
cylexObrienDave: how so00:00
cylexhays: from 13.04 , to 13.10 update-manager -d00:00
cylexhays: but its better to backup your files, and do a fresh install00:00
Ari-Yanghays: if you're on 12.04, then you're going to have to upgrade to 13.04 then upgrade from there to 13.1000:00
hayscylex: its telling me to update to 14.0400:00
Ari-Yanghays: be aware though, 13.10 might have some bugs....00:01
wilee-nileecylex, You are missing the point you have to know what the setup is to install correctly, and we do to to help.00:01
cylexhays: don't, its buggy00:01
hayscylex: there's no option for 13.1000:01
cylexhays: apt-get dist-upgrade00:01
cylexhays: apt-get upgrade00:01
ObrienDavecylex... OMG wilee-nilee is trying to help you. follow HIS instructions00:01
cylexI don't see Wille 's instrudction\00:01
ObrienDave*gives up and walks away*00:02
nownottrying to setup a reverse proxy without any luck, anyone have a few min to spare to help out? let me know what I need to post00:02
wilee-nileecylex, what is your native language?00:02
cylexwilee-nilee: guju00:02
Ari-Yang!upgrade | hays00:03
ubottuhays: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:03
haysso if update-manager is forcing me to 14.04 is there another supported upgrade path00:03
cylexwilee-nilee: gujarati00:03
cylexhays: you want to upgrade to 14.04?00:03
wilee-nilee!in | cylex00:03
ubottucylex: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India00:03
cylexhays: or you want to do a dist-upgrade00:03
cylexwilee-nilee: I live in US, but why are you forwarding me there00:04
cylexwilee-nilee: heh00:04
sisterFisterso I installed knapshot to get a screenshot. Print sc key didn't seem to be auto saving to anywhere. Anyway any insight as to why my terminal letter spacing looks this way? http://imgur.com/085KN3r    I'm using Lubuntu by the way.00:04
Ari-Yangcylex: he wants to upgrade to 13.1000:04
wilee-nileecylex, I have been very clear with, however you seem to not understand, that's why.00:04
cylexthen just type update-manager00:05
cylexwithout -d00:05
ObrienDave*nibbles fingers*00:05
cylexWillie-nileee: You said there isn't a way to dual boot, but ObrienDave said willee-nileee is helping you and he knows how to dual boot with win800:05
cylexit seems like you guys don't want to help00:05
cylexanyone can help me with Dual boot, with Win8 + Ubuntu00:06
hasanibrahimhello, i enabled high-contrast while i was trying to install ubuntu for the first time, and i now couldn't find how to disable it.. I'm sorry, i'm so new on ubuntu00:06
ObrienDavecylex... seems like YOU'RE not paying attention00:06
cylexObrienDave: he says you can't00:07
LjLwilee-nilee: the only language allowed in #ubuntu-in is English00:07
ObrienDaveHE DID NOT SAY THAT00:07
cylexyes he did00:07
ObrienDavewhatever, bye00:07
Ari-Yang!dual-boot > cylex00:07
ubottucylex, please see my private message00:07
minimecsisterFister: Change your font and use one that has 'mono' in its title. For the terminal you need a font with one fixed space for each 'sign'00:07
haysnow update-manager -d is telling me to upgrade to 12.1000:07
cylexthanks, Ari-Yang :>00:07
haysit seems it gives pseudorandom recommendations :)00:07
cylexhays: what version you are on00:08
Ari-Yanghays: if you're on 12.04, you'll have to upgrade to 12.1000:08
Ari-Yanghays: then upgrade from 12.10 to 13.0400:08
sisterFisterminimec: you just saved my life00:08
haystrying to get to 13.1000:08
Ari-Yanghays: then from 13.04 upgrade to 13.1000:08
haysAri-Yang: ahh ok00:08
Ari-Yanghays: or you can just download 13.10 iso and install it using that00:08
wilee-nileeLjL, I didn't know that, well they wont communicate with them either then. ;)00:09
minimecsisterFister: I do that every day...  ;)00:09
ObrienDavewilee-nilee> cylex, No, it is just a different type of install.00:09
haysAri-Yang: yeah that may or may not be faster00:09
haysbased on my internet connection heh00:09
ObrienDavethat does NOT say it can't be done00:09
haysand I have no CDROM drive so that complicates things perhaps00:10
haysill just do it this way...00:10
sisterFisterminimec: would you have an idea as to why i can use something like liberation sans in ubuntu terminal but not in lubuntu lxde terminal?00:10
fishsceneThis yields some info on Windows 8 and Ubuntu dual-booting and some of the issues: http://askubuntu.com/questions/221835/installing-ubuntu-on-a-pre-installed-windows-8-64-bit-system-uefi-supported00:10
Dr_WillissisterFister:  some terminal apps filter out all the non-mono fonts. because anything thats not mono - can look totally unreadable00:11
cylexsisterfister: stop trolling00:11
sisterFisterty Dr_Willis00:12
minimecsisterFister: Probably because the lxde cannot use ttf fonts. So you only have some basic 'old system fonts' available.00:12
haysis that sister in the familiar or religious sense00:12
minimecsisterFister:... the lxde terminal, I mean00:12
sisterFisterhays: religious00:12
Dr_Willishmm.. lxterm here seems to call 'xterm;00:13
sisterFisterReally liking lubuntu so far though. Much quicker on this laptop that I had in the closet.00:13
sisterFisterHow about setting global keybindings? I googled around but didn't really find what I was looking for.00:13
sisterFisterin lubuntu00:13
Dr_Willisoh wait.. lxterm is not lxde's terminal. ;P00:13
wilee-nileegnome 3.10 makes saucy really saucy.00:14
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haysi am trying to work out the implications of a sister fister in terms of biblical interpretations of consumation00:14
haysquite possible this is green-lighted behaviour. anyway00:14
sisterFisterhays: nun who has a stripper name.00:15
minimecsisterFister: This is a cool tool for keybindigs 'outside' of the window manager http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=xbindkeys&searchon=names00:15
sisterFisterminimec: nice ty!00:16
yoda_jakeHello, I'm new to Linux! Nice to meet you all! Hello world!00:16
moppyI'd like to report a bug and I have no idea how to use the tracker: Upgrader lies about how much disk space is needed to upgrade to 13.10. Had 50 MB more than required, it crashed due to zero disk space during upload. (Machine with SSD).00:16
minimecsisterFister: the 'config' package is the GUI00:16
pfifoso let me get this straight... my subversion client from 13.10 wants me to upgrade my repo, but  now in 12.04 I cant upgrade my subversion client to the same version that 13.10 has, forcing me to keep 2 different working copies in my home folder. This is major problem here, im considering reporting this as a bug before I compile from source.00:17
wilee-nileemoppy, sometimes the data space is read differently in different apps, you should not have it that full anyway.00:17
pfifo"Ubunt, linux for people (but screw developers)"00:18
hitsujiTMO_pfifo one good reason to switch to git ;)00:18
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pfifohitsujiTMO_: my hosting provider uses subversion, and im happy with their price00:19
moppywilee-nilee, I had approximately 1. 3 GB free. This is kind of normal for small SSD laptops.00:19
wilee-nileemoppy, hardly00:19
hasanibrahimhello, i enabled high-contrast while i was trying to install ubuntu for the first time, and i now couldn't find how to disable it.. I'm sorry, i'm so new on ubuntu, so can you help please00:19
haysthe process for reporting a bug is usually to (1) report the bug through official channels (2) get flamed by a low level dev for some real or imaginary mistake you've made. (4) address the mistake (5) watch dupes being assigned to your bug (6) eventually the software in queston will be deprecated (7) bug will be marked WONTFIX.   ok in all seriousness there should be a bug reporting system pretty easily finable via google00:19
hitsujiTMO_pfifo, ahh, your not using a vps?00:19
haysI've omitted step 3, which is a surprise00:20
wilee-nileepeople may fill them up but that is bad practice00:20
pfifohitsujiTMO_: I use a free service that provides subversion, if I use my VPS and dont pay the bill they delete my precious code00:20
project0101lol hays00:21
moppywilee-nilee, 16GB SSD with two OS; Ubuntu has about just under 2 GB left after a fresh install.00:21
haysi have a bug i opened in thunderbird in something like 2001 that is still open and still debated.00:21
pfifohitsujiTMO_: or if I do pay my bill and do something stupid, I delete my code00:21
haysI finally had to unsuscribe to the bug because I don't use thunderbird anymore and it was making me depressed00:21
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project0101ubuntu is infested with bugs00:21
hitsujiTMO_pfifo, i getcha00:21
project0101anyone here?/00:22
moppywilee-nilee, doubltless you will say "get a bigger SSD" but thing is a chip on the main board00:22
project0101are you a windows user?00:22
wilee-nileemoppy, right, now you can read my mind, lol.00:22
moppyproject0101, not regularly, no. the other OS is chromeOS00:22
lgomhi everybody, i have some noob asks.00:23
moppyno real stress, the data isn't local, i'm running the system restore ATM and will reinstal from fresh00:24
hitsujiTMO_moppy, why not get rid of chrome os? kinda pointless having it when you can have chrome in a real os is it not?00:24
haysmoppy: the problem with your SSD is that you're holding it wrong.00:24
moppyhitsujiTMO_, you're welcome to tell me how do that :-) bearing in mind chromebooks have firmware designed to boot it00:24
fishsceneIgom: Feel free to ask a question.00:24
moppyhays, clearly! i agree!00:24
lgomi have a 2gb ram, 200 hd, core 2 duo 1.50 Ghz laptop and i want to know what's the best distro i can use?00:24
lgomsometimes ubuntu get lag.00:25
haysmoppy: Some of the chromebooks can be put into a developer mode and have the OS wiped I believe00:25
haysmoppy: but I think this incurs a 5 second delay at boot time or something00:25
ObrienDavelgom... I suggest Xubuntu00:25
moppyhays, well you have to be in developer mode that to even get ubuntu on there in the first place00:25
fishscenelgom: You can try some of the lighter Ubuntu flavors such as Xubuntu or lubuntu00:25
hitsujiTMO_lgon, ubuntu might be better if you disable background blur in unity search00:25
haysif you are concerned about ubuntu being to "heavy" yeah xubuntu is a good choice00:25
moppylo0k im not upset, im saying the installer lies about disk space required.00:26
haysthere's an xfce mint also >ducks<00:26
hitsujiTMO_lgom, what DE would you normally use?00:26
ObrienDave*throws a trout at hays* ;)00:26
lgomthats a great info, thanks.00:26
haysbut everyone lies about disk space. that's a long standing tradition in the PC community00:27
lgomsorry hitsujiTMO_ what's DE means?00:27
lgomsorry @hitsujiTMO_ what's DE means?00:27
moppyIgom: desktop environment00:27
hitsujiTMO_lgom, desktop environment00:27
ObrienDavelgom... Desktop Environment00:27
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hitsujiTMO_lgom: i.e. KDE, gnome, xfce, etc...00:27
haysthis URI points to brief guidelines for bug reporting in ubuntu00:28
lgomgnome on ubuntu 13.1000:28
moppyhays, I see now it is clearly not a bug as you say everyone lies about disk space ... i'll pass on the report :-)00:29
hayshehe moppy im mostly joking around, feel free to try the bug reporting process. some projects are better than others00:29
hitsujiTMO_lgom, ubuntu by default has unity (unity sits on top of a hacked up gnome2) ... you can also get a install disk with gnome 3 instad of unity00:29
moppyerm i mean i will pass; not i will pass it on :)00:29
wilee-nileelgom, Install htop and check whats running when it lags, and don;t overdrive the hardware if you are, install a lighter desktop if needed.00:30
moppyIgom: cor 2 duo ismore than enough for unity, as is your ram00:30
ObrienDavemoppy, it is not necessarily a lie, some calculate in 1,000 character blocks. Some use 1024 blocks. can make quite a difference in the end00:30
haysand with the quality of installers getting markedly better in recent years, someone might actually care to fix a bug like that00:30
moppyIgom: the issue you migt have is 3d acceleration00:31
lgommoppy its enough? i have 2gb for ram00:31
lgomi think that i can install and other ubuntu flavor, i like xubuntu.00:31
hitsujiTMO_lgom, more than enough, as i said earlier, easiest thing to cut down some of the chug in unity is to disable background blur (do it in unity-tweak-tool)00:32
lgombut i really likes ubuntu looks (default)00:32
moppytwo gig ram is more than enough, really. your problem will be unity needs 3d acceleration from the GPU.00:32
hayslgom: im running straight ubuntu and its fine on this celeron 2gb machine00:32
hayslgom: but applications are not always very snappy at loading. a different wm probably won't change that much00:33
haysmaybe a little if it frees up some memory00:33
wilee-nileehitsujiTMO_, unity sits on top of gnome 3 as a plugin on compiz00:33
tempestaanybody knows about the citadel server coredump problem described in bug 911732?00:33
ubottubug 911732 in citadel (Ubuntu) "[12.04] citadel-server is producing errors every second in syslog (DB: not a restored transaction DB: PANIC: Invalid argument citadel: bdb(): PANIC: Invalid argument citadel: bdb(): txn_commit: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recover) " [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91173200:33
hitsujiTMO_wilee-nilee: is it 3? ok, thought it was 2 since it looked so close to it00:34
Ari-Yang[20:10:02] <hays> and I have no CDROM drive so that complicates things perhaps ----> uhhh, bootable usb00:34
haysAri-Yang: yeah, i know.00:34
moppyhays you are running out of memory? what apps are you running? unity + a browser have a footprint of about 1 gig00:34
haysAri-Yang: whenever I try that it ends up being annoying.. BIOS settings to fish around in, weird methods to make the USB stick, finding a USB stick in my pile that I can erase... etc :)00:34
moppyyou can dd the iso straight to a usb stick00:35
wilee-nileehitsujiTMO_, The fallback desktop is a pseudo gnome2 is all00:35
haysmoppy: no, im fine i was just commenting that I have a weak, slow computer and it runs straight ubuntu fine.00:35
haysyeah that part is easier in linux.00:35
bjsnidercould someone with unity run this command please: qdbus --session com.canonical.indicator.session00:36
bjsniderpastebin results00:36
lgomwell i read that i can still running ubuntu with out problems. That's ok. I really love to wor on my laptop when i erase windows at all! XD00:36
moppywell on windows, there's a graphical usb creator you can download from a link on  the ubuntu site in the inatsllation guide00:36
haysthe other reason I'm not doing it is because this laptop has a pretty neat "restore to factory" feature built in that I don't want to accidentally corrupt/erase by doing a fresh install00:36
moppyigom: you might need to use a different desktop, but see how it goes. i dont know what GPU your machine has00:36
haysim __pretty__ sure its just a recovery partition, but im not sure because apt- sometimes gives me messages about it too00:37
moppyyay got chrome OS back running; just got to re-partition and install Saucy now00:38
haysand ASUS has apparently denied existence of this laptop model existing at all, so finding any sort of recovery disk is basically impossilble00:38
lgomuhmmm i don't now what gpu has. I think.00:38
moppyhrm they are up to 3.8 kernel, nice. i use the chrome kernel under the ubuntu desktop and usermode apps00:40
haysmoppy: i think there is a 3.11 kernel floating around00:40
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haysand by I think there is one, i mean I am using it00:41
moppyyea but you dont have a firmware that's locked to boot particular kernels unless you jump though many technical hoops00:41
haysyeah that's why I bought this POS instead ofa chromebook00:42
tempestais there a solution for bug 911732 - citadel server crash?00:46
ubottubug 911732 in citadel (Ubuntu) "[12.04] citadel-server is producing errors every second in syslog (DB: not a restored transaction DB: PANIC: Invalid argument citadel: bdb(): PANIC: Invalid argument citadel: bdb(): txn_commit: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recover) " [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91173200:46
lgombtw i don't use a irc since... ufff, about 1997 or 1998!00:49
lgomon mIRC! XD00:49
jhaveI have just upgrade to 13.10 but its use PHP5.5 and ioncube not support it00:52
jhavehow do i change to PHP 5.4?00:52
jhaveor are there a another way to fix it ?00:53
jackare? is...00:53
moppyjhave, have you looked for the older version in symantec?00:53
moppyoops synapic00:53
rammmjhave: type rm -rf /00:53
moppyalso wont work, ubutnu wont allow that one00:54
jhavemoppy, no ?00:54
jribjhave: don't run that command00:54
rammmRUN IT00:55
jribrammm: what are you doing... that behavior is not welcomed here.  Stop or you will be banned.00:55
jhaveI dont think it fix the problem ;)00:55
ObrienDaverammm... already got booted from the OT channel00:55
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Ari-Yangramine: stop, just stop00:58
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:58
Ari-Yang>commands that should've be uttered00:58
moppyjhave, sorry what i suggest you do is look in the ubuntu packages list for the older verison, then install it manually00:59
moppyjhave, obviously remove the newer one first00:59
moppyjhave, i cant remeber  how to lock the verison so updates don't replace it01:00
everaldHello. How can I see how much storage space there is left on Ubuntu One?01:01
phunyguyeverald: in the app or online iirc01:01
moppyeverald, the ubuntuone program tells you01:02
everaldI can't see it online anywhere.01:02
moppyeverald, open the app, it's on the front page at the top01:02
everaldOk, thanks. BTW wondering what the "Ubuntu One" folder in my home is for?01:06
moppyeverald, that folder is sync'ed with the cloud01:07
everaldI was thinking that it was a remote mount of the ubuntu one space, but that doesn't seem to be the case--it seems to be a local folder.01:07
everaldAha. Got it.01:07
moppyeverald, it is a remote mount but you need to enable it01:07
moppywell it's not a mount01:07
moppyit's a sync'ed copy sorry01:07
everaldYes, got it.01:09
everaldThere's a problem: the backup tool still says "Backup location is too small. Try using one with more space.",01:09
everaldeven though I purchased more space, have got 25G now, and only 13% used.01:10
everaldActually it was using 3.2 GB before, out of 5GB. Why is it saying it doesn't have enough space?01:10
everaldHm, could it be running out of space in /tmp or somewhere?01:12
everaldSigh, imprecise error messages.01:12
pseubodotHi there. I recently upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10 (amd64) over three machines. Am impressed with how the interface keeps getting more polished. One minor issue that arises is that in Unity on one machine I can no get programs or files shown in the hud when I type. the 'search' icon just turns ... Is there something I missed (eg. unity equivalent of update-dlocatedb) ?01:13
bobmatrixok good its working01:22
ctcbOkay, so I recently bought a new Laptop, and It had Windows 8 on. I formatted my 8GB USB Stick and put  Ubuntu 13.10 64-Bit on it and restarted the PC. Everything is fine, but I'm now at the Installation type / Custom partition thing.01:25
ctcbBut I have a problem here.01:25
ctcbI can't add the 827MB of Free Space in /dev/sda to /dev/sda201:25
ctcb/dev/sda2 is the main 1TB Hard Drive.01:25
YellowGTOHey guys im having an issue. My motherboard has onboard audio Creative CA0132 chip01:26
YellowGTOIm having trouble getting this to work01:26
ctcb/dev/sda was the recovery drive from HP.01:26
everaldOk, seems that we actually had too much stuff to backup (more than the 25GB), and did't see the error message in the past. Ignored part of the home dir, now seems ok.01:27
ObrienDavectcb... do you really want to do this?01:27
ctcbObrienDave, I'm losing 827MB from my 1TB Hard Drive. :(01:28
ctcbI need all those MB's.01:28
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ObrienDavectcb... only asking if you are SURE you want to kill windows recovery01:29
ctcbI'm sure, I don't want to go back to Windows. I only use Windows on my Gaming PC, because 95% of the Games in the world aren't Linux Compatable yet.01:31
wilee-nileectcb, Have you installed linux yet?01:33
ctcbwilee-nilee, not yet, I'm on the screen where you pick what Drive to install to, and you can edit them and stuff.01:33
ObrienDavehe's just starting the install i think.01:34
ObrienDavethe gparted screen01:34
wilee-nileectcb, Yu plan to keep windows at all on the HD?01:34
ctcbwilee-nilee, not at all.01:34
ctcbUbuntu is my laptop OS. :D01:34
wilee-nileectcb, That is a uefi gpt partitioning setup removing windows completely, may require a new partition table to msdos to just run linux easily.01:35
wilee-nileeand setting the bios to legacy, be careful here01:36
kxtwohey guys, anyone familiar with unetbootin?01:36
wilee-nileekxtwo, many are state the issues to the channel.01:37
ctcbwilee-nilee: Would it be better to install Ubuntu on my HD, and then extend it by moving the free space?01:37
wilee-nileectcb, That has nothing to do with what I said, do you understand what I stated as a possibility?01:38
ctcbwilee-nilee, Uh... no?01:39
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kxtwoyah, the # is empty so thought it might be worth coming here.  ANyway, my friend wants windows on a laptop so I am using unetbootin to create a windows 7 usb.  it is stuck at 52 percent though.  I looked it up on the net and it said its normal to hang for a few minutes at that point because its is over 2G file size but its been 20+ minutes.  was wondering if anyone had any ideas01:40
kxtwoFYI the reason im using unetbootin is because I only have ubuntu, no windows.01:41
wilee-nileectcb, That is okay, windows 8 has a totally different partitioning set up and bios then earlier computers, it is a uefi safe boot and gpt partitioning, that is attached to the main chip, and the ubuntu install would be communicating with that W8 system to run normally. Removing all of it may need you to change the partition table to be run ubuntu only, I would get help on this is all I suggest.01:42
wilee-nileekxtwo, what IS are you using to load the W7 to the usb?01:47
wilee-nileekxtwo, use this. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/tool-to-create-windows-usb-install.html01:48
wilee-nileeunetbootin sometimes has worked supposedly, this tool does everytime.01:48
joshsi am using xubuntu and i want to import photos from my kodak camera, how do i do this?01:49
ahoneybunI was in here yesterday about my lenovo notebook01:52
ahoneybunI fixed it and got Ubuntu working01:53
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SchrodingersScatahoneybun: hey01:59
bigbadbenSo i have this folder called programs I visit often and doing cd /path/to/Programs/DirectoryInPrograms gets tedious after some many times is there a better way to do this so I can just cd Programs/DirectoryInPrograms. Should I add a alias or is there a better way?02:00
SchrodingersScatbigbadben: softlink?02:01
SchrodingersScat!info ln | bigbadben02:01
ubottubigbadben: Package ln does not exist in saucy02:01
noneonebigbadben: alias CHOSENALIAS="command"02:01
ahoneybunSchrodingersScat, hey02:02
bigbadbenis there a better way than an alias or not really02:02
SchrodingersScatbigbadben: symbolic rather, ln -s /foo/bar/directory /path/to/programs/DirectoryInPrograms02:03
SchrodingersScatbigbadben: read the manual for 'ln' though.02:03
bigbadbenFor sure thanks02:03
fuleii have a problem when Install ubuntu12.10 from ftp server02:05
fuleiOct 24 08:48:22 main-menu[345]: INFO: Menu item 'live-installer' selected Oct 24 08:48:22 base-installer: error: Could not find any live images Oct 24 08:48:22 main-menu[345]: WARNING **: Configuring 'live-installer' failed with error code 1 Oct 24 08:48:22 main-menu[345]: WARNING **: Menu item 'live-installer' failed.02:05
fuleii have a problem when Install ubuntu12.10 from ftp server :02:06
fuleiINFO: Menu item 'live-installer' selected02:06
fuleierror: Could not find any live images02:06
FloodBot1fulei: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
SchrodingersScatfulei: did you md5 the image?  if you burned it to dvd or made a liveUSB, maybe try again?02:07
fuleiI install ubuntu I Start from USB flash disk and get image from FTP server02:07
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SchrodingersScatfulei: k, if you were me then you'd probably be re-imaging the usb flash disk again, after making sure the md5sum matches.02:08
fuleiI used this method to install the 12.04 version successfully, but when I install 12.10 version it fails 02:08
troulouliou_devhi since i migrated to 13.10 my battery status is always 0% in, any idea ?02:09
fuleiI put ubuntu-12.04.2-server-i386.iso and ubuntu-12.10-server-i386.iso in ftp server
loaHello, what i can do if my screensaver stop working?02:09
ahoneybuntroulouliou_dev, I think that is a reported bug02:09
loaI 100% sure that it wrok some time after boot02:09
troulouliou_devahoneybun, ok checking now02:09
loabut now i idle more then time i set for max idle02:10
loait don't activate screensaver02:10
ahoneybuntroulouliou_dev, at least I heard about it in Kubuntu I think02:11
hayswhen i am updating to 13.04 it says its an alpha release in the release notes?  true?02:12
ahoneybunhays, we are on 13.10 now02:13
ahoneybuntroulouliou_dev, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-baseapps/+bug/123563302:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 1240673 in upower (Ubuntu Saucy) "duplicate for #1235633 Reports 0% charged for fully charged batteries" [High,Fix committed]02:13
troulouliou_devahoneybun, ok thanks found some other too02:13
YellowGT0Hey guys02:14
YellowGT0Im trying to install Ubuntu 13.10 but I get major corruption issues02:14
YellowGT0I can't see anything on the screen02:14
YellowGT0Is there a safemode installer?02:14
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wilee-nilee!nomodeset | YellowGT002:15
ubottuYellowGT0: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:15
troulouliou_devahoneybun, will wait then thanks02:15
ahoneybunYellowGT0, I get that same problem02:16
YellowGT0Crossfire ATi ahoneybun ?02:16
hayshmm ok the confirmation window to upgrade to 13.04 is too tall for me to hit the yes button and CR doesn't seem to work either02:16
ahoneybunYellowGT0, Ideapad with a onboard Intel and a nvidia02:16
YellowGT0Thank you wilee-nilee and ubottu02:17
hayswhat a weird problem/bug02:17
YellowGT0I swear I googled the hell ouit of it from my phone02:17
YellowGT0Well Brb02:17
YellowGT0Lets see if it works02:17
reisioat least it won't have any hell now02:17
ahoneybunYellowGT0, I used nomodeset to get the installer to work and then had to install bumblebee and bumblebee-nvidia to get a working xorg02:18
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furoidoanyone having problem with chrome/chromium browser?02:21
reisiofuroido: you?02:21
furoidopage titles on tab are not showing02:21
furoidoon two computers. same hardwares, same 13.1002:22
=== that is now known as greeter
sam113101how do I know if KMS is used?02:23
reisiofuroido: might query #chromium02:23
reisiosam113101: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28033/how-to-check-the-information-of-current-installed-video-drivers02:24
kxtwowilee-nilee, not having much more l uck with winusb02:26
wilee-nileekxtwo, where is the windows ISO from?02:27
kxtwoit is running just really slowly02:28
wilee-nileekxtwo, where was the iso gotten from?02:28
wilee-nileethis a microsoft ISO?02:28
wilee-nileekxtwo, and gotten from where?02:29
kxtwofrom microsoft02:29
reisiothat would've been my guess :p02:30
reisiokxtwo: what're you trying to do?02:30
wilee-nileereisio, load a W7 iso to a usb.02:31
kxtwoinstall win7 on a friends laptop.  I dont hve windows so was trying to put the iso on a usb to install.02:31
kxtwoI used unetbootin but it froze at 52 percent for over 30 minuts, now trying winusb but its super slow.  Might be working but don't know yet02:31
reisiokxtwo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28033/how-to-check-the-information-of-current-installed-video-drivers02:31
reisioonly reliable way I have ever come across02:31
reisioerm, wrong paste02:32
reisiokxtwo: http://serverfault.com/questions/6714/how-to-make-windows-7-usb-flash-install-media-from-linux#answer-16706002:32
wilee-nileekxtwo, I have to wonder if the iso is not corrupted should not take that long to load, how big is the iso if you right click it then hit properties02:33
kxtwoclose to 402:33
hitsujiTMO4 bytes?02:33
wilee-nileekxtwo, 4 gigs, what release?02:34
reisioyou can get the windows image checksums off of msdn02:34
wilee-nileeyeah I would do that02:34
fahadashHas anybody ever used xubuntu ?02:34
ObrienDaveall the time ;)02:35
kxtwoat this point I'd be better off with a torrented version jeez02:36
garcianckxtwo, were you trying to setup dual boot?02:37
fahadashObrienDave: I don't wanna challenge the dictatorship of operators. would you be available at #ubuntu-offtopic for a quick question ?02:37
reisiokxtwo: http://is.gd/X4IjmC the 'Details' link expands and shows a sha-1 sum, ordinary Windows 7 x64 Ultimate in English is listed as, for example, 'Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) - DVD (English)'02:37
ObrienDavesure, if I can02:37
wilee-nileekxtwo, a torrent version would not be safe, nor will you get any support anywhere on freenode unless you lie.02:38
hitsujiTMOreisio but is his iso an msdn one?02:38
reisiohitsujiTMO: if he doesn't know, those sums can tell him02:39
kxtwolet it go wilee-nilee It was obvious from your questionining you were against pirating, but torrenting does not equal pirating :)02:39
sublimefreakHey guys I installed 13.10 server on a laptop, how sd config the power management so that it is always on?02:39
wilee-nileekxtwo, that is a assumption, and torrenting is illegal to get windows.02:39
reisioit'd be safe if the checksum passed, but that is another discussion02:39
sublimefreakopps * how do I02:40
kxtwoI hate it when people dont understand how this works02:40
kxtwotorrenting is not illegal02:40
reisiosublimefreak: should be in the menu somewheres02:40
kxtwoif I have rights to what I am downloading02:40
wilee-nileeIt is to get windows02:40
reisiokxtwo: it's not even if you don't :) but that's not really what this channel is for talking about02:40
kxtworeisio, I know I am just responding to wilee-nilee it was blatantly obvious from the get go he was trying to dig and find out if I was pirating 7 lol.02:41
sublimefreakreisio how do I get to the menu from the command line?02:41
reisioas to putting a valid Windows image onto USB from Ubuntu, I gave you a link explaining how to do it, so you're all set :)02:41
reisiokxtwo: I know I know :)02:41
kxtworeisio, im still holding out on winusb02:41
reisioI think he's probably just trying to be in compliance with the channel and network rules02:41
hitsujiTMOkxtwo do you have a licence on the bottom of your laptop?02:41
kxtworeisio, just not sure why its so slow02:41
reisiokxtwo: really, that thing I linked is the only reliable way I've come across02:41
reisiosublimefreak: ordinarily you don't02:41
reisiosublimefreak: some reason you need to?02:41
wilee-nileeI also gave a excellent tool that is a fork of the windows usb tool02:42
pigletflyhow to set up 5G wifi in ubuntu?02:42
reisiomicrosoft dvd usb image tool?02:42
reisiois unreliable02:42
reisioI think they violated GPL on that one, too02:42
sublimefreakThe server is command line only isn't it?02:42
kxtwoif I get desperate I will just grab a windows machine02:42
reisiosublimefreak: ordinarily02:42
reisiosublimefreak: it also wouldn't have power management set to sleep the system02:42
hitsujiTMOreisio: its easier to use diskpart ... especially if you wany uefi boot02:43
wilee-nileereisio, The fork works and the tool is provided by them, all ones needs anyway is a ntfs with a boot flag and a extract toiboot it anyway02:43
reisiohitsujiTMO: more reliable, I'm sure02:43
reisioall I know is it failed when I tried it :)02:43
hitsujiTMOusing diskpart allows you to format the usb as fat32, ms tool only formats it as ntfs ... and you have to have fat32 for uefi install02:44
sam113101reisio: which part is supposed to help me?02:44
reisiosam113101: the stuff about grepping and lsmod02:44
sam113101I know what my graphic card is and which X driver is in use02:45
sublimefreakreisio, it seems to have some sort of power management. Everytime the screen turns off on the laptop I lose my ssh connection on my other machine.02:45
reisiosam113101: what do you need to know?02:45
sam113101I don't know if the kernel uses a specific driver02:45
sam113101to allow KMS02:45
reisiosublimefreak: hrmm02:45
reisiosublimefreak: check your ssh timeout first02:45
reisiosublimefreak: but that'd be normal, actually, nevermind02:46
sam113101KMS = the kernel knows about my graphic card and the bootsplash can display better, right?02:46
reisiosublimefreak: unless you're using screen/tmux, if your client dies, that's it02:46
reisiosam113101: potentially, yup, "better"02:46
sublimefreakok I'll investigate further. Thanks reisio02:47
reisiosublimefreak: sounds like you just need to use screen or tmux on the server, and toggle your client box's power management if it still bothers you02:48
WestIs there a way to disable thumbnails by size ? Whenever I use type in a .py or .cs file the thumbnail shows text. I know to how to disable thumbnails on nautilus, but is there a way to do this by file types ? Thanks02:51
reisioso it's making a thumbnail of the text appearance instead of just using an icon?02:53
Westreisio: yes02:53
dannymichelis there a terminal comand i can use to move any file with word 'cover' in the file name?02:53
reisiothat does sound silly02:53
reisiodannymichel: yeah...02:54
dannymichelreisio: can you let me know it?02:54
somsipdannymichel: this will give you the right idea http://is.gd/I2Fq4P02:55
reisiodannymichel: yeah I'll have to figure it out, min02:55
reisiooh in the file name02:55
garciancdannymichel, you need something more complicated than a simple mv command?02:55
reisiobah I was thinking within the file for some reason02:55
reisioyeah find start/point/ -iname '*cover*' -exec mv -n {} new/path/ \; should suffice02:56
reisioor -name if you only want lowercase 'cover' exactly02:56
reisiodo it with just find start/point/ -iname '*cover*' first, so you know all the files you find are the ones you want to move, then add the rest02:57
sam113101reisio: should the console font also be ajusted to my screen? ie. not 800x600 on a 1920x1200 monitor02:57
reisiosam113101: hrmm?02:57
sam113101sometimes it's stretched out ;_;02:58
reisioit's probably using the best res it can for your monitor02:59
dannymichelno, i just need a simple mv command garcianc .02:59
reisioyou could reconfigure it to something you might personally prefer, probably02:59
reisiobut I wouldn't bother if you're only going to be in X most of the time02:59
dannymicheli tried  find ~/Desktop/Advertising\ CSR/ -iname "*cover" -exec mv {} ~/Desktop/Resume \; in the terminal and it didnt work02:59
reisiodannymichel: *cover or *cover* ?02:59
reisiogarcianc was basically asking if you needed to find them recursively03:00
reisioor if they can all be assumed to be in one dir03:00
garciancdannymichel, if case is not an issue you can simply use: mv *cover* <destination path>03:00
dannymichelany file with the name cover in the file name03:00
reisioin the case of the latter, you could just do mv -n dir/*cover* elsewhere/03:00
sam113101"nomodeset" disables KMS?03:00
dannymichel' ~/Desktop/Resume' is the destination03:01
reisiosam113101: ms stands for mode setting03:01
daniel_GUYS! I did a sudo apt-get update and now my moka icon theme isn't working in unity?03:01
reisiodannymichel: is it an existing directory?03:01
dannymichel ~/Desktop/Advertising\ CSR/ is wher eim looking in garcianc03:01
nownotdoes anyone in here have experience setting up reverse proxies using apache?03:01
reisiosam113101: so yes03:02
sam113101cool man03:02
reisionownot: #httpd03:02
nownotreisio: it's dead in there :(03:02
sam113101my brain is putting it all together, finally03:02
dannymichelgarcianc:  thanks03:03
dannymichelthat worked03:03
sam113101so the kernel driver and the X driver are two different drivers?03:03
sam113101but I guess the kernel driver does less stuff, so is less complex03:04
sam113101just setting the resolution and color depth, maybe03:04
reisiothey both have their place03:05
sam113101reisio: do you know where I can learn more about unix-like operating system, such as current linux distros? know more about their inner working, the components, startup process, etc.03:06
sam113101the graphic stack03:07
IzzyDhey, i was wondering if i could get a little help with installing alongside win8.03:07
sam113101have an overview of existing unix tools03:07
Ari-Yangsam113101: google03:07
Ari-Yangsam113101: what you just asked isn't really an ubuntu tech support question...03:07
reisiosam113101: wikipedia will suffice for general knowledge03:08
reisioIzzyD: what about it?03:08
IzzyDand before i get the answer to google it, i have a few install guides already, but the seem to keep failing me.03:08
IzzyDreisio: i've tried to install multiple times already with little to no success.03:09
reisioIzzyD: what happens?03:10
IzzyDreisio: usually it's been a pretty smooth install for me on other laptops and desktops, but this time i'm having all kinds of problems that i'm assuming have to do with secure boot and the uefi.03:10
reisiolike what?03:10
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: can you boot the installer?03:10
IzzyDreisio: when i boot from usb it take me to the grub installer, where i have the options to try, install or oem install, but no matter what option i tried, it just sends me to a black screen and sits there.03:11
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: add kernel param nomodeset03:12
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:12
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: what exactly is that?03:12
Dr_Willise) to edit kernel line/entrys - theres a line that says 'quiet splash'   make it 'quiet nomodeset splash'03:12
reisioIzzyD: it turns off graphical things you don't need, that may potentially malfunction03:13
Dr_Willisthe theres some key (f10?) to boot the new edited entry.03:13
sam113101Dr_Willis: what's "quiet" for?03:13
Dr_Willisquiet is for the loggine messages.03:13
hitsujiTMOquiet = doesnt spit dmesg at you03:13
Dr_Willischange it to noquiet nomodeset nofb     if you want.03:13
sam113101nofb = ?03:14
IzzyDreisio: hitsujiTMO  will it affect my windows 8 install at all?03:14
nownotso networking and httpd is dead, anyone got a few to help me out with reverse proxy?03:14
Dr_Willisnoquiet nofb nomodeset nosplash             ;) turns about everything off03:14
sam113101where can I change that, man, ubuntu doesn't install grub (or hides it, idk) nowadays03:15
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: not yet ... wait till you get to the installer for all that03:15
reisioIzzyD: it's just for the installer session03:15
sam113101nofb = uses text mode instead?03:15
Dr_Willisconsole uses framebufer by default.03:15
Dr_Willisthat makes it not use the frameuffer console03:15
hitsujiTMOsam113101: grub stays quiet unless you fail to boot, or you hold right shift on boot03:15
sam113101right shift, will try it03:16
IzzyDreisio: hitsujiTMO: do either of you have a way that i can contact you off from here? this is the laptop i'm trying to install on.03:16
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: fraid not03:16
reisioIzzyD: if you can get it to boot, just come back here on the live OS03:16
reisiothere's an IRC client on there, IIRC03:16
sam113101if I use text mode and don't have a monitor, but have a vt100 attached to the computer, will it use the vt100?03:16
reisioIzzyD: you'd want to start with 'try' instead of 'install' in that case03:17
IzzyDok, and how do i go about installing the nomodeset?03:17
reisioIzzyD: it's just an option you pass, I thought someone told the bot to tell you how03:17
jacksam113101, that'd be kewl03:17
sam113101I wonder if my BIOS supports terminals03:18
sam113101I hope yes03:18
reisioIzzyD: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/3509/dgfdgrunningoraclevmvir.png F603:18
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: you dont install "nomodeset" you just choose it at the grub option ... edit it with e and append nomodeset then hit f10 as the doc stated03:18
IzzyDi've tried "try" a few times already and it still takes me to the same thing.03:18
reisioIzzyD: right, that's for after using nomodeset :)03:18
hitsujiTMOreisio: the grub/boot screen looks nothing like that :P03:18
infinituxhi. i have a dual screen setup but one of them is a tv. is there an app like a pager that will show me what's going on with my other screen so if it's powered off I can move windows from it to my powered screen?03:18
reisioso you can use IRC before installing03:18
reisiohitsujiTMO: does it have an F6 option?03:19
infinituxi'm constantly opening windows on the wrong screen and having to power on the tv to move them03:19
reisioinfinitux: yes, a pager03:19
hitsujiTMOno just lists the install or try ... just needs to hilight try ubuntu and press e to edit it03:19
reisioinfinitux: you could also probably have wmctrl or devilspie dynamically move them03:19
IzzyDreisio: i don't get the purple screen because my laptop is uefi.03:20
reisiohitsujiTMO: well that's what's in ubottu's link :/03:20
hitsujiTMOreisio: its quite outdated at this stage :P03:20
reisiogood times03:20
hitsujiTMOreisio: a lot of the links really need to get updated03:20
IzzyDreisio: am i allowed to link to an image in here?03:21
reisioIzzyD: course03:22
IzzyDreisio: http://i.imgur.com/4TjxW.jpg this is what install looks like.03:22
reisiowhat hitsujiTMO said should work, though, if you get a grub screen03:22
reisioIzzyD: right, hit 'e' and do what hitsujiTMO said03:22
hitsujiTMOizzy, highlight try and press 'e'03:22
reisiocameras are so kewl03:23
IzzyDok, hopefully i'll be back soon ^^03:23
reisioyup :)03:23
Crazyzurferupdated from 13.04 to 13.10 and now my virtualhost's pages are getting error 403, Forbidden :(03:29
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
hitsujiTMOCrazyzurfer: apache httpd has been updated to 2.4 from 2.2 in 13.10  ... new config method03:31
hitsujiTMOCrazyzurfer: have a read http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/upgrading.html on the changes you need to make to your virtualhosts03:32
reisiocould be an opportune time to switch to nginx, then :)03:32
CrazyzurferhitsujiTMO: thanks, I'll read it03:32
hitsujiTMOreisio: its not an abolutely crazy config, but it confuses the hell of a lot of people ... but do switch to nginx ... much sweeter :P03:32
xiaopi[z]+1 for nginx ;)03:33
reisioyeah and if you have to learn a little new config anyways...03:33
reisioI find nginx's simpler anyways03:33
YellowGTOWell I wanted to thank you guys03:33
YellowGTOGot ubuntu fully installed :)03:33
daniel_Does anyone know what I should do in this case? I did an apt uprgrade and it downloaded the latest version of the moka icon pack but now suddenly it won't work for the unity launcher anymore03:34
hitsujiTMOreisio: far less to type at least :P ... i just wish it had decent relative path support03:34
hitsujiTMOdaniel_: change themes? or icon packs?03:34
reisiohitsujiTMO: relative path?03:35
reisioYellowGTO: gj03:35
CrazyzurferhitsujiTMO: Woorked! :)03:35
daniel_Hitsujitm0 nooooooooooo moka looks so good03:35
daniel_is there a chance that unity's been updated so that it can no longer be altered by ubuntu tweak tool03:36
garciancI use the tweak took in 13.1003:37
IzzyDreisio: i failed >>03:37
daniel_garcianc I'm on 12.04 and it's worked fine until today03:37
hitsujiTMOreisio: as in if i could specify a root path (not the www root) for a server such as /home/www/domain ... i could then specify that the www root is www not /home/www/domainname/www  or my ssl key is ssl/ssl.key not /home/www/domain/ssl/ssl.key03:37
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:38
Crazyzurferphpmyadmin now says: The json extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. :(03:38
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: grr ... ok, how did you create the installer?03:38
reisioIzzyD: what happened?03:38
ObrienDavedaniel_... more likely is your system is too old to work with a newer version of tweak-tool03:38
reisiohitsujiTMO: hrmmm, I thought it took arbitrary variables03:38
IzzyDreisio: hitsujiTMO: this one was my fault, i couldn't remember what to do after hitting e.03:39
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: ahhh lol ... append nomodeset to the end03:39
neetz_hey guys , link for 0AD on ubuntu please ?03:39
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IzzyDreisio: hitsujiTMO: just type that into the command line?03:40
hitsujiTMOizzyd yup03:40
lotuspsychjeneetz_: whats 0AD?03:40
ObrienDaveneetz_... it's in the getdeb repo03:40
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: so it will become: quiet splash nomodeset03:40
joelteonI'm getting a lot of these during apt-get update: "W: Failed to fetch http://get.docker.io/ubuntu/dists/docker/Release.gpg  Unable to connect to"03:41
reisiolotuspsychje: http://play0ad.com/03:41
joelteonis there some significance to that address/port? i've not seen it before03:41
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: could just be a crappy ppa03:41
neetz_ObrienDave:  In git ?03:41
joelteonwhere would I change that? i checked /etc/apt/sources.list but it wasn't in there03:42
neetz_lotuspsychje:  it's a open source game03:42
lotuspsychjereisio: tnx, wow looking nice03:42
ObrienDaveneetz_... you didn't ask for git link. sorry, don't know where else to get 0ad03:42
reisioyeah, pretty03:42
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: sources.list.d03:43
IzzyDreisio: hitsujiTMO: also, not sure if it matters, but i'm using 13.10 64bit03:43
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: does not matter!03:43
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: ok, making sure ><03:43
joelteonhitsujiTMO: not there, either; only get.docker.io is03:43
neetz_ObrienDave:  have a look at this http://sourceforge.net/projects/zero-ad/files/releases/ but I dont know which file to download , just have a look and tell me what do i download ?03:43
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: but isnt that the failed one ... get.docker.io ?03:44
ObrienDaveneetz_... start here http://www.getdeb.net/welcome/03:44
joelteonhitsujiTMO: right, but why is it connecting to 172....?03:44
joelteonget.docker.io is certainly up03:45
lotuspsychje!info 0AD | neetz_03:45
ubottuneetz_: 0ad (source: 0ad): Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.14-3 (saucy), package size 2360 kB, installed size 8420 kB03:45
lotuspsychjeneetz_: apt-cache search 0AD03:45
neetz_ObrienDave:  that thing is blocked by our college server03:46
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: maybe you've a crappy isp t03:46
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hitsujiTMOjoelteon: maybe you've a crappy isp that is under dns attack?03:46
lotuspsychje!yay | Crazyzurfer03:47
ubottuCrazyzurfer: Glad you made it! :-)03:47
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: what does get.docker.io resolv to for you if you ping it?03:47
joelteonhitsujiTMO: that's not the IP of get.docker.io03:47
joelteonit's an alias for edge-docker.dotcloud.com which has 54.234.* addresses03:47
neetz_lotuspsychje:  i ran that command , dint get anything03:47
lotuspsychjeneetz_: sudo apt-get install 0AD03:48
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: but what do you get if you ping get.docker.io?03:49
joelteonnormal ping replies03:49
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: ok, next possibility: do you have a proxy set up in your apt.conf?03:50
joelteonAcquire::http { Proxy ""; };03:51
neetz_ubottu:  where but ?03:51
ubottuneetz_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
joelteonoh. what is that supposed to be doing? :/03:51
neetz_lotuspsychje:  i need a package03:51
lotuspsychjeneetz_: doenst it install?03:51
neetz_ubottu:  lol ? mitsuku huh ?03:51
ubottuneetz_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
hitsujiTMOjoelteon: did you put that there?03:51
ObrienDaveneetz_... here is playdeb deb file. install then look in software center for 0ad   https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6jxgrrefu6nc0s/playdeb_0.3-1%7Egetdeb1_all.deb03:52
neetz_lotuspsychje:  it installs but i need a package such that i can give it to everyone here03:52
lotuspsychjeneetz_: back it up with aptoncd maybe?03:53
Paulus68_1What I understood from total drive encryption is that it create a second partition in LVM which is encrypted, so far so good, however what happens if this partition gets "damaged" due to a power failure it's not able to write correctly to the encrypted drive and gets corrupt, is there a way to repair this?03:54
DeusExitiumhey everyone does anyone know how to install java for backtrack 5r3?03:54
lotuspsychje!backtrack | DeusExitium03:54
ubottuDeusExitium: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (now end of life - see kali-linux)03:54
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: ...03:54
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: you in?03:54
neetz_lotuspsychje:  command please , ubuntu newbie here03:54
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: how EXACTLY do i type it in after hitting e?03:54
DeusExitiumthanks ubottu03:54
ObrienDavePaulus68_1... if the encrypted drive gets corrupted, you're SOL03:54
Dr_Willisthis is why you make backups ;03:55
lotuspsychjeneetz_: maybe get the .deb from ObrienDave suggested you03:55
Paulus68_1ObrienDave: SOL?03:55
lotuspsychje!aptoncd | neetz_03:55
ubottuneetz_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline03:55
Dr_WillisSuper Out Of Luck03:55
ObrienDaveSOL Sorry, out of luck03:55
Paulus68_1Dr_Willis: ok03:56
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: what about if drive is only half broken03:56
ObrienDaveand that's being NICE about it03:56
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: errm, tis a long time since i've had 2 do it, give me a sec and ill have a look03:56
reisioIzzyD: should just have to go the line that starts with 'linux', hit END, add ' nomodeset'03:57
ObrienDavepeople, an ENCRYPTED drive is nothing more than ONE giant file. what do you suppose would happen if ANY part of that file was corrupted?03:58
reisioIzzyD: then do what it says at the bottom of the screen to boot03:58
Paulus68_1ObrienDave: hmm so if you don't encrypt your drive and you get a bad drive because of power failure you might be lucky in order to retrieve some data, but if you are paranoid and you enccrypted your harddrive you loose by definition all your data03:58
reisioObrienDave: that isn't necessarily true ;)03:58
Paulus68_1ObrienDave: I know it's a big file03:58
neetz_lotuspsychje:  ok03:58
IzzyDreisio: that's what i just tried and it still just brought me to a solid black screen.03:58
reisioIzzyD: horrors03:58
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: can you restore lost data with photorec on an encrypted drive?03:58
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  that would be a neat trick.03:59
ObrienDaveNOT if you lose the key03:59
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: so its impossible to retrieve data with data recovery software?04:00
ObrienDavesince every encrypted drive is mathematically different, if you lose the key, it's history04:00
reisiothat's the same with anything, though04:01
reisioif you lose it it's lost04:01
ObrienDavedata recovery cannot recover data from an encrypted drive without the key04:01
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: tnx04:01
Paulus68_1ObrienDave: fair enough04:02
* lotuspsychje can sleep in peace again while the fbi knocks on his door04:02
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: ok, when you hit e a text editor like thing comes one ... on the second last line )starting with "linux" go the the end of that and just after splash append nomodeset04:03
Paulus68_1lotuspsychje: didn't know you had connection with the fbi04:03
ObrienDaveonly in passing ;)04:03
Dr_WillisIzzyD:  i normally tell peopleto  put nomodeset   btween the 'quiet splash' so it becomes  'quiet nomodeset splash'  ;)04:04
lotuspsychjeany reccomended sound recorder package to record a decent audo interview?04:04
IzzyDreisio: hitsujiTMO: so then, at the end it should say splash append nomodeset?04:04
Guest9774How to set a firewall?04:04
IzzyDor just splash nomodeset?04:04
lotuspsychje!firewall | Guest977404:05
ubottuGuest9774: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo04:05
hitsujiTMOnot the word append    it should say quiet splash nomodeset04:05
Dr_WillisGuest9774:  you got one built in ;)04:05
ObrienDavelotuspsychje... I like audacity04:05
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: ok tnx for hint04:05
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: and also, the end of the line says quiet splash -- do i keep the --?04:06
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | IzzyD04:06
ubottuIzzyD: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:06
Dr_WillisIzzyD:  put nomodeset btween the quiet and splash.. makes it rather easy to understand...04:06
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: keep it if its there.04:06
Dr_Willis    <start of line> quiet nomodeset splash <rest of line>04:07
hitsujiTMOlotuspsychje: those instructions are actually really out of date04:07
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: ive tryed updating triggers in the past, never had any reaction on it04:07
IzzyDok, brb again. hopefully not on windows.04:07
IzzyDsecure boot on or off?04:08
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: there's a system to make a suggestion for outdated triggers, never had any luck...04:08
reisioIzzyD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#SecureBoot04:08
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: secure boot off, you wont be able to boot the usb with it on.... btw xchat is the default irc app in the live cd04:08
hitsujiTMOlotuspsychje: i'll have to have a look at that. is there a complete list of triggers somewhere? !help doesnt seem to help04:09
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: yes, holdon04:09
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi04:10
hitsujiTMOlotuspsychje: sweet04:10
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: not sure whats the command to suggest anymore...04:10
ObrienDavelotuspsychje... for simplicity try https://launchpad.net/audio-recorder04:10
Crazyzurferhey.. after upgrading to 13.10 I've been getting a php error that says that I need to enable mcrypt.. ran sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt and it says that is already installed but when I run php --ri mcrypt, I get "Extension 'mcrypt' not present.", soo ubuntu thinks that it's installed but php thinks it's not?04:11
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: i think you had to msg ubottu...foo something04:11
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: nice1 tnx04:12
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  /msg ubottu  Hello sweetheart.....04:12
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: no i mean to suggest a trigger to ubottu, so it come to ubuntu-ops chan04:12
ubottuThe Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.04:12
doomlord_what are the highlights in 13.104:12
doomlord_what are the highlights in 13.1004:12
hitsujiTMOCrazyzurfer: is that for phpmyadmin?04:12
Dr_Willisdoomlord_: the webupd8 and omgubuntu blog sites have summaries04:13
CrazyzurferhitsujiTMO: nope04:13
xangua!releasenotes | doomlord_04:13
ubottudoomlord_: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.1004:13
[Relic]wonder what type of sauce  :)04:13
hitsujiTMOCrazyzurfer: it may be installed but you may still have to add it into the php ini04:13
Guest9774If i encrypt my usb with trucrpt and i put  live image  in it ..so it will be possible to boot04:13
lotuspsychje[Relic]: Opensauce :p04:14
reisioGuest9774: it'd be involved04:14
Dr_WillisGuest9774:  i would  be impressed if it was doable04:14
ObrienDaveso would I04:14
reisiotruecrypt is almost a reasonable choice if you need to have an encrypted FS that you can use from random different OSes04:14
reisioand not really otherwise04:14
CrazyzurferhitsujiTMO: ok.. Do you know what should I add?04:14
hitsujiTMOCrazyzurfer: try adding "extension=mcrypt.so" to php.ini04:14
=== [1]chris111 is now known as chris111
ctcbQuestion: I now have Ubuntu installed on my laptop, but I have a few problems: Some of my programs need Right Alt but when pressing Alt it takes me to "Type Your Command"04:16
Paulus68_1Guest9774: if the iso could Read your password it might be able to do so otherwhise you are out of luck04:16
CrazyzurferThat exact line is but in /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.ini04:16
Paulus68_1since an iso is not able to think for itself the answer is NO04:17
hitsujiTMOctcb: as in "alt gr" brings up "type your command"?04:17
ObrienDavewhy would anyone need to encrypt a free and open source ISO file?04:18
IzzyDhitsujiTMO:  QnQ04:18
hitsujiTMOObrienDave: for secure boot?04:18
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: not working?04:18
ctcbhitsujiTMO, both Alt buttons on my keyboard are doing it. DOSBox tells me to press Alt-GR + Enter to go Fullscreen, but it can't because Type your Command appears when I do that.04:18
ObrienDaveLOL not quite the same thing ;)04:18
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: nuuu04:18
reisioObrienDave: same reason you'd encrypt anything04:19
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: still boots to a solid black screen and stops there. :L04:19
hitsujiTMOctcb: odd, alt gr should not    what version of ubuntu?04:19
apbubuntu 12.04... not getting sound with hulu or youtube, I I do get sound with amarok... earlier today the system insisted I had taken out internal hardware (which I have not) and asked  if I wanted to remove... not alsa, but the other one .... can't think of the name right now...  so I said yes.  How do I get it back?04:19
reisioapb: pulse04:19
ObrienDaveummm, there is nothing on the ISO that needs to be hidden. is there?04:19
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: you booting from dvd or usb?04:19
CrazyzurferhitsujiTMO: Now it works, copied the file I told you and pasted it in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/04:19
apbreiso: yeah, that's that's it04:19
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)04:19
reisioObrienDave: why would he ask otherwise04:19
Guest9774Paulus68_1 thanks  for  d info04:19
ctcbhitsujiTMO: Ubuntu 13.10  - AMD6404:19
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: usb04:19
apbreisio: Yeah, that's it04:20
hitsujiTMOCrazyzurfer: \o/04:20
Paulus68_1reisio: some people like to protect their data against god knows who04:20
garciancinstead of encrypt, why not read only?04:20
Dr_Willisrot13 the iso04:20
reisioPaulus68_1: think you meant ObrienDave04:20
hitsujiTMOctcb: may be your keyboard sending same signal for alt + alt gr :(04:20
ObrienDaveLMAO there is NOTHING on the live DVD that needs to be encrypted04:21
reisioyou are easily amused :p04:21
ObrienDaveyes, me too04:21
ObrienDaveoh, you meant me PFFFFFT04:22
Paulus68_1reisio: no I was refering to you :)04:22
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: how exactly did you make it?04:22
reisioPaulus68_1: I like to protect my data?04:22
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: i made the usb using universal usb installer04:22
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/04:23
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: a few peeps have had trouble with ones made with that ... try http://www.linuxliveusb.com/04:23
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: also, what graphics card do you have?04:23
ctcbhitsujiTMO, I also have a problem with my keyboard where it has switched the " and @ keys around, how do I fix this?04:23
apbso if I test my hardware sound device... it works... but I get no sound from hulu.com or youtube... hmmm... flash maybe?04:23
Dr_Willisapb:  sounds like a flash sound issue to me.04:24
apbDr_Willis: it was working just fine earlier...   reinstall??04:24
ObrienDaveOK, if you're using the ISO to install a system, exactly what data that is sensitive to you, is actually on the disk? let me guess, NONE04:24
CIDRWhen I install ubuntu I just select lbuntu minimal.  Now  I just get a blank desktop at longin...  Nothing at all on it.  Ideas?04:25
Dr_Willisapb:  reinstall = windows mindset.04:25
hitsujiTMOctcb: change the keyboard layout   your on us and want uk?    change it in System Settings -> Text Entry04:25
Paulus68_1reisio: I was refering to this remark same reason you'd encrypt anything04:25
Dr_Willisapb:  if you reinstall the exact same setup. id expect ehe exact same results.04:25
Dr_Willisapb:  tried google-chrome yet? it has its own flash built in04:25
reisioPaulus68_1: ah, it all makes sense now :)04:25
apbDr_Willis: can't install chrome... it just won't go.  went round and round on that04:25
hitsujiTMOcidr, what installation disk is that for(what version)04:26
CIDRDr_Willis: I had to use chrome to use quite a few streaming sites.  Including pac-12 network and esp3.  The version of flash for linux is too outdated to work with them, but chromes worked fine.  Just an FYI04:26
Paulus68_1reisio: it's still early on my side of the globe :p04:27
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: radeon hd 731004:27
ctcbhitsujiTMO, I see something about changing sources, but not the current keyboard layout.04:27
apbDr_Willis: So what does the non-windows mindset do in the case like this?04:28
ObrienDavedrop back 5 yards and punt ;)04:28
apbno doubt04:28
CIDRapb: What's your issue?04:28
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: graphics card should be ok, shoulbe be supported by default radeondriver at least   .... try create a new installer with that linuxliveusb tool anyhow ... you may still have to boot with nomodeset04:28
Dr_Willisapb:  blame adobe for lacking proper linux support.. personally i use google-chrome. no idea on your issues with it04:28
hitsujiTMOIzzyD: try without first tho04:28
apbCIDR:  no sound from hulu.com or youtube.com04:29
Dr_Willisapb:  i also use flash downloader extensions to download youtube videos04:29
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: ok, creating it now.04:29
hitsujiTMOapb: you on ubuntu 32bit?04:29
apbhitsujiTMO: Yes04:29
CIDRHave you tried html5 videos?04:29
Dr_Willisapb:  there may be some askubuntu.com hits on flash sound issues also.04:29
apbthis was working earlier today04:29
apbCIDR: I doubt it.  I simply tried hulu.com and youtube.com ... however amarok works.04:30
hitsujiTMOapb, there was a bug in the .deb file ... there was an update for 64 bit today but so might be an updated .deb for 32bit too. if not install chrome beta.deb that doesnt have the bug04:30
apbhitsujiTMO: I downloaded chrome stable... didn't work for me... where do I get the beta?04:30
hitsujiTMOapb when did you download stable tho? today?04:31
IzzyDhitsujiTMO: Persistance: Live mode?04:31
ctcbhitsujiTMO, Now I've changed the layout, Alt Gr no longer triggers it.04:31
apbhitsujiTMO: few days ago maybe?04:31
hitsujiTMOizzdy: just leave it at default04:31
hitsujiTMOapb: i think it was updated today so try again  ...04:32
hitsujiTMOapb: if not i'll get you the link for the beta04:32
hitsujiTMOctcb: sweet!04:32
CIDRhrmmm bit the bullet and did a apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  wonder how long that'll take04:33
thinknowhow can i make transmission the default torrent client again? after i have choosen qbittorrent?04:33
apbhitsujiTMO: installs!  thanks!  I'll go try the sound issue04:33
hitsujiTMOapb: np ... good luck with the sound issue04:35
ObrienDavethinknow... right click on a .torrent select 'open with' select Transmission with 'make default' checked04:35
thinknowi know about that ObrienDave04:36
thinknowbut it wont show04:36
thinknowit just show qbit04:36
thinknowi had that problem on more than one installation04:36
thinknowother programs dont use to be a problem04:37
ObrienDaveno clue on that one, sorry04:37
CIDRCouldn't find a good guide for xbmc+ubuntu+intel that wasn't over 1.5 years old and had broken paste bins04:37
CIDRjust going to install xbmc over ubuntu-desktop and see what happens04:37
Dr_Willis!info xbmc04:38
ubottuxbmc (source: xbmc): XBMC Media Center (arch-independent data package). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:12.0~git20130103.0959-rc3-0ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 20605 kB, installed size 38161 kB04:38
Dr_Willisi just install the xbmc package.. and away i go04:38
hitsujiTMOhmm   ...   time for sleep04:38
thinknowi mean, how can i make transmission the default application when i magnet a torrent?04:38
CIDRI always have to fight with DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD etc..04:38
lotuspsychjethinknow: you can open 'url' after you copy the magnet link04:40
apbthat fixed it.  Thanks folks!04:40
thinknowi know04:40
IzzyDtaking forever to create live usb... that's how you know it's working ^^04:40
thinknowbut automatically?04:40
thinknowso i dont have to do that everytime04:40
lotuspsychjethinknow: in firefox you can set filetypes to programs aswell04:40
thinknowbecause now every time i press the magnet button(that is the only one on piratebay) it opens qbittorrent. And if uninstall it, it cant find any application04:41
reisiothinknow: talking about a browser?04:42
Dr_Willisthinknow:  check askubuntu.com yet? i seem to recall seeing this asked there also.04:42
thinknowok know i found where i can do it in firefox setings04:42
lotuspsychjethinknow: browse to transmission-gtk04:42
thinknowwhere is it located?04:43
Dr_Willisthinknow:  use the 'locate' command to find out04:43
thinknowit isnt in the scrolldown menu04:43
CIDRshould ubuntu-desktop install the right intel drivers?04:43
reisiofind ~/.mozilla -iname 'mimetypes.rdf'04:43
reisiomv that elsewhere04:43
reisiorestart browser04:43
thinknowlocate and then..04:43
thinknowi cant locate transmission, dont know which folders to look04:43
Dr_Willis'locate transmission'04:44
Dr_Willisor 'which command-you-want-to-find'04:44
wyldeor which transmission-gtk04:44
CIDRif you don't have locate try whereis04:44
reisioor dpkg -L transmission-gtk | grep bin04:44
reisiobut /usr/bin/ is the usual place04:44
CIDRwtf I install ubuntu-desktop but still boots to lbuntu and nothign on the desktop04:45
Dr_WillisCIDR:  select the desktop to use a tthe login screenm04:45
CIDRDont' have an otpion.04:46
thinknowThanks folks04:46
Dr_WillisCIDR:  then you dident install it right.. or are not looking in the right place. or need to restart lightdm04:47
CIDRI restarted lightdm04:47
CIDRI just have an otpion of a user drop down and a password04:47
Dr_WillisCIDR:  look for the other menus that exist.. a gear icon perhaps04:47
IzzyDuggh... internet speed on military bases in okinawa... TERRIBLE!!!!!04:47
CIDRhmm found it on the top right04:48
CIDRSelect "Ubuntu"  seemed to do the trick04:48
ObrienDaveIzzyD... could be worse, you could be at my house. 2.5Mb04:48
CIDRNow how do I make sure I have the right intel drivers?04:48
IzzyDObrienDave: i'm at 512k right now >>04:48
ObrienDaveok, that's worse ;)04:48
Dr_WillisCIDR:  they are installed by default04:49
Dr_WillisCIDR:  thjees newer versions in ppa's  or at that intel 01.org site04:49
IzzyDObrienDave: i'm about to try and tether my phone. it averages at 8.5mb04:49
ObrienDavewhich phone?04:49
IzzyDObrienDave: sony xperia from AU04:50
ObrienDavedang, I could help you on a GS404:50
IzzyDObrienDave: i have one of those too >>04:51
IzzyDObrienDave: it's a us phone though, so i can't use it here in japan.04:51
IzzyDObrienDave: i'm a marine and i came to okinawa hoping to use the world connection, but it's like 2.50/min so i had to get a new phone here.04:52
=== jim is now known as Guest75643
ObrienDaveyou on sprint?04:53
IzzyDObrienDave: i am with my gs404:53
IzzyDObrienDave:  my xperia is on AU04:53
ObrienDavei heard they were insane on that connection. didn't realize it was that bad. geez louise04:54
IzzyDObrienDave: yea. it's pretty terrible.04:54
IzzyDObrienDave:  the internet in my barracks is 55Mb that's why i LOVE being in my room xD04:55
ObrienDavedon't blame you there LOL04:56
IzzyD<--- loves my tf2 ><04:56
reisioIzzyD: ikr05:00
Dr_Willisthe lili usb disk maker tool? why not ask why its so ugly also. ;)05:00
IzzyDreisio: everything else takes like 10 minutes tops.05:01
IzzyDDr_Willis: i think it's kinda pwetty x305:01
IzzyDWOOHOO!!!! KEY READY!!!05:02
IzzyDonly took 45 minutes >>05:02
CallingFlunky3Have a few questions if anyone would like to try to answer them?05:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:04
reisioCallingFlunky3: a few more, or including that one? :p05:04
Questhow to cat > file.txt  a file that is on a remove server and I can access it by ssh. I want to save that file on local dir05:05
reisioQuest: don't cross post05:05
Dr_WillisQuest:  easy way would be to scp the file back to the machine you are on05:05
CallingFlunky3Can a external HDD run ubuntu on a gateway netbook that has windows based guts?05:06
Dr_WillisCallingFlunky3:  if the pc can boot the hd. should be able to05:07
Dr_Williswindows based guts =  what do you mean. :) if its nomrmal pc parts.. its  not windows based05:07
Dr_Willisi boot my EEEpc from external usb/flash/usbhd/sdcard all the time and run ubuntu from them05:08
CallingFlunky3Well it was win 7, and I'm running on very little sleep lol05:08
nielguys is there any way I can dupe my partition because I would like to have a second one to mess around with and try out xfce05:08
CallingFlunky3The old drive crashed and I used ubuntu before05:09
nielbut also have all my stuff05:09
Dr_Willisniel:  you can install xubuntu desktop on top of your u untu install and just select xubuntu at the login screen05:09
nielI totally forgot about that05:09
wilee-nileethat would dupe ubuntu it will never know05:09
IzzyDreisio: i hate life >>05:10
CallingFlunky3Had a problem booting up on first try so I'm trying to figure out what if anything I missed05:10
nielI could just make another parition and copy the files onto it05:10
nielbut that might be sketchy05:10
reisioIzzyD: :)05:10
IzzyDreisio: it's still not working...05:10
wilee-nileeCallingFlunky3, You do a manual install and make sure grub is in the externals mbr?05:11
IzzyDreisio: and it's the same problem.05:11
nielalso is there a way to mess around with my grub and rename/move things05:11
nielmy OCD does not like 2 Ubuntus05:11
nielI also have xubuntu05:11
CallingFlunky3Not manual, windows exe based install.05:12
wilee-nileeCallingFlunky3, wubi?05:12
andryniel, have a look into /etc/default/grub .. after changes you need to run sudo update-grub205:12
CIDRAny idea why I can't select "automatic login" ?05:12
CallingFlunky3wubi??? meaning?05:12
wilee-nileeCallingFlunky3, what is a windows exe based install?05:13
reisioIzzyD: I'd try http://www.sysresccd.org/ with its no kms option, just to make sure it isn't another problem05:13
cfhowlettwilee-nilee, wubi05:13
wilee-nileeyes it is05:13
CallingFlunky3I used the windows installer... I couldn't remember how to do manual instal :/05:13
sasagahi good evening, someone could say that when compiling a kernel hello world for me will not let me compile error generates a number who could colaborarme05:13
IzzyDreisio: this is honestly upsetting me... i can't live without ubuntu...05:14
CallingFlunky3I've done it before but I lost all my notes05:14
wilee-nileeCallingFlunky3, its called wubi, and not a really to be used that way, I'm not surprised it wont boot.05:14
nielandry, sadly all my boot options are not there05:14
reisioIzzyD: I hear you05:14
CallingFlunky3:/ crap lol05:15
andrythen the names are in /etc/grub.d, but i cannot remember which file05:15
CallingFlunky3Alright I'll see if I can search around some more.05:15
CallingFlunky3Thanks guys05:15
nielnot that either05:15
wilee-nileeCallingFlunky3, wubi is a file in windows normally, putting it in the external at the least makes it read slower, and who knows what else.05:15
Dr_Willisid reccomend just running ubuntu in vbox.. instead of using wubi...05:15
CallingFlunky3Oh goody05:15
andry/boot/grub/grub.cfg then05:16
niellol I found the grub code05:16
Dr_Williswubi is best avoided like a err... case of ... err.. some icky disease.05:16
CallingFlunky3How about just making the drive use ubuntu?05:16
andryyou will not have to run update-grub after you edit the grub.cfg05:16
andryelse it overrides it05:16
CallingFlunky3It doesn't have a OS anymore05:16
Dr_WillisCallingFlunky3:  then no Wubi for you it seems05:16
nielandry, # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE05:16
nielI dont think I should05:17
andryyou "can" if you know what you do :D05:17
nielI will break shit05:17
IzzyDreisio: oh yay... 2 hours...05:17
nielits my middle name05:17
* niel backs up silently05:17
reisioIzzyD: ?05:18
CallingFlunky3Alright, so what OS or .iso? and should I put the hdd on the pc I'm going to use it with to do the install?05:18
IzzyDreisio: the download time for the iso05:18
reisioIzzyD: 2 hours... :/05:18
reisiooh right you're in a terrible bandwidth land05:18
IzzyDreisio: nvm... 4 >>05:18
Dr_Willisif you edit the grub.cfg - it will get overwritten next time you run update-grub05:18
reisiothat's insane05:18
wilee-nileeCallingFlunky3, To install to the external you would boot a live dvd/usb and do a manual install to it, a flash drive if large enough would be better.05:18
joelteonisn't there a web interface for searching apt packages05:19
IzzyDreisio: yea, military internet :P05:19
andryyes, i told him, but i guess you can add some 40-custom stuff and modify the names too05:19
joelteonthere should be a package called llvm3.3 somewhere.05:19
andryi never did this with grub205:19
joelteonhow do I locate packages that aren't in apt?05:19
reisioIzzyD: maybe you should try, um05:19
nielandry, I would so break shit lol05:19
CallingFlunky3Okay I'm working on that usb drive now as wee "speak"05:19
IdleOneniel: Please keep the language clean05:20
reisioIzzyD: there are installers you can run directly from Windows05:20
andryor, niel, https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer05:20
nielIdleOne, sorry :P05:20
IzzyDreisio: it's a windows 8 pre install system.05:20
moppyhi - does empathy have any messenger service plugins? i can't seem to find any05:22
andrymoppy,  "apt-cache search empathy account plugin"05:23
IzzyDreisio: 1day left >> -dies-05:24
reisiomoppy: it can support them05:24
reisioIzzyD: which server are you downloading from?05:24
IzzyDreisio: oh and wubi doesn't work05:25
IzzyDreisio: sourceforge05:25
moppyempathy uses libpurple? i can use pidgin plugins for it?05:25
reisioIzzyD: try this one instead http://is.gd/lefaqu05:25
andryi dont think you can moppy  :/05:26
reisiomoppy: you can use libpurple05:26
andryit will just use the lib for some protocols05:26
socialcoderhello all05:27
socialcoderI am just off windows 7 and new to ubuntu05:28
socialcoderinstalled xchat-gnome05:28
nielandry, Changed the order of things around rebooted and well no change05:28
socialcoderhow do I move to another server05:28
reisiosocialcoder: /help server05:28
moppyi need steam over empathy; will try the pidgin plugin05:28
socialcoderI want to move to irc.codetalk.io05:28
reisiosocialcoder: or you can do it from the menu / CTRL+s05:28
andrydid you run it as root or did it ask for root pw niel?05:28
IzzyDreisio: back to just 2 hours ^^05:28
socialcoderI installed from terminal05:28
socialcoderusing sudo05:28
socialcoderit asked for password05:28
reisiosocialcoder: actually it might be newserver, not server05:28
moppysocialcoder, xchat->server menu05:29
reisioIzzyD: see if that one does better05:29
nielandry, it asked for my pass and I just opened it everything is the same as when I changed it05:29
moppysocialcoder, sorry, xchat->network list05:29
socialcoderhonestly, I am not seeing it05:29
socialcoderthere is no menu on top at all05:29
reisio/newserver irc.codetalk.io05:30
IdleOnesocialcoder: type /server irc.codetalk.io in this window05:30
moppygrr synaptic does not set itself up in the dash :-(05:31
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babinlonstonusing ubuntu 12.04 settingup a apache with ssl and facing error  , error.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6298975/05:31
nielandry, does not seem to work sadly05:31
IzzyDreisio: that is with the new one >>05:32
andryniel maybe have a look here u05:32
reisioIzzyD: hrmm?05:32
moppyah spoo, i just reinstalled and remembered the chrubuntu kernel doesn't have cifs support . will have to rebuild it . :-(05:32
CallingFlunky3Alright download about done. So, from the usb drive install ubuntu to the hdd and boot... should work yes?05:32
andrymoppy, doesnt it come as module?05:32
IzzyDreisio:  the 2 hours is with the server you sent me.05:33
moppyandry, signed05:33
reisioIzzyD: k05:33
moppyas all kernels should be!05:33
reisioyes, all kernels should have modules available to utilize proprietary protocols most people don't need05:34
andryhehe well .. it is a nice-to-have running uefi boards05:34
moppyoh hang on, they seem to have added signed module support in 3.705:35
reisioandry: what, cifs?05:35
andryno, signed kernels for secure boot05:36
moppynot really proprietary protocol05:36
moppyyou can sign with your own key05:36
reisio...was talking about cifs05:37
andryhm okay, never read THAT much about it05:37
moppyi dont have uefi05:37
moppyon this laptop05:37
reisiolucky you05:37
moppyooh yea, libpurple (pidgin) plugins appear to work in empathy05:39
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andrycool :)05:40
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digitalw00tHi everyone.05:41
moppylol, i cant quit empathy from the gui05:42
moppythis thing is worse than pidgin. why the change?05:42
kepkafucking people05:43
lotuspsychje!language | kepka05:43
ubottukepka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:43
kepkawhat's happened?05:44
nielanyone good with xfce know what these black panels are?05:45
zexcrizwhat is juju ?05:45
nieland how I get the open things on the top like xubuntu05:46
nieland the bottom bar05:46
moppyniel, right mouse over them, configure what they show05:46
moppyzexcriz, it's for servers, ignore05:46
zexcrizmoppy, i want to know05:46
moppyzexcriz, it's some kind of tool for quickly installing and configuring lots of them05:47
moppyzexcriz, i don't know any more on that05:47
zexcrizmoppy, installing and configuring multiple instances of ubuntu ?05:47
moppyzexcriz, https://juju.ubuntu.com/05:48
nielmoppy, I actually think i have broken stuff is this caused by me not uninstallign unity and that stuff?05:48
zexcrizmoppy, :)05:55
digitalw00tSo I've got one of the edimax wifi usb adapater, I get an ip address from my dhcp server, default route is there, wiconfig is saying everything is running, but I can't get to anything.  Not my default gw, or any other machines on my network.06:10
`Fibz`how can i set it up so that i always hear audio from my mic through my speakers without having to pach the capture device to playback through qjackctl manually every time i log in?06:15
yeehirazer mamba mouse does not appear when i try to pair with bluetooth. Why is this? Bluetooth can pair other devices, which appear...  http://drivers.razersupport.com//index.php?_m=downloads&_a=view&parentcategoryid=76&pcid=0&nav=006:18
sgo11hi, for ubuntu gnome 13.10, how to setup the lock screen background by gsettings? or by editing some config files. thanks.06:18
andrew_76join /#twitlive06:24
hillaryam unable to use libreoffice base to create database ubuntu 12.0406:34
hillaryit displays error06:35
hillary"the connection to the data source could not be established'06:36
Archymeif the data source local?06:36
nnyk_Hi, please where does apt keep .deb files that for packages ive installed?06:37
hillarythe diver class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver could not be loaded06:38
Archymennyk_, it should be /var/cache/apt/archives/06:39
nnyk_Archyme: yes it is, thanks!06:39
hillaryanybody with an idea?06:41
Archymehillary, from what i can google, it looks like you need to install hsqldb. take my advice at your own risk :D06:42
PillowTalki am getting ready to install ubuntu x64 and just wanted to ask a quick question please, what speed does your hdd have to be please06:43
ArchymePillowTalk, im sure that as long as you meet all other system requirements, you will be fine!06:44
PillowTalkarchyme than you i was just checking :-)06:44
CestusMy HDD is a Western Digital "green", not fast by any stretch.  Ubuntu x64 runs great06:45
muhammadhow r u06:45
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
PillowTalkout of those two drives what one would be better please.   http://imageshack.us/f/36/ehls.png/         http://imageshack.us/a/img36/6925/sewx.png06:46
PillowTalkone has 8mb cache other has 16mbcache06:47
CestusThe AAJS seems better in every way...  :)06:47
PillowTalkcestus aajs has 8mb cache and that will be enough ? i really do appreciate help06:49
babinlonstoni want to add this to my repository in ubuntu 12.04 is it possible ?  http://artica.es/debian/squeeze/06:50
sgo11gdm is crazy. where can I find out gdm config files? just want to replace its background. thanks.06:50
k1l_babinlonston: you want a debian source into your ubuntu?06:51
CestusPillowTalk:  I think so.  Honestly, the difference in cache size between the two drives is small06:51
k1l_sgo11: sure it gdm? ubuntu uses lightdm as default06:51
CestusPillowTalk:  Besides, the filesystem has its own cache and flushes stuff out to disk in bulk afaik06:51
sgo11k1l_, it's gdm. I installed ubuntu-gnome 13.10.06:52
`Fibz`babinlonston, try running that generate_repo.sh command06:52
PillowTalkThank you very much cestus i will use taht drive to install ubuntu06:52
Cestusnp - have fun!06:52
robertzaccourI found out I have inferior graphics for Linux. My graphics card is an AMD Radeon 7640G. Is there a way to install the Windows driver for it?06:52
hillaryThanks so much. I have install it and it has worked well06:53
Archymehillary, your welcome!06:54
babinlonstonk1l_: yes06:55
Ben64robertzaccour: no...06:56
robertzaccourBen64: How are you sure? I thought Windows drivers could be installed.06:57
XATRIXHi guys, can you advice me a MySQL GUI client ? Like Navicat MySQL, but maybe there's free one ?06:57
Cestusrobertzaccour:  Can't use Windows drivers directly, but AMD does have the Catalyst drivers for Linux.  Latest is 13.9 I think06:58
brontosaurusrexXATRIX, phpmyadmin ?06:58
XATRIXNo no no.. It's a server-side06:58
XATRIXI need some GUI to connect to my server from my laptop06:58
robertzaccourCestus: Would it work with my gpu?06:58
k1l_robertzaccour: Cestus no, dont download it from the amd site. use the driver that ubuntu ships for you first06:58
k1l_!fglrx | robertzaccour06:59
ubotturobertzaccour: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:59
Cestusrobertzaccour:  Ah, I see, it's an APU.  A8 I'm guessing...06:59
robertzaccourk1l_: I booted Kubuntu live session earlier and some of the effects didn't work, which tells me it has inferior default drivers.06:59
robertzaccourCestus: So I should be able to install it just fine?07:01
chris111how do I find out what my access level is in ubuntu?07:01
Cestusrobertzaccour:  This page has some more info:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/207733/why-does-my-laptop-with-amd-radeon-hd-76xx-graphics-get-overheated-when-using-ub07:02
Cestusrobertzaccour:  Here is the driver straight from AMD:  http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux%20x86_6407:03
CestusI have an A10 in my desktop, and I used the driver from AMD without issue.  I couldn't get the version from ubuntu (the "use proprietary drivers" thing) to work right07:03
robertzaccourCestus: thanks. Is this the one here? http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/737-28041SupportforATIMobility.aspx07:07
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robertzaccourCestus: I didn't see mine in the search list, so I selected other then Linux 64 bit07:08
Cestusrobertzaccour:  Weird, that's the links for Windows drivers.  stupid AMD web site, lol07:09
robertzaccourCestus: Yeah, the search criteria had 7xxxm but not 7xxxg07:09
Cestusrobertzaccour:  I'm pretty sure the 7640G is a built-in chip that's part of the AMD A8 processor.  They call it an "APU"07:10
XATRIXbrontosaurusrex: http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=427960407:10
brontosaurusrexXATRIX, my cirilica is pretty crappy and my rusian non-existant, whats the point?07:11
Cestusrobertzaccour:  From here you can pick the "APU" category, then desktop (or mobile), then A-series, then Linux_x86_6407:11
Cestusrobertzaccour:  http://support.amd.com/en-us/download07:12
XATRIXbrontosaurusrex: You don't have to :) I found a good GUI for MySQL, and it's free07:12
brontosaurusrexXATRIX, cool07:13
XATRIXsure ;)07:13
digitalw00tIs it just me.. or is networkmanager the most fragile service in linux?07:13
digitalw00tYou so much as touch anything.. and it stops working07:14
brontosaurusrexbtw, it is possible to use phpmyadmin to connect to remote databases as well apparently, never tested that thought07:14
Cestusdigitalw00t:  Workaround is to just not touch anything.  :P07:14
robertzaccourCestus: Got it thanks. Only issue now is I click the link and it just reloads the page.07:14
robertzaccourCestus: I'll try when I boot into Kubuntu live session after work.07:14
digitalw00tCestus:  hehe.. yeah.  Not really an option.07:14
Cestusrobertzaccour:  Cool, good luck!07:15
digitalw00tCestus: Trying to update my linux skills.  Never used it as a desktop before, always a server.07:15
robertzaccourthanks Cestus07:15
digitalw00tCestus:  And as such, I normally turn off the networkmanager and configure everything myself.07:15
Cestusdigitalw00t:  I'm by no means an expert.  Especially networking.  DHCP runs, I get my IP from my router, and I'm happy.  lol07:16
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Cestusdigitalw00t:  I've done network configuration on Arch, but so far I've been lucky on Ubuntu.  Most everything just works (TM)07:17
digitalw00tCestus:  Yeah.. I'm an rpm based guy myself most of the time, but mint/ubuntu/angstrom are forcing me out of my "comfort zone"07:18
Cestusdigitalw00t:  The world's move to mobile consumption-only devices is getting me out of my comfort zone.  I'm clinging to my desktop forever.  :)07:20
k1l_digitalw00t: if you configure the network in the interfaces the networkmanager stops managing that device07:20
chris111another quick question, is there any easy way to compile a MSVS c++ project for linux?07:22
wilee-nileeCestus, As the spiritual sages say "you can't take it with you".07:22
Cestuswilee-nilee:  hehe yeah.  Gonna have to switch to wireless in the underworld.  :P07:23
Cestuschris111:  Depends - does the project use Windows-specific libraries?  Win32 / MFC / WinRT / etc.07:24
Cestuschris111:  Oh - unless you mean writing a Linux app using MSVS on Windows...07:26
Cestusomg - hahah been so bosy coding tonight, I totally missed that it's 12:30AM.  wow, need some sleep07:28
Cestusbusy*  gn guys07:29
MrQuistHey Guys,07:31
MrQuisti just ran Gource07:31
MrQuistand i think it messed something up07:31
MrQuistMy displays are mirrored07:31
MrQuistWhen i go into display settings, the "mirror" isn't checked07:31
MrQuistwhen i press "apply", i get this error message: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface `org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR_2' on object at path /org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/XRANDR07:32
MrQuistThe title is "Failed to apply configuration: %s"07:32
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MrQuisti ave already reset my pc07:32
`Fibz`install AR&R (if its not) and use that?07:33
MrQuistAustralian Rainfall and Runoff?07:34
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`Fibz`its ubuntu's Advanced Resize and Rotate app (its for messing with screen settings)07:35
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:35
MrQuistcool thanks, will try07:35
`Fibz`did not know that07:35
Dr_Willishmm. old factoid07:35
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MrQuistoh my god this is weird07:37
MrQuistbut so cool at the same time07:37
MrQuisti have 40% of my IRC window on my external monitor07:38
MrQuistand 100% on my laptop07:38
MrQuistholy cow07:39
MrQuistits fixed07:39
MrQuistWhy does ubuntu work so good but does the gui make it look like crap?07:39
MrQuistthanks `Fibz` & Dr_Willis07:39
Dr_Willisi rarely have dual monitor issues with my nvidia based desktop07:40
k1l_no issues for me on nvidia or intel, too07:41
`Fibz`im just one of the lucky ones i guess07:41
MrQuistintel i7, on a lenovo thinkpad (T530)07:41
MrQuisti had issues with my sound card07:41
MrQuistno 3D / texture support (or something like that)07:42
MrQuistexternal mini-displayport not working07:42
Dr_Willisno 3d on the soune card? ;)07:42
MrQuistno i mean with the GPU07:42
MrQuistthe sound card was a problem apart from that07:42
Dr_Willistheres a thinkpad forum i belive on the ubuntu forums. Ive never owned a thinkpad.07:43
MrQuist(no sound, unless i plug in headphones, then there's sound.. from the laptop....07:43
Dr_WillisI tend to stick to cheap netbooks07:43
MrQuistthey are great machines, really07:43
MrQuistthey even bring m pre-installed with ubuntu :)07:43
Dr_Willishard for me to justify more then $300 for a new laptop these days - all i do is IRC and watch videos on them07:43
MrQuist8GB Ram, i run ~7 virtual machines with ease07:43
Dr_Willisand even that  - i do on my tablet more and more.07:43
MrQuistyeah then you wont need a beast of a machine07:44
MrQuisti'm a developer of highend webapplications07:44
MrQuisti need a beast07:44
Dr_Willisi would like a netbook with a higher res screen. some apps just dont like the  low res display07:44
MindSparkMrQuist: get yourself the biggest instance on AWS07:44
Dr_WillisI had a beast of a Laptop weighed like 18 lbs with the charger.. ;) 19 in dispplay. 2 hd's .. sold it to my brother. I couldent stand to carry it back an dforth07:45
AtuMDr_Willis, same here.. sold it and got a lightweight alternative with a 15" screen.. I just couldn't stand the weight and comments like "oh, here comes the mobile cinema"07:48
MrQuistwe host ourselves MindSpark07:49
bittyx-workHiya. When editing my ~/.bashrc, what's the difference between doing "PS1='foo'" and "export PS1='foo'"?07:49
MrQuistbut i mean to develop you need quite some development VM's to be running07:49
MrQuistI believe "export" doesn't get saves, bittyx-work07:49
MindSparkMrQuist: to develop? or to deploy?07:49
MrQuistdevelop ofcourse07:49
MindSparkyou don't develop in modules?07:49
MrQuistwe have dedicated machines to deploy07:49
MindSparkI mean how big can a module be?07:50
MindSparkunless you're doing lots of compilation work of course07:50
MrQuistwhat do you mean with "module" ?07:50
MindSparkWell, if you're basically working on a module by module basis. You would only need to do unit testing in a way07:50
MindSparkor unit development per se07:50
MindSparkyou wouldn't need a system that would run the entire platform07:51
CIDRCan I remove pulseaudio and just use alsa?07:51
MrQuistno not everything07:51
bittyx-workMrQuist: Not sure I understand what you mean? If I do "export", it gets saved automatically? Ie. I don't really need to put it in .bashrc then?07:51
MindSparkbut then again, are you developing using huge db's for example? Because this is not the approach I take07:51
MrQuistMindSpark, we have an API, a frontend, a small developement DB, a dedicated machine with a development database, 4 dedicated machines for testing, QA,07:52
Dr_WillisCIDR:  anytime ive seen someone try to remove pulse audio to 'fix' things they seem to come back a day later after doing a clean  install. ;) so i dont advise it07:53
MindSparkyou see, for the frontend you just need bandwidth. Now for the API, depending on how complex it is and what algorithms and mechanisms it implements, you may need a bigger machine. But still, for development, you're never really utitlising the entire system at once like in a live one, are you?07:54
CIDRDr_Willis: heh07:54
CIDRI can't bitstream with it...07:54
CIDRonly allows 2 channel audio voer hdmi07:54
Dr_Willisnot even sure what bitstream means. :) but my tv is stero only.  So cant really advise.07:55
Dr_Willisyou can set specific video players to use alsa and not pulse.07:55
Dr_Willisvlc audio settings -> output module -> select alsa07:56
Dr_Willisthen close/restart vlc07:56
MrQuistDr_Willis, yes, we do07:56
MrQuistbut indeed, when you boot up the development environment, the first few calls to frontend still take about 5 seconds07:57
CIDRDoesn't work for xbmc07:58
CalinouI'm updating to xubuntu 13.10, but ppa-purge didn't remove my ppa-provided nvidia driver07:58
Calinouwill I have problems?07:58
MrQuistbittyx-work, what i mean is that i _believe_ "export" temporarily writes to the memory - the setting is gone once you reboot / log in again07:58
MrQuistwhen editing the file its saved on disk, so remembered07:58
Calinouif I do what can I do to prevent them?07:58
MindSparkas far as I know Pulseaudio runs over alsa08:01
Calinouit does08:01
MindSparkso it should be possible to skip PA and just use Alsa, but you'd probably miss out on some features08:01
MindSparkis OSS still used in anyway?08:02
MindSparkit's been some time since I used Linux as a PC08:02
CIDRI have no way to force xbmc to use alsa08:02
MindSparkCIDR: check out jackaudio08:02
MindSparkCIDR: you shouldn't need to "force" it anyway, should run by default IMO08:03
CalinouOSS isn't really used these days08:03
Calinoudebian uses alsa, fedora/ubuntu/mint use pulseaudio08:03
CIDRIssues is if I uninstall pulse audio works great in xbmc08:05
CIDRpassthrough works, bitstreaming works etc...08:06
CIDRbut then I have no audio at all in ubuntu like flash videos etc...  Is there a way to get ubuntu to work with only alsa?08:06
MindSparkCIDR: did you run alsamixer?08:10
MindSparkyou might need to configure xorg or X11 or whatever it is called these days08:10
CIDRMindSpark: alsamixer doesn't have anything muted08:11
CIDRNot sure how I tell X to use alsa?08:11
MindSparkCIDR: which version are you on?08:11
MindSparkCIDR: did you read the last paragraph on here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio08:12
CIDRMindSpark: problem is it needs diredct hardware access so that doesn't work08:13
MindSparkwhat needs direct hardware access?08:13
andriijaswhen i do do-release-upgrade it crashes after a while:  https://gist.github.com/andriijas/7143853    any ideas?08:15
CIDRIf I remove pulse I have no audio devices in ubuntu08:18
CIDRThis is so obnoxious08:18
ronindoes anyone know what I need to play .mp4 in VLC. it says i'm missing a plugin.08:18
roninin clementine I mean08:18
roninvlc works08:18
roningstreamer is missing a plugin i get08:19
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bazhangronin, did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:30
CIDRWell wtf.  Can't figure out how to get normal stuff in ubuntu to work with alsa now08:31
ezra-sCIDR, you have to specify default output device in audio settings08:32
CIDRI can't, when I remove pulse there are 0 audio devices in audio settings...  they're in xbmc, and work fine, but not in options08:32
CIDROnly way this worked before was using lubuntu because it doesn't use pulse...08:32
roninno, argh I misclicked and refused to eula08:33
roninnot even --purge remove + install asks it again08:33
Ben64CIDR: how did you uninstall pulseaudio08:35
CIDRI attempted to just disable it from loading08:35
CIDRI also did an apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio08:35
Ben64yep, that breaks audio08:36
AdityaRajhey guys, i have dell vostro laptop and it has inbuilt finger print scanner. i am trying to set it up for login etc. can anyone help me with this please?08:36
CIDRHang on08:36
CIDRI also installed alsamixer, etc...08:36
Ben64doesn't matter, you broke it08:36
CIDRI've also tried disabling pulseaudio but the results were the same08:36
ezra-sCIDR, silly question but, have you rebooted after all the remove/install mess?08:37
CIDRover and over08:37
Ben64i don't know where everybody sees something to purge pulseaudio, but that breaks audio about 100% of the time08:37
CIDRI'm over it now.  Gave up, install lubuntu which doesn't use pulse08:38
ezra-sCIDR, if it is a default package you removed chances are you can get it all again by apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or some general task package like that one08:38
CIDRI have no desire to get it again.08:38
CIDRIt jacks up my audio passthrough08:38
Ben64ezra-s: from what i remember, that doesn't fix the purging08:38
ezra-sbest thing is to try to understand what happened08:38
Ben64its much easier to remove pulseaudio by doing "sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio"08:39
CIDRWhat happens is pulse doesn't work with hd passthrough08:39
Ben64its what i did, everything works fine for me with alsa08:39
ezra-sBen64, packages should bring their own configuration files, that's like saying installing anew would not fix it08:39
CIDRThat was what I did first...08:39
CIDRI've done about 30 things.08:39
CIDRapt-get remove pulseaudio, then reboot08:39
CIDRnothing in ubuntu worked, but xbmc worked fine with the proper audio device selected08:39
ezra-sCIDR, you don't use pulse for passthrough and use alsa directly from xbmc08:39
CIDRI'd love to, but I can't...08:40
ezra-sCIDR it is apt-get purge pulseaudio to remove cfg files08:40
CIDRif pulse is installed XBMC no longer has the proper passthrough device.08:40
ezra-sCIDR, xbmc sometimes require you to specify the device in a very manual way for passthrough, I suffered through it too08:40
CIDRI can find no manual way...08:41
CIDROther than in settings,system,audio, audio output asks for an passthrough device.08:41
CIDRThe selections go away when pulse is installed08:41
ezra-sfor instance08:41
ezra-sI had to manually set it like "iec958:CARD=SB,DEV=0"08:41
ezra-sotherwise it would not work08:41
CIDRback in the day they allowed you to do that08:41
CIDRin 11.x08:42
CIDRin 12.x that option no longer even exsists08:42
ezra-sCIDR, ohh08:42
ezra-sCIDR, and by hand in the config file? http://apaste.info/hgdi08:42
CIDRIt's no longer the same...08:43
CIDRI wish it was.08:43
ezra-sCIDR there must be a way to tell xbmc to use ALSA08:43
ezra-sI don't have my xbmc here08:43
ezra-sso I can't check08:43
no_gravityHello! It seems Ubuntu on one of my servers updated itself last night. I didnt know it has some automatic updates. How do I find out if and why it updated?08:44
CIDRThere is, remove pulse audio...08:44
ezra-sCIDR, no, I mean manually08:44
CIDRI know what you mean, but I can't find the settings anywhere08:44
ezra-sit makes not much sense that you can't choose what you use for sound output08:44
CIDRjust countless threads of people having the same issues as me08:44
CIDRagreed, but it seems to be an issue with the new audio engine that's in 12.x08:45
ezra-sCIDR, do you use that box mainly as xbmc player?08:45
CIDR60-70% of the timem.08:45
CIDRBut I also stream pac-12 games etc... via chrome.08:45
ezra-sCIDR, you could use xbmcbuntu :P08:45
ezra-sit is based in 12.04 If I recall correctly08:45
ezra-sideal for steam, and all works out of the box08:46
ezra-seven in hybrid mobo pcs like zotac (my case) I didn't even have to worry about overscan and things like that08:46
bovibacan i update wubi installed 12.04 to 13.10?08:50
ZorkyThe gzip command  run like this gzip -r <foldername> only zips the files inside the folder. but i want the folder zipped with everything in it.08:51
Dr_Willisboviba:  wubi is basically a dead project. I would get away from it as soon as possible08:53
ActionParsnipZorky: tar -cvf filename.tar.gz directory_to_compress08:54
zexcrizwhat is JabberServer used for ?08:55
ActionParsnipzexcriz: chatting08:55
ZorkyActionParsnip:  Thanks :)08:56
Dr_Willisi just use my raspberry pi for a xmbc box CIDR  ;) but im cheap.09:04
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CIDRI have a decent box for it.09:05
jackDr_Willis, good choice09:05
CIDRSince I like the high quality audio/video.09:05
* Dr_Willis has high quality gilligans island videos..09:06
jackwas it hard to assemble/solder the raspberry pi?09:07
CIDRI like my DTS-HD/1080p etc...09:07
zexcrizActionParsnip, ok09:07
Dr_Willisjack:  no soldering needed.09:07
Dr_Willisjack:  theres addon board kits you can buy you assemble. but  dont use those09:07
CIDRAlthough the raspi stuff has came a long way.  you can do 1080p h.26409:08
CIDRand it's like 35 bucks, so it's really hard to beat09:08
Dr_WillisPlex server on your ubuntu box. and plex-pi on the pi = Instant streaming client on your tv. ;)09:08
Dr_Willisbut i got the plex channel on my smart-tv's ;) so i use the pi to run xbmc to stream to them09:09
Dr_WillisI can get 'I Dream of Jeannie' on every tv in the house.09:09
l01How do I launch abiword on the gfahpical shell (Ctrl+Alt+F7) while I'm being on a virtual console? I get error message "Could not open X display"09:09
Dr_Willisl01:  export your DISPLAY variable first09:10
Dr_Willisexport DISPLAY=
Dr_Williswould be a common value09:10
ActionParsnipCIDR: android usb stciks, does a bit more for not much more green :)09:11
l01Dr_Willis: Tried it, doesn't open abiword, I get the same message09:12
Dr_WillisI got an android desktop thing that does android or its own xbmc disrto.  but the thing runs a lot hott-er  then my pie09:12
ActionParsnipCIDR: plus Netflix ability :)09:12
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Dr_Willisl01:  on the X display see what the  echo $DISPLAY says09:12
juan__Hello. Somebody can read me, please?09:12
ActionParsnipjuan__: wassup?09:13
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  Ive had some that dont want to run netflix android app sadly. :0 but they did do Crunchyroll.com fine. ;)09:13
juan__Thanks ActionParsnip09:13
Dr_Willisxbmc and plex client for android also make them flexiable devices.09:13
sujxHow to manually switch the  ubuntu theme?09:13
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: exactly :)09:13
l01It says ":1.0" (without quotes) so I did on virtual console: export DISPLAY= and started abiword, still does not work, get the same message09:14
ActionParsnipsujx: of the whole desktop you mean?09:14
sujx or how to manually run ubuntu theme09:14
sujxen whole desktop09:14
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  ive also seen a lot of weirdness with those android-box's ;)  some apps really get confused by them.09:14
Ben64l01: why
juan__I have a problem with update sistem in Ubuntu 12.04 and ASUS Eee X101CH. I can't update because the system don't find the medibuntu package09:14
ActionParsnipsujx: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue   and which desktop are you using?09:14
jackl01, try :1.009:14
ActionParsnipjuan__: medibuntu is gone09:15
l01yeah without it worked09:15
juan__And the solution?09:15
Dr_Willisjuan__:  disable medibuntu. its dead jim09:15
Dr_Willisive not seen a need for medibuntu in ages09:15
l01thanks very much Dr_Willis and Ben64 and jack =D09:15
Dr_Willisl01:  thats odd.. since is your local ip.09:15
ActionParsnipjuan__: remove the repo, you can use software centre, or delete the medibuntu file/s in /etc/apt/sources.list.d09:15
jacknp,you're welcome09:15
juan__One moment. I am looking for software centre09:16
sujxubuntu 12.0409:16
ActionParsnipsujx: no...gnome? XFCE? KDE? LXDE?09:17
jacksounds very light09:18
juan__I cant to delete medibuntu.list09:19
diverdudeHello, if i create a user called asdf, how can i autogenerate a password and send it by mail? Or what is the normal procedure to create users?09:19
jackwhy lightdm sujx ?09:19
jacktry metacity09:19
juan__I am not very expert in delete files from some places in Ubuntu. I wish to delete medibuntu.list in etc/apt/sources.list.d Can you help me, please?09:21
sujxMy software, started before the login screen in ubuntu, if I do not manually open the Themes service, software interface will become very ugly09:21
Ben64juan__: don't just delete it manually, purge the ppa09:21
Ben64!ppa-purge | juan__09:22
ubottujuan__: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:22
juan__I dont know how to purge09:22
Zorkyhow do i tar a folder without retaining the dir setup. i want to tar a folder in /users/username/desktop but when i do tar -zcvf folder.tar.gz /user/username/desktop/foldername  i get this in the tar.gz file. /user/username/desktop/foldername. how do i ONLY tar the folder foldername09:22
Ben64read that09:22
Dr_Willisjack:  lightdm is a login manager.. metacity is a window manager.09:23
Dr_Willissujx:  you need to start up the gnome services for the apps to get the right theme settings09:23
juan__I was reading http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html, but I dont know the complete name of medibuntu09:24
Dr_Willislook in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ files09:25
Dr_Willisit shoul dhave a file in there for it09:25
jackDr_Willis, oops? i could have sworn lightdm is a wm too09:25
Dr_Willisjack:   *dm = display managers.. your Login Managers.  xdm, kdm, gdm, lightdm,  and others.09:26
juan__Thanks guys. I dont solve my problem. See you.09:26
wormlightdm is the default login manager in Ubuntu, and I thought you confused lightdm with unity, the default DE of ubuntu09:26
Dr_Willisflvwm, jwm, olvwm = window managers. ;) then the new ones dont use the wm in the names.09:26
sujxi want start up my apps before gnome services.so i need to manually open the themes service09:27
leonidZorky: tar -C /user/username/desktop  -zcvf folder.tar.gz foldername09:27
Dr_Willissujx:  why do you want to start them up befor that?09:27
Boddhiiexcuse me09:28
junirhello everyone, is there a free alternative to non-ö IM clients?09:28
junirsorry :) non-free IM clients*09:28
junirI mean one which connects to webcam09:29
ikoniajunir: such as ?09:29
k1l_junir: what about empathy and pidgin?09:29
ikoniajunir: which non-free clients do you wish to replace with web-cam enabled open-source versions09:29
andybrineHey everyone09:29
junirk1l_ can I connect to webcam with empathy?09:30
k1l_junir: and are you talking about clients or protocols?09:30
junirikonia, skype, for example09:30
ikoniajunir: "no" is the answer to that specific client09:30
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Boddhiii have ubuntu 12.04 on and I stupidly installed false graphic driver on my os, and it nuked the unity desktop.how to revert it?09:30
Boddhiimy desktop always blink and the panel goes to bottom09:30
andybrineI have just updated to 13.10 and have a black background that im unable to change. Does anyone know how to fix this?09:30
k1l_junir: the question is if the non-free protocol allowes other clients. which is "no" for skype09:30
junirk1l_ I mean a free one which I can chat and see the person at the same time09:30
junirikonia, k1l_  I'd like to use a free program that can chat with and view the other person09:31
Dr_Willisandybrine:  see if the issue affects a newly made user09:31
ikoniajunir: you need to be specific09:31
k1l_junir: and you still need a chat protocol for that, too09:31
andybrineOk, thanks Dr_Willis. Ill try that09:32
sujx<Dr_Willis> s boss !  it`s not my mean09:32
Dr_Willissujx:  what?09:32
k1l_junir: you could use empathy with the google talk protocol to do video chats09:32
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roland_hi i have a usb drive that is no longer mounting of displaying in any way. what is the first thing to do to see if it can be detected at all09:33
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Dr_Willisroland_:  sudo blkid, and see if you can mount it by hand09:33
k1l_junir: well, you only need the jabber protocol and the jungle extension09:33
junirikonia, k1l_ I understand. I am asking not for a free client where I can use non-free IM. I mean a software that is just free09:34
junirk1l_ I have jabber, but I wasn't sure if I can connect to camera with it. is it possible?09:34
k1l_junir: see the jingle extension, yes09:34
diverdudeHello, if i create a user called asdf, how can i autogenerate a password and send it by mail? Or what is the normal procedure to create users?09:35
daixtrcan anacron work, even without cron?09:35
roland_Dr_Willis: that returns an sda1,sda2 and sda3. both with the drive pluged in and not09:35
junirk1l_ oh, great, I'll try right away, thank you very much k1l_ and ikonia!09:35
daixtrdiverdude: use `pwgen`09:35
k1l_junir: (i think in ubuntu its already installed by default09:35
roland_Dr_Willis: so am i all out of luck09:35
Dr_Willisroland_:  check dmesg output a few moments after you plug it in also. sonds like it may be dead jim.09:36
junirk1l_ I had installed jabber, as a program named psi+ , is it correct that way?09:36
k1l_junir: no you are confusing protocol, server and clients09:36
junirk1l_  oh09:37
k1l_junir: you need a client (empathy) a protocol (xmmp/jabber) and then a server (like a jabber server from google etc)09:37
k1l_!jabber | junir09:38
ubottujunir: jabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM.  Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin, Gajim, and Empathy (GNOME), bitlbee (cli/irc).  For more info see http://www.jabber.org/09:38
junirk1l_ thank you for your information! I think I'll need to do some learning here.09:39
diverdudedaixtr, ok...and once i generated the password with pwgen, how does the user get it?09:40
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daixtrecho 'new_password123' | mail -s "$(hostname) new password alert" user@email.com09:40
roland_Dr_Willis:  this is all i get, i cant get it to say connected.: usb 1-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 709:41
Dr_Willisroland_:  sounds like it may be dead.09:42
roland_Dr_Willis:  damn, thanks anyway09:42
linuhi i just trying to compile a sample qt apps in ubuntu 12.04 for arm arch using yocto toolchain , it shows that http://pastebin.com/Frcg4PR9 can you tell me what is that issues09:42
ikonialinu: if you are compiling for arm, why are you using the x86_64 sdk ?09:43
Dr_Willisroland_:  shake it real hard.. and blow on it.. oh wait.. thats for Nintendo Cartridges09:43
haltHi all, I try to enable the server-status page on apache, and the daufault module in ubuntu already have config related to it, so i think it shoiuld be just a2enmod status, but it does not seams to work, can someone give me a hint how is this implemented in ubuntu ?09:43
sgo11hi, how to enable auto login with gsettings command? thanks.09:44
Wiz_KeeDhey guys09:44
roland_Dr_Willis: well i will pull it apart and look for dead solder joints09:44
arc__hi can someone help me with boot-repair09:44
Wiz_KeeDAll laptops that have integrated GPU and a separate graphics card need the bumblebee thing installed on ubuntu?09:44
Wiz_KeeDShopping for a new laptop and i'm killed between decision09:44
sgo11OR how to enable auto login in command line? thanks.09:45
linuikonia, no it is default path name of compiler for arm and before it was working fine with other qt apps,09:48
sgo11anyway, I found it.09:48
diverdudehow do i setup the system so i can send mail from commandline via a remote mailserver?09:49
Touhou11Wiz_KeeD: Macbook (Air if travelling a lot, Pro otherwise). Superior battery life and hardware to anything else09:49
Wiz_KeeDbut I will have to run mac then :)09:49
gordonjcpWiz_KeeD: dual boot09:50
haltWiz_KeeD: system7609:50
* gordonjcp has a macbook09:50
Wiz_KeeDwill ubuntu run with it ok? what if i want windows as well :)09:50
Touhou11Wiz_KeeD: You can run Linux on them, but sadly OS X gets a much battery life in my experience09:50
gordonjcpworks great with both Ubuntu and OSX09:50
gordonjcpWiz_KeeD: mine's okay, I've never tried Windows though09:51
gordonjcpWiz_KeeD: I tried it on a desktop but I couldn't get it to install09:51
gordonjcpWiz_KeeD: I'm not enough of a propeller-beany nerd to understand Windows ;-)09:51
ActionParsnipnevr understod the macbook fascination. Its a 2000 dollar facebook machine....go figure09:52
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* Wiz_KeeD laughs09:53
Wiz_KeeDThis one looks great...but again that optimus piece of shit09:53
FloodBot1Wiz_KeeD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
Touhou11ActionParsnip: systemd / Wayland have borrowed ideas heavily from OS X architecture, so wouldn't be so quick to judge09:53
ActionParsnipTouhou11: yes but the hardware of Mac is so overpriced09:54
malinus"overpriced" ActionParsnip ? It's only like 2-3x the price09:54
haltWiz_KeeD: again system7609:54
Wiz_KeeDwhat is system76?09:54
malinusActionParsnip, would you rather spend 1000$ on a great notebook and go on vacation. Or be fancy when taking your notebook out in starbucks?09:55
Gspotguys does anyone have to suggest me a good movie player for ubuntu? i tried many of them and all they have little lag in HD movies..09:56
malinusGspot, vlc is fine09:57
haltWiz_KeeD: http://bit.ly/IBhlUH09:57
Ben64Gspot: i use mplayer209:58
Wiz_KeeDhalt, it does look sexy...09:58
Gspoti tried but have little lag.. and freezing you know is not something important but you can realize it09:59
Ben64thats probably a problem with your system or the video09:59
Wiz_KeeDwow halt, that has pretty much everything I want, ssd space, high ram, numpad10:00
haltWiz_KeeD:  and ubuntu as default10:01
Wiz_KeeDpffuu, who are these guys? I never heard of them...but I doubt they have warranty in Romania :)10:01
Gspotwell with the same pc i used windows before some months and in 1 player doesnt have anything of these10:01
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Ben64Gspot: did you read what i said? it could be the video is bad10:03
Ben64Gspot: also could be your video drivers, the output of the video, or other stuff in increasingly unlikely scenarios, you've given no information so its impossible to tell10:04
Gspotoh maybe.. but isnt only 1 video, in all hd videos does that10:04
ozbrkhi guys I'm wondering about can I use openbox as a file manager with unity10:05
ozbrkwithout any break points10:05
m3kkhi, i suddenly lost all sound? i run pavucontrol and while i run a youtube video it shows dB goes up and down like there is actual sound.. but there is none? I have not tried to configure anything since it was working out of the box10:05
Wiz_KeeDhalt, I need to find someone in the US or UK to buy it and ship it10:06
haltWiz_KeeD: you wrote UK because you check my location ? :D10:09
ozbrkI guess noone hasn't any answer about thar10:11
m3kkozbrk, guess not10:11
m3kkIt just out of the blue stoped.. like its muted but its not10:12
ozbrkm3kk can you hear the sounds on a different platform10:12
m3kkozbrk, different platform?10:12
m3kkYou mean if i install another OS?10:13
ozbrkyes ı'm asking that because I need to know if your speakers have a different problem10:13
ozbrklike a mechanical problem10:13
m3kkozbrk, yeah it have worked in windows and xubuntu for long time and suddenly stoped today.. i will try liveusb and see if it works there10:14
ozbrkm3kk which audio mixer do you use10:14
ozbrkpulseaudio + xfcemixer10:15
m3kkozbrk, i have no idea i cant find any settings for sound in settings? just if i run pavucontrol from terminal10:15
m3kkozbrk, where can  i see what im running?10:15
ozbrkxfcemizer is more lightwweight I mean it has less graphichal options10:16
m3kkozbrk, "pulseaudio , demon already running"10:16
m3kkif run in terminal10:16
ozbrkit's pulseaudio10:16
m3kkbut i cant find any settings-menu for enablind/disabling different?10:16
ozbrkok can you reach the sound settings in GUI10:16
ozbrkit's on system menu10:16
m3kkozbrk, i have no "sound" icon in settings10:16
ActionParsnipmalinus: if it does what I need then I'd go for the cheapest I can get that still does it10:17
m3kkozbrk, where?10:17
ozbrkm3kk I asume there is a missing package on your system10:17
malinusActionParsnip, you don't want to look cool?10:17
ozbrkit shoul be shown at your system settinga10:17
m3kkozbrk, its pretty freshly installed :S10:17
ActionParsnipmalinus: I'm not that sad10:17
ActionParsnipm3kk: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload10:18
ozbrkby the way run alsamixer on your term10:18
ActionParsnipmalinus: my Samsung Tab 2.0 7 does exactly what most Mac users use their Macs for10:18
m3kkActionParsnip, yeah now what? it opened something in terminal10:18
m3kkActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=cc71dd82c2388133dae9a33a289701cc0a62fb9e10:19
sgo11what is /var/crash/.lock file? can I delete it? thanks.10:20
ozbrkguys can you tell me how can I use openbox as a file manager on unity (12.04 ubuntu)10:20
ArtpicreHello, how can I choose which browser an application have to open ?10:20
ArtpicreIt seems that it doesn't take the one with xdg-open10:20
ArtpicreIt takes a default browser one10:21
ZerantArtpicre http://askubuntu.com/questions/79305/how-do-i-change-my-default-browser10:21
ActionParsnipm3kk: if you run:   aplay -Dhw:1,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Fornt_left.wav    do you get sound?10:21
ArtpicreZerant> Already did that10:21
Zerantsay didnt work?10:21
ActionParsnipm3kk: also try:  alsamixer      make sure all levels are maxed and unmuted10:22
ArtpicreIt opens a built-in browser, in case of chromium10:22
ZerantArtpicre: you have to do it for every user and dont try it per terminal with sudo ;) that would change it for the root user not for your connected10:22
ArtpicreZerant> Did that10:23
ArtpicreI reboot my client10:23
ActionParsnipm3kk: any good?10:25
ArtpicreZerant> Okay, now it works, I tried the command-line10:26
ArtpicreZerant> Thank you :)10:26
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ZerantArtpicre: no porblem didnt do much ;)10:27
DepaHi guys :D I have a dual-boot (Windows 7 and Ubuntu 13.10)... Windows now is corrupted and this is my question: if I use Recovery Utility of Windows 7, I will lost Ubuntu partition?10:28
ActionParsnipDepa: depends how it is setup10:29
ActionParsnipDepa: if its an image and an imaging application, it may set the system back to how you bought it10:29
DepaActionParsnip: Windows 7 Recovery is in a dedicated partition10:30
DepaActionParsnip: when I try to load Windows, it sugest me to boot from Recovery one10:30
ActionParsnipDepa: doesnt tell us what its going to do10:30
DepaActionParsnip: ok. So, do you know a correct way?10:31
DepaActionParsnip: I would like to recover Windows Partition without touch Ubuntu one10:32
szxwhat is the package for qtconfig for Qt5 in Ubuntu? there's only qt4-config in repositories10:36
abchello everybody  i have ubuntu 12.04 with dual with window system but it doesn't work wireless  in  ubuntu i need it in ubuntu to work wirless is there any help please?10:40
ActionParsnipDepa: no idea, You could make an image of the ubuntu data, reinstall etc, then restore the image10:40
DepaActionParsnip: ok, thanks :)10:40
ActionParsnipDepa: or (easier) backup settings and user data then do a full reinstall of both then restore your casual user data10:40
ActionParsnipDepa: its one of the reasons I fully HATE recovery partitions10:41
IwantUbuntuHello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my USB stick. I booted the computer from the USB stick and during the installation process I've been asked to choose my drive, but I can't see the USB but only the host computer's HDD. What should I do??10:42
sgo11in Region&Language, how to change System settings --> Format? now, I can only change "Your Settings's format". thanks.10:42
DepaActionParsnip: Yes, me too... I will completly formatting Windows Partition (and delete the Recovery one) and re-install Windows... After that, I will simply restore Ubuntu Grub210:42
ActionParsnipIwantUbuntu: you need 2 USB sticks to install from USB to USB10:42
ActionParsnipIwantUbuntu: you cannot install the the same stick you have made with unetbootin etc10:42
IwantUbuntuActionParsnip: Is there a workaround or something?10:43
ActionParsnipIwantUbuntu: 2 sticks, a CD and a stick etc10:43
IwantUbuntuActionParsnip: Will a normal CD work?10:43
ActionParsnipIwantUbuntu: I guess you could make a small 1Gb partition and make unetbootin use that and leave the rest unpartitioned, then install to the free space10:44
Paulus68_1ActionParsnip:  I did succeed but only because my usb was large enough10:44
abchello everybody  i have ubuntu 12.04 with dual with window system but it doesn't work wireless  in  ubuntu i need it in ubuntu to work wirless is there any help please?10:44
ActionParsnipIwantUbuntu: yes, you can install to USB from an install CD10:44
ActionParsnipabc: what wifi chip?10:44
IwantUbuntuActionParsnip: THANKS!!!10:44
wyldeActionParsnip, a sort of out there thought, I don't even know if the option still exists but would setting toram=yes at boot make that possible?10:44
ActionParsnipwylde: i dont think thats a thing anymore in Ubuntu (sadly)10:45
ActionParsnipwylde: makes puppy scream along :)10:45
Patero-ngare solid state drivers quiet10:45
cfhowlettPatero-ng, drivers?  silent10:45
wyldeActionParsnip, shame. I bet it does!10:46
Patero-ngcfhowlett: drives10:46
ActionParsnipPaulus68_1: yes as they dont move. It is a drive too, not a driver10:46
ActionParsnipPaulus68_1: drivers tell an OS how to communicate with hardware10:46
Bollebib2I 'm having a really horrible screendraw bug10:46
Bollebib2when moving,resizing,choosing any application window afterimages remain behind10:47
Bollebib2unity --reset puts everything right for a few hours and then the issue comes back after a reboot.10:47
Bollebib2I pinpointed the issue to an a day I updated (thursday)10:47
Bollebib2I just need help in going through the names and findsing the offending package and possibly reverse or remove it (maybe there is a double older package that interferes)10:47
Patero-ngcfhowlett: because I hate having 6 harddrives on my computer they all spin noise I with 1 ssd that's 1tb will be totally silent10:47
FloodBot1Bollebib2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:47
cfhowlettPatero-ng, sounds like a plan10:47
Patero-ngso that's why I'm asking if the ssd are totally silent10:48
Bollebib2apparantly I was flooding,I am sorry10:48
abcActionParsnip:Wireless — 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth® Combo V3.0+HS  Integrated Wired: Gigabit Ethernet network10:49
cfhowlettPatero-ng, no moving parts.  silent10:49
sgo11How can I change "Region & Language" --> System --> System Settings --> Format ? I can only change user account format, not system format. thanks.10:49
Bollebib2I can reset unity again,but I don't want to need to do this every time10:49
ActionParsnipabc: doesnt tell us the chip at all10:49
ActionParsnipabc: Im guessing thats from Windows10:50
ActionParsnipabc: Windows doesnt tell you any of the good stuff, mainly because it's garbage10:50
ActionParsnipabc: in Ubuntu, run:   sudo lshw -C network    what wifi chip are you using?10:50
jhaveI try to du a apt-get upgrade but i got this error: http://paste.jdh.dk/1510:51
Patero-nganybody here knows how can I see images on w3m10:51
jhaveanybody there have an ide how to fix it ?10:52
mgskPatero-ng, use a non-text web browser.10:52
Patero-ngmgsk:my p4 is too slow for 13.1010:52
troulouliou_devhi is it possible on a nfs server to set up  a transparent  trashbox when user delete files (like moving to .trashbox)10:53
ActionParsnipjhave: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue10:53
abcActionParsnip:okay unfortunatly now iam using windows becaouse due to wirless problem iam shifting to bad windows so let e reeboot it and iwill tell you then?10:53
ActionParsnipPaulus68_1: Lubuntu 13.10 will rn it fine10:53
ActionParsnipabc: run the command in Ubuntu then use pen and paper to make a note of what you have10:53
ActionParsnipabc: its one line that will tell you10:53
ActionParsnipabc: is the system a laptop?10:54
abcActionParsnip:yeah it is laptop10:54
ActionParsnipabc: thought to move near the router and use a wired connection to get fully updated?10:54
ActionParsnipabc: laptops do have Ethernet ports you know...10:55
abcActionParsnip:yeah they have ports ther is no cable near to me10:56
ActionParsnipabc: the wireless driver may offer itself to you over the Ethernet10:56
ActionParsnipabc: a cable will make this a lot easier. I'm betting its some cheapo Broadcom thing10:57
abcActionParsnip:but the real problem is i cant get cable iam in huge campany and evryting is in wirless10:58
ActionParsnipabc: i doubt the servers are wireless10:58
Dr_Willisyou can get wifi dongles that work out of the box with ubuntu in the $10 range also. edimax micro dongle.10:59
jhaveActionParsnip, Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l10:59
Dr_Willisuse them to get teh drivers for the other wifi stuff. but they might even work better then the built in card.10:59
ActionParsnipjhave: are there any bugs reported?10:59
jhaveno its the only info11:00
sgo11How can I change "Region & Language" --> System --> System Settings --> Format ? I can only change user account format, not system format. thanks.11:00
tsimpsonPatero-ng: use w3m-img11:01
Xander_uh.. I'm assuming here would be a smart place to get help?11:01
jhaveActionParsnip, a complet output of apt-get upgrade11:02
Xander_for switching to Ubuntu of course...11:02
Dr_WillisXander_:  yes this is ubuntu support. ;)11:02
Patero-ngtsimpson: I just found that out thanks anyway!11:02
Xander_ok, well that's good - I was wondering if there was a way to run Ubuntu on my laptop, that's currently running Win 7, but keep the original OS somewhere if I ever want to switch back?11:03
TinoDidriksenGot a problem installing any Ubuntu newer than 12.10 on an older laptop. With 13.04+ I can install just fine, but when it then boots for real it complains it can't find the root device via disk-by-uuid. I can work around that, but it feels like something is terribly wrong...11:04
abcActionParsnip: so is that possible to remove current Ubuntu with affect current window system?11:04
Dr_WillisXander_:  first thing i do for a windows machine i get - is use the included tools to make a restore-the-os-DVD set.11:05
Dr_WillisXander_:  ubuntu's installer can resize the windows partins so you can have both os's installed at the same time.11:05
Xander_Dr_Willis, so when I'm setting up Ubuntu after rebooting my computer, I would change the partition sizes of the hard disk?11:06
Dr_WillisXander_:  or if you want to get fancy  - i often get a new SSD for  any new windows laptop i get and plan on converting to linux. I remove the windows HD. keep it safe (after making a dvd backup to go with it) and use the SSD and have a linux only system on the ssd.11:06
Dr_WillisXander_:  the installer can resize the partions. windows can also resize/shrink its own partions.11:07
paulpaul1076does ssd make your laptops a lot faster?11:07
Dr_Willispaulpaul1076:  amazingly more faster-erer-er11:07
paulpaul1076dang, i need to get one of those things once i have the money11:07
Dr_Willismost laptops use very slow/low rpm hds also.11:07
Wiz_KeeDubuntu supports nvidia or ati best?11:08
Dr_Willisand ssd drives are not that expensive these days11:08
paulpaul1076im tired of my visual studio taking forever to do one thing11:08
Dr_WillisWiz_KeeD:  i tend to use nvidia, then inten, and ati as last resort.11:08
Dr_Willisnvidia, intel, ati...... anything else.. run away from. ;)11:08
Dr_WillisS3 - TOTALLY run from.11:08
Dr_Willisdual gpu optimus based systems - are a good idea to avoid also.11:09
ActionParsnipabc: how did you install it?11:09
ActionParsnipabc: get a wired connection, update and install driver using additional drivers. Not tricky11:10
vantestawhat is the best web editor for ubuntu 12.04 which has graphic support and code highlighting11:10
ActionParsnipvantesta: there is no single best softare, for anyt8hing11:11
sgo11How can I change "Region & Language" --> System --> System Settings --> Format ? I can only change user account format, not system format. thanks.11:11
gordonjcpvantesta: what do you mean "graphic support"?11:11
ActionParsnipvantesta: bluefish is a wysiwyg html editor11:11
gordonjcpvantesta: I just use gedit for editing html11:11
Patero-nghow can I copy text in nano o I can paste it here11:12
ActionParsnipPatero-ng: copy the text as usual, paste to a pastebin as usual. The terminal can opy and paste text11:13
Ionuthi, how i fix this: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend upstart-job for hostname, probably a dependency cycle.11:13
ActionParsnipIonut: what causes the issue11:13
Dr_WillisPatero-ng:  if you see it in a terminal. you can select, then middle click11:13
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IonutActionParsnip: i run sudo apt-get upgrade and recive You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these. and give me E: Couldn't configure pre-depend upstart-job for hostname, probably a dependency cycle.11:15
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ActionParsnipIonut: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:19
ozbrkhi guys I want tolearn which gtk version does mate use11:20
IonutActionParsnip: Ubuntu 8.04 \n \l11:20
ActionParsnipozbrk: I'd ask in the mint support channel11:20
Patero-ngDr_Willis: I don't have mouse support11:20
ActionParsnipIonut: Hardy is dead, no longer supported in any way11:20
ActionParsnipIonut: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases11:21
ActionParsnipIonut: there are zero packages and zero comnmunity support11:21
Patero-ngActionParsnip: I don't know the shortcut for copy and paste11:21
ozbrkI'm using ubuntu weth mate but ok I gonna ask it with mint support11:21
ActionParsnipozbrk: mate is not supported here11:21
troulouliou_devhi i m using cinnamon with firefox11:22
troulouliou_devwhen the flashgot addon is installed and i right click anywhere on firefox; the system freezes11:22
XethronNot nice11:22
jnhghydon't right click...11:22
troulouliou_devi need to kill firefox from a tty11:22
troulouliou_devjnhghy, yep weird11:22
troulouliou_devnobody else have this issue wth unity gnome shell ?11:23
troulouliou_devjnhghy, disabled flashgot works too :)11:23
XethronYes, or assign your right click mouse button to preform another action :D11:23
IonutActionParsnip: 10x for help.11:24
jnhghytroulouliou_dev: have you read : http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/75914911:24
IntergageEvening all.11:24
tirta-lalondonghello guys11:25
tirta-lalondongi'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, i'm having problem with  Partial Upgrade everytime i open UpdateManager11:25
vantestai installed my machine ubuntu 12.04 as dual boot with windows 7. how can i remove windows 7 and use only ubuntu 12.04 in my machine.11:25
troulouliou_devjnhghy, ok thanks11:26
tirta-lalondonghow do i get rid of this?11:26
Dr_Willisvantesta:  delete the windows partions11:26
Dr_Willisvantesta:  gparted can do it11:26
m3kkActionParsnip, im sorry i cant see you responded to my link.. did you?11:27
vantestamy windows and ubuntu are installed in the same partition11:27
tirta-lalondongI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, i'm having problem with Partial Upgrade,  every single time i open update manager? How to get rid of this?11:27
Dr_Willisvantesta:  you used WUBI? time to backup your linux files and otehr critical things and do a reinstall/repartion of the disk then11:27
Intergagevantesta: Delete all windows files? haha11:27
IntergageNo don't do that, do what Dr_Willis said.11:28
jpdsPatero-ng: images in w3m: install w3m-img.11:28
jpdsAnd, someone else said that.11:28
philinuxtirta-lalondong: use synaptic or in terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:30
tirta-lalondongi've tried that, seems not working though11:31
philinuxtirta-lalondong: sorry that last bit should be dist-upgrade11:31
Wiz_KeeDDr_Willis, what is the deal with WUBI anyway?11:32
Patero-ngjpds: I just did11:32
Dr_WillisWiz_KeeD:  its best ran away from.....11:32
Wiz_KeeDSome sort of dark magic to it I bet11:32
philinuxWiz_KeeD: it's no longer included in the latest releases either11:33
OerHeksWrecks Ubuntu Bad invention11:34
philinuxWiz_KeeD: see this for the amount of problems it can cause http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919811:36
IntergageDoes anyone know if there is something like (Maybe better) then rainmeter for Ubuntu?11:36
vantestais there any download manager used in ubuntu so as to enhance downloading in ubuntu11:37
Dr_Willisand rainmeter is?11:37
Dr_Willisvantesta:  i find i rarely need a download manager these days11:37
Dr_Willisvantesta:  thers some in the repositories i belive11:38
ActionParsnipm3kk: if you run:  alsamixer   are all levels maxed and unmuted?11:38
OerHeksvantesta, rainmeter > conky11:41
venecihello everyone, I'm setting up a jabber account with a client, and I'm asked to enter a jabberID, but it has a server extension like ID@server.org..since there is no server list to choose from, can I just assign any jabber server here?11:42
venecithe ID has to have a server extension, I mean11:43
Dr_WillisI thought differnt services used jabber. you pick the company/service you want.11:43
Dr_WillisJabber.org is the original IM service based on XMPP and one of the key nodes on the XMPP network.11:44
Dr_Willishttp://xmpp.net/   other xmpp services.11:44
Dr_Willisgoogle talk also uses it11:44
venecithank you, Dr_Willis! jabber.org is currently not available, their website says. but I'll choose another one, then11:45
Dr_WillisI dont use any of them. :) well i guess i do use google talk every so often11:45
Dr_Willisnight all.11:46
ZorkyCan anyone tell me if they changed remote-login-service from 13.04 to 13.10?11:47
IntergageIs there anything I should install to make graphics a little better with nivida? Things seem a little laggy.11:49
Jpmhif I right click on the network manager icon I can edit the connection information.  For example I can set which DNS servers a particuar connection will use.  What file is this info saved in?11:49
=== karlo|afk is now known as karlo
Zorkyanyone know if remote-login-service got change from 13.04 to 13.10?11:52
ActionParsnipZorky: you mean the option on the login screen?11:52
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ZorkyActionParsnip:  yes. did it get changed from 13.04 to 13.10?11:53
ActionParsnipZorky: not sure mate, I can check11:53
ActionParsnipZorky: if you install remote-login-service package it will readd it11:53
ZorkyActionParsnip:  it just states allready newest version11:54
ActionParsnipZorky: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=remote-login-service&searchon=names  seems to be in Ubuntu since 12.1011:55
ActionParsnipZorky: not something I've used to be honest11:55
ActionParsnipZorky: if the entries are not appearing in lightdm, you could report a bug11:56
=== christian is now known as Guest51073
Zorkythe version in 13.10 is 1.0.0-0ubuntu411:56
ZorkyActionParsnip:  im trying to modify it so i can use it to login a thin client11:56
ZorkyActionParsnip:  but it's acting weird in 13.10 compared to 13.0411:57
ActionParsnipZorky: sounds like a regression the11:57
ZorkyActionParsnip:  ohh well. thanks for the help :)12:00
BenyaminLAnyone can help me with gnu c?12:03
TinoDidriksen##C can.12:03
BenyaminLTinoDidriksen: i have problem with declaration on c, that's about char n12:04
TinoDidriksenNo, ask ##C12:04
BenyaminLYeah i'm asking about ##C fam12:04
TinoDidriksenNo, /join ##C and ask them.12:04
BenyaminLtinoDidriksen: they're one fam12:04
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djnilsehello guys12:11
djnilsei would need a little suggestion12:11
djnilsedoes somebody know a good wifi usb adapter that works good with linux/ubuntu ???12:12
RomanceHey, i turned off the power management of my wifi usb adapter, but now i am getting disconnected frequently (IRC connection), past 10 minutes i was disconnected like 5 times, what happened? i plugged in power supply12:12
veneciI create an account on jabber, it is shown "not active" and when I try to change the status to "online", it asks for my password. I enter it, and it doesnt accept12:12
venecithis happened twice12:12
ActionParsnipdjnilse: if you look on Amazon for reviews, you may find people stating what works in Ubuntu12:13
djnilsei have a compatibility list here12:13
djnilsebut i dont know good manufactures12:13
djnilsehad an AVM Fritz!Wlan one and i had to use ndiswrapper12:14
djnilseguess i will be looking for the most popular on amayon12:14
OerHeksveneci, maybe you need to answer the register mail?12:14
ActionParsnipdjnilse: eg http://www.amazon.com/Panda-150Mbps-Wireless-N-2-4GHz-Adapter/dp/B003283M6Q/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1382703265&sr=1-2&keywords=linux+usb+wifi12:14
veneciOerHeks, but I entered no email address12:14
djnilsehmm, okay, i guess i will do it this way12:15
ActionParsnipdjnilse: see at the bottom how people review what OSes ran?12:15
ActionParsnipdjnilse: useful huh12:15
djnilseyeah :)12:16
ActionParsnipdjnilse: not seen that before?12:16
OerHeksveneci, i assumes you need to use an emailadress, i don't use jabber12:17
djnilseActionParsnip, well yeah, but i have something thats also cool : http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/WLAN/Karten12:17
djnilseeven if it is in german ;P12:17
veneciaccount setup seems to require only creating a jabberID and password12:17
ActionParsnipdjnilse: product names don't get translated ;). Noce find12:18
pranavi was curious, i have 2 OSes win7 and ubuntu installed in seperate partition (dual boot). Since i have to switch them frequently, Is there a way i can use virtualbox to boot my windows partition from ubuntu at the same time. if now why ?12:18
djnilsegonna go through all the popular wifi usb dongles on amazon until i find a compatible one12:18
ActionParsnippranav: you can use virtualbox to boot the other OS but I have heard of data loss, this was ages ago12:19
ActionParsnippranav: I'd ask in #vbox12:19
ActionParsnipdjnilse: good move12:19
ActionParsnipdjnilse: or, buy from companies selling Ubuntu preinstalled systems. If you contact them they may fill you in :)12:19
pranavActionParsnip: ok12:19
ActionParsnippranav: games will not run12:20
djnilsehmm i will see12:20
akShrihi, i m unable to set up my tuner, make hauppage.. suggest me a chat channel to get help please12:20
ActionParsnipakShri: run:   lspci    if the device is PCI, you will see the chip it uses. Use that to find guides12:21
akShriok ActionParsnip.. will do that.. :)12:23
akShrihey ActionParsnip : mine is usb tuner.. and i m using set top box.. now what to do??12:24
ActionParsnipakShri: lsusb   use the 8 character hex id12:29
veneciOerHeks, it was my overlooking one detail at registration. now it worked, thank you very much"12:35
OerHeksveneci, have fun!12:35
venecithank you! :)12:35
ubottulukerino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:37
Patero-ngdoes anyone knows how to open a new tab in w3m12:48
Jpmhwhere does the network manager store the info that I enter concerning which DNS etc to use for each of ny wifi connections12:51
Patero-nghumanoids: dime?12:52
humanoidsi don't have dimes12:52
NuSueyuh, folks.. any idea what could be the problem - I receive a high pitched noise ~ 20 secs when I use my ouput to HDMI and try to watch something .. using the Open Source AMD drivers (got the Radeon HD 6850 GPU card)12:52
humanoids10 cent?12:52
blahblahNuSuey: might be the gpu they sometimes make that noise12:52
NuSueyblahblah: uhm what do you mean?12:53
blahblahNuSuey: gpus can make a high pitch noise sometimes, especially with certain resolutions / refresh rates.12:54
NuSueyblahblah: uhm, and I would hear that in the HDMI output? :o12:54
blahblahis the noise coming from the hdmi connector then?12:54
NuSueyblahblah: I meant, that I hear the sound in the TV o.O12:55
=== wjtaylor_ is now known as Shinobi
NuSueyblahblah: guess you didnt understand me13:04
new1hey everyone, i am trying to kick my user using my password.13:05
blahblah /msg nickserv release?13:05
new1will try13:05
blahblahrelease name password13:05
new1now how can i log with my password and change my nick and stay here?13:06
new1blahblah, tnx, that's worked13:06
blahblah /msg nickserv identify13:07
new1yea, but at the moment i am on different nick13:07
blahblah /nick13:08
blahblahgoogle freenode commands13:08
blahblahor /j #freenode13:08
ubottuYou can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.13:08
Wiz_KeeDis sshd any good?13:09
blahblahits alright13:09
ActionParsnipWiz_KeeD: there is openssh-server in the repos, it wil give you an SSH server13:09
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
Wiz_KeeDsorry, the hybrid hard-drive ssd hybrid tingy13:10
Wiz_KeeDmy bad13:10
ActionParsnipWiz_KeeD: if you need the functionality, they are great13:10
TuXhAtso im not banned anymore13:11
blahblahWiz_KeeD: they are one of them things that are gona ba obsolete13:11
Wiz_KeeDof course I need faster boot times and faster application launching :)13:11
zetheroostrange occurrence ... Ubuntu 12.04 not keeping DNS setting as defined in resolv.conf after a reboot ...13:11
TuXhAtits me tuxhat13:11
ActionParsnipTuXhAt: seems not13:11
Wiz_KeeDand working with databases a lot, read time helps tremendously13:11
zetheroohad no DNS issues a few days ago13:12
blahblahWiz_KeeD: buy a proper ssd and a large hdd for large files13:12
blahblahWiz_KeeD: ssds are so cheap now13:12
Wiz_KeeDblahblah, great, how how do I place one in a 15 inch laptop? :))13:12
blahblahin the hdd slot?13:12
Wiz_KeeDand replace the original one without a backup? :(13:13
blahblahexternal drive?13:13
blahblahlike usb or something13:13
TuXhAti tested out ubuntu 13.04 i must say it works good... the sad thing all that spyware shit like internet search i know u can stop it and disable it and stuff but its just u know all useless feature nobody wants from a open source OS... another thing i tried all the ubuntu snapshot since like 200413:13
Wiz_KeeDyeah that would be a solution13:13
TuXhAtbut im still more a debian knoppix guy13:13
TuXhAtbut now i use arch linux13:13
TuXhAtanyone use arch linux13:13
TuXhAtwow what a amazing OS13:13
blahblahits shit13:13
blahblahnah joking itsok13:13
ActionParsnipTux`: the amazon lens isnt spyware13:14
new1can i have a link for JDK for my ubuntu? need to run netbeans13:23
lesslesshi folks! I do not see a cursor in Shank 2 game13:27
lesslesscan anyone help me?13:27
xyzwhateverhas anyone here used the PLOP bootloader??13:29
OerHeksxyzwhatever, plop boot manager is rubbish, you cannot use an usb keyboard with it  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManager#PLoP_Boot_Manager13:32
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xyzwhateverOerHeks:   i need it for an old notebook that cant boot from usb stick13:36
xyzwhateverso anyways my question is if the plpbt.iso  is all i need, no bios file stuff...13:37
xyzwhateverjust burn it on cd and done13:37
Mendigaumsomething weird happened to my 13.10 install, and suddently many distro programs disappeared. Like unity, terminal, software center, etc... I reinstalled unity so i got my user interface back, but i dont know the name of the packages responsible for the other tools. Can some1 help me?13:38
OerHeksxyzwhatever, the manual is in that url too, you need the .img file and then configure it. never been that far, as it does not handle usb keyboard.13:41
hillary_am trying to install Marble Arena 2 in ubuntu 12.04 but it requires i buy and the price is $0.00. what do i do13:44
james-t-quirkthat makes no cents !13:44
james-t-quirkjust your ubuntu id will do13:45
hillary_now how do i install it13:45
james-t-quirkI have had that before, enter ID and agree and software downloads13:46
TheDeadMessengerHey All13:46
spessexhi. new to channel. hope it might be the right channel? Having a problem rsyncing files from local to remote server, it looks like it's connecitng and syncing but for some reason I'm seeing a lot of mention of various things in Applications which is making me think I've got it wrong. I only need it to send the files contained within the /MRFGR2_RetryB/ folder). Any suggesitons?   using rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 2222'13:48
spessex/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Linode/MRFGR2_RETRY_Versions/MRFGR2_RetryB username@domain.com:/var/www/domain.com/public_html13:48
TheDeadMessengerToday, A challenge will be issued. 1 man, 2 OS, 2 HDs, 1 tower. Can Messenger do it, we will see. With the help of friends, perhaps we won't be living up to his name today....13:48
wyldespessex, make sure you have a trailing / unless you want the entire folder syncd rather than the files within.13:50
cathalhi. I have an arch linux command "sudo pacman -Sy --noprogressbar --needed --noconfirm nginx python2 python2-virtualenv"  that I need to run the equivalent of in ubuntu server. I'm guessing something like "apt-get install -y ? ? packages"13:51
spessexwylde: thanks. I'll give it a try. so you mean rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 2222' /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Linode/MRFGR2_RETRY_Versions/MRFGR2_RetryB/ username@domain.com:/var/www/domain.com/public_html13:51
new1is there a way to install  JAVA JDK on ubuntu with just app?13:52
wyldespessex, exactly13:52
spessexwylde: great will try it :)13:52
gvospessex that will put everything in .../MRFGR2_RetryB folder into ../public_html, if that's what you want.13:52
wylde!java | new113:52
rogekri have a questions about keyboard layouts, when you have eg. laptop envy 13-2100es or 2100en the machine will be (respectively) from spanish or english market but what about ee, ex, ef, et i looked in google but no luck, thank you13:52
ubottunew1: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:52
spessexgvo: yes. thats great13:53
new1wylde, tnx. right i don't need it. just the JRE i think. to run netbeans13:53
gvospessex:  what you had duplicated the MRFGR2_RetryB in public_html,13:53
TheDeadMessengerUuugggh, So many problems with using linux, so much stuff to learn. And every distro is truely different, different errors, different nuiances with the UI, etcetc. Being a novice operator sucks... Why isn't 13.04 opening excutables anymore, and how else would I start the said program?13:54
spessexgvo: yes. MRFGR2_RetryB is where all the local dev files are and I want to send them into the public_html folder on the remote server. Is this right?13:55
gvospessex yes.13:55
wyldespessex, don't forget if you're unsure you can test with -n to do a "dry run" that won't actually make any changes.13:55
gvoAs long as you don't want a MRFGR2_RetryB folder withing public_html13:56
spessexgvo: wylde: great. where would I put the -n?13:56
gvospessex:anywhere before the files specs13:56
spessexgvo: wylde: no I don't want the MRFGR2_RetryB folder in public_html just the contents of MRFGR2_RetryB13:57
gvoSo wylde gave you the correct answer.13:57
wyldespessex, you can include it with the other switches or even on it's own13:57
gvorsync -n -avz or rsync -anvz13:57
spessexgvo: wylde: whats confusing me is that I'm getting loads of code in terminal similar to this Applications/.AdobePatchFiles/{109570E0-F794-4497-B53A-94C74513C234}/4e053f926d1cf5b2476a7b4175b5acaf13:57
gvospessex: that's a hidden file that is being tranfered.13:58
wyldespessex, is /Applications/.../.... the full path?13:58
wyldespessex, make sure you're using the full path from / to prevent issues13:58
gvoI suspect from within the MRFGR2_RetryB folder there is a Applications folder and that file is a part of it.13:59
spessexgvo: wylde: I think it's the full path. I'm simply dragging the folder to the terminal which gives /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Linode/MRFGR2_RETRY_Versions/MRFGR2_RetryB13:59
wyldegvo, that would make sense14:00
spessexgvo: wylde: so I should be using rsync -n -avz -e 'ssh -p 2222' /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Linode/MRFGR2_RETRY_Versions/MRFGR2_RetryB/ username@domain.com:/var/www/domain.com/public_html to test?14:01
new1wylde, so what is the best way for JAVA?14:02
spessexgvo: wylde: so would would it be taking hidden files…. there's literally 10's of them, maybe even a hundred? I have nothing to do with AdobePatches in the folder, it's just a drupal site?14:03
gvospessex: Yes it takes all files14:03
wyldespessex, exactly. Then when you're happy with the output, remove the -n to have the transfer take place.14:03
new1wylde, is open JAVA ok?14:03
wyldespessex, if you don't need the dot files, (files starting with . to transfer you can exclude them.14:04
wyldenew1 for typical usage yes14:04
spessexgvo: but why would it be taking Applications/.AdobePatchFiles/{109570E0-F794-4497-B53A-94C74513C234}/4ed68e70901e3c483886963f379150c0 which appears to be from the base folder Applications and not the final folder MRFGR2_RetryB? Sorry to sound a bit dumb here but I'm pretty new to this. Thanks for your patience14:04
new1wylde, tnx14:04
wyldenew1, if you want oracle java webupd8 has a ppa with an installer14:04
spessexwylde: can you advise how to exclude with the command I'm currently using?14:05
wyldenew1, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html14:05
gvospessex: look at the folder MRFGR2_RetryB does it contain a folder named Applications?14:05
new1wylde, just need to run netbeans is that good?14:05
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wyldenew1, I have no idea. Maybe someone else knows. Sorry14:06
spessexgvo: sh*t it does! my mistake. its when I was messing resyc before and obviously cocked up! thanks again :)14:06
gvospessex: np14:06
Guest51641hey. Have a USB wireless mouse that works fine on other OS, but seems to do nothing on ubuntu?14:06
Guest51641lsusb identifies it as: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 2c1a:0000 Dolphin Peripherals Wireless Optical Mouse14:08
gvoGuest51641: what's dmesg | tail -2314:08
gvoDon't paste the output here, however.14:09
wyldeiguano, don't spam here14:09
Guest51641gvo: where?14:09
wylde!paste | Guest5164114:10
ubottuGuest51641: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:10
gvoFIrst look at the output and see if anything tells you what's wrong.  Then use pastebin if you can't figure it out.14:10
gvoGuest51641: Like wylde says.14:10
Guest51641nothing obvious as far as I can see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6300842/14:10
esdeRunning ubuntu desktop 12.04, using virtualbox, logged into a windows 7 guest machine, all letters of the alphabet and the digits work but punctuation keys do not work, how do i enable punctation keys too?14:11
TheDeadMessengerUuugggh, So many problems with using linux, so much stuff to learn. And every distro is truely different, different errors, different nuiances with the UI, etcetc. Being a novice operator sucks... Why isn't 13.04 opening excutables anymore, and how else would I start the said program?14:11
gvoGuest51641: Try restarting udev or rebooting.14:11
Guest51641gvo: rebooted a few times, both with usb in or out, moving it between ports, no difference14:12
esdeTheDeadMessenger, I know that feel. Keep working at it and once you start to "get it" everything becomes easier14:12
gvoGuest51641: Hmm.  Don't know of anything else to try.14:12
TheDeadMessengeresde, thanks, but htf does anyone learn anything if it keeps changing?14:13
wyldeTheDeadMessenger, what "executables"?14:13
Guest51641gvo: Thanks anyway.. anyone else have any thoughts on this?14:13
TheDeadMessengerIts the firestorm viewer, I downloaded, extracted it and tired running it, but it opens in gedit14:13
esdeTheDeadMessenger, try an LTS release.14:13
TheDeadMessengerI thought I was putting a LTS on it, using wubi14:14
TheDeadMessengerbut it appeared as 13.0414:14
Guest51641So what's the next step to working out what's wrong? Is there a support ticket option anywhere?14:14
gvoGuest51641: You can try http://ubuntuforums.org/14:15
TheDeadMessengerBuuuhhh, am I an Idiot!!! WTFFF14:15
wyldeTheDeadMessenger, ugh...wubi. What exactly did you download? A tarball?14:15
Guest51641gvo: OK, I'll give that a go. thanks for trying to help14:16
esdeAny ideas on why certain keys don't pass through to my windows guest? Like I said before, it's only the keys like period, comma, colon14:16
gvoGuest51641: You can also search the forums for non working mice problems.14:16
k1l_!details | Guest5164114:16
ubottuGuest51641: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:16
gimmickeepass2 is crashing my X14:16
gimmicThat is awesome.14:16
gvok1l_: He did.14:16
gimmicanyone else running keepass2 on unity?14:17
gimmicwhen I go to click "new" under the UI, it completely crashes my x14:17
andry i did, switched to keepassx and kbd files14:17
andrymuch more stable14:17
TheDeadMessengerwylde, pardon? I am trying to salvage a PC. I wanted 12.04 LTS, but I got 13.something14:17
TheDeadMessengerbut my problem is I don't know what the command is to start the program and no google search I do is helping.14:18
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esdeIs that where it crashes or do i need to keep going?14:18
gimmickeepass2, not keepassX14:18
andryyes, was just telling .. i switched due to problems14:19
gimmickeepassX seems to be working fine14:19
esdeAhh, my bad. I think I had the same problem14:19
gimmicas soon as I hit "new", X crashes entirely hard reset14:19
esdeI had to convert my old db from kdbx to kdb14:19
k1l_TheDeadMessenger: lsb_release -a    #in a terminal will tell you with ubuntu it is exactly14:19
gimmickeepassX seems to be working fine. Oh well14:19
esdethen use keepassx14:19
chrohi, after updating ubuntu to the latest version my keyboard stopped working...14:19
TheDeadMessengerIt's 13.1014:19
andryfunny .. i downloaded 12.04lts server on work today and got 13.10 too14:20
sarvsavHello everyone.14:20
TheDeadMessengeryou did, really? I'm not tripping then, and the drugs have worn off!14:20
PiciTheDeadMessenger: From which link did you download it from?14:21
TheDeadMessengerI was using wubi14:21
sarvsavI am writing a C program, and i need to use curl/curl.h file14:21
andry< downloaded via ubuntu.com and some .edu mirror14:21
k1l_TheDeadMessenger: wubi is not a download target14:21
sarvsavI just have installed curl, using this command sudo apt-get install curl14:21
gordonjcpsarvsav: you might also want curl-dev14:21
k1l_TheDeadMessenger: and most user recommend to avoid wubi . i prefer a real install, too14:22
TheDeadMessengerI like booting from a USB though14:22
TheDeadMessengerhow is a real install?14:22
wyldeTheDeadMessenger, then use a live usb with persistance, rather than wubi ;)14:22
sarvsavgordonjcp, : how to install them? Sorry, i am new to ubuntu14:22
gvosudo apt-get install curl-dev14:22
k1l_TheDeadMessenger: wubi is the install into the windows partition. dont know what you mean14:22
TheDeadMessengerI'm only using wubi to install ubuntu on the machines, I'm not running it at all.14:23
kostkonsarvsav, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcurl3&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all14:23
sarvsavReading package lists... Done14:23
sarvsavBuilding dependency tree14:23
sarvsavReading state information... Done14:23
sarvsavE: Unable to locate package curl-dev14:23
TheDeadMessengerI meant eNetbootin...14:23
k1l_TheDeadMessenger: do you mean unetbootin?14:23
TheDeadMessengeryea, that.14:23
TheDeadMessengeri'm not idiot14:23
opthhey guys i am on ubuntu 13.10 and the COG for power off and log out has disappeared . what to do ?14:23
TheDeadMessengerI swear14:23
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TheDeadMessengerI'm just really tired from a 60 hr work week in a tortilla factory.14:24
gvosarvsav: apt-get install libcurl-dev14:24
gordonjcpsarvsav: same way you installed curl14:24
andrylibcurl4-openssl-dev <14:25
wyldeopth, reboot will likely do it. Compiz probably barfed at some point. Just had my 14.04 daily machine do that.14:25
Piciandry: anyway you can get the exact mirror?14:25
andryyes, my laptop at work is on with remote desktop, second please14:25
sarvsavThanks, gvo, gordonjcp and kostkon14:25
knoppixhow to use compizz in kali linux 1.0.5??>>><<??14:25
wylde!kali | knoppix14:25
ubottuknoppix: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)14:25
gvosarvsav: one of those answers will work.  ;)14:25
gordonjcp!unsupported | knoppix14:25
opthwylde: k thanx man14:26
opthwylde: but this is the second time it has done that14:26
sarvsavYeah, i used sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev and it worked. gvo14:26
gvosarvsav: Satisfies your compile/configure?14:27
sarvsavYes. gvo :)14:27
wyldeopth, hmmm not sure what's causing it. If it continues it might be worth investigating further.14:28
andryPici, cannot connect to the pc at the moment, maybe later14:29
Piciandry: okay, thats fine14:29
TheDeadMessengerHOKAY. LETS DO THIS.14:34
LjLor not14:35
TheDeadMessengerI need to do a couple of things, can anyone help me some what? I need a crake to my snowman14:37
DJonesTheDeadMessenger: This is Ubuntu support, please stay on topic14:38
TheDeadMessengerDjones; Sorry, I'm trying to get some up-tier support.14:39
anteayaI want to install this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/owncloud but I don't want to install the owncloud-mysql part of the package, is there a flag I can use to exclude owncloud-mysql?14:39
esdeCan someone please help me figure out why I can't type using punctuation in a windows 7 virtualbox guest on ubuntu 12.04??? It's extremely frustrating not being able to use periods and the like14:39
ActionPa1snipesde: so windows is the host, or the guest?14:40
new1where all the app on unity?14:40
ActionPa1snipnew1: how do you mean?14:40
ActionPa1snipesde: then I'd ask in ##windows14:40
Picianteaya: try with the --no-install-recommends flag?14:40
new1ActionPa1snip, well, i just installed netbeans but i don't see it and i can't open it14:40
anteayaPici: thank you, I will try that14:41
new1ActionPa1snip, and it's not on the left pane14:41
ActionPa1snipnew1: how did you install it?14:41
andryanteaya, are you sure you dont want the client?14:41
new1ActionPa1snip, with .sh file14:41
esdeWell i wanted to make sure ubuntu was passing the commands, and I'm not missing some dependency to enable all keyboard input to be forwarded to the virtualbox guest14:41
anteayaandry: yes I am using trove for the db14:41
andryah okay :)14:41
anteayaandry: thanks for asking though14:41
new1ActionPa1snip, found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Netbeans not sure what is mean14:42
ActionPa1snipnew1: can you launch it from ALT+F2 ?14:42
new1ActionPa1snip, no luck14:42
anteayaPici andry put it isn't a recommends package, it is a depends package14:42
new1ActionPa1snip, what is the shortcut for Application ->?14:42
andryyou may edit the deb package and remove the depends :P14:43
somsipnew1: did you 'sudo netbeansinstaller.sh' or whatever the file is called?14:43
Picianteaya: Then you need to install it.14:43
ActionPa1snipnew1: http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/40321/14:43
anteayaPici okay thanks14:43
ActionPa1snipnew1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/100197314:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1001973 in unity (Ubuntu) "netbeans icon does not show in unity launcher after starting and stopping netbeans a few times" [High,Confirmed]14:43
new1just ./netbeans-7.4-php-linux.sh14:43
anteayaandry ha ha ha, easier to just feed it a mysql password and move along14:43
new1somsip, ^14:43
somsipnew1: from memory, that will install in your home directory, but looks like ActionPa1snip has a link for you14:44
andryi can do that for you anteaya14:45
xperementhow can i configure console keyboard layout switching?14:45
anteayaandry you can edit the debian package?14:45
andryyes, the depends14:45
anteayaawesome! thanks14:46
xevilhave there beem any major problems upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10?14:46
anteayaI work on openstack and sense there would be more folks in my position, wanted to use owncloud and want a different db, andry14:46
dkinzerI'm getting an internal server error at http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/14:47
andrybut the owncloud-sqlite is fine?14:47
anteayaandry: if we could get rid of that too, that would be great14:47
anteayajust owncloud, so I can use trove14:47
anteayawithout extra stuff14:47
wyldeanteaya, should be trivial to grab the source, edit the depends in the debian/control file build and up to a ppa ;)14:47
anteayawylde: trivial if you have done it before14:48
anteayaI have not14:48
andry< uploading :O14:49
andrybut i just left out the databases14:49
anteayaandry thank you14:49
new1somsip, right, i just sudo install .sh it. and now i can see that. tnx14:50
andrytry it first, hope it works14:51
anteayaandry spinning up a vm to test it out14:51
somsipnew1: np14:51
andry:) okay14:51
FILAZAndry can you help me a little?14:51
new1any idea how to install xampp?14:51
ActionPa1snipnew1: all you need is a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/ to run the right files14:51
andryFILAZ, just ask to the room14:52
Pici!xampp | new114:52
ubottunew1: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.14:52
new1ActionPalship not sure what u mean, or how to do it14:52
new1Pici, tnx14:53
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andrymeh, anyone knows if nautilus can follow symlinks on ftp connections?14:55
FILAZOk, I have ubuntu 64 bits, downloaded CrossOver Trial, but it's 32 bits, I can't install it, I Install ia32-libs but I get error dpkg message14:56
FILAZdpkg: error al procesar crossover_12.5.1-1_i386.deb (--install):14:56
FILAZ analizando archivo «/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control» cerca de la línea 8 paquete «crossover:i386»:14:56
FILAZ 'Recommends' field, reference to 'lib32nss-mdns': invalid architecture name 'amd64': a value different from 'any' is currently not allowed14:56
FILAZSe encontraron errores al procesar:14:56
SmashcatAnyone here used Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro Retina? (15" with Nvidia 750M if it matters?) Interested if the hardware is well supported before I take the plunge to wipe OSX and install it.14:57
FILAZanyone knows that I can do?14:58
andrydoesnt ubuntu come with multilips already? else try "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386"14:58
anteayaandry: when I was installing dependencies it got messy fast, output suggested I use apt-get -f install which I did and there is mysql again :(14:59
siwicawhat is the recommended way to update from 13.04 to 13.10?14:59
anteayanot to worry, I will end up just using the owncloud package, less for me to have to puppet anyway14:59
anteayathanks though14:59
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:00
FILAZThank's Adry I will do15:01
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siwicawhen opening the Software Updater I get: "Failed to download repository information, Check your internet connection". Altough letting me write this on here proves my internet connection is perfectly fine. How could I solve this?15:07
jhutchinssiwica: Correct the entries in your sources lists.15:08
siwicajhutchins: how do I find out which ones are corrupt?15:09
jhutchinssiwica: You might want to check the errata and mailing lists before you make the jump - unless you have an easy way to snapshot your sytem for rollback.15:09
jhutchinssiwica: running the update in a console (aptitude update) should show you which repositories are failing.15:10
siwicajhutchins: well my only reason to make the switch are difficulties I have installing haskell15:11
everaldHello. ck-list-sessions doesn't show  any sessions, even though logged in with unity; is this a bug15:12
BooeyOHIn 12.04 how can I see more detail about ssh sessions, such as what files were transferred, etc?15:12
Shinobihow can I have fetchmail rewrite the "to" address?15:12
everaldand could anyone with 13.10 tell me whether they've got xsane or simple-scan running?15:12
everaldI can only as root.15:13
BooeyOHnevermind, I found it, thank you, it is here: http://serverfault.com/questions/73319/sftp-logging-is-there-a-way15:14
Patero-ngdoes ubuntu server supports the spanish n with the tilde on top15:15
Patero-ngi know it does on desktop help please15:15
jhutchinseverald: Iirc you need to add yourself to the group that owns the scanner device.15:15
everaldjhutchins, which group? I've already added myself to "scanner".15:16
PiciPatero-ng: I told you the other day that it does.15:16
jhutchinseverald: Whichever group the device that xsane is looking at belongs to.15:16
everaldjhutchins, I think it's a bug in 13.10, but that's why I want to confirm whether anyone has it running/15:17
everaldI haven't figured out the device yet.15:17
Patero-ngPici: I'm pressing the keys but is not showing15:17
PiciPatero-ng: What keys?15:17
jhutchinseverald: Remember that you need to log out and log back in for a new group to take effect.15:17
Patero-ngshift control +u00f115:18
everaldjhutchins, did that (well, using newgrp or sux)15:18
PiciPatero-ng: Locally or via an ssh session? and if the latter, how are you connecting?15:18
machuanyuhello  everyone15:19
Patero-ngI'm sure is not using gnome shell15:20
siwicaI have some trouble installing ghc using apt-get. Could somebody take a look at the log (http://pastebin.com/PK7s5ed3) and tell me what the problem is? I am quite new to Linux!15:21
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PiciPatero-ng: I don't think that getty supports that properly.  If you connect with a terminal emulator it should work fine.  See http://askubuntu.com/questions/23610/tty-unicode-problem15:22
Patero-ngPici: I see15:23
theadminsiwica: Someone with admin rights on your system deleted /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-32-generic which causes the kernel package to fail configuration.15:24
denianyone having troubel getting dnsmasq to read /etc/ethers? the way i see it /etc/init/lxc-net.conf is missing a -Z in the dnsmasq start command15:24
theadminsiwica: GHC installed succesfully, as a matter of fact.15:24
denior /etc/dnsmasq.d/lxc isn't being read in any way? cause i have the 'read-ethers' command there15:24
theadminsiwica: You need to purge linux-image-3.8.0-32-generic and reinstall it.15:25
youssef_hello everyone15:26
siwicatheadmin: ok that is weird. Its my personal laptop so I am the only user+admin. Cant imagine me deleting it by accident. Any guide on how to do the purging and reinstalling?15:27
theadminsiwica: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.8.0-32-generic ; sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.8.0-32-generic.15:28
theadminsiwica: Could also be a power failure or something15:28
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siwicatheadmin: thank you, that did the job! Glad there is irc to get help so fast... :)15:31
youssef_theadmin u can help me15:31
theadminsiwica: :) Glad it worked.15:31
theadminyoussef_: Uh, maybe, maybe not, depends on what the problem is.15:31
youssef_mhy prb is with UBUNTU 13.1015:31
theadminExact problem please?15:32
youssef_i don't find my patrition in poste de travail15:32
youssef_and CD/DVD lecture15:32
theadminyoussef_: Speak English please... If you can't, please go to #ubuntu-fr15:33
theadminI can't into french.15:33
everaldOk, seems that one needs to be member of group "lp", not "scanner", to be able to scan with this scanner.15:33
AzthalHi, not sure if appropriate place, but.. Is there any reason why Upstart would not respawn a crashed program while tracking correct PID?15:35
MarcNWhich package does the /home/$user encryption?  It is an option at installation time.  I need to file a bug on it.15:35
MarcNimorhi, thanks.15:37
imorhiit's actually ecryptfs-utils and libecryptfs0 to be exact15:37
dongiei installed kernel-package on 13.04. however, dvb_frontend.h and other dvb-related stuff needed to build an out-of-tree kernel is missing. discuss.15:38
DavidBrookecan ubuntu tweak be used in ubuntu gnome? I noticed that compiz-core will be installed and mutter is used in ubuntu gnome15:38
ikoniadongie: what's to discuss ?15:38
dongieikonia: i was able to do it in 12.0415:38
Underbytequick question: what packages does ubuntu server install if you select 'Virtual Machine Host' in the Software Selection dialog during installation?15:38
MarcNimorhi, upgraded to saucy and now I can't have files > 4G under $HOME -- messed up my 41G VM backing file.   Silently!15:38
dongiei want to know why its removed and/or how do I get equivalent functionality as 12.0415:38
ikoniawhy what's remove ?15:39
ikoniadongie: what's the actual question ?15:39
sebokieI just installed Awesome WM15:39
sebokiehow can I open a session?15:39
somsipsebokie: mod key and enter15:39
dongieikonia: i cannot bulid an out-of-tree driver (dvb-usb device) because all the include files are missing15:39
imorhiMarcN, seems strange I haven't seen that before. ecryptfs shouldn't break on large files15:39
ikoniadongie: missing from what ?15:39
sebokiesomsip, ok thanks15:39
dongieikonia: THE KERNEL-HEADERS package15:39
MarcNimorhi, give me a few seconds and I'll point you to the big.15:40
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PiciUnderbyte: tasksel --task-packages virt-host gives me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6301286/15:40
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
UnderbytePici: looks like it installs kvm/qemu15:41
compdocUnderbyte, I remember trying that once and it installed packages i didnt want. Now I just install qemu-kvm afterwards15:42
imorhi MarkN, I believe your bug is this: http://goo.gl/P6Dsn115:43
Underbyte compdoc: well i'm actually attempting to install devstack, so i'm guessing it will have everything i need contained inside it15:44
compdocUnderbyte, give it a shot15:45
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ikoniadongie: are they actually mean to be in the headers for the kernl you are using15:50
ikoniahave you checked they are supposed to be part of the kernel you are using15:50
dongieikonia: unless youre telling me that for some mysterious reason all of dvb stuff got rewritten between 3.5 and 3.8, yes, I would expect them to be in the kernel.15:51
ikoniadongie: it does get re-written, that's why modules don't work for every version15:51
dongieand yes, /linux-source-3.8.0/drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_frontend.h15:51
dongiethey're there.15:51
ikoniadongie: hence why I'm sayingcheck15:51
dongiethis is from lixnu-source or rwahtever package from 13.04.15:51
ikoniadongie: so what's the problem then ? if it's in the source15:52
ikoniayou've downloaded the package...and it's in the source.15:52
dongieikonia: ??? on 12.04 its in linux-INCLUDES15:52
dongiewhich is stuff USERS install15:52
MarcNimorhi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1244710    <== nasty data loss bug15:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1244710 in Ubuntu "encryption on /home/$USER now silently truncates large files" [Undecided,New]15:52
ikoniadongie: 12.04 is a different kernel15:52
ikoniaunless I'm miss-understanding what you're saying15:52
dongiewhat im saying is that 12.04 includes dvb-core/usb/etc INCLUDE files into linux-headers-3.5.0-wahtever15:53
dongiewhile 13.04 does NOT15:53
dongieeven though they ARE in the full kernel package15:53
ikoniadongie: yes, it's different kernel15:53
dongiewhich no sane user is going to install or try to use15:53
ikoniadongie: things change between kernel versions.15:53
ikoniadongie: what are you talking about no sane user ???15:53
dongieikonia: it makes it impossible to build out-of-kernel drivers.15:53
ikoniadongie: no, it means the out of source vendors have to keep up15:54
ikoniathat's why modules can work in Version A but not Version B15:54
ikoniait's not uncommon15:54
dongieare you just thick or are you totally not getting stuff15:54
ikoniaI don't believe I'm thick15:54
ikoniaI maybe missing the point of what you are saying, but changes of headers between kernels is not uncommon15:55
ikoniathat's why the libc-headers project was tried and failed....15:55
dongiethe headers didnt change15:55
ikoniadongie: then if they didn't change, what's the actual issue ?15:55
dongielike they WERE15:55
ikoniadongie: but you should be building against the kernel source headers, not the linux-headers which are user space15:55
chroanyone here uses netvibes ?15:56
dongieikonia: huh.15:56
dongieim buildilng against wahtever the hell "kernel-package" installs15:56
dongieif you got better ideas, i'm all ears.15:57
ikoniadongie: right, so if you install the kernel-source-package you should get the headers from that kernel15:57
dongieikonia: that package doesnt even untar the kernel15:57
* Underbyte wonders if dongie's real name is Cliff Yablonski15:57
dongieit sticks a 90meg .tar.bz2 into /usr/src15:57
dongiehow the h ell is that useful?15:57
dongiehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/amd64/linux-headers-generic where can i see a history of files added/removes/etc in this?15:58
ikoniadongie that's not the source package - that's the source the package was built from15:58
dongieenlighten me then15:58
kongthapif i installed a program in /usr/local/ (adroid dev tool), do i need to setup some permission settings to run the program???15:58
OerHeksdongie, for kernel headers, use "  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)  "15:58
dongieOerHeks: thanks, i'm past that already.15:58
dongie"kernel-package" installs that.15:58
ikoniadongie: what is the full name of the kernel-headers package you are using15:59
dongielinux-headers-3.8.0-19                          install15:59
dongielinux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic                  install15:59
dongielinux-headers-generic                           install15:59
ikoniadongie: ok, so linux-headers-3.8.0-19 should contain it if it's part of the source tarball15:59
ikoniadongie: if it doesn't you may need to log a bug15:59
kongthapthe permission of /user/local/adt/ is "drwxrwxr-x" and the owner is my username16:00
dongieikonia: ..16:00
ikoniadongie: don't know what .. means16:00
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dongie< dongie> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/amd64/linux-headers-generic where can i see a history of files added/removes/etc in this?16:00
ikoniathe change log16:00
dongiewhich is?16:00
ikoniawhich is what ?16:00
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dongieim not clicking on every kernel version16:01
dongieand reading something16:01
dongieto find something else16:01
ikoniadongie: that's what you have to do - go through the commits to find where it was removed/added16:01
ikoniathen the comment should (hopefully) tell you why16:01
ikoniamust dash16:01
jony_easyriderwhen I try to run wxpic, it gives me the following error: ./wxpic: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:04
jony_easyriderI'm using 64 bit Ubuntu16:04
jony_easyrideron 32 bit it runs fine, please help16:04
trismjony_easyrider: probably need to: sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-0:i386;16:05
jony_easyridertrism, TY, it worked!16:08
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esdeI figured out why punctuation symbols weren't working on the Windows 7 Guest. I tried the onscreen keyboard in ubuntu and i was able to type punctuation that way. My guess is that connecting to the host via teamviewer is in some way effecting the keyboard emulation to the guest.16:16
lfaraone_I killed unity-2d-panel because my window manager wasn't coöperating with it; is there a way to get my menus back in-app during the same session? I'm on 12.04 LTS.16:18
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shengyugassho: =]16:26
ripthejackerhow can I create an Ubuntu USB key without using startup disk creator?16:28
ripthejackerI tried the disk creator and it crashes with sigsegvfault16:28
esdeunetbootin is what i used in windows to setup a usb to install ubuntu16:29
esdedamn keyboard. im 95% sure they have a linux version too16:29
gordonjcpripthejacker: dd16:30
ripthejackergordonjcp: what about the bootloader?16:30
gordonjcpripthejacker: doesn't matter16:31
gordonjcpripthejacker: the iso is suitable for just writing straight to a USB stick16:31
gordonjcpunetbootin doesn't really work very well16:31
MapsRusHow do I search for file modified in the last three weeks?16:31
ripthejackerthanks gordonjcp, esde,16:33
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somsipMapsRus: maybe... find /path -mtime 2116:36
chroanyone here uses netvibes ?16:37
JoeyJoeJoI made a custom init script for something I want to start at boot time. After the system is booted and I run 'service myInitScript start', it works. I ran 'update-rc.d myInitScript defaults' but the service isn't running when I restart my computer. I checked in /etc/rc5.d and the symlinks are there. How can I fix that?16:41
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FrankDuxi have two monitors, and when i maximize flash in a browser in one, then click anything in the other, the flash loses full screen16:47
theadminJoeyJoeJo: Ubuntu defaults to boot to runlevel 2, not 5.16:48
everaldHow can I choose a script of my own (or add command line arguments to existing program) when setting up a file association in unity?16:48
theadminJoeyJoeJo: Also, it might be better to write an Upstart job.16:48
everaldOr how can I make it appear in the list of applications to choose from?16:48
kxtwoHey guys, every 3 distributions are LTS right?16:49
thneeeverald: how are you setting up the file association?16:51
somsipkxtwo: nope - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS16:52
everaldthnee, I just use right click, "open with", "open with other application"16:52
everaldThat's in Nautilus I guess.16:52
thneeeverald: ah yeah I think that's pretty limited too, perhaps try using Ubuntu Tweak16:52
kxtwoum somsip that validates what I said... lol16:52
thneeeverald: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/16:53
somsipkxtwo: every 4th release is LTS. But if you got what you want...16:53
kxtwosymantics, not to mention you could have just said every 4th release instead of a url but thanks none the less :)16:54
kxtwo12.04 it is16:54
thneekxtwo: or you could have googled it in like 2 seconds16:54
somsipkxtwo: I could have ignored you but chose to help ;)16:54
kxtwowhy google when I can come here :)16:54
everaldthnee, hmm ok but why is this not in the Ubuntu repositories? I won't download an executable and run it like that.16:54
thneeyeah that's gonna get you far16:55
kxtwoI love the pretentiousness of irc'ers lol16:55
thneeeverald: why the heck not? what's so special about Canonical's apt repos?16:55
everaldthnee, man in the middle attacks16:55
everaldor, trust.16:56
thneeeverald: seems like you can edit the .desktop file for the target app http://askubuntu.com/questions/16580/where-are-file-associations-stored/16583#1658316:58
thneein your case, perhaps create a new custom desktop file16:58
ralph_hello is it normal that my GPU fan is spinning very fast with the radeon drivers? (just started using them, 3 screens on 1 card, FullHD)17:01
supNowralph_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/116005/gnome-3-ati-fan-always-on/116045#11604517:04
chroafter upgrading my eclipse is not booting. What could be the problem ?17:05
SoltisHi. Nobody is alive on #libreoffice, so I hope I can get some help here. I have a bunch of Chinese documents I'm trying to convert from RTF->PDF; they display just fine when I view them on another machine, but the converted PDFs (using a headless instance of LO3.6 on Ubuntu 12.10) have all the chinese characters replaced with place holder squares. I have Chinese locales/language packs/fonts installed, and they show up with locale -a and fc-list r17:06
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thneeSoltis: how did you transfer the document? can you md5sum it to validate that it is the same?17:12
Soltisthnee: The documents are being generated on the server where the conversion is taking place. Copying them to a local machine, and they display correctly. Viewing them in vim shows correct Unicode character escapes.17:13
thneeSoltis: still wouldnt hurt to just check the integrity of the file17:14
Soltisthnee: I've tried this with about 100 different files.17:14
thneeI see17:15
SimPawIs there a way to make a customized live disk? That has my configurations and programs installed on, but "starts fresh" with each boot?17:15
thneeSimPaw: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ ;)17:15
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SimPawthnee: ha! a little more abstracted would be nicer :)17:16
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thneeSoltis: have you compare export|grep LC on the differnt machines?17:17
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TrudkoHi guys, I am trying to go full time on Ubuntu. So one of first things I did is that Installed Eclipse because I develop on Android. I downloaded 64 bit package from Android website(which have Eclipse and adb) I tried it and I got error right away. So i had ot install 32bit packages(lib32stdc++6) My question is ? how is it possible that I even ran into such a problem?17:18
wood_quinn_Has anyone here ever used 3jelly before?17:18
SimPawTrudko: you have 64bit linux installed?17:19
gordonjcpTrudko: sounds like you're installing the wrong version of Eclipse.  You should be looking for a 64-bit version.17:19
TrudkoSimPaw, I do have 64 bit Ubuntu17:19
sjmikemAnyone else have a problem with Chrome on SS where tabs get "stuck" until you drag them out of the window?17:19
SimPawTrudko: ok, what errors were you getting?17:19
Trudkogordonjcp, well I downloaded 64bit package from android dev website17:19
thneeTrudko: uname -a17:19
gordonjcpTrudko: oh, sorry, nonsense17:19
gordonjcpTrudko: the ADK needs 32-bit libs17:19
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gordonjcpTrudko: http://xtrahot.chili-mango.net/2012/09/installing-android-development-tools-in-ubuntu-1204-lts-64-bit/17:20
gordonjcpTrudko: ^ try that17:20
TrudkoSimPaw, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13571145/android-adb-not-found17:20
Trudkoand btw I do use 1304 not sure if that is relevant17:20
Soltisthnee: Yeah. On the other machine (Windows) they show up correctly, except for a couple characters which I believe are subject to a known bug (Chinese glyphs in a certain range aren't displayed properly)17:20
gordonjcpTrudko: shouldn't be hugely relevant17:20
Soltisthnee: So if I convert a document on Ubuntu, it's garbage; on Windows it's missing 2 characters.17:21
thneeSoltis: NOW you tell us the other machine actually runs a completely different operating system...17:21
SimPawTrudko: Ah, so it's not eclipse, but android SDK problem17:21
Trudkogordonjcp, maybe this is stupid question on my part but is it problem for them to provide 64bit? I didnt have any such problem on Windows. I am asking this btw to not have some bad idea about Ubuntu.17:21
SimPawTrudko: what version of that do you have?17:21
TrudkoSimPaw, what do you mean by that?17:21
gordonjcpTrudko: no idea, it's annoying17:21
Trudkoor ADt?17:21
Soltisthnee: Not really relevant to the problem at hand; the problem is NOT the document -- it's something with the Ubuntu machine I'm on.17:21
Trudkogordonjcp, hmm I worry that I will run into such problem later on and I dont want especially while working because I really do want to switch to Ubuntu17:22
thneeSoltis: it's relevant allright, how could you possibly compare any settings17:22
SimPawTrudko: what do you see in /home/antz/Development/adt-bundle-linux/sdk/platform-tools/adb?17:22
ripthejackerneed help , just installed ubuntu 13.10 and my pc looks like this17:23
Soltisthnee: The Ubuntu instance is completely default; it's a headless machine. It's very probably something wrong with the font configuration; even though the fonts are showing up with fc-list, LO must not be seeing them.17:23
SoltisOr it's defaulting to handling them improperly.17:23
ripthejackeralso there's another problem that's not visible , which is underscanning17:23
ripthejackerI have amd radeon HD 6450 card, and Caicos driver17:24
nurowHello, I'm trying to edit a PDF that has some spanish text in it using LibreOffice Draw. The text looks fine in my PDF reader before editing it, but after I edit it in Draw, the Spanish language words are huge and span beyond their normal boundaries, overlapping with other words. Anyone know how to fix this?17:24
nurowI'm guessing it has to do with selecting the right character encoding, but I'm not sure how to do that?17:24
TrudkoSimPaw ? what could I see there?17:24
SimPawTrudko: The error is saying it's looking for files in that directory, but can't find them17:25
thneeSoltis: so did you try opening the PDF in any other program?17:25
ripthejackerplease help , how do I solve this display issue17:26
TrudkoSimPaw, well there were ther eproblem was that I had to install some 32 bit libraries. see answer to the problem17:26
Trudkobtw I didnt post the issue but it was same as mine17:26
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Trudkoand yes error message is confusing17:27
Soltisthnee: Yeah, I'm viewing it in Foxit17:27
SimPawTrudko: now I'm confused. What exactly is the problem you're seeing?17:27
Soltisthnee: And, by the way, no Chinese fonts are being embedded in the PDF at all.17:27
ripthejackeralso the screen resolution is set to 1280x1024 instead of 1920x108017:27
kalakais there any key board shortcut to open file browser like windows +e17:28
kalakai am running ubuntu17:28
kalaka12.04 LTS17:28
thneekalaka: hold down the Super key to see keyboard shortcuts17:28
kalakai am running KDE right now17:28
kalakathnee: KDE is very much similar to windows, UNity is also good, but it crashes very oftenly17:29
TrudkoSimPaw, its the one asked in question17:29
thneekalaka: I use awesome myself17:29
Soltisthnee: For fun, I opened them in LO; the characters all show up as the same junk character instead of showing up correctly.17:30
kalakathnee: :D, you like unity, i like the looks17:30
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thneeSoltis: Well, either you are missing some fonts, or you messed up the PFG17:31
thneePDF even17:31
Soltisthnee: Nevermind. My mistake.17:31
Soltisthnee: I opened the wrong file; that was the one I converted locally.17:31
thneeSoltis: ofcourse, who elses would it be?17:31
SoltisSo the ones converted on Ubuntu are still screwed up.17:32
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LiavHey, I was having some serious stability issues in the past 24 hours -- compiz was crashing a lot, but I also got crash reports from apt, bash, postgres, update manager, crash notifier, cron, nautilus, etc.17:35
LiavA couple of hours ago I reinstalled ubuntu-desktop and unity, system has been stable since then.17:35
kalakai want to customize KDE, NOT COMPUter17:35
kalakasomething like ALT+HOME17:35
kalakashould also work on nautilus17:36
kalakaor dolphin17:36
LiavI think compiz was the root cause and would like to file a bug report, but I'm not sure if it was, or what the next step should be.17:36
Hackwarhi folks, I recently installed ubuntu server with samba and now I got a little problem. I connect via WLAN from my workstation to the server and when I try to browse the fileshare while also copying files there, the whole thing more or less freezes up. Is there some switch that I should toggle to improve performance there?17:37
Hackwarsome QoS thing?17:37
sidewinder96hey guys i need some help with using ubuntu and vmware17:38
ademoglui need a application for my photos slide show like windows, any suggestion ?17:38
bazhang!equivalents | ademoglu17:39
ubottuademoglu: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot17:39
sidewinder96im trying to connect but u i have a 64-bit iso file17:39
sidewinder96how can i make it work with vmware workstation 10.017:39
k1lademoglu: the eog (eye of gnome) is the standard picture viewer and got a slideshow17:40
thneesidewinder96: you dont need to do anything to "make it work with vmware workstaion 10.0"17:41
sidewinder96thenee, then what settings should i chose?17:41
thneesidewinder96: choose the appropriate settings for your environment17:42
sidewinder96thnee, This virtual machine is configured for 64-bit guest operating systems. However, 64-bit operation is not possible.17:43
sidewinder96This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled.17:43
sidewinder96i keep getting this error17:44
thneesidewinder96: so enable VT-x17:44
sidewinder96how can i do that?17:44
thneein BIOS17:45
sidewinder96i know it is enable in my bios17:45
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ripthejackerplease can someone help  me to troubleshoot the graphics problem?17:45
thneeI'm ready to bet it is not enabeld in your BIOS17:45
nightdreveris there a way to have different wallpaper on different workspaces?17:45
sidewinder96alright give me a min ill shut down and re check :p17:45
thneeripthejacker: did you try turning it off and on again?17:46
minimecnightdrever: http://askubuntu.com/questions/75998/is-it-possible-to-have-a-different-background-for-each-workspace17:47
ripthejackerthnee: turning what on-off?17:47
thneethe computer?17:47
OscarChi guys17:47
ripthejackerthnee: yes I restarted once after installing ubuntu17:47
OscarCcan you tell me why dd is astonishingly slow? something like 3MB/s17:47
thneeripthejacker: naturally I mean after the problem occurred17:48
ripthejackerthnee: Well I just installed Ubuntu 13.1017:48
thneeSo thats a no?17:48
ripthejackerthnee: I restarted once after installing Ubuntu17:49
whoeverhi all , i am tring to move my webbrowser from my main screen to the extended screen , but when i drag from main to extened screen  the siz of the widow that previously filled the screen  will not snap to the extend screen when i drag and hold17:49
ripthejackeractually twice, once with nomodeset, but still , it was this way17:49
whoeverit wil snap back to the primarry display17:49
whoevercan someone assist17:49
Ubnoobtu1204Hey, Quick Question. How do I install something I would apt-get, but its on a flash drive?17:49
OerHeksUbnoobtu1204, sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb17:50
thneeUbnoobtu1204: is it a .deb?17:50
ripthejackerthnee: I'll try restarting once more17:50
Ubnoobtu1204its, uhh, firmware? I guess17:51
thneeUbnoobtu1204: why do you think this has anything to do with apt?17:51
Ubnoobtu1204sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree17:52
sidewinder96thnee, you might have been right :p17:52
sidewinder96thanks for the help man!17:52
thnee;) welcome17:52
thneeUbnoobtu1204: why do you have this on a flash drive?17:53
Ubnoobtu1204thnee, OerHeks, Yesterday i installed 13.10 on a machine of mine that needs a wireless adapter to be working at the time of install.17:53
ripthejackerthnee: Hey restarted once more , but the problem is still there17:53
thneeripthejacker: are you up to date on all packages? apt-get update; apt-get upgrade17:54
Ubnoobtu1204so I am trying to make a startup cd with the drivers on it, because I can only connect wirelessly to finish what I have to do.17:54
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delinquentmeSo. EOL packages ...17:54
Ubnoobtu1204which is then to get drivers for the video card that isnt supported by ubuntu17:54
delinquentmecan these even still be acquired?17:54
ripthejackerthnee: I did update, but didn't update the packages, lemme try that17:54
Ubnoobtu1204and I'm a complete novice17:54
delinquentmeI've got this  libjpeg8 and its (seemingly ) no longer avialable17:55
uruloke2hey guys, what is the smartest way to downgrade from ubuntu 13.10 to 12.04 while i have windows installed too?17:55
thneeUbnoobtu1204: ok well if you feel you have the right .deb package, do what OerHeks said17:55
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:55
mephrHi there, can someone explain what  movie_test[-grep("^[rm]t$", movie_test)] will do? I know that in principle it will remove everything that matches the grep argument "[rm]t$" in movie_test from movie_test itself.  But what does "[rm]t$" sound like in normal language?17:55
Ubnoobtu1204I missed it17:55
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OerHeksdelinquentme, yes you can, add old-versions to the sources, see the url17:55
Ubnoobtu1204oh yea, sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb17:55
Ubnoobtu1204how do I join the !offtopic channel17:56
OerHeksUbnoobtu1204, if that .deb is on a ntfs/fat32 drive, copy it to your system first17:56
delinquentmeOerHeks, Ohhh so this is like " upgrade ubuntu "17:56
whoeverthe issse that i am have is the OP http://askubuntu.com/questions/131177/snap-to-full-screen-not-working-dual-monitors. is there a solution so that  snap will work correctly on the smaeller screen17:57
Ubnoobtu1204OerHeks, thanks, everyone is really helpful here. thnee17:58
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Ubnoobtu1204!join offtopic channel17:58
ubottuUbnoobtu1204: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:58
thneemephr: sound like? it's a regular expression17:58
swordsmanzi need a good bbs client17:58
swordsmanzfor ubuntu xD17:59
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:59
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:59
whoeverhi all is there a solution to the OP http://askubuntu.com/questions/131177/snap-to-full-screen-not-working-dual-monitors other then the one in the posted answer17:59
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whoeveror has someon found a way for snapping to word on the scondary screen18:00
Ubnoobtu1204!irc help18:00
intraderHello all, I wish to upgrade to latests from 12.04. I don't know whether I need to first upgrade to 12.10, 13.04, 13.10, and then 14.04. The update manager is telling me that I can upgrade directly to 14.04. Is this correct18:01
OerHeksintrader. 14.04 is in pre-alfa stage now, join #ubuntu+1 for support18:01
therazrintrader: Don't upgrade yet. Wait until 14.04 is released in April18:02
intraderOerHeks, therazr  so a should ignore the update manager?18:03
Ubnoobtu1204how do I even use irc...18:03
therazrintrader: The update manager shouldn't be telling about that upgrade just yet.18:03
therazrintrader: What release does it want to upgrade to?18:03
OerHeksintrader, the update manager should not give you 14.04, as it is not out yet, unless you provoked the -d development option18:04
intradertherazr, OerHeks I 'provoked the -d development version through settings18:04
MonkeyDusttherazr  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule18:05
OerHeksintrader, oke, then join #ubuntu+1 for support18:05
intradertherazr, it wants me to upgrade to 14.0418:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:05
gasshoimma chargin therazr 8O18:05
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therazrintrader: You shouldn't provoke anything. From 12.04 you can upgrade to 12.10 and 14.04 (once it's released in April 2014)18:05
MonkeyDustintrader  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule18:05
therazrgassho: what?18:06
gasshoold meme ^^'18:06
therazrintrader: Upgrading to 12.10 now is pointless, so wait for 14.04 (at least until it reaches beta stage or something)18:06
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intradertherazr, MonkeyDust OerHeks I will reset the setting of the update manager and wait till 14.04 is release.18:07
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OerHeksintrader, good, although they are happy to help you in #ubuntu+118:10
intradertherazr, MonkeyDust OerHeks when I reset the setting in update-manager, the UA offers 12.1018:11
whoeverwhen i am loged out , how do i give the extended moniitor a backgroud instead of beng blank, using multiple monitors18:11
OerHeks12.04 > 12,10 > 13.04 > 13.1018:11
OerHeksi would do a fresh install, the long way takes hours per distro18:11
intraderOerHeks, I will upgrade first to 12.10 - is this Ok?18:12
kalakaeverytime i log in to KDE, Nautilus file manager opens, just before, nemo were used to open, i removed nemo safely, but now nautilus started to open, i disabled it from autostart,  how to stop that18:12
OerHeksintrader, sure18:12
MonkeyDustintrader  fesh install is faster, easier, cleaner18:12
kalakaanybody using KDE18:13
therazrintrader: Why do you want to upgrade?18:13
therazrIf you upgrade to 12.10, nothing gurantees you that you'll be able to upgrade to 14.04 in safe way18:13
aarondsHi, having a problem installing ubuntu 13.10 from USB. I get the boot menu, but whatever option I select I just see a white underscore flashing and nothing happens.18:14
aarondsI left it for quite some time and still... nothing..18:14
herol3oyHello. Here I have a text file like this http://vpaste.net/04Xsd and now I want to make all the line inverse to be like this http://vpaste.net/HzHtd but I want to do it by VIM! How it's possible!? any idea?18:15
topper4125aaronds, did you verify your distro download (CRC)18:15
intraderOerHeks, MonkeyDust therazr I want to upgrade because I have red that 13.04 is faster and leaner and I read that I needed to first go to 12.10, then 13.04. Reason is that my system is showing ofter >80% cpu when doing  mondain chores18:15
aarondstopper4125: nope, how can I do that?18:15
intraderOerHeks, MonkeyDust therazr I want to upgrade because I have red that 13.04 is faster and leaner and I read that I needed to first go to 12.10, then 13.04. Mostly when displaying videos even in small window18:16
MonkeyDustkalaka  better just ask your question18:16
thebishopis anyone else seeing bugs in the top-right applet area?  it frequently becomes frozen despite the rest of the desktop working fine.  and then after a minute, it'll work again18:16
topper4125!verify | aaronds18:16
ubottuaaronds: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:16
thebishopone time i forcibly killed gnome-settings while the applets were unresponsive and it crashed my entire desktop18:16
aarondscheers topper4125, will check this out18:16
therazrintrader: I would recommend a fresh install of 13.10. Or alternatively, if Unity is too heavy, something lighter18:16
AleksanderHello, how do I stop Network Manager in 13.10? There's no such service and I want to get my pidgin working with wvdial instead.18:17
lpapphi, I upgraded a machine from 10.04 to 12.0418:17
whoeverneed som assistance secod monitor is disabled (blank screen) at login prompt , how do i fix this18:17
lpappit went almost smoothly with one major issue....18:17
whoeveri am not fiinding an answer18:17
lpappafter reboot, I did not get the internet working.18:17
lpappifconfig -a shows the eth0 with the usual IP address.18:18
lpappresolv.conf seems to be empty though except the warning comment.18:18
intradertherazr, like which distribution and to fresh install does it not require formating?18:18
lpappI can ping, but I cannot ping google.com18:18
lpappI can also ping other machines on the internal network.18:18
lpappwhat could cause the internet connection going haywire?18:18
MonkeyDustwhoever  maybe you get in answer, if you ask a question, first18:18
therazrintrader: Requires formatting yes, you can keep your personal data in /home. Which distribution I was thinking of using Xubuntu or Lubuntu for example. what's the specs of your machine?18:19
supNowmy live cd version of ubuntu is asking me for a username and password to login?18:20
kongthapi just setup .desktop file for adt (android dev tool) Icon=/usr/local/adt/eclipse/icon.xpm but I got a very BIG icon, and i cannot be resize with right mouse click, where can i change the icon size???18:20
jhutchinslpapp: So it sounds like you're not getting a DNS server from DHCP.18:21
intradertherazr, a t61p Lenovo with 3G memory and 180G disk18:21
therazrintrader: Give me processor and graphics card18:22
jhutchinsintrader: Make a backup of your data.18:22
MonkeyDustkongthap  run dconf-editor > press f > find icon ... or find zoom-level18:23
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herol3oyHello. Here I have a text file like this http://vpaste.net/04Xsd and now I want to make all the line inverse to be like this http://vpaste.net/HzHtd but I want to do it by VIM! How it's possible!? any idea?18:23
kongthapMonkeyDust, run from command line???18:23
intradertherazr, jhutchins a Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T9500 @ 2.60GHz × 2 - the details screen is telling me it does not know which graphics18:24
MonkeyDustkongthap  yes, you can run any gui from command line18:24
MonkeyDustkongthap  or ctrl-f2 > dconf-editor18:24
kongthapMonkeyDust, thanks i will try18:25
lpappjhutchins: yes18:25
lpappjhutchins: not sure why.18:25
lpappthis is the only diff that showed up at the end of the upgrade, but I kept our local: http://pastebin.kde.org/p6mmitrbi18:26
lpappI am almost certain this is not related.18:26
lpappbut what else? Why is resolv.conf empty except the warning comment?18:26
MonkeyDustkongthap  make sure you can revert anything you change, remember what you change18:27
kongthapMonkeyDust, OK :)18:27
therazrintrader: Make backups of your things. Then reinstall Ubuntu 13.10. Once 14.04 is out you can upgrade to 14.0418:27
thneeherol3oy: try #vim18:29
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intradertherazr, jhutchins a Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T9500 @ 2.60GHz × 2 - I found the graphics driver for nvidia was not activated. I just done so and will check with psensor. I use backup, is this sufficient?18:30
herol3oythnee: i was there.. i tried to send this msg to the room but the room replied me :Cannot send to channel18:31
thneeherol3oy: register with nickserv18:31
herol3oythnee: how?18:31
intradertherazr, jhutchins I am restarting on account of graphics driver activation - see you shortly18:32
thneeherol3oy: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=freenode+register+nickserv18:32
whoeverusing dual monitors, second monitor is a blank screen until loged in> i would like it to share the same backgroud as the main monitor, can someone assist18:32
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lpappand change the name-server to your router's IP address as18:35
lpappNow restart your computer and test again.18:35
lpappbut the file writes that do not change that manually !!!18:35
whoeverhow do i fix this, what setting to set in lightdm.conf file so the second monetor will have a background at login18:38
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lpappjhutchins and others: if I manually edit the resolv.conf it works!18:39
lpappbut as for reboot, it is empty!18:39
whoeverhi all can i get some help with a dual monitor display? my secont monitor is blank until login and unity takes over18:39
lpappwhy is the proper content not generated?18:39
whoeverhow do i fix this, what setting to set in lightdm.conf file so the second monetor will have a background at login18:39
thneewhoever: stop spamming18:39
thneewhoever: anyway is it really that important to have dual monitor at login?18:40
lpappperhaps /etc/network/interfaces is lost18:40
whoeverthnee: for my blind ass it is18:40
thneewhoever: as long as it's working when you are logged in, isnt that quit allright_18:40
thneewhoever: that makes no sens at all18:40
whoevertherazr: yes it does make since , i told you i am visually fucked up18:41
esdeok weird issue. the orientation of my mouse pointer is inverted when i go between firefox and the desktop, i only noticed it after installing my-weather-inidicator, any ideas?18:41
moppythnee, well it has to be fixed for stereoscopic displays (think stuff like oculus rift)18:41
moppy^^ or in his case a vision issue, as he says18:41
lpapp"In 12.04 Ubuntu started using resolvconf to handle resolv.conf. It's resolvconf that reads the dns-nameservers option in /e/n/i. "18:42
Shinobihow can I get procmail to change the to header on an email?18:43
esdedesktop cursor http://i.imgur.com/k2YdKST.png | firefox cursor http://i.imgur.com/namoWtT.png18:43
that_nimai'm upgrading 13.04 to 13.10 in a vbox vm, the screen lock is up and i can't bring it down, i can access a virtual terminal (ctrl+alt+F1) and see that the upgrade is still in progress (apt process) - the distro upgrade will halt for input at some stage. Any ideas to unlock or will i have to wait and see if i'm screwed...18:43
thneewhoever: if you don't mind my asking, what kind of visual impairment is bettered by dual monitors?18:43
esdeIt looks like the whole pointer changes and it's extremely frustrating18:44
garciancShinobi, aliases?18:44
Shinobigarcianc: I think I need "formail" as I am forwarding to another host18:45
moppythnee, I would guess one screen is magnified18:45
thneeoh yeah that makes sense18:46
thneewhoever: if you don't get lightdm working, you could just skip it all together, and login via the TTY. Not that it's very handicap friendly, but you could at least configure it to show large characters18:47
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esdeAny idea why I'd have two different pointers when switching between windows? For example, desktop cursor http://i.imgur.com/k2YdKST.png | firefox cursor http://i.imgur.com/namoWtT.png18:49
moppyubottu doesnt know packages in universe repo?18:51
ubottumoppy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:51
RhinullHi there, I have OpenSSL installed and I'm attempting to install bitlbee from source, however it says "this script doesn't have detection code for OpenSSL." I presume I simply have to pre-define the location of OpenSSL's library; the problem is I don't know where it is. I had a look in /usr/lib but I don't know where I'm looking for. Can anyone help?18:52
ripthejackerthnee: I updated all the packages , still , the display is the same18:52
ripthejackerAny tips where I should look for clues for trouble shooting18:53
that_nimaRhinull: dpkg -L to show the files a package installs18:53
thneeripthejacker: what is that exactly, is it the left side unity dock menu that is bugging out? or is it like a display render issue?18:53
esdehuh. i rebooted and it the issue seems to have disappeared18:54
ripthejackerdisplay render issue18:54
thneeripthejacker: so the dock functions properly?18:54
CaptainKnotswhen i try to install 13.10, I get the option to use lvm and encryption, yet if I want to manually partition I can't seem to get the option of lvm18:54
ripthejackerthnee: yes18:54
CaptainKnotshow do i get this to work?18:54
ripthejackerthnee: it just looks all weird18:55
Vince42I am running a server and my tmp directory has tons of mkinitramfs folders, which are not cleaned during reboot. What is the best way to get rid of all unnecessary folders?18:55
ripthejackerthnee: and during shutdown , you can  see something like TV static18:55
thneeripthejacker: does it look exactly like that constantly? during login? during all programs?18:56
ripthejackerall the time18:56
thneeripthejacker: so whats your graphics setup?18:56
ripthejackerI cannot improve the screen resolution, and the display is underscanning18:56
ripthejackerAMD radeon hd6450, Caicos,18:57
that_nimaif the 13.10 distro upgrader is running in the gui is there a safe way to reboot the desktop manager or x server? (i'm using cinnamon)18:57
ripthejackerthe underscanning maybe because of HDMI output18:57
thneeripthejacker: I mean software+wise18:57
ripthejackerUbuntu 13.1018:57
ripthejackerwith unity18:57
ripthejackerversion I don't know18:57
thneeNo like drivers, configuration, the good stuff, obviously youre running ubuntu since your here ^^18:58
ripthejackerhow do I tell?18:58
ripthejackerthnee: it's unity 7.1.218:59
CaptainKnotswhen i try to install 13.10, I get the option to use lvm and encryption, yet if I want to manually partition I can't seem to get the option of lvm18:59
CaptainKnotshow do i get this to work?18:59
ripthejacker01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Caicos [Radeon HD 6450/7450/8450]18:59
moppyis there a way to automatically remove packages installed with apt-get build-dep ?18:59
thneeripthejacker: I dont care about the menu software, I'm talking about the graphics drivers18:59
ripthejackerthnee: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Caicos [Radeon HD 6450/7450/8450]19:00
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ripthejackerthnee: any more details?19:01
ripthejackeryou want?19:02
thneeripthejacker: sofware center > edit > software sources > additional drivers19:04
ripthejackerthnee: yes I have selected the first one19:04
ripthejackerthe open source one19:04
thneeripthejacker: try using the offical ATI one19:05
ripthejackerbut then I'll need to install it everytime there's a kernel update19:05
ripthejackeris there any good article?19:05
ripthejackerdealing with this?19:06
garciancCaptainKnots, are you installing from live CD?19:06
that_nimamoppy: i can't think of a way - but if it ain't broke don't fix it ;) stray packages are normal aren't they?19:06
thneeripthejacker: well that's another issue :) lets do one thing at a time19:06
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ripthejackerthnee: yes but that would become a recurring issue.19:07
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thneeripthejacker: have you even tried finding any articles? there is lots of good information on help.ubuntu.com, like this one for exmplae https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI19:07
CaptainKnotsgarcianc: yes19:07
CaptainKnotsgarcianc: It puzzles me why it will allow me to do it as an auto setup but not manually19:08
ripthejackerthnee: I saw that ,but It's for old version19:08
garciancCaptainKnots, I am guessing you could open a terminal and partition manually with fdisk before starting the install19:08
ripthejackerthe documentation is not updated19:08
garciancCaptainKnots, take a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuDesktopLVM19:09
thneeripthejacker: it says the article was updated 2013-10-1919:09
that_nimainteresting my problem fixed itself19:09
ripthejackerthnee: oh sorry didn't see the dates, it's just that , it has ubuntu 11.04 as the base case.19:10
sidewinder96hey guys just one quick question, i just installed ubuntu through vmware and im currently playing music but in some sections of the song, the voice is kind of muffled19:10
ripthejackersorry for being noob19:10
sidewinder96does anyone know how i can fix this??19:10
ripthejackerthnee: thanks for the help19:10
stevecoh1What is the best place to get help with Unity problems.  I just installed 13.04 on two machines, one a fresh install, the other an upgrade.  Unity is DOG-slow on the upgrade, tolerable on the fresh install.  Everything else works, if I can find it but it takes forever in unity.  Every key typed takes like five seconds to appear.19:11
stevecoh1I mean every key typed in the Unity search box.  Other places, such is this, are fine.  Only Unity is messed up.19:11
stevecoh1askUbuntu has not had any information that helped.19:12
stevecoh1I really don't want to do a fresh install, lots of valuable info on this beast.19:13
moppystevecoh: This sounds like a lack of 3d acceleration on the slower machine. Are the GPU the same?19:13
thneeripthejacker: yeah, actually reading it helps ^^ your'e welcome19:14
stevecoh1No, frankly the slower one is a better machine.  It's a 6 year old Dell Inspiron with 4GB of ram.19:14
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josmalaMoved from fgrlx to radeon, wine stopped working completely claims problems with openGL driver.19:14
moppystevecoh1: What is the graphics chip, not the cpu or the memory?19:14
stevecoh1what's the easiest way to dig up that info?19:15
josmalaerr:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly (using GL renderer "Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV730", version "1.4 (3.0 Mesa 9.2.1)")19:15
moppystevecoh1: I am not on linux at the moment, can't check if i'm right - can anyone else?19:16
josmalaBut tux racer works perfectly.19:16
thneemoppy, stevecoh1: sofware center > edit > software sources > additional drivers19:16
stevecoh1I think I found it moppy19:17
that_nimaif you want gpu info `lspci` is all i can think of...19:17
that_nimain a terminal of course19:18
stevecoh101:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 PRO]19:18
stevecoh1thnee, been there, no additional drivers listed as available19:19
IonutHi, any ideas why I get this error: installation step failed an installation step failed. you can try to run the faling item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. the failing step is: select and install software19:21
josmalastevecoh1: Closed source drivers don't exist anymore. Try installing xserver-xorg-video-radeon AND  xserver-xorg-video-ati19:22
ampwdoes mumble 1.2.4 work on ubuntu atm19:23
defaultrohi folks, how do I check what port a program is running?19:23
that_nimastevecohl1: also just thinking about i've used software accel in a vm before and it shouldn't be that slow. you should check `top` or an activity monitor to see if there's something in particular19:24
defaultroor is there a tool where we specify the tcp port and output will be the program that is using it?19:24
Patero-ngI have a problemo19:25
stevecoh1that_nima:in top, what I am I looking for19:25
sidewinder96hey guys just one quick question, i just installed ubuntu through vmware and im currently playing music but in some sections of the song, the voice is kind of muffled  do you know how i can fix it?19:25
stevecoh1josmala what does it mean "closed source drivers dont' exist anymore."19:25
Patero-ngon ubuntu server, I'm running w3m with image support and sometimes when I'm on another user session like on alt 1 some images from alt 3 that's running w3m come up and I think that's anoying is there a way to fix it19:26
thneestevecoh1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver ?19:26
that_nimastevecoh1: if there's one process constantly at 100% or so that might explain slow response19:26
josmalaAMD stopped supporting radeon on fgrlx and if you used additional drivers before they don't work wtih modern kernels.19:26
stevecoh1I only used out of the box stuff before.19:27
vltHello. I'm running Ubuntu 13.10 and have installed the pkg cryptsetup. Any idea why the install process or a dpkg-reconfigure re-builds the initrd.img but doesn't put /sbin/cryptsetup there?19:27
stevecoh1never had to deal with this before.19:27
that_nimastevecoh1: so there's nothing in top or any activity monitor to suggest a hung process or something like that?19:29
that_nimastevecohl1: also have you tried other login modes? from the main login window there should be an icon top right of the dialog box19:29
vltHow can I tell mkinitramfs to put /sbin/cryptsetup to the initrd.img file?19:30
stevecoh1but thanks, guys, you've given me a ton of good info to get to the bottom of this.  Why didn't I come here instead of wasting my time on ask ubuntu19:30
Kurzahello, I'm experiencing problems with installing ubuntu 10.04 on a very old computer. One box shows up when I try to click on install - http://i.imgur.com/zOfSpey.jpg and it says Boot loader - live-install, when I click OK it just returns me to the main menu. I'm booting from a CD.19:31
stevecoh1that_nima: when I mess with the Unity components, mouse over, click, etc. compiz goes up to maybe 4-5% of CPU, othewise nothing out of ordinary.19:31
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stevecoh1that nima, no havent' tried other login modes, what might they be?19:32
ampwhow do i disable proprietary software in softcenter19:32
ampwi dont want to see it19:32
stevecoh1I was worried when I saw 97, 98% of cpu on Id, but that's idle, I'm guessing, phew.19:33
ampwstevecoh1: its 97 98ish while idle?19:34
stevecoh1no, I think it means 97-98% IS Idle, no?19:36
that_nimaampw stevecoh1 yeah that means 2% activity 98% is idle19:36
stevecoh1that's what I thought.19:37
stevecoh1dmesg says : [drm] Initialized radeon 2.29.0 20080528 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 019:37
stevecoh1is that not the good driver?19:37
josmalaThat maybe the only good driver.19:37
Patero-ngon ubuntu server, I'm running w3m with image support and sometimes when I'm on another user session like on alt 1 some images from alt 3 that's running w3m come up and I think that's anoying is there a way to fix it19:38
stevecoh1Well it's no good for me.  And https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver says my card is fully supported.  So why in this mess?19:38
that_nimastevecoh1: right i just rebooted a machine - next to your name on the first login screen should be an icon19:39
that_nimathe options will vary depending on what you have installed (i have options for gnome, ubuntu default, cinnamon, etc)19:40
stevecoh1ok, that_nima, let me reboot and try that.19:40
that_nimawell log out should be enough19:40
stevecoh1Anything to get out of this tarpit.19:40
stevecoh1check back with you soon.19:40
josmalaLogout is faster.19:40
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vltHello. What options to cpio do I need to build an initrd.img that 13.10's  default 3.11 kernel will read?19:42
Dougie187Does anyone know if there's a way to get "Shut down" in the HUD (Alt by default) again?19:42
tozenDougie187: maybe aliases can help you?19:43
Dougie187tozen: I don't see how. Can you set aliases for the hud? I know how to do that for the CLI, but that's not quite what I'm looking for.19:43
stevecoh1didn't see any icons on the login.  But how about this?  "Sorry, Ubuntu 13.04 has experienced an internal error.  Executable path: /usr/bin/nautilus.19:45
stevecoh1nautilus crashed with SIGABRT in raise().19:45
vltHi. When I run mkinitramfs ... I get a warning from cryptsetup about missing line in /etcryptsetup but /sbin/cryptsetup isn't stored into the initrd.img. Any idea how to fix this in 13.10?19:48
that_nimastevecohl1: this is what i was talking about: http://linuxlookup.com/files/imagecache/800x600/ubuntu_11.10_login.png19:52
that_nimashould be very similar to that - but clearly there are other problems if nautilus is dieing on boot19:53
that_nimathat said i do get that error from time to time on my vms without major performance impact so i'm out of ideas...19:53
Neurotoxinhelp ,   i want to install ubuntu from a live desktop via usb,     when I type   sudo ubiquity ... the computer is busy for a minute, then nothing happens, not even an error message19:56
gchristensenHi, in my preseed file I've added "d-i base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-server" however, that causes issues with dependencies supposedly not being available. I've tried using us.archive.ubuntu.com and an internal rackspace mirror. Has anyone hit this issue before? I'm at a bit of a loss as to what is happening.19:58
MonkeyDustNeurotoxin  do you not see an "install" icon on the desktop?19:59
Neurotoxinyeah i see it and double clikcing doesnt do anything so i wanna try command line .(20:03
ripthejackerthnee: there was not much help in that article20:03
MonkeyDustNeurotoxin  right click > execute the icon20:03
ripthejackerSome people have reported that ubuntu works fine in radeon hd 6450 , and some ppl said it20:04
ripthejacker it' s not working20:04
nurowHello, I'm trying to edit a PDF that has some spanish text in it using LibreOffice Draw. The text looks fine in my PDF reader before editing it, but after I edit it in Draw, the Spanish language words are huge and span beyond their normal boundaries, overlapping with other words. Anyone know how to fix this? I'm guessing it has to do with selecting the right character encoding, but I'm not sure how to do that?20:05
MonkeyDustnurow  have you asked in #ubuntu-es ?20:05
ripthejackeranyone here use AMD radeon hd 6450?20:06
vlt!anyone | ripthejacker20:07
ubotturipthejacker: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:07
ripthejackervlt: Ok20:08
ripthejackerI need help troubleshooting graphics driver issue. the card is Amd radeon hd 6450, using open source radeon driver20:09
fossxplorerHi folks, as a long time CentOS user, i need to install Ubuntu LTS for a purpose. Browsing through ISOs precise LTS, there are many to choose from. I need 64-bits. Any tip?20:09
moppyfossxplorer, precise is the version number, then they have -1, -2, -3 which is the service release (probably want the newer one)20:09
fossxplorerOk, so ubuntu-12.04.3-server-amd64.iso might be the right one for me?20:10
moppyfossxplorer, if you dont need the gui, takr the server edition20:10
moppyyes, thats right but that has no GUI20:10
moppydesktop one has the gui20:11
moppyif you need to customise the install for some weird hardware, you might want the alternate installer20:11
fossxplorerAh, ok. I don't need GUI at all. I administer my servers through shell :)20:12
paramjotunable to connect to wi fi in ubuntu 13.0420:12
fossxplorermoppy, ok, great. Then i will give ^ a try :)20:12
CypherRAJuse window .. mr paramjot20:13
fossxplorerI would like to have a minimal install like do for my CentOS boxes20:13
moppyalternate installer i guess then20:13
moppynot 100% sure20:13
CIDRfossxplorer: Just use the mini.iso20:13
CIDRYou can basically just install a base system + ssh then add what you want later20:13
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:13
nurowMonkeyDust, I can't speack Spanish :(20:13
OerHeksAlternate is no more, mini is available20:14
CIDRAny reccomendations for intel/xbmc/ubuntu ?  minimalish install?20:14
CIDRI attempted to just install ubuntu-desktop but it installs pulseaudio, and in xbmc I cannot select the right passthrough audio device.20:14
fossxplorerCIDR, yes that's what i want :) Link please?20:14
CIDR15:13 < ubottu> The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based  (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:14
jgraftastichey dudes, i'm a huge noob at ubuntu and i'd like to play lord of the rings online, any suggestions?20:15
MonkeyDustjgraftastic  it's more for #ubuntu-offtopic, i guess20:15
therazrjgraftastic: use wine/play on linux20:15
moppywhy is mini not listed n http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ ?20:15
michael__\join #diku1320:16
OerHeksjgraftastic, read their manual20:16
=== michael__ is now known as Hansen1982
CIDRmoppy: Just grab the iso from the link.20:16
schultzathis is annoying me. all my other computers do not have these 3 icons stuck on the desktop, but this one computer. the icons are (Computer, Home, and Trash). I'd like to remove them permanently as I can get to them through the launcher bar file browser or trash20:16
TimvdeHi. I'm now on 13.04 Gnome 3 Fallback. Is the package still in Ubuntu 13.10? If not, what will happen if I upgrade?20:17
rostamIt seems there is a network interface(?) on my system that I was not aware:  ifconfig ax0   not sure what is ax0?20:17
therazrTimvde: Gnome fallback is in 13.10, yes. I don't know if it is an exact match to your current package though20:18
Timvdetherazr: Actual fallback as it was, or the new "This is just Gnome shell with some plug-ins" one?20:18
therazrTimvde: Gnome shell with some plugins now, gnome fallback was dropped20:19
moppyschultza, there's some unity tweaking tools you can use to get rid of that, should be in software center20:19
schultzaive used them.. and its still there20:19
Timvdetherazr: Figured as much :) I should test it out in a VM before upgrading then. But I guess it isn't compatible with Compiz anymore then? Because that would be a no-go in any case.20:19
Ionuthi, any ideas why I get this error: installation step failed an installation step failed. you can try to run the faling item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. the failing step is: select and install software (ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04)20:21
schultzadesktop icons are "off" on unity tweak and the icons are stills showing20:22
schultzado i need to upgrade to 13.10 to fix this issue? this is odd, my other 13.04 desktops do have this issue20:22
therazrTimvde: gnome session fallback 3.6 is in the repo, but I would say you can't use it in 13.10 with gnome 3.8. I don't know if this is accurate as I didn't test that. If you can only use GNOME Shell, then no compiz20:23
ampwhow do i download a song off youtube20:23
OerHeksampw, look in softwarecenter for youtube downloader20:25
ampwthanks, lets see if they let me download as .ogg20:26
fossxploreroh nice keyboard detection :920:26
OerHeksamwp youtube is flash, so i guess you need to transfer it later20:27
boernhow can i find out the bitrate from a mp3 file in "files" from ubuntu 13.10?20:27
boernis there a way to list that?20:27
ampwboern: did you check properties, right click?20:28
test1ampw: You can try youtube-dl from ppa:nilarimogard/webupd820:28
ampwtest1: thanks20:28
boernyes but for all files20:28
OerHekstest1, ampw, carefull with PPA's, they are unsupported here.20:29
boernwhen i view the items as a list20:29
boernso that i can see it for all files20:29
OerHeksboern easy way would be your mediaplayer, it could show that info20:29
boernvlc too?20:30
boerni cant find something like that in vlc.. is there another player?20:30
l337ingDisorderI think I may have just bonked myself in a very serious way20:31
l337ingDisorderI was trying to free up space on my /boot/20:32
jhavei still got this error http://paste.jdh.dk/17, anybody there have an ide to solve it ?20:32
wagonboiWhy, when I try to rename a directory in via Winscp does it say that I don't have the permission, but when I do it through SSH I can do it using sudo? My account should have access to that directory since it is part of www-data20:32
l337ingDisorderinstead of doing rm *47-generic20:32
l337ingDisorderi did20:32
guntbert!enter – l337ingDisorder20:32
l337ingDisorderrm * 47-generic20:32
ubottuguntbert: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:32
guntbert!enter | l337ingDisorder20:32
ubottul337ingDisorder: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:32
l337ingDisorderand accidentally removed /boot/*20:33
OerHeksboern,  rhythmbox could, if yuo select quality in the menu20:33
l337ingDisorderso, having accidentally basically done rm /boot/* as root, is there anything I can do to fix my mistake, or am I doomed to reinstall?20:34
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!20:35
blissiNeed to tell you unity sucks20:35
l337ingDisorderblissi, this is old news ;)20:35
Shinobihow can I dump one email from mbox to a text file?20:35
l337ingDisorderunity is the worst thing that has happened to ubuntu20:36
geniiblissi: That's not a cause for a channel emergency call.20:36
DJonesblissi: Thats all well and good, bit it works for most people, do you have a real Ubuntu support question?20:36
IdleOneblissi: please don't use the ops trigger for useless silly things like that20:36
OerHeksblissi no need to trigger the ops message, if you dislike unity, try dome other desktop20:36
Sander^lapIm unable to boot from a usb stick on a acer xc600. I have turned secure boot off, and made "removable device" the first boot option.20:36
blissiit's not fair, the ops trigger only tells you the rules for use AFTER you use it!20:36
cchaAfter installed a package (ie mysql-server), I want to remove everything relative with this package. aptitude remove --purge mysql-server doesn't remove /var/log/mysql neither /var/lib/mysql20:36
DJones!topic | blissi20:36
ubottublissi: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:36
Priceyblissi: THanks, please keep me informed.20:36
cchais there a way to really cleanup20:36
guntbert!msgthebot | blissi20:36
ubottublissi: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:36
Sander^lapAny tips on what I can do?20:36
OerHeksl337ingDisorder, time to backup and reinstall i guess20:37
blissidoesn't factoid mean something that is believed to be true but is intact wrong?20:37
blissi*no fact20:37
geniil337ingDisorder: Unfortunately, you're doomed to reinstall20:37
FloodBot1blissi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!20:37
moppySander^lap, have you verified the image on the usb?20:37
Sander^lapmoppy, I have managed to boot from another pc with the same usb stick.20:38
l337ingDisorderOerHeks, I think so :( man.. what a blunder.. just one erroneously-hit spacebar20:38
l337ingDisorderhoping to heck i can salvage this without the need for a full re-install though20:38
CIDRI don't see why you can't.20:38
Sander^lapmoppy, How do I verify an image on an usb device?20:38
moppySander^lap, md5 check it, i cant remember the command. someone here will know.20:39
CIDRYou'll need to boot from a disc/rescue cd.20:39
l337ingDisorderis there any way to tell ubuntu to re-download all the files needed for /boot/ ?20:39
CIDRCreate /boot, put the proper kernel/init image etc...20:39
Sander^lapmoppy, yes. I checked it with md5sum20:39
CIDRthen re-install grub properly20:40
wilee-nileeSander^lap, There is generally a per-session boot that is outside the bios settings, I would see if there is one on this computer20:40
l337ingDisorderCIDR, the grub dir is still there20:40
CIDRYeah, but it needs to reflect the changes to /boot20:40
Sander^lapwilee-nilee, how do I do that?20:40
intraderHello all, I plan to update my system to 13.10 as fresh install. I have a backup of /home. Is it possible to refresh the entire /home of the new system with that of the bckup?20:41
l337ingDisorderCIDR, ok so where would I look for the proper kernel/init image etc? and what is etc? (I don't want to leave anything out, and while I'm relatively experienced with linux administration this is one area I haven't delved into yet)20:41
l337ingDisorderCIDR, thanks btw20:41
moppySander^lap, can you cahnge the bios mode from EFI to legacy?20:41
wilee-nileeSander^lap, On mine it is f12, where f2 is the bios, check the manual look on the web with the model, and per-session boot, maybe call the manufacturer, once you know it that is the key.20:41
therazrintrader: I think the installer in 13.10 will provide an option for you to maintain the current contents of your /home folder20:41
therazrBut you can format the partition entirely too, thus eliminating those contents as well20:42
stritI need help with my .desktop files. I can't get the icons to show. (yes, I did make it executable)20:42
CIDRl337ingDisorder: Do you have a lice cd?20:42
CIDRermm livecd ?20:42
l337ingDisorderCIDR, no but I can download and burn one20:42
l337ingDisorder(btw this is for 10.04)20:42
CIDRDownload and burn oen of the appropriate version.20:42
l337ingDisorderand then just copy the files from /boot/ on the cd into /boot/ on my hdd?20:43
CIDRWas /boot a seperate partition?20:43
bekksl337ingDisorder: Try reinstalling the packages that put files into /boot/20:43
wilee-nileetherazr, The installer does not have a save home option, it has to be on another partition.20:43
l337ingDisorderbekks, which packages would those be?20:43
CIDRbekks: yeah that's what I'm getting to20:43
bekksl337ingDisorder: linux-image grub20:44
l337ingDisorderYeah /boot/ is a separate partition20:44
therazrwilee-nilee: Is that so? Well then my bad :P20:44
CIDRYou'll have to mount / and /boot, then chroot to /20:44
CIDRthen do a apt-get install inux-image20:44
CIDRthen check the contents of /boot20:44
l337ingDisorderboth are already mounted, I'm actually using the system right now20:44
bekksapt-get install --reinstall linux-image grub20:45
l337ingDisorderso I'd just do sudo chroot /20:45
Sander^lapmoppy, I changed it to secure mode off, as there is no uefi mode in the bios.20:45
bodhi_zazenUbuntu will preserve the contents of /home if you re-install regardless if /home is on a separate partition or not - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuReinstallation20:45
CIDRwhat he said ^20:45
bodhi_zazenOf course, you can always re-format it or what not20:45
l337ingDisordergreat, no chroot needed?20:45
CIDRI messaged you the commands to mount the proper stuff and to chroot20:45
jhaveis there a error on the reppo ?20:45
Sander^lapwilee-nilee, sweet. The boot meny was f12. Now im in Linux. How do I make it boot from ubuntu all the time?20:45
l337ingDisorderdo I need to chroot before doing the reinstall of linux-image ?20:46
bekksl337ingDisorder: no chroot needed.20:46
l337ingDisorderoh man20:46
l337ingDisorderlets hope this works20:46
FloodBot1l337ingDisorder: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:46
wilee-nileeSander^lap, Not installed yet right?20:46
l337ingDisorder(and thanks guys)20:46
moppySander^lap, as well as turning off secure boot, you can also try to change the firmware from EFI to BIOS. There's usually an option for that. It will mean you can't use hard drives > 4 TB or something, but removes all EFI issues20:46
jhaveanybody there can help me ?20:46
jhavei got this error http://paste.jdh.dk/1820:47
CIDRGood luck.  I'll be around awhile.20:47
l337ingDisorderok reinstall went according to plan..20:47
l337ingDisorderso in theory it's (hopefully) safe for me to reboot now? no further steps should be needed?20:48
Sander^lapwilee-nilee, only trying it out on from the usbstick so far.20:48
bodhi_zazenjhave: you will have to file a bug report on that one20:48
l337ingDisordernvm, just did ll... still no files there20:48
bekksl337ingDisorder: triple check the contents of /boot/20:48
moppywhere does ubuntu nautilus store its image thumbnails?20:48
CIDRYou deleted /boot?20:48
CIDRand you're still on the system?20:49
bekksl337ingDisorder: do not reboot.20:49
bekksCIDR: sure.20:49
l337ingDisorderCIDR, I was in /boot/20:49
CIDRI thought you had already rebooted20:49
l337ingDisorderand I did rm *20:49
CIDROk.  You're still on the box?  no need to chroot etc...20:49
bekksCIDR: He deleted it, and reinstalled linux-image and grub.20:49
wilee-nileeSander^lap, on the usb only it seem that per-session is your best choice. I always use it my self anyway for usb's20:49
CIDRYeah, if you did what bekks said check the contents of /boot now20:49
bekksCIDR: And I just told him to triple check the content of /boot20:49
CIDRyeah sorry, doing too many things at once20:50
l337ingDisorderI did, it's still empty (except the grub dir, which was unaffected by my screw-up)20:50
CIDRThat's not right.  sudo apt-get install linux-image completes successfully though?20:51
bekksl337ingDisorder: Whats the entire output of "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image"?`Pastebin it.20:51
l337ingDisorderapt-get install --reinstall linux-image grub20:51
l337ingDisorderthat completed successfully20:51
bekksCIDR: You are missing the --reinstall for the second time now ;)20:51
bekksl337ingDisorder: Pastebin the entire output.20:51
catherine /serveur euroserv.fr.quakenet.org20:51
l337ingDisorderOutput: http://pastebin.com/AzJzXi1q20:52
=== uncle_ben is now known as uncle_arch
bekksl337ingDisorder: And whats the output of "ls -lha /boot/" now?20:52
l337ingDisorderempty, except the grub dir20:53
l337ingDisorder(which was unaffected when I did rm *)20:53
CIDRis /boot mounted?20:53
l337ingDisorderthe grub dir is accessible so I presume so20:54
l337ingDisorderit's listed in df -h20:54
l337ingDisorderyou guys both silent hoping the other can find a fix? (I'm silent hoping one of you guys can hehe...cause i can't)20:57
l337ingDisorderi guess a reinstall isn't the end of the world... but it seems like it should be fixable20:58
ElixirVitaeCan I netinstall via wireless? Or do I need a cable connection the first time?20:58
CIDRIt is fixable.20:58
CIDRl337ingDisorder: I'm just not sure why /boot is still empty20:58
Sander^lapwilee-nilee, ah. OK. So when I install it side by side on the disk.. then it will auto boot into ubuntu?20:58
l337ingDisorderwould it maybe be worth doing apt-get remove linux-image20:58
l337ingDisorderand then installing fresh?20:58
CIDRI don't see what it can hurt20:59
l337ingDisordertrue enough20:59
* l337ingDisorder tries20:59
l337ingDisorderstill empty20:59
CIDRBut the --reinstall should work...  linux-image should install vmlinuz, initrd, system.map etc..20:59
CIDRpastebin the output of /boot20:59
CIDRermm of mount20:59
wilee-nileeSander^lap, That is the goal, uefi installs can be a bit more work is all, take a look at this link and another I will have the bot give you. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729521:00
wilee-nilee!uefi | Sander^lap21:00
ubottuSander^lap: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:00
CIDRumount /boot then do a ls /boot see what's in there if anything21:01
l337ingDisorderumount: /boot: device is busy.21:01
CIDRcd to / first21:01
l337ingDisorderok fully empty dir now21:02
l337ingDisordermounted it back, same results - empty save the grub dir21:02
wilee-nileeSander^lap, Some still have a grub boot problem and it can be fixed with the bootrepair app, or help from others to get it worked out, uefi is a hit and miss in some cases it seems, I am not really your best help here but for links really.21:02
dfvlabutteHow to set font in normal template ABIWORD?21:02
CIDRwhat's in the grub directory?21:02
l337ingDisorderCIDR, the following: http://pastebin.com/W7Lxbvu121:03
dfvlabutteHow to I change default font in ABIWORD21:03
CIDRInteresting it lists a kernel there etc...21:04
bodhi_zazendfvlabutte: since your google is broken - http://www.abisource.com/wiki/FaqDefaultFont21:05
dfvlabutteHELLO does anyone know how to change default font in Abiword?21:05
wilee-nileedfvlabutte, When writing it in the top panel, it wont default anything you open it with.21:05
dfvlabutteThank you very much21:06
CIDRI just don't udnerstand why there's no vmlinuz or init in /boot21:07
Ntemiseven though my kernel is the latest my os reports wrong service pack21:07
Ntemisany help?21:07
cgtIs it safe to use the nvidia 319 driver (currently using nvidia-current, which seems to be 304)21:08
Jordan_UCIDR: re-installing linux-image just re-installs the virtual package, which does effectively nothing. You need to re-install the specific kernel package.21:08
CIDRAhhh well there you go l337ingDisorder21:08
bodhi_zazenmanually install the kernel21:08
bodhi_zazendownload the .deb21:08
bodhi_zazenmkdir kernel , dpkg -k kernel.deb kernel21:09
Ntemismy os reports Ubuntu Linux 12.04.2 but it should report Ubuntu Linux 12.04.3 any fix?21:09
bodhi_zazenmanually copy the kernel and initrd to /boot, update grub21:09
LyutHey everyone, I was wondering if anybody knows about installing Windows as a dual boot after installing Ubuntu?21:09
l337ingDisorderCIDR & Jordan_U, ok can you provide any guidance on that? sry if I'm being a drag hehe, just want to make sure I do this right21:09
Ntemiskernel is ok21:09
CIDRWhat's the output of uname -a ?21:09
l337ingDisorderLinux unicron 2.6.32-50-generic #112-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 9 20:28:23 UTC 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:10
NtemisLinux D525NAS 3.5.0-42-generic #65~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 2 20:57:18 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:10
bodhi_zazenl337ingDisorder: take a look at what I gave you ^^21:10
wilee-nileeNtemis, That is the 12.04.2 kernel21:10
CIDRl337ingDisorder: apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.32-50-generic21:10
Ntemiswhat? no!21:10
Ntemisi have the same kernel on my desktop and is 12.04.321:11
wilee-nileeNtemis, Just a stack thing, you have all the latet except for the raring kernel.21:11
l337ingDisorderbodhi_zazen, thanks -- when you say mkdir kernel do you specifically mean /kernel or would it be /boot/kernel/ ?21:11
Ntemisupdate/upgrade so i should21:11
l337ingDisorderwill try that CIDR21:11
Ntemisand dist-upgrade brings nothing21:11
l337ingDisorderokaaay.. downloadin linux-image generic21:12
l337ingDisorderthis looks promising21:12
Ntemissudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:12
Ntemis0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:12
wilee-nileeNtemis, Read very carefully and be fully backed up , a clone would be the best in my opinion. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:13
Ntemisthis is a server21:13
l337ingDisorderuh oh21:13
bodhi_zazenl337ingDisorder: do you know what files to copy to /boot ?21:13
LyutHas anybody tried installing Windows after Ubuntu and using EasyBCD to restore Grub before?21:13
wilee-nileeNtemis, Please don;t just post here just because you feel you can it feels the channel up and keep it in one set.21:13
CIDRl337ingDisorder:  ?21:14
l337ingDisorderbodhi_zazen, no..21:14
l337ingDisorderCIDR, http://pastebin.com/0VKjwheT21:14
bodhi_zazenLyut: there are several methods to restoring grub after windows, pick one and ask if you have a problem with one of the Ubuntu tools such as boot-repair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:15
wilee-nileeLyut, You don't need to, that just adds a 3rd bootloader grub will take care of it, just needs reloading to the mbr, if this is a msdos partitioning setup.21:15
CIDRThat's because there's already an initrd.img in /boot/grub21:15
CIDRThat's ok.21:15
CIDRpastebin /boot now21:15
l337ingDisorderCIDR, http://pastebin.com/bcjF5G2r21:16
vltHello. I installed Ubuntu 13.10 and the pkg cryptsetup but for strange reasons it doesn't find its way to the initrd.img.  Any idea what has changed in 13.10?21:16
CIDRMore better21:16
l337ingDisorderlooking good so far21:16
Ntemiswilee-nilee: Thank you , now is clear what i need to do!21:16
comsDoes it hang right after grub vlt?21:16
CIDRShould be good to go21:16
vltcoms: What?21:16
wilee-nileeNtemis, Cool, goo luck. ;)21:16
NtemisAnd why am stuck at 12.04.2 :D21:16
bodhi_zazenCIDR: update grub (just to be sure)21:17
vltcoms: Does what hang?21:17
comsthe boot process21:17
comscause i'm having the same problem21:17
Adam_JohnsI have been using backbox happily for a few weeks now but today when I booted I noticed all my window borders had disappeared so now I can't minimize, maximize etc. Thoughts?21:17
l337ingDisorderfingers crossed heheh... gonna reboot, if I'm not back in here with thank-you's I'll be poppin' in a liveCD heh21:17
LyutThanks for the help, bodhi_zazen and wilee-nilee21:17
l337ingDisorderbodhi_zazen, I'll do that first just for good measure21:17
vltcoms: The boot process asks me for my cryptsetup passphrase but that fails because there's no /sbin/cryptsetup in the initramfs.21:18
wilee-nileeAdam_Johns, Is this a backbox OS?21:18
bodhi_zazenprobably not needed l337ingDisorder , but will not hurt21:18
Adam_Johnswilee-nilee, Yes friend.21:18
OerHeksAdam_Johns, blackbox is not supported here.21:18
wilee-nileeAdam_Johns, Cool, try ##linux, this is ubuntu support is all, you have to be registered to go to that channel isall.21:19
l337ingDisorderbodhi_zazen, I did apt-get update21:19
vltcoms: When I generate the initrd.img (by invoking dpkg-reconfigure cryptsetup or mkinitramfs) I even get a short msg that it's cryptsetup's turn now ... but without copying the needed files to the initrd.21:19
tcgdenjust set my 7 yo son up with my old Acer and Lubuntu, he loves it21:19
l337ingDisorderis there a way to tell it to update grub specifically?21:19
bodhi_zazenany errors from that l337ingDisorder ?21:19
Adam_JohnsI realise that but was told it was an ubuntu base so thought I would try, Sorry for the mistake.21:19
bodhi_zazensudo update-grub21:19
OerHeksAdam_Johns, try #backbox irc official channel on irc.autistici.org21:20
l337ingDisorderno errors21:20
l337ingDisorderso in theory I should be good to go for a reboot now... (?)21:20
bodhi_zazenl337ingDisorder: you should be good to go then, does not appear you have any residual problem with apt or grub21:20
l337ingDisorderok here goes nothin21:20
wilee-nileeAdam_Johns, This appears to be a backbaox irc channel I see none on freenode. http://irc.lc/autistici/backbox/21:20
l337ingDisorder(and in case I don't make it back, thanks for the help)21:21
* l337ingDisorder holds his breath and plunges under water21:21
cgtuname says that I am running kernel version 3.11.0-12-generic (on saucy). Is this equivalent kernel 3.11.6 or is it actually 3.11.0?21:21
vltIs /sbin/cryptsetup still supposed to be installed to initrd.img automatically in Ubuntu 13.10?21:21
Ntemiswilee-nilee: the picture in link shows that i must be on 12.04.3 to be able to migrate to rarring HWE21:21
vlt(+ the needed libs of course)21:21
bodhi_zazenvlt: should be, how did you install / set up LUKS?21:22
vltbodhi_zazen: I installed the pkg cryptsetup via apt21:22
CIDRAlright.  This is driving me nuts. I have ubuntu 13.10 installed, and xbmc 12.2 installed.  In XBMC I only have Defaults (Pulseaudio) for audio output available.  If I remove/kill pulse XBMC has the right passthtrough devices, but then no sound works in the gui/web broswer/ etc...  How do I either get ubuntu to work with only Alsa, OR make pulseaudio not take over the audio hardware completely?21:22
wilee-nileeNtemis, If it was 12.04.3 you would have it already I believe, I installed it and it was the raring kernel.21:22
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bodhi_zazenvlt: so you set up LUKS manually ?21:22
Ntemiswilee-nilee: can i do this? from 12.04.2 :: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-rarring xserver-xorg-lts-rarring libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-rarring21:23
bodhi_zazenrather then during installation ?21:23
wilee-nileeNtemis, On a server it does not really matter anyway really.21:23
vltbodhi_zazen: Yes, the device was already a LUKS device. What do I need to do to let /sbin/cryptsetup appear in the initrd.img?21:23
Ntemisi know but... i stay on 12.04.2? no way!!21:23
wilee-nileeNtemis, Are you backed up?21:23
Ntemisany reported issues?21:24
bodhi_zazenvlt: rebuild the initrd, can you boot it from an old kernel ?21:24
ozbrkGuys I need help I have dozens of SSL errors with Arora21:24
vltbodhi_zazen: I rebuilt it over and over.21:24
vltbodhi_zazen: No cryptsetup21:24
wilee-nileeNtemis, All it is, is a kernel stack, hardly important, and all I can say is if you really care image/clone it ad follow the instruction in the link.21:24
bodhi_zazenvlt: how did you rebuild it ?21:25
vltbodhi_zazen: I tried mkinitramfs and dpkg-reconfigure.21:25
Ntemiswilee-nilee: with the quantal cmd?21:25
wilee-nileeNtemis, I can't help you here, I would if I knew you were backed up honestly.21:26
Ntemisis my risk21:26
pabdouhi at the momemnt i have a linux backuppc that i am looking to configure and connect to all machines in the building if anyone will be able to tell me what will be the procedures to do that21:26
bodhi_zazenvlt: try update-initramfs21:26
Ntemisand i have a lot of gb on this so i cant backup -> no space21:26
vltbodhi_zazen: Thanks. brb21:26
wilee-nileeNtemis, WE see to many people here who do not back up and spend days on this stuff, when a simple clone would fix it.21:27
Ntemisclone what? i can always bootup the old kernel21:27
wilee-nileeNtemis, You have your cart about 10 mile in front of our horse then if you have no room.21:28
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04am using ecryptfs, my disk started going bad, i was able to recover all of .ecryptfs and part of .Private .. Would that make it to where i cant mount what i recovered21:28
vltbodhi_zazen: Nope. When I look into the generated initrd cpio archive there's no cryptsetup binary (nor libs)21:28
Ntemisclear and out, am staying on 12.04.2 for now21:28
bodhi_zazenis cryptsetup installed ?21:28
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04yes, i installed it all back21:29
cgtuname says that I am running kernel version 3.11.0-12-generic (on saucy). Is this equivalent kernel 3.11.6 or is it actually 3.11.0?21:29
bodhi_zazenis cryptsetup in I think /usr/share/initramfs/hooks?21:29
ikoniacgt: 3.11.0 - as it says in the title21:30
bodhi_zazendid you update the correct kernel image ?21:30
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04that file dont exist21:30
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04you think wrong21:30
cgtikonia: I figured, but why wouldn't Ubuntu provide updated versions of k3.11?21:30
vltbodhi_zazen: Yes, cryptsetup is installed and works.21:30
ikoniacgt: why would they unles there is something needed21:31
bodhi_zazensounds like a bug report then21:31
bodhi_zazenI can tell you how to manually add cryptsetup to the initramfs ;)21:31
cgtikonia: The updates are released because they are needed, not just because they can...21:32
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04its in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/21:32
ikoniacgt: who said ?21:32
cgtikonia: look at the changelog21:32
vltbodhi_zazen: I get a warning from update-initramfs "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab for crypt". I know this warning from earlier Ubuntu versions but that hasn't been a problem. And I know that at least _something_ happens with cryptsetup during the creation.21:32
ikoniacgt: that doesn't mean they are "needed"21:32
ikoniacgt: they can't update to every minor kernel bump, the workload would be through the roof21:32
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ikoniait's not realistic21:32
bodhi_zazenso post /etc/cryptsetup21:33
bodhi_zazenand the full error message21:33
cgtikonia: Why would it be "through the roof"?21:33
vltbodhi_zazen: There's no error message.21:33
bodhi_zazenthe warning21:33
ikoniacgt: minor kernel version bumps happen quite quickly, they would need constant rebuilds and testing21:33
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 bodhi_zazen: actually its the same system install and i had everything on an external drive, and it droped and started going bad, and what i coud recover i put back in the home folder21:33
vltbodhi_zazen: /etc/cryptsetup is empty.21:33
bodhi_zazenand /etc/crypttab, lol21:33
vltbodhi_zazen: "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab for crypt -"21:34
bodhi_zazencan you pastebin the contents of /etc/crypttab21:34
cgtikonia: The changes are usually minor, it should require sa extensive testing as major versions21:34
vltbodhi_zazen: /etc/crypttab is empty (except for the commented header line)21:34
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04# <target name> <source device>         <key file>      <options>21:34
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04thats all thats in crypttab21:34
ikoniacgt: it's still testing,21:35
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04should it be mounted while doing this?21:35
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 bodhi_zazen? ^21:35
cgtikonia: Sure, but it can't be that much. Minor kernel versions aren't supposed to break things.21:35
ikoniacgt: the test cycle would still be a lot21:36
cgtikonia: it's just minor fixes. LOTS of bugfixes21:36
ikoniacgt: no distro does this though21:36
bodhi_zazenAdd a line for your root device21:36
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04what should it be21:36
bodhi_zazenformat is "<name>  <device>  none"21:36
bodhi_zazenname is UUID= the drive UUID (blkid)21:36
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04not following21:36
bodhi_zazenand cryptsetup likdUUID <device> will give the devide21:37
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04its back in the home user folder now21:37
bodhi_zazenexample - luks       UUID=2505567a-9e27-4efe-a4d5-15ad146c258b21:38
HeathHayleHow do I see if a usb wifi is detected correctly in ubuntu?21:38
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 bodhi_zazen can u im me so other chat dont keep scrolling21:38
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vltbodhi_zazen: How to add cryptsetup (and all needed lib files) to initrd manually?21:41
vltbodhi_zazen: I know how to inflate an old initrd and how to create a new initrd.img (gz) file.21:41
vltbodhi_zazen: I just don't know ehich files to put where.21:42
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vltbodhi_zazen: And btw: There's no cryptsetup file in /usr/share/inintramfs-tools/hooks21:42
vltbodhi_zazen: There's a cryptroot but not a generic cryptsetup script.21:43
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l337ingDisorderCIDR, didn't work :(21:44
l337ingDisorderam now on a liveCD21:44
l337ingDisorderhang on, I'll pastebin what it says when I try to boot now21:44
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jgraftasticerr:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo The Mesa OpenGL driver is using software rendering, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly21:46
jgraftasticanybody know how to fix this? its for lord of the rings online21:46
HeathHayleAny ideas?21:46
l337ingDisorderCIDR, bodhi_zazen: This comes up when I boot: http://pastebin.com/dMbaKJB021:46
bodhi_zazenvlt: I think your problem is with ecryptfs, and not LUKS, thus you are barking up the wrong tree21:46
CajunTechieHey everyone. Quick question: how do I get in touch with the folks at developer.ubuntu.com? I need to upload a new version of my application and it keeps giving me a 400 error.21:46
CIDRthat's weird, and you did do the grub-update21:47
l337ingDisorderit threw no errors21:47
CIDRhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1511863&page=3   Try the steps on post #2221:47
bodhi_zazenyou on a live CD l337ingDisorder ?21:47
l337ingDisorderbodhi_zazen, yeah21:47
l337ingDisorderCIDR, thanks will check that21:48
vltbodhi_zazen: There's no ecryptfs onvolved here.21:48
vltbodhi_zazen: Why did you think ecryptfs?21:48
Pyro_Killertally ho chaps, i have installed ubuntu minimalist, and the i installed gnome fallback on top of it, however the GUI does not start on startup, how do i start the gui, startx doesn't work21:48
bodhi_zazenvlt: mkdir ~/initrd21:50
vltbodhi_zazen: done21:51
CygnusSPyro_Killer: try service lightdm restart21:51
l337ingDisorderCIDR, hit a snag at the very first step... When doing the first code snippet I get this output: mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'21:51
Pyro_KillerCygnuS: tried it, doesn't work21:52
HeathHayleAny ideas anyone?21:52
bodhi_zazenlzma -dc -S .lz /boot/your_initrd.lz | cpio -imvd --no-absolute-filenames21:52
bodhi_zazencp /sbin/cryptsetup sbin/21:52
l337ingDisorderCIDR, (the system is running on a RAID-1 array set up with mdadm21:52
Pyro_KillerCygnuS: this is ofdfashioned gnome on 12.04.321:52
bekksl337ingDisorder: you even had a software RAID? that would have been important before...21:52
bodhi_zazenfind . | cpio --quiet --dereference -o -H newc | lzma -7 > ../custom.initrd.lz21:52
CIDRThat would of been important to know21:53
bodhi_zazenthen cp your "custom.initrd.lz" to boot (make a back up of the old)21:53
l337ingDisorderyeah sorry, I didn't even remember until just now21:53
vltbodhi_zazen: But the libs are still missing21:53
CIDRis /boot on both disks?21:53
vltbodhi_zazen: Don't I nee the hook function copy_exec?21:53
l337ingDisordernot sure..21:54
bodhi_zazenno, and I do not think you need much libs21:54
bodhi_zazenvlt: http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/initramfs/21:54
l337ingDisorderCIDR, is there an easy way for me to find out?21:54
mydog2hi.. trying to install php-zts but can't seem to find it - apt-get install php-zts21:54
bodhi_zazenvlt: and you should file a bug report to see if you can fix the underlying problem21:54
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vltbodhi_zazen: When I trie dto boot with only /sbin/cryptsetup it complained about missing libcryptsetup.so.4.  So I copied it also, it complained about another one ... So I wanted to find out how to do this right.21:55
bodhi_zazenldd /sbin/cryptsetup21:55
bodhi_zazenand copy those libs21:55
CIDRwell your /mount showed only /dev/sdb1 mounted not /dev/sda121:55
CIDRumount /boot21:55
CIDRmount /dev/sda1 /boot21:55
CIDRls /boot I bet everything is missing again21:55
HeathHayleDid anyone read my question?21:56
vltHeathHayle: No21:56
CygnusSPyroKiller check grep "EE" /var/log/Xorg.0.log and ~/.xsession-errors for infos21:56
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HeathHayleCan anyone help me?21:56
l337ingDisorderCIDR, right now I'm booted to the live CD... are you sure I should do umount /boot and then mount /dev/sda1 /boot   ?21:57
vltbodhi_zazen: Thanks. You saved me another 13 boot, create initrd, reboot cycles21:57
fishsceneHeathHayle: The quesiton was posted quite a while ago. You may need to ask again.21:57
CIDRmkdir /tmp/boot; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot; ls /boot21:57
bodhi_zazenvlt: no problem =)21:57
Pyro_KillerCygnuS: Neither of the files are there because there is no Xorg starting21:57
CIDRermm mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/boot21:57
Pyro_KillerCygnuS: I thought they replaced Xorg some time ago21:58
bodhi_zazenthe only other issue, I hope the initramfs has a script for luks already (sounds as if it does)21:58
HeathHayleHow do I see if s wireless usb dongle is working correctly cos I cant connect to a hidden network21:58
bodhi_zazenHeathHayle: iwconfig recognize the device ?21:58
l337ingDisorderCIDR, http://pastebin.com/ZZT65QRz21:58
CIDRcat /proc/mdstat21:59
l337ingDisorderCIDR, no personalities listed, unused devices: <none>22:00
CIDRahh your life cd didn't pick them pu?22:00
vltbodhi_zazen: Yes, it has. Otherwise it wouldn`t ask me to enter the passphrase when booting. There was just cryptsetup ising.22:00
bodhi_zazenis it working now vlt ?22:01
vltbodhi_zazen: Didn't reboot yet22:01
l337ingDisorderCIDR, ok I did mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 to get my array recognized22:02
CygnusSPyro_Killer sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:02
l337ingDisorderstill getting the same "mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'" output even though /proc/mdstat now shows both drives in the array22:03
l337ingDisorderCIDR,  ^^^22:03
CIDRmount /dev/md0 /tmp/boot22:03
l337ingDisorderyeah that's what gives me the mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'22:03
vltbodhi_zazen: I did something else and read the cryptroot hook script. It seems to return 1 now on an empty crypttab file. After creating one I don't get the warning anymore AND there's cryptsetup in initr.img now.22:04
l337ingDisordermounted, and the files are there22:04
* vlt boots22:04
l337ingDisordernow I need to remember wtf I did to set it up such that it would boot to the RAID array... man that was like 2 years ago lol22:04
CIDRI imagien your menu.1st is jacked up22:05
CIDRcd /boot/grub; nano menu.1st22:05
mediaworkmy wife just ran an update on her ubuntu 13.04 ... ,  after restart, the login process is broke,  ... basically she enters her login, an screen goes blank for a few seconds and returns back to login screen.22:06
l337ingDisorder(installing vim)22:06
mediaworkis this a known issue with the latest update?22:06
CIDRwell /tmp/boot/grub/menu.1st22:06
mediaworkhow can I revert the last update?22:06
bekksmediawork: You cant revert it. Do you have enough disk space left?22:06
mediaworkbekks,  I thinks so, let me see.22:07
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Pyro_KillerFUCk this im reinstalling22:07
l337ingDisorderoh hang on22:07
CIDRl337ingDisorder:  http://www.howtoforge.com/software-raid1-grub-boot-debian-etch-p2 check this out22:07
l337ingDisorderCIDR, /tmp/boot is actually / on the raid array, not /boot/22:07
bekks!language | Pyro_Killer22:07
ubottuPyro_Killer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:07
l337ingDisorderCIDR, ie it has my full filesystem listed in /tmp/boot right now22:07
Pyro_Killersorry, it will not repeat itself22:08
CIDRthen /dev/md1 ?22:08
l337ingDisorderthere's no /dev/md122:08
CIDRassemble it22:08
mediaworkbekks,  loads and loads of space22:08
Pyro_Killerwait, oh it magically repaired itself, sometimes ubuntu is a weird beast22:08
l337ingDisorderCIDR, not identified in config file.22:09
roddenberrymdadm --scan or something22:09
l337ingDisorderCIDR, I somewhat recall that I had to set up the /boot/ partition as non-raid22:09
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l337ingDisorderlemme fire up gparted, see if it sheds some light on this22:09
rhin0anyone know why virtualbox (set up for ubuntu) .. doesn't give the option for 64 bit ubuntu anymore?22:09
mediaworkbekks,  you have any idea how our login process can be broke -- it kinda reminds me of graphics cards issues.. :S   we are using nvidia22:10
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bodhi_zazenrhin0: the only time I have seen that is when hardware acceleration is disabled in you BIOS22:10
bekksmediawork: Then check the Xorg.0.log in /var/log22:10
rhin0hardware accelaration is n aoption in bios22:10
rhin0i saw something like that thanks22:10
bodhi_zazenso, activate it ;)22:11
mediaworkbekks,  ok will do,   here is her new uname -a ::::  Linux wh-desktop 3.8.0-32-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 1 22:35:23 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:11
rhin0is it a quantum activator or a psyzork type c activator22:11
l337ingDisorderCIDR, ok.. /dev/sda has an ext3 partition, /dev/sdb has a 100mb ext3 partition as /dev/sdb1 (my /boot/ partition was 100 mb so I think that's it) and also has a matching ext3 partition for the one on /dev/sda/22:11
mediaworkbekks,  she definately had a kernel update.22:11
gustavoIs this the Ubuntu chat?22:12
bodhi_zazenrhin0: urn kvm-ok22:12
bekksmediawork: That might have broken it.22:12
rhin0bodhi_zazen: data rivit.22:12
gustavoIs this the Blowuntu channel???22:12
CIDRl337ingDisorder: So I imagine sda or sdb is blank22:13
gustavoOr the Suckbuntu channel???22:13
CIDRand one has the right stuff on it22:13
l337ingDisorderCIDR, I unmounted /tmp/boot and mounted /dev/sdb1 to /tmp/boot22:13
CIDRso we should be able to mount both of them, then do a cp-dpRX /whervertgoodstuffis /wherverisblank22:13
l337ingDisorderCIDR, now /tmp/boot shows the files that were in /boot/ before22:13
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CIDRumount /dev/sdb1; mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/boot22:14
mediaworkbekks,  I dont see anything immediately wrong.. what should I be looking for,  can I grep something?22:14
Dr_WillisCIDR:  that should let you see the contents of sda1 at /tmp/boot22:14
mediaworkbekks, is it possible that I can reboot her system and load the old kernel instead?22:14
bekksmediawork: check wether the nvidia module is loaded.22:14
CIDRDr_Willis: correct22:14
CIDRI was asking him what it shows22:14
bekksmediawork: Yes, just press the shift key after the BIOS POST, to enter the grub menu.22:15
mediaworkbekks, nvidia is loaded, and talking a lot on Xorg.log22:16
mediaworkbekks,  but no immediate error to be seen in the Xorg.log22:16
Dr_WillisHmm.. Seems webcamstudio has been ported to work with 13.10 - nifty - now to see if it actually works22:16
bekksmediawork: Then you may check ~/.xsession-errors22:16
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l337ingDisorderCIDR, mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'22:17
bekksl337ingDisorder: Then specify a filesystem.22:17
tjj_I just upgraded to 13.10 and I want to use the static window switcher. But I don't see that option in compiz config manager anywhere. Is there something I need to install to get the old switcher back?22:17
bekksl337ingDisorder: Pastebin: sudo blkid please22:17
mediaworkbekks,   (nautilus:2191): Gdk-WARNING **: nautilus: Fatal IO error 0 (Success) on X server :0.22:17
l337ingDisorderCIDR, to reitterate, there are two drives.. sda has only the ext3 raid partition, sdb has the ext3 raid partition and an ext3 boot partition that is not raid22:17
l337ingDisorder(just making sure we're on the same page)22:17
bekksl337ingDisorder: then mount -t ext3 ...22:18
l337ingDisorderbekks, why am I mounting /dev/sda1 exactly? It doesn't have the boot partition on it22:18
l337ingDisordersda only has the counterpart to the raid partition on sdb22:19
CIDRbut it does22:19
mediaworkbekks,  I think maybe we should simply revert this kernel update.22:19
CIDRI'm guessing sda has nothing on it22:19
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l337ingDisorderCIDR, sda has data on it22:19
mediaworkbekks,  there are errors relating to her wacom tablet input device, and also some immediate problem with nautilus... Im not sure how important nautilus is for unity22:19
l337ingDisorderCIDR, it has the mirror of the raid array22:19
LyutHey guys, when I try and install windows on to another partition, I can't because the disk is in GPT, is there any way around this?22:20
mediaworkbekks,  would it fail desktop environment from loading22:20
CIDRIm saying sda has a 100 meg parititon on it tow right?22:20
LyutI want to dual-boot Windows for gaming22:20
CIDRboth match?22:20
sophie_What's the best way in Ubuntu to check for bad sectors on a drive?22:20
CIDRsda1 sdb1 ?22:20
l337ingDisorderCIDR, no22:20
CIDRThey're not both 100 meg partitions?22:21
l337ingDisorderCIDR, on sda there is only one ext3 partition, 300GB or so... on sdb there are two partitions; one is a 100mb partition and the other is the matching 300gb partition for the raid array22:21
ElTimoIs SNA enabled by default in 13.10?22:21
CIDRso your boot parition isn't actually on a raid1 array22:21
l337ingDisorderI set it up so that my /boot/ partition was not raid22:21
CIDRI'm guessing your menu.1st isn't correct22:22
bodhi_zazensophie_: sudo badblocks /dev/sda1 or whatever partition you want22:22
CIDRtrying to boot from sda1 and not working22:22
l337ingDisordermenu.1st tries to load /dev/md022:22
sophie_bodhi_zazen,  thanks22:22
tjj_How can I ungroup windows in the switcher in 13.10?22:22
l337ingDisordershould have backed up my old menu.1st before updating grub22:22
mediaworkbekks,  go figure... I unplugged the wacom tablet device, and now we can log in.22:23
l337ingDisordertechnically trying to boot from /dev/sdb1 not /dev/sda122:23
mediaworkbekks,  into desktop that is22:23
CIDRpastbin your menu.1st22:23
CIDRYeah, as you should be22:23
CIDRbut your menu.1st is probably pointing to sda122:23
bodhi_zazensophie_: be warned, it may be s sign your drive is failing, it can last a while, or it can fail with little or no warning (I've seen both), back up your data ;)22:23
sophie_The drive is quite old, I just want to see if there's any sign of it failing22:24
l337ingDisorderCIDR, http://pastebin.com/BnxXDMNu22:24
Dr_Willisalways assume a drive is failing.. and can die at any time.22:25
bodhi_zazensophie_: you might also want smartmontools22:25
mediaworkwe figured out that latest kernel update screwed up one of the input devices, and failst the unity and gnome desktop environmentss.22:26
mediaworkhow can we undo the kernel update?22:26
CIDRTry changing your first deal to root=/dev/sdb122:26
CIDRand reboot22:26
l337ingDisorderthought that might be the solution22:27
l337ingDisorderwill do22:27
Dr_Willismediawork:  the grub menu should have a list of all installed kernels. select an older one.22:27
bodhi_zazenmediawork: boot an old kernel from the grub menu and then remove the new kernel22:27
mediaworkDr_Willis, bodhi_zazen ,   ok, thanks, however, remove as in how? --- sudo rm /boot/...?22:27
mediaworkDr_Willis, bodhi_zazen ,   sudo apt-get remove kernel?22:28
Dr_Willismediawork:  err... USE THE PACKAGE MANAGER. ;) if you used it to install stuff..22:28
Dr_Willistheres even ways to just select the older kernel by default in /etc/default/grub22:28
dailylinuxCan't mini.iso be dd into USB pen drive for installation?22:30
mediaworkbodhi_zazen, Dr_Willis ,  I did aptitude search kernel, but there are no update packages listed... how can I find the one I want to remove?22:30
wilee-nileedailylinux, no gui there?22:30
bodhi_zazengrep vmlinuz /boot22:31
Dr_Willismediawork:   by its version number i would assume.    the askubuntu.com site has some info on how to select the proper kernels i recall.22:31
bodhi_zazendpkg -l | grep linux22:31
wilee-nileedailylinux, The regular iso can I would assume the mini can.22:31
dailylinuxhmm, ok22:31
mediaworkbodhi_zazen,  that was it!... we have kernel update 47... i.e.    linux-image-extra-3.8.0-32-generic        3.8.0-32.4722:32
wilee-nileedailylinux, Which release, the mini became the alternate in 12.10 as far as the name.22:32
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
bodhi_zazenmediawork: you just will not be able to delete (remove) a running kernel is all22:32
bodhi_zazenmediawork: you can file a bug report and put kernel updates on hold22:33
mediaworkbodhi_zazen,  it only affects all those wacom tablet artists out there... they are a minority :)22:33
bodhi_zazenwell, will not get fixed if you do not report it22:34
mediaworkbodhi_zazen, ok will file bug report, after I confirm it is only the kernel.22:34
LyutHas anyone here installed Windows after Ubuntu before?22:35
Lyut I need some help with it :P22:35
wilee-nileeLyut, It booting to windows now?22:35
bodhi_zazenLyut: it has been done many times, describe your problem22:35
LyutI can't install it because my disk is formatted in GPT22:36
LyutI want to install it on the same disk as Ubuntu22:36
HeathHayleHow do I shutdown a crashed ubuntu system?22:36
wilee-nileeLyut, Did you originally have a W8 oem on there?22:36
bodhi_zazenhold the power button HeathHayle22:36
LyutBut I removed it22:36
LyutAlthough there was a 100mb partition left, I wasn't sure if it was my SSD manufacturer's partition or if it was installed by Windows22:37
HeathHayleThats not a safe shutdown though is it?22:37
wilee-nileeLyut, The point is why the gpt is this a uefi computer?22:37
wyldeHeathHayle, before that can you ctrl+alt+F1 to console?22:37
LyutYeah it's UEFI22:37
wilee-nileeLyut, Go to ##windows on this issue, come back for the grub boot.22:38
rosco_yis there an easy-to-use software for recording a desktop with sound to a video file?22:38
HeathHayleThen how do I shutdown after that?22:38
LyutAlright thanks22:38
wilee-nileeLyut, NO problem uefi info here is sketchy at times is all.22:39
wyldeHeathHayle, 'sudo shutown -P now' to shutdwon. 'sudo reboot' to reboot, or optionally maybe restarting lightdm may recover you 'sudo service lightdm restart'.22:39
rosco_yI tried "Kazaam" and "recordMyDesktop" without luck22:39
=== Pyro_Killer_ is now known as Pyro_Killer
HeathHayleNo its not working when I type the password the HDD Is still working on the other task that was it going in the gui i think22:40
wyldeHeathHayle, which command isn't working?22:41
HeathHayleIts just console is being really slow22:41
wyldeHeathHayle, it will if somthing like compiz is puking ;) Running the cpu up to 99-100%22:42
wilee-nileeLyut, You have to be registered with freenode to use the ##windows channel and some others.22:42
HeathHayleIs it ok to shutdown at console if the gui is trying to do something?22:42
LyutOh right :/22:43
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
wyldeHeathHayle, far better than a hard reset since it will at least attempt to shutdown properly22:43
bekks22/j #areca22:44
HeathHayleIt didn't reqnise -p22:44
wyldeHeathHayle,  -P22:44
Sander^LapHow can I install more software on my usb stick with live ubuntu?22:44
wyldeHeathHayle, case matters22:45
Sander^LapI cant find.. eg. ubuntu-restricted-extras package when I apt-get search for it.22:45
HeathHayleOh yer its linux forgot that lol22:45
HeathHayleWhy is linux case sen I never get that?22:45
CIDRBecause the filesystem is case sensitive...22:46
GarheadeIsn't Case Sensitivity a POSIX standard?22:46
bekksHeathHayle: Because Linux isnt VAX/VMS.22:46
HeathHayleIt said shutdown: time expected22:46
wyldeSander^Lap, 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install packagename'22:46
bekksHeathHayle: Then specify: shutdown -h now22:47
wyldeHeathHayle, now22:47
wyldeHeathHayle, I gave you the full command earlier ;)22:47
Sander^Lapwylde, ive done that. still the package isnt there.22:47
HeathHayleSorry did you?22:48
wyldeHeathHayle, yep. I gave you 3 options, restart lightdm, reboot or shutdown(using the poweroff switch)22:48
Sander^Lapwylde, I guess I need to add some repositories for it.22:48
wyldeSander^Lap, oooo I missed where it was a usb22:49
HeathHayleSorry missed that22:49
Sander^Lapwylde, yes. Fresh downloaded ubuntu 13.10 on a usb stick :-)22:50
HeathHaylei dont think its working lol22:50
Pyro_Killerbecause it should be case sensitive, why would you not want case sensitivity?22:50
HeathHayleYes it is lol22:50
wyldeSander^Lap, ahh. not sure. Although you should still be able to install software to a live session. I only use them typically for installs :)22:51
Pyro_KillerOne of the Ubuntu devs came to Ogg camp, and i totally crashed his Ubuntu phone, and then it went in to boot loop :P22:51
Sander^Lapwylde, I just need some software to play youtube and stuff. So I can test the grafic card and sound before I install anything to this pc.22:52
HeathHayleStupid old computer I am trying to get the usb wifi working i was working down the trubbleshooting and it just when crazy slow22:52
wyldeSander^Lap, pastebin the full output when you try to install. 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'22:53
Danny__how do i rest bios in terminal22:54
Pyro_Killerplease be more specific ion your requests22:54
Danny__my bios time showing dissent then ubuntu22:54
Danny__i dont have ntp installed22:55
Danny__or utc22:55
Sander^Lapwylde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6303335/22:55
Danny__in windows shows same time in bios and in windows why linux differnt22:55
HeathHayleIs it ok to ask for help in here or just i be googling for the answer?22:56
Danny__how do i rest bios time in terminal22:56
Danny__time in bios anoying me not the same as ubuntu22:56
Danny__any one out there gonna help me22:57
Danny__i dont have ntp installed or utc22:57
wyldeDanny__, you set the bios time in the bios. Reboot, enter the bios and set the time there. It's not uncommon for the bios to be set to UTC and the OS adjusts according to location.22:57
Danny__i wanna rest bios time22:57
Danny__wylde i changed bios time reverted back22:58
gustavoIs this the Blowuntu channel?22:58
HeathHayleHow to I install linux drivers from a cd?22:58
Danny__my time is 9 :58 am bios says 19 :58 pm22:59
cgtgustavo: Ubuntu, not Blowuntu22:59
gordonjcpHeathHayle: you don't22:59
gordonjcpHeathHayle: what is it a CD for?22:59
Danny__thats strange22:59
HeathHayleA usb wifi adaptor22:59
Danny__im in ternminal how can i fix it22:59
gordonjcpHeathHayle: plug it in and see if it works22:59
gordonjcpDanny__: hwclock22:59
gordonjcpDanny__: set your hardware clock to the correct time, then set your timezone23:00
Pyro_KillerHeathHayle: find out what chipset it uses, google it23:00
gordonjcpDanny__: hardware clock should be UTC, always23:00
HeathHayleThats my problem it sees my hidden network but wont connect to it23:00
gordonjcpHeathHayle: "hidden network"?23:00
Danny__gordon i dont have utc23:00
gordonjcpHeathHayle: oh, you hid SSID?23:00
gordonjcpHeathHayle: yeah, don't do that, it doesn't work23:01
gordonjcpHeathHayle: it kinda sorta works, *sometimes*, mostly by accident23:01
Danny__im using linux mint ubuntu based23:01
HeathHayleIt worked on ubuntu 10.023:01
gordonjcpHeathHayle: more by luck than design23:01
gordonjcp!mint | Danny__23:01
ubottuDanny__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:01
Danny__yeah grodon dosent have utc23:01
gordonjcpDanny__: but in general, set your hardware clock to UTC time23:01
Pyro_KillerYeah, but it is though23:02
Danny__gordon how do i do it no utc23:02
HeathHayleLol but it sees it it just has a red no entry sign on the wifi icon23:02
gordonjcpDanny__: what do you mean "no utc"?23:02
TheLordOfTimeDanny__: you need to get help with Mint on their chat, which is the #linuxmint-help channel on irc.spotchat.org23:02
Danny__gordon when i installed no utc23:03
TauNeutrinohey guys, I have a very slow internet connection via umts, how can I get the most out of it, so that I can at least watch youtube videos in everything minimum?23:03
Danny__grodon ive been banned from mint chat23:03
gordonjcpDanny__: probably because you don't make sense23:03
gordonjcpDanny__: do you know what UTC time is?23:03
Danny__grodon i kno23:03
Danny__no grodon i dont23:03
gordonjcpsod it, I give up23:03
gordonjcpit's midnight23:03
gordonjcpDanny__: then learn to tell the time23:04
Danny__gordon my os time is 10:04 am bios differnt23:04
Danny__gordon i want same os in bios23:04
Bollebib2I'm having an issue with my display23:05
Bollebib2when I start up;half of the time the screen is very bad,and moving or closing windows results in afterimages23:05
Bollebib2so it looks like there are hundreds of windows open ,if I move one ,because they freeze in place23:05
Danny__how do i rest bios time in terminal23:05
Bollebib2I did an update a few days ago which may have resulted in this behaviour23:05
Pyro_KillerDanny__: just do it in the bios?23:06
Danny__pryo changes to differnt time when i change it in bios23:06
HeathHayleWhy wont linux connect to a hidden network then?23:06
Bollebib2I can reset it with23:06
Bollebib2unity --reset,then reboot23:06
Bollebib2sudo restart lightdm   and then reboot23:06
Bollebib2they both solve my issue23:06
Danny__in windows bios is the same as windows23:06
Bollebib2but I'd like to prevent it23:06
FloodBot1Bollebib2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:06
Danny__why linux bios time differnt23:07
Bollebib2so it's possibly a faulty package.23:07
Danny__ibe been stuck at bios time for two days23:07
Danny__any terminal commands for bios time23:08
Bollebib2I'd like some help in finding that package,if possible23:08
Danny__i just want time in os same as the bios thats all23:08
Danny__i dont have ntp or utc23:09
Pyro_KillerDanny__: third post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=836480&s=1ef1fe34eeb89fca50e8d4d33e23552823:09
=== alder_ is now known as Alder
Sander^Lapwylde, I had to add the multiverse repositories.23:10
Sander^LapKinda strange why they aint added to the usb stick image23:10
Danny__prokiller that didnt help i need commands23:11
Danny__how do i rest bios time in terminal23:11
Danny__to match the os time23:11
Danny__im no nerd or geek23:12
Danny__ive got terminal opend23:12
Sander^LapHow do I a flash plugin in firefox?23:12
Sander^Lapinstall :)23:13
Danny__sudo apt rgk time sysn23:13
Danny__sudo apt rest time23:13
Pyro_KillerSander^Lap: google it, though i always have issues with it, but installing cvhromium and installing it onto there is a LOT easier23:13
Danny__fuck the bios time no one help me23:13
TauNeutrinoargh damn it23:14
Danny__dammm it23:14
TauNeutrinoenough of this crap23:14
Danny__ive been tuck bios time for two days23:14
wyldeSander^Lap, ahh alrighty. Apologies. Had an unannounced visitor show up. :/23:14
Danny__i just want restore bios time to the os in linux in terminal23:15
Pyro_KillerDanny__: http://linux.gids.nl/time.html23:15
Sander^Lapwylde, all ok.23:15
Sander^Lapwylde, I cant install eather mplayer or flash plugin to play video.23:15
Sander^Lapit says: Package mplayer is not available, nut is referred to by another package.23:16
Sander^LapWondring which repository mplayer is in.23:16
comsHey, having some problems booting ubuntu after some software updates, wanted to see if someone could help me out23:17
Sander^LapAh. Found out. Needed both multiverse and universe. :-)23:17
wyldeSander^Lap, universe23:17
wyldeoops too late ;)23:17
LyutDoes anyone here host a virtualisation from Ubuntu?23:18
LyutI am looking to do so :D23:18
Lyutof w723:18
comsThe boot process hangs on the purple screen right after the grub dualboot menu, already tried reinstalling my kernel but that didn't help, any ideas?23:18
cretsiahIm using ubuntu 12 wondering how I can make my fonts look right on a 66cm (26 inch) screen23:18
Danny__prokiller disnt work23:18
wilee-nileecoms, what release?23:18
comshangs right on loading initial ramdisk23:18
Pyro_Killercoms: give it 15 minutes23:19
wilee-nileecoms, Does an earlier kernel boot?23:19
comsyeh 3.8.0-19 boots, but it terminal mode only23:19
wilee-nileecoms, is 3.8.0-19 a kernal from the repos?23:20
wilee-nileeubuntu repos*23:20
BosiHello everyone, my computer is an ASUS Eee PC, with 2GB of RAM,  and processor ATOM N450 1.6 GHz.  It says here that it is 64bit capable... Do you guys think I should install the 32 or 64 bit version of Ubuntu in it?23:21
wilee-nileecoms, Is this associated with a graphics driver perchance the terminal boot?23:21
Pyro_KillerBosi 12.04.3 64 bit23:21
Dr_WillisBosi:  im running 64bit xubuntu on my EEEpc 1001xpd right now23:21
comsdoubt it, purged my ATI driver and reinstalled xorg23:22
Dr_Willisoops its a 1001PXD  ;)23:22
comsbut perhaps23:22
Dr_WillisBosi:  using 13.10 xubuntu and lubuntu on mind. The unity/ubuntu/gnome-shell desktop was a bit much for it23:22
Pyro_KillerI had an amusing thought yesterday, in terms of ubuntu 08.04 is an ancient operating system, but some people still run windows XP from 200123:22
wilee-nileecoms, It seems you have a set of problems not associated the latest kernel and graphic issues, I suspect the graphic stuff is the first that need fixing, the kernel just needs a purge probably.23:23
wilee-nileeor a fix on the kernel, but probably wont work without the graphics being correct. coms23:23
BosiDr_Willis, I actually have Xubuntu 32 bit that I installed long time ago, but this thought just ocurred to me. What will be the main difference if I change to 64 bit?23:24
comswilee-nilee, what would be how would you go about diagnosing the problem?23:24
Pyro_KillerBosi: It can utelize the processor to its full capacity, instead of runing everything on a single core23:25
Dr_WillisBosi:  you might not notice any differance. in theory video rencoiding or other math intensive stuff may be quicker. I basically ONLY use 64bit and only have the 64bit iso's/flash drives - because all my pcs are 64bit23:25
wilee-nileecoms, I'm not up on graphics, but If it were me I would get that fixed first, it seems you have tried to fix this or at least ran updates without it being addressed.23:25
comsk thanks23:25
Dr_WillisBosi:  i dont see much reason these days to not use 64bit - if your cpu can handle 64bit23:25
wilee-nileecoms, I would reload the clone I have of my working system, but not everyone clone their setups.23:25
comsonly cloned my data files, not my setup :(23:27
BosiDr_Willis, yeah, when I installed I knew less than I know today, so it didn't ocur to me installing 64bit. While running Xubuntu 32bit I feel my CPU a little too loaded... this might be the solution I was looking for.23:27
wilee-nileeI had my 14.04 go south on me by running a partial upgrade just today, I popped in my usb with clonezilla reloaded the working image and am back in business, no running a reinstall and setups, took about 5-10 min..23:27
Dr_Willislubuntu would be lighter then xfce also Bosi23:27
Danny_how do i rest bios time in terminal23:28
Dr_Willisrest = 'reset' ?23:28
Danny_i dont have ntp or utc23:28
BosiDr_Willis, do you think the next release of Lubuntu will be a LTS? I might try Lubuntu23:28
Danny_dr willias keep the os time same as bios23:29
Danny_my time is 10 :29 am bios time says 24:0023:29
Dr_Willisi think we had this discussion the other day. the bios clock will normally NOT be the same as the os time,. due to the os knowing about timezones and DST23:29
Dr_WillisBosi:  lts means very little to me really.23:30
Dr_Willisim not even sure on the lts-ness-state of lubuntu now. ;)23:30
Danny_ok dr williws23:30
Danny_dr williws so  bios time will be not same in os23:31
Dr_Willishwclock can read/set/reset the bios time23:31
BosiDr_Willis, I heard they'd try to make the 14.04 a LTS release, but that's what I heard... anyway... I might try that.23:31
Danny_dr williws is it sudo hwclock can read/set/reset the bios time23:32
Dr_WillisDanny_:  if you lived in england on the UTC timezone.. it could ;) except when they change to DST. (if they do)23:32
Sander^LapPyro_Killer, looks like I just needed to install the "flashplugin-installer" package.23:32
Dr_WillisBosi:  i always stick to the latest release23:32
Dr_WillisDanny_:  man hwclock        id have to read the man pages to tell you the syntax23:32
Danny_dr wilwas trminal comands rest bios time23:33
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
Dr_WillisDanny_:  the terminal command can read, or set the bios time23:34
BosiDr_Willis, well, I was happy with the 13.04 of Xubuntu, but when I upgraded a lot of problems appeared. I really regret of upgrading. With a LTS release I'd not have that problem.23:34
Dr_Willisit also mentions if you can set the clock to the local time. but then you need to make sure you set your Timezone correctly23:34
Danny_what command23:34
Dr_WillisDanny_:  have you looked at 'man hwclock' yet?23:35
wyldeDanny_, read the manual. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man8/hwclock.8.html . Also, mint isn't supported here. #linuxmint-help channel on irc.spotchat.org23:35
Danny_wydle to hard man23:36
Danny_i just need sudo commands so i can copy and paste23:37
Dr_Willisthen give up i guess.. the man page even gives examples of setting the time/date23:37
Danny_i just need rest bios time in terminal with correct os time23:37
Danny_i need trun of utc23:37
Danny_i dont have ntp installed23:38
wyldeDanny_, come back on a supported distribution perhaps? </donefeedingtrolls>23:38
Dr_Willisyou use the --set --date option. like the man page example shows.23:38
Danny_i have ubuntu23:38
Pyro_KillerSander^Lap: In my experince it doesn't always work23:38
FloodBot1Danny_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
* wilee-nilee thinks this chanell should be called #ubuntu-enablers23:39
apbAcross the bottom of my screen is a menu strip that shows each running program... I don't know what it's called... a panel?  Anyway, mousing over each item causes a menu to "drop up".  Those "dropups" are translucent.  How can I make them opaque?23:39
nurowHello, I'm trying to edit a PDF that has some spanish text in it using LibreOffice Draw. The text looks fine in my PDF reader before editing it, but after I edit it in Draw, the Spanish language words are huge and span beyond their normal boundaries, overlapping with other words. Anyone know how to fix this? I'm guessing it has to do with selecting the right character encoding, but I'm not sure how to do that?23:40
Dr_Willisapb:  panel and task list..   what desktop are you using?23:40
apbkubuntu? kde?  Are they the same or different?23:41
Dr_Williskubuntu uses kde.23:41
Pyro_Killerkubuntu is ubuntu with kde installed23:41
Dr_Williskde has dozens of theme settings.23:41
Dr_Willisso you  may need to explore them.  I dont use kde enought ot know where theymay be at23:41
apbPyro_Killer: Thanks, that's what I was kind of thinking but wasn't sure.23:41
Pyro_Killerabp: np, install all of the desktops23:42
apbI don't think I changed the theme... although it's possible I changed it to windoze if I made any changes at all.23:42
ubnoobtuHey, why isnt flash saying its available on firefox, on ubuntu 12.0423:42
apbPyro_Killer: heh, pass on that option.  Too confusing.23:42
Dr_Willisperhaps you need to install the flash installer package ubnoobtu23:43
l337ingDisorderCIDR, still here? had company come by, then had to run a couple errands that couldn't wait any longer... back at it now. I changed grub/menu.1st to load /dev/sdb1 instead of /dev/md0 and got the same results on boot.. Also tried setting it to /dev/sda1 just in case, same results23:43
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
Pyro_Killerabp: you can usually choose from the login screen, cinnamon is quite a new and exciting one23:43
wilee-nileenurow, I have tried some of the pdf-editors offered in the repos, I found none to really work all that well, in varied circumstances, I think it it depends on the code in the original at times, kinda a tough problem.23:43
ubnoobtualso, how can i get my video card to be recongized by ubuntu?23:43
Dr_Willisubnoobtu:  install the proper driver for it - is the normal way. Using the addational-drivers tool/tab/23:44
wilee-nileeubnoobtu, Start with identifying it to the channel with some details.23:44
ubnoobtuIts a Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT23:44
l337ingDisorderCIDR, by "same results" i mean it says error: you need to load the kernel first.23:44
rainabbaI've downloaded, re-downloaded, confirmed MD5, tried multiple devices (usb flash, sdcard reader, even usb to SATA drive) and no matter when when I try to boot ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64 on an older Dell desktop (P4, 64-bit, EMT, VT extensions so not horribly old) with nVideo card, past BIOS I get a very brief message about starting Kernel then things go black. I never see the Ubuntu splash.23:45
rainabbaAny suggestions on how to troubleshoot, what this might be, etc..?23:45
ivanUltraSuperSuHi everybody!23:45
wilee-nileeubnoobtu, Take a look at Dr_Willis's post as well.23:45
Dr_Willisubuntulog:  so install the nvidia drivers for it. I tend to just install  the nvidia-current package for most of mynvidia cards23:45
Dr_Willisoops wrong nick ;)23:45
nurowwilee-nilee :( I guess I should just use my Windows 7 VM :(23:45
* Dr_Willis enlarges his fonts23:45
=== LoganG|off is now known as LoganG
ubnoobtudr_Willis, i've installed it through the tab, but when I go to check it in the details tab it shows unknown, and its running slower than it did before23:46
wilee-nileenurow, adobe is probably the easiest, if you can afford that plugin, I assume it is a paid option.23:46
Dr_Willisubnoobtu:  you did reboot after installing the drivers?23:46
ivanUltraSuperSuCan someboy to response some question?23:46
wilee-nileeivanUltraSuperSu, Tell us your problems with details.23:46
ubnoobtuI think its causing issues with flash and other things23:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:47
ChardotHey. I'm following this guide: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx and I'm waiting in #8 to complete, but it's taking long. Should I expect it to be long?23:47
Pyro_Killerdepends on the quality of you usb stick23:48
=== LjL is now known as THE
ivanUltraSuperSuHow I can create a vpn network  from ubuntu with UltraVNC?23:48
* Dr_Willis wonders what #8 is ;) his phone internet is too slow to look at web sites23:48
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=== THE is now known as Guest30834
Dr_WillisivanUltraSuperSu:  VPN and VNC are 2 differnt things..23:49
Pyro_Killeri would google it, setting up cpn is quite a task23:49
Chardot«long» means I've been waiting for 20 mins for the command to complete, with no other feedback in the Terminal than a blinking prompt.23:49
=== Guest30834 is now known as Guest30834L
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN23:49
ivanUltraSuperSuo.k sorry23:49
swordsmanzlol i have been installingg apps non stop for hours and have only used 10 gigs :S23:49
ivanUltraSuperSuI want to create a vpn with ubuntu23:49
ivanUltraSuperSubut I a new user23:49
=== Guest30834L is now known as LjL
Dr_Willisonce you get a vpn setup. i belive you can then vnc to the machines as if they were on the same local network. thats how vpn's work i thought..23:50
Dr_Willisbut ive rarely used them ;)23:50
Pyro_KillerivanUltraSuperSu: I'll see if i find a good guide23:50
ChardotWow, it finished!23:50
ChardotAnyway, thank you Pyro_Killer :)23:50
Dr_WillisChardot:  it was waiting for you to ask in here... ;)23:50
ivanUltraSuperSuAny exemple?23:50
rainabbaI've downloaded, re-downloaded, confirmed MD5, tried multiple devices (usb flash, sdcard reader, even usb to SATA drive) and no matter when when I try to boot ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64 on an older Dell desktop (P4, 64-bit, EMT, VT extensions so not horribly old) with nVideo card, past BIOS I get a very brief message about starting Kernel then things go black. I never see the Ubuntu splash.23:50
rainabbaAny suggestions on how to troubleshoot, what this might be, etc..? Help?23:50
ChardotDr_Willis: hhaha23:51
Chardotok, rebooting...23:51
vltHello. If I want to playback a h264 video (which already works with mplayer) with totem ... what do I need to install?23:51
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | rainabba23:51
ubotturainabba: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:51
Dr_Willisrainabba:  try  the minimal installer?  one that uses text mode perhaps. could be the refresh rates are getting set wrong23:51
* l337ingDisorder pokes CIDR in hopes that he's not too far AFK23:51
Pyro_Killerrainabba: don't excpect the latest ubuntu to work straight off the bat, such is its nature, use 12.04 instead23:51
=== xirre is now known as Xirre
Dr_Willisrainabba:  try some other disrtos also - see if any of them work properly23:52
rainabbawilee-nilee: Right... but don't I need the menu screen first?23:52
wilee-nileerainabba, on a live boot the try screen or a install from the grub menu.23:52
Dr_Willisthe fact you dont see anything points to a possible refresh rate issue. you Can edit the boot files on a live-usb flash setup and make it use nomodeset by default. but i forget what files need changed23:52
Pyro_Killer12.04 will run on a toaster with an RFID tag, it is amazing23:52
rainabbaWow. So linux (Ubuntu of all distros) is still a PITA to install/use huh?23:53
Dr_Willisrainabba:  i have very few issues23:54
rainabba"very few"23:54
Pyro_KillerPain the posterior23:54
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:54
wilee-nileerainabba, Your blaming the distro for your not knowing how to do it.23:54
Dr_Willisrainabba:   my monitors would say ' mode/rate not valid' in your case i imagine23:54
Dr_Willisoh well. no loss i guess23:54
Pyro_Killer13.10 still needs work , 12.04 my dog could install23:54
Dr_Willisthats sort of the point of LTS vs non-lts releases. :) a  work-in-progress vs a work-horse ;)23:55
Pyro_Killerexactly, but in laymans terms, if you want it to work out of the box no hazzles, you choose 12.04, if you wanna muck around and know how to mend stuff that brakes 13.10 is you distro23:56
Sander^LapI have a radeon hd 6400 series card.. And wondring how I can enable hdmi sound in ubuntu 13.10.23:56
Pyro_Killerit's the way it has always been23:56
Pyro_Killeron the sound icon choose HDMI as your sound output23:57
vltvlt !codecs23:57
wilee-nileePyro_Killer, an answer based on dichotomies, but that is the way many reason.23:58
Sander^LapPyro_Killer, Im only able to choose "analog stereo output"23:58
churchill2Is there an os program like google desktop search?23:59
Dr_Willishmm there used to be google desktop for linux. but ive not seen it mentioned in ages.. did they kill the project?23:59

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