[15:05] marcoceppi ChinnoDog: yeah, "a few"? I think someone's building a bot-net! [15:05] actually I read a nice article recent [15:05] ...recently about using bot-nets for good purposes, not illegal ones. [15:06] it was about this guy that did work for a car dealership that bought cars from auction, and apparently the dealership that always won the online auctions were the ones that had the best PC systems and connections because they would snipe it in last 5sec like on eBay. [15:07] the problem was that in last 5sec, the site got so overloaded that normal systems wouldnt even load the page [15:07] so the guy created this botnet that would send like 40-50 http requests to the server from different sources/networks in the last 5sec with the bid amount [15:07] and it works i guess [15:08] think i read it in Wired while on the can last month or something [15:30] adom: I want to test them with Juju ;) [15:42] * ChinnoDog scratches head at juju [15:43] marcoceppi: I see you authored the wordpress charm which uses nginx and php-fpm. That is how I have my blog set up. Can I use juju on my private server? (I have no idea how juju works yet, just looking.) [15:56] Ok, I see I can use on my private server but I still don't understand relations. [15:57] And I see things like meta configuration values in the charms that control other settings. I am running mysql without InnoDB using a minimal memory footprint. I can't tell if I can still manually tune these things in juju. === lfaraone_ is now known as lfaraone [16:45] ChinnoDog: we can talk later, im currently at a sprint [16:46] k.