
penguin42good luck00:01
DJonesAlanBell: Looking at the question, I think its a bag of worms, there's all sorts of issues, eg where is the organisation starting the crowdfund based, if not uk, then taxes would probably depend on their own countries requirements which if taxed (in the form of VAT in Europe) could mean you'd have to make special claims to get it back, HMRC could argue that even if VAT wasn't charged (eg a product that comes from the US) that an import duty ...07:58
DJones... could be payable at point of import into the UK, then there's the whole argument of whether its a donation/gift or purchase etc07:59
MartijnVdStime to lawyer up!08:00
AlanBellDJones: yeah, bag of worms is my guess too08:01
AlanBellI think it means that crowdfunding is a terrible way to do business to business fundraising/pre-orders08:02
AlanBelland I am surprised it isn't something that has been discussed to death already08:02
DJonesFor the Canonical example with the phone, where are they registered? I thought it was the Isle of Man, where UK vat laws don't apply (which may be why they weren't going to issue vat invoices)08:03
DJoneshttp://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/viommanual/viom01000.htm UK VAT law does not apply in the IOM but the tax is chargeable under Manx law which generally parallels UK legislation. VAT is collected in the IOM under the Value Added Tax Act 1996 (of Tynwald). No idea how you'd recover that as a UK business though08:04
AlanBellthey are registered in the UK now08:05
AlanBellRegister Office: 5th Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU08:05
AlanBellCompany Number: 687083508:05
popeywe have more than one company in the group08:05
AlanBelland they did say that VAT and import duty was included in the price08:06
AlanBelland this isn't really about that specific example08:06
=== iahmad is now known as iahmad|afk
DJonesIN general for a UK organisation they would have to provide a vat invoice "If you are registered for VAT you must give any VAT-registered customers a VAT invoice for any standard-rated or reduced-rated goods or services you sell them."08:07
AlanBellI am mainly considering the simple case of a UK VAT registered company doing a crowdfunding that looks like pre-orders and another UK vat registered company looking to take part08:07
AlanBellyeah, but is it a sale of goods?08:08
DJonesThats the "iffy" area08:08
AlanBelland how does the offshore funding platform help/hinder the situation?08:09
AlanBellI think for the low value "name on a website" rewards it looks more like a kind of donation rather than a product sale08:10
AlanBelland to an extent the high value "come and have dinner with the team" type rewards don't look like product sales08:10
DJonesYeah, I'd agree with that as a principle, however name on website could be argued as a form of advertising by HMRC08:11
AlanBelltrue enough. Some are "give us £10 for our eternal gratitude" which is probably a better example08:12
DJonesThe low value could be argued as an investment and not income, with product in return as a sale of goods (by HMRC)08:13
SuperMattmorning all08:13
AlanBellI am not sure that it could be considered an investment08:13
BigRedSGood Morning!08:13
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
DJonesTo be honest, I think it would need a VAT specialist on a project by project basis, generally, a donation to a taxable business of any kind is still treated as income from a tax position, so I'd expect the same process to follow through to a vat position, but this the UK, we don't exactly have joined up thinking in tax regulations08:16
AlanBellyeah, if I was running a campaign I would pay for a VAT specialist and contact HMRC08:19
DJonesYeah, thats pretty much my expectations of the situation, the complication is non-uk crowdfunding organisations and import duties on product sent from overseas08:19
AlanBellI have a feeling that it is a sale, but not a purchase08:20
AlanBellor maybe the "perk" is the thing that is sold, not the hardware it may or may not contain08:22
DJonesAlanBell: I'd start with the VAT specialist and let them contact HMRC, their initial will view will just be pay us the money, and then expect you to jump through flaming hoops while carrying a glass of petrol while performing a triple summersault with your lawyer and vat specialist sitting on your shoulder before they'd even come back and say no & make you appeal to higher courts, EU regulaters etc08:22
AlanBellin which case they should provide VAT receipts08:22
DJones(Not that they'd make things difficult)08:23
AlanBellDJones: yeah, that seems likely, I just don't really want to go to the EU to reclaim £70 or so :)08:23
DJonesYeah, the advice fee's would probably in the 10's if not 100's of thousands of £ anyway08:24
DJonesAre there any uk based crowdfunding organisations, maybe they have specific advice on their websites08:25
AlanBellthey seem to be B2C focussed08:26
AlanBellI am astonished that there is no discussion of VAT in the information for projects08:29
DJonesThat does surprise me, also doesn't seem to be any advice on HMRC website either08:30
AlanBellindeed, there is a bit about public subscription, but nothing product related08:30
DJonesI guess the idea is so recent that there are legal cases/disputes going through the courts/tribunals and they're just not giving and advice until there's a result in one of those08:31
AlanBellvarious monuments and buildings were funded through public subscription, which is the old form of crowdfunding, but there was no product-like reward08:31
MartijnVdSAlanBell: well, except for the finished building08:32
AlanBellI would have thought that there would be some startups that are not registered, seek £20,000 in funding and get £100,000 putting them over the limit and meaning they need to apply VAT halfway through the funding drive08:34
AlanBelland seeing as they have not incurred any cost of goods at the time the sales happen that increases the oddness08:36
mungbean_ do you guys change vm_swappiness for your desktops?08:36
mungbean_or keep the defaults?08:36
AlanBellsomeone cleverer than me set the default08:37
mungbean_its a generic setting though. when one size fits all, sometimes no size fits08:38
MartijnVdSmungbean_: I want to decrease swappiness on my VPS08:41
mungbean_"The default setting in Ubuntu is swappiness=60. Reducing the default value of swappiness will probably improve overall performance for a typical Ubuntu desktop installation. A value of swappiness=10 is recommended"08:41
ali1234recommended by whom?08:41
TheOpenSourcererjust FYI http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/10/hackers-compromise-official-php-website-infect-visitors-with-malware/08:42
TheOpenSourcererSounds like the malware didn't bet that far.08:42
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy (or should that be grumpy?) Sourest Day! :-D08:42
mungbean_why is there a giant picture of a tongue?08:42
mungbean_i get that problem on my tongue after eating kiwi fruit or pineapple08:43
DJonesThis is an interesting idea http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-2449033108:47
DJonesHowever people like new/shiny every year or so, so unless you're regularly cack handed, you're more likely to replace a phone because its not "the latest model" long before a component breaks (I'm excluding screens in that thought)08:50
* mungbean_ looks at his 3+ year old phone08:50
shaunoI gotta admit, it looks kinda silly to me08:51
DJonesI can see it making sense, possibly also gives a way of having upgradable phones08:55
MyrttiForced looks like a great game on a quick glance08:56
DJonesI think that may be in the wrong channel08:58
MyrttiFlyingGuy3: a bit random?08:59
mungbean_trying out a cool dashboard software called dashing http://dashingdemo.herokuapp.com/sample08:59
mungbean_aside from teh windows8 feel, its quite nifty09:00
ali1234it chugs a bit09:00
ali1234is it supposed to freeze for 2 seconds every 3 seconds?09:00
MyrttiFlyingGuy3: still more random?09:01
DJonesFlyingGuy3: You realise this is an Ubuntu support & discussion channel?09:01
mungbean_ali1234: the dash? no09:01
mungbean_but the "fake" data changes every 2 seconds09:01
mungbean_so maybe thats your interpretation09:01
mungbean_you can send messages to it via curl09:02
mungbean_nice for oggcamp type twitter thing on teh side09:02
shaunothat phone thing .. looks like they're breaking out a lot of functionality that's usually all provided by one chip (eg, wifi & bluetooth as seperate modules?)09:13
DJonesshauno: Appears so, wonder whether that increases/decreases manufacturing cost, makes things simpler so theoretically cheaper, but more construction/casing needed so more expensive09:15
shaunoand making the phone twice as big as it needs to be because there's a new subchassis for each and every trick09:16
ali1234it doesn't make things simpler09:16
ali1234the block with the display in it will cost the same as a regular mobile phone, and so will the one with the main cpu09:17
ali1234the other blocks would cost $50-$10009:17
ali1234except bluetooth, that would cost probably $1009:17
shaunothe actual circuit board in an iphone looks like a naked usb stick.  the fact that they're so heavily integrated is the only reason they fit in our pockets09:24
gordonjcpthe "lego block" phone is a fundamentally stupid idea09:28
gordonjcphow are you actually going to connect the blocks?09:28
shaunoI wouldn't say stupid, just naive.  it seems like a perfectly logical thought process for someone who has no idea what's in there09:29
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigongood morning everyone09:35
brobostigonmorning bashrc09:36
bashrcI notice that Final Term now has multiple tabs.  Still not ready for prime time though09:36
arc__hello i have a problem after i used boot-repair to access ubuntu i now can't get back into windows09:39
arc__i need help plz09:42
lubotu3GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:46
dwatkinsthat might help, arc__09:46
dwatkinsI appreciate it's the opposite way around, but the second link may be useful09:46
arc__ok but boot-repair somehow deleted my xp system boot files09:47
dwatkinsdoes the partition still exist on which XP is located, arc__?09:49
dwatkinswhat version of Ubuntu are you using, arc__?09:52
arc__ubuntu 12.04 lts09:52
dwatkinsI suggest running 'sudo update-grub2'09:52
dwatkinsIt should search for existing linux kernels and other operating systems and update the menu accordingly.09:53
dwatkinscheck your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file contains a reference to the Windows partition after running it.09:54
arc__yea it does09:57
dwatkinsand does the menu appear when you reboot and have an entry for Windows XP in it?09:58
arc__yes but that was not the problem09:58
dwatkinssorry, I misunderstood09:58
arc__it was always there09:58
dwatkinswhat happens when you select the option for Windows, then?09:59
arc__i get hal.dll is missing or corrupt09:59
dwatkinsyou may need to repair the boot.ini file: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/missinghaldll.htm10:00
davmor2Morning all10:09
directhexboot.ini is for old versions of windows10:13
directhexi.e. 5.x10:13
arc__includeing xp10:14
arc__xp is still supported for now :)10:15
directhexman, 2001. what was i doing in 2001?10:16
directhexi was... 17? so i think "lots of sex" was a major factor10:16
diddledanI never got around to the "lots of sex"10:16
directhexi also remember hounding the IT people at uni to find out when XP would be made available gratis to students10:19
directhexstill, a lifetime ago10:19
diddledanxp.. gratis?!10:19
directhexfor comparison, when XP released, so did Red Hat 7.2 and SuSE 7.310:20
diddledanmore to the point: you wanted windows?!10:20
mungbean_this is irc. nobody ever had lots of sex in here.10:21
shaunofree stuff > no stuff ;)10:21
directhexDebian 2.2 was still the latest, due to the length of the 3.0 freeze10:21
mungbean_except maybe bigcalm tonight10:21
directhexwhen i was an undergrad, i was the windows guy in my house10:21
mungbean_in 2001 redhat disk set cost £3010:21
directhexuntil around 3rd year10:21
mungbean_or was in 199910:22
shaunoI was gonna say I'm sure I didn't pay 30 quid for redhat, but then I realised the book it came 'free' with (RH unleashed?) probably cost more than that10:22
mgdmI got a copy of RH5.2 from someone in about 1998, but instead of doing an image of it and copying it the 'correct' way, he copied and pasted all the files10:22
mgdmvmlinu~1.z etc10:22
MartijnVdSmgdm: Well, umsdos ;)10:23
shaunobooks & magazine covers were my primary way to obtain my 'fix' until I came across mr winters / linuxemporium10:24
MartijnVdSI downloaded Slackware floppies over ISDN10:24
diddledanlinuxemporium was awesome back around the minellium10:24
mungbean_i went to a shop in cannon st london and bought the 6 disc set of 5.110:24
mungbean_good old days10:26
diddledanmy dad bought the boxed-set of suse 6.smth10:26
directhexi didn't use linux, beyond early trials. it sucked10:26
directhexwho would pick linux when beos was so much superior?10:26
gordonjcpdirecthex: totally10:27
diddledanbeos never had any support for anything useful (apps)10:27
gordonjcpdirecthex: and now you can use Haiku10:27
mungbean_i needed a web proxy for the company10:27
MartijnVdSI messed up my slackware within the year, because I didn't know what I was doing when they went from libc5 -> 610:27
directhexdiddledan, pfft, minor detail.10:27
mungbean_everyone was surfing for smut rather openly10:27
diddledandirecthex: it did video, greatguns, though10:27
MartijnVdS2.0.30 baby 8-)10:27
directhexall the best OSes have no apps. see also webos!10:27
shaunothis might be interesting to one or two in here .. point-of-sale with rPi & openerp - http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/opensource-your-shop10:28
mungbean_i remember my boss saying one friday afternoon, mungbean_ can you relax the filter a bit as i feel like surfing for some filth10:28
diddledanmungbean_: that's a good boss10:28
mungbean_whats a bad boss?10:28
diddledanmungbean_: the one that tells you off for surfing for some filfth10:29
MartijnVdSmungbean_: one who looks in the company proxy logs, sees people browsing for porn, and reconfigures the proxy to filter "sex"10:29
diddledanwhere'd that f come from?!10:29
MartijnVdSmungbean_: so when there's a news story with "gasexplosion" in the title.. blocked10:29
MartijnVdSdiddledan: from "fifth"?10:30
diddledanI love that essex university regularly featured in blockings10:30
shaunoI didn't have X until 2002-3 .. I was introduced to the net sans-filth10:30
diddledanI really want to be part of the GA Sex-Plosion!10:31
diddledanGA= generally available?10:31
diddledansex-plosion I'm assuming is .. well .. orgasmic10:31
shaunoput your pants on dan, it's way too early for this10:32
mungbean_this was a company where on my first day, my boss was looking at a website about an alleged couple who chopped up a robber and posted photos, then a stripper came into the office in the afternoon10:34
mungbean_cos it was a blokes birthday10:35
mungbean_first day of my first job o_O10:35
mungbean_i thought is this what working life is all about?10:35
directhexsounds like an immensely hostile environment for anyone who isn't an over-sexed, unprofessional male10:35
mungbean_lots of bullying10:35
mungbean_i avoded it by not engaging with the monkeys on the trading floor10:36
mungbean_it was a bit like school10:36
mungbean_don't get noticed by the bully and don't let him think you are annoyed10:37
directhexsounds like an immensely hostile environment for anyone who isn't an over-sexed, unprofessional male10:37
bashrcI don't think I'd last in a job like that10:38
TheOpenSourcererpah that's nothing mungbean_10:38
TheOpenSourcererOldschool - bondage in the boardroom10:38
TheOpenSourcererOn that note time to wander into town and get a much needed haircut.10:38
mungbean_something for the weekend sir?10:38
mungbean_bashrc: my friend went to work for the petroleum exchange and lasted one day10:40
mungbean_got relentlessly bullied as a form of "initiation"10:40
mungbean_different job tho. at the other place i was there to make the IT systems work and didn't engage with the muppets,10:41
mungbean_getting the features unlocked on an IBM server is tedious. not really sure what the point of not giving all features to everyone is10:49
mungbean_its all there in hardware.10:50
BigRedSdon't they charge you for the unlocking?11:08
mungbean_but the administration of it all seems hardly worth it11:08
mungbean_they are giving us capable hardware, just crippled by choice11:09
mungbean_seems loony11:09
bashrcsome salesperson's idea11:10
shaunothat's hardly unusual.  lets them tier pricing so people who want more, pay more, but without raising their production costs to match11:10
mungbean_if the functinoality is there they should just give it rather than attemping to profiteer11:11
mungbean_maybe i'm just old fashioned11:11
shaunoso just charge everyone the top-tier price instead of disabling features for people who'd rather pay less?11:12
brobostigongeorge osborne when he is on the news, he always looks like he has something stuck somewhere where something shouldnt be stuck. funny really.11:12
bashrcI agree.  That kind of disabled hardware is a slimy sales practice which has gone on for a long time11:13
mungbean_intel were thinking of doing it with processors too i think?11:13
ali1234567Did anyone see the royal baby photo on the papers this morning?11:13
bashrcI try to avoid royal baby photos11:13
brobostigontotal non-news.11:13
mungbean_i try to avoid papers11:13
brobostigoni read private eye.11:14
ali1234567William attemping to smile but it looks like the baby poop in his hand or something11:14
ali1234567Terrible photo11:14
bashrcI used to read private eye until the recycled jokes became tedious11:14
brobostigonbashrc: i find it better than most papers, i tend to only buy traditional papers for the puzzles and dont really read them, however i read private eye.11:16
shaunointel have been doing it for years, just using resistors on the outside of the chip itself to define the featureset11:21
ali1234567Amd too11:21
ali1234567And nvidia for thatmatter11:21
shaunobut, eg, should rPi raise their prices across the board? or are you okay with them selling licence keys for the hardware codecs seperately?11:22
brobostigongiving choice is a good thing, rather than taking choice away from people.11:23
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
mungbean_depends if the minimum price is below the cost of production11:26
mungbean_i,.e. can they afford to sell them all at the lowest price, considering they are selling the hardware with all the features already in it11:26
TheOpenSourcererThis, if accurate, is just jaw droppingly bad: http://www.bishopfox.com/blog/2013/10/linkedin-intro/11:27
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: is that the mitm-email-thingy?11:27
MartijnVdSI hope it dies a quick death11:28
shaunoI've been praying for linkedin's demise for years.  no joy so far11:29
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shaunodoes it affect outbound mail?  wondering if my spamfilter that just junks anything from them would match people who relay their mail through them too11:35
ali1234567Shauno: the rPi should be fully open hardware even if the price goes up11:36
ali1234567The license key stuff is far from the worst thing that could be hidden in that blob11:37
ali1234567And dont guve me any of that "open hardware is impossible" stuff -uzebox?11:39
penguin42shauno: Not from what I read, it's an inline imap proxy11:39
penguin42shauno: I guess maybe if they're sending via imap?11:39
shaunothat bishopfox link has "be aware that outgoing emails receive an additional signature" .. that smells of it being both directions11:41
TheOpenSourcererSome info at the bottom of this page: http://engineering.linkedin.com/mobile/linkedin-intro-doing-impossible-ios but that still really, really, sucks.11:42
penguin42shauno: Hmm fair enough11:42
diddledanhow is that any different to using gmail?11:44
TheOpenSourcerer"Usernames, passwords, OAuth tokens, and email contents are not *permanently* stored anywhere inside LinkedIn data centers. "... define permanent vs temporary.11:44
ali1234567If you set up a mail account on symbian phone all your emails go through nokias push server11:45
ali1234567You can see it logging in to your gmail on the activity page11:45
shaunodiddledan: easy answer, I don't use gmail either11:47
diddledanshauno: how is it any different to using your vps?11:47
diddledanit's still effectively in someone else's control11:48
ali1234567Quite. Which is why crying about gmail is silly11:48
ali1234567It is no better or worse than anything else11:48
shaunoI don't mind my vps because I can up & move somewhere else relatively easily11:49
mungbean_definition of lazy is knowing i have to wash up my glass but only doing it 1 minute before using it rather than after using it. still the same number of washings but i can never do it :(11:50
jpdsTheOpenSourcerer: Oh well, all your emails go to other mail servers anyway.11:50
TheOpenSourcererYes but they tend not to be "injected".11:50
mungbean_the question is why??11:50
TheOpenSourcererSo they can recommend new contacts for you ;-)11:51
SvetlanaMaintaining my own server. A horrid thought. (fastmail.fm is so useful, compared to that; you can make aliases and discard them at will, and for the main one, it's sufficiently rich-featured.)11:51
TheOpenSourcererAs if you haven't got enough already!11:51
ali1234567It's easy to move of gmail. The only thing stopping me is there is nothing even close to as good11:51
mungbean_zimbra v911:51
TheOpenSourcererlol: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BXaKplOCAAAyxbU.jpg:large11:52
TheOpenSourcererOr zentyal11:52
mungbean_my zimbra server served 250 users with 0 seconds of unscheduled downtime over 4 years11:52
mungbean_the only scheduled downtimes were small updates or major upgrades which went smoothly11:52
TheOpenSourcererI live in Golf Courses :-)11:52
shaunoby that account, I've lived in winter, buckfast, rain, and I'm now "complicated".  no wonder I don't miss the UK that much :)11:54
jussiIve lived in the "Its complicated" part of that map, which incidentally isnt the UK, and if you say it is they get very angry :P :P11:58
mungbean_what does london say?11:59
shaunobankers, hipsters, riots12:00
TheOpenSourcererLike "Not normal" lol12:00
mungbean_should probably have a map of its own12:00
mungbean_an englishman, an irishman and a scotsman walk into a bar..12:02
mungbean_its freshers week and they are house sharing and  haven't found frineds of their own yet12:03
mungbean_did anyone see that programme called freshers with a guy called forrest?12:04
mungbean_can't believe his parents named him that after the film.12:04
MyrttiYAY HOGWARTS!12:07
Myrttinot realy.12:08
dwatkinsMyrtti: I saw this and thought of our conversation yesterday about the "Hello, this is dog!" meme: http://i.imgur.com/5dKd0Zn.jpg12:08
Myrttithere is Hogwarts on that map12:09
dwatkinsapparently at this vets you can get a portrait for $3012:09
mungbean_ah, couldnt read all the small print12:09
mungbean_is the centre of a choc orange the best bit or the worst bit?12:10
mungbean_that crumbly middle bit12:10
Svetlanaali1234: https://dukgo.com/help/en_US/features/email12:20
shaunospeaking of email, 186 emails while I was at lunch.  oops.12:23
diddledanwhat broke?12:23
mungbean_funny how guns get discovered every day but never reported, but police disocver a half printed 3d gun and it makes the news12:26
diddledanI'd be more worried if the police discover a stash of 2d or maybe 4d guns12:26
mungbean_2d? children drew them on paper?12:27
diddledanimagine how easy it would be to conceal a 2d gun12:27
mungbean_rub it out with eraser12:27
diddledanno more bulky holsters, just wrap it around your leg instead12:27
mungbean_aww my spare camera isn't working powershot s45 anyone?12:28
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
shaunoI dunno, I'm reading that what they found were actually parts for a printer12:40
shauno"The "trigger" identified by police appears to be part of a MakerBot 3D printer designed to extrude 3D-printing plastic to make an object, and the "clip" looks like a part intended to hold spools of plastic."12:43
mungbean_better not try and print that spud gun then12:56
=== hayden is now known as Devilsolution
mungbean_anyone else get the situation where chrome doesn't respond to left clicks on links?13:33
dwatkinsonly when a key is stuck, mungbean_13:34
mungbean_restarted browser13:34
mungbean_still no worky13:34
mungbean_hmm just on vmware site13:37
Myrttidwatkins: http://imgur.com/gallery/2MmvpGR13:43
mungbean_i love dog face13:46
Myrttidoge ♥13:49
mungbean_just had to call my insurer to ask them not to auto renew my policy because i'd already got a cheaper policy....with the same insurer.13:49
diplomungbean_: I was told to cancel mine by the sale lady and do it online as I'd get it £50 cheaper13:50
mungbean_effectively what happened to me13:51
mungbean_close but no meerkat13:51
mungbean_merrkat price was £20 more13:51
mungbean_and i already have 2 meerakts13:51
mungbean_my dog hates them13:51
mungbean_wants to eat them13:51
mungbean_squirrels and meerkats are her nemesis13:52
diploI went with Tescos last year, they dropped the price by £80 without me pestering them this year, so thought I wouldn;t bother looking around.13:53
mungbean_i think car insruance got cheaper this year all round13:53
mungbean_got £80 cheaper also13:53
mungbean_loading esxi 5.513:53
awilkinsAnyone else getting their notifiers as a weird coloured text box top left, instead of a pretty shaded textbox top right?13:54
diploCan't run my esx server as no aircon and it gets roasting hot :(13:54
mungbean_get a new job ;)13:54
mungbean_or switch off some old crap13:55
mungbean_is this at home or werk?13:55
diploWork, it was an open area, now put a wall in13:56
diploNo where for the hot air to escape, it's just getting it organised.. and yes seriously would like a new job :)13:56
dwatkinsbah, my DVI splitter doesn't work on the Raspberry Pi.13:56
mungbean_diplo: are you in bristol?13:57
mungbean_i need RES style tagging for irc13:57
diploWell just outside bath but close yeah13:58
mgdmI used to have a script for irssi that colourized people's nicks based on a hash of their name or some such13:59
dwatkinsyeah, I use nick_color.pl13:59
mungbean_i need to add notes based on a person though13:59
mungbean_e.g. barry - likes pies and beer14:00
dwatkinsyou can set custom colours and save them, although it doesn't extend to the adding of an underscore to someone's name...14:00
diploI keep meaning to integrate irssi with notifier, sure I saw something out there at one point14:00
dwatkinsdiplo: yeah, there's a script which calls notifier, although it's a bit old, so might not work with recent ubuntus.14:01
dwatkinsdiplo: http://thorstenl.blogspot.ie/2007/01/thls-irssi-notification-script.html14:01
diploThat wasn't what I looked at, but may give it a go though14:03
brobostigonirssinotifier works well also.14:09
dwatkinsI did set up a notifier script at one point which used an ssh login to pipe the notifications from my mahcine at home to work.14:10
mungbean_LSI webbios, most hideous thing i've ever seen14:15
mungbean_looks like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3-0DpFrp4814:16
mungbean_designed to make configuring RAID unfathomable by non standard terms14:16
mungbean_brobostigon: on android?14:18
brobostigonmungbean_: yep.14:19
mungbean_how's it with battery?14:19
diploSeems to use Googles notifying system mungbean_ so not any worse than normal alerts14:20
diploFrom what I've just ready14:20
mungbean_probably be a bit distracting for me14:21
mungbean_dekstop alerts easier to ignore14:22
diploWas thinking the same14:22
MyrttiI have it on only when I'm away (ie. detached my tmux)14:22
Myrttiand not on every channel14:22
mungbean_ah clever14:22
Myrttiotherwise audible bell is notification enough14:23
Myrttithat and the wiggling terminator icon on the bar14:23
mungbean_most of my irc convo is frivolous14:23
mungbean_about crisps and haribo14:23
mungbean_twitter feed for fogies14:24
dwatkinsmmmm, haribo14:24
dwatkinsI use Twitter to store my links.14:24
Myrttidelicious is for that14:25
mungbean_didn't they get hacked and close down?14:27
mungbean_maybe it was anothe site. or they had a crash and no backups14:28
MyrttiI used to use that too14:29
mungbean_i stopped using bookmarks when chrome nad firefox relegated bookamrks as a concept14:32
mungbean_chrome bookmark handling is terrible14:32
mungbean_does delicious have one button i can click to store my bookmark privately across all browsers?14:32
dwatkinsI use bit.ly's browser plugin, perhaps it can also save to other things than Twitter.14:34
Myrttimungbean_: pretty much yeah14:42
Myrttiwell, not quite but after tweaking a bit yes.14:43
MyrttiI'm sure you can set it up to bookmark as private by default14:43
diploGuys any ideas.. python :/15:24
diploselect * from table where like param15:25
diploI've tried lots of different variations from stack overflow but they all error out15:25
diploAnyone know the correct syntax15:26
gordonjcpdiplo: er, what?15:26
gordonjcpdiplo: definitely not that, anyway15:26
gordonjcpdiplo: a bit more context would be helpful ;-)15:26
diploThat was just trying to explain, not the query. I've been given a few k's worth of images and I'm trying to match products to images to filename15:27
gordonjcpcan you pastebin what you've tried, *verbatim*?15:27
diploso I am doing a for loop through the filenames and then select * from table where filename like stocknum15:28
diployeah, I was just thinking the same thin15:28
diploBut.. I may have answered my Q whilst typing this, 2 secs :)15:28
gordonjcpit *should be something like "select * from table where column like "value";15:28
penguin42hang on - is this python or sql?15:46
diploSorry guys, penguin42 python+mysqldb package and fixed,I'd missed a bloomin comma :/15:49
mgdmglad it's not just me that happens to15:50
diploWas coming up with mysql errors but not the whole one, had to debug a bit more to see it :/15:53
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gebbioneanyone knows what might have caused this? http://pastebin.com/AST81hfE17:21
gebbionealso i am seeing stuff like this Oct 25 18:14:47 bizmate-i7 kernel: [66576.271950] 2:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x8417:22
penguin42I'd suggest a ram check17:25
penguin42looking liking your getting odd things failing17:25
gebbionethats what i thought but would like to avoid even thinking about it17:26
gebbionesuch an annoying machine17:26
gebbione2 OCZ sets failed 2 years ago17:27
gebbionenow i ll have to run a memtest check17:27
penguin42one program crashing is a bug, lots of weird stuff crashing is more likely hardware17:30
MartijnVdSpenguin42: kernel messages is more likely hardware17:35
MartijnVdSgebbione: "Cannot get freq at ep 0x84" is USB talk, ep = endpoint17:35
gebbioneMhhh ok all i can think of is either the printer (currently off) or maybe my mouse and keyboard17:36
penguin42MartijnVdS: Look at the errors, one is a seg fault, one is an abort - that the watchdog crashed with a segfault seems very weird17:36
* penguin42 hasn't heard of a printer causing system problems17:36
MartijnVdSMost likely memory, or CPU17:36
penguin42or psu17:36
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daftykinshey all. playing around with installing Ubuntu on a samsung chromebook today XD22:50
penguin42daftykins: I was helping a colleague with that the other day - they're quite cute22:51
daftykinsah :)22:51
daftykinschrubuntu? this is a samsung 5xx22:51
daftykinsfirst thing i did was a dist-upgrade though which doesn't seem so wise XD22:52
penguin42yeh this was the 'snow' model22:53
daftykinsi could do with learning how to update all but the kernels and boot related stuffs23:01
daftykinsany thoughts?23:02
penguin42the kernel is a 'special' as I remember - there's a something -chromebook package23:02
* penguin42 had to rebuild it for him23:06
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