Unit193 | xnox: OK, submitted proposal, try not to pull out too much hair. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/234/137/5c4.jpg | 00:16 |
bluesabre | jjfrv8: what bug is it? | 01:21 |
bluesabre | the "check and remove duplicate media entries"? | 01:24 |
bluesabre | I'll have a look at that this weekend | 01:25 |
bluesabre | btw, thanks to you and anyone else who has contributed to this documentation | 01:25 |
bluesabre | ochosi: created an introduction page for parole-docs, feel free to criticise :) | 02:27 |
Noskcaj | Has anyone got time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-session/4.10.1-3 ? | 08:22 |
slickymaster | morning all | 09:06 |
slickymaster | ochosi: ping | 09:11 |
brainwash | ali1234: you still need to add a comment about your xfce4-terminal package to the bug report.. or isn't the package ready yet? | 09:23 |
brainwash | oh great, the not working updata-manager restart button has been fixed.. in trusty | 09:25 |
jjfrv8 | bluesabre, yes the bug I was referring to for the Preferences section is the "check and remove duplicate" thing. | 12:36 |
jjfrv8 | I've tried hitting it from several angles and it just doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe I'm missing something. | 12:36 |
jjfrv8 | bluesabre, as for the dvd issues, I first have to use Unit193's workaround "sudo ln -s cdrom /dev/dvd" to get them to read at all... | 12:45 |
jjfrv8 | then when I try to play a store-bought, encrypted dvd I get "GStreamer backend error. The stream is in the wrong format." | 12:46 |
jjfrv8 | I do have libdvdcss2 installed but I'm not sure about all the other pre-reqs you have listed on your blog. | 12:47 |
jjfrv8 | I have different issues with a homemade dvd with chapters, but that's a little complicated to explain here. I guess we'll hold off on that one for now. | 12:50 |
jjfrv8 | maybe catch up with you this weekend. bye for now. | 12:51 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: ping | 14:10 |
jjfrv8-work | slickymaster, you still here? | 16:29 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8-work: yes :) | 16:32 |
jjfrv8-work | 'sup? | 16:32 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8-work: just wanted to tell you that I've talked yesterday with elfy, regarding http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=usage and is unable to do it. So, if you want, I can do it | 16:33 |
jjfrv8-work | That's fine with me. Or if you want to split it up somehow by menu selection, I'm okay with that too. | 16:33 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8-work: that's a good idea. As there are six menu items, we can dived them | 16:35 |
jjfrv8-work | Okay, I'll give you first choice :) | 16:35 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8-work: It's indifferent :). Alright, I'll take Media, Playback and Audio | 16:38 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8-work: That leaves you with Video, Tools and Help | 16:38 |
jjfrv8-work | That'll work. | 16:39 |
jjfrv8-work | So what shall we do, draft it up on the playground and then copy and past them after they pass review? | 16:40 |
knome | cool, productive sounding stuff :) | 16:40 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8-work: just one thing, I'm planning on inserting some screenshots but I'm not sure if that's alright or not. Do you know if it's supposed to, or not? | 16:41 |
jjfrv8-work | I assume so. That's what I did for Preferences and that was following the example of the Xfce Terminal sample. | 16:41 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8-work: thanks, that's all I needed to know | 16:42 |
jjfrv8-work | slickymaster, thank you and happy drafting! | 16:43 |
jjfrv8-work | bbl | 16:44 |
slickymaster | knome: ping | 17:20 |
knome | slickymaster, pong | 17:23 |
slickymaster | knome: I'm not sure whether you'll be able to anwser me or not, anyway here it goes | 17:24 |
knome | sure | 17:24 |
slickymaster | knome: I'm working on http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=parole-docs and I'm planning on inserting some screenshots on the http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=usage section | 17:25 |
slickymaster | knome: so, my question is do you have any idea of the sizes I should use? | 17:25 |
slickymaster | knome: for the screenshots :) | 17:26 |
knome | slickymaster, check the xfce wiki | 17:26 |
knome | slickymaster, but i would imagine as small as possible but 1:1 is preferred | 17:26 |
slickymaster | knome: I'll do that and I'll take your suggestion | 17:27 |
slickymaster | knome: always with a helping hand. I appreciate it | 17:27 |
knome | but of course :) | 17:28 |
slickymaster | knome: as I have here, allow me to ask you something else | 17:29 |
knome | yup | 17:29 |
slickymaster | knome: I'm on the verge of finishing the xubuntu-docs translation (I've almost 70% done), when I'll finish do I have to make a merge porposal? | 17:30 |
knome | nope | 17:30 |
knome | the translations are updated automatically to the branch | 17:30 |
slickymaster | knome: thanks. I won't bother anymore | 17:31 |
slickymaster | for now, that is ;) | 17:31 |
knome | np, and have fun | 17:31 |
slickymaster | always | 17:31 |
knome | bbl | 17:37 |
Unit193 | jjfrv8: Yeah, I had/have libdvdcss and everything else needed to play dvds. | 18:29 |
bluesabre | jjfrv8: yeah, I'm not sure what the issue is, but dvd support in 13.10 seems to be completely messed up | 23:14 |
bluesabre | it works completely fine in 13.04, so I think i can avoid blame... :) | 23:15 |
knome | you can't | 23:15 |
knome | ;) | 23:15 |
bluesabre | drat! | 23:15 |
brainwash | what is wrong with dvd support? | 23:19 |
jjfrv8 | bluesabre, bummer. I'll go ahead and install 13.04 then and use that for working through the docs. | 23:23 |
Unit193 | I don't know, Works for me™ (Well, as much as any videos do, so meh.) | 23:25 |
Unit193 | The Lost World works for me at least, just tried it. VLC and mplayer. | 23:30 |
brainwash | and parole? | 23:30 |
Unit193 | Purged a while ago. | 23:30 |
brainwash | parole isn't that bad | 23:31 |
brainwash | does not deserve to be purged | 23:31 |
Unit193 | Heh. | 23:31 |
brainwash | finally some fixes will be released, the update-manager restart button gets fixed and somewhat "soon" the xfce4-terminal encoding menu segfault | 23:33 |
Unit193 | Never tried to use gstreamer to play something directly, not sure if you can. | 23:35 |
Unit193 | Ah, that's good. | 23:35 |
brainwash | but yeah, pushing fixes before final release is way more easier than afterwards | 23:38 |
brainwash | some things will be even delayed until 14.04 I assume | 23:38 |
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