anyway15:54
tedgsil2100, There's an icecast stream15:54
didrockssil2100: can you write your summary then?15:56
didrockssil2100: like, you are taking care of dialer-app?15:56
didrocksI saw you tracked that15:56
sil2100didrocks: dialer-app is taken care of already - just waiting for the merge to finally get merged, trying to poke people with other test failure15:56
didrocksah, can't join the call15:56
didrocksnot the hangout :)15:56
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didrocksok, making sense15:56
sil2100Right ;)15:56
didrocksdon't tease me then!15:56
didrockskeep that for the big meeting revelation ;)15:57
sil2100tedg: thanks for the info15:57
sil2100tedg: as for the failures, those might be AP-only related, but actually there was no change in AP 1.3, so the issue might be somewhere else as well that we suddenly ahve those failures15:57
sil2100tedg: maybe I'll poke bregma about those failures, as those are from the unity source?15:58
tedgsil2100, Yeah, it does seem odd.  The focus change one is odd as well.   But we did change that code recently-ish (two weeks ago)15:59
ogra_i'll be late for the meeting (need to catch the cat for susie, so she can get her to the vet)16:01
didrocksogra_: °116:01
didrockscyphermox: 1. mir, 2. platform-api, xserver-xorg-xmir (second one is a no-change rebuild), unity-system-compositor, 3. libunity-mir16:12
cyphermoxkgunn: you'll let me know when this stuff is ready?16:13
cjwatsonI've got a new packagekit upstream I'd like to upload, merged from Debian; I've tested it on grouper and click handling still seems to work as I'd expect16:13
cjwatsonany objections or shall I go ahead?16:13
cjwatsonnot especially major changes16:13
sil2100tedg: one more thing, did you see bug #1244522 ?16:18
ubot5bug 1244522 in Network Menu "indicator-network FTBFS in trusty (new vala?)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124452216:18
didrocksplars: if you have any ringing bell -> email is fine as well :)16:19
didrocksplars: but as we'll be in the same timezone, that will be easier ;)16:19
didrockswell on the ***samish*** timezone :p16:20
plarsdidrocks: you mean next week I guess? since you'll be traveling16:20
sil2100tedg: this is also one of the blockers, I think Timo already poked someone about that but it's still better if you would check that too ;)16:20
didrocksplars: right16:20
plarsdidrocks: of course :)16:20
sil2100Damn, dialer-app merge takes FOREVER16:20
didrocksplars: I don't think we'll do the meeting over HO, that's why ;)16:20
plarsdidrocks: should make things easier for a bit :)16:20
didrockshehe, indeed ;)16:20
plarsdidrocks: ah, right16:20
plarsdidrocks: I won't be there, but just ping on irc if there's anything urgent to make me aware of from the in-person meetings16:21
didrocksplars: will do!16:21
* cyphermox does to get lunch, bbl16:23
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sil2100didrocks: ok, oSoMoN prepared a fix for notes-app, one for gallery-app is coming right up16:50
evtedg: I don't quite understand what yo're asking17:07
evso for the desktop, when we switch off apport we still get crash reports to daisy.ubuntu.com17:07
ogra_(wasnt the first one proper texan slang ?)17:07
evit just doesn't do the Launchpad bits17:07
evallow me to rephrase17:07
evhowdy partner17:07
evUbuntu Touch is another story, I reckon17:08
evWe didn't quite flip the switch for whoopsie being enabled by default on that, last I heard17:08
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tedgev, I was worried more about the log files, like hud.log, which doesn't seem to be on recent traces.17:32
cyphermoxtedg: you looking at the indicator-network FTBFS?18:01
cyphermoxkgunn: news for the mir stuff?18:01
tedgcyphermox, Yes, I passed it along to kenvandine18:04
cyphermoxheh.. I told sil I could look into it too18:04
cyphermox ;)18:04
kenvandinecyphermox, feel free too :)18:04
cyphermoxkenvandine: you already on it?18:04
cyphermoxah, alright :)18:04
kenvandinejust started18:04
kenvandineeither way :)18:04
cyphermoxprobably just the vala version no?18:04
kenvandinei am piloting... maybe this counts :)18:05
kenvandinei think it's just missing a patch18:05
kenvandinei got it18:05
kenvandinespeaking of piloting... i forgot to check in :)18:05
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kenvandinetedg, i think it is actually indicator-network that needs fixing, i pushed a branch that fixes the build18:37
kenvandinetedg, but the tests fail18:37
kenvandinevala-0.22 does have the fixes from that patch in it, but the hashtable has different types18:38
dobeyfginther: hey. so i've been looking through the jlp autolander code a bit, and there's very little i see there that tarmac doesn't already do (and in some cases does it better). i think we can probably write a little bit of python to make plug-ins for the bits it doesn't do, maybe refactor a couple pieces in tarmac to work better for our needs, and switch over to using tarmac for all the autolander stuff18:44
fgintherdobey, very cool! the hard part is prioritizing the time to work on it :-(. Do you have a suggestion on how to proceed18:46
fgintherdobey, I know vila would like to have some tests identified for our use cases first :)18:47
cjohnstonfginther: the dashboard uses tarmac for autolanding...18:47
dobeyfginther: not at the moment. i know i have to get a couple of the u1 projects moved over to daily releases, and the autolander isn't currently doing some of the stuff we do with tarmac, and which we need. at least, the contributor validation bit.18:48
dobeyfginther: i know tarmac is very well tested. we manage hundreds of branches with it in u1 :)18:48
fgintherdobey, I don't doubt that tarmac is reliable, the problem is that jenkins-launchpad-plugin is tightly integrated into our whole upstream merger CI process. It's going to take a bit of work to move and make sure our existing use cases are covered18:52
cjohnstonfginther: I think it may be something to look at with that 2.0 BP18:53
fgintherso we need to identify migration process18:53
fginthercjohnston, agreed18:53
fgintherthat would be a chance to build up smaller bits at a time18:54
dobeyfginther: is there any log/documentation about why tarmac + custom plug-ins wasn't used in the first place? i know didrocks proposed some major changes to tarmac in the past that we rejected because they were too specific to the needs of just unity at the time, but i remember those being a bit different than what i'm sing in the jlp source tree now18:56
fgintherdobey, I suspect that has something to do with it. A lot of process was borrow from work didrocks did. I don't have the history, but I'll poke around on a few people that are still around18:57
dobeyfginther: right; just looking for something to isolate the caes that tarmac doesn't handle already :)18:58
fginthercjohnston, josepht, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/mir-dev-trusty/+merge/192736? I provided a little bit of the 'why' this time.19:05
cjohnston-1 I don't think we need to support trusty :-P19:06
tedgkenvandine, Oh, good.19:17
kenvandinetedg, can you take it from here?19:17
kenvandinei got it building, but didn't look into the test failures19:18
tedgkenvandine, I wasn't really planning on upgrading to trusty...19:18
tedgNot before travelling.19:18
kenvandinepbuilder is your friend :)19:18
kenvandinetedg, want a log from the test failures?19:18
tedgkenvandine, Sure, can I say no?  :-)19:19
kenvandinetedg, you could, but i wouldn't listen :)19:19
tedgHmm, those aren't vala related19:20
tedgThat's the non-vala code.19:20
kenvandinewell, couldn't they be failing because something else changed types?19:20
tedgEh, seems unlikely.19:22
tedgGuessing race?19:22
tedgIt's not getting the notification signal19:22
tedgkenvandine, Do you have it set up?19:24
kenvandinesame 5 tests fail, ran it 3 times now19:24
tedgkenvandine, Can you try moving the creation of the spy to be before teh "GetSecrets" call?19:24
kenvandinesame thing19:26
tedgThat's probably a different bug though.19:31
tedgAt that point it'll probably have to be a pete-woods thing19:31
kenvandinetedg, ok, i added a link to that log in the bug and assigned it to pete-woods19:33
tedgkenvandine, Cool, thanks!19:33
kenvandinetedg, np19:34
cyphermoxkgunn: mir stuff ready now? :)19:39
cyphermoxkgunn: I can keep pinging every two hours or so or if you want you can let me know if there's an ETA so I don't keep bugging you for no reason19:41
kgunncyphermox: no problem pinging19:43
kgunnwe're in #ubuntu-mir19:44
kgunnmterry saw a ci failure...but i think its a flakey test, a couple of us have tested locally with no repro19:44
cyphermoxplease let me know19:47
evtedg: whoopsie doesn't send custom apport files to daisy.ubuntu.com, if that's what you mean20:28
tedgev, So it's the apport tools that attach those to the crash file?20:30
evtedg: so if you have a HudLog field in your apport report, that wont get sent to daisy. That's added by an apport hook, which whoopsie ignores the data from: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daisy-pluckers/whoopsie/trunk/view/head:/src/whoopsie.c#L9320:32
evthe plan here was always to have daisy.ubuntu.com ask for additional data to be collected when it was actually needed20:32
evrather than everyone sending up massive log files20:32
evmuch like how we handle core files20:33
evthis was called server-side hooks and I never quite got to it20:34
tedgev, Hmm, okay.  I guess I just want the log files :-)20:34
evI hear your pain, but whoopsie can't do that just yet :)20:35
tedgev, Would you be against adding the upstart logs to the white list in the mean time?20:35
evtedg: alas, it wouldn't be that simple. Cassandra isn't good at blob storage. If these log files are quite big, we're not in a good place yet for their storage20:37
tedgev, then they're very small20:38
evthere's a few things we could do here. Enabling compression in cassandra is one, but the move to 1.2 (where that feature is reliable) is a couple of months off by my estimate20:38
tedgIt seems to vary, I have a bunch that are 20-30K but the gnome-session one is 20M20:39
evour code is supposed to split large values across multiple columns, but I more generally worry about the performance impact on cassandra20:39
evand this is on the recoverable reports that we're getting lots and lots of?20:40
tedgYeah, we could also probably just gzip them.  Couldn't search, but I dont' think that's a needed feature.20:40
tedgNo, it was on crashes that it came up.20:40
tedgWe've apparently got 1500 cases of dbus disappearing before HUD.  Which should theoretically be impossible.20:41
tedgI was curious if we're getting the sigterm before the crash and we're just not responding quick enough or if there was something else in the log.20:42
evtedg: talking to IS about it right now20:42
tedgev, Cool, thanks!20:43
evtedg: could you wait two weeks? They feel we could handle the load now, but we're in the middle of a repair on the 'newcassandra' ring20:45
evif you really need it now, then propose a merge to whoopsie to accept the field20:45
evrepair> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations#Repairing_missing_or_inconsistent_data20:46
tedgev, I don't think it's critical, we're removing the crash, so mostly hiding the error.  I was more surprised when I started digging.20:46
tedgev, More for "next time" type of thing.20:46
* ev nods20:46

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