
eidoscognitioHi guys, good evening, Venezuela here. Flying with a LiveCD on a Windows 7 PC. Pretty good here... :)00:33
eidoscognitioTrying to make the move to UbuntuStudio OS.00:33
eidoscogntioHi there guys, Venezuela here, good evening.00:41
eidoscognitioJust logged twice from web.00:42
eidoscognitioAny hint to a poor windows 7 user wanting to make the move to ubuntustudio?, M-Audio ProjectMix Firewire here.00:43
=== christophe is now known as Guest31611
Guest31611I install libre office via the menu extra office application on studio 13.10 but nthing shows up on any menu after install04:42
javiHello friends!14:24
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switchbladegiez, my clock is going way too fast!15:48
musicman_anyone know why ubuntu studio doesn't include cinelerra?16:12
musicman_Cinelerra/heroin seems to have some powerful options compared to openshot (although is less polished)16:13
musicman_Cinelerra seems to have dropped off the map...16:13
musicman_Dick mckinnis's (dude who helps with ubuntu studio) distro (dream studio) uses/includes it.16:15
holsteinswitchblade: the time? or converter?16:19
holstein!info cenelerra16:19
ubottuPackage cenelerra does not exist in saucy16:19
holstein!info cinelerra16:19
ubottuPackage cinelerra does not exist in saucy16:19
holsteinmusicman_: AFAIK, its either been dropped or hasnt been added.. we cant add whats not in the official ubuntu repos16:20
holsteinmusicman_: the "easiest" way to address this would be to coordinate with the cinelerra team and upstream debian. when its in our repos, we can discuss adding it by default16:21
holsteinmusicman_: otherwise, the PPA that dick uses can be used with ubuntustudio16:21
musicman_really - cool!16:21
musicman_so if I tapped into dick's ppa, I could add cinelrra and lightworks beta to my US setup?16:22
holsteinmusicman_: you can use the ppa that dick uses.. the one above16:22
musicman_that would be prime!16:22
musicman_thanks y'all ; )16:22
musicman_I'll give it a whirl.16:22
holsteinmusicman_: or, add what you want from dick's ppa's.. but, you might as well just run dream studio, since ppas are not supported officially16:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:22
holsteinnot that you're likely to have any issues with that cinelerra PPA.. i used to use it with no issues16:23
musicman_I'm still confused as to why Ubuntu Studio hasn't pursued lightworks and cinelerra as dream studio has. Anyone able to explain for me?16:24
musicman_Also - why totem instead of VLC? that's the first thing I switch out when installing US. VLC is simply the best. Why not include it as the default US video player?16:26
musicman_Is it licencing issues that hold ubuntu studio back from some of these better programs (and form being included in the ubuntu repos?)16:28
holsteinmusicman_: they are not in the repos, friend16:34
holsteinmusicman_: you ask lightworks to make the software available to the repos, and it will be there16:34
holsteinmusicman_: VLC, is the same.. it cant be included16:34
holsteinmusicman_: you ask VLC to make it compatible, and it will be. but, it wont be VLC anymore16:34
musicman_licencing issues?16:34
holsteinmusicman_: correct16:35
holsteinmusicman_: its not an "issue" though.. its in the repos, and can be installed16:35
holsteinmusicman_: "better" is a matter of opinion and use case16:35
musicman_ok - thanks!16:35
holsteinmusicman_: we are not being "held back" by anything16:35
musicman_I guess that it why dick went ahead and did somewhat of a fork16:36
holsteinmusicman_: you'd have to ask him16:36
musicman_I still love US16:36
musicman_slick, and getting better every round16:36
musicman_I like running as close to a 'pure' ubuntu system. Tried running dream studio, ran into a few headaches16:37
musicman_thanks for the speedy advice16:38
musicman_I'm off to go play with ppa's! lol...16:38
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