
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Guest48664
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babinlonstonusing ubuntu 12.04 settingup a apache with ssl and facing error  , error.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6298975/05:31
jkitchenbabinlonston: looks to me like one of your key files has more than one key in it.05:35
babinlonstonoh ok let me check05:35
sarnoldbabinlonston: check for multiple SSLCertificateFile or SSLCertificateKeyFile settings?05:35
babinlonstonin the virtual host file ?05:36
babinlonstonthis is the error getting while apache2 restart http://paste.ubuntu.com/6298995/05:37
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sarnoldbabinlonston: are you postive that your version of apache2 supports e.g. SNI? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication05:42
babinlonstonsarnold:  its fixed as you both said there was 2 ssl entry05:43
babinlonstonjkitchen: its fixed there was double ssl entry05:43
babinlonstonthanks mates05:43
sarnoldwoo! :)05:43
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=== gfrog is now known as gfrog_meeting
stephenhwhy does ubuntu udev rules ignore vmware network interfaces by default?   can't understand why this would be default behaviour10:33
ikoniawhat do you mean ignore them ?10:34
stephenhpersistent udev rules aren't created for vmware NICs by default10:35
stephenhseems to be an out the box feature10:35
ikoniajust to clarify do you mean interfaces persented by vmware, or using the vmware nic driver10:35
stephenhthe only thing i could think of is canonical thinks there's more chance of people cloning a VM then adding two network interfaces10:35
stephenhwhich is bizarre10:36
stephenheither or really..10:36
ikoniaI've never noticed that, what vmware platform are you running on10:36
stephenhgrep -A1 VMWare /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules10:37
stephenhthere is a rule there to ignore those MACs10:37
stephenhprecise on esx 5.110:37
ikoniaoh, so it's actually set to ignore them by choice10:37
ikoniaah, I see what you mean10:37
ikoniadoes seem odd10:37
ikoniaunless they are catering for home users more and expeting them to mess around more10:38
stephenhit's all dandy to clone a vm, happy days, but add a second NIC and then reboot the box... in for good times :)10:38
ikonia(which is stupid)10:38
stephenhthat's fair enough, but this comes from the server ISO10:38
stephenhyeah, quite bizarre.. was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why10:38
ikoniaI'd be interested in knowing10:38
stephenhonly thought is so people don't get confused as to why network devices don't work when cloning an existing vm... but that shouldn't trump keeping order of multiple NICs after a reboot10:42
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BlueBeehey guys i am trying to set up postfix and i can't get post fix to listen on my localhost when I use telnet localhost 25. I should be seeing 220 mailtest ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU) but I don't and telnet quickly says conneciton closed by foreign host12:37
BlueBeeany ideas?12:37
mardraumis it running? check mail.log for errors you made in configs?12:45
BlueBeeOct 25 08:45:07 mark-server postfix/smtpd[16789]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms12:48
BlueBeethis is the only error that I keep getting12:49
mardraumdoesn't sound good, does it?12:49
mardraumdid you pinch a config from elsewhere?12:49
BlueBeehaha no it doesn't sound good. no I edited my own config12:50
mardraumdo a "postfix check"12:51
BlueBeeI havn't heard of that how do I run it?12:51
mardraumtype it into a root shell, or sudo to it.12:51
mardraumI suggest you reverse what you did to your config, and then learn and understand each thing12:52
mardraumone of them is preventing postfix from starting.12:52
BlueBeeI sent it but it just executed and moved on nothing happen12:52
BlueBeeok Fill take another look over my config12:52
mardraumcheck the mail.log now12:53
BlueBeeFill start over with my config file. thanks for the help.12:55
mardraum"will" ?12:55
BlueBeeyep I will start over.12:56
mardraumjust interested how you came to type "Fill" twice when you meant "will"12:56
BlueBeehahaha I was wondering that too. f and w arn't even close. I don't know12:57
BlueBeemardraum - if your wondering its up and running. I purged postfix then installed and reconfigered main.cf. thanks again for the help13:18
LargePrimei just updated my 12.04 and i guess that did mysql to 5.5.  now things will not connect to my db.  help please.13:38
maxbLargePrime: You've not really given people enough information to try to help you. You'll need to do some more investigation and come back with things like specific symptoms and error messages if you want to enable anyone to help13:57
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LargePrimeit turns out the 5.5 mysql upgrade changed the file perms so that one cannot read the mysqlsockets file14:27
LargePrimeyou have to put them back, move the sockets file, or go to tcp14:35
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Underbytequick question: what packages does ubuntu server install if you select 'Virtual Machine Host' in the Software Selection dialog during installation?15:35
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jrwreni'm using uwsgi 1.0.3-debian which comes with 12.04.2. Is there a way to ask it to log stacktraces? tracebacker was not added until 1.317:16
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gchristensenHi, I'm PXE-booting with a preseed file and its ending up failing saying it can't install linux-server and there are missing dependencies. When I move to console 4, I see linux-headers-servers depensd on linuk-headers-3.2.0-55-gfeneric but is not going to be installed, linux-image-server depends linux-firmware but it is not going to be installed. try apt-get -f install18:52
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qassoomHello there20:09
qassoomI need some help20:09
guntbertqassoom: with what?20:10
qassoomI installed LXC for virtualization on my Ubuntu Server20:10
qassoommy p5p1 and p6p1 NIC disapeared20:10
qassoomreplaced by lxcbr0 and virbr020:10
qassoommy server is disconnected now from the internet20:11
qassoomHow can I restore the connection to the internet now?20:12
qassoomAnyone got an idea???????20:13
guntbertqassoom: I never saw a NIC p5p1 - whats that machine?20:14
qassooma network port to be more specific20:14
qassoominstead of eth0 and eth120:14
qassoomthey were replaced after I upgraded the kernel20:15
qassoomall was fine20:15
qassoomuntil I installed LXC20:15
guntbertqassoom: strange - I still am wondering about that device - did you install some "other" kernel?20:16
qassoomMy server is a homebrew server with 8 SATA and an Intel i3 processor along with 32GB of RAM20:17
qassoomI installed Ubuntu Server 12.10 on it a while ago20:18
qassoomWorks mainly as an FTP server20:18
qassoomFYI http://askubuntu.com/questions/312776/network-interface-onboard-wired-is-showed-p5p1-instead-eth020:20
guntbertqassoom: when I installed LXC a lxcbr0 got created, but did not replce anything20:20
qassoomNot sure what caused this, maybe my linux-backports was removed maybe?20:21
qassoomWhat did it add to you?20:21
guntbertqassoom: hmm, thx for the link, I didn't know that - maybe you *could* try the "workaround" from the answer - just for a test20:23
qassoomI am going to try that some other time20:25
qassoomWill get back here if the case persists20:26
guntbertGood luck!20:26
izanagisanhi all. I'm trying to restrict FTP access for a user to a certain folder. I installed vsftpd, and put parameters in its configuration file20:29
izanagisanin the list I added the user I want torestrict's name20:29
izanagisanand then ran $ sudo usermod -d /path/to/homedir theusersname20:30
izanagisanbut STILL when I connect through SFTP I see the whole / filesystem20:30
izanagisancan anyone help me with this?20:33
shodan45how can you tell whether you need to reboot after an upgrade? for example, the recent initramfs-tools stuff20:39
geniiUsually if kernels or grub was changed20:41
izanagisanah, it's because SFTP is really SSH + FTP20:42
izanagisanquestion is, can I chroot the user on SFTP? or disable SFTP?20:43
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=== Gurkenmaster is now known as zz_Gurkenmaster
jrwrenis this really a tar.gz file, or is it named incorrectly? https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/saucy/release/ubuntu-13.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz23:33
jrwrenoh, it is. but 7zip on windows can't extract it. how annoying23:35
sarnoldjrwren: looks like it to me, 'file' reported "gzip compressed data, from Unix"  -- and gzip -cd filename > foo  ; file foo reports that it is a tar archive...23:35
jrwrensarnold: yup, it is fine. i did it on a linux system and it works fine. On a different windows computer, 7zip couldn't untar it. I blame windows :)23:42
sarnoldjrwren: I'm surprised, I thought the whole point of 7zip was that it supported everything. go figure. :)23:42
jrwrensarnold: maybe because its an old 9.22 beta?23:46
jrwrenwhoa, what is ubuntu-core? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/13.10/release/23:46
sarnoldjrwren: just a tarball of very nearly base installation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core23:48
jrwrenawesome. its tiny. might be what I want.23:48

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