
Unit193Still hope for one backport, and I'm planning to backport something for myself.00:16
jjfrv8bluesabre, I'm not having any better luck with 13.04. I'm thinking I might not have the correct versions of all the build requirements.00:39
bluesabredo you have make sure you have the bad and ugly plugins installed, and possible gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg00:40
jjfrv8just to rule out my hardware as being the problem, I downgraded to Parole 0.5.0 and it played the encryped dvd fine.00:41
bluesabrethats interesting00:41
jjfrv8but I tried searching synaptice for the build requirement versions you have listed on your blog and I can't find exact matches for some of them.00:42
Unit193If nothing in the build-reqs changed, apt-get build-dep parole00:42
bluesabreparole-0.5.90 is also in the xfce-4.12 ppa00:43
bluesabrebut if it builds, that shouldn't be a problem00:43
bluesabrewhat gstreamer version are you using with 0.5.90?00:44
jjfrv8Just a sec. I'll have to reboot to my saucy image.00:44
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
jjfrv8which package should I be looking at? a search for gstreamer in synaptic lists a bunch.00:47
Unit193plugins bad, ugly, and maybe ffmpeg.  version 0.10.00:53
jjfrv8ffmpeg is 0.10.13-5, ugly is 1.2.0-1, bad is 0.10.21-1ubuntu100:56
Unit193ugly looks like it has the dvd components.00:58
NoskcajDoes anyone here have a fresh install of xubuntu trusty? if so, can you run sudo apt-get remove --purge python2.7 then cancel the command. I'm trying to see what we have that still needs porting to python300:58
bluesabreparole --gst-version00:58
bluesabrejjfrv8 ^00:59
jjfrv8gstreamer core library version 1.2.000:59
bluesabretry installing gstreamer1.0-libav 01:00
jjfrv8says it's already the newest version01:01
bluesabrethis is probably overkill, but here's my gst1.0 installation: http://dpaste.com/1429797/01:02
bluesabrethings like clutter and crystalhd you probably don't need01:02
jjfrv8alright, let me check them all off.01:03
jjfrv8wait, I'm working on saucy. you say you've got problems with that too, right?01:04
bluesabreI'm working on raring now because I have dvd issues with saucy01:04
bluesabreI believe totem does not work with dvds in saucy either01:05
jjfrv8okay, let me boot back over to raring and I'll re-install from your ppa and then run through all the gstreamer stuff in your list.01:05
bluesabrenobody tests it because everyone just installs vlc01:05
Unit193bluesabre: Want to know if stock parole works with DVDs on saucy?01:09
jjfrv8why doesn't synaptic sort alphabetically? :(01:10
bluesabreUnit193: sure, let me know.  Last time I checked it was full of fail01:10
jjfrv8bluesabre, same problem after installing all the gstreamer stuff; i.e., "GStreamer backend error. The stream is in the wrong format."01:18
bluesabreIt would be nice if gstreamer provided more information01:21
jjfrv8I can paste the output showing when I run it from the terminal. Might take me a minute.01:24
Unit193bluesabre: Well, it kind of half works at times.01:24
bluesabreif parole 0.5 was working for you, try compiling with --with-gstreamer=0.1001:25
jjfrv8bluesabre, imagebin.org/27477501:28
Unit193Heh, codec installer works.01:31
bluesabrethats the normal stuff that is displayed when a dvd is actually working01:34
Unit193Alright, parole was able to play McLintock, but that's not encrypted (might be region free?)  System is having problems with a normal one.01:37
Unit193Yep, unregioned.01:47
jjfrv8bluesabre, thanks. I'll check back in tomorrow.02:18
jhenkehi guys, does somebody know how to update my xubuntu+1 vm to trusty? when I try update-manager -d I get some 404s for parts of the archive and it refuses to upgrade06:15
Noskcajjhenke, Manually changing the sources.list file works best usually06:20
knomejhenke, there isn't really much of "trusty" around yet.09:05
jhenkeknome I know, still it is interesting (at least for me) to follow the development10:31
jhenkeand I hope that at some point in the velopment cycle the problems with the hyper_fb module will be fixed (I read something about the patch will get merged in the 3.13 kernel)10:32
jhenkeand I want to test that once the kernel lands in trusty10:32
forestpiskiejhenke: it's usually the partner repos that lag behind everything try commenting those and you should be able to at least apt-get update10:33
forestpiskieI'll just boot mine up and grab it's sources.list10:33
jhenkeI know, still I prefer the "offical" way ;)10:34
jhenkebut for the moment i stelled10:34
jhenkeI'll try it at a later stage again with update-manager10:34
Unit193I've done a couple real systemd upgrades the Debian way, worked fine.10:37
forestpiskiejhenke: good luck getting partner repos to work then :)10:37
Unit193The Saucy ones aren't even fully up.10:38
jhenkethe good thing about VMs you can easily drop them and start again with an earlier state ;), thanks let's see how it develops10:46
bluesabreso, looking for some opinions...13:04
bluesabre"check and remove duplicate media entries", should that remove media entries that are already in the playlist when adding the same item later in the playlist?13:05
brainwashbluesabre: bug 1227637 is still haunting me :(13:06
ubottubug 1227637 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "non existing key specified in override file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122763713:06
bluesabreif my patch ever gets accepted, it would be easy to add13:06
brainwashI told myself to no fix it manually and wait for the patched package.. :P13:07
bluesabreI'll try to get my xubuntu developer application done this weekend so that I can get upload rights to things like that in the near future13:08
brainwashsounds great :)13:09
jjfrv8bluesabre, as for the duplicate media entry thing, that's the way I thought it should work. Is it true that it's not set to work that way now?14:02
forestpiskiebluesabre: I'd agree - if I had something set to 'check and remove duplicates' I'd expect it to remove duplicates even if I was adding one then15:01
bluesabrethe code seems to not do anything at the moment, I am adding the relevant code now15:02
jjfrv8slickymaster, I had another thought about the Usage section of the Parole docs after yesterday.15:11
jjfrv8Instead of just jumping right into the individual menu entries, I thought we should had a little overview and then have links to for the menu items, instead of one big page.15:13
jjfrv8here's a draft of such a page: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:playground15:13
jjfrv8bluesabre, ochosi if you could also take a look at it and give us your opinion. I'm not sure if marking up a screen shot violates the xfce guidelines or not.15:15
bluesabreochosi would know better than me15:15
jjfrv8bluesabre, it also seems that I can't create a new namespace on the wiki so there's only one playground for me and slickymaster to draft on.15:16
jjfrv8I can create a namespace for screenshot files but not wiki pages.15:17
bluesabrejjfrv8: you're now an admin15:20
bluesabreI'm not too familiar with dokuwiki, so if you know what to do, you've got full power :)15:20
jjfrv8uh oh.15:23
jjfrv8I was logged in and it bounced me off and now it won't take my creds when I try to log back in.15:25
jjfrv8oh wait, it sent me an e-mail15:27
jjfrv8ok, I think we're good. I'm back in and see "Admin" by my name.15:29
bluesabregood deal15:29
jjfrv8I'll try to really mess things up after lunch :)15:31
bluesabreyay cleanup times15:31
bluesabrejust fixed remove-duplicates in git-master, in case you want to check it out15:39
bluesabreI'll probably be gone most of the day, but leave any questions and I'll respond when I get back15:39
GridCubei added a new item to the roadmap under new ideas, i found this http://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/install-pulseaudio-with-built-in-system.html and i though it would be very useful to improve our desktop16:28
GridCubeas i say in the roadmap page maybe ubuntustudio will be interested on helping on that?16:28
holsteinGridCube: maybe.. we actually deal mostly with JACK16:29
* holstein loads up link..16:29
holsteinGridCube: im against a system-wide EQ by default16:30
holsteinwe would have EQ available via JACK.. are you interested in having that in stock xubuntu?16:31
GridCubei'm usually lost with JACK, i cant figure how to set it up to stream one thing to one output and other thing to a different like i do simply in pavucontrol16:32
holsteinno doubt, JACK is overkill, if you dont need it specifically16:32
Unit193Jack just seems like overkill for me, so I never have used it.16:32
GridCubeso i only use it for internet radio streaming16:32
Unit193holstein: Jack has lower latency right?16:32
holsteinUnit193: actually, i find it depends.. there are scenarios where the overhead of JACK is not necessary and i get "better" perforance without it.. but for routing multiple things multiple places at low latency, it cant be beat16:33
GridCubeholstein, even if its not enabled, it would be pretty nice to have the option, because music programs usually lack the equalizers16:34
GridCubelike a tick box that says "enable system wide equalizer"16:34
holsteinGridCube: as a creator of content, i dont necessarily want the user to have EQ controls16:35
holsteinGridCube: i talked to a chef once who said he found it insulting that salt was offered on the table ;)16:35
GridCubegood point16:35
holsteinGridCube: but, i usually use VLC as a causual player, which has EQ16:36
GridCubealthough giving more options is always a good thing16:36
holsteinwell, not sure if i agree with "always"16:36
GridCubeelse why would radios have real equalizers then? shouldnt they just play the tapes as they get them? ;)16:36
holsteinit shouldnt, theoritically, hurt anything to offer it16:36
GridCubeits just an idea, im trying to find stuff that we could add to our desktop that would be "shiny" but at the same time useful and not too paradigm shifting16:37
holsteinGridCube: if you had seen a singer using my amp the other day, you might reconsider giving any casual user another knob to turn ;)16:37
holsteinGridCube: i'll help test it or whatever..16:38
GridCubeso our next reviews will be people saying "wow look at this!"16:38
holsteinor, "crap, more clutter"16:38
holsteinbut, you cant please everyone...16:38
GridCubei never understood the idea of clutter 16:38
GridCubei mean if you tick the box that says "enable eq" and then you get a whole new tab with a whole lot of things, but if you dont then you dont16:39
holsteinyup.. thats nice16:40
holsteinGridCube: is that the way it is?16:40
GridCubemmmmm i dont know16:40
GridCubei think its just a stand alone program16:40
holsteinmight add some latency to our set up.. or break the jack pulse bridge16:42
GridCubeholstein, :) thanks for thinking about it16:43
holsteinGridCube: sure.. i'll load it up somewhere and kick the tires if you want16:43
holsteinGridCube: it comes up.. an "easy eq" query for ubuntustudio16:44
holsteinanything that starts with "well, you fire up JACK" as a barrier of entry that is overkill for the casual user16:44
jjfrv8slickymaster, to build on today's earlier discussion ^, I've created some new namespaces on the wiki...16:54
jjfrv8I've created sub-namespaces under playground for you and me so we can work on drafts without locking each other out...16:55
jjfrv8If you click on the Sitemap link at the top of the page, you will find them under "playground"...16:56
jjfrv8I would suggest that you use yours to create the pages for your menu items.16:57
jjfrv8I also created some namespaces for the screenshot uploads. You can find them when you click on the Media Manager link.16:57
jjfrv8I propose that we put our screenshots for the menu items under root->wiki->usage-menu-items.16:59
jjfrv8I did not mess with your access control so I hope you have enough rights to do everything you need. Let me or bluesabre know if not.16:59

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