
=== daker_ is now known as daker
Elleookay... next problem; how do I prevent my app from being suspended when it gets put in the background/the phone gets locked?01:26
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Elleoah, from browsing the mailinglist archives it'd seem running apps in the background isn't supported at all :/02:26
Elleothat's rather crippling for a music player02:26
Elleoheh, found a crude way of hacking around that restriction for now, at least until proper background daemon stuff is implemented02:33
Elleoperhaps not, that seems to lead to mir crashing a lot :/02:45
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popeyElleo: we can set exceptions for some apps08:42
Elleopopey: yeah, I just noticed that the music app had its apparmor thing set as "unconfined"09:01
Elleowas about to see if I could do that myself :P but I guess it needs special privileges09:02
Elleopopey: who should I speak to about getting such an exception?09:03
popeygood question09:07
popeyi know if you set it unconfined in the click package and submit it to the store, we get stopped and have to manually review the code09:07
popeywe already have some exceptions, music is just one09:07
Elleosetting it to unconfined doesn't seem to alter the background behaviour09:08
Elleounless apparmor is still using the old profile09:08
popeyoh, no, sorry, I was confused09:09
* ogra_ desparately tries to get a back button in a qml wrapped webapp ... 09:10
ogra_seems there is no documentation for UbuntuWebView at all09:10
ogra_my app has a toolbar, but no objects in it ... i would imagine enabling a toolbar button should just be matter of setting a property, but i cant seem to be able to find which one09:12
popeyElleo: there's a lengthy thread on it at the moment on the ubuntu phone list09:14
popey"Thoughts on inhibiting app suspend via application lifecycle"09:14
Elleookay, will take a look09:15
ElleoI found a few posts from a while back mentioning future plans to allow apps to have daemons in the background09:15
popeyunfortunately it's still a bit up in the air09:15
popeyyes, exacly09:15
Elleowhich would be kind of doable, but a massive pain09:15
popeyso not complete yet09:15
Elleosince it'd involve completely refactoring the app09:15
popeywell it's possible we may have a background service provided by the system for music specifically09:16
Elleonot entirely sure that'd help with spotify09:16
Elleosince it has to process small buffers of audio data sent from libspotify09:16
Elleorather than something that can be easily handed off to a non-spotify aware process09:16
popeyworth bringing up on the list then09:17
Elleowill do09:17
kartyis there any IDE to design touch apps over drag and drop?12:12
kartyother than QTcreater12:13
goldenratioHey.. need help12:57
goldenratioI can't find Ubuntu Touch under project templates..12:58
kartyhello em kinda new to this app development stuff but not to programming .... need some info regarding the development stuff pattern. somebody could help me out please ?15:59
Elleokarty: not entirely sure what you mean by "development stuff pattern"? but there's a slim chance I might be able to answer a question or two16:03
ElleoI've only been hacking around with ubuntu touch stuff for a few days though16:03
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alinaseri25REGISTER m09361996698 alinaseri25@gmail.com18:04
nik90Hi Everyone, Can anyone let me know where I can find documentation concerning friends and sharing images or text with social networks?18:55
nik90I intend to write a post similar to http://nik90.com/adding-infographics-to-ubuntu-phone/ to make it clear for users to quickly pick up that feature in their programs18:55
popeynik90: someone else was looking for that. i couldn't turn up any docs, but it seems ureadit (on lp) has code to do that19:03
popeysharing that is19:03
nik90popey: ah okay. That should be good enough19:05
=== Alexander is now known as Guest32525
aquariusmzanetti, ping21:32
aquariusmzanetti, the xbmc remote is yours, yes?21:32
aquariusmzanetti, it won't connect to my xbmc: the host is detected, but tapping the host says "connection failed: connection refused". The xbmc remote on my iphone connects and controls xbmc fine, so I don't think it's a server issue.21:33
nik90aquarius: take a look at https://plus.google.com/111980561516715514914/posts/33cvBpAzhWK22:24
nik90aquarius: the OP solves it in his comments22:25
aquariusaaah, so he does22:25
aquariusthat suggests...what? that the xbmc remote forr Ubuntu Touch works differently to other remotes?22:26
aquariusstill, if it works, I'm happy :)22:26
aquariusand... that does in fact work. Sweet.22:30
aquariusthank you :)22:30
a_muvaanyone familiar  with FolderListModel in QLM?22:38
aquariusa_muva, mot in any detail, I'm afraid. I used it once, but a while ago. Sorry.23:00
a_muvaI'm trying pass a variable to folder property but it's not working., not sure why.23:01
a_muvaif I hard code the string everything works but if I use string property it does not.23:02
a_muvasomethink like folder: "/home/user"- works23:03
a_muvabut folder: userPath - does not23:03
Elleowhen is the userPath property being populated?23:32
Elleois it possible that FolderListModel is loading when its still empty and then not handling the change correctly?23:32
aquariusthat's what I was wondering23:34
aquariusthe whole declarative magic does tend to screw up in that sort of situation :)23:34
aquariusactually...shouldn't it be something.userPath ?23:35
aquariusif userPath is a property *on* folderlistmodel, why would you not just set folder directly?23:35
Elleodepends, it might be a context property23:35
Elleorather than a property of a qml thing23:36

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