
mhall119jose: sorry for overstaying in the lococouncil channel, I just never close windows in irssi anymore and didn't think about it02:22
josemhall119: no worries at it :) thanks for all your help!02:22
mhall119np, be sure to follow up with dholbach when he's back too02:22
josesure thing02:23
cjohnstonkick him out!02:25
mhall119he did, I'm assuming02:26
mhall119that windows is gone anyway02:26
josecjohnston: I removed ;)02:27
josehey guys! We keep getting comments on the Fridge, asking how can people make direct donations, or recurrent ones. Any idea on where should I point this?03:30
jussijose: I guess: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/questions05:43
pleia2jono: the CC and TB have been expired for a couple weeks now, think you can track down sabdfl so he can take a look at the situation? (CC needs Mark to approve the candidate list, TB needs a call for nominees)19:35
jonopleia2, ahhh funny you should mention this, I was about to mail the CC to see where things stood19:36
jonois this effectively block on Mark?19:36
jonothanks for letting me know, I will see him on Monday19:36
jonoso I will ask him directly then19:36
pleia2we've tried emailing claire, pinging on irc...19:36
jonomight be a good idea to drop him a mail in the interim19:36
jonosorry about this, pleia219:37
jonoI know he has been on the road a lot this last few weeks19:37
pleia2yeah, he's been busy19:37
pleia2fancy phone release and all :)19:37
jonoapologies for it blocking things19:37
jonoindeed :-)19:37

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