
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
dmj_novazoopster: you around?09:20
dmj_novaany reason a desktop app published in the software center wouldn't be available for saucy?09:21
randomcppis jdstrand here?09:46
randomcppmhall119, ping10:05
Elleopresumably all the containment stuff around click packages prevents unrestricted writing to the disk? What's the correct way to request a writable file path?13:51
nik90Elleo: I think it is better to use a Sqlite storage or Ubuntu One database for this. They write automatically to the correct location.14:11
nik90Elleo: although if you want to write to a specific location nonethless, jdstrand is the person you should talk to about this.14:11
Elleonik90: yeah, I have to have a real file path; it gets passed to libspotify for its caching so I don't have any real choice14:14
ElleoI guess I'll wait for jdstrand to be around :)14:15
Elleoah, he's in #ubuntu-touch14:16
nik90Elleo: are you making a spotify client or something?14:19
Elleonik90: yep, porting meespot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErscrflfQKI14:19
nik90Elleo: wow awesome!14:21
Elleomain challenge now is getting it playing nicely with all the security stuff on the device14:22
nik90Elleo: I am guessing I need spotify premium though to stream it on the mobile14:22
Elleoall apps using libspotify can only work for premium users unfortunately14:23
nik90hmm I need to upgrade fom Spotify unlimited to premium..but having Spotify on ubuntu touch would be awesome14:23
nik90looking forward to seeing it :)14:23
Elleothe code's all up on github if you fancy hacking around with it at all: https://github.com/Elleo/cutespotify14:23
Elleobut at the moment it doesn't work reliably on the device, so it's not much use for general users yet14:24
Elleoplus you have to go through all the hassle of signing up for api keys and such14:24
nik90Elleo: I work on the ubuntu clock app. I can help with the UI when possible14:26
Elleocool :)14:26
nik90Elleo: I will create a g+ post on the ubuntu app developer community to get more eyes on this project14:26
Elleothanks :)14:27
Elleonik90: for future reference it seems that apps are allowed to write to .local/share/<package name>/ without any restrictions :)18:53
nik90Elleo: yup I knew that..infact the sqlite storage actually writes the database into .local/share/package-name19:56
nik90Elleo: however since you wanted to write to a specific location, I figured you would run into app confinement issues.19:57
Elleonik90: nah, I just needed a path that I could write to, libspotify allows you to specify the path it uses20:14
Elleonow I just have to figure out why it crashes after login on the device (but not on my desktop) and it'll be vaguely usable :)20:15
popeyElleo: is there a click package I can test? ☻22:03
AskUbuntuWhere is the gtk# widget for windows forms in mono? | http://askubuntu.com/q/36641822:04
Elleopopey: well there's this: http://mikeasoft.com/~mike/com.mikeasoft.cutespotify_1.3_all.click but it's not really much fun to test yet, for some reason it crashes immediately after login when used on a real device (but works fine on a desktop machine)22:08
ElleoI did have it logging in without problems on the device before I "fixed" a bunch of other things, so it should be sortable22:09
Elleojust having a bit of trouble tracking down where exactly things are breaking22:09
popeyminor niggles....22:10
popey    "lint_control_architecture_valid_contents": "found binaries for architecture 'all': CuteSpotify, lib/libspotify.so, lib/libspotify.so.12.1.103, lib/libspotify.so.12",22:10
popey    "lint_maintainer_format": "invalid format for maintainer: Michael Sheldon"22:10
popey    "desktop_Exec (cutespotify)": "found unexpected Exec with architecture 'all': ./CuteSpotify"22:10
popeyunrelated to your crash issues of course22:10
a_muvahow to get user HOME dir in QLM?22:10
Elleoyeah, I know nothing about click packaging and just mangled something together quickly22:10
Elleohow do you get lint checking of click data?22:12
popey22:12:41.430 I [offline_authorizer.cpp:297] Unable to login offline: no such user22:13
popeythats odd22:13
Elleopopey: I believe that's expected22:13
popeyLog in:  "No error"22:13
popeylast thing in the log...22:13
Elleoonce you've logged in correctly and have offline storage the offline authorizer will let you login that way22:14
Elleobut on first login it doesn't have offline credentials for you, so then goes on to online auth22:14
Elleoyeah, running with gdb results in a corrupted stack that ends somewhere in libspotify22:15
Elleounfortunately the stack corruption means I can't see what part of cutespotify is calling libspotify at that moment22:15
Elleoalthough libspotify does a bunch of async stuff internally, so that might not help anyway22:16
popeytime to engage insane levels of logging in the app22:16
ElleoI'm currently peppering everything with qDebug() statements22:16

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