
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== daker_ is now known as daker
harishnavniti need help in working with lxc's12:15
harishnavnitthis is what i'm referring to12:16
harishnavnithere's another question that I had , in the following command12:37
harishnavnit$ ./utilities/launchpad-database-setup $USER12:37
harishnavnitwhat is the $USER used for ?12:37
harishnavnitis it my username ? or do I type in as it is , i.e $USER12:38
harishnavnitis it necessary to run the rocketfuel setup inside an LXC ? that is something that I didn't12:54
harishnavnitnow i get an error when  i run "make schema"12:54
cjwatsonharishnavnit: It's an environment variable; you can type it as it is, or substitute your username13:33
cjwatsonharishnavnit: I *specifically* warned you that you must run rocketfuel-setup inside a container or it will modify your host system in ways you probably don't want.  Now you probably have to read the script and figure out how to undo it.13:34
harishnavnitwouldn't it work if i simply removed all the lp directories14:07
cjwatsonharishnavnit: No, it makes various changes under /etc/, fiddles about with your Apache configuration, may wipe any PostgreSQL databases you may have had ...14:10
harishnavnitthankfully i didn't have any PostgreSQL databases14:11
cjwatsonBut the other changes are still relevant14:11
cjwatsonDo this in a container.  Seriously.  I warned you the first time ...14:11
harishnavnitso i'll now have to go through the entire shell script to remove it ?14:11
cjwatson22:04 <cjwatson> Given that you've got the branch already, you should be able to run utilities/rocketfuel-setup (INSIDE A CONTAINER as it will do interesting things to your system)14:12
cjwatsonI'm not sure how that could have been much clearer14:13
harishnavnityea , that was clear alright . I'd run the rocketfuel setup days earlier14:13
harishnavnitafter I did the formalities with bzr14:13
harishnavniti installed lxc and i'm unable to login aswell14:14
harishnavnitwhat's wrong ?14:14
cjwatsonYou might want to be more specific about exactly how it goes wrong14:15
harishnavniti'm sorry , what happens is that , I was given the default user and password as 'ubuntu'14:16
harishnavnitbut when i enter the details , it shows incorrect password14:16
cjwatsonThat sounds like you forgot to use -b $USER when creating the container14:17
cjwatsonOr else the message was buggy14:18
cjwatsonTry logging in with your normal username and password14:18
harishnavnithow do i close a running container ?14:18
cjwatsonsudo lxc-stop -n lpdev14:18
cjwatsonAlthough why?14:19
cjwatsonYou don't need to stop it just to try logging in with a different user14:19
harishnavnitbcoz , i couldn't get out of the lpdev container login prompt14:19
harishnavnitso closed the terminal14:19
cjwatsonCtrl-a q   perhaps14:19
harishnavnityea ,i'll try14:19
harishnavnitwell it's taking a long while to stop the running lxc lpdev14:21
cjwatsonYou can force it with   sudo lxc-stop -k -n lpdev14:22
cjwatsonI suggest having a look through the documentation before asking - a lot of stuff is answered there14:22
cjwatson(e.g. man lxc-stop)14:22
harishnavnitokay , leaving for now , i'll get back later14:24
harishnavnitthanks a lot14:25
* cjwatson pushes up his work from the plane14:43
cjwatsonI had a reasonably productive flight :)14:45
lifelesscjwatson: all hail DVCS ?18:31
cjwatsonlifeless: Indeed!19:26

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