
xubuntu819whats a simple webcam or picture prog i can use with Xfce4 desktop :)  i dont want to load up all the gui for gnome.01:13
xubuntu819if i try to load cheese it wants to load up the entire desktop gnome2/301:14
xubuntu819no thanks01:14
GridCubexubuntu819, cheese but use --no-install-recommends01:15
xubuntu819so... sudo apt-get install cheese --no-install-recommends   correct?01:18
xubuntu819i have been looking for --no-deps of sorts for ever with apt-get for a longggggg time,,, i didnt see anything else either until i did full on tab-completion01:20
xubuntu819one think i like about buntu,, they have great tab completion, but not full unless you install it01:21
xubuntu819ya knkow?01:21
nielhey guys I am thinking of switching from ubuntu to xubuntu is there anything I should watch out for?01:48
Poisoned_DragonAside from a different DE, it's still ubuntu. More or less.01:57
Poisoned_DragonIf you're familiar with one, the learning curve on the other shouldn't be terrible.01:58
nielok cool02:01
Poisoned_DragonI use Ubuntu Studio, which has xfce as the DE. I love it. It's pretty intuitive to setup.02:11
nielguys I got a problem my screen never actually turns off03:36
nielon both my xubuntu computers03:36
nielits just black03:36
nielhey anyone else here have problems with not being able to see dropbox stats it just opens the folder03:47
richrockanyone about?  need some help with the menu08:56
lderanrichrock: what do you need help with?08:57
richrockhi,  I'm creating a menu entry for a program I installed (not available through synaptic).08:58
richrockIt keeps putting the menu item into 'Other', when I want it in 'Development'08:58
richrockTried setting menu entry while I had Development selected, no luck...09:00
lderancan't help you with that at the moment sorry09:03
richrockokay no worries.  it's not the end of the world, just can't figure out why.09:05
richrockah, might be a way to hack the menu files...09:06
m3kkhow do i configure sound in xubuntu? i cant find any icon "sound" in settings ?09:34
baizonm3kk: you can install pavucontrol09:35
m3kkbaizon, so there is no way to configure sound in xubuntu by default? ok will isntall that09:36
m3kkbaizon, "pavucontrol is already the latest version installed" so.. ?09:36
baizonuse it :)09:36
m3kkbaizon, i must start it from terminal?09:37
baizonif you want :)09:37
m3kkpavucontrol should be in settings like everything else?09:38
m3kkanyway suddenly lost all sound for no reason09:38
m3kkwhat happened? suddenly i hear no sound at all? pavucontrol shopws dB going up and down when viewing a youtube video.. but system is completly silent09:41
m3kkhi, i suddenly lost all sound? i run pavucontrol and while i run a youtube video it shows dB goes up and down like there is actual sound.. but there is none? I have not tried to configure anything since it was working out of the box10:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:12
m3kkThanks ubottu, i can always count on you10:12
Proshotafternoon everybody10:36
Proshoti installed xubuntu 13.10 and i installed the chat client empathy, but i am unable to connect to google talk with it, anyway idea's10:37
richrockm3kk, on your pavucontrol, have you checked both the Playback AND Output Devices tabs?10:46
richrockI had similar problem, found the issue in the Output Devices10:46
m3kkrichrock, yes11:26
m3kkrichrock, what should i check in output?11:28
richrockdo you have the same db levels going up and down?11:29
m3kksome* ?11:29
richrockand check the mute/audio settings there also.11:29
m3kkrichrock, i actually got sound now.. pressed a few switches back and forth etc..11:29
richrockOn my system, I had issue because I was using wrong soundcard11:29
m3kkhave no idea what did the trick11:29
richrockgood to hear11:30
richrock*no pun intended11:30
m3kkrichrock, hahaha'11:30
al____hi all12:30
al____Does anyone know the default shortcut-key to open a terminal in 11.10 xubuntu?12:31
al____I gather that no one is watching this?12:32
bgardneral____: Watching, just don't know that answer positively.12:33
bgardneral____: I would guess Ctrl-Alt-T.12:33
al____I tried that, thanks anyway bgardner12:33
elfyor possibly Super+T12:33
al____ctrl-alt-t used to work with 10.04 and I even found a site that said it worked with 11.10 but.....12:34
al____I will try elfy....12:34
al____wow!  thanx elfy!!!!!!!!12:34
al____You are amazing!12:35
elfynot so :)12:35
al____Everyone here is great!12:35
al____I will remember this channel12:35
al____Have a nice day all.12:35
=== Squidlips__ is now known as legg1
xubuntu232Hi all :)16:04
dont-panichow do you install whatever you need for making VM's on xubuntu?16:19
elfyI use virtualbox personally16:20
legg1sudo apt-get install virtualbox16:21
legg1however, i use vmware player16:21
dont-panicit doesn't matter which to me I don't think16:21
elfyI make sure to add the vbox sources - so I end up not using the standard repo version16:21
dont-panicvmware player looked like a bit of a process16:22
dont-panicwhats the difference?16:22
bgardnerdont-panic: Same concept, different manufacturers.16:22
dont-panicbgardner: I only need it to spin up random linux distro's to see if I can find one I like more16:23
dont-panicxubuntu's cool for a beefyish laptop, but my netbook needs lightweight stuff16:24
bgardnerdont-panic: Then either should do.  I use Virtualbox daily and it works well, but I have heard good things about vmware player as well.16:24
dont-panicI did a debian netinstall, which is fast, just wanna see if I can find something lighter with apt-get16:24
legg1vmware install is quite easy16:25
legg1download the .bundle, chmod +x it, then sudo ./vmware-player16:25
dont-panicat work we use esx and kvm, but a vm should be pretty much the same across the board16:25
dont-paniclegg1: wheres the bundle?16:25
legg1dont-panic, only thing liter than xfce, is fluxbox i think16:25
legg1dont-panic, go to vmware homepage, download, player, boop16:25
dont-paniclegg1: awesome wm for the win lol16:26
dont-panicI love awesome16:26
legg1havent tried it16:26
legg1i only use xfce and fluxbox16:26
legg1for my boxes16:26
dont-panicjwm is even lighter, so is icewm16:26
legg1laptop is on xfce as well16:26
dont-panici3 might even be lighter16:26
legg1then again, my laptop is a i7 with 16gb ram, and 128gb ssd, with 730M gfx16:26
dont-panicyeah, I have a similar setup for my main lappy16:27
legg1if it wasnt for my gtx 560 on my workstation, i could throw it and use the laptop only16:28
legg1stupid high speccs for a "laptop"16:28
dont-panicI rarely use my desktop anymore16:28
bgardnerStarting to drift ot here.16:29
dont-panicyeah... where's that vm .bundle?16:30
=== Soul-Sing is now known as ZoZie
=== map is now known as Guest82167
mbishHello, I'm using Xubuntu 13.10 64-bit and I'm trying to make Dolphin my default file manager. How can I do this?19:29
brainwashmbish: settings manager > preferred applications19:37
mbishI did that. I pointed it to the file and I get this error message: Failed to execute default file manager.  Failed to execute child process "/usr/share/applications/kde4/dolphin.desktop" (Permission denied).19:39
bekksmbish: Then check the permissions of that file.19:39
mbishsays "owner root" How can i make myself the owner19:42
bekksmbish: Who says that? And why do you need to be the owner of a global file?19:43
mbishthis is a screenshot of my permissions: http://i.imgur.com/EleHcJN.png19:47
bekksmbish: ls -lha "/usr/share/applications/kde4/dolphin.desktop" please, in a pastebin.19:49
bekksmbish: That file lacks execution permissions I guess.19:53
mbishI can still open the file on its own I just cant set it as my default file manager for some reason.19:54
blueazimuthyou're not supposed to use a .desktop file as the program to launch but /usr/bin/dolphin20:00
blueazimuth... oh he left20:00
=== Squidlips__ is now known as legg1
rhin0anyone know why virtualbox (set up for ubuntu) .. doesn't give the option for 64 bit ubuntu anymore?22:10
bekksWhich version? And from which repo?22:10
rhin0someone said 'hardware acceleration may be disabled in your bios"22:12
bekksThat may apply.22:12
* rhin0 reboots22:14
XLVwhich tool for transfering iso to usb as install media works with xubuntu desktop 64?22:23
XLVuniversal usb installer doesnt22:23
XLVscrap that, theres  a newer version out22:24
bingohello. is there a way to remove the bluetooth icons from xubuntu taskbar? I dont use bluetooth ever23:00
krytarikbingo: Just disable it in your startup applications.23:06
bingocan i find that from settings manager?23:06
Azelphurbingo: yup, settings manager -> startup applications23:07
bingoh yes i see application autostart, t23:07
perolaI am running xubuntu 13.04 and have power manager configured correctly (suspend when closing lid both on ac and on battery). However, when I close the lid nothing happens. Suspend itself is working when I select it from the menu. How could this be solved?23:28
melodiedoes someone here have knowledge related to the creation of the isolinux content in the Live distribution?23:36
melodieI think the Xubuntu team might have some people saavy about making their own from the sources23:36
Noskcaj10melodie, Normally stuff like that should get asked on #ubuntu23:45
melodieoh hi Noskcaj10 !23:48
Noskcaj10hey melodie23:48
melodiearen't there too many people asking basic questions at #ubuntu ? :)23:48

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