
=== sam113101 is now known as sam113101_afk
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
=== sam113101 is now known as sam113101_afk
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
=== sam113101 is now known as sam113101_afk
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
lotuspsychjein what stage is 14.04?04:30
IdleOnelotuspsychje: release schedule is linked in the topic04:34
lotuspsychjeIdleOne: tnx04:34
IdleOnesure thing04:34
lotuspsychjeIdleOne: did you try it yourself yet04:35
IdleOnethere isn't anything to try right now04:35
lotuspsychjeoh just see alpha is for december04:35
=== sam113101 is now known as sam113101_afk
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
hellslingerhi guys, is there a channel for help getting xmir to run?07:43
bazhangfor 13.10?07:44
SuperLagsplash screen for trusty still shows saucy version14:21
penguin42trusty is still very early14:24
SuperLagof course... I just thought that was interesting14:26
SuperLaglove zsync14:29
=== mibofra- is now known as mibofra
SuperLagpenguin42: you ever use gsettings to modify stuff on an install?15:37
* penguin42 vaguely remembers doing15:37
SuperLagpenguin42: I'm trying to put a gsettings line into a script... but I'm having issues with the command syntax15:38
penguin42yeh too long ago15:38
SuperLagI'm trying to automatically set what icons are in the launcher, and remove some of the defaults15:38
penguin42SuperLag: Try a " around the whole of that [ ... ] list15:39
SuperLaghot damn15:39
SuperLagthat worked, and immediately15:39
SuperLagI saw the icons disappear15:40
SuperLagthank you, sir15:40
penguin42SuperLag: Note that gsettings was expecting a key and a value, no one told the shell to pass that whole list of [ stuff as one parameter - that's what " ends up doing15:42
SuperLagah, okay15:43
SuperLagNow I know there's another setting for the launcher size... I'll just have to track that down.15:44
=== sam113101 is now known as sam113101_afk

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