
bjrohanvalorie: SHeesh, I still got nothing, I can't get it to go back to my laptop screen :-(00:02
bjrohanDoes anyone else have suggestions for my multiple display issue?00:11
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BigpatHello everyone00:55
itaylor57hi Bigpat00:55
BigpatI have an issues with Muon Discover00:56
BigpatI did the most stupidest thing by hiding the menus and I have been trying to re enable it for the last 4 days00:56
BigpatI can't even find any info on the web and the short cut keys are not even working00:57
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Bigpatthe question is in the Muon Discover software center how do i default everything00:58
Bigpatusing 13.1000:59
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:08
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bjrohanHey there. I have asked this before, and been searching for a solution,but haven't found one yet. In 13.04 my display worked fine. Since upgrading things worked fine, I then plugged in my TV via HDMI (had done this in 13.04). When I unplug the HDMI, my leptop screen goes blank. i can only get to see my laptop screen whne plugged into the TV. I have tried various setings in System Setting , Displys01:38
Bigpatcheck your vidoe cards setting01:39
Bigpatdoes it suppor dual monitor01:40
Bigpattrying to find out which one is supposed to be your primary monitor and select it. It may help01:41
bjrohanBigpat: It is a built-in Intel card on a 6 mos old laptop. It had worked fine in 13.04, I had plugged it in and out of the same TV just fine01:41
skreech_Does anyone know of any software that I can use to manage a lending scheme?01:42
skreech_ Sort of like a library but not tied to Books01:43
Bigpatdoes your laptop support back light01:44
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bjrohanBigpat: what do you mean?01:45
bjrohanIt is an HP Envy with Intel video card and processor if that helps01:45
Bigpat1 min01:45
Bigpatwhat is the name of your video card01:46
bjrohanHow would I find out? The screen on the laptop works. It just doesn't work when the HDMI cord is unplugeed from it now01:47
bjrohanIt is lit up, just blank01:47
bjrohanRight now it is plugged into TV, I have the TV monitor in the screen setting unchecked, so nothing on the TV screen01:48
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bjrohanvalorie: This worked for me: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto02:27
Bigpathow to re enable the search menu in Muon discover in 13.10. I select to hide the menu but I'm unable to get it back02:45
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valoriedarn, bigpat left03:54
valorieso easy: control M03:54
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skreech_valorie: hi!!04:01
valoriehi skreech_04:02
valoriehow are ya?04:02
skreech_Good :)04:02
valoriebjrohan: I saw you found success04:02
valoriebut how on earth did you find that?04:03
geniivalorie: That doesn't work here. I had to actually change "MenuBar=Disabled" to "MenuBar=Enabled" in .kde/share/config/muon-discoverrc04:03
valorieand where did you put it?04:03
skreech_valorie: Wouldn't happen to know if there is anything like a Community asset tracking software?04:03
bjrohanVideo seems to be corrected. Now I can not get any audio from any of my speakers, however in the Pulse Audio control, I the meters are moving. Alsa Mixer volume is all the way up, and not muted, any sugestions?04:03
valoriegenii: not cool that muon doesn't follow KDE standards04:03
valoriepersonally, I would file a bug about that04:03
valoriebjrohan: does it make any difference what backend you use for phonon?04:04
valorieI would play with all the multimedia settings in systemsettings04:04
=== bjrohan is now known as bjrohan_
bjrohan_valorie: I used DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto  to reset my display :-). What is phonon?04:05
valorienotice that there is more than one tab04:05
valoriephonon is the abstraction layer between the other MM stuff and your equipment04:05
bjrohan_Where would I find the phonon settings04:05
valoriesystemsettings > multimedia04:07
valoriesound in linux, gah04:08
bjrohan_I am there, should phonon be one of the items on the left?04:08
valorieso many layers04:08
valorielet's see what it says now04:08
bjrohan_I, I see it, I had it open as Pulse Audio Control04:08
bjrohan_I closed that, and then a secion opened in system settings multimedia04:08
valorieaudio and video settings04:09
valoriemuch better04:09
valoriewhy should anyone but the devels know the word 'phonon'?04:09
bjrohan_I have that, I have tried the available options there, only 2 are  options Builtin Audio Analog Stereo and Simultaneous output to Built inAnalof stereo04:11
valorieand does changing the order of those help?04:11
bjrohan_builtin digital surround is grayed out as is Built in Audio Digital surround,  and Built-in 4.0  analog surround04:12
bjrohan_changing the order doesn't help04:12
valorieso go to the next tab, and select something04:12
bjrohan_I have a system with beats audio04:12
bjrohan_It was working in 13.04 as well04:12
valorieit sounds like everything is deselected for some reason04:12
bjrohan_the 4 speakers and base.04:13
bjrohan_valorie: If I go to the next tab, and under the sound card, with built in audio profile has many options and selecting one of those highlights various ones on the first tab.04:13
bjrohan_analog stereo duplex was working before04:14
valorieand it will again04:14
valorieesp. if alsamixer detected everything04:14
valoriesounds like some selection somewhere got hosed, though04:15
bjrohan_This ALWAYS happens to me on upgrades, something fails and I go through this trying to fix it. Is this normal?04:17
valorieI can't say it's never happened to me, but it's been at least a year or two04:18
valorieand sometimes I do the beta04:18
valorieonce even the alpha04:18
valorieIMO if you have the time, sign up to do testing04:19
bjrohan_I did the Beta once, then I figured I didn't want to go through it, I have aited for full releases, but I still get bugs04:19
valoriethat way your equipment will always be considered04:19
valoriewell, bugs are a part of life with computers04:19
Addlebjrohan_: Well, I have to say that upgrades can be problematic. There's a reason Mint decided it was less trouble to just not allow upgrades.04:19
valoriein linux, though, you can assist the devels in fixing them, by giving them good information04:20
skreech_valorie: Also tending gardens04:20
valorieskreech_: what?04:20
Addlebjrohan_: Really, it's hard to cope with everything a user could have done to their systems between updates.04:20
skreech_Bugs are a part of ... :)04:20
AddleYep, on the good side, it keeps getting better and better, thanks to everyone, including those who take the time to log bug reports. :)04:21
bjrohan_Well yes, and I do enjoy Linux for the "nerdiness" of it04:21
AddleSometimes, I'm almost sad when everything is perfect. Then, I have to come up with an excuse to play with my installations. hehe04:22
valorieAddle: lol04:24
bjrohan_I found jack retasking, I get audio, but I can't increase or decrease volume :-(04:25
skreech_Addle: upgrade to the dev beta :)04:25
valoriebjrohan_: the final thing to check is that third tab, which is the backend04:26
valorieyou can use either gstreamer or vlc as a phonon-backend04:26
valorieboth have their strengths and weaknesses04:26
Addleskreech_: haha Yeah, I guess that'll do it.04:27
bjrohan_valorie: the only one I show is g-streamer. I have VLC player installed does that help?04:28
skreech_!info libvlc504:30
ubottulibvlc5 (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-1 (saucy), package size 41 kB, installed size 144 kB04:30
valorieit isn't a lib, but phonon-backend-vlc04:31
valorie!info phonon-backend-vlc04:32
ubottuphonon-backend-vlc (source: phonon-backend-vlc): Phonon VLC backend. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-2 (saucy), package size 79 kB, installed size 321 kB04:32
bjrohan_installing now to see what happens04:34
skreech_valorie: Ever heard of an Asset management software? That tracks physical stuph ?04:36
valorieI think most people just use a database for that04:37
bjrohanvalorie: VLC worked, The audio works, volume controls work, now just the mute key button light stays on04:37
* valorie thinks that a spot of electrical tape might help on that mute button04:38
skreech_valorie: Yeah :) I just was hoping not to recreate one04:38
valoriewell, I haven't looked04:39
valoriesurely there is library or warehouse stuff that could be re-purposed04:40
valorieskreech_: ask around at hackerspace/makerspace type places04:40
valoriethey have to be using something to keep track of stuff04:40
skreech_valorie: Yeah I was thinking they probably have stuff to track community tool pools04:41
skreech_I was looking at Library stuff as well but they are really ISBN based04:41
skreech_Stupid organized book readers..... -__-04:41
valoriefreegeek may even have a chan here04:42
skreech_Curse you and your years of experience!!04:42
valoriesure, but the backend can probably be changed from ISBN to some other number04:42
skreech_Not familiar with freekgeek04:42
valorienot freeks04:43
skreech_Ahhhh :)04:43
skreech_That would have been an embarrassing meeting to turn up to04:43
valorieskreech_: do you know about alis?04:44
geniivalorie: Are you in Toronto?04:44
valorieit does searching of freenode04:45
valoriefor instance, do a /msg alis list *freegeek*04:45
valorieand see what you get04:45
genii( we have a FreeGeek here in Toronto, on Vine Street )04:45
valoriegenii: an hour out of Seattle04:45
valoriewe have one in Seattle, too04:45
valoriethere are more of that kind of thing all the time04:45
valoriehackerspaces and makerspaces as well04:46
valorieI love it04:46
valoriefree culture!04:46
geniiYes, it's good stuff.04:46
Eavhi guys04:47
Eavi got a question, maybe you can help me04:47
bjrohanI am in Vancouver WA, there is one in Portland, been there for Portland Linux Group after hours. I have a computer to take in to donate04:47
valoriebjrohan: awesome04:48
Eavi got the plasma desktop or whatever its named and if i minimize windows they get like greyed out in the taskbar04:48
Eavwhich i would like to turn off04:48
Eavis this possible?04:48
valorieEav: when you right-click in an empty space in the panel, you can go to panel options > panel settings04:50
valoriemaybe there?04:50
Eavnope sadly not04:52
Eavi've looked there already04:52
Eavmaybe i should try a skin?04:52
AddleEav: I fail to see why you'd ever want to do that, but perhaps in the color settings.04:53
Eavok i think i'll stick with the dark theme, i can live with that04:54
Eavi couldnt read the greyed out windows04:56
Eavbut with the dark theme its fine04:56
AddleEav: Oh, I see. Yeah, I'd call that an issue with the specific theme. That's always annoying. When I try dark themes, a lot of the time, I end up with unreadable text *somewhere*.04:57
AddleEav: Glad you sorted it out to your satisfaction. :)04:57
skreech_Ah ok Eav got it sorted04:57
Eav1 more thing04:58
Eavif i start dolphin on my 2nd monitor it seems to start with the resolution of my 1st monitor04:59
Eavany way to fix this?04:59
* skreech_ wishes I knew more about Dual monitors.05:01
arquebusI just installed kubuntu and I cant get my wireless to stay connected, anyone know how I can fix this?05:13
AddleEav: It will restore the application to whatever geometry (in pixels) it remembers from the last use. So if I get what you mean, no, there's probably no way to affect that. Maybe Weston will make better use of DPI. One can hope. :)05:14
AddleEav: I could be wrong, of course. That's always a possibility.05:14
skreech_arquebus: It connects? for how long?05:27
arquebusit connected just for a moment when I first booted, then I lost connection and I cant find any way to reconnect05:28
arquebusskreech_: what do you think? I dont even see a 'reconnect' button05:31
Addlearquebus: First thing I'd do is look at the logs to see if there's any error messages. Try dmesg | less and look near the end for anything incriminating.05:31
Addle(q will exit the 'less' pager, in case you're new to it)05:32
Addle(and 0G will go to the end)05:33
arquebusAddle: I dont see any errors having to do with wireless or networks, like I say, it connected momentarily when I first booted, and now I have no idea how to reconnect05:34
Addlearquebus: That's odd. Normally, there should be an icon in your system tray that allows you to connect and so on. Why it should disconnect you and not leave any messages in dmesg is a mystery.05:37
Addlearquebus: I should add a disclaimer: I've had a bottle of wine, and I don't drink often, so perhaps my debugging skills are dulled. ;)05:37
arquebusAddle: whats strange is that the full list of wireless networks shows up when I click the wireless icon in the tray, I get a message that it cant connect to network I have selected05:38
Addlearquebus: Hm, one would have liked a more detailed error message. lol05:39
Addlearquebus: Network Manager should log stuff to daemon.log, iirc. Worth looking at.05:40
Addlearquebus: Ugh, no more daemon.log. nvm.05:40
arquebuswait, I ran that command again and I got a bunch of messages that say "Queue 0 failed to flush"05:41
arquebusas well as "Queue 2 failed to flush"05:41
Addlearquebus: I think NetworkManager logs to /var/log/syslog now.05:43
Addlearquebus: I think you hit a kernel bug. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=16995605:43
arquebusAddle: great job!! thats the exact wireless hardware I have on my laptop05:45
Addlearquebus: Ahah! hehe05:45
valoriethe #ubuntu-kernel folks are very helpful05:46
Addlearquebus: Well, at least it's fixed in the latest kernel releases. Beyond that, you'd probably have to patch your kernel to get it to work. Anyways, mystery solved, at least. :)05:46
valorieand might have a patch for you to test05:46
arquebusAddle: maybe an update firmware would work05:47
Addlearquebus: Well, it seldom hurts, but if the kernel module has a bug, that's probably where the real solution lies.05:50
arquebusAddle: ok05:50
Addlearquebus: Someone reports having installed a package on Ubuntu 13.10 and getting it to work in this: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6162105:51
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 61621 in network-wireless "Cards with rt3290 stop functioning after a while, have to reboot to resume normal operations" [High,New]05:51
Addlearquebus: See the comment by Rok.05:51
Addlearquebus: Obviously, you take your chances installing something from rghost.net. I know nothing about that service or Rok.05:53
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~barracuda72/+archive/ralink/ is where it came from.05:54
arquebusAddle: thanks big time, I'll look through this, I have a feeling though my best bet is to wait till the next version of Ubuntu comes out05:54
Addlearquebus: Glad to be of service. Good luck! :)05:54
* genii makes more coffee05:55
Roeywhy did my spdif sound suddenly stop?  I can hear stuff on my headphones, but the spdif connection to the receiver just cut suddenly.  I checked with alsamixer and I do not see SPDIF muted at all.06:01
valoriebleah, why did arquebus leave, rather than checking with #ubuntu-kernel?06:08
valoriehow about in pulseaudio, Roey?06:08
valorieso many freaking layers in linux sound06:09
RoeySound comes from Youtube in Firefox and also from Amarok, but only in headphones06:10
valoriedid you check what systemsettings says?06:11
Roeyone sec06:11
Roeybut why would it do that all of a sudden?06:11
valoriethat's an excellent question06:11
Roeythat's the second time this happened.06:11
AddleObvious answer: There's a bug. :)06:11
valorieit fits also into the random nature of reality06:12
AddleI love Linux. It's awesome and one of my favorite things in the world. But sometimes, the sound subsystems... *sigh*06:12
valorieAddle: indeed06:12
RoeyAddle:  oh goodie :)06:16
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valoriehome: have you a question?07:17
homemy new person learn ubuntu sistem07:17
homeplz help 1 ask for my07:17
homesoryy me poor linguage englesh07:17
homemy interesting instal world of warcraf , posibil or no posibil07:18
valoriewhat is your preferred language?07:18
valorieyes, you can run WoW under wine07:18
valorie!info wine07:18
homeya wow07:18
ubottuwine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu7 (saucy), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)07:18
homeplz link for download  wine07:19
homei am vceryy veryy noob07:19
valorielook for it in your package manager called Muon07:19
valorieMuon will download and install for you07:19
homety mate07:20
valoriehave fun!07:20
homeeste cineva care intelege ce am scris aici07:21
eagles0513875hey everyone for some reason my track pad is not working at all it seems like lsusb picks it up any ideas would be greatly appreciated07:32
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eagles0513875Addle: the funny thing actually my track pad appears in the syslog07:38
j4gu4ralguien que me pueda dar un tutorial de como configurar kubuntu 13.1007:39
eagles0513875!es | j4gu4r07:40
ubottuj4gu4r: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.07:40
Eavi got a question - i installed chromium via the terminal, but now i cant start it via the kde menu just via terminal. how can i change this?07:45
valoriehow exactly did you install it, Eav?07:53
valorieif you did it with apt-get, it will make no difference07:54
valorieif you downloaded it from elsewhere, dunno07:54
AddleEav: It should normally show up. Try searching for it in the KDE menu search. Otherwise, logging out and back in should work, though it shouldn't be necessary.07:59
jackbest dvd-playback app for kde?07:59
Addlejack: I like VLC. Kaffeine is pretty good too.07:59
jackyeah, vlc rules07:59
jackmerci bien07:59
jackare there others?08:00
AddleOn that we agree. Bienvenue :)08:00
AddleThat's all I ever bother to use.08:01
AddleThere's probably a bunch more that work, though. Like mplayer, etc.08:01
jackmplayer, right08:01
AddleIf it's not playing DVDs, maybe you just need the videolan.org repos for dvdcss added.08:02
jackneed to apt-get that08:02
eagles0513875jack: vlc is the best in the sense that it will play all formats08:02
eagles0513875jack: ya apt-get ftw08:02
jackstandard  dvd=one format08:03
jackmpeg2 afaik08:03
AddleThe old medibuntu repos are gone, so dvdcss needs to come from videolan.org, now.08:03
eagles0513875Addle: isnt ath stuff normally packaged with vlc08:03
Addleeagles0513875: Could be. VLC does tend to "just work". But it can't hurt to have dvdcss installed.08:04
eagles0513875wish i could get my apache issue sorted on this lapotp08:04
eagles0513875plus the track pad08:04
eagles0513875really need to get it up and running as I need to get a wordpress theme started asap08:05
AddleWish I could figure out why my friend's built-in webcam isn't even showing up on lspci or lsusb. Now there's a perplexing problem.08:05
jackjust compile httpd yourself08:05
jackit's small enough08:06
eagles0513875jack: i just need something to run test and dev sites on my local hosts08:06
eagles0513875jack: thing is 13.10 has the latest version of apache 2.4 13.04 previous have 2.2 which im used to working with08:06
jackget lighhtpd :P08:07
jackerm, lighttpd08:07
AddleI suppose compiling 2.2 would work. As you were saying, though, good to future-proof it by porting the config files to 2.4.08:07
eagles0513875Addle: i will be eventually my production servers08:12
Addleeagles0513875: What I'd do is start from the default config files and add my stuff to it piece by piece until it breaks. Then I'd know where the problem was right away.08:13
goodtimean os?08:13
goodtimeahh lol08:14
eagles0513875Addle: im doing that on this laptop :( and i cant seem to find jack and squat08:14
jackstop highlighting me without a good reason08:14
AddleNever heard of squat, but jackd is in /usr/bin. XD08:15
eagles0513875haha jack sorry i wasnt even referring to you08:15
eagles0513875argh Forbidden  You don't have permission to access /php5-fcgi/index.php on this server.08:16
eagles0513875error im getting trying to access a site on this laptop :(08:16
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
eagles0513875hey jalcine08:17
AddleHopefully that's not on the main PHP site, which recently got compromised. PHP compromised. Go figure, what a shocker!08:17
eagles0513875Addle: no im running an event driven setup using php fpm and fastcgi08:17
jackeagles0513875, i figured08:17
jalcineeagles0513875: how do you know I connected back to my ZNC? lol08:17
eagles0513875[09:16:58] jalcine_ [~jacky@unaffiliated/webjadmin] is now known as jalcine that is how jack08:18
eagles0513875tab failure on my part meatn jalcine08:18
AddleYou just know I'll be slipping the word "jack" oh so casually into things for the next day or so, right? lol08:19
jalcineugh, I hate this time of day08:20
jalcinewhen nepomuk via virtouso kicks mysqld into full overtime08:20
jalcineI don't even use MySQL for webdev anymore08:20
AddleI switched to sqlite on this laptop. I have 1GB of RAM, I can't afford the 75MB for mysqld. hehe08:21
eagles0513875i have 16g of ram lol08:22
eagles0513875and a monster i708:22
goodtimenice ;)08:23
AddleMy desktop has a nice 16GB of RAM, at least. Laptop is old and sucks badly. But hey, it works.08:23
AddleThe laptop is pretty much my dedicated IRC system. :)08:23
eagles0513875i can compile libreoffice from master in about 2 hrs08:25
eagles0513875ttyl guys off to spend the day on the boat probably for the last time this year08:26
AddleLater, eagles0513875. Have fun!08:27
eagles0513875thanks Addle will do :)08:27
jackboat? where are you located?08:30
jack.nl or some us coast?08:30
=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_
eagles0513875im located in europe on the island of malta jack we are 60 miles south of scicily08:31
Addlejack: I'm in Ontario, and my Dad has a sailboat. Don't need the sea for a boat.08:32
eagles0513875you probably heard us when the libyan conflict started with those two military planes flying here08:32
Addleeagles0513875: Oh, that must be a nice looking area.08:32
jackeagles0513875, cool08:32
jacknice big lake, that "ocean"08:33
AddleThe mediterranean. That's got to be nice.08:34
jackit is08:34
AddleI really need to get to Europe at some point before I die. :)08:34
jackterribly warm there though08:34
AddleGreat Lakes and the Thousand Islands are nice, but they're no mediterranean.08:35
Addlejack: I can take it. I'm not even complaining in the early 30C's. On the other hand, winter *sucks*.08:35
AddleI was built for tropical climes, I think.08:36
jackare you black?08:36
AddleAnyone needs an experienced software developer somewhere warm, PM me. XD08:36
AddleNope, about as white as possible. lol08:36
homehello i am return plz help 1 ask08:36
AddleOn the pantone color chart, I'm "fishbelly white". lol08:37
homei am download wine08:37
homeplz help how instal08:37
Addlehome: sudo apt-get install wine08:37
Addlehome: Or search for it in the package manager of your choice.08:37
homeyes plz ???instal wine08:37
homejust no undestaing08:39
AddleAh, language barriers. Let's see...08:39
Addlehome: Type: sudo apt-get install wine08:39
jackapt-get install babelfish :P08:39
homelol ok08:40
jackeasily belongs into the "nicest visions of the 20th century"category08:42
jack<3 douglas adams08:42
AddleMan was a genius.08:42
AddleYou've read Terry Pratchett, right?08:43
jacki love his thhgttg08:43
homeX client - xwininfo08:43
homexwininfo is a small tool that was part of xbase-clients.08:43
homeMore information about X.Org can be found at:08:43
homeThis module can be found as the module 'app/xwininfo' at :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/xorg08:43
FloodBotK1home: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
jackdiscworld my ass08:43
AddleThat's between you and your ass. Myself, I love Discworld. :)08:44
jackyou'd say it's up to comparison with thhgttg?08:44
homeok ty08:45
AddleI would. Both are probably my favorite authors of all time, comedy wise.08:45
jackall right, i might read it08:45
AddleDouglas Adams is awesome, though, no question about it. I miss him. :(08:46
jackif he has only 10% of douglas adams' humour08:47
Addlehehe True.08:48
jackit's cool already08:48
Addle"Mort" is probably one of my favorites.08:48
jackmort? makes me think of harry potter08:49
jacklord voldemort or so08:49
AddleMort is the aptly named Death's apprentice.08:49
AddleMort being "Death" in French, of course.08:49
jackhaha ok08:49
Addle<---- Speaks French08:49
jacki know08:50
jack<--- was born in paris08:50
Addlejack: Bien, alors! :)08:50
jackwarning: my french sucks anyway08:51
AddleMy written French is, frankly, poor, but I lived in Quebec for the first part of my life.08:51
AddleSo same warning. lol08:51
jacki can order un grand creme08:51
AddleEven in school in French, I used to scrape by with 63's and so on.08:51
Addle60's were a pass.08:51
jackbut that's about it....08:52
jackif pratchett's mort is like goethe's mephisto, cool08:53
jacki love such characters08:53
AddleWell, if you like that, perhaps "Eric" is to your liking. Based of Faust.08:54
AddleAlso one of my favorites.08:54
jackpratchett too?08:54
AddleYeah. lol The cover has Faust struck out and replaced by "Eric". And yes, Pratchett.08:55
jackalright :)08:55
jackAddle, does eric have a good mephisto replacement?08:59
AddleAs I recall, yes.08:59
jackcool, ok08:59
jackquestion: is there an ubuntu dvd that can install kde+others? like lxde...09:09
jackor gnome09:10
Addlejack: Gnome3 might be an issue. I think it might clash with Unity on stock ubuntu. But otherwise, they should be installable.09:11
Addlejack: Should be able to install them fine on Kubuntu.09:12
jackkubuntu dvd-image?09:12
jackok, great09:12
Addlejack: Sure09:12
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Guest40673Is the edubuntu-desktop-kde package available for Kubuntu 13.10?10:37
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Guest40673nevermind, I'ved install all the packages separately10:51
lordievaderGood morning.11:26
lordievaderErr afternoon.11:26
skreech_Guest40673: Hmm wonder if they need a maintainer for that11:29
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skreech_Guest40673: What did you install out of curiousity?11:34
skreech_lordievader: Hey! :)11:34
Guest40673skreech_: The packages listed here http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/edubuntu-desktop-kde and also the apps from http://edu.kde.org/applications/11:36
skreech_Guest40673: ok thanks :)11:36
littlebithi people, I'm looking for the package that contains 'gnutls-cli'11:43
littlebitcan someone help11:43
skreech_!search gnutls-cli11:45
skreech_!find gnutls-cli11:45
ubottuFile gnutls-cli found in gnutls-bin, gnutls26-doc, libgnutls26-dbg11:45
skreech_littlebit: ^^^11:45
skreech_!info gnutls-bin | littlebitThat's what you want11:46
ubottulittlebitThat's what you want: gnutls-bin (source: gnutls26 (2.12.23-1ubuntu4)): GNU TLS library - commandline utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.11+really2.12.23-1ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 179 kB, installed size 691 kB11:46
monkeyjuicewhat you trying to do skreech_11:46
skreech_monkeyjuice: Find a package11:47
monkeyjuiceok ;)11:47
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littlebitskreech_: thanks11:50
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stephaneirc.freenode.net - #digikam13:11
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aguerohello,how to uninstall input method13:20
KromitvsHy. Whenever I connect a usb pen, I get two notifications. In Dolphin I also see two devices, but only one works, the other reports an error: already mounted. Where/how should I look for solving this?13:23
__dan__Hi guys quick question if I may, just upgraded Kubuntu 13.10 from 13.04 - I have desktop widgets that are still running but not visible on any desktop (I know this because add widgets already shows a green tick, and one of the widgets is still doing its job) how can I find and reposition them? Cheers :)13:30
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jackIn »»kubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso«« speichern.13:55
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Roeyhi.  I am using Partition Manager, and I see that the "resize" menu option for a partition I've been made shows up gray.  Why can't I resize it?14:24
ikoniaRoey: is there space either side of it (directly) is it mounted ?14:26
Roeysure is14:28
RoeyI removed a partition after it14:28
ikoniasure is what ?14:28
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ikoniaRoey: ok, has the partition table been saved and re-read after you removed the partition ?14:28
RoeyThere is unallocated space after this partition.14:28
RoeyI assumed that "apply" after deleting the partition on the end  will suffice, yes?14:29
ikoniaRoey: maybe easier to take a screen shot rather than me asking 20 questions14:29
Roey<sda1>  <sda2>  <unallocated, that used to be sda3>14:29
ikoniaRoey: apply makes the changes, doesn't mean it's  been re-read after the changes14:29
RoeyI want to expand sda214:29
ikoniaRoey: grab a screen shot then we can share data easier14:29
Roeyikonia:  aha, so how do I do this?14:29
Roeyikonia:  http://wstaw.org/w/2j0Z/linki/14:32
Roeyikonia:  that sda2 I made with Partition Manager as unformatted, then I manually formatted it as BTRFS with mkfs.btrfs.14:33
ikoniaRoey: which one ar eyou tyring to resize ?14:33
ikoniaRoey: it's status is "unknown" that maybe the rason14:34
Roeyok, it's btrfs.14:34
ikoniathere probably isn't support for btrfs in  the tool14:34
Roeyis there another tool I can use to resize the sda2 partition?14:34
ikonia(that's not fact, just a basic assumption)14:35
ahoneybunikonia, hey could you help with a certain part of the Kubuntu Docs?14:36
ikoniano idea, I'm not really aware much of the kubuntu docs, just ask and the channel will help if they can14:37
ahoneybunikonia, help writing a part of it14:38
ahoneybunyou seem to know a bit about partitions14:38
ahoneybunikonia, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Installation/DiskSetup14:39
ikoniaif I can help I'll certainly be happy to14:39
ahoneybunawesome, yea we need someone with some exp with partitions to help fill in that page a bit and help proofread14:39
Roeyikonia:  ok thanks, it seems that GParted can resize it.14:40
ikoniaRoey: tha's interesting.14:40
ahoneybunRoey, I love gparted14:40
ikoniaRoey: maybe woth logging a bug for that as a "feature request"14:40
Roeyahoneybun, what do you like about it?\14:40
Roeyikonia:  ok14:40
Roeythanks ikonia14:40
ahoneybunRoey, it is powerful while still simple to you14:40
ahoneybunexcellent application14:41
Roeyahoneybun:  have you tried the KDE Partiiton Manager?14:41
Roeyit looks very much the same14:41
ahoneybunRoey, yes just so used to gparted14:41
Roeyikonia:  are you familiar with btrfs operations (snapshotting, etc.) ?14:45
Roeyikonia:  I have a question about BTRFS snapshots.  Can I snapshot a filesystem or do I have to create a subvolume directory first14:45
ikoniaahoneybun: I'll have a proper rad through shortly but you certainly want to change the minimum %50 of your ram swap partition comment14:46
ikoniaRoey: sure, I don't trust it for production use yet14:47
lordievaderHey skreech_, how are you?14:47
ikonia(I'm sufering from terrible lag - so sorry it's slow responses)14:47
Roeyit's ok14:48
ahoneybunikonia, of course thank you when you get a change14:49
ahoneybunikonia, need someone with  a bit more exp14:49
ikoniaahoneybun once my data sync is finished and my network is a bit quicker I'll have a proper discussion on it14:52
ahoneybunikonia, cool14:53
enerociao a tutti14:59
enerochi può aiutarmmi con kubuntu 13.10 ad installare scheda grafica ati mobility radeon hd465015:01
eneroqualcuno parla italiano?15:06
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eagles0513875hey all16:20
kinkie^Hi all, a quick question on a multi-monitor setup. How do I make kubuntu _remember_ that there are multiple monitors? right now, it's a trip to System Settins or a call to xrandr for each login.. thanks!16:27
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Shaan7kinkie^: newer versions of kubuntu ship with kscreen which is supposed to remember that16:51
Shaan7if you are using 13.04 or above and its not remembering, then its a bug. Please report it.16:52
kinkie^seems not. I'm on saucy16:52
kinkie^unless I'm doing something wrong16:52
Shaan7hmm weird, it works for me as when i goto office and plug in my monitor it remembers :|16:52
therazrhey guys. Has anyone tried to configure ibus (or any other input method backend) in Kubuntu 13.10?16:52
kinkie^how can I check?16:52
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Shaan7kinkie^: unlikely, as its supposed to work automagically. Can you send a screenshot of your display settings when multiple monitors are ceonnected?16:53
Shaan7mine looks like this with one, http://i.imgur.com/0o8hVWs.png16:53
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kinkie^I can set it just fine. But the changed settings don't stick; that's the annoying part17:00
Shaan7kinkie^: thats sad and mostly a bug. Just report it on bugs.kde.org and see if one of the devs has a solution.17:08
kinkie^ok, thanks!17:09
Shaan7you're welcome, though I wasn't of much use :P17:09
kinkie^still you made the effort. Thanks for that17:12
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apbOn Thunderbird 24, I can't see the "thumb" of the scrollbar.  Anyone know how to turn it on, or change it's color or whatever it will take to make it visible?17:34
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jackkubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso<- what's current?(versions)18:06
jackwhich kde does it contain?18:07
therazrjack: It's KDE4.11.218:09
jacksounds good, thx18:09
genii!info kde-window-manager saucy18:12
ubottukde-window-manager (source: kde-workspace): K window manager (KWin). In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.11.2-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 938 kB, installed size 5041 kB18:12
jacktherazr, other noteworthy versions?18:13
jack(dunno what exactly i'm thinking about)18:13
therazrhaha, I was finding it hard to give you a good answer for that18:14
jackbad question, admitted18:14
therazrjack: Software should be uptodate as of the version freeze for Ubuntu 13.1018:15
therazrjack: But if you want specific examples, KMail is much faster, and Amarok has new great features18:15
jackwhatever, i'm downloading it18:15
jacki'll getalong with the contents18:16
jackno doubt18:16
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myrtihi, kworker is using 100% of my cpu.. what does it do and can I kill it?18:38
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jackmyrti, talk to nickserv first:P18:39
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kaddihi, kworker is using 100% of my cpu.. what does it do and can I kill it?18:40
jacknow: /msg nickserv release myrti yourpasswd18:40
kaddii'm not even sure myrti is registered to me on this network18:41
kaddiit's just my default identity18:41
kaddithis nick, however, is definitely mine18:41
jack"killall -9 kworker" should do18:42
kaddiyeah, not my nick, apparently.. i've never known anybody besides me to use that nick.. kinda interesting18:43
jacklol :P18:43
kaddiit's only been regged for 2 weeks too18:43
kaddiit says no process found18:43
kaddiit's running as root18:44
kaddinot sure I feel comfy killing it18:44
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jacki think it's auto-relaunched on demand18:46
kaddiso sudo killal kworker?18:46
kaddiwhat does kworker do?18:46
jackno idea :/18:47
jacklet me ask father google18:47
kaddii'm kinda worried I'll take the os down if I just kill one of the root processes :p18:47
kaddiguess there's no way to kill it18:51
kaddiit ignores sudo kill -9 4718:51
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Okitainno doubt. Maybe reboot and file kernel bug, kaddi?18:52
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jack"kworker" is a placeholder process for kernel worker threads, which perform most of the actual processing for the kernel, especially in cases where there are interrupts, timers, I/O, etc.18:52
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kaddibut i don't wanna reboot :/19:01
kaddiall better nw19:05
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KromitvsHy. Whenever I connect a usb pen, I get two notifications. In Dolphin I also see two devices, but only one works, the other reports an error: already mounted. Where/how should I look for solving this?19:07
OkitainKromitvs: have you tried installing Linux on the flash drive before?19:11
Guest88257Guys, I have configured that when I push the power button, it has to ask me what I want to do but instead of that, it shuts down automatically!19:12
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apb1963how do I add a program to the desktop?20:14
soeeapb1963, hi20:15
soeeyou mean a shortcut ?20:15
apb1963soee: I don't know what I mean... I was told to add the binary to the desktop since the program isn't popping a window when I run it from a terminal.20:15
soeeapb1963, and do you have any error in terminal ?20:17
apb1963soee: no error... you can see it in the process list20:17
soeeapb1963, and what app is it ?20:18
apb1963soee: zoiper20:19
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soeehmm dont know it20:24
apb1963soee: it's a softphone20:30
apb1963soee: how do I add it as a shortcut?20:30
apb1963ok someone else just said he can run it from a terminal... he gets some gtk warnings but it still comes up for him.  Why would I get nothing??20:33
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TaduroGuys, I have configured that when I push the power button, it has to ask me what I want to do but instead of that, it shuts down automatically!20:46
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Guest6675salve a tutti20:57
JMichaelXis there no longer a place in settings in saucy to configure things like display resolution, refresh rate, etc.?21:03
AddleJMichaelX: There is. In System Settings, there's "Display and Monitor"21:04
JMichaelXAddle: yes, and there is nothing there about resolution or refresh rate (that i can see)21:05
AddleJMichaelX: The third icon in the rectangle representing the screen allows selecting resolution and refresh.21:05
AddleJMichaelX: Icon is like a window with inward facing arrows.21:05
JMichaelXAddle: thank you so much.21:05
AddleJMichaelX: You're welcome :)21:05
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CrellHi folks.  I'm looking for directions.21:51
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CrellI know there's somewhere in the system settings to tell the computer which KIO protocols should support image previews in Dolphin, but I can't for the life of me remember where it is.  So far no luck just poking around in the settings app.21:51
CrellAny pointers?21:51
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kaddihi, i can only change my volume through alsamixer in command line, because i need to change device before applying the changes. How can I change the default device, that kmixer addresses?23:26
kaddi(runnign 13.10 on 64bit)23:26
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kubuntu_il y a quelqun?23:31
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