
AzendaleSo, I tried with a fresh rabbitmq install without the "vip_iface: 'eth0'" setting and and the HA charm still had trouble. So, I went looking for where it was getting the interface value, and the hacluster charm is getting it from relation-get. So I went and looked at the rabbitmq charm side, and it is getting it from config-get. So, I guess I'm trying to figure out where the default settings are set?00:14
melmothAzendale, you can change the default setting in a yaml file to be use with a --configure when you deploy rabbitmq00:25
melmoththe defalt value is set in the config.yaml file that comes with the charm itself.00:26
Azendalemelmoth: ok, so that file ISN'T just documentation00:26
melmoththat s my understanding.00:26
Azendalemelmoth: thanks, I was hoping to see if I could submit a patch/branch00:27
Azendalemelmoth: since I just used the default settings and it broke00:27
melmothhmm, last time i try hacluser/rabbitmq i did set both vip-interface and ha-bindiface (even though i set them to the default value)00:29
melmothand it 'just worked', well, sort of :)00:30
Azendalemelmoth: hm, what version (I'm using Havana)? I didn't set it so it defaulted to "eth0". (I'm assuming that you are saying that you set these on the rabbitmq charm?)00:40
Azendalemelmoth: Here's the config I used http://paste.ubuntu.com/6308688/00:41
melmothi was deploying stuff on an openstack cloud, i m not sure of the release of.00:41
melmothand yep, those were set in the rabbitmq config file00:41
melmothAzendale, this was my test case http://pastebin.com/cKmd8j0V00:43
melmoth(i did set stuff for fsid and monitor secret, i just put * in the patebin)00:44
Azendalemelmoth: do you still have that setup running? It would be interesting if you could ssh to one of the rabbitmq servers and do an ifconfig00:44
melmothlet me check.00:45
melmothAzendale, http://pastebin.com/g6dr8qQ700:46
Azendalemelmoth: ok, I see why it worked. On the newer version (or just something quirky about how it set mine up) it puts the ethernet interface into a bridge, and then puts all the addresses on the bridge interface.  The hook in the newer version breaks when it tries to get the IP assigned to the ethernet interface, because the ethernet interface has no IP, the bridge that it is a part of has the address00:49
Azendalemelmoth: thanks, that probably narrows it down to being in just the Havana version (you're on Grizzly, which is the version just before the one I'm running. They go in alphabetical order just like Ubuntu)00:51
melmothi deployed charm from the grizzly cloud archive, but i have no idea whta is the openstack version of the cloud i was deploying stuff into00:51
Azendalemelmoth: ah, so you were testing the charm on top of an openstack cloud then?00:52
melmothi was not really interested in using rabbit (i bet it wold not work because i will not have multicast in this environment), just trying to reproduce a pacemaker issue00:53
Azendalemelmoth: ah, ok. Well, thanks for the help anyways! :)00:54
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== xerxas_ is now known as xerxas
AzendaleWhere are the default settings for a charm stored? I tried changing config.yaml, but for some reason, when I tested it it didn't make any change. I assume it's set somewhere else?03:12
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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