
AndrewMcCHere's a small bug in 13.10: The keyboard layout is usually wrong when I log in. If I switch to another one, then switch back, it's fine. Anyone else see that?12:14
AndrewMcCWhen I say "wrong" I mean it claims to be IE but acts like US.12:15
czajkowskiAndrewMcC: oh interesting12:41
czajkowskido you have a bug number?12:41
AndrewMcCczajkowski: No, I haven't filed one yet. Was curious if it was just me or something odd in my own setup first.14:27
czajkowskinot seen   it and running it here14:30
AndrewMcCHere's a thread on it, anyway: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218306814:30
czajkowskiah ok14:33
czajkowskiwell bugs are better than posting on a thread imo14:33
czajkowskias that's not where a developer is going to be able to fix it14:33
AndrewMcCI prefer to avoid filing a bug that ends up being something I've broken myself ;) I'll see if I can figure out which package it belongs to.14:34
czajkowskiit doesnt matter tbh14:34
czajkowskiit'll just be marked invalid then14:34
AndrewMcCAnnnd, other people are way ahead of me of course: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-keyboard/+bug/124019814:36
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1240198 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "wrong keyboard layout active after booting into desktop, after upgrade to saucy" [High,Confirmed]14:36
* AndrewMcC will be back in a tick...14:43

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