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odiumif samba4 claims 'samba: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwbclient.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libauth4.so)01:43
odiumVersion 4.0.3' -- and doesn't seem to work, and s apt-get build-dep samba4 fails with unable to build dependencies. should I give up?01:43
bjsniderodium, you trying to build it?02:45
odiumbjsnider, no I was working on converting a movie to a bunch of different streamable formats.02:55
odiumI will.02:55
bjsniderwhat does that have to do with samba?02:56
odiumbjsnider: I don't know, I was doing this thing and my room mate said can I store files on your computer. I said ok and failed to get samba up.03:22
bjsnideryou can use samba 303:23
bjsnidersamba4 is a tricky matter03:23
odiumoh, I'll gladly use samba 3.03:27
odiumoh, well that seemed to go smoothly. How can I test my configuration, any idea?03:28
geniitestparm should tell if your config file has issues.03:34
geniiIf not, you can try to connect on cli with smbclient03:35
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odiumIs there a way to duplicate what's on my monitor 2 (projector) on a smaller window on monitor 1?15:26
penguin42odium: I think you could probably do that with xrandr15:27
odiumoh, sounds cool.15:27
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penguin42odium: It might depend on the card, but I think you can specify an x/y position in the desktop for an output - so what you want is a mirror'd display just only mirroring a specific part of the display; I don't think you could easily make it a nice fixed window (although probably wouldn't be hard to code?)15:28
odiumI can't seem to get audio out of my spdif audio out, while it works fine through hdmi.17:54
bazhangsupport in #ubuntu if so; perhaps look into pavucontrol , padevchooser17:57
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odiumpavucontrol "Volume Control" reports only an hdmi output. while gnome's Sound applet reports there's an SPDIF and HDMI. Thank you.18:03
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=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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